Why is practice more important than talent?

note ; needs to be a very long answer


Answer 1

Answer: Practice is more important than talent because it allows one to fully grasp the concept and know how to get to the point they're at. Talent is great to have however you can never reach your full talent without practice. Therefore, talent is great to have, but it is practice that will help you truly excel.


I don't know hope this helps

Answer 2
Practice allows us to make mistakes and learn from them and talent is more of like getting it right the first time and that makes us have a fixed mindset which is is not very good for our health

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the broad molled delicious


Answer: Gerund


Locate examples of literary elements in the text 3. Paraphrase a sectic version of the play and in the Royal Shakespeare lines 76-84 that re Company production. Analyze these details to witches' prophecie determine how literary elements vary according to medium and how each medium contributes to layers of meaning.


Example of Literary Elements in Lines 76-84:

Alliteration: “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble”.

What is Literary?

Literary is a broad term that encompasses all written works, from fiction to nonfiction and poetry to plays. It is a form of art that expresses ideas, stories, and emotions through the use of language, often with a specific style, structure, and tone.

Alliteration is used in these lines to give a sense of rhythm and to emphasize the witches' magical incantation.

Metaphor: “Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog”

Metaphor is used in these lines to connect the mysterious and otherworldly ingredients of the witches' potion to more common items, such as the eyes and toes of animals.

Paraphrased Version of Lines 76-84:

The witches chanted as they stirred the cauldron, saying "Let us make the mixture boil with double effort; let the flames burn and the pot bubble up." They added "the eye of a newt and the toe of a frog, the fur of a bat and the tongue of a dog."


The literary elements used in these lines of the play can be interpreted differently depending on the medium. For example, in the Royal Shakespeare Company production, the alliteration could be emphasized with sound effects, such as drums, to give a sense of rhythm

To learn more about Literary



is Todd's robotic monster answered yes twice. a alliteration?


Alliteration is used in the sentence "Todd's robotic monster responded yes twice." Alliteration is a figure of speech when the same sound is repeated at the beginning of words that are close together or next to one another.

What is alliteration?

In this sentence, the letter "T" from "Todd's" and "Twice" is repeated. Alliteration can be used in speaking and advertising to generate a catchy or memorable phrase. It is frequently employed in poetry and literature to create a melodic or memorable impact. Using the first consonant of words that are close to one another again is a stylistic device known as alliteration. A phrase or paragraph may become more remembered as a result of this sound recurrence, which also has a melodic or rhythmic impact. In common speech and advertising, alliteration may be utilised to produce memorable slogans and jingles. Alliteration is frequently employed in poetry, song lyrics, and other kinds of literature. Alliteration is used frequently in sentences like these:

Peter Piper took a few pickled peppers in his hand. By the seashore, Sally sells seashells. She markets SeaShells. Big evil bear consumed bread. The shrieking vehicles crash nonstop.

Alliteration can be used to convey emphasis, playfulness, or comedy in addition to providing melody and memorability. Alliteration may increase a word's remembered power and impact by using the same sound repeatedly across a passage of text or speech.

To learn more about alliteration from the given link


is Todd's robotic monster answered yes twice. a alliteration?

Explain Symbolism and an example of how it is used in Literature


Symbolism is the possibility that things address different things. What we mean by that will be that we can take a gander at something — suppose, red — and reason that it addresses not red itself but rather something past it: for instance, energy, love, or dedication.

Symbolism is the utilization of words or pictures to represent explicit ideas, individuals, items, or occasions. At times, imagery is wide and used to convey a work's subject, such as Aslan the lion in The Lion, the Witch, and the Closet as an image of Christ.

Symbolism is a scholarly gadget wherein an essayist utilizes a certain something — like an item, thought, or variety — to address another.

Learn more about Symbolism:



Im wrighting a poem for my English class and this is also supposed to be a valentine gift for my girl, so its like a song and a poem at the same time. but i need to say this in front of my class and its just supposed to be for her, but its the only thing i got right now so tell me how it sounds?
I tell her that I love her, then she said, swear

So here I am singing this love song showing I care

To fall in love is to take a risk and baby, I'm not scared

I'm only scared when you're not here, do I make myself clear?

F-O-R-E-V-E-R my love, these other girls get no response

You're the only one that I want

Without you, I cannot do much

I'm paralyzed, no I can't move too much

Know I make mistakes sometimes, I'm a screw-up

But I'ma kill the old me then celebrate the new us

She's my Medu$a, but she don't turn me to stone

She turns a house into a home

She's been where the devil roams

Wear and tear, she repairs my soul

Wear and tear, she repairs my soul

I'ma hold on to what we got, never let go

It's called plantin' the seed, it's called lettin' it grow

And if she ever leave, I'm loadin' up and love go

She my forever, I'm just lettin' her know, you know




Love it. That's beautiful and beyond thoughtful. She is lucky to have you!

PLEASE HELP ASAP there are 4 boxes to do



Here is a chart to document the sources used for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:

Information to look for:

Date of birth, early life

Education, career

Major events

Organizations they're involved in

Social movement they were associated with

Impact of their work

Web Address of a source you used:


Facts from this source that I will use in my slideshow:

Date of birth: January 15, 1929

Early life: Born in Atlanta, Georgia, into a family with a strong tradition in the African American Baptist church.

Education: Received a Ph.D. in theology from Boston University.

Career: Minister and civil rights leader

Major events: Organized and led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, played a key role in the organization of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

Organizations involved in: The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Social movement: Civil rights movement

Impact of their work: Became the symbol of the Civil Rights Movement and inspired other activists to pursue nonviolent resistance as a means of bringing about change.

Web Address of a source you used:


Facts from this source that I will use in my slideshow:

Early life: Born into a family of Baptist preachers, his father was also named Martin Luther King.

Education: Completed a degree in sociology at Morehouse College and then studied theology at Crozer Theological Seminary.

Major events: Led the Birmingham Campaign, which helped bring about the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Organizations involved in: The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Social movement: Civil rights movement

Impact of their work: King's efforts and leadership helped bring about significant changes in American society, including the end of segregation in public places and the passage of laws guaranteeing equal protection under the law for all citizens.

Web Address of a source you used:


Facts from this source that I will use in my slideshow:

Career: Baptist minister and social activist

Major events: Organized the "Poor People's Campaign" to address issues of economic justice.

Organizations involved in: The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Social movement: Civil rights movement

Impact of their work: King's advocacy for nonviolence and civil disobedience inspired political movements around the world and he remains an iconic figure in the history of American and global civil rights.

These are just some of the facts and information you can use for your slideshow. I recommend verifying and adding additional information from other credible sources for a comprehensive understanding of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Can you translate the poem the poison tree? Do not read into the poem.
Pls help


The translate of  poem the poison tree ;

I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I water'd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears;

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright;

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veil'd the pole;

In the morning glad I see;

My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree.

What is the wrath?

The wrath of God is a term used to describe God's anger and hostility towards sin and evil. It is usually associated with the punishment that God gives to those who have committed wrongdoings or have failed to follow His will. Wrath is a major theme throughout the Bible, and it is seen as the result of sin, disobedience, and rebellion against God. Wrath is the ultimate expression of God's displeasure and can take many forms, such as natural disasters, wars, and other disasters.

To learn more about wrath



The wrath of God is a term used to describe God's anger and hostility towards sin and evil.

What is the wrath?

The translate of  poem the poison tree ;

I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I water'd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears;

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright;

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veil'd the pole;

In the morning glad I see;

My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree.

It is usually associated with the punishment that God gives to those who have committed wrongdoings or have failed to follow His will. Wrath is a major theme throughout the Bible, and it is seen as the result of sin, disobedience, and rebellion against God.

Wrath is the ultimate expression of God's displeasure and can take many forms, such as natural disasters, wars, and other disasters.

To learn more about wrath



The woman created a home for herself on this new Earth, and soon her daughter was born. The woman and her daughter lived off the plants and roots and continued to walk the path of the Sun to keep the Earth growing. The girl grew up on this Earth, never knowing about the Sky-World above and never seeing another being like herself.

One day, when the girl had become a woman, a man appeared. No one knows where this man came from. Perhaps he was sent from the gods above. The girl was so filled with wonder to see this strange man that she lost her senses and fainted. The man yielded two very different arrows and laid them in opposite directions across the body of the girl. Then he disappeared.

When the girl awoke, she knew that she would bear twins. Even before they were born, there was contention between the twins. There was no peace between these two brothers. When it was time for them to be born, the right-handed twin wanted to be born in the normal way. The left-handed twin saw light in the other direction and was determined to be born through his mother’s mouth or nose. In his attempt to be born in the opposite direction, he killed his mother.

The right-handed twin accused his brother of murdering their mother, and their quarrels continued until it was time to bury their mother. With the help of their grandmother, they made her a grave. From her head grew the three sister plants: corn, beans, and squash. From her heart grew tobacco, which people still use to give thanks in ceremony. She is called “our mother” and the people dance and sing to her to make the plants grow.

The conflict between the twins continued, and for some reason their grandmother favored the left-handed twin. The right-handed twin became angry and resentful. He was the truthful twin who always did the right thing. The left-handed twin was deceitful and did everything backward. You could never trust him.

The twins represent the two ways of the world which are in all people. The Indians do not call these good and evil. They call them the straight mind and the crooked mind, the righteous man and the devious man, the right and the left.

How are the twins different from each other?
The right-handed twin is tricky; the left-handed twin is clever.

The right-handed twin does right; the left-handed twin does wrong.

The right-handed twin is wicked; the left-handed twin is trustworthy.

The right-handed twin is like his mother; the left-handed twin is like his father.


The correct answer is: The right-handed twin does right; the left-handed twin does wrong.

Who is a right handed and left handed person?

A right-handed person is someone who uses their right hand more frequently and comfortably than their left hand to perform tasks such as writing, throwing, and eating. Similarly, a left-handed person is someone who uses their left hand more frequently and comfortably than their right hand for these same tasks.

The terms right-handed and left-handed can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who tends to act in a straightforward or honest manner (right-handed) or in a devious or underhanded manner (left-handed).

To know more about right handed and left handed person , visit:



The short story "Civil Peace" takes place in Nigeria immediately after the Nigeria-Biafra War. Conduct brief research into how this conflict
impacted people and communities in Nigeria. Then, write a short report that summarizes your research and explains how this information shapes
your understanding of "Civil Peace"


Answer: The Nigeria-Biafra War, also known as the Biafran War, was a conflict that took place in Nigeria from 1967 to 1970. The war was a result of the declaration of independence by the southeastern region of Biafra from Nigeria, leading to a civil war between the government of Nigeria and the Biafran secessionist forces.

The war had a devastating impact on the people and communities of Nigeria. It resulted in widespread destruction, displacement, and famine, leading to the deaths of an estimated 1 million people, mostly civilians. The conflict also had lasting effects on the nation, including a deep division between ethnic groups, political instability, and economic hardship.

In light of this information, my understanding of the short story "Civil Peace" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is shaped by the aftermath of the Nigeria-Biafra War. The story is set in a post-war society and focuses on the experiences of the main character, Jonathan Iwegbu, as he tries to rebuild his life in the aftermath of the conflict. The story highlights the resilience and determination of the Nigerian people as they work to rebuild their communities and their lives, despite the challenges they face. The themes of survival, perseverance, and hope are all prominent in the story, and they are rooted in the reality of the aftermath of the war.

In conclusion, my research into the impact of the Nigeria-Biafra War on the people and communities of Nigeria has deepened my understanding of "Civil Peace." The conflict had a profound and lasting impact on the nation, and its aftermath is reflected in the themes and experiences depicted in the story. The resilience and determination of the characters in "Civil Peace" serve as a testament to the strength and endurance of the Nigerian people in the face of adversity.


Consider which verb mood should be used in the sentence. Then, click to correct the verb form if needed.


The verb form "was" in the sentence is already correct. It is in the indicative mood and is used to make a statement or ask a question. In this sentence, the verb "was" is used to describe the lecture about shoes as interesting, which is a statement of fact. Therefore, no correction is needed.

What is verb?

An action, event, or state of being can be expressed with a verb. One of the most crucial components of speech in English, verbs are needed to build sentences. The verb typically follows the subject (the person or thing executing the action) and comes before any objects or complements in a phrase. Depending on the tense, mood, or voice being employed, a verb may take on numerous forms. For instance, a normal verb in the simple present tense acquires the -s suffix when the subject is a noun or pronoun in the third person singular. Examples are "he walks," "she chats," and "it runs." For their present, past, and past participle forms, irregular verbs have many forms. "Go," "went," or "gone," as an example. Verbs can also take on several moods, such as indicative (used to make claims), imperative (used to provide instructions), subjunctive (used to convey uncertainty, possibility, or hypothetical scenarios), among others. In order to express meaning and action, verbs play a significant role in English grammar and are utilised in a number of settings.

To learn more about verb from the given link


Consider which verb mood should be used in the sentence. Then, click to correct the verb form if needed.

I had already passed on the message to her

To Passive Voice



The answer is: The message was already passed on to her by me

Write a 450 words letter to your uncle telling him how the family has been fairing since his absence​



The Harrigton Heights,

Tower 281-D


Dear Uncle,

Heyo uncle! How are you? hope that you are doing fine. I also hope that aunt's also well. But me and my family are facing a crisis.

As you know, we run a minimal family business, due to sudden pandemic and lockdown, our income has stopped. It is the tenth day we are dependant on the annual savings and pensions of grand father and free rations. And sometimes, starving without food to save some for next day.

I request you to lend us some money. After some days, when we will start our new business, we will repay you the money. And do let me know if you can find any small opening loans by bank or commercial traders needing skilled employees for work. My mother can work as an part time teacher also, if possible.



write a composition about a trip with five paragraphs​


A picnic with family is one of the most relaxing getaways to enjoy weekends or vacations. Be it in a park or a garden, a riverside or a dam. On 1st January last we went for a picnic. Kalyani Picnic Garden was our picnic spot. It was a beautiful place for enjoying a picnic.

I went there with my parents, sister, brother and other members of our family. We were also accompanied by some of our neighbours. We started our journey early in the morning.

We went there by car. It took one and half and hour to reach there. It was a distance of 60 km from our home to our picnic spot. It was a beautiful spot beside the Ganges. Many picnic parties went there.

We spent the time joyfully. We visited different kinds of trees flowers and grasses. It was an amazing place to explore.

We played Cricket, Badminton. Some lay idle and listened to music. We also ate a lot. In the evening we enjoyed boating on the river. We also enjoyed the glorious sunset. Then we returned home with a very happy mind.

Chapter 3 and 4 lord of the flies discussion questions

Lord of the Flies chapters 3

What violence does Jack commit toward Piggy? In chapter 4 of "Lord of the Flies" What is the nature of power and leadership on the island? How do the boys' relationships with each other change over time? What role do the boys' individual identities play in shaping their experiences on the island? How does the island itself shape the boys' experiences and behaviors?


The description of Jack's body, his use of his senses, and his physical description all show that he's becoming more savage and animalistic and less concerned with society and civility in chapter 3 of Lord of the flies.

He is no longer dressed in choral robes and no longer bragging about his ability to hit a "high C." On the island, daily routines quickly take shape. The boys can play happily in the morning due to the pleasant weather, cool air, and sweet scents. By afternoon, however, the heat of the sun becomes intolerable, and some of the boys take naps—despite the fact that they are frequently troubled by strange images that seem to flicker over the water. These images are dismissed by Piggy as mirages brought on by sunlight illuminating the water. It gets cooler again in the evening, but nighttime is scary and challenging because it gets dark so quickly. Finally, Jack acknowledges his part in the signal fire's failure, but he never apologizes to Piggy. When Ralph goes to Piggy to ask for help lighting a fire with his glasses, Jack's once-friendly feelings toward Ralph turn sour.

Learn more about “ Lord of the flies ” to visit here;



Which is true about persuasive writing?
A. Quoting respected sources makes your argument
B. Quoting respected sources has no impact on your
C. Quoting respected sources strengthens your



C. Quoting respected sources strengthens your argument.

Quoting reputable sources can lend credibility and authority to your argument, as long as they are relevant to your argument and used in an appropriate manner. By providing evidence from external sources, you demonstrate that your ideas are not just your own opinions but are backed by experts in the field. This can make your argument more convincing and strengthen your position.


C. Quoting respected sources strengthens your argument.


In persuasive writing, it is important to use evidence and examples to support your argument. Quoting respected sources can help to strengthen your argument by providing credible and trustworthy support for your claims. By citing authoritative sources, you can demonstrate that your argument is based on solid evidence and that it is widely accepted by experts in the field. This can help to build credibility and increase the persuasiveness of your argument. Quoting respected sources can also help to show that you have done your research and that you are informed on the topic you are writing about.

If Miguel wants to replicate Sara's study, which section of Sara's research article will
be most valuable to him?
O abstract
O results


Methods. If Miguel wants to conduct a similar study, he will find the methods section of Sara's research article to be of the most assistance. Thus, the second choice is the right one.

The technique section of our APA-formatted paper is one of the most important parts. The goal of your paper should be to thoroughly describe your experiment. Give enough details so that another researcher could, if they so choose, duplicate your work.

A research article's Methods section will provide an explanation of the procedures used to conduct the experiment. Writing scientific research articles requires authors to communicate their findings succinctly while also providing enough information to allow the experiment to be repeated.

Learn more about “ research ” visit here;



Fill in the blank: Matter can change phases by changing the amount of ________.


Answer: Energy

Explanation: Heating adds energy to atoms, and cooling takes energy away from atoms

Which phase of the writing do students decide on a topic or an angle


Prewriting is the "creating ideas" stage of the writing process in which the student works to determine the topic as well as the position or point of view for a specific audience.

A writer will choose a manageable topic, establish a purpose and audience, develop a sentence that communicates the core idea of the article, gather knowledge about the topic, and begin to organize the information during prewriting.

Prewriting techniques include brainstorming, freewriting, and questioning. Writing is a three-step process that involves pre-writing, drafting, and the final revising stage, which includes editing and proofreading. Before moving on to the drafting step, you should conduct preliminary research on your topic.

Learn more about phase of the writing



Akram is ____ intelligent than imran insert adjective


Akram is more intelligent than imran. Here, the adjective that is used is "more".

An adjective is a phrase that describes a noun or noun phrase. Its semantic position is to extrade data given with the aid of using the noun. Traditionally, adjectives had been taken into consideration one of the foremost elements of speech of the English language, even though traditionally they had been classed collectively with nouns. An adjective is a phrase that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives may be used to explain the traits of a person or some thing independently or in assessment to some thing else. Examples: Adjectives in a sentence I like vintage houses. The boy is tall and skinny. Jane is smarter than her brother.

To learn more about adjectives check the link below:






Akram is more intelligent than Imran.

It is the second degree of the adjective which is known as the comparative degree.

is just give it time a consonance?





Consonance is a stylistic literary device identified by the repetition of identical or similar consonants in neighboring words whose vowel sounds are different. Consonance may be regarded as the counterpart to the vowel-sound repetition known as assonance.

why do you teach the way that you do? how would your approach change if you placed the needs of the learner first as you develop each lesson? what do you believe to be 3-4 barriers to developing meaningful discussions? what does the author challenge you to do to combat these barriers?


I teach the way that I do because I believe that it is important to provide an engaging, interactive, and meaningful learning experience for my students.

If I place the needs of the learner first as I develop each lesson, my approach would become more student-centered. I would focus on understanding the individual needs of each student in order to customize the lesson plan to meet their learning objectives and interests.

I believe the three to four barriers to developing meaningful discussions are lack of preparation, lack of student engagement, fear of speaking up, and lack of teacher facilitation. The author challenges me to combat these barriers by encouraging students to participate through active listening, providing an atmosphere of inclusivity and respect, and utilizing a variety of questioning techniques to prompt meaningful conversations.

To learn more about learning objectives link is here



you will be creating a blog (real or simulated) that has a minimum of five blog posts. prior to creating your blog, you will need to experiment with some prewriting, either brainstorming or free association, in order to hammer out what specifically your blog will be about. while you have the freedom to make your blog about any topic or theme that you would like (as long as it is appropriate), you should hone in and focus on something somewhat narrow. use one of the prewriting techniques to jumpstart your creativity and figure out the direction of your blog. to help you get going, here are a few thoughts: will your blog be true? narrative? about your life and everyday things? will your blog be persuasive? focused on convincing others to side with you on an important issue? will your blog be informational? a more technically written blog that offers information and has an expository feel? will your blog be fictional? will you make up the author of the blog and the information or stories presented?


To creating a blog we have to follow:

Step 1: Select a Topic

Step 2: Select a Domain Name

Step 3: Select a Blogging Platform

Step 4: Select Your Hosting and Theme

Step 5: Prepare and Write Your Content

It is not difficult or complicated to start a blog. People put off starting for a variety of reasons. Some believe it is too technical and confusing, while others believe they will be unable to compete in a crowded market. Some people never start blogging because they can't decide what they want to blog about, while others are afraid of failing.

Step 1: Select a Topic

If you're starting a blog to build a web presence for an existing offline business, you've already decided on a topic. If you're just starting out, you might not know what you want to blog about.

A good way to choose a topic is to think about what you are most passionate about. What are you constantly reading or talking about to the point where others wish you would stop? What excites you so much that you want to write about it day after day without getting tired of it?

Step 2: Select a Domain Name

A keyword is a word that people will type into a search engine to find information on a specific topic. Instead of something complicated or difficult to spell, a simple, memorable title for your blog is a good idea. It's usually best to avoid using hyphens in your domain name.

Step 3: Select a Blogging Platform

There are several blogging platforms to choose from, and the amount of experience required to use them effectively varies. It's a good idea to select a platform that is adaptable and will allow you to make changes in the future.

Step 4: Select Your Hosting and Theme

After you've chosen your domain name and hosting, you'll be able to publish your blog and install a theme. A theme is a template that can be used to improve the appearance of your blog. Your blog will come with free theme options. You can select one of them, or you can purchase a premium theme.

Step 5: Prepare and Write Your Content

It's time to start writing on your blog now that you've set it up. An editorial calendar can assist you in planning your content ahead of time. Consider your target audience and what they want to read about, and then begin writing content relevant to your niche. Stay focused and relevant in your posts, or your audience will lose interest.

To learn more about creating a blog link is here



What is language with its own green star flag nyt crossword clue ?


There is a crossword puzzle answer for the language accompanying its own green star flag in Esperanto.

The main flag of Esperanto, emphasizing the Verda Stelo ('Green Star'), was picked in 1905 for use as a personality of low concession accompanying Esperantists and is used by most Esperantists. As an alternative to the flag, the celebration simbolo ('festival type') took place repeatedly throwed (in 1987). The flag is legendary as Verda Stelo (green star).

A green flag following a harmonious square in the first locality follows a green star that shows the five shores of the world. Esperanto was built expression massed in 1887 by L.L. Zamenhof, a Polish healing doctor training in eyes, and committed for use as a general second wording. Zamenhof's Fundamento de Esperanto, inscribed in 1905, lie down the inauguration of the sound's building and organization.

To know more about Esperanto refer to: https://brainly.com/question/29271084


At the beginning of the speech, what does Winston Churchill say he needs the government to accomplish? Why is Churchill making this request? Cite textual evidence to explain your understanding.


Churchill is attempting to gain sympathy for all British citizens who have already died in the war. Churchill is downplaying the importance of the measures that the British government must take in order to defeat Germany.

Who was Winston Churchill?

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was a British statesman, soldier, and writer who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice, once during WWII from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.

Churchill Is quickly demonstrating that he has the king's approval for the drastic measures he wishes to implement. Churchill is concentrating on how much hard work it will take to win the war and how eager he is to do it.

Therefore, primary message of his speech was that the United States and Great Britain needed to confront an aggressive Soviet Union.

To learn more about Winston Churchill, click here:



Explain this quote

“Now, sir, if this is true, I trust you will take every opportunity to fight against the false ideas so many hold about us. I hope you believe as I do that one Lord has created us all. I trust you believe that he has given us all the same feelings and abilities. We are all of the same family, however different we may look”





Benjamin's purpose for sending the letter was to challenge Jefferson's racial ideology and to ask for Jefferson's assistance in ending the “the unjustifiable cruelty and barbarism” that was the institution of slavery in America.

In Chapter 52, Pip gets a strange letter that says:
He will receive information regarding "Uncle Provis" (Magwitch).
He must come back to the old marshes.
All of these
He must come alone.


In Chapter 52 of Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations," Pip receives a strange letter that contains the following information:

Pip will receive information regarding "Uncle Provis" (Magwitch).He must come back to the old marshes.He must come alone.

What is  "Great Expectations," about?

This letter creates a sense of mystery and danger, as Pip is being summoned to a remote location and instructed to come alone. The reference to "Uncle Provis" also adds to the intrigue, as Pip is aware that Magwitch is in hiding and could be in danger.

Therefore, the letter is likely from someone who has information about Magwitch's whereabouts or his past, and wants to share this information with Pip. However, the sender's insistence that Pip come alone suggests that there may be ulterior motives at play, and that Pip could be walking into a trap.

Learn more about  Great Expectations from



what do you think poe would have said to the families who uprooted everything to seek gold in california? use examples from the text and lesson to support your answer.


Poe undoubtedly would have said something to the folks who left everything behind to search for gold in California.

What was California Gold Rush ?

He probably would have stated that it wasn't worthwhile. He might have believed that searching for gold was pointless.

The fact that his first response to a national event was to discuss Eldorado implies that he saw the rush for gold to be an unattainable goal that would only lead to disappointment (which, to be fair, it did for many).

The wind can stand in for Virginia's death by disease.

Learn more about Poe ' s view here



Read this excerpt from the last paragraph of the speech.
Farewell, my nation. Black Hawk tried to save you, and avenge
your wrongs. He drank the blood of some of the whites.
How does Black Hawk use rhetoric to advance his purpose in
this excerpt?
A. He directly addresses his nation to show that even
though he is surrendering, he still has allegiance to
his nation.
B. He uses imagery to paint a picture of the wrongs he
tried to avenge, which furthers his purpose of
describing the white men's evils.
C. He uses imagery to evoke feelings of remorse to
show that he regrets his actions toward the white
D. He directly addresses his nation because he does
not intend for the white men to hear the last
paragraph of his speech.


He directly addresses his nation to show that even though he is surrendering, he still has allegiance to his nation. The correct answer in this case is option A

What was the black hawk war?

Black Hawk, a Sauk commander, commanded the United States and Native Americans in the  War. After Black Hawk and a troop of Sauks, Meskwakis (Fox), and Kickapoos crossed the Mississippi River from Iowa Indian Territory into the U.S. state of Illinois in April 1832, the conflict broke out. Although Black Hawk's motivations were unclear, it appears that he wanted to recapture property that had been given to the United States in the contentious 1804 Treaty of St. Louis.

To learn more about Black hawk war visit:


While sugarcane isn’t hard to grow, what are the challenges a sugarcane farmer might expect to face if they want to profit? Answer this question in paragraph form. | answer for brainliest


problems faced by sugarcane cultivators-

Sugarcane is a soil-exhausting crop and therefore, the cost of fertilizers increases the cost of production.
It requires high input of irrigation means.
The cost of transport increases the cost of production

Please help find the pages and chapters!


Answer: In "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, Charlie's happiness before the surgery is shown throughout the entire book, but there are several key chapters and pages where this is particularly evident.

In Chapter 1, Charlie is described as being content with his life and job at the bakery, despite the teasing he receives from his co-workers. On page 7, he writes in his progress report, "I am very happy because I am smart now and I no people like me more."

In Chapter 3, Charlie is shown enjoying his classes at the adult education center, learning new things and feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Before the surgery, Charlie is also depicted as having a strong sense of community with his friends at the bakery and the other students at the adult education center, and he is shown being happy in their company and in his relationships with them.

Overall, Charlie's happiness before the surgery is depicted as being rooted in his sense of belonging, pride in his newfound intelligence, and a general contentment with his life.


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