Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist

Whats The Correct Answer Answer Asap For Brainlist


Answer 1

Answer: I Think it is b or c


you have to go through the text.

Answer 2
B Mathilda wanted to go to the ball she wanted to show off her necklace

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O The folly of men has enhanced the value of gold and silver because of their scarcity; whereas, on the contrary,
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I never saw a clearer instance of the opposite impressions that different customs make on people than I observe in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to Amaurot when I was there.


An anecdote is a brief story. The narrator here is recalling a story of his time in Amaurot to describe a past encounter with the Anemolians. He is using this story to describe his current observation.

Answer: I never saw a clearer instance of the opposite impressions that different customs make on people than I observe in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to Amaurot when I was there.(c)

Explanation: I hope this help 2023

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Critically assess the following comments about human beings by a resource person at a workshop “human beings are the only animals that are accountable before the law”. Your response should be between 500-600 words


The statement that "human beings are the only animals that are accountable before the law" is a widely held belief that is frequently used to highlight humans' unique position in the natural world. However, this statement is not entirely correct and must be evaluated critically.

To begin, it is important to note that the concept of accountability before the law is one that human societies have developed and enforced. The concept of laws and their enforcement is a product of human culture and civilization, rather than a natural occurrence. As a result, it is inaccurate to say that this distinguishes humans from other animals.

Furthermore, the concept of legal accountability applies to humans only in certain societies and cultures. Many societies and cultures have laws that do not apply equally to all members, and some people may not be held accountable for their actions. Furthermore, in some societies, the law may not be effectively enforced, resulting in a situation in which some individuals are not held accountable for their actions. This means that accountability before the law is a cultural and societal construct that varies from place to place, rather than a universal feature of human societies.

It is also worth noting that some animals, particularly domesticated animals, are governed by laws and regulations that govern their care and use. There are laws that govern the treatment of animals in agriculture, animal experimentation, and pet ownership, for example. These laws are intended to protect the welfare of animals and prevent them from suffering needlessly. This means that the concept of accountability before the law does not apply only to humans, but also to certain non-human animals.

It is also worth considering the ethical implications of holding animals accountable in court. While it is critical to ensure that animals are treated humanely and do not suffer unnecessarily, the idea of holding animals accountable before the law raises questions about the nature of justice and the role of animals in society. Some argue that holding animals accountable before the law is unjust because they are incapable of understanding or complying with the laws that govern their treatment. This calls into question the moral justification for holding animals accountable, as well as the appropriateness of imposing human-made laws on non-human animals.

To summarize, the assertion that "human beings are the only animals who are accountable before the law" is not entirely correct. While the concept of legal accountability is a product of human culture and civilization, it is not a universal feature of human societies, and some animals are also subject to laws and regulations that govern their treatment. The concept of holding animals accountable before the law raises important ethical questions about the nature of justice and the role of animals in society, which must be considered when assessing the accuracy of this statement.


The statement "human beings are the only animals that are accountable before the law" is a common belief that is widely held but not entirely accurate. While it is true that the concept of accountability before the law is unique to human society, it is important to consider the limitations of this viewpoint.


First, it is important to acknowledge that the idea of accountability before the law is not universally applied to all human beings. In many societies, certain groups or individuals are granted greater legal protection and privilege, while others are subject to discrimination or inequality in the eyes of the law. This creates a situation where some individuals are held more accountable than others, based on factors such as race, gender, social status, or wealth.

Second, the idea that humans are the only animals that are accountable before the law neglects the fact that many non-human species are subject to various forms of regulation and control. For example, wildlife is often protected by laws that regulate hunting and poaching, and animal cruelty is illegal in many countries. In these cases, humans are held accountable for their actions towards non-human animals, and the law provides a means of enforcement and punishment.

Third, it is important to consider the implications of accountability before the law in terms of the moral and ethical implications of human behavior. The idea that humans are the only animals that are accountable before the law suggests that humans are held to a higher moral and ethical standard than other species. However, this viewpoint raises questions about the moral and ethical standing of non-human species, and whether they deserve protection and consideration in their own right.

Finally, it is worth considering the limitations of the legal system itself in terms of accountability. While the law provides a means of holding individuals accountable for their actions, it is not always effective in ensuring that justice is served. The legal system can be slow, bureaucratic, and subject to corruption, leading to situations where individuals are not held accountable for their actions even though they have broken the law.

In conclusion, while the statement that "human beings are the only animals that are accountable before the law" may be technically correct, it is important to consider the limitations and nuances of this viewpoint. The idea of accountability before the law is not universally applied to all human beings, and non-human species are also subject to regulation and control. Additionally, the legal system itself has limitations in terms of ensuring accountability and justice. As a result, it is important to critically assess the implications of this statement and consider the complex relationships between humans, the law, and other species.

Underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correction on the line.
1. Hardly ever I work overtime.
2. Prof. Harris, that is an expert on bacteria, will give the lecture.
3. Please don't change the channel yet. I watch this show.
4.He doesn't found a new job yet.
5. She has been sick for a month by the time she went to the doctor.
6. This city would be small, but it's grown a lot.​


1. Hardly ever I work overtime. - Hardly ever do I work overtime.
2. Prof. Harris, that is an expert on bacteria, will give the lecture. - Prof. Harris, who is an expert on bacteria, will give the lecture.
3. Please don't change the channel yet. I watch this show. - Please don't change the channel yet. I am watching this show.
4. He doesn't found a new job yet. - He hasn't found a new job yet.
5. She has been sick for a month by the time she went to the doctor. - She had been sick for a month by the time she went to the doctor.
6. This city would be small, but it's grown a lot. - This city was small, but it has grown a lot.

Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


Answer: A

Explanation: A is talking about the author while the others are talking about the context.

Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


Note that  the correct in-text citation of the quote from page 1 of Saki's story would be: . (Saki, 1.) (Option A)

What is a citation and why is it valuable in literature?

Citation refers to the practice of acknowledging and citing the sources used in research or written work.

It is a valuable practice in literature as it adds credibility to the work, establishes the author's knowledge of the subject, and provides the reader with an opportunity to review the sources used.

Citation also helps prevent plagiarism by giving credit to the original authors or researchers.

Learn more about Citation:

Is Beyoncé an appropriator?


Beyoncé has been accused of appropriating elements of other cultures in her music and performances. However, it is important to note that she has also been praised for her efforts to celebrate and honor other cultures in her work. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide if Beyoncé is an appropriator or a cultural ambassador.

Would you like to come over for a lunch on Saturday



The verbs in brackets in the will future or the future continuous should read;

1.B: Well, unfortunately, I will be working all day Saturday.

A: Oh, that's a shame. Well, you will have to come over another day. I will talk to Andy about it and I will phone you on Sunday. Will you be in then?

B: Yes definitely. I will be recovering from my week's work.

2. A: "Will you go to the meeting tonight? If so, I will give you a lift there.

B: Oh yes please, that would be helpful. I will be playing tennis until 7 o'clock but I will be back shortly after that.

3 and 4 are not visible

5.A: So I will be waiting for you when you get to the station. I will not come onto the platform, but I will see you by the ticket office.

B: Ok, that's fine. I will be carrying a heavy suitcase, so I think we will have to get a taxi from the station.

What is the future continuous tense all about?

The future continuous tense is a verb tense used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future. It is formed using the auxiliary verb "will" + the present participle form of the main verb (with an "-ing" ending). For example: "I will be walking to the store at 9 AM tomorrow." In this sentence, the action of walking will be in progress at 9 AM tomorrow and has not yet been completed.

This tense is often used to describe a temporary situation or a temporary change in the future. For example: "Tomorrow, the sun will be shining all day." This sentence indicates that the situation of the sun shining will only be temporary and will change at some point in the future.

Find more helpful exercises on future continuous tense here;



She - me a letter last week
A) Send
B) Sent
C) Sended
D) Sends​


Answer: A) sent

Hope it helps

Answer is B
B) sent
Because last week is used for past and sent is the past form of send

Write a paragraph on " My Daily food Chart". Write at least 15-20 lines.


The program's foundation is the idea that you can lose weight by increasing your physical activity and consuming pre-measured low-calorie meals, diet smoothies, sporadic protein bars, fruits, and vegetables.

What is a simple diet plan?

The meal plan recommends eating four handfuls of food per meal, including one of protein, one of the carbohydrates, two of veggies, and one spoonful of fat. No calorie tracking or portion-weighing of food is required, which might be challenging if you're on the road or don't have access to a set of kitchen scales.

The term "regular diet" can also be used to describe a broad or typical diet. Its aim is to offer a balanced diet and guarantee that those who don't need dietary changes get enough nourishment.

To learn more about balanced diet, visit:



Why was this banana developed?


in general, bananas are often developed through selective breeding and genetic modification to enhance desirable traits such as yield, disease resistance, and flavor.

What is a banana?

Generally, some bananas are developed specifically to address environmental concerns or nutritional needs.

For example, some scientists are currently working to develop bananas that are resistant to a devastating fungal disease known as Panama disease, which threatens to wipe out many of the world's banana crops.

Another example is the development of a genetically modified "super banana" that is enriched with vitamin A, which could help address vitamin A deficiency in developing countries.

Read more about banana



The new park is really. ———— You should go and see it ?A,fascinated B,fascinates C,fascinating D,fascination which the sentence correct?


C since reading the sentence with each word, you can then determine what fits

What societal elements does the monster/ Chucky reflect?



Horror movies lure the audience with fantasy while reflecting society's fears and con- cerns (by extension, the audience's concerns). The trappings of fantasy make these uncomfort- able and challenging topics palatable and command enjoyment from the audience through the fear and anxiety-

Harry plays music. (change to active from passive)​


Music is played by Harry. (Passive)


Music is played by Harry.

Can you please help me write an appropriate love letter for Valentine’s Day?


Answer: Dear [partner’s name],

As I sit down to write this letter to you, my heart is overflowing with love and affection for you. Valentine’s Day is a special day to celebrate the love we share, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you in my life.

From the moment I met you, I knew that you were someone special. Your kindness, sense of humor, and unwavering support have brought so much joy into my life. I am so grateful for all of the laughter, love, and adventures that we have shared together.

Every moment spent with you is a moment filled with happiness. Whether we’re enjoying a romantic dinner, taking a walk in the park, or just cuddling on the couch, I feel so blessed to have you by my side. Your touch, your smile, and your gentle embrace are what make my heart skip a beat.

I am so thankful for your love, and I promise to always cherish and appreciate you. I will always stand by your side, through thick and thin, and support you in all of your dreams and aspirations.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. I can’t wait to spend many more years making beautiful memories with you.

Yours always and forever,

[Your name]


How does the information in Paragraph 14 reinforce Orwell's purpose for writing this text?


Political motivation: Orwell asserts that "no work is totally free from political prejudice," and that, taken broadly, this motive is commonly used in all forms of writing. Everyone's "desire to push the world in a definite direction" is what he blames for this, he says.

Orwell aims to persuade readers to discuss politics in plain language. He achieves this by providing a comprehensive list of instructions for writing clearly. Orwell aims to persuade readers to discuss politics in plain language. He succeeds in doing so by giving an example of poorly written English.

Although Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, two of Orwell's dystopian novels, are his most well-known works, many of his other books and articles have also endured in popularity. His body of work offers one of the most incisive and well-known criticisms of authoritarianism from the 20th century.

Orwell believed that because the language was intended to hide rather than illuminate reality, it was unavoidably ambiguous or meaningless. The writer's ideas were obscured from both the writer and the reader by this "contagion" of murky writing, which had spread to others who weren't attempting to hide the truth.

To know more about Orwell's purpose for writing, click on the link below:



I NEED HELP with my counterclaim and rebuttal on should Exotic pets be illegal argumentative essay.

Claim: Exotic pets should be illegal.

Reason 1: Exotic animals provide danger to people and communities
Reason 2: Exotic animals cause harm to ecosystems.

Counterclaim I have: People might argue that the attacks and invading of ecosystems are due to irresponsible owners.
Rebuttal I have: Exotic pets still pose a danger in the hands of a responsible owner.


It is important to consider both sides of the argument when writing an argumentative essay. Your counterclaim and rebuttal are a great start. To further strengthen your argument, you could provide evidence to back up your claims.

For example, you could provide evidence to back up your claim that exotic animals pose a danger to people and communities. You could cite studies or news articles that discuss instances of exotic animals attacking people or causing damage to the community.

You could also provide evidence to back up your counterclaim that irresponsible owners are responsible for the attacks and invading of ecosystems. You could cite studies or news articles that discuss instances of exotic animal owners not following the proper regulations or guidelines for owning exotic animals.

Finally, you could provide evidence to back up your rebuttal that exotic pets still pose a danger in the hands of a responsible owner. You could cite studies or news articles that discuss instances of responsible exotic animal owners experiencing dangerous situations with their animals.

By providing evidence to back up your claims and counterclaims, you will be able to strengthen your argument and support your position that exotic pets should be illegal.

there are some of the night sky glow with bands of color...(summerize in 35 words)


The night sky sometimes displays colorful bands, known as auroras, due to the interaction of charged particles from the sun with Earth's magnetic field.

Explain one piece of satire found in Wall-E. What idea of society is being made fun of? Use two quotes to support your answer and RACE format.


R: One piece of satire found in Wall-E is the depiction of the human race as obese, lazy, and dependent on technology.

What is satire?

Satire is a genre of literature and art that uses irony, wit, and sarcasm to criticize an individual, group, or institution, often with the purpose of highlighting social and political issues.

A: Through this visual satire, the movie is making a statement about the society of today and how it is becoming increasingly reliant on technology, to the point where it is damaging our health and well-being. C: For example, the humans in the movie are so obese that they have to be carried around in hover chairs, and they are so dependent on technology that they can't even walk anymore. The movie also shows how the humans are so disconnected from nature that they can't even recognize a plant when they see one.

E: This satire is used to critique our current society and how technology is impacting our lives in a negative way. By highlighting the dangers of this technology-dependent lifestyle, the movie encourages viewers to think critically about their own relationship with technology and how it affects their health and well-being.

To learn more about satire



Read the prompt and type your response in the space provided.

Your teacher has assigned a research project. You may choose any topic you are interested in as long as it relates to intelligence. Describe how you will choose a topic, ensure you will be able to find several sources, and write a research question. Use specific examples to support your ideas.

Read the prompt and type an answer pls!


As a student, I would start by brainstorming and researching different topics related to intelligence that interest me. I would then narrow down my list based on what I am passionate about and what I feel is achievable within the given timeframe.

To ensure I can find sources, I would use online databases like JSTOR, and Go. ogle Scholar, Brainly, and check my university's library for any relevant books or articles. Lastly, I would write a clear research question that will guide my investigation. For example, "What is the impact of AI on human intelligence?"

Why is a Research Project Important?

A research project is a structured investigation into a specific topic or problem, with the goal of gaining a deeper understanding and producing new knowledge.

It is important as it helps to build critical thinking skills, improves one's ability to gather and analyze information, and advances the field of study.

Note that, a well-conducted research project can contribute to the development of new theories, products, and practices.

Learn more about Research Project:



When choosing a topic for my research project on intelligence, I will start by thinking about my personal interests and passions. For instance, I am interested in the impact of technology on human intelligence, so I might choose to research the topic of "Artificial Intelligence and its Effects on Human Cognitive Development."

Next, I will make sure that I will be able to find several sources to support my research. I will use online databases,  to search for peer-reviewed articles and books written by experts in the field. I will also consider reaching out to professionals in the industry to gather information and insights.

Finally, I will write a research question that will guide my investigation. For example, my research question might be "What is the impact of artificial intelligence on human cognitive development and what are the potential consequences for future generations?" This question will help me to focus my research and gather relevant information to answer the question.

In conclusion, when choosing a topic for my research project on intelligence, I will consider my personal interests, ensure that I can find several sources, and write a clear and focused research question. This will help me to gather relevant information and produce a well-researched and thoughtful paper on the topic of intelligence.

How to choose a research topic?

Choose a research topic by selecting a personal interest, ensuring the availability of sources, and crafting a clear research question. Research topics that are relevant, unique, and manageable will lead to a more successful outcome.

Find more helpful information on research topic here;



The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds." This statement is an example of which rhetorical device?



The statement "The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds." is an example of Antithesis. Antithesis is a rhetorical device that uses contrasting ideas or words to create a strong, balanced effect in a sentence or a passage. In this statement, the two contrasting ideas are "greater knowledge" and "greater ignorance". These two ideas are placed in opposition to each other, emphasizing the idea that as our knowledge grows, so does our understanding of how much we still don't know.


From his Remarks at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. February 15, 1861
(1)... The condition of the country is an extraordinary one, and fills the mind of every patriot with anxiety. It is my intention to give this subject all the
consideration I possibly can, before specially deciding in regard to it, so that when I do speak, it may be as nearly right as possible. When I do speak, I hope I
may say nothing in opposition to the spirit of the Constitution, contrary to the integrity of the Union, or which will prove inimical to the liberties of the people or
to the peace of the whole country. And furthermore, when the time arrives for me to speak on this great subject, I hope I may say nothing to disappoint the
people generally throughout the country, especially if the expectation has been based upon anything which I have heretofore said.
Speeches and Letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1832-1865
by Abraham Lincoln, edited by Merwin Roe (excerpt)
(2)... If the great American people only keep their temper on both sides of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which now distracts the
country will be settled, just as surely as all other difficulties of a like character which have originated in this government have been adjusted. Let the people
on both sides keep their self-possession, and just as other clouds have cleared away in due time, so will this great nation continue to prosper as heretofore.
(3)... It is often said that the tariff is the specialty of Pennsylvania. Assuming that direct taxation is not to be adopted, the tariff question must be as durable
as the government itself. It is a question of national house-keeping. It is to the government what replenishing the meal-tub is to the family. Ever-varying
Select the correct answer.
Read the excerpt.
(2)... If the great American people only keep their temper on both sides of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which now
distracts the country will be settled, just as surely as all other difficulties of a like character which have originated in this government have been adjusted.
Let the people on both sides keep their self-possession, and just as other clouds have cleared away in due time, so will this great nation continue to
prosper as heretofore.
What claim does Lincoln make in the excerpt?
OA. The country is confronting troubles unlike any it has encountered before.
The country's troubles can be solved if everyone stays calm and respectful.


B. The country's troubles can be solved if everyone stays calm and respectful.

100 POINTS Which of the following should you do BEFORE you conduct an interview?
A. You should make arrangements with your interviewee for a convenient time to meet.
B. You should maintain eye contact with your interviewee.
C. You should take accurate notes and clarify any questions you may have.


the other ones are things you would do during or after the interview

Answer: A

Explanation: A, Because the question asks "BEFORE you conduct an interview and also so B and C would be what you do during an interview 1. maintain eye contact

2. take accurate notes/clarify your questions you have

Juror 3 reveals something personal about his family. Explain whether or not you think Juror 3’s personal history is influencing the way he’s voting as a juror.


The context clues show that Juror 3’s personal history is influencing the way he’s voting as a juror.

How to explain the information

Juror 3 reveals that he has a son who is estranged from him. Juror 3 was extremely tough on his son, who eventually fought back. The son hit Juror 3 in the face before leaving, and Juror 3 says that he has not seen his son in three years.

Given this context, it is clear that Juror 3 has a fundamental problem with kids who don't respect their parents. It also clarifies why he is upset with the juvenile defendant who is accused of killing his father and is on trial. Because of his upbringing, Juror 3 has a biased opinion of the young defendant and is unwilling to consider evidence indicating the youngster might not be guilty.

Learn more about context clues on:



Using at least three different practical examples, show why a critical thinker should be mindful of possible implicit and explicit meanings in people’s expressions. Your response should be between 500 and 600 words


The three examples will be related to issue-solving, information, and an open mind.

Who is a critical thinker?

Critical understanding and avoiding all the negative thinking that is possible is what a critical thinker does. This makes the person more focused on this train that they have. One of the benefits of physical thinking is that it increases the quality of life a person adheres to.

A person who is critical thinking easily finder various range of issue that is present in a company. And they would be well informed of all the beings and all the surrounding things that are changing as well as are going to change.

They would also have an open mind regarding the various changes regarding the policy and the behavior as well as the technology that have been happening in the world

Learn more about critical thinkers, here:



What is the meaning of "As it was"?


The meaning of "As it was" is the situation on ground at that time.

What is the meaning of the term?

The meaning of the term as it was in this passage is a reference to the situation on the ground at that time. We are made to understand that the only gun battleships for the military group were to be taken away for reconditioning.

So, the use of the phrase is to help the reader know that what was being described was the situation of the armament available at that time. When this phrase is used, it can refer to the condition of things at a time in the past.

Learn more about battleships here:



The setting causes Jonathan to feel?
overwhelmed with everything he has to do.
upset about everything he and his family have lost in
the war.
grateful that his family is intact and has shelter.
annoyed with how much he has to pay the carpenter.


The setting causes Jonathan to feel C. grateful that his family is intact and has shelter.

What was the settings?

The context of the story is base on how Jonathan should be happy that his family is safe and secure.

He hired a beggar carpenter to make door and window shutters out of this collection of wood, paper, and metal for five Nigerian shillings or fifty Biafran pounds using just an old hammer, a dull plane, and a few bent and rusty nails in his tool bag. He paid the pounds and carried five heads into the house with his delighted family.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about setting at:



Answer: grateful that his family is intact and has shelter.


According to the article, what had the greatest influence on modern western civilization?


According to the article, the thing tjat had the greatest influence on modern western civilization include Revolution enlightenment.

How to convey the information

The Enlightenment: This 18th-century intellectual movement emphasized reason, individualism, and liberty, and laid the foundation for many of the political and cultural values that still shape Western societies today.

The Industrial Revolution: This period of rapid industrialization, which began in Britain in the late 18th century, transformed economies, societies, and cultures and laid the foundation for modern capitalism and globalization.

The French Revolution: This political and social revolution, which took place in France in the late 18th century, had a profound impact on the political and social structures of Western societies and helped to spread Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe

Learn more about civilization on:



Part A

What is a theme of The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros?


People can be imprisoned by their circumstances, but it is up to them to find a way out.

Success will come to those who keep trying and never give up.

People should not depend on others to fix their problems.

People who allow others to control them give away their own power.

Question 2
Part B

Which detail from the novella best develops the theme identified in Part A?


“You will always be Mango Street. You can’t erase what you know. You can’t forget who you are.”

“Marin, under the streetlight, dancing by herself, is singing the same song somewhere. I know. Is waiting for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her life.”

"Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man's house. Not a daddy's. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias."

“Shame is a bad thing, you know. It keeps you down. You want to know why I quit school? Because I didn’t have nice clothes. No clothes, but I had brains.”


A theme is an important idea that underlies a story, which means option A is the best answer for part A, and option C the best one for part B, as seen below:

Part A

A. People can be imprisoned by their circumstances, but it is up to them to find a way out.

Part B

C. "Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man's house. Not a daddy's. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias."

Definition of theme

We often define theme in literature as the main idea that underlies the literary work. Themes can be simple, such as love or hate. But they can also be more complex, as is the case with the novella "The House on Mango Street."

A theme in the novella is the idea that we can escape the circumstances that imprison us. That theme is best supported by the lines that show the character's need for a place of her own, a place where she can be free and have her own identity.

With that in mind, we conclude we have answered this question correctly.

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can somebody please help, i need to make a contrast and compare paragraph "on the grasshopper and the cricket" and "the call of the wild" What is Cornell library of animal sounds? because nancy scheper-hughes has been a community activist and an advocate for her research subjects, what kind of anthropology can we consider her work to be? group of answer choices engaged medical reflexive experimental Discuss this meeting between Minervaand Arachne. Use the information youhighlighted to paraphrase thearguments each character makes. It takes Ross traveling at 36 miles per hour 10 minutes longer to go a certain distance than it takes Maria traveling at 45 miles per hour find the distance traveled Someone help me with Quadratic Functions. Answer: 13.5 and 7 ; Step-by-step explanation: x + y = 20.5. - y = 6.5. Hence,. x =20.5 - y. 20.5 - 2y = 6.5. Hence,. 2y = 14. and x = . Seti held a party. He says, There were 11 people at my party, and everyone had 3 friends there. Is this possible? Explain your answer You are working with a database table that contains invoice data. The table includes columns for billing state, billing_country, and total. You want to know the average total price for the invoices billed to the state of Wisconsin. You decide to use the AVG function to find the average total, and use the AS command to store the result in a new column called average_total. Add a statement to your SQL query that calculates the average total and stores it in a new column as average_total. NOTE: The three dots (...) indicate where to add the statement. 1 2 SELECT billing state, billing_country, 3 4 5 6 FROM invoice WHERE billing_state 7 Run 8 "WI" Reset What is the average total for Wisconsin? What is the place of ICT in teaching and learning of English language you recently attended a course in your spare time which you think the other students might enjoy. it could be an educational course or a sporting course or any other kind of course . your principle asks you to write an article about the course for the school magazine to encourage other students to join it Which of the following WAS NOT an impact of the crusades?A. Change in culture in EuropeB. End of the Roman EmpireC. Monarchs grew more powerfulD. Many Christians were killed or badly injured ABCD is a kite with AB = BC and AD = DC = AC, the size of (a)6an electron is to be accelerated from 3.00 * 106 m>s to 8.00 * 10 m>s. through what potential difference must the electron pass to accomplish this? (b) through what potential differ- ence must the electron pass if it is to be slowed from 8.00 * 106 m>s to a halt? which activity helps an organization determine the raw input, equipment, and human resources needed to produce an output? multiple choice question. work-flow analysis process integration analysis system redesign tqm How many solutions does the system of equations have? y = 7/2 x + 11 7x + 2y = 20 1 solution no solution infinitely many solutions cannot be determined which concept negates the idea that a country can specialize to the degree suggested by the ricardian model? multiple choice question. dynamic gains economies of scale free trade diminishing returns strategy is a plan to use and develop core competences so that the organization can not only protect and enlarge its domain but can also expand into new domains. group of answer choices business-level environmental-level functional-level corporate-level A diamond has eight equilateral triangles as faces, as shown. The formula V = 0.4783approximates the volume (in cubic millimeters) of the diamond, where s is the side length (in millimeters) of each edge. Approximate the length of each edge of the diamond.V = 161 mmThe length of each edge of the diamond is about1mm. Submit your five paragraph in which you describe the business, target markets, what the company could do to improve, utilizing basic marketing research strategies.Before submitting, make sure that your essay is thorough, clear, and descriptive.