Write a one paragraph speech (5-8 sentences long) that argues whether or not young people can make a difference in their communities.


Answer 1

Answer: Hehe look in explanation its the answer


Young people have the potential to make a significant difference in their communities. They bring fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and energy to the table, and they have the power to bring about change through their actions and involvement. Whether it's volunteering, starting a social movement, or simply being a positive influence in their neighborhoods, young people can make a real impact. It's important to acknowledge that young people may face challenges and obstacles, but they should not be discouraged. Instead, they should channel their passion and determination to overcome these obstacles and create positive change. The bottom line is that young people can make a difference, and they have a unique opportunity to shape their communities and the world in meaningful ways.

Answer 2
Young people have the power to make meaningful and lasting change in their communities, no matter how small or large. They can use their energy and creativity to organize events, bring attention to issues, and promote positive change. Furthermore, young people can use their skills and talents to serve others, advocate for others, and give back to their communities. Whether through volunteering, fundraising, or speaking out on important issues, young people have the ability to impact their communities in powerful ways. Therefore, young people should be encouraged and empowered to get involved and make a difference in their local communities.

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6 its preciousness and fragility. In many cases, scientists had to
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5. What change needs to be made for #5?
O so that one is learning
Oso to learn
O in order for learning
25 points



The correct change for #5 is "in order to learn".


How does the fact that Midas’s experience is presented as real while Julio’s experience is imagined contribute to the style of each text?


The terrible story of avarice is told in the mythology of King Midas, and it also explains what happens when true bliss is suppressed. Everything that Midas touched was supposed to turn to gold.

What Midas’s experience is presented as real?

In contrast to Julio's story, which employs magical realism, a literary or artistic form that accepts magic in everyday life, “the Midas touch,” which stems from this myth, is used to characterize someone who looks to have good luck.

That this request was more of a curse than a blessing, however, was something he had not comprehended. His greed causes us to pause and think about the possible consequences that might lead us to give in to our own desires.

The house is occupied by a mysterious and mystical power, making Julio Cortazar's “House Taken Over” a good example of magical realism.

Therefore, This literary trend is characterized primarily by the fusion of the fantasy realm with real life, which presents exotic or odd elements as commonplace and daily. Furthermore, magical realism shows the magic elements naturally.

Learn more about Midas here:



Which sentence provides the best description of Obama's use of rhetoric in the speech?
A. He uses logos to explain why America's space program should continue.
B. He uses ethos to establish why his perspective as commander in chief is reliable.
C. He uses pathos to communicate a sense of urgency about space innovation.
D. He uses pathos to commend America’s efforts to win the space race.


This paper analyses Barack Obama's speech style. Recent times have seen the adoption of the phrase "rhetorical public speaking."

What does ethos look like in a political speech?

As an illustration of ethos, consider the following statement: "My three decades of public service, unwavering dedication to the residents of this city, and willingness to work across the aisle and with the opposition make me the best candidate for your mayor" (Bernanke, 2010).

In a speech, what do the words ethos, pathos, and logos mean?

In order to appeal to the rational half of the audience, Logos constructs logical arguments. When a speaker invokes their status or authority, there is a greater chance that the audience will believe them (ethos). Pathos uses emotional appeals to elicit particular feelings from the audience, such fury or sympathy.

To know more about Rhetoric in Speech visit:-





its d

Match each part of a positive business message to the great example


Thfollowing is the match of each part of a positive business message to the correct example:

Body= Our team will include seven directors

Subject= request for a conference booking

Closing= We look forward to meeting you Friday

Opening= I'd like to make a reservation at your hotel

How to convey the message

The things that take place during a discussion between two people are known as messages. There are many different types of messages that can be written or used by a person and employed in accordance with the needs of the conversation.

The business message is just one of them. It is a type of mobile conversation channel where a combination of Map search and brand websites' messages are combined to provide a consumer experience and drive business results.

Learn more about message on:



Match each part of a positive business message to the correct example.





Our team will include seven directors.

Request for a conference booking

We look forward to meeting you on Friday.

I’d like to make a reservation at your hotel.

The protagonist of "The Most Dangerous Game" is _____. Sanger Rainsford Captain Nielsen Ivan General Zaroff Whitney


Richard Connell examines the human propensity for survival at all costs in "The Most Dangerous Game." Sanger Rainsford, the protagonist, and General Zaroff, the antagonist, both consider themselves to be hunters in the world.

General Zaroff serves as the antagonist in the story as?

Rainsford would serve as the character foil used to represent General Zaroff.

The term "character foil" refers to a character who serves primarily to demonstrate traits or qualities that are directly opposed to those of another character.

Rainsford serves as General Zaroff's antithesis in the text because he has all the traits that Zaroff lacks.

A rivalry and conflict between the two develops as a result of this clash of qualities.

To know more about character visit;



According to Malala Yousafzai, what is the purpose of education? To what extent do you agree with her claim? Cite evidence from the text and your own education in your answer.


Malala Yousafzai believes that the purpose of education is to empower individuals with knowledge, critical thinking skills, and confidence to speak up and advocate for themselves and others.

What is the purpose of education?

She argues that education is not just about gaining knowledge for personal gain, but it is also about using that knowledge to make positive changes in the world.

I agree with Malala's claim that education should empower individuals to become informed and engaged citizens who can make a positive impact in their communities. Education should not only focus on providing individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue their careers, but also on cultivating a sense of social responsibility and an understanding of the interconnectedness of the world.

In today's increasingly complex and globalized world, education has become more critical than ever. The challenges we face, such as climate change, economic inequality, and social injustice, require individuals who are knowledgeable, compassionate, and able to work collaboratively to find solutions. Education can play a crucial role in developing these qualities and creating a better world for all.

Learn more about education on:



Read the excerpt from act 1, scene 1, of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and the background information on the allusion it contains.


[FLAVIUS.] See whether their basest mettle be not moved.
They vanish tongue-tied in their guiltiness.
Go you down that way towards the Capitol;
This way will I. Disrobe the images
If you do find them decked with ceremonies.

MARULLUS. May we do so?
You know it is the feast of Lupercal.

FLAVIUS. It is no matter; let no images
Be hung with Caesar’s trophies. I’ll about,
And drive away the vulgar from the streets:
So do you too, where you perceive them thick.
These growing feathers plucked from Caesar’s wing
Will make him fly an ordinary pitch,
Who else would soar above the view of men,
And keep us all in servile fearfulness.

Background information:

In Rome, February 15 was Lupercalia, an annual festival celebrating the myth of the she-wolf that saved the lives of the infant twins Romulus and Remus. According to legend, the two boys became the founders of Rome. The festival is also said to have celebrated the god who protected flocks from hungry wolves.

Which statement best explains the meaning added by the allusion in this excerpt?

Alluding to the ancient festival of Lupercal demonstrates that only commoners enjoy holidays.
The allusion to Lupercal provides an association with wolves, which intensifies the sense that violence is coming.
This allusion compares Flavius and Marullus to Romulus and Remus.
Lupercal alludes to an important patriotic festival, and celebrating Caesar’s triumphant return at the same indicates his high position in Rome.


The best option is letter D, "Lupercal alludes to an important patriotic festival, and celebrating Caesar’s triumphant return at the same indicates his high..."

What is an allusion?

An allusion is simply a reference to something or someone. Allusions often mention well-known things and people, not demanding any explanation. The allusion in this passage from "Julius Caesar" is to the Lupercal festival. In the dialogue, it is revealed that the festival is important and is being celebrated at that very moment.

What the allusion means is that Caesar was so important that he should be celebrated even during the festival. That is why option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about allusions here:



What is the significance of Amir saying that he loves Hassan at that moment? How is it possible for him to love Hassan after betraying Hassan in such a horrible way? What does this say about Amir’s character versus Hassan’s character? (6-8 well-developed sentences to respond).


The significance of Amir saying that he loves Hassan at that moment is that it is a powerful moment of redemption and self-realization for Amir. After years of guilt and shame for his betrayal of Hassan.

What is the moment ?

The moment is a point in time where something special happens. It is a fleeting instant that, if we're lucky, can be captured and remembered, or experienced and treasured. It could be something significant such as a significant event or a milestone, or something small and beautiful, like a sunset or a perfect moment of connection with a friend. The moment captures the essence of a particular time, and can be felt in the heart, bringing joy or a deep sense of appreciation. Moments can be looked back on with fondness, giving us the opportunity to reflect and be grateful for what we have.

To learn more about moment



Highlight the two nouns that are the simple subjects.

We will buy the necessary products when that
shop opens.


Answer: The two nouns that are the simple subjects in the sentence "We will buy the necessary products when that shop opens" are:




Can someone help me write about a paragraph of the history of listening to music in class. I'm doing an essay on why students should be able to listen to music while working on non learning materials(liek worksheets or reviews or such) and how it helps them work faster and focus more. I just need some history on it like how long have schools been playing music in school for student or when the problem of students being distracted by music started.


The history of listening to music in class is an interesting one. It dates back to the early 1800s when a teacher in a small German school introduced music into the classroom to help bring students' attention back to their studies.

What is studies?

Studies is the systematic examination of a subject in order to discover facts or principles. It involves research and analysis of both primary and secondary sources and the use of various methods to draw conclusions.

Since then, music has been used as a tool in classrooms to help students focus on their work and to provide a more pleasant learning environment. Music has been used to help students relax and to calm them down when they are feeling stressed. However, in the 1950s, some school districts began banning the use of radios and other devices with speakers in the classroom due to complaints from parents and teachers about the distraction caused by music. This led to a long-standing debate about whether or not music should be allowed in the classroom. In the past few decades, as technology has advanced and the use of music has become more commonplace, the debate has shifted to whether or not students should be allowed to listen to their own music while working on non-learning materials, such as worksheets or reviews.

To learn more about systematic



What problem do Isabella and Noah have in the story?​



Isabella and Noah can't open the door


What does Kennedy mean when he explains that “Surely,the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardship,as well as high reward.”


The option that best represents what Kennedy means is A, "Things that take a lot of time, energy and money often lead to the biggest success," as seen below.

Who was Kennedy?

President John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. Kennedy gave a speech about the importance of exploring space, his purpose being to get the audience to understand why, despite being costly, investing in such exploration was important.

The lines under analysis here is one of the many used by Kennedy with that goal. What he means is that space exploration, as anything that takes a lot of time, money and energy, will bring great reward and success. Therefore, it is worth everyone's while. With that in mind, we believe option A is the best answer choice.

Learn more about President Kennedy here:



Identify the choice that best answers the question.
Read this sentence summarizing a scene from "Uncle Richard's New Year's Dinner" by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Prissy learned two things during that overheard conversation: first, that Uncle Richard would be out of
town for the afternoon, and second, that he had nobody to make his New Year's



The sentence is an example of a compound-complex sentence.


Because A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Example: Though Mitchell prefers watching romantic films, he rented the latest spy thriller, and he enjoyed it very much.

And that tells me that, that sentence is the answer.

It is an illustration of a compound-complex statement. Because At least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses make up a compound-complex sentence. 

What is a Compound-Complex Sentence?

At least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses make up a compound-complex sentence. Even though Mitchell enjoys watching romantic movies, he recently rented the most recent espionage thriller and really liked it.

Compound sentences join two basic statements together. However, they frequently fail to make the connections between the two components evident. Ex. The bus arrived late despite my waiting for it. A complicated sentence has one or more dependent clauses in addition to the primary clause.

Learn more about Compound-Complex Sentence here:



How does teenage pregnancy contribute to the number of ophans in our country?

In Philippine society, what is the label that we give to these girls who get pregnant in their teenage yours?

Do you think it is right to give them that kind of labels Why or why not?​


Teenage pregnancy contributes to the number of orphans in our country in several ways.

Teenage pregnancy In Philippine society

Teenage pregnancy contributes to the number of orphans in our country in several ways.

Firstly, teenage mothers may not have the resources or skills to raise a child properly, leading to situations where the child is neglected or abandoned.

Secondly, teenage mothers may struggle financially or may not have the support of their families, leading to situations where they are unable to care for their child and may need to give them up for adoption or put them in foster care.

Lastly, teenage mothers may be at a higher risk of dying during childbirth, which can leave the child without a mother.

In Philippine society, the label given to girls who get pregnant in their teenage years is "buntis na dalaga" or "nabuntis sa murang edad." These labels carry a negative connotation and imply that the girl has made a mistake or engaged in immoral behavior.

I do not think it is right to give these girls such labels because they are stigmatizing and can be harmful to the mental health and well-being of the girls. Such labels can lead to feelings of shame and isolation, which can prevent girls from seeking help or support when they need it. Instead, we should strive to create a more supportive and compassionate environment for teenage mothers, where they can receive the care and assistance they need to raise their children and continue their education. We should also focus on comprehensive sex education and providing access to contraception to help prevent unintended pregnancies in the first place.

Learn more on teenage pregnancy :https://brainly.com/question/2028537


can someone help me make up a Valentine's poem at least half a page



Valentine's Poem:

Roses are red, and skies are blue,

I never knew love until I met you.

With every kiss and every hug,

I feel like I've been given a drug.

Your laughter is music to my ears,

Your smile takes away all my fears.

You light up my life like a shining star,

Together we'll go far.

I am grateful for every moment spent,

With you, my love, my life is content.

On this day of love, I want to say,

I love you more and more each day.

You are my heart, my soul, my life,

Together we'll face any strife.

Forever and always, I'll be yours,

My love for you will always endure.

Happy Valentine's Day, my love,

I hope you know how much I'm thinking of.

I'm so lucky to have you by my side,

Together, our love will always abide.

And with every passing day,

My love for you continues to sway.

From the first moment that I saw you,

I knew that my heart would forever be true.

You bring out the best in me,

With you, I am set free.

No words can express how I feel,

My love for you is real.

Your touch is gentle like a breeze,

Your eyes, a window to your soul, they tease.

I am yours, and you are mine,

Together, our love will always shine.

So on this Valentine's Day, I want to say,

I will love you more and more each day.

From this moment on, until the end of time,

My love for you will always be mine.

You are my heart, my soul, my life,

Together, our love will survive.

Forever and always, I'll be yours,

My love for you will always endure.

using your own practical instances expose the four errors that can be committed when giving meaning to an unknown term.In each case explain what the particular problem is with the given definition and suggest how to correct it.​


The four errors that can be committed when giving meaning to an unknown term are overgeneralization, undergeneralization, circular definition, and ambiguity.

What are errors?

The fundamental premise is that, depending on one's prior assumptions is called overgeneralization, what constitutes a relatively frequent event or attribute relies on the language of generalization used to convey it.

The process of undergeneralization falls short of accurately categorizing the items.

A sentence is ambiguous when it contains two or more meanings that could each apply to it. The reader may become perplexed as a result, and the sentence's meaning may become murky.

Learn more about errors, here:



According to Dorothy Roberts, what is the greatest tragedy Black people experienced at the
auction block?



According to the social theorist and legal scholar Dorothy Roberts, the greatest tragedy that Black people experienced at the auction block was the loss of their families. In her work, Roberts argues that the sale of Black people as property was not just a matter of economic exploitation, but a brutal system of violence that permanently separated families and stripped individuals of their humanity. The auction block was a central institution in the brutal slave trade, and the forced separation of mothers, fathers, and children was one of the most devastating aspects of slavery for Black communities. Roberts argues that this legacy of trauma and family separation has had lasting impacts on Black communities and continues to shape the experiences of Black people in America today.

Write an argumentative essay about whether you think technology and the internet have brought young people closer together. Use evidence from research to support your position. << read less stylesnormal.


Answer: The widespread use of technology and the internet has been a topic of much debate in recent years. Some argue that it has brought young people closer together, while others believe that it has only increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. In this essay, I will be taking the position that technology and the internet have indeed brought young people closer together.

To begin with, research has shown that technology and the internet have created new and innovative ways for people to connect with each other. With the rise of social media, young people are now able to keep in touch with their friends and family in real-time, regardless of where they are in the world. This has allowed for increased levels of communication and intimacy between individuals, leading to stronger relationships and a greater sense of community.

Additionally, technology and the internet have made it easier for young people to find like-minded individuals and form communities around shared interests and passions. Online forums, discussion groups, and other virtual spaces have become a hub for people to connect and engage with one another, creating a sense of belonging and togetherness. This has enabled young people to find others who share their interests and beliefs, fostering a sense of community and closeness.

It is also worth noting that technology and the internet have made it easier for young people to access information and resources that can help them in their daily lives. From educational resources to mental health support, the internet has provided a wealth of information and support for young people, helping them to connect with one another and build stronger relationships.

In conclusion, while there are certainly valid concerns about the impact of technology and the internet on young people, I believe that the evidence overwhelmingly supports the position that these technologies have brought young people closer together. Whether through increased levels of communication, the formation of virtual communities, or access to important resources, technology and the internet have provided young people with new and innovative ways to connect with one another, leading to stronger relationships and a greater sense of community.


I believe that technology and the internet have brought young people closer together. The internet and various technological advancements have revolutionized communication, enabling young people to connect and interact globally.

Social media platforms, instant messaging apps, and online communities have facilitated the creation of virtual networks, fostering friendships and collaborations beyond geographical boundaries. Research shows that young people utilize these digital tools to form social bonds, share experiences, and support each other emotionally.

Additionally, online educational resources and collaborative platforms have allowed young individuals to engage in shared learning experiences and work on joint projects. While concerns about online safety and privacy exist, the positive impact of technology on connecting young people far outweighs the negatives. Thus, technology and the internet have undoubtedly played a crucial role in bringing young people closer together and promoting a more interconnected world.

To know more about communication, click here.



A poem about color. Use at least three of these devices (repetition, rhyme, rhythm, personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole)


In a poem about color, you may use devices like rhyme, metaphor and personification.

What is a metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that addresses one topic while alluding to another for rhetorical impact. Clarity may be provided (or veiled), and it may also make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas that were previously invisible. Contrast is commonly used with metaphors and other figurative language techniques, including antithesis, exaggeration, metonymy, and simile.

The world is not literally a stage, and most people are not literally actors and actresses playing parts. Thus, this quote represents a metaphor. Given that it is derived from a Greek phrase that means "transfer (of ownership)," the word metaphor itself is a metaphor.

Learn more about metaphor here:



Why humans accountable by law


Answer: Without accountability, human rights will be denied

Explanation: crime will flourish, and impunity for past conflict-related crimes will persist, undermining legitimacy and prospects for reconciliation.


Humans are held accountable by law because laws serve as a way to regulate behavior and maintain order in society. The idea behind laws is that they provide a clear set of rules and consequences for actions, and everyone is expected to follow them in order to ensure the fair and orderly functioning of society.

Laws also serve to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and communities, and to hold individuals responsible for their actions if they cause harm or disruption to others. By being accountable to the law, individuals are expected to act in a way that is responsible, ethical, and respectful of others, and to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions if they violate the law.

In this way, laws help to promote a sense of justice and accountability in society, and provide a framework for resolving disputes and ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and equitably.

write an essay about if the boy guilty or not in 12 the play 12 angry men


Juror 8 abstains from voting guilty, illustrating the jury system's drawbacks such as prejudice and doubt.

Write an essay.

The 1954 play of the same name served as the basis for the movie 12 Angry Men. The movie chronicles a jury's decision-making process as it considers whether to find an 18-year-old defendant guilty of killing his father. One afternoon is spent with the jury debating whether the defendant is guilty or innocent based on their individual morals and perceptions.

The judge instructs the jury in a murder case as the narrative begins. The testimony is over, and the jury is getting ready to start deliberating. We currently only know that a young man is being tried for the murder of his father.

It is obvious that most of the jury members have already decided that the defendant is guilty when they walk into the courtroom. Eleven guilty votes and one not guilty vote are obtained in the initial vote. Juror 8 abstains from voting guilty and persuades the other jurors to take a closer look at the evidence and witness testimony. They all eventually admit that they have a reasonable doubt and vote not guilty after much debate and disagreement. The narrative concludes with the twelve jurors leaving the room and walking into the courtroom bearing their verdict.

The jury system's drawbacks are illustrated by 12 Angry Men, which highlights its dangers and flaws. For instance, it shows how prejudice and doubt impair people's capacity for sound judgment.

Additionally, it demonstrates how individual experiences can affect a jury's assessment of a defendant's guilt (defendant).

What features of the jury system are advantageous?

One (the defendant) has the chance to have a decision made by a group of people rather than just one person, which is a positive aspect.

Having more than one juror can lessen the likelihood that they will be biased against you or the situation you are in.

To know more about the Jury system visit:



Help meeee ……………………………



a b d a d d a


on edge 2023

Chose a pair of correlative conjunction from the box to complete these sentences whether / or either :or both :and im not sure —- I’m going to the match


The correlative conjunction is:

I'm not sure whether I'm going to the match or not.

What is correlative conjunction?

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that work together to join words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Some common examples of correlative conjunctions include "either...or," "neither...nor," "both...and," and "not only...but also."

These conjunctions are called "correlative" because they must be used in pairs and work together to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence.

Therefore, They help to show the relationship between the words, phrases, or clauses that they are joining and to express different shades of meaning. Correlative conjunctions play a crucial role in creating grammatically correct and logically sound sentences in English.

Learn more about correlative conjunction from



I didn’t do anything this weekend to write about so can you please write me a one page paragraph list of ideas to write about please?
Thank you


I’m gonna assume that this is a creative writing assignment, so if you have pets you could write about them, or you could write about something you enjoy doing, such as reading or playing video games. You could talk about your siblings if you have any siblings.
Think about what makes you happy. What about what makes you scared, angry or how you currently feel. What are you into? Horror? Comedy? Romance? You can merge multiple of those genres into a story. Do you have a favorite person or celebrity you love? How much do you love them and what have they done to make you interested in them?

What does this quote mean? “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Answer: Emerson's message was for each individual to recognize their own inner truth (self-reliance) and to act on it with strength and confidence


When writing an in-text citation at the end of a single sentence of information from a source, the period goes before the citation. True or False


True is the answer to this
Final answer:

The statement in question is incorrect. In English, the period generally appears after a citation.


The statement 'When writing an in-text citation at the end of a single sentence of information from a source, the period goes before the citation.' is False. In the English language, particularly following the Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA) style guides, the period typically appears after the citation. For instance, a properly formatted sentence might look like this: 'This is a test sentence (Author, Year).'.

Learn more about In-text Citation here:



Book: The Open Window

Characterization refers to the way authors convey information about the characters they create and is an important component in making a narrative text more compelling to an audience. In The Open Window, the author has used effective characterization of the young lady (Vera) by describing her behavior through her actions, speech, and thoughts. This information has been conveyed in two ways:

Direct characterization – the author has explicitly told us what the character is like. For example, the beginning of the story, Vera is described as a very self-possessed young lady. Then, we discover probably the most important aspect of her personality in the very last sentence - Horror was her specialty.

Indirect characterization – the author implicitly makes us aware of Vera’s personality through her actions (particularly body language), what she says and most importantly - how she says it. This becomes particularly apparent through her interactions with her house guest, Framton Nutter, and is confirmed by the way he reacts to her.

Task 1: Analyze how the author has used indirect characterization to let us know more about Vera’s character by answering the following questions:

4. She was silent. She wiped her eyes, went to the window, and looked out. Why does Vera do this?

5. Vera is present when Framton explains to Mrs. Sappleton that the doctor has ordered him to rest - “No excitement, no frights,” he whispered. “N-n-nothing to worry me.” But, rather than feel remorse about the concocted story she has just told Framton, Vera continues the charade by staring out the open window with an expression of dazed horror in her eyes. What does this tell us about Vera’s character?


Vera is a young person who is perceptive, cunning, and above all imaginative. According to The Open Window, Vera is "extremely self-possessed" and "romance on short notice" is how she easily deceives the elders around her."

Explain the indirect characterization of Vera.

Vera exhibits passive-aggressive behavior, is ruthless and calculating, and she longs for dominance over others in The Open Window. In order to satisfy her own desires, she takes advantage of Mr. Nuttel's anxiety. Vera is portrayed as a treacherous, malicious, cunning, passive-aggressive girl who has no regard or respect for others in the humorous and ironic short story that examines her exceptional creativity.

Vera is a fifteen-year-old girl who can quickly conjure up thrilling, fictitious explanations for real events. She provides all the information that leads Framton to think he was seeing ghosts when he sees Mrs. Sappleton's husband and brothers approaching the house. Readers hold this belief until the story's climactic moment.

To learn more about The Open Window, visit:



I want the answer in the picture please


Exercise can help you think more clearly, learn new things, solve problems, and maintain emotional equilibrium. Both memory and anxiety or despair can be lessened by it. But to enjoy the advantages, you don't need to be an expert in fitness. Any quantity of exercise is beneficial.

Typically, when we consider the advantages of exercise, we consider having more energy, getting a better night's sleep, keeping a healthy weight, building stronger muscles, and improving our heart health.

These all hold true. But we seldom ever think about the direct impacts exercise can have on the brain, our most vital organ.

I've discovered from my years of research as a neuroscientist that exercise is one of the most beneficial things you can do to enhance cognitive capacities, such as learning, thinking, memory, focus, and reasoning — all of which can help you become smarter and live longer.

To know more about exercise is good for the brain, click on the link below:



Life Factors—Review your SmarterMeasure Assessment Life Factor results. In the space provided below, list your five assessment categories in order from you highest to lowest score. For each Life Factor, in the space below list the critical thinking barrier, both internal and external barriers, you face with each Life Factor. Develop strategies to overcome each barrier you face. Be sure to connect your barriers to the Lesson readings and presentations.


The five assessment categories for the SmarterMeasure Assessment Life Factor results are [1][2]: Self-Regulation, Learning Strategies, Technology Skills, Information Literacy, and Critical Thinking.

For each Life Factor, the internal and external barriers you face can vary based on the individual. However, some common internal barriers include lack of motivation, procrastination, and self-doubt. External barriers can include lack of resources, time constraints, and lack of support.

To overcome the barriers, it is important to focus on the strategies you can use to meet the challenges. For example, you can use goal-setting, break down tasks into smaller parts, and create a plan for success. Additionally, you can use resources such as online tutorials and webinars to enhance your skills.

It is also important to connect your barriers to the lessons you have learned from the readings and presentations. For example, understanding the importance of self-regulation, learning strategies, and technology skills can help you identify the resources and strategies you need to overcome the barriers. Additionally, understanding the importance of information literacy and critical thinking can help you develop strategies for more effective problem solving and better decision-making.

According to the passage, how does the experience of reading a novel differ from that of reading poetry?
Novels are to be read occasionally, whereas poetry should be read daily.
Reading poetry is more tiresome and difficult than reading a novel.
Reading poetry yields more pleasure and offers more wisdom than a novel.
Novels usually have a story, whereas poetry does not have a story.



C. Reading poetry yields more pleasure and offers more wisdom than a novel.

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