How did President Eisenhower respond to the situation in Little Rock?


Answer 1

President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock when Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School to prevent the nine students from entering the school in order to uphold the Supreme Court's decisions and ensure the safety of the "Little Rock Nine."

When the Little Rock mayor's telegraph arrived, President Eisenhower read it. A mob in front of a school, enraged by a court's order to integrate, was shown in the story. Nine African American students were unable to enter because of the mob, which was also cursing and harassing black reporters. Eisenhower refrained from using federal forces against Americans. But how could he permit mob rule in Little Rock given his constitutional duty to ensure that the laws were faithfully carried out  In any case, he would need to respond to detractors. After clearing his mind, he started to list the justifications for what he was about to do.

LEARN MORE ABOUT President Eisenhower


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what remarkable speech did sojourner truth give about women's rights?


In 1851, Sojourner Truth delivered a powerful address on women's rights at a convention for such rights in Akron, Ohio.

Truth made the case in her address that women and men were on an equal footing and should have access to the same possibilities. She made the case that the difficulties of women and African Americans were connected by drawing on her personal experiences as a former slave and a woman.

Her well-known remark, "Ain't I a Woman?," served as the movement's battle cry for women's suffrage. Truth's speech was a strong and persuasive plea for race and gender equality, and it served as inspiration for the ongoing fight for women's rights throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

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Compare Douglass's statement, "There were horses and men, cattle and women, pigs and children, all holding the same rank in the scale of being" (2) with the words of the Declaration of Independence. How does the scene that Douglass describes compare with the idea that "all men are created equal"?


Douglass emphasizes the repressive and demeaning aspects of slavery, which reduces people to the same status as animals.

How can it be explained in detail?

The Declaration of Independence, which was drafted in 1776, notably asserts that "all men are created equal." It has been argued for equal rights and opportunities for everyone using this principle, which is fundamental to American democratic ideals.

The picture Douglass recounts in his speech, however, presents a glaring contradiction to the notion that "all men are born equal." This expression was tightly defined in the context of slavery to solely apply to white males; women, people of colour, and those who were slaves were not thought of as being equal. In America, not all individuals received equal treatment, and the system of slavery made it possible to subjugate and dehumanize entire groups of people, as highlighted by Douglass's comment.

To learn more about independence visit there:


he First Amendment establishes that Congress cannot abridge the rights to free speech and assembly, including peaceful protests. While governments can require things like permits for assemblies on public property, or can establish "time, place, and manner" conditions, they must be narrowly drawn and equally applied to all groups. For the most part, federal case law has been focused on whether the federal government can prevent actions, such as rallies or speeches. However, over time, the Supreme Court has established several conditions that can be placed on the right of people to make claims and say things in public. There are also specific varieties of speech that are unprotected, notably libel and slander. When cases come to the Supreme Court, they will often apply a test or standard established in a previous case to determine whether the government acted appropriately. These standards have changed over time, and in many cases, reflect an evolving understanding of the appropriate contours for freedom of speech and assembly. Examine the table that follows and answer the accompanying questions. First Amendment Standards Bad Tendency test The bad tendency test has its origins in English common law and was the longtime standard by which the Supreme Court evaluated speech claims. By this standard, the government could limit speech to protect public welfare, broadly defined. It also established that the purpose of the First Amendment was to prevent the government from preventing speech, not to prevent punishment after the fact. This was established in 1907 in the case of Patterson v. Ohio. Clear and Present Danger test This test emerged from the 1919 case of Schenck v. United States, and established that speech could be limited if its utterance or publication represented a "clear and present danger." In the case of Schenck, his activities opposing the draft were seen to threaten national security in the context of the First World War. However, in many cases the Supreme Court tends to lean on the bad tendency test as well. Imminent Lawless Action test In the 1969 case of Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Supreme Court clarified the conditions under which the government can limit speech. Under this test, speech may be limited if it is directed at inciting imminent lawless action and is also likely to do so. This has been the standard since the Brandenburg decision in 1969. In 1998, a group applies for a permit to hold a rally. The local government denies the permit, claiming that the group has advocated publicly for violence and the rally is likely to be dangerous. The group sues, claiming the government has violated their rights under the First Amendment. If the case was to reach the Supreme Court, which standard would be most likely to be applied? Compelling interest х Bad tendency Clear and present danger imminent lawless action


The "imminent lawless action" criteria would most likely be used in the scenario if the case of the group whose permit was denied made it all the way to the Supreme Court.

This test, which was established in the Brandenburg v. Ohio decision from 1969, makes it clear that speech may be restricted if it is intended to or is likely to incite impending unlawful action.

Due to the group's support of violence and the local government's perception that the rally will likely be hazardous, which meets the requirements of the Brandenburg test, the permit has been denied.

It is crucial to remember that the government's power to restrict speech is limited and must nonetheless be applied fairly to all groups.

To know more about Brandenburg v. Ohio, visit:


which north african ethnic group continues to maintain many of its nomadic and semi-nomadic cultural traditions?


20–25 million Fulani people are thought to exist. The nomadic-pastoral or Mbororo, the semi-nomadic, and the settled or "town" Fulani are the three main groups of Fulani, according to settlement trends.

Egyptians are a north African ethnic group that still practises many of its nomadic and seminomadic cultural traditions. Egypt's deserts are home to a variety of ethnically diverse nomadic, seminomadic, and sedentary yet once nomadic communities. The residents of the Sinai and the northern part of the Eastern Desert, with the exception of a few non-Arab tribal tribes and the mixed urban population, are all recent immigrants from Arabia and resemble Arabian Bedouin in appearance.

Learn more about nomadic here:


why did anti federalist not support the new jersey plan.its for a project tommorow and i need help


Federalists oppose the new Jersey plan because It established an extremely limited national government with only a legislature, which was virtually impossible to alter.

What's the strategy in New Jersey?

The Articles of Confederation would have been changed under the New Jersey Plan to maintain more power in the hands of the states rather than a centralised government. It also suggested a unicameral legislature with equal representation.

Why did the Anti-Federalists reject the new regime?

Given the lack of a bill of rights, the Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the 1787 U.S. Constitution because they believed the new national government would be overly powerful and jeopardise individual liberties.

To know more abvout New jersey plan visit:


the pinzgauer has been developed by alpine herdsmen dating back to what year?


The pinzgauer has been developed by alpine herdsmen dating back to the year 500 A.D.

High farmers who kept their animals on meager, rough fields about the year 500 A.D. had begun to raise red and white steers from the nearby red Bavarian cows. These spearheading cattlemen picked creatures that could persevere through the difficult High snow-capped territory yet produce meat and milk.

The term Pinzgauer first shows up in quite a while from the 1600s and comes from the Austrian region of Pinzgau, which is near the Italian line. Specific reproducing had been polished for quite a while, as indicated by group books from the 1700s.

Learn more about Alpine Herdsmen:


what was the international peacekeeping organization created after world war i?




The predecessor of the United Nations was the League of Nations, established in 1919, after World War I, under the Treaty of Versailles "to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security."

President Nixon's television address to the nation on 3 November 1969 appealed to a so-called__________.


President Nixon's television address to the nation on 3 November 1969 appealed to a so-called great silent majority.

Richard Nixon uses the media to solicit support for his policies and to rally the nation behind the Vietnam War effort. His appeal for support is an effort to quell the antiwar movement's resurging momentum.

He declared that 60,000 American troops had already been withdrawn and that he would continue to do so as long as the situation permitted. He also provided updates on the "Vietnamization" program, which aims to give South Vietnam's armed forces more fighting power so they can take on a larger role in the conflict. After presenting this point of view, he made an appeal to the American people, pleading with the "great silent majority" to stand behind him while he worked for "peace with honor" in Vietnam.

To know more about Vietnam War


According to Page Smith what was one condition faced by industrial workers in the late 1800s


According to Page Smith, one of the conditions faced by industrial workers in the late 1800s was a lack of job security, with workers facing frequent layoffs and periods of unemployment. Additionally, workers often lacked basic rights and protections, such as the right to organize and bargain collectively, making them vulnerable to exploitation and mistreatment from their employers. Workers also faced long working hours, dangerous conditions, and low wages, all of which contributed to their difficult working conditions.

Why were Plains Sign Talk and pictograph writing important
to students at residential schools?
O They were created by the students at the schools.
O They allowed students to communicate with the
outside world.
O They allowed students to show the schools how
capable they were.
O They were a way of communicating that the teachers
could not understand.


Plains Sign Talk and pictograph writing were important to students at residential schools because they were a way of communicating that the teachers could not understand. The Option D.

What was the importance of Plains Sign Talk?

Plains Indian Sign Language was used for story-telling, oratory, and various ceremonies, as well as by deaf people in everyday life. [7] Some believe it is a manually coded language or languages; however, there is no substantive evidence linking any spoken language to Plains Sign Talk.

It was a powerful tool at Carlisle, where teachers demanded that students give up their native languages in exchange for another common language, English. Plains Sign Talk was a way for students to communicate with one another and across tribes in a language that their teachers couldn't understand.

Read more about Plains Sign Talk


bronzed new york basketball player from bangkok 1997?





One more, which requires some charade-sequence-juggling, at 32-Across: “ Bronzed New York basketball player from Bangkok.” The entry is THAITANKNICK. Eh? THAI (“ from Bangkok ”) TAN (“ bronzed ”) KNICK (“ New York basketball player.”)

the 1876 constitution was so well written, it is rare for anyone to ask if we might need a new one. True/False


False: The 1876 constitution was so well written; it is rare for anyone to ask if we might need a new one.

Texas's 1876 constitution is still in effect today. Due to its stringent limitations, it has been altered countless times and is currently regarded as one of the most disjointed and muddled of all state constitutions. A ceremonial constitutional conference convened in 1974 to create a contemporary constitution. No attempt has been made to replace the convention since it failed. Thus, the given statement is incorrect.

In Texas, Democrats had retaken power by 1875, as Reconstruction was coming to an end. They took the chance to repeal the despised 1869 acts. A new constitution was drafted at the 1875 Constitutional Convention. The widespread lack of confidence in government that the delegates had developed during the Reconstruction years was reflected in the new constitution. The Constitution of 1876 was created after the document was put before the electorate and approved the following year.

To know more about 1876 Texas constitution, refer:


Should the republic of india ratify the artemis accords?


India does not need to ratify the Artemis accords as they already have a well-established program.

The United States produced the Artemis Accords, a set of guidelines for international collaboration in space research and usage. Transparency, peaceful space exploration, careful management of space trash, and sustainable use of space resources are among the guiding ideals. India has a well-established space programme and has participated in satellite launches and space exploration for many years. As seen by its cooperation with multiple other nations, particularly the United States, on different space missions, India has also demonstrated interest in international cooperation in space exploration.

However, India may gain from enhanced international cooperation in space exploration and usage and the sharing of resources and experience if it decides to ratify the Artemis Accords. However, India would also need to make sure that the ideals of the Artemis Accords are reflected in its domestic laws and policies.

Read more about Indian Republic on:


What was established in 1933 in the US to insure bank deposits?


On June 16, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Banking Act of 1933, a part of which established the FDIC,this  was established in 1933 in the US to insure bank deposits.

Congress enact deposit insurance legislation due to the force of public opinion .FDIC  was created in the Banking Act of 1933, and was signed by President Roosevelt on June 16, 1933. By almost any measure, the FDIC has been successful in maintaining public confidence in the banking system.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was crested by the national banking act that took place in 1933. under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, which was to provide insurance for all banks. The requirment of FDIC member banks were to join the Federal Reserve System as well. The Act also gave the FDIC regulatory and examination functions.

On June 16, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Banking Act of 1933, a part of which established the FDIC,this  was established in 1933 in the US to insure bank deposits.

On June 16, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Banking Act of 1933, a part of which established the FDIC,this  was established in 1933 in the US to insure bank deposits.

Learn more about Franklin here:-


Place the Russian events in chronological order.1.Stalin institutes policies designed to modernize andindustrialize Russia. He orders the death of those whodisagree.2.Russian Communists, known as Bolsheviks, revolt againstCzar Nicholas I.3.The Communist government immediately negotiates aseparate peace with the German government. Russia dropsout of World War I.4.Communists change the name of the empire to the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics.5.Bolsheviks, under Vladimir Lenin, seize power.6.Governments of other European nations react to Stalin'spolicies by becoming fiercely determined not to allowcommunism to take control in their countries.7.Vladimir Lenin dies, leaving behind a leadership struggle.


The chronological order of these Russian events is as follows:

Russian Communists, known as Bolsheviks, revolted against Czar Nicholas I.Bolsheviks, under Vladimir Lenin, seize power.The Communist government immediately negotiates a separate peace with the German government. Russia drops out of World War I.Vladimir Lenin dies, leaving behind a leadership struggle.Stalin institutes policies designed to modernize and industrialize Russia. He orders the death of those who disagree.Communists change the name of the empire to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.Governments of other European nations react to Stalin's policies by becoming fiercely determined not to allow communism to take control in their countries.

This order begins with the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and ends with the global reaction to Stalin's policies in the late 1930s. The Bolsheviks' success in seizing power led to the creation of the Soviet Union, and the subsequent struggle for leadership after Lenin's death eventually resulted in Stalin's rise to power.

Stalin's policies focused on rapid industrialization, often at the cost of human lives, and this led to increased global tensions between communist and capitalist nations.

For more questions like Russian click the link below:


All of the following were causes of the Sepoy Rebellion, excepta. Starvingb. nationalismc. religious beliefsd. hatred of the British government



a. Starving


Sepoys or Soldiers were not hungry

Pay inequality compared to British soldiers.

Sepoys were suspicious that rifle cartridges used animal fats they could not touch as part of their religious beliefs.

The sepoys' unwillingness to serve abroad.


how was alliance a cause of ww1 and how does this document show it?



Alliances forcefully brought many nations into WW1 because they were allied with other countries involved in the war and were expected to help out their allies.

how was life before the 2nd amendment


Life before the implementation of the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution varied from country to country, depending upon their rules people were allowed to carry arms and weapons.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution was espoused on December 15, 1791, as part of the Bill of Rights. Before the perpetration of the Second Correction, the right to bear arms wasn't explicitly defended by the Constitution, and the regulation of arms was left up to individual countries.

During this time, some countries had laws that confined certain groups of people, similar to slaves, from retaining arms, while others had more permissive laws that allowed nearly anyone to enjoy arms. Also, some countries had laws that regulated the carrying of arms in public, similar to laws that needed arms to be disburdened and not readily accessible.

Overall, the nature of life before the perpetration of the Second Amendment varied depending on the laws of individual countries, but there was a generally lower emphasis on the individual right to enjoy and carry arms than there was at the moment.

Learn more about the 2nd Amendment here:

The complete question is:

How was life before the implementation of the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution?

how did the troubles begin


The Troubles began in 1968 with the formation of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association and the rise of civil rights protests in Northern Ireland. These protests were met with violence by the British government, sparking a conflict that lasted for decades.

The Troubles began as a result of a series of events and tensions that had been building up in Northern Ireland for many years. One of the key factors was the formation of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) in 1967. This group sought to address the inequalities and discrimination faced by Catholics in Northern Ireland, such as lack of voting rights, unfair housing policies, and job discrimination.

In 1968, NICRA began organizing peaceful marches and protests to demand equal rights for Catholics. However, these events were often met with violent opposition from Protestant groups and the police. This led to a series of clashes and riots between Catholics and Protestants, as well as between civilians and the police.

The situation escalated further in 1969, when British troops were sent to Northern Ireland to try and restore order. However, their presence only served to increase tensions, and the Troubles continued for several more decades, with bombings, shootings, and other acts of violence becoming commonplace.

In summary, The Troubles began as a result of the formation of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association and their efforts to address discrimination against Catholics, which were met with violent opposition from Protestant groups and the police. This led to a series of clashes and riots, and the situation escalated further with the arrival of British troops in 1969.

Learn more about The Troubles:


how did the war of spanish succession contribute to a rise in the atlantic world during the first decade of the 18th century


The conflict known as the War of the Spanish Succession, which lasted from 1701 to 14 years, was caused by a dispute over who should succeed Charles II.

As it was the last Spanish Habsburg king who had no children, as the country's monarch. In order to maintain the balance of power in Europe, it was important to decide whether the immense holdings of the Spanish Empire should transfer to the House of Bourbon or the House of Habsburg, both of which had hereditary claims. In the end, a rising Britain and its expanding colonial empire triumphed over French and Spanish dominance. Due to Spain's outrage at this division agreement, Charles II made a will in November 1698 naming Joseph Ferdinand as his heir.

Learn more about colonial here:


Can someone please help me with this?? I'd really appreciate it! (For Bible Class)

Write a short summary of no less than 250 words with as many points as possible from Daniel 11:21-45 that describe the activities of Antiochus Epiphanes. Do the same for the activities of the antichrist.



Daniel 11:21-45 gives a summary of what Antiochus Epiphanes did:

-Antiochus will come to power through flattery and intrigue.

-He will go to war with Egypt, and at first, he will win.

-He will make the Temple in Jerusalem dirty and set up an abomination that will make people sad.

-He will hurt the Jews and make it hard for them to worship, which will lead to a rebellion.

-He will turn his attention back to Egypt but will ultimately fail in his attempts to conquer it.

-He will have a horrible, painful death.

Based on different Bible passages, here is a summary of what the antichrist will do:

-In the end times, the antichrist will come to power and say he is a savior or messiah.

-He will trick a lot of people and do great signs and wonders to back up what he says.

-He will make himself more important than any other god and demand worship.

-Christians and Jews who don't worship him will be hurt and killed.

-He will make a promise to Israel, but he will break it in the end and defile the Temple.

-He will rule over the whole world for a brief period of time.

-He will be defeated by the return of Jesus Christ, who will destroy him with the breath of his mouth.


Antiochus Epiphanes was a Greek monarch who governed the Seleucid Empire in the second century BC. Antiochus Epiphanes was also known as Antiochus the Great. The book of Daniel gives an account of his rule as well as the effect that he had on the Jewish people, especially in Jerusalem. According to Daniel 11:21-45, Antiochus rose to power by flattery and intrigue, and his primary concentration at first was on fighting Egypt in battle. In the beginning, he was successful, but eventually, he was not successful in his endeavors to conquer Egypt. During his rule, he also desecrated the Temple in Jerusalem by erecting an abomination of desolation there. Many experts are of the opinion that this abomination was a statue of Zeus, the Greek deity. The Jewish people experienced a great deal of distress as a result of this crime, since the Temple served as the focal point of their religious activities, and the abomination was seen as a kind of profanation. Antiochus was also responsible for the persecution of the Jews and the suppression of their religion, which ultimately led to a revolt. His rule had a significant and long-lasting influence on Jewish history, despite the fact that he was ultimately vanquished.

On the other hand, the antichrist is a character who appears in a number of biblical scriptures and is represented as a future king or ruler who will come to power at the end of the world. However, he is also named in other books of the Bible, including as Daniel and 2 Thessalonians, despite the fact that he is most often linked with the book of Revelation. According to these biblical verses, the antichrist will make the pretense that he is a savior or the messiah, but in reality, he will be a person who is dishonest and malicious. He will fool a big number of people and then confirm his claims by performing amazing signs and wonders. He will demand worship, elevate himself to a higher status than any other gods, and persecute and slaughter Christians and Jews who refuse to serve him. He will also exalt himself above all other gods. He will form a covenant with Israel, but then he will ultimately breach it and damage the Temple, building up an abomination of desolation in a manner that is comparable to what Antiochus did. He will have a short reign over the whole planet, during which time he will be notorious for his absolute dominance and ruthlessness. On the other hand, Satan will be vanquished by the second coming of Jesus Christ, who will put an end to him with the words that come out of his mouth (2 Thessalonians 2:8). This defeat will signal the end of his dominion and the beginning of a new age in which Jesus will reign over the globe in peace and justice. It will herald the beginning of a new era in which Jesus will reign over the world.

The photo shows mussolini and his supporters in italy. a photo of benito mussolini and other men marching. all of them are wearing black shirts. many of the men are holding banners. supporters who used violence and intimidation to help mussolini seize power were called blackshirts. blackpants. black corps. black brigades.


Supporters who used violence and intimidation to help Mussolini seize power were called Blackshirts.

Fascism is a term used to describe a form of governance in which a dictator imposes his or her will by coercion and frequently violence, controls all business and industry, and fosters nationalism and frequently racism.

First off, Italian fascism—also referred to as classical fascism or just fascism—is the original fascist philosophy that Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini formed in Italy. Benito Mussolini believed that fascism would organise people under state control and that democracy was a failed system, as were freedom of speech and the right to form political parties.

For such more question on Mussolini.





The answer above is correct.

A key similarity between the colonization of Africa and India by Europe is?
A. political boundaries in both areas were based on religion
B. violence and political chaos resulted after boundaries were imposed
C. many European countries were involved in political boundary changes
D. both areas are still under European control and colonization


The primary objective of the colonists was to exploit the region's natural and economic resources in order to benefit the colonizing country.

The right response refers to political limits. The race for Africa, often known as the "scramble for Africa," began in the 1880s and continued until the commencement of the First World War. It was the time when European nations began to colonize Africa. David Livingston, Henry Morton Stanley, and Jules Ferry were some of the well-known Europeans who helped colonize Africa; their major goal was to acquire more territory in the continent. The Berlin Conference was a significant gathering that aimed to put an end to conflicts between European nations over their colonies in Africa. At this conference, rules were drafted to impose military-backed control over the colonies in Africa and drew their fictitious political borders.

Learn more about Political limits here:


the_ peoples believed that both men and women contributed equally to society


Four-in-ten peoples believed that both men and women contributed equally to society..

What is meant by Equality Feminism ?

The goal of feminist thought is to advance the idea that women and men should have the same legal standing. Although equality feminists generally concur that men and women have fundamentally different anatomy and physical structures,

They contend that on a psychological level, the capacity for applying reason or rationality is equal between men and women. Feminists who advocate for equality believe that men and women are equally capable of reasoning, achieving their goals, and prospering in both the workplace and the family.

The most popular form of feminism after Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was equality feminism (1792). In addition to arguing that workers' rights and education are two areas where women's equality with men is manifest

Learn more about Equality feminism, from :


What historical factors have spurred capital punishment reform in the United States?


Historical factors that have spurred capital punishment reform in the United States include a shift in public opinion towards the death penalty, increasing evidence of wrongful convictions, and the development of alternative forms of punishment. Additionally, the Supreme Court has played an important role in reform, ruling that the death penalty should be used only for the most serious crimes and that juveniles and individuals with intellectual disabilities should be exempt from execution.

Track the fall of the Roman Empire? When was the Empire split into east and west? Where did the tribes come from that decimated the Western Roman Empire? Where was the eastern capital?

Answer in 8-10 sentences.


The fall of the Roman Empire began in the 3rd century CE when internal political, economic, and military problems weakened the empire. A series of invasions by Germanic tribes further weakened the empire and led to its division in 395 CE, when the Roman Empire was split into an Eastern Roman Empire and a Western Roman Empire.

What is Roman Empire?

Generally, The Germanic tribes, including the Goths, Vandals, and Visigoths, migrated from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe and invaded the Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. These tribes decimated the Western Roman Empire and sacked Rome in 410 CE. The Western Roman Empire eventually collapsed in 476 CE.

The Eastern Roman Empire, alternatively known as the Byzantine Empire, continued to thrive until the 15th century. Its capital was Constantinople, which is now known as Istanbul. This part of the Roman Empire was able to survive for a longer period of time due to its adoption of Orthodox Christianity, its strong military, and its diplomatic alliances with other powers. The Eastern Roman Empire eventually fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453

Read more about Roman Empire


What shared threat was acknowledged by The United States and the Soviet Union that led to SALT I?

A) an agricultural crisis affection the world population
B) the rise of Germany following the war
C) invasion from Asia that threatened both sides
D) the proliferation of nuclear arms



Explanation:the proliferation of nuclear

Christmas is the most important holiday of the Christian year.
Group of answer choices





The correct answer is True.


It marks the birth of baby Jesus.

Ancient civilizations including mesopotamian empires of sumer babylon egypt and india have influenced the modern west


The ancient civilization is known as the support of civilizations. These incorporate the Sumer, Mesopotamian, Babylon, Egypt, and India. These ancient realms have affected the advanced world.

Ancient civilizations assume a critical part in impacting the cutting edge Western world in numerous ways.

Mesopotamia and Egypt presented their composing framework, the administration through officials in different situations in various divisions.

The code of Hammurabi is presented by Babylon as a bunch of legal codes and disciplines for disregarding regulations.

Arithmetic and calculation progressed in Egypt and Mesopotamia as they constructed enormous structures.

India present numeral zero, and it later spread to Asia and arrived at Europe through Muslim scholars.

to know more about ancient civilization click here:


The complete question is:

Ancient civilizations including the Mesopotamian empires of Sumer and Babylon, Egypt, and India have all influenced the modern Western world. Which of these ancient civilizations has had the greatest impact on the Western world? Write an essay that argues your viewpoint on this topic. Support your claim with reasons and evidence.

What is Nationalism?
What is Colonialism?
Which among the two
greatly affected the
Filipinos? Support your


Colonialism is a practice or policy of control by one people or power over other people or areas, often by establishing colonies and generally with the aim of economic dominance. In the process of colonisation, colonisers may impose their religion, language, economics, and other cultural practices. And Nationalism, ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests. What greatly affected the Fillipinos was Nationalism.

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