Which is a complete sentence?
1. Although she is very popular.
O2. The dog at the back door.
3. Wandering through the halls at noon.
4. After school I will play basketball.


Answer 1

The option 4 corresponds to a complete sentence:

4. After school I will play basketball.

What are the elements of a complete sentence?

To be a complete sentence, the sentence must have some essential elements like the subject, a verb and the predicate.

The subject corresponds to who practices or undergoes the verbal action, while the predicate is every element present in the sentence that is not the subject, and where the verb of the sentence is contained.

Therefore, in the chosen option we can say that we have a complete sentence, because the subject is "I", the verb is "to play" and the predicate is "basketball after school".

Find more about complete sentences at:



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It has to be at least 200 words thank you.


To write a relevant text about communication apprehension, you must conduct exploratory research on the subject, gathering data and information from sources that increase the reliability of the ideas explained in the text.

What is communication apprehension?

It is a psychological concept developed by James McCroskey about the anxiety developed by an individual before real communication takes place, as for example at school, when there is a fear of presenting a work in front of the whole class.

Therefore, you can include in your essay details of situations in which you felt communication apprehension, as well as tips for reducing this feeling and for the individual to be able to communicate more effectively.

Find more about communication apprehension at:



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A. Explain, according to the words of Prof. Zakovitz, why the scroll of Ruth does not belong to the period
The judges, even though the opening of the scroll states that some of its events took place during this period?
B. Prof. Zakovich mentions in his lecture two biblical laws from the field of agriculture. (Starting in minute
7:50) Explain in your own words what the laws are and what their purpose is. (Also help in Leviticus 23:22
and Deuteronomy 24:19).
third. According to Prof. Zakovich, Boaz acts in accordance with these laws and is his behavior compatible
the attitude towards foreigners in the scroll. Prove your answer from the scriptures.


A. According to Prof. Zakovitz, the scroll of Ruth does not belong to the period of the Judges because it reflects a later time period in Jewish history when the idea of accepting converts into the community was more acceptable. During the period of the Judges, the Israelites were more exclusive and resistant to accepting outsiders, but the scroll of Ruth shows a more inclusive attitude.

B. One of the biblical laws mentioned by Prof. Zakovich is the law of leaving gleanings in the field, which instructs farmers to leave behind some of their crops for the poor to gather. This law is meant to provide for those in need and ensure that the poor have access to food. Another law mentioned is the law of the Jubilee year, which instructs farmers to let their land lie fallow and forgive debts every 50 years. This law is meant to prevent inequality and ensure that all members of the community have access to land and resources.

What are the biblical laws?

In response to question C. According to Prof. Zakovich, Boaz acts in accordance with these laws and his behavior is compatible with the attitude towards foreigners in the scroll.

Therefore, Boaz allows Ruth to glean in his fields and provides her with extra food, which shows his adherence to the law of leaving gleanings in the field. He also acts in accordance with the Jubilee year law by redeeming Naomi's land and marrying Ruth.

Learn more about biblical laws from



Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

What advantages did adopting a single currency, the euro, give Europeans? (Site 1)


Note that advantages of adopting the Euro include increased price transparency, reduced transaction costs, and enhanced economic integration among European countries.

What is a single currency?

A currency union is an international arrangement in which two or more countries use the same currency.

These states may or may not have further integration. Currency unions are classified into three types: Informal refers to the unilateral adoption of a foreign currency.

A monetary unit used by more than one country: The Euro is the common currency of several European Union countries.

Learn more about Euro at:





The change from  PASSIVE TO ACTIVE and ACTIVE TO PASSIVE  is given below

a. Two men robbed a local jewelry shop yesterday. One of the robbers held a gun to the owner's head and instructed him to unlock the shop and hand over the safe. The police have launched a search and hope to capture the robbers within a few days. The owner is being treated at a local hospital for his injuries sustained during the incident. It is unknown when the shop will be able to reopen.

b. The student council members of our school will organize a contest about the environment. The administrative and financial support will be provided by the school management, and parents will also participate. Students will write articles and prepare projects about the environment. Teachers will guide the students in developing their projects, and a team of experts will judge their work. The experts will award prizes to two projects and two articles. A set of encyclopedias and some books, donated by famous publishers, will be given as prizes.


a. A local jewelry shop was robbed yesterday by two men. The owner was held at gunpoint by one of the robbers and forced to unlock the shop and hand over the safe. A search for the robbers is being organized by the police and it is hoped that they will be captured in the coming days. The owner is being treated in a local hospital for injuries sustained during the incident and it is unknown when the shop will be reopened.

b. A contest is being organized by the student council members of our school with administrative and financial support provided by the school management and participation from parents. Different projects about the environment will be prepared by the students and articles related to the environment will also be written by them. The development of the projects will be guided by the teachers. The work of the students will be judged by a team of experts who will select two projects and two articles for prize award. A set of encyclopedias and books have been given as prizes by famous publishers.

What is the passive sentence about?

Passive to active voice is a change in sentence structure that transforms a sentence written in the passive voice into a sentence written in the active voice.

In a sentence written in the passive voice, the object of the action is the subject of the sentence and the performer of the action is either not mentioned or appears as an object. For example: "The ball was kicked by the player."

Therefore, When this sentence is transformed into the active voice, the subject becomes the performer of the action and the object becomes the recipient of the action. For example: "The player kicked the ball."

Learn more about passive sentence from



Answer the following questions in full sentences 1.1 Explain the concept: 'pandemic' world wealth 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 rent aspects of life. 1.9 own restrictions, impacted families in (2 What does the acronym 'WHO' stand for and what is its role? organisation (1+ 3) (4 How were people tested to determine if they are COVID-19 positive or negative? (2 x 1) (2 Illustrate four ways in which COVID-19 affected normal life routine (4 x 2) (8 Discuss three ways in which building and sustaining good relationship may impact positively on your emotional well-being during lockdown (3 x 2) (6) (2 x 1) (2) Identify stressors which families have experienced during 2020 lockdown. How would you cope with changes in the family relationship during lockdown? In EACH answer, also indicate how improving these coping skills could help you to accept the changes. (3 x 3) (9) Analyse the negative effect of people's personal views about infectious diseases on the health and safety of people. (2 x 4) (8) Recommend two resolution strategies that you can use to resist negative pressure from your family in a responsible way. (3 x 3) (9) [50]​


1.1 The concept of 'pandemic world wealth' refers to the significant economic and financial impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the world's economy, businesses, and individuals. The pandemic has resulted in widespread job losses, reductions in income, and a decline in the overall wealth of many countries and communities.

1.2 The acronym 'WHO' stands for World Health Organization. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is responsible for international public health. The role of the WHO is to direct and coordinate international health efforts, provide technical assistance to countries, and support health-related research and development.

What is world wealth about?

1.3 To determine if someone is COVID-19 positive or negative, they are tested using either a RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction) test or an antigen test. The RT-PCR test analyzes a sample of the person's saliva or nasal secretion to detect the presence of the virus's genetic material, while the antigen test looks for specific proteins on the surface of the virus.

1.4 Four ways in which COVID-19 affected normal life routines include: changes in the way people work and study, disruptions to social and leisure activities, alterations to the way people obtain food and other necessities, and restrictions on travel and movement.

1.5 Three ways in which building and sustaining good relationships may impact positively on emotional well-being during lockdown include: providing social support and a sense of connection, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness, and improving mental health and overall well-being.

1.6 Some stressors that families experienced during the 2020 lockdown include: financial stress and uncertainty, health concerns and fear of illness, changes in daily routines and loss of structure, and disruptions to normal family dynamics. To cope with changes in family relationships during lockdown, individuals can improve communication and negotiation skills, engage in stress-relieving activities and hobbies, and seek support from friends and family members.

1.7 The negative effect of people's personal views about infectious diseases on the health and safety of others is that it can lead to stigma, discrimination, and a lack of trust in public health measures. This can result in individuals not following public health guidelines, which can prolong the spread of the disease and put others at risk.

1.8 Two resolution strategies that can be used to resist negative pressure from family in a responsible way include: educating oneself about the facts and science behind infectious diseases, and using effective communication and negotiation skills to explain one's point of view and find common ground.

Learn more about world wealth from



How would you say 'I' in Isleta?
a. [tem]
b. [te]
c. [ban]
d. [mi]
e. [t]


In Isleta, a language spoken by the Pueblo people of New Mexico, the word for "I" is [tem]. Therefore, the answer is [tem]. (Option A)

What is Isleta?

Isleta is a small pueblo community located in central New Mexico, USA. It is home to the Pueblo of Isleta, one of the 19 pueblos in the state of New Mexico that are still inhabited by the indigenous Pueblo people.

The Isleta people have a rich cultural heritage that dates back centuries, and they continue to preserve and celebrate their traditions, including their unique language, which is still spoken by some members of the community.

The pueblo is also known for its vibrant arts and crafts traditions, including pottery, weaving, and jewelry-making.

Learn more about Isleta:

¿Escriba una V si es verdadero o una F si es falso a cada enunciad
Dialecto es una variedad regional de un idioma
Los dialectos se distinguen solo por los sonidos o ritmos al hablar
El Ecuador tiene 25 nacionalidades
El dialecto pastuso se habla en la provincia del Carchi
Una con lineas la expresión con la región que es utilizada (1 pto)








using different scenarios show why it important for a speaker to pay attention to the type of definition being used to make meaning to the targeted audience


Below are a few scenarios that illustrate why it's important for a speaker to pay attention to the type of definition being used:

Scenario: A technical expert is presenting to a group of non-technical stakeholders.

In this scenario, the technical expert may be inclined to use technical definitions and jargon that are familiar to them, but unfamiliar to the non-technical audience. If the expert fails to define key terms in a way that is accessible to the audience, they may lose their attention or fail to convey important information.

What is the targeted audience?

Others includes:

Scenario: A politician is giving a speech to a diverse crowd of constituents.

In this scenario, the politician must be mindful of the diverse backgrounds and experiences of their audience. Depending on the topic, certain definitions may be more or less familiar to different groups. It's important for the politician to use definitions that are inclusive and accessible to the widest possible audience.

Lastly, Scenario: A teacher is explaining a complex topic to a group of students with different learning styles.

In this scenario, the teacher must be aware that different students may learn and process information in different ways. Depending on the topic, certain definitions or visual aids may be more effective for certain students. The teacher must be able to adapt their definitions and explanations to meet the needs of their diverse group of learners.

Learn more about targeted audience from



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