Why was the synagogue important to Jewish life


Answer 1
The synagogue was an important part of Jewish life because it served as the center of religious and communal life. Synagogues provided a place for Jews to gather, pray, study Torah, and celebrate holidays together. Additionally, they often served as the community's gathering place, where Jews could discuss politics, share news, and socialize with one another. Finally, the synagogue was considered the house of God and was a source of spiritual guidance and comfort for many Jews.

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how was the second world war different than the first world war from the political aspect​


The Second World War was significantly different from the First World War from a political standpoint in terms of its scope, duration, and outcome. The First World War was mainly a European conflict, while the Second World War was a global conflict involving countries from all around the world. The Second World War also lasted much longer than the First World War, with Allied forces fighting the Axis powers for six years until the unconditional surrender of Germany in 1945. Finally, the outcomes of the two wars were drastically different, with the Second World War ending in the defeat of the Axis powers and the establishment of the United Nations, whereas the First World War resulted in a stalemate between the Allied and Central powers.

Was the United States justified in going to war with Mexico? Write 5 paragraphs!!


The question of whether the United States was justified in going to war with Mexico in the 1840s is a complex and highly debated issue. One of the main reasons for the conflict was the annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845, which Mexico saw as a violation of its sovereignty. Mexico also claimed that the border between Texas and Mexico was the Nueces River, while the United States claimed it was the Rio Grande. The disagreement over the border led to military skirmishes and eventually, in 1846, the United States declared war on Mexico.

One argument for the justification of the war is the idea of manifest destiny. Which held that the United States was destined to expand its territory and spread its ideals of freedom and democracy. Proponents of manifest destiny saw the annexation of Texas and the conquest of Mexico as necessary steps towards fulfilling this destiny. They also claimed that Mexico was a backwards and uncivilized nation that would benefit from being brought under the control of the United States.

On the other hand, there are many who argue that the United States was not justified in going to war with Mexico. They point out that the annexation of Texas was a violation of Mexican sovereignty and that the United States had no right to take over another country's territory. They also argue that the idea of manifest destiny was a guise for imperialism and territorial expansion. And that the United States was not truly motivated by a desire to spread democracy and freedom.

Another criticism of the war is the treatment of Mexican citizens by the United States during and after the conflict. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the war, forced Mexico to cede a large portion of its territory to the United States. That includes modern-day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. This resulted in the displacement of many Mexican citizens and a long-standing cultural and political conflict between the two countries.

In conclusion, the question of whether the United States was justified in going to war with Mexico is a highly complex and controversial issue. Proponents of the war point to manifest destiny and the idea of spreading democracy and freedom, while critics argue that it was a violation of Mexican sovereignty and an act of imperialism. Regardless of one's stance on the issue, the war had lasting and significant impacts on both the United States and Mexico. And it continues to be a topic of debate and discussion.

22. Pilihan ganda30 detik1 ptQ. This event angered Americans and led to an undeclared naval war with France.Pilihan jawabanSectionalismVirginia and Kentucky ResolutionsXYZ AffairNullification


XYZ Affair event angered Americans and led to an undeclared naval war with France. In this case Option D is correct

An unofficial, limited war known as the Quasi-War was caused by the XYZ Affair, a diplomatic incident involving French and American diplomats.

With the Convention of 1800, also referred to as the Treaty of Mortefontaine, American and French negotiators brought the world back to peace. The final French Revolutionary administration, the Directory, had trouble funding its European wars in the late 1700s. The fact that the United States and Great Britain had signed the Jay Treaty in 1794 infuriated a lot of leaders.

As a result, in 1796, French authorities decided to issue a decree authorizing the seizure of American merchant ships, carefully timed to catch as many people off guard as possible. Elbridge Gerry, Charles Cotesworth, and John Adams sent three American envoys to France to mend fences between the two countries.

To know more about XYZ Affair here



This event angered Americans and led to an undeclared naval war with France.

SectionalismVirginia Kentucky ResolutionsXYZ Affair

Explain how information is encoded, moved long distances, and then decoded without losing any of the information


Encoding, also known as information transmission, requires a sender to communicate the message through some media. Decoding, also known as receiving information, requires a receiver to receive, interpret, and comprehend the message.

Because an inaccuracy in the amplitude or frequency value would have to be very big to induce a leap to a different value, digital signals are a more trustworthy means of delivering information. Signals have an endless number of potential values. Signals have exactly two potential values: 0 or 1.

Encoding is the process of turning data or a predetermined sequence of letters, symbols, alphabets, and so on into a specific format for safe data transfer. Decoding is the opposite of encoding in that it extracts information from the transformed format.

Learn more about communicate here



explain how yes it imperialism was a proper and legal policy for the United States to follow at the turn of the nineteenth century 


Imperialism was a proper and legal policy for the United States to follow at the turn of the nineteenth century due to the country’s goal of expanding its power and influence in the world.

What is imperialism?

Generally, By setting up colonies and protectorates in other lands, the US could gain access to new resources, markets, and military bases. It could also gain political and economic leverage over weaker countries, allowing it to protect its own interests.

Furthermore, imperialism was seen as a way to spread American values, such as democracy and capitalism, to other parts of the world. Imperialism was also seen as a way to bring the benefits of civilization to the “uncivilized” or “backward” parts of the world.

It was seen as a moral imperative for the US to bring its values and way of life to the world. In this sense, imperialism was seen as a proper and legal policy for the US to follow at the turn of the nineteenth century.

Read more about imperialism



Imperialism is viewed by some as a means of expanding American influence and spreading American values, while others saw it as a violation of the sovereignty and rights of colonized peoples and nations.

Imperialism Policy and it's Legality

Imperialism can be seen as a proper and legal policy for a country to follow if it is based on the idea of manifest destiny, the belief that a nation has the divine right to expand its territory and spread its ideas and values to other regions.

At the turn of the 19th century, the United States saw itself as a rapidly growing industrial power and sought to expand its influence and secure markets for its goods. Some saw imperialism as a way to spread American values and ideas, such as democracy and capitalism, to other regions and to secure markets for American goods.

In terms of legality, the U.S. government justified its imperialistic actions through various treaties and agreements with other countries, such as the Treaty of Paris in 1898, which ended the Spanish-American War and resulted in the acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

These actions were also supported by the Supreme Court's decision in the Insular Cases, which held that territories acquired by the U.S. were unincorporated and therefore not subject to the full protections of the Constitution.

In conclusion, whether imperialism was a proper and legal policy for the United States to follow at the turn of the 19th century depends on one's political and moral perspective. Some saw it as a means of expanding American influence and spreading American values, while others saw it as a violation of the sovereignty and rights of colonized peoples and nations.

Learn more on imperialism here https://brainly.com/question/472625


This civil rights advocate told her life story in the book A Colored Woman in a White World.______


In the movements of Civil rights, women rights and world peace,  Mary Church Terrell has always been

A very forceful leader in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century.

In the book a colored women In the white world, she describes the important people and events of her life.

She was one of the most remarkable women of the nineteenth century, being active in both the civil rights movement and the campaign for women, she became the leading spokesperson of the National American women suffrage Association.

Learn more about Mary Terrell here.



what was the us government's justification for the forced internment of japanese americans during world war ii?



The US government justified the forced internment of Japanese Americans during World War II by claiming it was necessary to prevent espionage and protect against sabotage. The government also argued that Japanese Americans posed a security threat due to their cultural and racial differences.


The US government's justification for the forced internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was primarily based on the assumption that Japanese Americans posed a threat to national security. Although there was no evidence of widespread sabotage or espionage, the US government was motivated by fear and prejudice towards the Japanese, which was further exacerbated by the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 in February 1942, authorizing the Secretary of War to establish military areas for the removal of persons deemed to be a threat to national security. This order was used to forcibly relocate more than 120,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to isolated camps in the interior of the country.

The government’s justification for this order was that the “needs of national security” outweighed the Japanese Americans’ civil liberties. The government argued that the Japanese Americans’ loyalty to the US was in question, and it was believed that they would pose a potential threat to national security if they were not interned. The government also argued that in order to protect American citizens, the Japanese Americans should be removed from the West Coast to prevent potential espionage or sabotage.

The Supreme Court upheld the government’s decision in the case of Korematsu v. United States, ruling that the need to protect the nation outweighed the individual rights of Japanese Americans. Despite this ruling, many historians and civil rights activists have condemned the internment of Japanese Americans as a violation of their civil rights and a dark chapter in US history.

Directions: Complete the chart below by placing content and
academic vocabulary words in the chart under the correct heading.
You may use a dictionary to help you. Some words may appear
under more than one heading. Not every word will be used.


A person's language's set of common words is known as their vocabulary. A vocabulary is a useful and essential tool for communication and knowledge acquisition that typically develops with age.

What is communication?

The transfer of information is the standard definition of communication. The phrase can either be used to describe the message itself or the area of research known as communication studies that focuses on these transmissions.

There are some differences of opinion regarding the exact definition of communication, such as whether inadvertent or unsuccessful transmissions are included included and if communication creates meaning in addition to transmitting it.

Communication models seek to give a concise overview of its key elements and how they work together. Several models incorporate the notion that a source use a coding scheme to convey information as a message.

The message is transmitted from the source to the receiver via a channel, who must decode it to comprehend what it means.

Learn more about communication, here



to what extent and in what ways was the french revolution during the period 1789 through the reign of terror an attempt to create a government based on enlightenment ideals?


The extent to which the French Revolution was an effort to establish an enlightenment-based government from 1789 to the reign of terror is unclear.

With civil war spreading from the Vendée and enemy forces approaching France on all sides, the Revolutionary government made the decision to implement "Terror" as the rule of the day (decree of September 5), as well as to impose severe punishments on anyone believed to be Revolutionary opponents (nobles, priests, and hoarders).

The High Enlightenment's goal of overthrowing the established order in order to remake society along rational lines was realized in the French Revolution of 1789, but it quickly devolved into a bloody terror that exposed the flaws in its own assumptions and paved the way for Napoleon's rise a decade later.

Learn more about revolution Visit: brainly.com/question/26153965


Need help ASAP

In your essay, you must:

Articulate a defensible claim or thesis that responds to the prompt and establishes a line of reasoning.

Support your claim with at least TWO pieces of accurate and relevant information.

At least ONE piece of evidence must be from the U. S. Constitution.

Use a second piece of evidence from another foundational document or from your study of government policies.

Use reasoning to explain why your evidence supports your claim/thesis.

Respond to an opposing or alternative perspective using refutation, concession, or rebuttal


The U.S. Constitution has been successful in protecting the rights of citizens, as evidenced by the document's language, its amendments, and the Supreme Court's decisions. The language of the Constitution establishes a government based on the rule of law and the protection of individual rights, while the amendments extend those protections to all citizens regardless of race, gender, or religion.

The Supreme Court has been the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution, ruling on cases which further protect citizens' rights, such as Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion and safeguarded the autonomy of individuals over their own bodies. Thus, the U.S. Constitution has been successful in protecting the rights of citizens.

The success of the U.S. Constitution in protecting citizens' rights can be seen in the document itself. For example, the 5th Amendment states that no one can be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." This language protects citizens by ensuring that the government cannot simply take away a person's rights without legal justification.

Additionally, the 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws to all citizens, regardless of race, gender, or religion. This amendment has been used to protect citizens from laws that violate their rights and to ensure that all citizens are treated equally under the law.

The Supreme Court has also played an important role in protecting citizens' rights. The court's decisions, such as Roe v. Wade, have helped to ensure that individuals' rights are respected, even in cases where the law might not recognize them.

In Roe v. Wade, the court ruled that a woman's right to privacy extended to her decision to have an abortion, protecting her autonomy over her own body. This decision ensured that women could make their own decisions about their reproductive health, a right which had not previously been recognized.

Opponents of this claim may argue that the U.S. Constitution has not been successful in protecting citizens' rights, citing examples such as the current debate over gun control. While it is true that the legal framework of the Constitution may be inadequate in some areas, it is important to remember that the Supreme Court has interpreted the document in ways that have further protected citizens' rights.

For example, the court has consistently affirmed the right to bear arms in cases such as District of Columbia v. Heller, while also upholding reasonable restrictions on that right. Thus, while the legal framework of the Constitution has been successful in protecting citizens' rights, the Supreme Court has been the ultimate guardian of those rights, ruling on cases in a way that furthers their protection.

To learn more about U.S. Constitution link is here



What is the best conclusion that can be drawn from this painting?


The best conclusion that can be drawn from this painting is the french revolution saw an eruption of popular violence.

What is the French Revolution?

The Estates General in 1789 marked the beginning of the French Revolution, which lasted until the establishment of the French Consulate in November 1799. During this time, France saw a significant political and social change.

The image shows the use of popular violence by the French to get their revolution.

Read more about French Revolution here:



Historians often try to learn about a particular historical event by studying the artwork of the period. What is the best conclusion that can be drawn from this painting?

Please help me. For this assignment, you will focus on a case, and complete the first three steps of the critical thinking process: 1) Identification, 2) Research, and 3) Analysis.
First, read the case in the Ethics textbook Chapter 25: Case 2 - Everyone Loves Free Samples
Follow the Sample Format: Identification, Research, Analysis, and submit to this Dropbox using MLA formatting.
Complete this assignment, as follows:
1. Identification (one sentence in bold print)
* State the main ethical/moral issue in question format:  What should _____do about______?
* Be impartial
* Write just one issue, not two; so, do not use the word "or." 
2. Research (bulleted list)
List three topics that would be appropriate to research regarding this case and what you identified as the main ethical issue. Suppose you were the person named in the main ethical issue, and you had to make a decision about the main ethical issue, what facts would you want to discover to help you make a better decision, and where would you find it? You do not need to actually complete the research; just list the three specific topics you would research and discuss why you chose these topics.  What would you like to discover? Three distinctly different topics are required.
3. Analysis (chart)
Complete the analysis chart to include:
* at least four options and four stakeholders.
* Stakeholders are people or a business/entity that represents people.  A stakeholder cannot be a thing such as a friendship or a reputation.
* All options must be in the control of the central person named in the main ethical issue. For example, if the issue is Should Jack report, Jill?  The first option could be -Jack could report Jill's stealing to the boss. There are probably many more than 4 options but choose the 4 best options. All options should be reasonable ones that the person named in the main ethical issue could choose to make their decision. For example, you could NOT use, Jill could turn herself into the boss because Jill is not the central person named in the main ethical issue.  Also, choose the best options that could resolve the ethical issue.
* Once you have four options and four stakeholders filled in, complete the chart with possible consequences; briefly explain how you believe each stakeholder may be affected by each option. For example, for the option - Jack could report Jill, a possible consequence for Jack, as one of the stakeholders, is that Jack could become a victim of Jill's scorn. For Jill, as one of the stakeholders, a possible consequence is that Jill could lose her job.
Helpful Hints:
How to Create a Chart:
* In MS Word click on the INSERT tab
* Click on Table
* Create a 5 x 5 Table if you have 4 options and 4 stakeholders.  
As you write in the squares the chart will expand to support your writing
Include at least 4 stakeholders and 4 options


1. Identification

What should the person named in the case do about giving out free samples to customers at a grocery store?

2. Research

The legality of giving out free samples: This topic would be appropriate to research because the person named in the case needs to know if giving out free samples is allowed by law and if there are any regulations that need to be followed.

The impact on the grocery store's finances: This topic would be appropriate to research because the person needs to understand if giving out free samples will affect the store's financial stability and if it is a sustainable practice.

The customer's perception of the store: This topic would be appropriate to research because the person needs to understand how customers will perceive the store if free samples are given out. Will it increase customer loyalty or will it decrease customer trust in the store's products?

3. Analysis:

Photo Provided

the term progressive that came into common use around 1910 describes


A loosely defined political movement of people and organizations that aimed to change the social and political landscape of America.

What is social and political landscape?

Women must assume enough authority in the public realm to alter political climate and cultural stereotypes.

By voting, women, who were previously prohibited from doing so until 1945, altered the political scene.

A minority administration would alter the political environment.

The political scene is dominated by enormous, bureaucratic entities.

These pundits contend that the decline in morality that began in the 1960s has had a long-lasting impact on society.

One of the most noticeable aspects of the political scene at the start of 1996 is this divide.

His statements altered the political environment.

They are reshaping the political landscape in the name of democracy in order to marginalize democracy.

To know more about social and political landscape , check out :



Which of these was used by the Aztecs to build a powerful and wealthy empire?


Much of northern Mesoamerica was occupied by the Aztec Empire (c. 1345–1521) at its height. Aztec warriors had the power to subjugate their neighbouring states, allowing tyrants like Montezuma to impose Aztec beliefs and values throughout Mexico.

The final of the major Mesoamerican civilizations was notable for its art and architecture as well as its prowess in agriculture and trade. The most thorough documentation of any Mesoamerican civilization comes from the Aztec civilization, which had its capital city at Tenochtitlán. This documentation comes from archaeology, native books (codices), and lengthy, in-depth accounts from the Spanish conquerors, both military men and Christian clergy. Although these latter sources may not always be trustworthy, the information we know about the Aztecs, their institutions, religious practises and warfare, is mostly accurate.

Learn more about Aztec here:



In the context of this article, what makes a great leader? What qualities make a leader most
effective or inspiring? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or
history in your answer.


I don’t know

2. why was the invention of penicillin so important in the context of wwii? what were some other advances in medicine that were important during the war?


After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States entered World War II. In order to treat infectious diseases on the front lines, the U.S. military required penicillin.

During World War II, how did penicillin production change?

In 1943, the nation produced 231 billion units, or 85% of the country's total production during the war. In 1944, 1,633 billion units were produced through the use of efficient methods for mass production, and in 1945, 7,952 billion units were produced.

The production of penicillin increased in size. The primary factor that contributed to the Great Depression's end Work in war-related industries attracted a lot of unemployed individuals.

To learn more about Great Depression's here:



what ways were the roles of african american men significantly different from the roles of african american women before the civil war?


Nonetheless, fieldwork was typically divided along gender lines, with more physically taxing duties being given to Men gangs, especially on bigger farms and plantations.

Males might, for instance, cut the wood for a fence while women were assigned to build it. Typically, men hoed while women ploughed the fields. Motherhood was a woman's principal social function in Africa. This feature of African womanhood was lowered under slavery. While giving birth to a child in Africa was a milestone that boosted women's dignity, under the American plantation system that emerged around the middle of the eighteenth century, the master benefited financially since it expanded the size of his labour force.

Learn more about Men here:



One factor that led to the British losing to the Patriots in the Revolution War was: the pictures is below please help!





How would you recommend improving the legislative branch of the American federal government? Why?


Here are a handful of the many potential approaches to enhance the legislative branch of the American federal government:

Promote more bipartisanship: Promoting more cooperation and compromise between members of various political parties would be one method to enhance the legislative branch. This could be accomplished by providing incentives for legislators to collaborate on legislation, such providing awards for passing policies that are supported by both parties.Reforming the filibuster, a Senate rule that permits a minority of senators to prevent legislation from moving forward, is another choice. Others contend that the filibuster has become a barrier to efficient government and that modifying the rule could aid in fostering higher legislative output.More transparency in the legislative process would be a third potential improvement, for example, by compelling lawmakers to reveal more information about their activities and opening up committee meetings to the public. This might aid in improving accountability and fostering more faith in the legislative branch.Addressing gerrymandering, the practise of creating electoral districts to favour one political party over another, would be another approach to strengthen the legislative branch. This could be accomplished by putting in place non-partisan redistricting commissions or by using computer algorithms to fairly and impartially create district lines.

Learn more about Government here:



Which entity did Anti-Federalists believe should hold most of the power?

the president.


They favoured the enhancement of individual liberties, strong state governments, term limits for public officials, and the accountability of public officials to popular majorities.

Where did the Anti-Federalists want most of the power to be?

The Anti-Federalists resisted the governmental takeover of power. The president's excessive power was the main criticism of the executive branch raised by the majority of Anti-Federalists during the ratification discussions.

Antifederalists claimed that the President became an elected monarch, that cabals would form to assure his reelection, and that presidential democratic legitimacy would be misused during the ratification debates. Federalists believed that stronger state-to-state ties and the creation of a "more cohesive society," as the Constitution expressed it, would result from a stronger central authority.

To know more about Anti-Federalists, visit:



Which nation was the first to declare war on another nation on july 28, 1914 beginning the great war?
a. Austro-Hungarian
b. Germany
c. France
d. Montenegro


World War I begins when Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia on July 28, 1914, officially starting the First World War one month and one day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were murdered in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist.

It becomes the world's most destructive and pervasive conflict, known as the Great War. The Allies (mainly France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Japan, and the United States) and the Central Powers battled it (led by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire). Fighting took place in several parts of Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. While 5 million people perished as a result of military action, famine, and illness, 9 million troops are estimated to have died in battle and another 23 million were injured. While the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic was made worse by the movement of soldiers throughout the war, millions more people perished as a result of genocide.

Learn more about World here :



Wilson's Fourteen Points incorporated all of the following EXCEPT (A) open diplomacy (B) freedom of the seas (C) recognition of Allied economic and territorial agreements made during the war (D) creation of an international organization to preserve the peace and security of its members (E) national self-determination


Wilson's Fourteen Points incorporated all of the following except (A) open diplomacy. Open diplomacy is nongovernmental, informal, and involves unofficial interactions and activities between private citizens or groups of individuals, also known as non-state actors.

On January 8, 1918, President Wilson, in his address to a common session of the United States Congress, formulated under 14 separate heads his ideas of the essential nature of a post-World War I agreement. The textbook of the Fourteen Points is as follows

The Fourteen Points was a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace accommodations in order to end World War I. The principles were outlined in a January 8, 1918 speech on war points and peace terms to the United States Congress by President Woodrow Wilson.

To know more about Wilson's Fourteen Points, Visit: brainly.com/question/21501441


Woodrow Wilson proposed the creation of a League of Nations as the first step in maintaining
world peace. Because the Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, the United
States never joined the League of Nations.
Is this a formal or an informal check?
Who checks the power?
Name the check?



hoped such an organization would help countries to mediate conflicts before they caused war  or   In the face of Wilson's continued unwillingness to negotiate, the Senate on November 19, 1919, for the first time in its history, rejected a peace treaty.


In January 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference that ended World War I, Wilson urged leaders from France, Great Britain and Italy to come together with leaders of other nations to draft a Covenant of League of Nations. Wilson hoped such an organization would help countries to mediate conflicts before they caused war.

Why did american officials make plans to invade cuba?


The bay of Pigs invasion was a military operation that took place at the south western coast of Cuba that was covertly directed by The United States. However this Military operation was a failure.

During December 1958, the American business was nationalized by Castro. It included everything from banks, oil refineries, to  coffee and sugar productions. So that they cN formally close relations between Cuba, and the United States.

Because they had to reach out its cold war rival, The soviet Union. However CIA the Central Intelligence Agency began planning to overthrow  Castro, which the US president Dwight D. Also approved of.

Learn more about Cuba here.



this 19th century cattle trail began in texas and ended in kansas. it was named after a man who opened a trading post near wichita, kansas and was one of the most traveled cattle routes out of texas.


Chisholm Trail is the this 19th century cattle trail that began in Texas and ended in Kansas. It was named after a man who opened a trading post near Wichita, Kansas and was one of the most traveled cattle routes out of Texas.

It was probably named after Jesse Chisholm, a 19th-century merchant. In 1867, Joseph G. McCoy established a cattle depot in Abilene for the Kansas Pacific Railroad. Between 1867 and 1871, about 1,500,000 cattle were driven north along the road to Abilene, the starting point for sending cattle to the eastern markets. The trail's importance declined after 1871 when another railroad station was built, but increased again in the 1880s when the Santa Fe Railroad reached Caldwell, Kansas. With the establishment of branch lines by the railroad in the late 19th century, long-distance cattle herding gradually declined.

To know more about Chisholm Trail  click on the link below.



What battle ended when Germany surrendered to the Soviet Union during World War II?


The Soviet army liberated most of the Ukraine, Russia, and eastern Belorussia in 1943 after the victory at Stalingrad.

Hope This Helps! Have A Lovely Day.

Describe how amendments have affected AmericaIn your own words, answer the following questions about the amendment process.

Why did the Founding Fathers create an amendment process for the Constitution?

Why did they make the amendment process difficult to achieve?ns' participation in government.


The founding fathers recognized that the constitution includes defects that would need to be addressed as society evolved and time passed. The founding fathers understood that there would be defects and weaknesses in the construction of the federal government, and there was no way they could predict all of the republic's future demands.

Why did the Founders include the amendment process?

They believed that a lengthy and complicated amendment process would help to create stability in the United States. Because altering the Constitution is so difficult, most changes are irreversible. An amendment becomes a part of the Constitution after it is ratified.

Constitutions must be amended throughout time in order to fix deficient provisions and adapt to new needs, such as expanding rights. The text of a constitution cannot otherwise reflect social circumstances and political necessities throughout time.

To learn more about the constitution, click



what were the causes and effects of the various revolutions in the period from 1750 to 1900, including influences of the enlightenment and emerging nationalism?


Political, economic, and social change resulted from people from all over the world challenging established political systems. The concepts of the Enlightenment had a direct impact on the beginning of many of the following Revolutions!

The British colonies in North America overthrew the British Empire during the American Revolution. As part of its ongoing struggle with France for supremacy in the Seven Years' War, Great Britain was extending its influence over North America. Wars cost money, and the Seven Years' War escalated British debts to the point where Great Britain had to impose taxes on her colonies in North America. Although the colonies were accustomed to the home country leaving them alone, the additional taxes infuriated the residents. The colonists initially desired representation in Parliament to affect tax.

Learn more about Revolutions here:



why do you think NAACP was capitalist-oriented as described by du bois


He believed that capitalism brought class struggles to the forefront and made economic survival the most important. He believed that racism was the root of economic classes because they divided the workers by race. This made it impossible for the Black workers to develop or gain the same jobs as the white workers.

What was Socrates' philosophy about?

The pursuit of wealth and power

The importance of physical beauty and strength

The pursuit of knowledge and truth

The importance of religious devotion



The pursuit of knowledge and truth

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how do people see things differently? use the example in the article where two people are looking over a forested mountain area. what do each of them see? paul records data that indicate that the number of hot chocolates sold at a concession stand increases as temperature outside decreases. (for example, more hot chocolates are purchased during late fall than late spring) which statement is the most accurate depiction of this finding? Give me an example of a literary analysis and research essay on a poem from the harlem renisance HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP in regard to maintaining confidentiality, what would be the best course of action taken by counselors for their clients?disclosing confidential matters to only those who claim to have legal privilegewithholding certain information from clients early in the counseling process.revealing or concealing information for certain clients based on their judgmental stancespecifying it in informed consent and discussing their relationships with a supervisor or a colleague true or false: since all instrument panels are different, you should review the information in your motor vehicle's user manual in order to ensure you correctly understand the information displayed. What's the best way to automatically space many vector objects evenly?Layer paletteI Align toolManually measure using rulersDistribute tool which of the following is most likely to be possible? group of answer choices making a grouped frequency table from an ordinary frequency table making a normal curve from a bimodal distribution making an ordinary frequency table from a grouped frequency table making a bimodal distribution from a normal curve Your questions to answer:1. Due to the rising costs of eggs due to the Avian (Bird Flu) Flu that is seeing the Chicken's of the USA die due to the disease in large numbers, Bakeries around the nation have seen their cost of production rise by about 25% due to the added expense of the eggs that go into most bakery products like donuts, muffins, cakes, and cookies. What "Determinant" will help you with this question to state the "first shift" that happens?2. More Consumers are buying computers due to the widespread rise nationally of people turning to internet based buying services. What graph shows the immediate impact due to the sale of more computers? (What "Determinant" will help you with this question?)3. The USA Auto industry sees a Ten Percent rise in sales due to the "USA poplulation increases"; as highly skilled workers immigrate to accept high paying jobs in the USA. What graph shows the most immediate impact in the USA? (What "Determinant will help you with this question?) 4. To reduce the National Debt of the USA, Congress passes a bill that raises the income taxes of each taxpayer by 10%. What graph shows the first and immediate impact? (what "Determinant" will help you with this question?) 5. Health officials in each state enact "Safety Measures" that will apply to all businesses to insure USA workers will not be put at risk in their workplaces. What graph shows the most immediate impact on the Supply and Demand graphs? (What "Determinant will help you with this question?) abby decides to start working out after her best friend tells her about a tv news feature on crossfit. which theory describes the process wherein media messages reach people indirectly through others? conservative moralistic political culture in texas _____. Mrs. Ellis is shopping for schoolsupplies with her children. Hansenselected 3 one-inch binders and 2 two-inch binders, which cost a total of $20.Pam selected 3 one-inch binders and 5two-inch binders, which cost a total of$32. How much does each size ofbinder cost? Whats the hardest thing youve ever had to do in life as a kid or teenager? What made it difficult? Did you succeed at the challenge, or not?Giving out BRAINLIEST. What is 100 x 2 - 100 ? a young woman who believes she is overweight begins to starve herself in the hopes of becoming more attractive. a sociologist would explain the woman's behavior in terms of: group of answer choices Does the diagram below demonstrate an endothermic or an exothermic reaction? Explain your reasoning.PLEASE BE ACCURATE!!! Thank you so much!!:)) Justin Vinh makes an argument about the effects of social media on the human mind and emotions. What is his "they say" statement, and what is his "I say"? Does he agree, disagree, or both? Help Please im stuck If a reaction is first order with a rate constant of 0.0450 s', how much time is required for 65% of the initial quantity of reactant to be consumed? 1 2 4 4 5 7 8 Money A savings account increases from $200 to $206. What is the percent increase of the savings account?