what is the relationship between a continent and the earth’s plates


Answer 1
The continents are embedded in the plates
Answer 2


tectonic plates


The relationship between a continent and the Earth's plates is that continents are part of the Earth's tectonic plates. The Earth's outer shell is divided into several large and many small plates, and the continents sit on these plates. The movement of these plates is responsible for many geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the creation of mountains. The boundary between two plates is called a plate boundary, and there are three main types of plate boundaries: divergent boundaries, where plates move away from each other and magma rises from the mantle to create new crust; convergent boundaries, where plates collide and one plate is forced beneath the other, leading to the formation of mountains; and transform boundaries, where plates slide past each other and can cause earthquakes. The continents move with the plates, and over long periods of time, this movement has led to the formation and breakup of supercontinents, such as Pangaea.


Related Questions

How does the medulla respond when the body's blood pH is too high?
A. It sends signals to the blood vessels to dilate.
B. It sends signals to the skeletal muscles to increase their activity.
C. It sends signals to the stomach to digest more food.
D. It sends signals to the lungs to decrease the breathing rate.


D because decreased O2 builds up carbon dioxide and lowers pH

function of venules in a leaf


In a leaf, veins serve several important functions, including:

1 Transport of water and nutrients: Venules carry water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant, including the leaves.

2 Structural support: Venules provide structural support to the leaf, allowing it to maintain its shape and stability.

3 Photosynthesis: Venules supply the chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells with the water and nutrients they need to carry out photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy.

4 Regulating water balance: Venules help regulate water balance in the plant by controlling the flow of water in and out of the leaf.

5 Temperature regulation: Venules also help regulate the temperature of the leaf, as the movement of water through the veins can help dissipate heat.

Overall, venules play a crucial role in supporting the overall health and function of a leaf, and by extension, the entire plant.

Let's say you are investigating the transfer of energy through a food chain and 1,000 Energy Units from the Sun are hitting a leaf. The leaf is eaten by a caterpillar. The caterpillar is eaten by a robin. The robin is eaten by a snake. The snake is eaten by a hawk. If you start with the 1,000 Energy Units, how much energy is available for the hawk? Hint: The answer is not 0.01, the answer is much smaller and doesn't end in a 1. Explain how you determined your answer.



In a food chain, energy is not perfectly transferred from one organism to another, some energy is lost as heat and waste. A rough estimate is that about 10% of the energy is passed on to the next level. So, for each stage in the food chain, only 10% of the energy is available for the next level.

Starting from the leaf, which receives 1,000 Energy Units from the Sun, the caterpillar would receive 10% of this amount, or 100 Energy Units. Then, the robin would receive 10% of the caterpillar's energy, or 10 Energy Units. The snake would receive 10 Energy Units, and finally, the hawk would receive 1 Energy Unit.

So, the answer is that only 1 Energy Unit is available for the hawk. This is a much smaller amount compared to the initial 1,000 Energy Units, as a result of the energy losses through the food chain.


tell me if you still confuse


1,000 energy units from the sun are hitting a leaf, the leaf is eaten by a caterpillar, the caterpillar is eaten by a robin, the robin is eaten by a snake, the snake is eaten by a hawk, and the hawk has 0.1 percent of energy.

What is the energy transfer in the food chain?

In this food chain, the energy from the sun is first absorbed by the leaf, and only 10% of the energy is transferred from the leaf to the caterpillar when it is eaten, so the caterpillar has 100 kcal as it is 10% of 1000. The robin would only receive 10 energy units, the snake would have 1 energy unit, and the hawk would get 0.1 as the hawk has the lowest energy level in the food chain.

As a result, the hawk has 0.1 percent of the sun's energy because 1,000 energy units hit a leaf before reaching the hawk.

Learn more about energy transfer in the food chain here.



Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Proteins can assemble into filaments, sheets, and spheres.
B. The amino acid sequence illustrates the primary structure of proteins.
C. The first step in the purification of most proteins is to disrupt tissues and cells.
D. The protein domain is defined as any segment of a polypeptide chain that can fold independently into a compact stable structure.


The first step in the purification of most proteins is to disrupt tissues and cells.

Describe primary structure of protein.

The primary structure of a protein is thought to be its linear amino acid sequence. Only twenty different amino acids, each with a distinct side chain, make up proteins. Different chemistries can be found in the side chains of amino acids. The majority of amino acids have side chains that are nonpolar.

Any portion of a polypeptide chain that can independently fold into a small, stable structure creates the protein domain. A domain is the modular building block from which many larger proteins are assembled. A domain typically has between 40 and 350 amino acids.

To learn more about proteins use :



Which of the following statements about
theories is true?
O Theories are based on certain assumptions.
O Theories change to incorporate new findings.
O Theories and research are interwoven.
O All of these.


Theories change to incorporate new findings.

What are theories in science?

In science, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Theories provide a framework for understanding and making predictions about a particular phenomenon.

A scientific theory is not the same as a "theory" in everyday usage, where it often refers to a speculative idea or an opinion. In science, a theory must be supported by a large body of empirical evidence and must be able to withstand rigorous testing and scrutiny from the scientific community.

Learn more about theories:https://brainly.com/question/14543764


whats the chromosomes ? ​



In humans we have total 46 chromosomes out of which 44 are know as autosomes and rest last pair are termed as sex chromosomes. the last pairs are different in male and in female .

in female it is XX and in male it is XY


the last two pairs also helps in the determination of the gender of the child .

LIKE (the image) .

Identify the most appropriate control the researchers should use when determining whether the mutation affects the growth rate of the E. Coli-M bacteria


When determining whether a mutation affects the growth rate of a bacterial strain such as E.

coli-M, the most appropriate control for the researchers to use would be a wild-type or "normal" strain of E. coli-M that has not been subjected to any genetic manipulation. This control would allow the researchers to compare the growth rate of the mutant strain to that of a known baseline and determine whether any observed differences in growth rate are due to the mutation or some other factor.

In addition to the wild-type control, the researchers should also consider using other controls that account for potential confounding factors such as differences in environmental conditions or experimental procedures. For example, they might use a negative control in which the bacteria are not exposed to any growth medium, or a positive control in which the bacteria strain  are exposed to a growth medium that is known to support rapid growth.

Using appropriate controls is an essential component of scientific experimentation, as it allows researchers to ensure that any observed effects are due to the variable being tested rather than some other factor.

Learn more about bacterial strain here:



Question 24 of 30
Which of the following best represents a simple food chain?
A. Producer → primary consumer → secondary consumer
B. Primary consumer → secondary consumer → producer
C. Producer → secondary consumer → primary consumer
D. Secondary consumer primary consumer → producer


"Producer → primary consumer → secondary consumer" best represents a simple food chain. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is a food chain?

A food chain is a network of links in a food web that runs in a straight line from producer organisms to apex predators, detritivores, or decomposer species.

A food chain also demonstrates how organisms are connected to one another by the foods they consume. A food chain's levels correspond to several trophic levels.

"Producer → primary consumer → secondary consumer" best represents a simple food chain. Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the food chain, here:



The enzyme _____forms a Schiff base upon formation of the enzyme-substrate complex allowing aspartate mediated cleavage of the substrate.Entry field with correct answera. hexokinaseb. phosphoc. glucose isomerased. glucose-6-phosphatasee. phosphoglucose mutasef. aldolase


The enzyme aldolase forms a Schiff base upon formation of the enzyme-substrate complex allowing aspartate mediated cleavage of the substrate.

Aldolase is a cytosolic enzyme involved in glucose and fructose metabolism. It specifically catalyzes a reversible reaction converting fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. This enzyme acts on her six reversible reactions in gluconeogenesis and glycolysis. Aldolase is a glycolytic enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of fructose-1-6-diphosphate to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate via the glycolytic pathway. Within cells, aldolase is localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus.

Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBPA) is a glycolytic enzyme that catalyses the reversible cleavage of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. The catalysis of class I FBPAs to form Schiff bases relies on a series of intermediates covalently attached to the catalytic lysine.

For more information on aldolase, visit :



What were the gases used to create earths primitive oceans and what were the contents of the liquid pool after the experiment ran for a week


The gases used to create Earth's primitive oceans are methane, ammonia, water vapor, and hydrogen. The contents of the liquid pool after the experiment are variety of organic compounds.

What are gases?

Gases are a form of matter consisting of particles that have no definite shape or volume but occupy the entire space they are contained in. Gases are made up of atoms or molecules that are in constant motion and can move in any direction. Examples of gases include air, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.

The Miller-Urey experiment was designed to simulate the conditions that may have existed on the early Earth, where the atmosphere was thought to have been rich in gases like methane, ammonia, water vapor, and hydrogen. These gases were used to create Earth's primitive oceans in the experiment. In the experiment, the gases were placed in a closed system, and an electric spark was used to simulate lightning, which was believed to have been abundant on the early Earth. After running the experiment for a week, the liquid pool contained a variety of organic compounds, including amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

Therefore,  methane, ammonia, water vapor, and hydrogen are used to create Earth's primitive oceans.

To learn more about gases from the link



Many scientists oppose offshore drilling. Since the 1970s there have been several devastating oil spills as a result of oil exploration and drilling: Ixtoc, Exxon Valdez and, most recently, the Deepwater Horizon blowout off the coast of Louisiana. Ecosystems may survive, and some may eventually recover from such oil spills. But the overall effects are far reaching and long lasting. Scientists still see the effects of the toxic spill on the crab populations in surrounding wetlands. Others argue that the effects of not drilling are just as harmful. But, rather than ecosystems, it harms the economy. If we can drill our way out of poverty, then we owe it to ourselves to do so. In addition to this, it is put forth that reliance on foreign oil leads to the entrenchment of hostile regimes in oil rich regions. Extensive research along the Gulf Shore has uncovered a rise in cancer rates directly linked to consumption of seafood contaminated by the Deepwater Horizon blowout. How are the pro-drilling and anti-drilling arguments affected by this discovery?

A It weakens the anti-drilling argument and weakens the pro-drilling argument

B It is impossible to say how this evidence will impact either argument.

C It supports the anti-drilling argument.

D It supports the pro-drilling argument.


Offshore drilling, in actuality, carries significantly greater environmental danger than benefit. Utilizing these fuels and burning them results in significant carbon emissions and climate change. Thus, option B is correct.

What are the causes of offshore drilling?

The impacts and dangers of human offshore oil and gas development, which include extensive onshore habitat loss.

Frequent oil spills, the release of toxic drilling muds, a potentially catastrophic oil spill, and direct harm to marine mammals during exploration, are in no way comparable to the seepage of tar that occurs naturally.

Therefore, The majority of accidents involving offshore oil rigs are caused by blowouts. Natural calamities continue to be a risk, but faulty machinery and structural flaws are a key factor in drilling rig mishaps.

Learn more about offshore drilling here:



3. Which salt concentration would you expect an obligate, extreme halophile to grow the best in?


Extreme halophiles (growing best in media containing 2.5-5.2 M salt), borderline extreme halophiles (growing best in media containing 1.5-4.0 M salt), moderate halophiles (growing best in media containing 0.5-2.5 M salt), and halotolerant microorganisms that do not show an absolute requirement for salt for growth but grow well up to frequently very high salt concentrations are the categories of halophilic organisms that are distinguished by the accepted theory [6]. (considered extremely halotolerant if the growth range extends above 2.5 M salt).

what is halophile ?

The word "halophile" comes from the Greek for "salt-loving," and refers to an extremeophile that can survive in environments with a lot of salt. While the majority of halophiles fall within the category Archaea, there are also several bacterial and eukaryotic species that are halophiles, like the alga Dunaliella salina and the fungus Wallemia ichthyophaga.

learn more about halophile



Indicate the expected number of Barr bodies in interphase cells of individuals with the following karyotypes.1. 46 XY
2. 45 XO (Turner's syndrome)
3. 47 XXX
4. 48 XXYY


The expected number of Barr bodies in interphase cells of individuals with the following karyotypes: In 46 XY Barr bodies is 0, In 45 XO Barr bodies is 1, In 47 XXX Barr bodies is 2, and In  48 XXYY Barr bodies is 1.

Barr bodies are inactivated X chromosomes found in female mammals. The number of Barr bodies in interphase cells depends on the number of X chromosomes in the cell.

46 XY: This is the normal male karyotype, which has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Since males only have one X chromosome, they do not have Barr bodies in their interphase cells. The expected number of Barr bodies in this karyotype is 0.

45 XO (Turner's syndrome): This karyotype is a female with only one X chromosome. In this case, the single X chromosome will become the Barr body. The expected number of Barr bodies in this karyotype is 1.

47 XXX: This karyotype is a female with three X chromosomes. In this case, two of the X chromosomes will become Barr bodies, and one will remain active. The expected number of Barr bodies in this karyotype is 2.

48 XXYY: This karyotype is a male with two X chromosomes and two Y chromosomes. Since males only need one X chromosome, one of the X chromosomes will be inactivated and become a Barr body. The expected number of Barr bodies in this karyotype is 1.

To know more about Barr bodies here



What are properties of mitochondrial genetics and mitochondrial inheritance?



Unlike nuclear genes, which are inherited from both parents, mitochondrial genes are inherited only from the mother. If there is a mutation in a mitochondrial gene, it is passed from a mother to all of her children; sons will not pass it on, but daughters will pass it on to all of their children, and so on.

What causes the urge to defecate?

Question 11 options:

a stretched rectum

dehydration in the small intestine

muscle movement in the ascending colon

contractions in the ileum



a stretched rectum


The urge to defecate is caused by the stretching of the rectum. The rectum is the last part of the large intestine and it is where feces are stored until a person has a bowel movement.

When the rectum is stretched by the accumulation of feces, the muscles in the rectum walls contract, creating an urge to defecate. This is known as the gastrocolic reflex, and it is the body's way of signaling that it is time to have a bowel movement.

The stretching of the rectum stimulates the nerves in the rectal walls, which then send a signal to the brain to initiate the urge to defecate. The contractions of the rectum also help to move the feces towards the anus, which makes it easier to pass them out of the body.

It is important to regularly have bowel movements to prevent the accumulation of feces in the rectum and maintain good digestive health.

Construct an argument supported by evidence as to how the increase in human population and per capita consumption of natural resources has affected Earth’s systems.


The increase in human population and per capita consumption of natural resources has had significant impacts on Earth's systems. Here is an argument supported by evidence highlighting these effects:

Climate Change: The rise in human population and increased consumption of fossil fuels for energy production, transportation, and industrial activities have resulted in higher greenhouse gas emissions. This has led to the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change.Deforestation and Habitat Loss: The growing demand for agricultural land, timber, and urbanization has driven extensive deforestation worldwide. Forests are crucial for carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and regulating local and regional climate patterns. Water Scarcity and Pollution: As the global population increases, so does the demand for freshwater resources. Agriculture, industry, and domestic use place immense pressure on water sources. Over-extraction, pollution from industrial and agricultural activities, and inadequate water management practices have resulted in water scarcity in many regions. Biodiversity Loss and Ecosystem Disruption: The expansion of human settlements, infrastructure development, and resource extraction have led to habitat destruction, fragmentation, and loss of biodiversity. Species extinction rates are now estimated to be 100 to 1,000 times higher than the natural background rate. functions, threatening the stability and resilience of Earth's systems.Pollution and Waste Generation: The increase in population and consumption has resulted in the generation of vast amounts of waste, including plastics, electronic waste, and hazardous materials. Improper waste management practices contribute to pollution of air, water bodies, and soil, negatively impacting ecosystems and human health.

These examples illustrate the profound effects of the increase in human population and per capita consumption on Earth's systems. The evidence supports the urgent need for sustainable practices, resource conservation, and a transition to cleaner energy sources to mitigate further damage and ensure the long-term well-being of our planet.

for similar questions on human population.



Which reactions below are condensation reactions? Select all that
Deoxyribonucleic acid → five-carbon sugar + phosphate group + nitrogen base
Glucose + fructose sucrose
Lysine (amino acid) + serine (amino acid) + glycine (amino acid) → polypeptide
Triglyceride three fatty acids + glycerol



The reactions that are condensation reactions are:

Deoxyribonucleic acid → five-carbon sugar + phosphate group + nitrogen baseGlucose + fructose → sucroseLysine (amino acid) + serine (amino acid) + glycine (amino acid) → polypeptide


In a condensation reaction, two molecules combine to form a larger molecule, and a smaller molecule, such as water, is released as a by-product.

suggest any two contraceptive methods to control the size of human population and explain them


Two effective contraceptive methods to control the size of human population are hormonal contraception and barrier methods. Hormonal contraception involves the use of hormones to prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation. This can be done through oral contraceptives, injections, implants, or vaginal rings. Barrier methods involve the use of physical barriers, such as condoms and diaphragms, to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Both methods are highly effective in preventing pregnancy and help reduce the size of the human population.

What are the labels of this heart diagram


Labels of the heart diagram is given in the attachment hope it helps you

[tex]{\pmb{\frak{\red{Thanks!! }}}}[/tex]

PLEASE HELP ME!!?!?!?!???



The stripe winged beetle will increase in population because they camouflage with their surroundings, whilst the black beetle will decrease because they stand out in their environment.

Which phrase best describes scientific inquiry?


The various ways that scientists explore the natural world and put forth explanations based on the data they gather are referred to as scientific inquiry.

what scientific inquiry?

Models of scientific inquiry serve two purposes: first, they describe how scientific inquiry is conducted in practice; and second, they offer an explanation of why scientific inquiry appears to be so successful in acquiring true information or People can better understand observable events by using scientific inquiry as a tool for questioning and problem-solving.

learn more about scientific inquiry



Using the template in the space provided for your response, construct an appropriately labeled graph that represents the data shown in table 1. based on the data, determine whether there is a statistical difference in the length of fin I between the groups of fish in slowly moving water and rapidly moving water


The graph shows that the mean length of fin I for fish in slowly moving water is approximately 8.5 cm, while the mean length of fin I for fish in rapidly moving water is approximately 9.2 cm. This suggests that there is a statistically significant difference between the two groups, with fish in rapidly moving water having longer fins than those in slowly moving water.

Using what you learned about glucose and what you know about the structure and function of a plasma membrane, Explain why a molecule like glucose (even in a greater concentration outside the cell compared to inside the cell) cannot cross the phospholipid bilayer of the plasma membrane and instead must travel through a protein "gate."


Glucose is a large, polar molecule that has a hydrophilic nature, meaning it is attracted to water.

What is polar molecule?

A polar molecule is a molecule with a net electric dipole moment due to the difference in electronegativity of its atoms. These molecules have a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other, which makes them a magnetically active compound.

Due to its size, it cannot pass through the phospholipid bilayer of the plasma membrane. The phospholipid bilayer is a hydrophobic barrier, meaning it repels water and is composed of hydrophobic molecules. Additionally the phospholipids are arranged in a two-dimensional sheet, making it difficult for larger molecules like glucose to pass through.

In order for glucose to enter the cell, it must travel through a protein “gate”. These proteins are known as transmembrane proteins, and they act as channels or pumps that allow molecules like glucose to pass through the phospholipid bilayer. The proteins are able to open or close depending on the concentration of glucose outside or inside the cell, allowing the molecule to be transported across the membrane.

To learn more about polar molecule

Lab: The goal is to get knowledge of some of a cell's basic building blocks and to look into onion cell structure. Additionally, the aim of this experiment is to examine the appearance of an onion skin cell in a hypotonic solution under a microscope.

Question: Why is it important to know the results of this lab? Relation to our body/health/society?



Knowing the results of this lab is important for several reasons. First, it gives us a better understanding of the basic building blocks of a cell and how they work together to form the complex structures that make up our bodies. This knowledge can then be applied to better understand a variety of biological processes, such as disease and development. By examining the structure of onion skin cells under a microscope, we can gain insight into the structure of other cells in our body, such as those found in our skin, muscles, and organs. This knowledge can help us to better understand the structure and functioning of our bodies, which can lead to more effective treatments for diseases, as well as a better understanding of how our bodies work. Additionally, this knowledge can help to inform research into other areas, such as agriculture, where understanding the structure and functioning of cells is essential for successful crop production.

. Choose the correct answer that fits for both blanks
increasing ph5 to pH8 is a____ fold decrease in hydrogen ion concentration so the treated pond water is now times more____ alkaline
A 3
B 1,000
C 100
D 3000 ​


Answer: Increasing the pH from 5 to pH 8 corresponds to a 1,000-fold decrease in hydrogen ion concentration and makes the treated pond water 1,000 times more alkaline.

B 1,000

Explanation: The pH scale is logarithmic, meaning that each whole number change in pH represents a tenfold change in hydrogen ion concentration. Since the pH increased from 5 to 8, it means that the hydrogen ion concentration decreased by a factor of 10 raised to the power of (8-5), which is 1,000.

What are the labels of this heart diagram?


The heart is a muscle that pumps blood to different parts of the organism. From the left to the right, labels are Right atrium, Muscle wall - myocardium, Septum, Right ventricle, Left ventricle, Tricuspide valve, Bicuspid valve, Left atrium, Aortic semi-lunar valve, Pulmonary semi-lunar valve.

What are the parts of the heart?

The heart is a muscle composed of four cameras

2 ventricles2 atriums

A septum divides the two ventricles and another septum separates the two atriums.

When the heart contracts it sends blood. This contraction can occur in the ventricle or the atrium. It is called Systole.

Atrial contraction occurs first and is followed by ventricular contraction.

During contraction, blood is ejected from the atrium to the ventricles. Then, from the ventricles to the arteries (pulmonary or aorta).

When the heart relaxes blood enters the cavities. It is called diastole. New blood enters and fills first the atrium and then the ventricles again. And the cycle begins all over again.



Deoxygenated blood returns from the body tissues through the superior cava vein (SCV) or inferior cava vein (IVC).

This blood enters the heart's right atrium (RA), which is the right superior cavity.


Once in the right atrium, blood flows through the tricuspid valve (TV), to the right ventricle (RV), which is the right inferior cavity.


From the right ventricle, the heart pumps blood into the principal pulmonary artery (PPA), through the pulmonary valve (PV).


The pulmonary artery (PPA) takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs, where gas interchange is produced.


Oxygenated blood goes from the lungs to the heart's left atrium (LA), which is the superior left cavity, through the pulmonary veins.


From there, blood flows to the left ventricle (LV), which is the left inferior cavity, through the mitral valve.


Finally, oxygenated blood goes from this last ventricle to the aorta (A) through the aortic valve. And from the aorta oxygenated blood moves to the rest of the body tissues.

Note: Usually, oxygenated blood is represented in red, while deoxygenated blood is represented in blue.

Image (from the left to the right):

Right atriumMuscle wall - myocardiumSeptumRight ventricleLeft ventricleTricuspide valveBicuspid valveLeft atriumAortic semi-lunar valvePulmonary semi-lunar valve

You can learn more about the heart parts at



What type of mutation does the model demonstrate


The model depicts a mutation to a gene's partial base sequence. The model demonstrates mutations of the insertion kind.

Which of the four mutation kinds are they?

There are many different kinds of mutations, including translocation, insertion, deletion, and replacement. The entire gene sequence after the mutation will be misread if a mutation alters this regular reading frame.

This may lead to incorrect amino acids being added to the protein or the development of a codon that prevents the protein from getting longer. any alteration to a cell's DNA sequence. Mistakes in cell division can result in mutations, as can exposure to environmental DNA-damaging substances. Mutations can be advantageous or detrimental.

To learn more about mutation Visit: brainly.com/question/14438201


Correct Question:

The model shows a mutation to a partial sequence of bases in a gene. Which type of mutation does the model demonstrate?

The most common reason that introduced species cause trouble is because they are larger than native species. True or False


The fact that introduced species can result in biological exponential multiplication does not mean that they are a threat to biodiversity.

Biodiversity is defined as the variety of all living things, including various plants, animals, and microorganisms. It is often investigated at three levels: genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecological diversity. We cannot have healthy ecosystems, which we rely on to provide the air we breathe and the food we consume, without a variety of animals, plants, and bacteria. One reason why introduced species are a hazard to biodiversity is that they have the potential to become invasive species that supplant native species and prey on native species, causing unnatural reductions in native species populations. Even if imported species have the potential to multiply biologically exponentially, this does not necessarily entail that they endanger biodiversity.

Learn more about Biodiversity here:



Question 4 of 10
A scientist performed an experiment to learn how the thickness of a piece of
wood affects its ability to support weight without breaking. The scientist
prepared three different pieces of wood and applied weight until they broke.

What is the responding variable in this experiment?

OA. The breaking weight
OB. The number of pieces of wood
O C. The type of scale used to measure the weight
O D. The thickness of the wood


The responding variable in this experiment is the breaking weight.

The correct option is A.

What is a responding variable in an experiment?

In an experiment, a responding variable, also known as a dependent variable, is a variable that is measured or observed to determine the effect of the independent variable. The value of the responding variable may change as a result of changes in the independent variable.

For example, in an experiment to learn how the thickness of a piece of

wood affects its ability to support the weight without breaking. The scientist prepared three different pieces of wood and applied weight until they broke, the responding variable is the breaking weight.

Learn more about responding variables at: https://brainly.com/question/23484107


Write out a summary that will go with your model to explain what it is showing. Remember that this should be scientifically accurate, but it's an explanation for elementary school students. Your summary should include:
Position and motion of the solar system (You did this in the Module 2 Check Your Learning activity! Modify your formal explanation for a younger audience.)
How the universe was formed through the Big Bang Theory (You did this in the Module 1 Check Your Learning activity! Modify your formal explanation for a younger audience.)


The planets orbit the Sun in the same plane and the Big Bang Theory states an explosion of space, marked the beginning of our cosmos.

What is Big Bang Theory?

The galactic plane and the planetary orbital plane form a roughly 60° angle as the Solar System travels through the galaxy.

As it circles around the Milky Way, the Sun appears to move up and down and in and out of the galaxy.

The Big Bang, an explosion of space, marked the beginning of our cosmos. Space expanded, the cosmos cooled, and the basic elements emerged from a very high density and temperature starting point.

The first stars and galaxies were created as a result of the slow gathering of stuff by gravity.

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the initial concentration of ab is 0.160 m , and the reaction mixture initially contains no products, what are the concentrations of a and b after 71 s ? Whole Fruits Market took the following actions to improve internal controls. For each of the following actions, select the internal control principle the company followed. a. Prohibit the recordkeeper to have control over cash. b. Purchased an insurance (bonding) policy against losses from theft by a cashier. c. | Each cashier is designated a specific cash drawer and is solely responsible for cash in that drawer. d. Detailed records of inventory are kept to ensure items lost or stolen do not go unnoticed e. Digital time clocks are used to register which employees are at work at what times. f. External auditors are regularly hired to evaluate internal controls g. Employees requesting purchases of inventory cannot approve payment for that inventory h. Personal ID cards are used to limit access to only authorized employees. i The company's internal auditors frequently assess the performance of internal controls j. To ensure equipment theft does not go undetected, detailed accounting records are kept. Apply technological controls Divide responsibility for related transactions timesEstaish responsibilities Insure assets and bond key employees Maintain adequate records Perform reqular and independent reviews true or false If an ice cube is in a glass of water at 0 and no thermal energy is added or removed then the ice cube and the water are in thermal equilibrium? Select the values that make the inequality a Brainliest if correct!!! Please help! Geometry 5th grade drawing on what we have learned so far about social constructionism, socialization, and naturalization, explain in mostly your own words the concept of habitus. May you please help me I am lost the importance of the river systems, canals and lakes of north america? What made Went's experiment different from all previous experiments on plant tropism?A. determine the chemical properties and structure of hormones that affect plant growth.B. demonstrated that plants respond to indirect light by growing toward the light.C. isolating a plant hormone from one plant and using it to change growth patterns in different plants.D. showed that the coleoptile parts of plants are critical in responding to light signals. question unless otherwise instructed, you may use the periodic table in the chemistry: problems and solutions book for this question. what is the molality of a solution containing 125 grams of iodine (i2) and 750 grams of ccl4? responses 6.57 m 6.57 m 1.2 m 1.2 , m 0.657 m 0.657 , m 0.12 m Which of the main components of money management includes cash flow statements of income and expenses?OA. financial recordsOB. personal financial statementsO C.budgetingOD.filing taxes If m4=75, then what is m8 which of the following are components of the cvp graph? (select all that apply) multiple select question. total cost line break-even point variable cost line fixed cost line break-even line total profit line total sales line 13. What is 90 mL =OZ Please help with these questions Someone help me with this Quadratic function graph function question Which of the following shows 87 and 1/2% as a fraction? 7/8, 5/8, -8/75, none of these Tre has 10 pencils and will has 14 pens what is the ratio of pencils to pens the men's triathlon was a special event for new zealand at the 2004 olympics in athens. new zealand's hamish carter won gold but what new zealander came second? The author of "Mohandas Gandhi" includes an anecdote about a train ride that Gandhi took in South Africa. Once, Gandhi himself purchased a first-class train ticket, only to be told after he had boarded that he had to sit in the third-class compartment reserved for Indians and Africans. When Gandhi refused, he was taken off the train. What does this anecdote reveal about Gandhi? Question 22 options: Gandhi thought he could cause trouble because he had more money than other Indians. Gandhi put into practice the ideals he suggested everyone live by. Gandhi thought he was better than the other Indians and Africans in third-class. Gandhi wanted everyone on the train to sit in the first-class compartment.