Why do you think so many of Tureaud cases had to do with education?


Answer 1
Tureaud was a civil rights lawyer who fought for equal access to education for African Americans in the southern United States during the mid-20th century. He saw education as a key to unlocking racial equality, and he argued that segregation was unconstitutional and that all children, regardless of race, deserved equal access to quality education. He believed that education was the most powerful tool for achieving racial justice and helping African Americans overcome the long-standing oppression they had experienced. He also argued that education was essential for allowing African Americans to participate fully in society and to reach their full potential.

Related Questions

why did pope alexander vi believe he had the right to manage the distribution of new world conquests among spanish and portuguese monarchs? g


Following the return of Christopher Columbus from his first expedition to the Americas in 1493, there was a dispute between the rulers of Spain and Portugal about who should be in charge of trade and colonisation in the newly discovered countries. Alexander VI, the pope, was viewed as a potential mediator by Spain.

Ownership of newly discovered countries had already been discussed by Spain, Portugal, and the Papacy. Pope Nicholas V gave the Portuguese the unique right to explore the regions and islands off the Atlantic coast of Africa and to take whatever they discovered for themselves in 1455. Afonso V of Portugal and his son, Prince John, ceded control of the Canary Islands to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain at the Treaty of Alcáçovas in 1479. Pope Sixtus IV repeated this agreement two years later.

Learn more about Alexander VI here:



explain canada's relationship with great britain before ww1 (write one paragraph)



Before World War I, Canada had a complex relationship with Great Britain. Although Canada was a British colony and a member of the British Empire, it was also seeking to establish its own independence and national identity. At the same time, many Canadians had strong ties to Britain and felt a sense of loyalty and allegiance to the British Crown. This relationship was reflected in the country's political and economic systems, as well as in its cultural and social institutions. Despite some tensions, the relationship between Canada and Britain remained strong, and the two countries worked together in many areas, including trade, military cooperation, and immigration. Ultimately, the relationship between Canada and Britain was shaped by a complex interplay of colonial ties, cultural heritage, and economic interests, and it played a significant role in shaping the development of the country prior to World War I.

Hope it helps! : )


What type of material was used to create the pieta


Michelangelo's Pieta sculpture was entirely made of marble, which he also used to create David and several other important sculptures.

The Madonna della Pietà, also known as La Pietà, is a Roman Catholic dolorous picture of Mary and Jesus at Mount Golgotha representing the Blessed  Mary's "Sixth Sorrow" and a key work of Italian Renaissance sculpture sculpted by Michelangelo Buonarroti, which is now housed in Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.

It is the first of a series of works by the Florence artist on the same subject. The statue was commissioned for a Catholic of France, Jean Bilhères de Lagraulas, a French ambassador in Rome at the time.

The Carrara marble sculpture was created for the cardinal's funeral monument but was relocated in the 18th century to its present location, the first church was built on the north side after the basilica's entrance.

To learn more about Pieta refer here



what did abraham lincoln do before he was president?


While cutting rails for  walls, running a store, and working on a  ranch in New Salem, Illinois, Lincoln made unusual  sweats to  foster his education. He served as a captain in the Black Hawk War, served in the Illinois Assembly for eight times, and spent  numerous times on the judicial circuit.

In the early 1800s, rural life in America's frontier was challenging. Up until the age of seventeen, when he found work on a ferryboat, young Abe's life was dominated by poverty, farm chores, laborious work, and reading by the light of the fireplace. He then went home after selling the boat for its wood. When he got to New Salem, he was able to find work as a clerk in a general store. Soon after, Lincoln began to gain notoriety after beating the neighbourhood bully in a fight and astounded most of his neighbours with his strength and capacity for splitting rails and down trees—a survival skill he had learned as a boy on the American frontier.

Learn more about  Lincoln here :



Why was Russia not included as a winner of World War I?



Russia was not included among the victors of World War I because Russia was on the losing side of the war and eventually quit from the war.


Russia was not included as a winner of World War I because it withdrew from the war before the end of hostilities.

What was World War I?

World War I, also known as the Great War, was a global conflict that lasted from 1914 to 1918. It was primarily fought between the Allied Powers, which included the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, and the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 had a significant impact on the country's military, leading to widespread mutinies and desertions. As a result, Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany in March 1918, effectively ending its involvement in the war.

Therefore, Russia was not included as a winner of World War I because it withdrew from the war before the end of hostilities.

Learn more about World War I, here:



What message do rosencrantz and guildenstern carry to the king?


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are two of Hamlet's childhood pals who are called upon by King Claudius to spy on and gather data regarding Hamlet's behaviour in William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet."

They are instructed to ascertain Hamlet's peculiar behavior's cause and to inform the King of their findings. Instead of bringing the King a precise message, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sent by the King to learn more about Hamlet's actions and try to ascertain his motivations. Their function in the play is to serve as a counterpoint to Hamlet's persona and to emphasise his mistrust of everyone around him. They are essentially spies for the King. Although Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are first depicted as Hamlet's devoted friends, they finally show themselves to be more devoted to the King, and as a result, their deeds help to bring about Hamlet's terrible end.

Learn more about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern here



the battle of little bighorn, also known as custer’s last stand, is known to the lakota as the battle of __________________?


The battle of little bighorn, also known as custer’s last stand, is known to the lakota as the battle of Greasy Grass.

The battle of the Little Bighorn, known to the Lakota and the different Fields Indians as the battle of the Gressy Grass, and furthermore usually alluded to as Custer's Point of no return, was a furnished commitment between consolidated powers of the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho clans and the seventh Cavalry Regiment of the US Armed force.

The fight, which brought about the loss of the U.S. powers, was the main activity of the Incomparable Sioux Battle of 1876. It occurred on June 25-26, 1876, along the Little Bighorn Waterway in the Crow Indian Reservation in southeastern Montana Domain.

To know more about battle,visit here:



the plantation system in the south changed the united states society mainly by –______


The decorative arts and architecture are closely linked to the movement. The Arts & Crafts movement began as a reaction to and critique of the Industrial Revolution in the UK around 1860

When the US was still a collection of colonies, farms and crops provided the majority of the country's income. When we were a trading nation, other nations would purchase our crops, so it only made sense that when we became an independent country, we would still see crops. Our reliance on the agriculture market led to its dominance as the majority of the market for our country. Our economy was practically founded entirely by these plantations and farms! How much plantations still contribute to our economy will astound you.; it eventually migrated to the US in the 1890s. Since the movement thought that art was a necessary component of human fulfillment, one of its main tenets was to strengthen the relationship between artists and their works.

Learn more about Economy here:



REPORT: SLAVE CODES Here is your goal for this assignment: Write a report summarizing the slave codes in the United States Slave laws, called slave codes, varied in detail from state to state but were generally restrictive and negative, and strengthened during periods of increased abolitionist activity. Slaves that broke any of the laws or codes were tried in regular courts or slave tribunals. The usual punishment for an infraction was whipping; but branding, imprisonment, or execution were the punishments for more serious offenses. Use an encyclopedia, the Internet, or other sources to research the slave codes and write a 500 word report. Do not limit yourself to the following questions; they are offered as guidelines. Questions to address may include: What specific restrictions were placed on slaves? Were the same restrictions placed on free blacks? How did free blacks respond to the slave codes? What did abolitionists do in response to the slave codes? When and how did the codes change? When and how were slave codes eliminated?


Slave codes were laws that governed the lives of enslaved people in the United States. These laws were enacted by individual states and varied in detail from state to state. However, they were generally restrictive and aimed at maintaining the institution of slavery and ensuring that enslaved people remained in bondage.

Slave codes imposed a number of restrictions on enslaved people, including restrictions on their movements, their ability to own property, and their ability to enter into contractual relationships. For example, many slave codes prohibited enslaved people from traveling without written permission from their owners and made it illegal for them to learn to read or write.

Free blacks were also subject to many of the same restrictions as enslaved people, although they were not officially considered to be property. Free blacks often faced discrimination and were often subject to the same punishments as enslaved people if they broke the slave codes.

In response to the slave codes, abolitionists worked to raise awareness about the injustices of slavery and to bring an end to the institution. Abolitionists used a variety of tactics, including public speaking, writing, and organizing, to advocate for the rights of enslaved people and to challenge the laws and policies that upheld slavery.

The slave codes changed over time as the abolitionist movement gained momentum and as the institution of slavery came under greater scrutiny. During the antebellum period, many states strengthened their slave codes in response to the growing abolitionist movement. However, the end of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery marked the end of the slave codes in the United States.

The elimination of the slave codes did not bring an end to discrimination and inequality for African Americans, however. Despite the end of slavery, African Americans continued to face discrimination and segregation in many areas of life, including education, housing, and employment.

In conclusion, the slave codes were a set of laws that governed the lives of enslaved people in the United States and imposed a variety of restrictions on their freedom and mobility. The slave codes were challenged by abolitionists who worked to bring an end to slavery and to secure equal rights for African Americans. The end of the Civil War marked the end of the slave codes in the United States, but the struggle for equality for African Americans continued for many years thereafter.

the first permanent spanish settlement in new spain's far northern frontier was not established in texas; it was established in:the first permanent spanish settlement in new spain's far northern frontier was not established in texas; it was established in:


The first permanent Spanish settlement was established in New Mexico.

Starting in the year 1598 And Santa Fe was found in the year 1610.

Spain established permanent missions, military stations, cities, and ranchos in the Far North beginning in 1598 in New Mexico, 1700 in Arizona, 1716 in Texas, and 1769 in Alta California. Spanish explorers charted most of the Southwest's terrain and created over 300 cities as early as the 1700s. Nowadays, the American Southwest is a vast geographical and culturally diverse territory. Northern New Mexico's little villages are very different from the border towns and commercial farms of south Texas, or the bustling barrios of Los Angeles. This variety was evident throughout the early years of colonisation.

Learn more about New Mexico here.



What major Indigenous historical figure attempted to lead the Nimi’ipuu, the Nez Perce, from their Idaho reservation to self-imposed exile in Canada in 1877?Similar to the "Trail of Tears," the 300 mile forced march of the Navajo People across the New Mexico desert by US military forces that caused a lasting trauma on the spirit on the Indigenous Peoples of the Southwest is referred to as the ____________________?The ____________Dance was a Pan-Indian cultural practice/ritual which began in the latter half of the 19th century which promised to restore the Indigenous world as it had existed before colonialism, making the invaders disappear and the buffalo return?


Chief Joseph was the historical figure who led his team of 200 to 300 warriors along with their families from Idaho to Canada in 1877.

Similar to the "Trail of Tears," the 300-mile forced march of the Navajo People across the New Mexico desert by US military forces that caused a lasting trauma on the spirit of the Indigenous Peoples of the Southwest is referred to as the Long Walk. Nearly one-third of the internees were held there by the U.S. Army, but they all died from disease, exposure, and hunger.

The powwow dance first appeared in the second half of the 19th century as a Pan-Indian cultural ritual that promised to return the Indigenous world to its pre-colonial state by driving out the invaders and reintroducing the buffalo. The phrase "powwow," which derives from a healing ceremony, initially originated among one of the Algonquian tribes of Northeast Indians.

To learn more about the Long Walk, click at:





5a. We can see here that based on the Custumals of Battle Abbey, one benefit the lord received under manorialism was the ability to command the services of his tenants for various tasks such as carrying manure, mowing hay, gathering and lifting hay, carrying hay, carrying beans or oats, and carrying wood.

5b. One benefit that tenants received under manorialism was food for their labor.

6. According to Norman Cantor, two ways manorialism influenced the economy of Europe were by:

i. being a self-sufficient economic unit and

ii. by conducting local exchange through barter.

What is manorialism?

Manorialism is an economic system that was prevalent in medieval Europe. It was a feudal form of agriculture and was characterized by the lord of the manor owning the land and providing it to the tenants in exchange for their labor and a portion of their crops.

The tenants were required to provide these services in exchange for food. This allowed the lord to have access to labor and resources to maintain his estate, improving his economic and social status. They received food for the tasks they performed for the lord, such as carrying manure, mowing, gathering and lifting hay, carrying the lord's hay, and carrying beans or oats and wood.

Learn more about manorialism on https://brainly.com/question/1268279


who is giving the republican response to the state of the union ?


WASHINGTON - Giving the Republican reaction to the State of the Association, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she didn't accept "quite a bit of anything" she heard from President Joe Biden and recommended he was ill suited for the workplace he holds.

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders will convey the GOP reaction to President Biden's State of the Association address on Tuesday.

The declaration was made by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Pioneer Mitch McConnell on Thursday.

McCarthy said "everybody, including President Biden, ought to listen cautiously" to her remarks which will come following Biden's speech one week from now.

"She is a worker head of genuine assurance and conviction. I'm excited Sarah will share her remarkable story and striking vision for a superior America on Tuesday," McCarthy said in a statement.

Sanders, 40, was chosen lead representative in November. She is the main lady chosen to lead the firmly Republican state. Be that as it may, she isn't new to politics.

to know more about Washington click here:



What impact did Shays's Rebellion have on the people in Massachusetts?


Shays's Rebellion showed the limitations of the Articles of Confederation-based governance, inspiring many—including George Washington—to argue for bolstering the federal authority to quell further disturbances.

How did Shays Rebellion affect Massachusetts?

The Massachusetts government, in contrast to many other state legislatures in the 1780s, did not respond to the financial crisis by enacting pro-debtor legislation like cancelling debt and increasing the production of paper money. The local sheriffs thus seized a number of properties, and some farmers who were unable to pay their debts were imprisoned.

Farmers in western Massachusetts organised the Shays' Rebellion in 1786 as a series of armed protests against oppressive debt and property tax collecting practises. The farmers were resentful of Massachusetts' high property taxes and the consequences.

To know more about Massachusetts government, visit:



The teller amendment in the cuban constitution was a guarantee from the u.s. government that it would not interfere in cuban domestic affairs. True or False?


The given statement is false. The Teller Amendment in the Cuban constitution was a guarantee from the US government that it would have the right to interfere in Cuban domestic affairs.

Senator Henry M. Teller (Colorado) sponsored an amendment to the American declaration of war against Spain in April 1898 that said that the US would not take over Cuba permanently. In it, it was stated that the United States "hereby disclaims any disposition of intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island except for peacekeeping operations, and asserts its determination, upon successful completion of such operations, to leave the government and control of the said island to its people."

Learn more about Teller Amendment here brainly.com/question/30105424


what kind of illness did elizabeth barrett browning have?


Elizabeth and Robert Browning had recently corresponded, and she had recently noticed that the symptoms mentioned matched those of the unusual muscle-weakening illness she herself suffers from, hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HKPP).

Barrett Browning's letters and the diary she kept when she was 25 provide strong indications that she, too, experienced HKPP. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Elizabeth Barrett Browning, who is best known for her poetry, correspondence, romance, and marriage to Robert Browning, also left a legacy of unsolved questions regarding her prolonged sickness. Barrett Browning, who was born in 1806, experienced periods of incapacitating weakness, heart palpitations, great sensitivity to heat and cold, intense sensitivity to illnesses as little as a cold, and overall weariness during the course of her life.

Learn more about paralysis here :



Julia is arrested for attending a demonstration in protest against her government’s policies. A judge sentences her to five years’ imprisonment without a trial. Which of Julia’s rights have been violated?


Julia's rights have been infringed under the Sixth Amendment statute.

Taxes on multi-sales and purchases of commodities other than newspapers are now subject to the Union's sole legislative and administrative power, and Entry 54 of the Items Enumerated is now "subject to the safeguards" of this new entry.

The right to a speedy trial is recognised as one of the most important rights provided by the Constitution. Without it, anyone convicted in jury trials may be imprisoned indefinitely under a shadow of unsubstantiated criminal allegations. The right of a criminal defendant to a timely trial is also crucial to guaranteeing a fair trial.

The Sixth Amendment safeguards criminal defendants' rights, including the right to a quick public trial, counsel, and an unbiased jury.

Learn more about Sixth Amendment here:



In the chart below, write down two beliefs of Hamilton's Federalists and two beliefs of Jefferson's Republicans.




beliefs of Hamilton's Federalists:

They favored weaker state governments, a strong centralized government, the indirect election of government officials, longer term limits for officeholders, and representative, rather than direct, democracy.

beliefs of Jefferson's Republicans:

The Republicans believed in individual freedoms and the rights of states. They feared that the concentration of federal power under George Washington and John Adams represented a dangerous threat to liberty.

what was the british response to the sepoy mutiny?


The British response to the sepoy mutiny was that the Britishers took direct command of India.

The British East India Company, which served as the sovereign power in India on behalf of the British Crown, was the target of a significant revolt in 1857–1858 known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857. primarily in central India and the upper Gangetic plain, though there were also instances of uprising further north and east. Only the rebels' loss in Gwalior on June 20, 1858, was able to put an end to the uprising, which constituted a military threat to British dominance in that area. The British declared the hostilities to have officially ended on 8 July 1859, but they had already offered amnesty to all rebels who had not committed murder on 1 November 1858. The First War of Independence, the Great Rebellion, the Revolt of 1857, the Sepoy Mutiny, the Indian Mutiny, and other names have all been used to refer to it.

Know more about Sepoy Mutiny here:



Which of the following played a part in the development of Hebrew religious ideas?

Select all correct answers.


Jewish history describes the journey of the Hebrews as they wandered through the desert for 40 years after escaping from Egypt.

Jewish history describes the journey of the Hebrews as they wandered through the desert for 40 years after escaping from Egypt.

Moses was considered to be the only Jewish prophet.

Moses was considered to be the only Jewish prophet.

In Jerusalem, the Hebrews worshiped only at the Temple, but that changed during the Babylonian Captivity.

In Jerusalem, the Hebrews worshiped only at the Temple, but that changed during the Babylonian Captivity.

The Ten Commandments became part of Hebrew culture and religion long before the Babylonian captivity.

The Ten Commandments became part of Hebrew culture and religion long before the Babylonian captivity.


The correct answers are:

Jewish history and the journey through the desertMoses as a prophetThe Ten Commandments as part of Hebrew culture and religion.Who is considered to be the most important Jewish prophet in Hebrew history?

Moses is normally taken into consideration to be the most vital Jewish prophet in Hebrew history. In step with Jewish way of life, Moses changed into selected by means of God to lead the Hebrew humans out of slavery in Egypt and obtain the ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. He is likewise credited with writing the primary 5 books of the Hebrew Bible, referred to as the Torah. Moses' teachings and leadership have had a profound impact on Jewish subculture and faith, and his tale remains an crucial part of Jewish history and identity to at the present time.

To know more about Hebrew visit:



What influenced charles Lindbergh to undertake something which no one else has done before


A pilot to his aeroplane to everyone flew it   Little Falls , this incident influenced charles Lindbergh to get an courage to do something which no one else has done before.

When Charles Lindbergh was very young, a pilot to his aeroplane to everyone flew it   Little Falls. He saw it which generated the eagerness in him to ride. Though he did not get to ride it but from that incident or from that day Charles Lindbergh had an wish or made a decision to ride an aeroplane like that.

Charles Lindbergh was an American aviator who rose to international fame in 1927 after becoming the first person to fly solo and nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean in his monoplane, Spirit of St. Louis.

He wrote a book about the full story of his first flight that won the Pulitzer Prize. In his later years, as he learnt from his flight about the importance of fuel he spoke out to encourage Americans to conserve natural resources. Lindbergh worked until his death to encourage aviation  at the age of seventy-two.

Inspired by Lindbergh's words, Davis decided to full fill the step taken by lindbergh pursue a career in aviation .

Germany invaded Poland five months later, drawing Britain and France into the war. Two weeks later, Lindbergh delivered his first nationwide radio address in which was about his  urged to America for remain neutral. In his speech he criticized President Roosevelt about the  believed the Nazis must be stopped in their conquest of Europe.

On March 1, 1932, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. was born on June 22 in year 1930, the 20-month-old son of aviators Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh abducted f in the upper floor of the Lindberghs' home from his crib Highfields, in East Amwell, New Jersey, United States.

Learn more about charles Lindbergh here:-



Why did the Founding Fathers initially not allow all citizens to participate in elections?


The Founding Fathers say about voting is, allowing the vote to property owners, and it was extended equally to all, The rights of property.

What is an election?

The word election is defined as, the formal groups of the decision-making process. As in the election the population chooses their individuals, the election was also there in an organization and in government.

As in voting, the founding fathers state that voting can be overruled by a majority itself, without property. As eventually there were farmers are there In the constitution voting where the farmers left the details.

Therefore, As a result, The founding fathers reject the election of the President by Congress as a first option.

Learn more about the election here:



. The federal government requiring states to
meet specific policy guidelines in exchange
for money is which type of federalism?



Fiscal federalism


What was the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union by the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 (select all that apply)?a) Because Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had signed a non-aggression pact in 1939, their relationship had not changedb) The Germans and other Axis Powers had invaded the Soviet Unionc) The Soviet Union had joined the Axis Powers and was extending German reach into North Africad) German forces had advanced deep into Soviet territory


a) Because Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had signed a non-aggression pact in 1939, their relationship had not changed.

b) The Germans and other Axis Powers had invaded the Soviet Union, which strained their relationship and turned them into bitter enemies.

d) German forces had advanced deep into Soviet territory, which further worsened their relationship.

The options (a) and (d) are the correct answers. Option (c) is incorrect because the Soviet Union did not join the Axis Powers, but rather joined the Allied Powers after the German invasion. Option (b) is partly correct, but it does not accurately reflect the state of the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, which had soured due to the invasion.

Learn more about World War II here: brainly.com/question/1449762


Complete question:

What was the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union by the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 (select all that apply)

a) Because Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had signed a non-aggression pact in 1939, their relationship had not changed

b) The Germans and other Axis Powers had invaded the Soviet Union

c) The Soviet Union had joined the Axis Powers and was extending German reach into North Africa

d) German forces had advanced deep into Soviet territory

Which of the following describes the Gentlemen’s Agreement?
An agreement between Japan and the United States in which each country agreed to limit their imperial activities to their respective spheres of influence
A treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom to settle their remaining border disputes in North Americ
An agreement between the United States and Japan in which Japan agreed to prevent working-class Japanese from emigrating to the United States
An agreement between the United States and the Holy See (the Vatican) in which Pope Leo XIII agreed to encourage Catholics to immigrate to Mexico rather than the United States


In accordance with the Gentlemen's Agreement, a bilateral agreement between the United States and Japan.

What is Gentlemen's Agreement?

Gentlemen's agreements are unofficial, verbal contracts between two people to carry out a trade or other commitment. These agreements are not enforceable by law; rather, they are supported by the moral character, societal expectations, and peer pressure of the participants and their social networks.

A gentleman's agreement is a friendly and legally non-binding agreement between two or more people. Although it is often verbal, it may also be written down or just accepted as a part of an unspoken agreement through custom or mutually advantageous etiquette. Japan agreed to withhold passports from specific groups of business and professional men who immigrated to the United States.

To know more about Gentlemen's Agreement, visit:



How did Marius reform the Roman army?



Marius reformed the system by putting the responsibility of supplying the army in the hands of the general. Roman soldiers also had to carry all of their own supplies, weapons, and several days' worth of rations. The century carried with it all the arms and accouterments required to feed and maintain it. After the Germanic and Celtic tribes were defeated, Marius became the first general to negotiate with the Senate for a retirement plan for his soldiers. Marius persuaded the Senate to give his soldiers land, which he based on the early Republic's practice of giving distinguished soldiers plots of land. In effect, Marius' reforms changed the Roman military from a service of short-term militia into a professional standing army. This allowed Rome to use the military as an effective tool for military expansion and internal security and laid the foundations for the role of the Roman army for centuries to come.


What problems did the limits cause for the people in the 13 sovereign states?



The limits of the government under the Articles of Confederation, which were in place from 1777 to 1787, caused several problems for the people in the 13 sovereign states. Some of the major issues were:

Weak Central Government: The central government under the Articles of Confederation had limited power and was unable to enforce laws or regulate commerce effectively. This resulted in a weak and ineffective government that was unable to address the needs of the country.

Lack of Taxation Authority: The central government under the Articles of Confederation had no authority to impose taxes, which meant that it was dependent on the states for funding. This made it difficult for the government to raise the necessary funds to pay for national defense, infrastructure, and other needs.

Inability to Regulate Commerce: The central government was unable to regulate commerce between the states or with other countries, which resulted in a fragmented and inefficient economy. This made it difficult for businesses to operate and compete, and it hindered economic growth.

No Power to Regulate Currency: The central government had no power to regulate currency, which resulted in a confusing and inconsistent monetary system. This made it difficult for people to trade and do business, and it hindered economic stability.

Weak Foreign Policy: The central government had limited authority over foreign affairs, which made it difficult for the country to establish strong relationships with other nations and to protect its interests abroad.

These problems with the limits of the government under the Articles of Confederation contributed to the need for a stronger central government, which was eventually established under the Constitution of the United States.

If you could have voted for or against the Women's Movement Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s, what would you have done? What constitutional principles and values are in question by those who opposed the amendment and those who supported the amendment?


On January 15, Virginia came the  rearmost state to  confirm the Equal Rights Amendment( period), a proposed correction to the Constitution that guarantees equal rights for women.  

The measure arose as a top legislative need after Egalitarians assumed command over the two places of the Virginia General Assembly without precedent for two decades, leading to the appointment of the  top  womanish speaker of the state's Place of Delegates.

It got bipartisan help in the two chambers. This memorable vote follows late ratifications by Nevada in 2017 and Illinois in 2018 after four decades of inactivity.   The Constitution gives that  emendations take impact when3/4 of the  countries  confirm them, putting the ongoing edge at 38  countries. Virginia was the 38th state to  confirm the period since Congress proposed it in 1972, technically pushing the period across that limit.

to know more about the constitution click here:



case using your knowledge of East, Central, and South Africa.
Bantu-speaking peoples
migrated from the Niger and
Benue River Valleys.
O True
O False

Bantu culture, including
farming techniques and iron-
working, spread throughout
Central and Southern Africa,
eventually reaching the
Indian Coast.


The statement that Bantu-speaking peoples migrated from the Niger and Benue River Valleys is True.

Who are the Bantu - speaking people ?

Bantu-speaking peoples are believed to have originated from the Niger-Benue River Valleys in West Africa and then gradually spread throughout much of Sub-Saharan Africa over thousands of years.

This massive migration and expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples is known as the Bantu expansion and is considered one of the largest human migrations in history.

Find out more on the Bantu - speakers at https://brainly.com/question/1956262


What was one effect of the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century? (1) Democracy became the dominant political system in Latin America. (2) European colonialism replaced the independent governments of Latin America. (3) Many Latin American countries achieved independence.


The correct answer is (3) Many Latin American countries achieved independence.

One of the primary effects of the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century was that many Latin American countries successfully fought for and achieved their independence from European colonial powers. These revolutions were largely fueled by a desire for political and economic self-determination, and they resulted in the establishment of independent governments throughout the region. While many Latin American countries struggled to establish stable political systems in the aftermath of their independence, the successful overthrow of colonial rule represented a major turning point in the region's history. The correct answer is (3) Many Latin American countries achieved independence.

Learn more about European colonial powers here https://brainly.com/question/4612029


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after incubation, samples of the cottage cheese (control) and samples treated with the preservative (experimental) were diluted and plated on nutrient agar. calculate the number of bacteria. was the preservative effective? has it not. . . invariably been found that momentary passions, and immediate interests, have a more active and imperious control over human conduct than general or remote considerations of policy, utility and justice? What culture was likely the first to celebrate birthdays? Classify each item by the class of molecule to which it relates.A. ProteinB. Nucleic acidC. LipidD. Carbohydrate1. RNA2. Stored in adipose tissue3. Its monomers are called necleotides4. DNA5. Genes are made of this6. Its main feature is its water-repellent property7. Its monomers are called amino acids8. Its polymers are called polysaccharides Then tell me what has changed about Ellie as a child to Ellie as an adult? What has remained the same about Ellie as an adult?In class we watched Carl and Ellies story and we conversed about characterization. Today we focused on the character trait dialogue. Find a scene where you can imagine what Ellie and Carl are saying. Describe the scene and make up a DIALOGUE script. Make sure to use language and tone that would match Carl and Ellies personalities. Ellie: This is an example of what a dialogue script looks like!Carl: You better follow this example, or Ms. Monterrosa will roll her eyes at you and gi-ive you a bad grade.Then tell me what has changed about Ellie as a child to Ellie as an adult? What has remained the same about Ellie as an adult?(check comments for video 0/112. Ashton picked 6 pounds of pecans. He used of the pecans in a soup recipe. Ashton thensplits the pecans that are left in pound bags. How many bags of pecans does he have? Select the correct answer.Consider this function.f(x) = 6logx - 3Over which interval is function f increasing at the greatest rate?OA. [2, 6]OB. [1/8, 1/2]OC. [1, 2]OD. [1/2,1] pls help me i need now and if the answer is correct i give free BRAINLIEST HERE!!!!THANK YOU jay's mom asks him to go to the atm and take out money for her. she doesn't want to write down her pin number, so she tells it to jay. on his way to the bank, jay keeps repeating the number in his head so he won't forget. this process relies on his: Which sentence best states a central theme in A Very Long Night?Each of us is a complex mixture of character traits.No one has the right to judge another persons failings.Growing up is easier when you have friends.We must appreciate our parents while we have them. Do you believe that you are the master of your fate. Do your genes your enviorment and other factor place your fate outside of your control : Write a short paragraph giving your opinion? What are the labels of this heart Balancing a centrifuge requires that all tubes in the load:A. have an equal amount of liquid of the same viscosity.B. are of equal size and shape.C. have a partner directly across in the rotor holder.D. All of the above 6.RP.3d-2016 (#39) Fei Yen's dog eats 8 ounces of dog food each day. Fei Yen bought a 28-pound bag of dogfood. How many 8-ounce servings are in a 28-pound bag of dog food?A 14B 56C 224D 448 why do these two magnets attract each other question 8help me asap 20. A line passes through (4, 6) and (9, 9).a. Write an equation for the line in slope-interceptform.y=3/5x+18/5?b. Rewrite the equation in standard form usingintegers. ____is the process by which a cell divides to produce two ___cells which of these structures is a separate generation from the plant sporophyte? Why Do We Drive on the Parkway but Park in a Driveway?