Read the excerpt from Hidden Figures. Shetterly explains how the roles of men and women differed at NACA.

Women were "supposed” to wait for the assignments from their supervisors, and weren’t expected to take the lead by asking questions or pushing for plum assignments. Men were engineers and women were computers; men did the analytical thinking and women did the calculations.

Which statements best paraphrase this excerpt?

Women were supposed to take assignments from their supervisors and were discouraged from showing ambition by making inquiries or asking for more interesting work. Men were better at analytical thinking, and women were better at calculations.
Women were expected to work on whatever assignments their supervisors gave them, rather than taking initiative by asking questions or requesting desirable assignments. Men were responsible for analytical tasks, and women were responsible for calculations.
Women were supposed to wait for assignments from their supervisors and were not expected to display leadership by asking questions or pushing for good assignments. Men were engineers who did analytical thinking, and women were computers who did calculations.
Women were meant to wait to be told what assignments they could work on and were expected not to question the assignments they were given. Men were engineers who were responsible for tasks requiring analytical thinking, and women were computers who were responsible for calculations.


Answer 1

Women were "supposed" to wait for their bosses to give them work; they weren't expected to take the initiative by asking questions or advocating for desirable tasks.

Women worked on the calculations, while males conducted the analytical thinking; men were engineers, while women were computers.

In the book, Shetterly provides biographies of four women, three of whom served as "human computers" in an era when computer technology rendered manual computations useless. Katherine Johnson, a well-known contributor to the Mercury and Apollo missions, is one of these ladies. Another is Dorothy Vaughan, a supervisor of human computers who made history as the first African American woman to manage her own team in the computing division. The third of these is Mary Jackson, who became the first African American woman to work as an engineer for NASA after pursuing her degree while maintaining a full-time job.

To learn more about Hidden Figures visit;


Answer 2




Related Questions

Read Exploring Bryce Canyon National Park:

Bryce Canyon National Park is a rare national treasure, located in Utah. The park consists of huge bowls etched into the high plateau. Over many years, water has frozen and melted, creating cracks in the rocky ridges of limestone and sandstone. These ridges are exposed to further erosion from water and wind. The sun illuminates the rock pillars, called hoodoos, revealing their white, pink, and orange layers. Bryce Canyon National Park has more hoodoos than anywhere else in the world. Many species of animal make their homes in the canyon, including prairie dogs, mule deer, and mountain lions. The region is the only home of the Bryce Canyon Paintbrush, a rare, fuchsia wildflower. This mysterious landscape produces phenomenal photographs. As a result of its unique appeal, Bryce Canyon was established as a national monument in 1923 and became a national park in 1928.

There are many ways to experience Bryce Canyon National Park. Visitors often come to see the cliffs at sunset or sunrise in order to get the best effect. Others visit at night to see a vast blanket of stars. Many visitors drive or take a shuttle bus to the different viewpoints between the spring and early fall. Traveling in groups helps to manage the traffic flow. It also decreases the environmental impact of people on the park. Those wishing to see an aerial view can take a helicopter tour. Other tours include ATVs or horseback riding. Daring individuals can hike or bike around or in the canyon. Descending below the plateau's edge offers a unique perspective of the hoodoos. There are trails of varying length and difficulty to suit the desires of these explorers. In the wintertime, brave adventurers can cross-country ski or enjoy a sleigh ride. Regardless of the method, visitors will leave Bryce Canyon National Park with an unforgettable experience.

Select the detail from the text that best supports the idea that the unique appeal of Bryce Canyon National Park is well-recognized.

Group of answer choices

A. Bryce Canyon National Park is a rare national treasure, located in Utah.

B. Bryce Canyon was established as a national monument in 1923 and became a national park in 1928.

C. Many species of animal make their homes in the canyon, including prairie dogs, mule deer, and mountain lions.

D. Over many years, water has frozen and melted, creating cracks in the rocky ridges of limestone and sandstone.


The detail from the text that best supports the idea that the unique appeal of Bryce Canyon National Park is well-recognized is option A. Bryce Canyon National Park is a rare national treasure, located in Utah.

What is the idea  about?

The above  information shows that the government has recognized the park's unique features and beauty, and has taken steps to protect and preserve it for future generations to enjoy.

Therefore, The fact that Bryce Canyon has been designated as a national monument and later a national park highlights the significance of the park and its appeal, and demonstrates that it is widely recognized as a special and valuable place.

Learn more about idea  from


What is the meaning of "forceful maneuver"?


The meaning of "forceful maneuver" as used in this passage is the act of taking over a government or position through non-peaceful measures.

What is the meaning of the term?

The phrase forceful maneuver is used to describe the violent measure that the commander wished to take over from a government. When something is done in a forceful manner it means that peaceful measures are not incorporated into such an act.

So, instead of adopting civil means of resolving issues, Matsuoka planned to use a forceful strategy in accomplishing his aim. The word maneuver points to the act of taking over.

Learn more about force here:


Help me please :(

Write a poem of at least eight lines using a set meter and rhyme scheme. You may, if you wish, attempt a sonnet, a villanelle, or a ballad, but you will probably find it easier to design your own form. Quatrains ofabab, cdcd or abcb, bcdb are one suggestion. Use at least one figure of speech and one sound effect.

You can visualize your poem through the use of slides on computer presentations. Use audio effects when possible to create the emotional effect you desire


The sun is setting, the sky is aglow

A brilliant orange, a sight to behold

The birds are singing, a sweet melodic flow

A peaceful chorus, a story untold

The wind is blowing, a gentle caress

A cool embrace, a soothing relief

The trees are swaying, a graceful duet

A graceful dance, a moment of reprieve

The stars are twinkling, a sparkle of light

A glimmer of hope, a reminder of dreams

The night is calling, a silent invite

A peaceful slumber, a chance to redeem

The moon is rising, a beacon of peace

A tranquil night, a chance to reflect

The world is sleeping, a moment of ease

A gentle reminder, to never forget

What product an advertisement which blows you away


branded apparel, promotional drinkware, writing instruments and notebooks, as well as tech items, such as wireless charging pads.

List five issues that are now affecting our country regarding to the relationship of Filipinos and other nationalities, as well as two solutions that you can use to address them in the future.

issue :









1. Xenophobia and discrimination against foreign nationals in the Philippines.

2. Lack of understanding of cultural differences between Filipinos and other nationalities.

3. Language barriers between Filipinos and other nationalities.

4. Limited access to resources for foreign nationals in the Philippines.

5. Misinformation and stereotypes about foreign nationals in the Philippines.


1. Increase awareness and education about cultural differences and the importance of respecting them.

2. Provide language classes and other resources to help foreign nationals integrate into Filipino society.

3. Establish a system of support for foreign nationals in the Philippines, such as providing access to legal aid and other resources.

4. Promote positive media representation of foreign nationals in the Philippines.

5. Create initiatives to foster intercultural dialogue and understanding between Filipinos and other nationalities.

Which sentence has an underlined word that means


Answer:  Since the verb "leave" is used to clear the area, in option (a): "We leave the building during a fire drill," "Evacuation" therefore denotes "leave,"

When dividing a sentence into its two main parts, where do you divide it?


For splitting sentences first mark the clauses. Then make sub-clauses independent by omitting subordinating linkers and inserting subjects or other words wherever necessary. Example – When I went to Delhi I met my friend who lives there. Clause 1 (When) I went to Delhi.

What is the meaning of "American battleships operating under the constraints of neutrality in the Atlantic were no substitute for American battleships deterring Japan in the Pacific"?


Answer: The meaning of "American battleships operating under the constraints of neutrality in the Atlantic were no substitute for American battleships deterring Japan in the Pacific" is that the presence of American battleships in the Atlantic, which were restricted by the rules of neutrality, was not an adequate replacement for the presence of American battleships in the Pacific, which would have deterred Japan from taking aggressive actions.

In this context, "neutrality" refers to the policy of not taking sides in a conflict and not engaging in any hostile acts. American battleships operating in the Atlantic were limited by the rules of neutrality, meaning they could not take any actions that would be seen as hostile towards the nations involved in the conflict.

However, having American battleships in the Pacific, which would serve as a deterrent to Japan, was considered more important. The presence of American battleships in the Pacific would signal to Japan that the United States was prepared to defend its interests and would serve as a deterrent to any aggressive actions. The idea is that the mere presence of American battleships in the Pacific would prevent Japan from taking any hostile actions, making them an effective tool for maintaining peace and stability in the region.

Explanation: The meaning of "American battleships operating under the constraints of neutrality in the Atlantic were no substitute for American battleships deterring Japan in the Pacific" is that, according to Churchill, while any movement of American battleships into the Atlantic was appreciated, the Royal Navy believed that having American battleships in the Atlantic, under the restrictions imposed by neutrality, was not an adequate replacement for having American battleships in the Pacific, serving as a deterrent against Japan. In other words, the presence of American battleships in the Atlantic was not seen as sufficient in deterring Japan and ensuring the security of the Pacific region.

Using what you learned in the lesson, write an effective hook to introduce your topic and get your audience’s attention. Write in complete sentences and state the hook strategy you chose to use: Why should college athlete be paid to play?


They contribute significantly to the finances of their universities, increase enrollment, put in full-time hours, and lack the time to work a full-time job in addition to their sport, college athletes should be paid.

Why do college athletes deserve to be paid?

College athletes should be paid for their dedication and hard work since they are a source of income for their schools. Understanding the NCAA's development into the current athletics behemoth from its beginnings is crucial.

Scholarships for students may help cover the cost of books, tuition, and other typical college expenditures, but they do not always. Other athletes participate as walk-ons and pay their own fees because they do not fit the criteria for scholarships.

Thus, They contribute significantly to the finances of their universities.

For more information about college athletes deserve to be paid, click here


Read the sentence from the passage.
"No patron ever walked out empty-handed with Marcie around."
Which word is a synonym for patron?
OA. father
OB. customer
OC. employee


According to the passage, from the given sentence the word synonym for patron is a customer. The correct option is (B).

What is the concept of synonym?

A word that has the same meaning as another word is known as a synonym (or nearly the same meaning).

A word normally has separate sets of synonyms for each of its senses because synonymy is a relationship between the individual senses of words.

The common test for synonymy is substitution, which determines if one form can be swapped out for another without the sentence's meaning changing.

A seme or denotational sememe is shared by synonyms with the exact same meaning, whereas a broader denotational or connotational sememe is shared by synonyms with somewhat similar meanings, resulting in semantic field overlap.

Therefore, According to the passage, the word synonym for patron in the given sentence is a customer.

To know more about the synonym, visit:


write an essay about college application 260 words​


The college application process can be overwhelming, especially for students who are unsure of what they want to study or where they want to attend school.

Essay on College Application

The college application process can be overwhelming, especially for students who are unsure of what they want to study or where they want to attend school. However, with proper planning and research, the process can become much smoother.

Before starting the college application process, it is important for students to take the time to research different schools and programs to determine what is the best fit for their individual needs and goals. This includes considering factors such as location, size, campus culture, and academic programs. Once students have a clear idea of what they are looking for in a college, they can begin to build a list of schools to apply to.

In addition to researching schools, students should also start preparing for standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT. These tests play a significant role in the college admissions process and it is important for students to perform to the best of their ability.

Once students have completed their research and standardized test preparation, they can begin working on their college applications. This typically involves submitting transcripts, essays, and letters of recommendation. It is important for students to take the time to carefully craft their essays, as they are a key opportunity for students to showcase their personality and unique qualities to admissions committees.

In conclusion, the college application process can be daunting, but with proper planning and preparation, students can increase their chances of being accepted into their desired schools. By researching schools, preparing for standardized tests, and putting effort into their applications, students can make the most of this exciting and transformative opportunity.

Learn more on writing essays here:


What does “ ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome raths outgrabe.” mean?


Consider Carroll’s use of (invented) words in this stanza. What are ‘toves’, and why are they ‘slithy’? What does ‘slithiness’ (is that a word?) look or feel like? The same with ‘mimsy’. Noam Chomsky’s ground-breaking work in linguisticssurrounding children’s ability to acquire a linguistic ‘grammar’ demonstrated that even if we don’t know the meaning of a word, we can often deduce what kind of word it is: i.e. we know ‘mimsy’ is an adjective, or describing-word, even though we don’t fully know what ‘mimsiness’ is.

Carroll is using both ‘slithy’ and ‘mimsy’ as portmanteau words: slithy, for example, is a blend of slimy + lithe, while mimsy suggests miserable + flimsy. Another term for a portmanteau word is, in fact, a blend, and some linguists prefer to use the word blend. But the term ‘portmanteau’ came about because, after Alice has encountered the poem ‘Jabberwocky’ in Through the Looking-Glass, and puzzled over the meaning of these unfamiliar words, she meets Humpty Dumpty, who tells her, when she quotes the above stanza:

‘That’s enough to begin with,’ Humpty Dumpty interrupted: ‘there are plenty of hard words there. “Brillig” means four o’clock in the afternoon — the time when you begin broiling things for dinner.’

‘That’ll do very well,’ said Alice: ‘and “slithy”?’

‘Well, “slithy” means “lithe and slimy”. “Lithe” is the same as “active”. You see it’s like a portmanteau — there are two meanings packed up into one word.’

A portmanteau was, in Victorian times, a case or bag for carrying clothing while travelling; the word is from the French meaning literally ‘carry the cloak’.

So, as well as being a fine piece of imaginative literature, ‘Jabberwocky’ also demonstrates a central principle of language: what linguists call productivityor open-endedness, namely the phenomenon whereby users of a language can endlessly create new words or phrases. As Noam Chomsky’s theory of a Universal Grammar shows, users of a language demonstrate an innate linguistic creativity from a young age, and this is how children are able to pick up a new language relatively quickly: they learn not simply by acquiring knowledge, but by using an in-built talent for spotting how words are put together to form meaningful utterances. If something is both lithe and slimy, why not combine the two words – both their sounds and their meanings – to create slithy?

1. Do you think Lee Sherman is ""heroic""? Why or why not?


The most heroic act Lee Sherman had ever done was to reveal to a thousand angry fishermen what the entire world had been kept in the dark about a firm.

Lee Sherman has performed challenging, unpleasant, and hazardous occupations. He had faithfully carried out the company's directive to poison an estuary. He had performed the immoral deeds of his organization, claimed its responsibility as being his own, and then been deceived and thrown away, much like trash. The most valiant deed of Lee Sherman's life had been to expose a corporation's filthy little secret and to inform a thousand angry fishermen that PPG and other corporations were to blame.

To know more about Lee Sherman visit :


Please help me find the metaphor and simile in this poem. :D


simile- “fine as hand”
metaphor- “a quartz-clear dawn”

fill in the blank to complete this part of a passage i-ready



Where is the blank in the passage?

This riddle is found on page 448 of Lind Goodman’s Sun Sign book. It pertains to “ How to Recognize AQUARIUS” “In spring, when woods are getting green, I’ll try and tell you what I mean: In summer, when the days are long, Perhaps you”ll understand the song :” “ For this must ever be a secret kept from all the rest between yourself and me.” What does this have to do with Aquarian’s? Please help. Thank you.


The final answer of this riddle is 'oyster'. Aquarians considers the world as oyster and beacuse of their humanitarian side, they always want to help and care for all the people in their world.

The Meaning of the Riddle

"Oyster" is the solution to this puzzle. The fish that is easiest to catch, purchase, prepare, and serve is the oyster. The poem's final lines make reference to the only challenge, which is opening the oyster.

Since the oyster's top is "glued" to the shell, the poem concludes with the query of if it won't ultimately be simpler to solve the riddle than to open the oyster. This final poem "about fishes" asks us to return to the preceding poems that do not reveal their secret as readily thanks to its cleverly suggested solution to the enigma it poses.

To learn more about Aquarius from the given link


when should teens drive write a summary of paragraphs 4-5



Driving Eligibility for Teens.


Driving is an important responsibility that requires maturity and good judgement. Teens may be eager to start driving as soon as they are able, but it's important to consider when they are ready to handle the challenges of the road.

One factor to consider is age. Most states allow teens to start driving at the age of 16 with a learner's permit. During this time, they are required to log a certain number of hours of supervised driving before they can obtain a full driver's license. This allows teens to get comfortable behind the wheel and gain experience in various driving conditions before they are on their own.

Another factor to consider is their physical and mental development. Teens are still developing their brains, and their decision-making abilities may not be fully mature until their mid-20s. They may be more likely to take risks and make impulsive decisions, which can be dangerous when driving. Additionally, their vision and reaction times may not be fully developed, which can also affect their driving abilities.

A third factor is their driving record. Teens with a history of reckless or careless behavior, such as speeding or texting while driving, may not be ready to handle the responsibilities of driving. It's important for parents and guardians to monitor their teen's behavior on the road and address any unsafe habits before allowing them to obtain a driver's license.

Ultimately, the decision of when a teen is ready to start driving is a personal one and should be made based on a variety of factors, including their age, physical and mental development, and driving record. With the right support and guidance, teens can become safe and responsible drivers who are prepared to handle the challenges of the road.

Determine whether each question is "good" or "bad" for a discussion that requires detailed responses.


The research question based on how good or bad will be:

Use of social media - BadMotivation for participating in class- GoodHard work more important than talent- GoodFavorite restaurant- BadLast book read- BadJoining drama club- Good

What is a research question?

A research question is defined as "a question that a research project seeks to answer". A research question must be chosen for both quantitative and qualitative research.

Data collection and analysis will be required for the investigation, and the methodology for this will vary greatly. Good research questions are usually narrow and specific in order to improve knowledge on an important topic.

Therefore, each question is determined as "good" or "bad" for a discussion that requires detailed response.

Learn more about research question, click here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was,

Determine whether each question is "good" or "bad" for a discussion that requires detailed responses.

How do you like to use social media?

What motivates you to participate in class?

Why is hard work more important than talent?

What is your favorite restaurant?

What is the last book you read?

Would you ever consider joining a drama club?

O Bird of Time, say where did you learn
The changing measures you sing? . . .
In blowing forests and breaking tides,
In the happy laughter of new-made brides,
explain the reference?


In this poem, time is portrayed as a bird, and the speaker asks the bird what kinds of songs it sings when it is joyful and dejected.

What does the bird of time represent?

Time is a wanderer, unconstrained by our aspirations and desires, just like birds, and we shouldn't expect it to stand still. The pictures of daily life that appear throughout the poem portray time as the boundary around life, yet nothing can hold it back.

How does Naidu's optimism come over in the poem The Bird of Time?

Sarojini Naidu wrote this poem as a means of expressing her disdain for the course that fate had taken in her life. She asserts that the bird (fate) has chosen to sing somber tunes and Despite knowing both, not the happy ones.

To know more about Bird of Time visit:-


Windy day of my life essay


On the windy day of my life, I felt like I was stuck in a whirlwind. The sky was gray and clouds scuttled across the horizon like birds fleeing a storm. There was a chill in the air that gradually intensified as the day went on, eventually becoming a cold gust of wind that felt like needles on my skin. Despite the darkness, I was determined to make the most of my day and set out for a walk.

I continued walking, my feet feeling lighter and lighter with each step. My hair whipped around my face and the air around me seemed to crackle with energy. I marveled at how quickly the scenery changed before me as the wind buffeted against my body. Despite the blustery conditions, I felt a deep sense of joy, a feeling of liberation and freedom that I had never felt before.

The windy day of my life had given me a newfound appreciation for the power of nature, and it left me feeling completely alive and inspired. I walked back home that day feeling empowered, a smile plastered across my face, knowing that I had experienced something truly beautiful.

In conclusion, the windy day of my life was one I'll never forget. Despite the blustery conditions, I felt a deep sense of joy, a feeling of liberation and freedom that I had never felt before. The power of nature had left me feeling completely alive and inspired, and I walked back home that day feeling empowered. This experience showed me the beauty of a wild, untamed force and gave me a newfound appreciation for the power of nature.
The day is breezy. There is a strong breeze. There is paper everywhere. The man's hat was removed by the wind. The woman's cap was blown off by it. A bird was blown off the phone wire by it. Other birds chuckled. The wind continues to blow. The trees are crooking. Outside, individuals are hunching over. It is challenging to walk in the wind. Driving is challenging due to the wind. The large trucks must stop. They must come to a stop alongside the highway. One driver didn't pull over. He was rushing. His truck was knocked over by the wind. The large truck is turned over. In the wind, the wheels are turning. The driver escaped unharmed. A crane is what he is awaiting. The truck will be hoisted by the crane. The vehicle will get its wheels back on thanks to the crane. The motorist made a good decision. He won't ever attempt a windy drive again. The wind also makes flying challenging. Pilots are aware of the dangers of wind. In windy conditions, they avoid flying their little planes. They want to avoid colliding with the ground. They'll perish in a collision. At the airport, they wait. They sip on coffee. They hold out till the wind stops.

Please mark Brainliest

We are both tall, and?


Answer: We are both tall, and we are very funny.


Which of the following could represent a complete citation for a magazine
article with the following information?


"Morrison, Dan. "When Help Is Not On The Way" U.S. News & World Report 8 May 2006: 29-31. Print." represent a complete citation for a magazine article. Option (d) is correct.

What do you mean by Citation?

A "citation" is how you indicate to your audience that a particular passage in your writing was taken from another source. Additionally, it provides your readers with the knowledge they need to locate the location information for that source on the reference or Works Cited page.

Each in-text citation used in your paper is fully referenced in the Literature Cited section (bibliography), which is located at the end of your essay. A citation typically contains the author(s), date, publication title, and source information.

In scholarly works, it usually offers some kind of support for or justification of a claim or statement.

Therefore, Option (d) is correct.

Learn more about Citation, here;


Your question is incomplete, the complete question will be;

Which of the following could represent a complete citation for a magazine

article with the following information?

When Help Is Not on the Way, by Dan Morrison

U.S. News & World Report

2006 v140 i 17 pp. 29-31

A. Morrison, Dan. U.S. News & World Report 2006: v140 117 pp. 29-


B. Morrison. "When Help Is Not on the Way." U.S. News & World

Report 2006. Print.

C. Morrison, Dan. "When Help Is Not on the way." 2006: v140 i17

pp. 29-31. Print

D. Morrison, Dan. "When Help Is Not On The Way" U.S. News & World

Report 8 May 2006: 29-31. Print.

Read the argument. Unlike Mr. Rodriquez, I think the grocery store should be open after 8:00 p.m. Nothing that he says has ever made any sense to this council, so why should we listen to him

Which sentence should replace the underlined sentence to improve the effectiveness of the argument?
• All grocery stores within 10 miles are open at all hours of the night.
• Many people in town do grocery shopping after they come home late.
• It is quite scary when it gets to be dark outside.
People need enough food to be able to survive.


• Many people in town do grocery shopping after they come home late.

This sentence replaces the underlined sentence to improve the effectiveness of the argument because it provides evidence to support the argument that the grocery store should be open after 8:00 p.m. Instead of simply dismissing Mr. Rodriquez's argument, the speaker provides evidence to show why their own argument is more valid. By acknowledging that many people in town need to do grocery shopping after they come home late, the speaker provides a practical reason for why the grocery store should be open at those hours.

Many people in town do grocery shopping after they come home late, so it is important to have the grocery store open after 8:00 p.m to accommodate them

100 POINTS HELP PLESEFollowing the accounting cycle, what would an accountant make right after making closing entries?
A. a general ledger
B. a worksheet
C. a trial balance
D. a post-closing trial balance



C. a trial balance


Following the accounting cycle, an accountant would make a trial balance right after making closing entries.

Read the excerpt from "Miguel and the Lyrebird." Luna is a lyrebird with a very nice life in a forest near Sydney, Australia. She can mimic almost any sound she hears, copying animal, nature, and even human-made noises. She is hunting for her next meal when she sees a frog who runs behind a tree, saying, "ribbit, ribbit," so Luna says, "ribbit, ribbit," as she chases the frog. How do the details about the setting in this excerpt contribute to the plot?


The forest serves as the excerpt's setting, and this helps the reader understand the context of the story's time, place, and environment. Menura, a magnificent lyrebird, is considered to be a crucial ecosystem engineer who, by its feeding, hastens the decomposition of garbage in Eucalyptus woods.

Describe the foraging of the Lyrebird.

Both the foraging habits and geographic distribution of lyrebirds appear to be influenced by the noticeably different vegetation structure and composition between burnt and unburned regions. Additionally, lyrebirds' browsing reduces the surface fuel loads and fuel connection, which means that fire spread is probably slowed down. Implications.

We suggest that lyrebird, vegetation, and fuel buildup feedback mechanisms could lead to the emergence of different stable states in eucalyptus forests. Therefore, in these vast, prone-to-fire forests in southeast Australia, the ecological role of lyrebirds is a crucial factor in forest fuel management and conservation. Therefore, Lyrebird foraging may have an impact on fuel management and conservation in these extensive, fire-prone forests in south-eastern Australia.

To learn more about setting, visit:


The Green Knight tells Gawain that in comparison with other men he is like
OA pearl to a pea
O A diamond to coal
O A knight to a pauper (a penniless person)
O An ax to a dagger



A diamond to coal


Based on the suffix meanings, which phrase best defines the word inquisition?


Answer: The word "inquisition" is commonly defined as a formal investigation, usually with a focus on finding evidence of wrongdoing or heresy. The suffix "-tion" is often used to form nouns from verbs, indicating a process or result. In this case, the verb "inquire" is being used to describe a formal investigation, making "inquisition" an appropriate term.


What are the main reasons for prison overcrowding?



Increased fear of crime have resulted in tremendous pressure on legislators, judges, and parole boards to 'do something about crime. ' The result has been a staggering growth in the prison population, particularly for those persons convicted of less serious crimes (public order and property offenses).


Increases in crime got everybody scared so they overcrowd for protection

5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 Rewrite the following sentence in the future tense: Container libraries are equipped with solar panels. Provide an acronym for the underlined words in the following sentence. Chief Executive Officer, Frik Rademan, believes that dedication and commitment are very important. Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech: Rademan said, 'The container library project will have a long- lasting positive impact on the lives of thousands of young learners.' Combine the following sentences into a single sentence: Each library has brand new books. Learners enjoy brand new books.​


We can see here that rewriting the first sentence, we have:

Container libraries will be equipped with solar panels.

Providing an acronym for the underlined words in the following sentence, we have:  Chief Executive Officer = CEO.

Rewriting the sentence in reported speech, we have:

Rademan stated that the container library project would have a long-lasting positive impact on the lives of thousands of young learners.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a grammatical unit that consists of one or more words and expresses a complete thought or idea. It typically includes a subject (which refers to the person, place, or thing being described) and a predicate (which includes the verb and provides information about the subject). A sentence must have a grammatical structure and convey a complete thought that can stand alone as a single unit of meaning.

Combining the sentences, we have: Each library has brand new books that learners enjoy.

Learn more about sentence on


Your friend Rona has a presentation next week, but no idea what to speak about. Over lunch, she says that her public speaking textbook lists several websites to help students find speech topics. She’s inclined to choose one of the suggested topics at random and asks for your thoughts.
1. Given that she only has a week before her presentation, what advice do you
give her?
2. Do you think audiences can tell if a speaker chose a topic at random? If so,
what “tells” might give it away?


Beforehand, shake hands and speak with as many individuals as possible. "This demonstrates to the audience that you are approachable and personable," Price says, before a presentation.

What do you say to someone who has a presentation?

Everyone, good morning and welcome to my presentation. First and first, I'd like to thank everyone for coming today. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. It's an honour to be able to address such a distinguished audience.

Why is it important to prepare before a presentation?

The goal of preparation is to ensure that you are as familiar with your audience and the space in which you will be presenting as possible. Make sure your materials are suited to your audience and are clean, clear, and concise.

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what strategy did republicans commonly use in political campaigns during the 1870s and 1880s? 1 point Question at position 2 Aside from the captivating places, we have here in the Philippines, what else can we be proud of? Select all that apply.Aside from the captivating places, we have here in the Philippines, what else can we be proud of? Select all that apply.The Philippines has many different bodies of water.The Philippines is considered as the "center of the center" of marine biodiversity in the world.According to Asian Development Bank, the Pasig River is one of the world's polluted rivers.The Philippines has 70% - 80% of the world's biodiversity. bestbrew corp. and true coffee inc. were two leading coffee manufacturing firms. they united and created a whole new firm called true brew inc. that used the best customer front-end and operational back-end processes of the two firms. this union is an example of a . Is it always possible, no matter how the rabbit moves, and no matter what points are reported by the tracking device, for the hunter to choose her moves so that after $10^9$ rounds she can ensure that the distance between her and the rabbit is at most 100? IS COLONIST A PATRIOT, LOYALIST OR A NEUTRALColonist A is a poor farmer in the Hudson Valley of New York. Colonist A has paid no attention to the trouble brewing in the colonies. His day-to-day struggle to maintain his farm and family is what worries him. His problems have recently become worse; his landowner, a Loyalist, has had some financial troubles and to get himself out of his enormous debts, his landowner raised Colonist As rent three times in the last five months. Colonist A barely earns enough from selling his crops to pay the original rent amount and now with the raise in the rent, Colonist A will be evicted from his farm. He and his wife have six children and fear they will have nowhere to go if they are forced to leave the farm. Which graph represents a linear function Need this for a lesson managers use a predetermined overhead rate for which of the following reasons? (check all that apply.) multiple select question. to assist in setting prices for jobs total job costs are not needed until the end of the accounting period, so predetermined rates are not needed. to estimate total job costs before the job is completed predetermined costs are more accurate than using actual costs ( Which of these shapes have the same area?AB and CA and CA and B increased sympathetic stimulation causes vasodilation, bringing elevated blood pressure back to normal. PLS HELPPlouise has planted 96 shrubs. the garden centre guaranteed her that at least 7/8 of the shrubs would survive. What is the minimum number od shrubs that should survive? Which is a complete sentence?1. Although she is very popular.O2. The dog at the back door.3. Wandering through the halls at noon.4. After school I will play basketball. sensory preconditioning is an example of: group of answer choices higher-order conditioning generalization revaluation pseudo-conditioning The degree of the term with the greatest degree is called? an urn contains 3 red marbles, 4 green marbles, and 5 black marbles. three marbles are drawn at random. find the probability of getting exactly one red marble or exactly one green marble and not both at the same time. Graph the linear inequality.x < 2 What amendment gives the right to not self-incriminate? 10.ja box contains 24 light bulbs, of which two are de- feefive. if a person selects 10 bulbs at random, without replacement, what is the probability that both defective bulbs will be selected? PLEASE HELP MISSINGWORKJonathan wants to save up enough money so that he can buy a new sports equipment set that includes afootball, baseball, soccer ball, and basketball. This complete boxed set costs $85.50. Jonathan has $22.00 hesaved from his birthday. In order to make more money, he plans to wash neighbors' windows. He plans tocharge $4 for each window he washesPart AWrite and solve an inequality that represents the number of windows Jonathan can wash in order to save atleast the minimum amount he needs to buy the boxed set.Inequality:_______PART BGRAPH THE SOLUTION ON A NUMBER LINEExplain the meaning of your inequality from Part A based on the context of the problem What is utilitarianism in Famine, Affluence, and Morality?