Why is interpreting sedimentary rocks and the features they contain one of the parimy goals?


Answer 1

Interpreting sedimentary rocks and the features they contain is one of the primary goals because these rocks tend to have fossils in them. This helps geologists in understanding the complex history of Earth. It is also a key to understand the rock cycle.

What are sedimentary rocks?

Sedimentary rocks are the rocks formed near the surface of the Earth by the process of accumulation and lithification of sediment. These types of rocks are the most common kinds of rocks on the surface of the Earth but it is only a minor component of the entire crust which also includes igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Geologists study sedimentary rocks to understand and reconstruct the history of the surface of the Earth. Most of the valuable resources extracted from the crust of the Earth come from sedimentary rocks itself.

To know more about sedimentary rocks, visit:



The correct question is:

Why is interpreting sedimentary rocks and the features they contain one of the primary goals of the science of geology?

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Casey's left hemisphere is damaged. casey is most likely to experience difficulty with:_____.


Casey's left hemisphere is damaged. casey is most likely to experience difficulty with understanding a step in a recipe.

Our capacity to use and comprehend language, particularly reading and writing, is significantly influenced by the left hemisphere of the brain. It is also important for speech, problem-solving, and controlling the right side of the body. Left hemisphere brain damage frequently results in issues with movement, cognition, and communication in affected individuals.

Damage to the left hemisphere of the brain makes it difficult to communicate and understand language. People can have difficulty in planning, organizing, and remembering. Rehabilitation, including but not limited to speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy, has been shown to benefit people with brain injuries.

Know more about left hemisphere here



In what location on earth could you not use your solar powered calculator at any time at all during the course of a day in june?


In South Pole you can not use your solar powered calculator at any time at all during the course of a day in june.

The latitude of a certain site is one of the key variables that affects sun radiation there. In general, the level of solar radiation will be lower the higher the latitude. The sun's rays are dispersed over a wider region as we move farther from the equator, and this is solely due to the shape of the Earth.

As we approach closer to the polar regions, the amount of solar energy that falls on a certain area inevitably decreases. Due to a combination of a very high latitude and a largely clouded sky brought on by the local microclimate, there is relatively little solar radiation near the south pole.

Know more about South Pole here



The presence of glossopteris leaves and mesosaurus on disconnected continents are strong _______ evidence for continental dri


The presence of glossopteris leaves and mesosaurus on disconnected continents are strong fossil evidence for continental drift.

There are numerous examples of fossils found only on different continents, indicating that the continents were once connected. Only in southern Africa and eastern South America can bones of Mesosaurus, a crocodile-like reptile that lived 286 to 258 million years ago, be found. Traveling by swimming between continents would have been physically impossible for Mesosaurus.

This shows that during the Early Permian, South America and Africa were connected. The Early Permian (299 million years ago) saw the evolution of Glossopteris, a woody, seed-bearing shrub or tree that went on to dominate the era and persisted until the end of the Permian. Australia, South Africa, South America, India, and Antarctica all contain its fossil remains.

Know more about glossopteris here



The fact that people living farther away from a large city are less likely to subscribe to its newspaper is an example of what phenomena of spatial interaction?


The fact that people living farther away from a large city are less likely to subscribe to its newspaper is an example of the distance decay phenomena of spatial interaction.

Spatial interactions have also been studied in terms of inland and hierarchical. Linkage and node systems give rise to tributary or inland regional groups that, in turn, can be organized into hierarchical networks. Some of the earliest geographic studies of spatial interactions focused on the delineation of local hinterlands.

These can be based on tourism, retail market sector, social tourism, leisure travel, press circulation, or freight. The greater Chicago metropolitan area, primarily defined by its commuting relationships, also includes a number of smaller cities, each with its own retail and commuter hinterland. The result is a nice and complex hierarchy of Spatial interactions.

Nationwide, Chicago is itself integrated into several hierarchies. For example, in terms of air passenger traffic, New York has become the most dominant hub. During the 1990s, it was the main passenger source not only for a group of adjoining cities but also for larger cities further afield such as Chicago, Atlanta, and Los Angeles.

Learn more about Spatial Interaction here: https://brainly.com/question/28350435


Who searched for a passage through the americas under the sponsorship of the dutch?.



Henry Hudson


In the late 16th century,English Henry Hudson made two unsuccessful silent voyages in search of an ice-free passage Asia.

What reasons might explain why john reacted by falling to the ground when he saw the glorified son of god whom he had known so intimately on earth?


In a lonely place with no companions, this vision will probably startle him reasons might explain why john reacted by falling to the ground when he saw the glorified son of the god whom he had known so intimately on earth.

Intimate means intimacy. Small restaurants are said to be intimate. This adjective means very friendly, very personal, or private because you sit close to others and your best friend is considered your close friend.

A intimately is defined as someone who is very close to you. An example of intimacy is sharing your feelings with a friend. A Confidant is someone to whom you confide personal information. An a best friend example is your best friend.

Learn more about intimately at



Which hypothesis best explains the continuous bend in the hawaiian islands-emperor seamount chain?


The direction of plate motion shifted over time over a stationary mantle plume (hot spot)  hypothesis best explains the continuous bend in the Hawaiian islands-emperor seamount chain.

The continuous bend in the Hawaiian islands-emperor seamount chain is best explained by the theory that plate motion changed through time over a stationary mantle plume (hot spot).  A mountain range in the Pacific Ocean that is primarily under water but rises above sea level in Hawaii is known as the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain.

Together, they form a vast underwater mountain region of islands and intervening seamounts, atolls, shallows, banks, and reefs along a line trending southeast to northwest beneath the northern Pacific Ocean. It is made up of the Hawaiian ridge, consisting of the islands of the Hawaiian chain northwest to Kure Atoll, and the Emperor Seamounts.

To know more about Hawaiian islands-emperor seamount chain



Lines of latitude measure distances
__ and _ of the equator.



North and South


Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator. It is measured with 180 imaginary lines that form circles around Earth east-west, parallel to the Equator. These lines are known as parallels. A circle of latitude is an imaginary ring linking all points sharing a parallel.

Which area once used its advantage of proximity to natural resources to grow its industrial might?
Group of answer choices








Variations in earth's orbit that influence long-term climate changes include ________.


Variations in the earth's orbit that influence long-term climate changes include Wobble (precession) of the Earth's axis of rotation.

As the Earth moves closer to the Sun, the climate warms, and this cycle affects the length of the seasons. Changes in the Earth's orbit, stretching, pitching, and wobble can lead to long-term climate change.

Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns. These changes may be natural, for example, due to variations in the solar cycle. However, since the 19th century, human activity has been a major contributor to climate change, primarily through the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas.

Learn more about climate changes at



________ dating involves age-dating fossils with known time periods grouped into four eras that represent distinct ages in the history of the earth.


Relative dating involves age-dating fossils with known time periods grouped into four eras that represent distinct ages in the history of the earth.

Relative dating is used to chronologically order geological occurrences and the rocks they leave behind. Relative dating does not give the rocks' precise numerical ages. Even when you locate rocks that are quite far apart but are the same age, fossils can still be used to match them.

Correlation is the term for this matching procedure, which has been crucial in creating geological timescales. Index fossils are specific fossils that are very helpful in connecting rocks. A fossil must have lived during a particular time period, be simple to recognise, abundant, and found in numerous locations in order to qualify as a good index fossil.

Know more about Relative dating here



What three continents are partly in the northern hemisphere and partly in the southern hemisphere.


South America, Africa, and Asia are the three continents are partly in the northern hemisphere and partly in the southern hemisphere.

What is the difference between the northern and southern hemispheres?

In the Southern Hemisphere:

The Southern Hemisphere is the half of the Earth south of the Equator. It includes all or parts of five continents (Antarctica, Australia, approximately 90% of South America, approximately

In the Northern Hemisphere:

The Northern Hemisphere is the half of Earth north of the Equator; for other planets in the Solar System, north is defined as being in the same celestial hemisphere as Earth's North Pole relative to the invariable plane of the solar system.

The Northern Hemisphere includes North America, the northern half of South America, Europe, the northern two-thirds of Africa, and the majority of Asia, while the Southern Hemisphere includes the majority of South America, one-third of Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and some Asian islands.

To learn more about Northern and Southern hemispheres refer to:



Earth's weather results from the transport of heat energy. most of this heat energy comes from?


Answer:Energy from the sun is transferred through space and through the earth's atmosphere to the earth's surface. Since this energy warms the earth's surface and atmosphere, some of it is or becomes heat energy. There are three ways heat is transferred into and through the atmosphere: radiation.


In the chart below, which represents the four stages of demographic transition identify the country and where it is located which is in that stage and briefly describe how it got to that stage. Use the DTM samples and population pyramids on pages 56 & 57 to help you with this


Argentina in the South America represents the four stages of demographic transition. Argentina has maintained a strong economy, keeping on par with Western Europe and North America.

Larger parts of Argentina's development in economic and social mobility has been consistent, together with the technological and medical advancement that allow for a quite rapid progression through Stages 1-3 of the DTM.

By industrialization, cities became the key area of life, resulting to internal migration as people move from rural to urban areas. Because of the limited space within cities, smaller family size becomes an indirect factor for urbanization.

Argentina’s transition to Stage 4 is distinct compared to the other parts of South America because of how early it was accomplished.

What is demographic transition?

Demographic transition is a concept which means the historical shift from high birth rates and high death rates in societies with minimal technology, education and economic development, to low birth rates and low death rates in societies with advanced technology, education and economic development, as well as the stages between these two scenarios.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above.

learn more about demographic transition: https://brainly.com/question/25222816


The lower portion of the _____ holds enough ozone gas to filter out about 95% of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation.


The lower portion of the stratosphere holds enough ozone gas to filter out about 95% of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation.

here Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It is both a natural and a man-made product that occurs in the Earth's upper atmosphere. (the stratosphere) and lower atmosphere (the troposphere). Depending on where it is in the atmosphere, ozone affects life on Earth in either good or bad ways.The ozone layer acts as a shield for life on Earth. Ozone is good at trapping a type of radiation called ultraviolet radiation, or UV light, which can penetrate organisms' protective layers, like skin, damaging DNA molecules in plants and animals.even when ozone is inhaled, it can damage the lungs. Relatively low amounts of ozone can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath and, throat irritation. It may also worsen chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma as well as compromise the ability of the body to fight respiratory infections.

to know more about stratosphere  click here



If the fluid flowing through a rock is changed from water to oil, the hydraulic conductivity will change but the permeability will remain the same. true /false


If the fluid flowing through a rock is changed from water to oil, the hydraulic conductivity will change but the permeability will remain the same. True.

here Hydraulic conductivity of the material can be defined as the ability of the fluid to pass through the pores and fractured rocks. The conductivity depends on the type of the soils that are found in the region.

where as Permeability is a measure of the ease of passage of liquids or gases or specific chemicals through the material. Permeability is determined by applying a head and determining the depth of penetration or the amount of liquid or gas passing through the sample.Hydraulic conductivity, sometimes called permeability, expresses how fast water flows through the soil voids; it is a function of the texture, grain size and distribution, density, as well as the macrostructure of the soil. For most engineering problems involving seepage and drainage of soils, Darcy's Law is valid.

to know more about permeability click here  



This is a _____ map?



special purpose


It is used to measure cm of rain of different regions of a country or a place.

When the earth warms, won't the areas that we lose to agriculture (like the u.s. midwest) just be replaced by new areas that are now too cold for farming (like northern canada)?


Maybe when the Earth warms, the areas that we lose to agriculture (like the U.S. Midwest) just be replaced by new areas that are now too cold for farming (like Northern Canada).

Climate is only one factor in farming; more needs to be learned about the local soil properties.

What happens when Earth warms?Warming influences the distribution of some infectious diseases, changes rainfall patterns, exacerbates coastal erosion, lengthens the growing season in some areas, and melts ice caps and glaciers. Some of these modifications are already taking place.If global warming rises by 2 degrees Celsius, the sea level will rise by more than 0.66 feet (0.2 meters) along more than 70% of Earth's coastlines. This will exacerbate coastal flooding, beach erosion, salinization of water supplies, and have other negative effects on people and biological systems.

Learn more about climate here:



What is the location of 25 degrees North and 105 degrees West



Carry on Learning

Is it true forest fires followed by heavy rains are likely to result in severe mud and debris flows


Forest fires followed with the aid of heavy rains are likely to result in extreme mud and debris flows: yes, it is genuine. Saturating a slope with water has a tendency to preserve unconsolidated grains together and for this reason, helps stabilize slopes.

A wildfire, Forest fire, bushfire, wildland fire, or rural hearth is an unplanned, uncontrolled, and unpredictable hearth in a place of flammable plants starting in rural and urban regions. some wooded area ecosystems in their herbal state depend upon a wildfire. herbal reasons - Many woodland fires begin from natural reasons which include lightning which set bushes on fire. however, rain extinguishes such fires without inflicting tons of damage. excessive atmospheric temperatures and dryness (low humidity) provide favorable circumstances for a hearth to begin.

Wildfire also referred to as Forest fires, bush or vegetation hearth can be defined as any uncontrolled and non-prescribed combustion or burning of plant life in a herbal setting inclusive of a forest, grassland, brush land or tundra, which consumes the natural fuels and spreads based totally on environmental situations (e.g., wind, topography).

Learn more about  Forest fires here:



Discuss your interest in environmental science. Which aspects of environmental science most fascinate you? How are your personal values related to your interest in environmental science? If you could choose one job or career related to environmental science, what would it be?


My interest is environmental science is to know more about the environment.

My personal values relates to my interest in environmental science because I love the environment, nature and I'll love to know more about the topic.

If I could choose one job or career related to environmental science, it'll be an environmental scientist.

How to explain the information?

I will like to know more about environmental issues including climate change, global warming, ozone layer loss, acid rains, and effects on biodiversity and marine life through the study of environmental science. These issues are not simply local or national issues; they also affect the entire planet.

I'll like to be an environmental scientist.

Natural science expertise is used by environmental scientists to safeguard the environment. Environmental experts and scientists apply their understanding of the natural sciences to safeguard both human health and the environment. They might clean up dirty areas, offer legislators advice, or collaborate with business to cut waste.

Learn more about environment on:



Excepting hong kong (which is 100% urban) which nation is the most urban in east asia?


Japan follows Hong Kong to be the second most urbanized country in East Asia with an urban population of 91.9%.

Why is East Asia urbanizing rapidly?

East Asia along with the Pacific is leading the world in urbanizing its population rapidly. The average annual urbanization rate is 3% for both. The reason behind the rapid urbanization of East Asia is modernization, industrialization and economic growth. A high rate of industrialization and economic development goes hand in hand with rapid urbanization of any region of the world. The main reasons of migration is the commercialization, social benefits and services, better opportunities for employment and the transformation from rural to urban.

To know more about East Asian urbanization, visit:



Plate tectonics is used to explain and understand the formation of whichof the following? A. Land erosion B. weather systems C. trenches D. ocean currents​


Answer: A

Explanation: A is the correct answer because the eruption of the land is the effect of plate tectonics.

The governments of both the United States and Canada have all of the following except:

supreme court
all of the above



D all of the above


Which is true of air flowing into low pressure center?
a. air converges and ascends.
b. air converges and descends.
c. air diverges and ascends.
d. air diverges and descends.


Option (A) air converges and ascends is true.

Air converges and ascends when flowing into low pressure center.

What is  low pressure center?Wherever the pressure has been found to be the lowest in relation to its surroundings is known as a low pressure center. This indicates that pressure will rise if you go in any horizontal direction away from the "Low." Cyclone centers are also represented as low pressure centers.The center of a low pressure system has lower pressure than the surroundings. When winds blow in the direction of a low pressure area, the air where they meet rises in the atmosphere. The water vapor in the air condenses as it rises, creating clouds and frequently precipitation.With the lowest pressure being close to the storm's center, a zone of low pressure is created. The barometric pressure will drop as a storm moves toward a location.

Learn more about Cyclone here:



The means by which individuals hold their claims on real assets in a well-developed economy are.



Not sure if this is a multiple choice question that you have but the answer would be Financial Assets


Just trust me on this and good luck with your work!  = 0 w 0 =

Determine the general wave and longshore sediment transport directions by determiing where the sand is:_____


Determine the general wave and longshore sediment transport directions by determiing where the sand is against where it is eroding, is heaping up.

from the top to the bottom

- The direction of beach drift

- Groyne

- The incoming wave direction

-The direction of the longshore current

What is longshore sediment transport?The collective movement of beach and nearshore sand parallel to the shore caused by the combined action of tides, wind, and waves, as well as the shore-parallel currents produced by them, is referred to as longshore transport. Usually, these forces cause sand to move practically continuously, either in bedload flows or suspension.This happens in an intricate, three-dimensional pattern that changes quickly over time. Sand in the area of interest may occasionally have an upcoast component whereas other sand is often migrating downcoast.

Learn more about longshore sediment here:



When you toss a projectile sideways, it curves as it falls. it will be an earth satellite if the curve it makes _______.


When you toss a projectile sideways, it curves as it falls. it will be an earth satellite if the curve it makes it matches the curved surface of the Earth.

projectiles travel with a parabolic trajectory due to the fact that the downward force of gravity accelerates them downward from their otherwise straight-line, gravity-free trajectory.

The force of gravity does not affect the horizontal component of motion; a projectile maintains a constant horizontal velocity since there are no horizontal forces acting upon it.

To read more about Projectiles travel click here https://brainly.com/question/13388411


3. If Australia is in winter, what season is the U.S.A. in?





hope this helps.

A mountain beneath the ocean that does not reach the surface is called a(n)?


Answer: seamounts





A seamount is a large geologic landform that rises from the ocean floor but that does not reach to the water's surface, and  is not an island, islet or cliff-rock. Seamounts are typically formed from extinct volcanoes that rise abruptly! Brain?

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