select all the correct answers. what were three effects of westward expansion


Answer 1

Answer: it led to conflicts with Native American tribes over land use, as settlers moved onto their land. Secondly, the discovery of gold in the American River sparked a gold rush that brought a large number of settlers to the West in search of economic opportunities. Finally, the Homestead Act allowed for free land to be acquired by anyone, regardless of race or affiliation with the Confederacy, leading to the growth of small, independent farms in the West


Related Questions

Who was the Chief Justice that ruled in favor of the Cherokees who refused to move west of the Mississippi River?



John Marshall


The Chief Justice who ruled in favor of the Cherokees who refused to move west of the Mississippi River was John Marshall. In the 1831 case of Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, Chief Justice Marshall declared that the Cherokee Nation was a "domestic dependent nation," and that the federal government had an obligation to protect it from state intrusions.

Marshall also declared that the Cherokees had an inherent right to their land and that the state of Georgia had no authority to interfere with the tribe's autonomy. Furthermore, Marshall declared that the Cherokees were "in a state of pupilage" and that the US had a "moral duty" to protect their rights. This ruling was a landmark decision that affirmed the sovereignty of Native American tribes and set the precedent for future cases involving Native American rights.

Which greco-egyptian author is our earliest source for dividing ancient egypt kings into dynasties?a. aristotleb. Ian Rutherfordc. Manethod. Alexandria


Manethod is the greco- egyptian author manetho had access to many original sources  is our earliest source for dividing ancient egypt kings into dynasties.

History of Egypt written by Manetho it was he who divided the kings into the thirty dynasties we use today in the third century B.C. A priest in the temple at Heliopolis, Manetho had access to many original sources.

These fragments have been of much service to scholars in determining the succession of kings where the archaeological evidence was inconclusive, and Manetho's division of the rulers of ancient Egypt into 30 dynasties is still used as the basic framework for ancient Egyptian history.

These fragments have been of much service to scholars Manetho's division of the rulers of ancient Egypt into 30 dynasties is still used as the basic framework for ancient Egyptian history in determining the succession of kings where the archaeological evidence was inconclusive.

Manetho consistently includes the Tanite Dynasty Twenty-one and Dynasty Amenemope and even such short-lived kings as Amenemnisu. Twenty-two lineage in his Epitome such as Psusennes .

Learn more about manetho here:-


Totalitarian Governments: Rise of Hitler:Question 1
Which of the following factors most directly contributed to the
Weimar Republic becoming an ineffective government?


The factors most directly contributed to the Weimar Republic becoming an ineffective government are inherent constitutional irregularities such as proportional representation and Article 48 which gave the President the power to impose emergency and rule by decree.

What is the Weimar Republic?

The Weimar Republic which is officially named as German Reich, was a historical period of Germany from 1918 to 1933, during which it was a constitutional federal republic for the first time in history. Therefore it is also called as, and unofficially proclaimed itself, as the German Republic. The period's informal name is derived from the city of Weimar, and it hosted the constituent assembly that established its government.

The republic was usually simply called Germany in English with the Weimar Republic not commonly used until the 1930s.

Learn more about Weimar, here:


what was constance baker motley greatest accomplishment


The most significant accomplishment of Constance Baker Motley is that she became the first black woman who was elected to the New York State Senate.

Making history and making law are the twin components of Constance Baker Motley’s extraordinary life and career. Motley’s legal career began as a law clerk in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Education Fund where she was a clerk for Thurgood Marshall. She became a key legal strategist in the civil rights movement helping to desegregate Southern schools, busses, and lunch counters. In 1964, Motley became the first Black woman elected to the New York State Senate and in 1965 she was chosen Manhattan Borough President, the first woman and first Black American in that position. In 1966 President Johnson named her a Federal Court judge the first Black woman so named.

Know more about Constance Baker Motley here:


A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony in 1634 was to
a. establish a defensive buffer against Spanish colonies in the South.
b. be financially profitable and create a refuge for the Catholics.
c. help the Protestants, by giving them a safe haven.
d. allow Lord Baltimore to keep all the land for himself.


Maryland is the name of the colony that Lord Baltimore established and which only permitted Christians to dwell there.

In order to provide a secure environment for Catholics to practice their religion, Lord Baltimore founded a colony in Maryland. The initial proprietor of the Province of Maryland in North America was an Englishman named Lord Baltimore. George Calvert, who passed away before discovering the region, left him the land as a legacy. Among all the initial New England colonies, he continued the idea of creating a secure colony for redcurrants (British Catholics). Even though the English Church was initially the sole officially recognized form of religion in the colony, Lord Baltimore's top priority was to create a safe haven for persecuted English Catholics in Maryland.

Learn more about Lord Baltimore here:


If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. (T/F)


This quote is attributed to Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, and it is true.

This assertion was made by Lincoln in an August 1862 letter to Horace Greeley, the editor of the New York Tribune. The letter was a component of a public discussion about Abraham Lincoln's stance on slavery during the American Civil War. Lincoln made it clear in the letter that maintaining the Union was his top priority, but he also recognized the importance and divisiveness of the slavery problem.

Lincoln personally opposed slavery, yet he struggled to end it due to political pressures and obstacles. In the end, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which proclaimed the freedom of all slaves in territory controlled by the Confederacy.

To know more about Lincoln click here


what was the middle passage? a. it was the voyage across the pacific ocean. b. it was the second leg of the trans-atlantic trade. c. it was the voyage of indentured servants. d. it was the journey from east africa to west africa. e. it was the third leg of the circular trade route.


Answer: I think it’s D.

Explanation: hope this helps^^


B.  it was the second leg of the trans-atlantic trade.


The clue and solution to the upcoming round's final question read as follows: poseidon carried off the maiden theophane & turned her into a ewe; their offspring was the source of this mythical object


Referring to the clue: "Poseidon carried off the maiden Theophane & turned her into a ewe; their offspring was the source of this mythical object", the solution is Golden Fleece.

The Golden Fleece is a symbol from Greek mythology that refers to the fleece of a magical golden ram. The story of the Golden Fleece is most famously associated with the hero Jason and his quest to retrieve it, as told in the ancient Greek epic poem, the Argonautica.

According to the myth, the Golden Fleece belonged to a ram that was sent by the god Zeus to rescue two siblings, Phrixus and Helle, from their stepmother who wished to kill them. The ram carried the siblings across the sea, but Helle fell and drowned, creating the Hellespont, a narrow strait in Turkey that separates Europe and Asia.

Learn more about Greek mythology here:


How are the presidential roles of chief of state, chief diplomat, and commander in chief related?
A All three roles involve overseeing American military policies, both domestically and internationally.
All three roles encompass the President's responsibility for implementing trade policies.
All three roles embrace the President's job of authoring public policy for presentation to Congress.
D) All three roles involve the President's responsibility for overseeing American foreign policy.



All three roles involve the President's responsibility for overseeing American foreign policy.


that's the correct answer believe  me

What does he has abdicated government here by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us?


"He has abdicated Government here" refers to King George III who has removed the local and state government . And resigned and quit the Government here, by announcing us out of his protection an by carrying a war against us.

The above lines refers to a particular series of activities that were conducted by George III approving about one of his acts regarding Parliament that declared that the Colonies are now out of the king's protection.

Learn more about George III here.


beginning around 3000 bce, the mediterranean and the near east saw the emergence of several different civilizations, each of which flourished for centuries. artists from which era created each of these works?


During this time, major early civilizations such as those of the ancient Near East (consider Babylonia), Egypt, Greece, the Etruscans, and the Romans flourished.

What are the 6 major civilizations?

The six cradles of civilization are typically recognised by scholars. The Old World's three oldest civilizations are Mesopotamia, then came Ancient Egypt, the Indus Valley, and Ancient China. The Caral-Supe culture in coastal Peru and the Olmec civilization in Mexico are the two cradles of civilization in the New World.

Despite being one of the oldest in the world, there are many other nations that are much older than India. Which 10 countries are the oldest? The top ten oldest nations are France, Egypt, Iran, Armenia, China, Japan, Ethiopia, Greece, Portugal, San Marino, and China.

Know more about Romans Visit:


What is Ruby Bridges doing in the image?


Ruby Bridges is seen as a child being escorted by the federal marshalls into school.

What was the significance if Ruby Bridges in the USA?

Federal marshals led Ruby and her mother to the school. They approached Ruby with two marshals in front of her and two behind her. The artwork "The Problem We All Must Live With," which is currently on display in the White House outside the Oval Office, was created by Norman Rockwell to depict this scene.

Right now, the need for Ruby's teachings of acceptance and respect is great. The Civil Rights Movement and the country still have unfinished business regarding equal access to high-quality education for all children.

Read more on Ruby Bridges here:


how did ancient civilizations straighten their teeth?


To straighten crooked teeth while still alive or to preserve straight teeth after death and in the crucial afterlife, several ancient civilisations adopted a rudimentary type of braces.

Gold, metal, and/or catgut were frequently employed as brace materials in antiquity.

Ancient Egyptian braces were created from animal skin that early dentists converted into a cord, as opposed to the metal wires we use today. Catgut was the name given to this rope. It's interesting to note that the catgut's general layout and method of attachment resemble modern dental and orthodontic techniques.

The remains of ancient Egyptian mummies contained the earliest attempt to repair these teeth. Metal bands were frequently found around the teeth of the mummies to apply pressure and move the teeth.

To know more about mummies, visit:


In the Spanish cartoon, what is the artists message, and how does the artist use visual techniques to send this message?

Need asap!!!!


Note that in the Spanish Cartoon above, the artist's message is one of "Anti-American sentiment"

2) The visual technique used by the artist is that of propaganda, where America is painted in a grotesque manner like a "daemon" with a just for acquiring land.

What is the importance of cartoons Journalism?

Cartoons provide accessible and quick comments and analysis on current events due to their capacity to distill news and opinion into a caricature. Cartoons are a distinct style of journalism that contrasts with traditional modes of communication. The photos can provide a compelling interpretation of the news of the day.

Anti-American attitude is widely held in certain segments of Spanish society, with various studies performed on the subject seeming to support that assumption. Spain is one of the countries with the highest levels of anti-Americanism in Europe.

Learn more about Cartoons:

The silk went from Western China to the __________________


Originating in China, the silk trade routes extended overland to several locations throughout the ancient globe.

The Silk Road, which started in Chang'an (modern-day Xi'an) in western China and extended over 4,000 miles through Central Asia to the Mediterranean coast, was one of the most well-known routes.

The path travelled through many various nations and areas along the way, including the modern-day states of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

The Silk Road had a significant role in the trafficking of luxury products including spices, precious stones, and fragrances in addition to silk. The route was important for the flow of commerce, ideas, and culture between China and the West.

To know more about Silk Road, visit:


Which is the best descriptor of the Leviathan argument for government?
Group of answer choices

A government is needed in order to solve issues between men via a higher power

A government is needed to provide services to the citizens

A government is needed to maintain the trade between nations

A government is needed to stop the monsters of tyrany using the military


The absolute power of the sovereign was ultimately justified by the consent of the governed is the best descriptor of the Leviathan argument for government .

What is one of Leviathan's primary points?

In Leviathan (1651), Hobbes maintained that the agreement of the governed—those who promised, in a fictitious social contract, to obey the sovereign in all affairs in return for a guarantee of peace and security—was ultimately what justified the sovereign's absolute power.

According to Hobbes, what sort of government is ideal?

According to Hobbes, the ideal form a sovereign might assume was a government led by a monarch.

                        According to Hobbes, consolidating all political authority into the hands of a single monarch will result in a more decisive and reliable exercise of political power.

Learn more about Leviathan


Of which government structure is president is president cyril ramphosa head of


Cyril Ramphosa is president of South Africa. Also president of the African national congress.
President Cyril Ramaphosa is the head of the government of South Africa. The government of South Africa is a constitutional republic with a multi-party system, and the president is both the head of state and head of government. The president is elected by the National Assembly, the lower house of Parliament, and is responsible for appointing the Cabinet and executing the laws of the country.

As the first president, I knew I'd be establishing
rules and examples for future presidents to
follow known as these?


Answer: George Washigton

Explanation: George Washigton was the first president that the united states had

How did the Trail of Tears affect native populations in the future?



It is estimated that the five tribes lost 1 in 4 of their population to cholera, starvation, cold and exhaustion during the move west.


The Cherokee people called this journey the "Trail of Tears," because of its devastating effects. The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of 15,000 of the Cherokees died.


HS Teacher

Why did Indian clothmaking decline?


Because import duties were imposed on indian textile exports to reduce competition for British cotton industries.

what goals did tunis campbell have in his career?


Answer:Tuni Campbell's goals in his career were to help people of color gain more economic, political, and social power.


Tunis Campbell had a number of goals in his career. He wanted to improve the lives of African Americans in the South, to promote education and economic opportunities, and to fight for civil rights. He also wanted to create a strong African American political presence in the region and to help African Americans gain access to the ballot box. He also sought to create a network of African American churches and organizations that could work together to advance the cause of civil rights.

which describes the effect of militarism in the years leading up to world war i? responses germany ignored its navy in order to build a stronger army. germany ignored its navy in order to build a stronger army. european nations joined the league of nations. european nations joined the league of nations. countries built large armies and stockpiled powerful weapons. countries built large armies and stockpiled powerful weapons. african colonies revolted against their european rulers.


The correct answer to this question is option d. Countries built large armies and stockpiled powerful weapons.

One of the deadliest international battles in history was World War I, also known as the First World War or simply WWI. The Central Powers and the Allies fought as two coalitions. Fighting broke out in several countries in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.

The fundamental cause of the Great War's outbreak was the murder of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. (World War I).

Few predicted a world war at the beginning of the 20th century, but on June 28, 1914, the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were killed while visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia, a nation that had just been annexed into the Austrian Empire.

Learn more about World War I here


The case of Tinker v. Des Moines School District dealt with
O students' rights to free speech:
• students being arrested without being told their rights
students being subjected to Illegal searches.
students' rights to freely practice their religion in school.



a) students' rights to free speech


in 1969, John and Mary Beth tinker, along with some of their siblings and friends, wore black armbands to various Des Moines independent community school did trick schools to protest the Vietnam war , and were suspended over it, and the tinkers sued the school district; the case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where the case was ruled in favor of the tinkers

Why was June 1940 a good time for hitler to try to invade britain?



After Germany's victory over France in June 1940, Adolf Hitler had anticipated that the British would try to reach a peace agreement, but Britain was determined about continuing the war.

Hitler considered military options to end the war quickly and instructed his army to be ready for Operation Sealion, his code name for an invasion of Britain. However, the Germans had to seize control of the skies over southern England and eliminate the threat posed by the Royal Air Force in order for the invasion to have any chance of success. 


what kind of illness did elizabeth barrett browning have?



She became ill at 15 and remained so for the rest of her life. It is speculated that her illness was what we know today as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), polio, or hypokalemic periodic paralysis.


who invented the mechanical loom which was powered by a horse or a waterwheel?


Edmund Cartwright was the inventor of a mechanical weaving loom that could be operated by horses, a waterwheel, or a steam engine.

Edmund Cartwright, (born April 24, 1743, Marnham, Nottinghamshire, Eng. —died Oct. 30, 1823, Hastings, Sussex), he is an  inventor of the first wool-combing machine and of the predecessor that is used in  modern power loom.

Richard Arkwright (1732–92), devised a simple but remarkable spinning machine. Replacing the work of human hands with the automatic machineries the water frame made it possible to spin cotton yarn more quickly and in greater quantities than ever before which could not even be done with many people help.

Dr. Edmund Cartwright the inventor of the first Power Loom

In the summer of 1784 he had overheard that Arkwright's patent on his spinning invention was soon to expire and the expansion of the cotton trade would demand more weaving of cloth.

Cartwright worked on many more project that  include the invention and patenting of a wool-combing machine , a concept for interlocking bricks for construction and an alcohol engine and many more other projects . Along with all these project he also patented a fireproof flooring material made of fired clay.

The development of spinning and weaving techiniques began in ancient Egypt  before Christ (B.C). The tool original tool used for weaving was the loom. From 2600 B.C. onwards, silk was converted into silk by spuning  and wovening  into silk in China. Later in Roman times the European population used or wear the  clothed made up of  wool and linen.

Edmund Cartwright was the inventor of a mechanical weaving loom that was  operated by horses and also a  waterwheel, and a steam engine.

Learn more about weaving loom here:-


an event or action that serves as an example or guide when similar situations arise later. a. survey
b. cabinet
c. precedent
d. attorney


A survey is an incident or action which it acts as a template or guide for similar situations in the future. (a) is the most feasible choice.

In a government, what is the Cabinet?

The Cabinet is a group of the Government's most senior ministers, selected either by Prime Minister to guide on particular policy areas including health, transportation, foreign affairs, and defense.

The distinction among an advocacy organization and a defense attorney would be that the advocate is a qualified psychologist with the authority to practice law. Defense attorneys are limited to providing customers with expert assistance, whereas barristers could perhaps portray individuals in court. In general, anyone who has legal training is regarded as a lawyer.

To know more about organization click here


How did European countries prevent Haiti's success in the years after independence?

A. They attacked and destroyed the independent country.

B. They cut off trade with the newly independent country.

C. They forcibly reinstituted slavery in the new nation.

D. They supported rebels against the new government.


Answer: B. They cut off trade with the newly independent country.

Explanation: After Haiti gained independence from France in 1804, European powers, especially France, were unwilling to accept the loss of their lucrative colony.  In response, these European countries imposed economic sanctions and embargoes on Haiti, effectively cutting off trade and isolating the country from the international community.

The economic sanctions and trade embargoes had a devastating impact on Haiti's economy, as the country heavily relied on agricultural exports, particularly sugar and coffee.  The lack of trade opportunities and foreign investments hindered Haiti's ability to develop and thrive as an independent nation.

Additionally, European countries pressured Haiti to pay exorbitant reparations to France for the loss of its colony.  The demand for reparations further drained Haiti's already struggling economy, leaving little room for the country to invest in infrastructure, education, and other development initiatives.

Learn more about Haiti here:

what is southern christian leadership conference definition?


The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is an African- American civil rights association grounded in Atlanta, Georgia. SCLC is nearly associated with its first chairman, Martin Luther KingJr., who had a large part in the American civil rights movement.

What's the Southern Christian Leadership Conference do?

From the morning, the SCLC concentrated its sweats on citizenship seminaries and sweats to reintegrate individual metropolises similar as Albany, Georgia, Birmingham, Alabama, and St. Augustine, Florida. It played crucial places in the March on Washington in 1963 and the Selma Voting Rights Campaign and March to Montgomery in 1965.

The SCLC's pretensions were simple Recruit chapter civil rights groups in the South. Bring an end to black disenfranchisement by adding voting rights.

To know more about  Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Visit:


What president authorized reparations for Japanese who
lost their possessions after internment?
reparations: money paid to try and make up for injustices



Ronald Regan


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