why was the ottoman empire at odds with safavid empire


Answer 1


The Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire were at odds due to their competition for control over the Middle East. The Ottomans were expanding their empire eastward while the Safavids were pushing westward. This led to a number of conflicts between the two empires, including the Ottoman-Safavid War of 1578-1590 and the Ottoman-Safavid War of 1603-1618, both of which ended in stalemates. As a result of these conflicts, the two empires were never able to reach a lasting peace agreement and remained in a state of tense rivalry until the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century.

Answer 2



The Ottomans and Safavids were two of the most powerful Empires in the Middle East during the 16th and 17th centuries. They were at odds due to the conflicting religious ideologies of Sunni Islam (Ottoman Empire) and Shia Islam (Safavids). The two Empires also had conflicting political and economic interests in the region, which often led to military conflicts.

Related Questions

Was Bacon's Rebellion a precursor to the American Revolution or
something else? Colonists came to rebel against colonial authority
100 years later in what became the American Revolution. Here,
colonists felt that Parliament and King George III were guilty of many
transgressions against them including taxation without
representation. Bacon had many grievances of his own with royal
authority which he makes clear in his Declaration. While colonists in
Virginia in 1676 and colonists generally in 1776 were clearly
discontent in some manner, does the evidence suggest a correlation
between the two allowing historians to say that revolutionary
sentiment leading to independence existed 100 years prior to the
actual event?


While there may be some similarities between Bacon's Rebellion and the American Revolution, it is generally not considered a direct precursor to the latter. Bacon's Rebellion was a short-lived uprising in colonial Virginia in 1676 that was mainly focused on grievances related to Native American policy and political corruption in the colony.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?

In contrast, the American Revolution was a much broader and more sustained movement that arose in response to a wide range of issues, including taxation without representation, restrictions on colonial trade, and other perceived abuses by the British government.

While there may have been some revolutionary sentiment in Virginia in 1676, there is not enough evidence to suggest that this represented a broader trend throughout the colonies or that it directly led to the American Revolution. It is more accurate to view Bacon's Rebellion as a localized event that was largely forgotten by the time the American Revolution began.

Learn more about Bacon's Rebellion from



In regards to the scale or disposal Of a depreciable asset recapture of depreciation is


In regards to the scale or disposal Of a depreciable asset recapture of depreciation is assessed when the sale price of an asset exceeds the tax basis or adjusted cost basis.

What Is Depreciation Recapture?

The gain on the sale of a depreciable asset that must be declared as ordinary income for tax purposes is known as depreciation recapture. When an asset's sale price is higher than its tax basis or adjusted cost basis, depreciation recapture is applied.

An asset's sale-related depreciation is subtracted from the company's overall accrued depreciation when an asset is sold or retired. With regard to the asset or group of assets that was sold or retired, the total amount of accrued depreciation will be reversed.

The income from such sales is a capital gain if the person sells a capital asset that is a component of the block of assets on which depreciation has been permitted in accordance with the rules of the Income Tax Act.

The Straight-Line Method, 150 Percent Declining Balance, and 200 Percent Declining Balance are the three depreciation methods available under the General Depreciation scheme. Depreciation of assets with lifetimes of 3,5,7, and 10 years is calculated using the 200 Percent Declining Balance Method.

To learn more on Depreciation Recapture from the link:



How do you think free or enslaved African Americans may have felt as their humanity was debated?



Answer Below ↓


When the humanity of enslaved Americans was debated, they would have felt bad and would expect an outcome that'll lead to their freedom.

Explain why events in mexico were also important to the U.S.




Explain why events in Mexico were also important to the United States. When Mexico won independence from Spain, the United States was interested because Mexico now wanted to develop trade with the United States. Also, as the United States expanded, it came into conflict with the northern Mexican territories.

List and explain how other animals try to trick their enemies



Animals can look to be something they're not using mimicry and camouflage. Predators and prey both have the potential to be difficult to see (crypsis) or to be confused for other items. Prey animals can also appear to be predators and vice versa (mimesis). Animals that aren't harmful or poisonous may look to be so in Batesian mimicry.


True or false Socialism was the political theory underlying the founding of the United States


It is untrue to say that the political theory on which the United States was founded was socialism.

What is the definition of "socialism"?

Socialism entails collective ownership of the means of production. It promotes a democratically governed economy and the abolition of private property rights over land and industry. It supported equality for all people and opposed human exploitation of other people.

Is socialism a political theory?

Socialism is a political ideology and movement that includes a range of economic and social structures that emphasise democratic control over private ownership, such as worker self-management. Social ownership of the means of production is a defining feature of socialism.

To know more about Political Theory visit:



What made it difficult for freed African Americans to take advantage of the
Homestead Act?
A. They lacked the money needed to build homes and start farms.
B. They lacked the skills needed to grow and harvest crops.
C. They were treated as equals in the South after the Civil War.
D. They were paid high wages in the South after the Civil War.


They lacked the money needed to build homes and start farms made it difficult for freed African Americans to take advantage of the Homestead Act. Thus option A is correct.

What is Homestead Act?

A freedom chance was given through the Homestead Act of 1862 which allowed any adult citizen person to claim 160 acres of surveyed federal land who never engaged in armed conflict with the United States government.

Many people exploited the homestead act as a method of obtaining federal land so they could start farms there. For the black population, who needed the funds to establish fields and build housing, this was a challenging circumstance.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Homestead Act, here:



Make a word web with the word "Industrialization" in the center circle. Draw arrows to two radiating circles, labeled "Strong Economy" and "Weak Economy." Draw another layer of radiating circles from each of these circles to show which political and social structures were influenced by economic changes from 1870 to 1914. Explain each of the connections




Here is a word web for "Industrialization" with the specified radiating circles:



  Strong Economy  Weak Economy

     |            |

Robust Trade High Unemployment

Growth of Cities Exploitation of Workers

Increase in Wealth Poverty and Inequality

New Technologies Poor Working Conditions

Increased Competition Low Wages

The Industrial Revolution of the late 19th and early 20th centuries had a profound impact on economies, politics, and societies around the world. Industrialization led to significant economic growth in some regions, while in others it resulted in high levels of unemployment, poverty, and inequality.

In regions where industrialization led to a strong economy, there was a robust trade growth, growth of cities, increase in wealth, and the development of new technologies. This in turn led to increased competition and new job opportunities, but also the exploitation of workers who often worked long hours for low wages in poor working conditions.

On the other hand, in regions where industrialization led to a weak economy, there was high unemployment, poverty, and inequality. Workers in these regions faced difficult working conditions and low wages, with little opportunity for social mobility or economic improvement.

These differences in the economic impact of industrialization had far-reaching consequences for politics and society. In regions with strong economies, wealth and power were increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small elite, while in regions with weak economies, poverty and inequality were widespread and social unrest was common. These economic and social changes shaped the political and social structures of many regions during the period from 1870 to 1914.



By applying the Stoic philosophy on any endeavor, we should/must believe/hold that:

We can only control what is within our control – our own thoughts and actions.we should expect the best but also prepare for the worst-case scenario.we must create a healthy emotional distance from the things around you.

What should we know about Stoicism?

Stoicism is a Hellenistic philosophy school founded in Athens in the early third century BCE by Zeno of Citium. It is a personal virtue ethics philosophy informed by its logic system and views on the natural world, asserting that virtue practice is both necessary and sufficient to achieve eudaimonia in which one flourishes by living an ethical life.

Stoicism teaches self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions; the philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to understand the universal reason (logos).

Read more about Stoicism



9. Why do you believe there are conflicting historical records about what happened to Sacagawea
after the Lewis and Clark Expedition?



Cultural divides. Native Americans oral tradition and white people believe differently. Also, there are no verifiable remains.


Sacagawea was living in Fort Manuel when she died on December 20, 1812. The cause of her death was putrid fever or typhus, a parasite bacterium spread by fleas. This disease is deadly unless treated with antibiotics. According to historians.

1924 Dr. Charles Eastman was hired by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to locate where Sacagawea’s body might rest. He interviewed many elder Native Americans and learned of a Shoshone woman named Porivo who had claimed she was part of the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific. According to oral narrative this woman had lived in Wyoming with her two sons, Bazil and Baptiste, who spoke several languages including English and French. When her husband died she returned to her ancestral land at the Wind River Indian Reservation where she died on April 9, 1884. She was known as “Bazil’s mother”. Reverend John Roberts presided her memorial service. According to Native American oral tradition

why did the members of the Warsaw Pact not participate in the Marshall Plan


The members of the Warsaw Pact did not participate in the Marshall Plan, Because They were same offered aid to the Soviet Union as well as its allies.

What are unions?

The term unions refer to a social group formed by workers in a particular trade, industry, or troupe for the purpose of bettering pay, benefits, and working conditions. Union associates work together to negotiate and enforce a contract with the administration.

As In the Marshall Plan due to the fact that doing so would enable some US control over the communist economy. The Soviet Union forbade its satellite nations (i.e., East Germany, Poland, etc.)

Therefore, As a result, The offering of aid to the soviet union there is no participation in the Marshall Plan.

Learn more about unions here :



8. This rebellion was led by "native soldiers" against British rule in India?
A. Sepoy Rebellion
B. Freedom Fight
C. Bacon's Rebellion
D. Boxer Rebellion


This rebellion was led by "native soldiers" against British rule in India Sepoy Rebellion.

What was the name of the native Indian troops?

In the end, the army organized three Native American units known as the Indian Home Guards. Indians welcomed the chance to enlist as soldiers as a method to protect and return to their homeland, but obstacles stood in their way at every turn.

What do indigenous warriors do?

Native American warriors have served as the first line of defense in hazardous situations for thousands of years. Indian warriors are characterized by a diverse range of emotions and motivations, including patriotism, pride, fury, courage, practicality, and spirituality, all of which coexist with a deep respect for local, personal, and societal customs.

To Know more about Native American



Understanding Key Terms
Match the following terms with their definitions.
popular culture
assembly line
Previous Activity

to cause faster or greater progress or
a system of production in which items are
produced in a continuous flow
an artistic movement that stressed
imagination and emotion
to leave one country and move to another
the activities or products of a culture that
are widely known or practiced



accelerate - to cause faster or greater progress ordevelopment

popular culture - the activities or products of a culture thatare widely known or practiced

romanticism- an artistic movement that stressedimagination and emotion

assembly line - a system of production in which items areproduced in a continuous flow

emigrate- to leave one country and move to another


which was a consequence of the Crusades




The movement helped both to militarize the medieval western Church and to sustain criticism of that militarization. It arguably helped solidify the pope's control over the Church and made certain financial innovations central to Church operations. And it both reflected and influenced devotional trends.

How did the New Deal work to provide long-term reform to the United States economy in response to the Great Depression?

by sending checks to Americans to encourage spending

by creating public works projects to build and expand infrastructure nationwide

by creating regulations in banking and the stock market to prevent a future depression

by providing temporary jobs to the unemployed


New Deal worked to provide long-term reform to the United States economy in response to the Great Depression by creating public works projects to build and expand infrastructure nationwide. Thus the correct option is B.

What was the Great Depression?

The United States experienced a severe crisis and poor economic stability as a result of the 1929 stock market crash, which was referred to as the "Great Depression."

A number of initiatives were started as part of the "new deal" to boost the American economy. It is seen as a Roosevelt administration initiative to address the economy's difficulties following the Great Depression.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Great Depression, here:



What were the unintended effects of prohibition?



a surge in organized crime linked to the illicit manufacture and distribution of alcohol, a rise in smuggling, and a drop in tax receipts.


Slavery has taken different forms in different chapters of human history. One form of slavery involved a person working
off an alleged debt. This form is called,
war time
O chattel
O indentured
O physical


Answer: It is called indentured.


The form of slavery you're referring to is called indentured slavery. In this form of slavery, a person would work off an alleged debt and would be considered a slave until the debt was paid off. This was common in colonial America and was a precursor to chattel slavery, where people were treated as property and passed down from generation to generation. War time slavery refers to the enslavement of captured enemy soldiers or civilians, while physical slavery refers to enslavement based on physical characteristics, such as skin color or ethnicity.

how was austria before the great depression


how was austria before the great depression? it was not in a stable place and had many flaws

7. Compare Chief Joseph's speech with Lincoln's Gettysburg
Address. Discuss the similarities and differences between them.


Chief Joseph's speech and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address are both powerful and iconic pieces of American oratory, delivered in very different historical contexts.

What was the Gettysburg Address?

The Gettysburg Address was delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863, at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, just a few months after the pivotal Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War.

In contrast, Chief Joseph's speech was delivered in 1879, following a series of conflicts between the Nez Perce tribe and the United States government over land rights and tribal autonomy.

Read more about Chief Joseph here:



Please help me with question 7,8,9 class PSC101


Las Vegas was passed over as the capital of Nevada for Carson City. Lincoln needed Nevada's three electoral votes to win is true. The Enabling Act passed by Congress is false. The correct options are c, a and b.

What is an enabling act?

The Enabling Act of 1933, officially titled Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich was a law that gave the German Cabinet most importantly, the Chancellor the powers to make and enforce laws without the involvement of the Reichstag or Weimar President Paul von Hindenburg, leading to the rise of Nazi Germany. Critically, the Enabling Act allowed the Chancellor to bypass the system of checks and balances in the government.

The act rested upon Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution which gave the government emergency powers during periods of unrest.

Learn more about act, here:



Why was the 1469 marriage of ferdinand and isabella important?it marked the end of warfare in spain. It resulted in an era of religious tolerance in spain. It united two kingdoms and laid the foundation for modern spain. It forced spaniards to give up any ideas of founding colonies.


The 1469 marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella was important because it united the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon, laying the foundation for modern Spain.

The union brought together two powerful kingdoms and aided in the consolidation of authority, resulting in increased stability and wealth. This enabled the Spanish to expand their power, including the discovery and colonization of the Americas. Furthermore, the marriage contributed to the spread of Catholicism in Spain and aided in the formation of the Spanish Inquisition. While it did not necessarily result in a period of religious tolerance, it did signal a watershed point in Spanish history and had long-term consequences for the country's development.

For such more question on Isabella:




answer is C


Through the 1970s and 1980s, most cybersecurity threats came in the form of employees reading documents they shouldn't.







I took the quiz

who in the government is in the executive branch


S de d r r r. R r r r r e. E re. Re r. Y y y re

The U.S. policy of internment during World War ll involved what?


Answer: people of Japanese descent, including U.S. citizens, would be incarcerated in isolated camps.

Explanation: hope it helps

Which statements describe Richard Nixon's resignation from the presidency?


Due to the Watergate Scandal, he resigned. Nixon resigned from office rather than stand for an impeachment vote in the House of Representatives.

What event led to Nixon's resignation and Ford's inauguration?

Following President Richard Nixon's resignation due to the Watergate scandal, Gerald Ford was sworn in as the 38th president of the United States on Friday, August 9, 1974, in the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C.

Nixon penned his memoirs and nine other works during his nearly 20 years in retirement. He travelled abroad frequently, repairing his reputation as a major authority on international affairs and an elder statesman. On April 18, 1994, he had a crippling stroke and passed away at the age of 81 four days later.

To know more about Nixon's resignation, visit:



What are 5 major Muslim contributions that continue to impact the world today?



Surgery, Coffee, University, Algebra and Toothbrush


Surgery - Al Zawrawi wrote a book on how to do Surgery, it was used for over 500 years

Coffee - First brewed in Yemen

University - One of the oldest universities at 1200 years old

Algebra - Algebra was invented by a persiaj mathematician

Toothbrush - made the use of the first Toothbrush more widespread

Put the four evolutionary stages in the correct historical order, with the oldest on the top and the newest on the bottom. 1. Production era2. Sales era3. Marketing concept era4. Market orientation


The four evolutionary stages in the correct historical order, with the oldest on the top and the newest on the bottom. 1. Mass Production Era (1860s-1920s) 2. Sales Era (1920s-1940s) 3.Marketing Concept Era (1950s) 4.Marketing Orientation Era (1940s-1970s).

The evolution of marketing is the process and stages in which concepts, philosophies, mechanisms, tools and techniques, and marketing directions change throughout the history of marketing. Over the past 120 years, marketing has evolved from the simple act of alerting potential consumers to the existence of a particular product to a complex web of interactions that occur directly through print, broadcast and social media.

To know more about evolution of marketing click on the link below.



In 1868 when authorities was restored to the emperor he gave himself the name “Meiji” which means enlightened rule. Was this appropriate for him to name himself during that era of Japanese history?




well, yes. many leaders ruled under the "mandate of heaven" (basically meaning; the gods/goddesses chose the leader to rule over the kingdom.)

Connections with History: The Chinese “Mandate of Heaven” was similar, yet different, from the European “Divine Right of Kings”. Both justified the ruler's ability to rule over their people. However, there was a significant difference. The Mandate of Heaven could be lost and signs would be given to the people in the form of natural disasters (kind of like bad omens). Whereas, the Divine Right of Kings was permanently claimed by a European ruler and his/her family and cannot be lost. They would say that God chose them to be the ruler; therefore, if someone spoke against the king, that person would be considered “challenging God.”

Do we have anything like this today? Do rulers claim divine authority? Can you name any examples?


Because power originated from "above," the Mandate of Heaven was comparable to the European "divine right of kings."

The Mandate of Heaven, in contrast to European custom, did not stipulate that the emperor must be of noble birth. The divine right of kings, in European history, was a political doctrine in defence of monarchical absolutism, which claimed that kings derived their authority from God and could not, therefore, be held accountable for their actions by any earthly authority such as a parliament. Men of common origins who started revolts founded dynasties like the Han and Ming.

Both Henry VI and Edward IV asserted their right to rule during the War of the Roses. Both claimed that they had been chosen by God to rule England.

To learn more about divine right of kings visit;



Summarize Stanley Hayami’s interment experience. Give at least 3 specific examples from the reading.


Stanley Hayami who was Japanese faced some racial discrimination especially after the pearl Harbor incidence.

Examples of how Stanley Hayami's was DIiscrminated on

Stanley Hayami was a Japanese-American teenager who was forcibly relocated and interned during World War II. He and his family were removed from their home in California and sent to Heart Mountain Relocation Center in Wyoming. Stanley's internment experience was characterized by a loss of freedom, dignity, and opportunities.

Three specific examples from the reading that illustrate Stanley's internment experience are:

Stanley was forced to abandon his high school studies and leave behind his dream of becoming a doctor. Instead, he had to attend school in the internment camp, which offered limited educational opportunities.Stanley was denied the chance to serve his country in the military because of his Japanese ancestry. Despite his strong desire to prove his loyalty to the United States, he was unable to enlist until he volunteered for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a segregated unit made up of Japanese-American soldiers.Stanley's father, who had been a successful businessman in California, was unable to continue his career and support his family during the internment. Instead, he was forced to work as a cook in the camp mess hall for a fraction of his previous salary.

Overall, Stanley Hayami's internment experience was a traumatic and unjust period in his life, where he faced numerous challenges and obstacles as a result of his ethnicity.

Learn more about racial discrimination here https://brainly.com/question/19908071


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