Why do lightning strikes have a low potential for catastrophe?


Answer 1

Lightning strikes have a low potential for catastrophe because typically, lightning doesn't have a significant impact on both persons and property.

What is Lightning?Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge that arises from the temporary neutralization of two electrically charged regions, either in the atmosphere or with one on the ground. It results in the instantaneous release of an average of one gigajoule of energy.What is catastrophe?A catastrophe is a large-scale calamity with a profound impact on people's lives and which necessitates a huge investment of time, money, and resources in reaction and recovery.Disasterous weather conditions can include, among other things, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and droughts. Scientific data implicates climate change as the main factor contributing to the increasing frequency of these extremely damaging and expensive catastrophes.

Learn more about lightning here:



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How does genesis 2 15 clarify the kind of dominion that adam was to exercise over the earth?


When God put the first man into the Garden of Eden, he was to "make it work and keep it" (Genesis 2:15). Adam was commanded to tend the earth, bury the rest, and till it, according to the example that God had set for him in the garden genesis 2 15 clarify the kind of dominion that adam was to exercise over the earth.

Then God said Let him rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, all the wild animals of the earth, and all that crawl on the earth. Human rulership in Genesis 1 included a lack of violence against non-human animals.

Learn more about genesis at



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In summer, at the same pressure, maritime tropical air is ______ continental tropical air.


In summer, at the same pressure, maritime tropical air is less dense than continental tropical air.

What is maritime tropical air?

The most significant air mass that produces rain and moisture throughout the year is the maritime Tropical (mT). It goes poleward in the winter and is cooled by the ground. As a result, it is distinguished by rain, low stratus or stratocumulus clouds, fog, and limited visibility.

What is continental tropical air?

Continental The Sahara Desert in northern Africa is the primary source of tropical air masses (cT), which are a form of tropical air created by the subtropical ridge over broad expanses of land.

What is the difference between continental and maritime tropical air mass?

While coastal air masses are moist, continental air masses are distinguished by dry air near the surface. Tropical air masses are warm or hot, whereas polar air masses are characterized by chilly air near the surface.

To know more about maritime and continental tropical air, visit: https://brainly.com/question/11952365


Why were computers initially created?

For communication
To perform calculations faster and with no errors
For online shopping
For entertainment





the computer was invented in order to automate mathematical calculations that were previously completed by people. Charles Babbage is considered to be the “father” of the computer.

how physical features such as mountains or water might affect positively and negatively the relationships and trade between Pakistan and it’s regional neighbours?


The physical features of Pakistan affects the relationships and trade between Pakistan and it's regional neighbours as The geography of Pakistan was negatively impacted by the "New Great Game" and the "Global War on Terrorism" since it is the gateway to Central Asia and a potential route for World Powers to enter landlocked Afghanistan.

More about the Pakistan:

Iran, Afghanistan, China, and India all border Pakistan, which is a country in South Asia. The Himalayan Mountains, which divide into the Hindu Kush range, are located to the north.

The huge, arid, and thinly populated Balochistan Plateau is to the southwest. The Thar Desert and a 650-mile stretch of the Arabian Sea shoreline are located in the south.

Learn more about Pakistan here:



Why did jim only take sips of water after the race? what could happen if he drank as much as he wanted to?


He is still dehydrated Jim only takes sips of water after the race. you don't want to overinflate his stomach by drinking water too quickly happen if he drank as much as he wanted to.

The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen decreases with increasing acidity (decreasing pH) and increasing temperature. During exercise, muscle pH drops due to increased production of both CO2 and lactate.

Some people do not sweat normally because their sweat glands are not working properly. This condition is called hypohidrosis or anhidrosis. It can affect the whole body, a single area, or scattered areas. Inability to sweat can lead to water overheating.

Learn more about water at



Two large plates moving away from the mid-atlantic ridge are the __________ and the _____________.


Two large plates moving away from the mid-atlantic ridge are the South American Plate and the African Plate. Hence, Option C is correct,

What are plates?

The term plates are used to denote the layers that are present on the earth's crust. Basically, plates are the younger parts of the landmass on which the islands of the continents are located.

On trust, there are various tectonic plates Some of them are African plates, Antarctic plate, Australian plate Pacific plate, among many others.

The plates move away from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where they are because of the South American and African plates.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about plates from here:



The complete question has been attached in text form:

Two large plates moving away from the mid-atlantic ridge are the __________ and the _____________.

A)Australian Plate / Nazca Plate

B)Atlantic Plate / Antarctic Plate.

C) South American Plate / African Plate

What was one negative impact that hurricane katrina had on the ecosystem of the gulf coast?.


Hurricane Katrina's physical destructive impact on the ecosystem of the Gulf Coast was massive, it released oil from production facilities and chemicals from the kitchen sink to waterways, The trees got knocked down, the marshes were washed out, It killed thousands of animals, and most importantly it destroyed the habitats for the species.

Hurricane Katrina formed on 25th August 2005, it passed over Florida and went to the Gulf of Mexico where it grew into a category 3 Hurricane, and then it strengthened to category 5 and caused Landfall on the Gulf coast of the United States. It was the third-highest hurricane that has ever hit the U.S.

It caused a lot of Human tragedy and economical imbalances, most importantly it caused environmental damage by destroying Wildlife, Habitats, etc. A thousand acres of land were lost due to Hurricane

To know more about Hurricane Katrina, Click here :



What drawing concept did artists break away from to leave a three dimensional reality to explore issues on a two dimensional surface?


Space is used to refer both to depth—real or represented—and also to the general surface area within a work of art drawing concept artists break away from to leave a three dimensional reality to explore issues on a two dimensional surface.

Sculptures are a three dimensional artform, given shape and brought to life by various materials and many different techniques.

A two-dimensional structure has only two surfaces; length and breadth. A three-dimensional structure has three surfaces; length, breadth, and height. Two-dimensional figures are also referred to as “plane” figures or “flat” figures due to their appearance.

To read more about 3 dimensional structures click here https://brainly.com/question/13125784


Imagine you are standing at the north pole. of the stars that you can see, roughly how many of these stars are circumpolar?


Of the stars that you can see standing at the north pole, all of them are circumpolar.

So, as you travel further north, more circumpolar stars are visible. Furthermore, all the stars are circumpolar if you travel all the way to the north pole; nothing ever rises or sets there. Instead, every star circles Polaris, the center of the northern sky, on the same path it takes every night.

At the poles, are all stars circumpolar?At the North and South Poles of the Earth, all the stars are circumpolar. At the equator, however, no star is circumpolar. Anywhere else has some stars that are circumpolar and some stars that rise and set every day.

How many circumpolar stars are there around the North Pole?There are five circumpolar constellations in the northern hemisphere. Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Draco, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor are the names of these constellations.

To learn more about circumpolar stars visit:



Which of the following best describes this hummingbird population?
Members of the population exhibit equal reproductive success.
Members of the population must compete for resources.
Members of the population do not have any genetic variation.
Members of the population have equal chances of survival.


B. The hummingbird population is best described as having to compete for resources.

More about hummingbird population:

The biological bloodline of Trochilidae includes hummingbirds, which are indigenous to the Americas. They contain about 361 species in 113 genera and are found across Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, however the mass of the species are found in the tropics close to the equator. Their favorite color is red, and they primarily devour minute animals like aphids and spiders, with the occasional exception of pollen and sap.

Throughout the course of the day, hummingbirds eat a variety of small meals that can total up to twelve times their muscle mass in nectar and invertebrates.

Learn more about Hummingbirds here:



What regions/countries had the most significant influence over east germany?


In 1948, the Soviet Union was attempting to starve West Berlin with a blockade. This prompted the US-led Berlin Airlift, and the Soviets relented nearly a year later. Russia had the most significant influence over East Germany.

Why did Russia hand over East Germany?

By 1948, the Soviet Union was attempting to starve West Berlin with a blockade. This prompted the US-led Berlin Airlift, and the Soviets relented nearly a year later.

However, the schism between East and West Germany only widened. Each side established its own government, and in June 1953, Soviet tanks assisted the East German government in suppressing a worker's uprising.

The greatest affront to the West was the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, and the Soviets supplied the might to keep it standing. When Soviet power began to wane in the late 1980s, so did the Wall.

It was finally brought down in November 1989, when East Germany's Communist regime collapsed amid popular protest and economic weakness.

As part of the 1990 agreement for German reunification, the former World War II conquerors promised to withdraw their troops from Berlin by this fall. Russia also agreed to leave Germany entirely, in exchange for a $9 billion farewell gift to ease the pain of relocating its departing soldiers.

In 1948, the Soviet Union was attempting to starve West Berlin with a blockade. This prompted the US-led Berlin Airlift, and the Soviets relented nearly a year later. Russia had the most significant influence over East Germany.

To learn more about East Germany refer to:



Name the early-twentieth-century hypothesis that was at first rejected by geologists and the more comprehensive theory that later replaced it.


The idea of continental drift led to ideas of seafloor spreading, then the theory of plate tectonics was born.

Plate tectonics is the widely accepted scientific theory that the earth's lithosphere consists of several large, slow-moving tectonic plates that have existed for about 3.4 billion years. This model is based on the concept of continental drift, an idea that was developed during the first decades of the 20th century. Plate tectonics is generally accepted by geologists after confirming propagation.

The seafloor in the mid to late 1960s. Upper mantle), divided into seven or eight major plates (depending on how they are defined) and many small plates or "platelets". Where the plates meet, their relative motion determines the type of plate boundary: convergent, divergent, or transformative. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain building, and sea trench digging occur along this plate boundary (or fault). The relative motion of the plates generally varies from 0 to 10 cm per year.

Learn more about Plate Tectonics here: https://brainly.com/question/2325633


What kept earth's surface a mass of molten liquid for several hundred million years?


Constant bombardment by asteroids kept earth's surface a mass of molten liquid for several hundred million years.

Seismic records, recorded by seismometers, are the primary way for scientists to learn what the interior of the Earth is made of. We can see that the crust is a solid substance, but we need body waves to know the molten liquid rest.

The Earth's interior is extremely hot (core temperatures reach over 5,000 degrees Celsius) for two main reasons: heat from planet formation and heat from the decay of radioactive elements. Modern deep-water circulation removes water from the molten liquid by partial melting.

Learn more about molten liquid at



Parallax is used to determine how far a star is from earth by measuring its parallactic angle. of star a has a larger parallactic angle than star b, star a is ____________ than star b.


The answer is closer.

Parallax is used to determine how far a star is from earth by measuring its parallactic angle. If star a has a larger parallactic angle than star b, star a is closer than star b.

What is parallax?

When there is a difference in the direction of a celestial object as seen by an observer from two points which are widely separated, then this distance is termed as parallax.

This parallax measurement is used to find the distance of the body from Earth which is called Geocentric parallax and from the Sun which is called Heliocentric Parallax.

To know more about parallax, visit:



Please help me reward 100 points
How did Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem in 1187 differ from the crusaders’ conquest in 1099?

Saladin avoided mass murder of the Roman Catholics living in Jerusalem.
Saladin burned down all the Roman Catholics’ important churches.
Saladin exiled all Christians from Jerusalem and closed all the churches.
Saladin took all the valuables from the Roman Catholic churches for himself.



less violent than that of themedieval knights of the First Crusade (1095-1099 CE), and for this, he has been endlessly romanticized by Muslims and Christians alike.


If the sun were reduced to the size of a grapefruit, earth on the same scale would be:_______.


If the sun were reduced to the size of a grapefruit, Earth on the same scale would be approximately 15 meters away from the Sun, about the size of a ballpoint pen's tip.

What is size of Earth?Only one astronomical object, Earth, is known to support life, and it is the third planet from the Sun. Despite the fact that the Solar System is filled with a lot of water, only Earth is home to liquid surface water. The oceans cover around 71% of Earth's surface, dwarfing its lakes, rivers, and polar ice. The shape of Earth is not perfect. An oblate spheroid, that is. Near the poles, it is flattened, while at the equator, it is rounded. The distance between the poles and the equator is 12,714 kilometers (12,756 miles). This comes out to 13,000 kilometers. Although dwarfed by the gas giants outside the asteroid belt, Earth is the biggest and most massive of the rocky inner planets.

Learn more about Earth here:



A poleward moving (northward moving in the northern hemisphere) ocean current is:_____.


A poleward moving (northward moving in the Northern Hemisphere) ocean current is: a warm current.

Here Ocean currents are the continuous, predictable, directional movement of seawater driven by gravity, wind (Coriolis Effect), and water density. Ocean water moves in two directions: horizontally and vertically. Horizontal movements are referred to as currents, while vertical changes are called upwellings or downwellings.Currents are referred to by their “drift”. Usually, the currents are strongest near the surface and may attain speeds over five knots. At depths, currents are generally slow with speeds less than 0.5 knots. The speed of a current as its “drift.” Drift is measured in terms of knots.

example = Kuroshio current also known as Japan current is a north-flowing ocean current on the west side of the North Pacific Ocean. It transports the warm water northwards towards the polar region. The warm waters of the Kuroshio Current sustain the coral reefs of Japan, the northernmost coral reefs in the world.

to know more about coral reef click here



During some lunar eclipses, the moon's appearance changes only slightly, because it passes only through the part of earth's shadow called the?


Earths shadow is called The umbra. The moon has an umbra as well, which causes solar eclipses :)

10 sentence boring summarize


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A deep valley that forms where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate.



Ocean Trench


When an ocean plate collides with another ocean plate or with a plate carrying continents, one plate will bend and slide under the other. This process is called subduction. A deep ocean trench forms at this subduction boundary.

When two plants with red flowers are mated together, the offspring always are red, but two purple flowered plants are mated together, sometimes the offspring have red flowers. which color is dominant?


When two plants with red flowers are mated together, the offspring always are red, but two purple flowered plants are mated together, sometimes the offspring have red flowers. so here purple color is dominant.

The remarkable diversity of mating patterns and sexual systems in flowering plants has fascinated evolutionary biologists for more than a century

Much theoretical work on mating system evolution has focused on conditions favoring the evolution of self-fertilization within populations, such as reproductive assurance when pollen transfer opportunities are limited and the genetic transmission advantage of selfing in populations with low inbreeding depression .

Conversely, high rates of outcrossing are thought to be favored when the cost of inbreeding depression exceeds the transmission advantage of selfing.

to know more about self-fertilization click here



Professional organizations provide some benefits similar to those of CTSOs. Professional organizations offer memberships to which people?


A Professional agency generally calls for member dues, has an elected leadership frame, and includes more than a few subcommittees or useful areas. professional groups may be both national or worldwide, and frequently have close ties to schools and universities with degree applications in that subject.

Professional and exchange corporations offer improvement and connections with others for your subject and beautify your enterprise profile. Having an industry affiliation on your resume says you are very devoted to your profession and actively participating in its advancement. clients, clients, and employers like that.

An expert employer and a professional and technical business enterprise expert groups are for the scholars who can be interested by a career, career and technical corporations are for human beings within the place of business.

Learn more about professionals here:






Some of earth's water supply originated from some of earth's water supply originated from? icy comets. gases expelled from the sun; i.e., solar wind. photosynthesis. asteroids.



the best answer would be asteroids


research suggests that Earth's water came from both asteroids and the solar nebula

Total species diversity, or species richness, of individual communities is referred to as _______ diversity.





What factor most likely led to the abandonment of chaco canyon? group of answer choices
a. warfare
b. cannibalism
b. encroachment of the spanish
d. weather
e. plague flag


Weather led to the abandonment of chaco canyon.

The narrow, ten-mile-long Chaco Canyon is found in New Mexico's northwest. It is isolated by today's standards because it is 70 miles from the closest town and only reachable by rutted dirt roads. Years of erosion have formed the canyon itself out of former seabeds.

The strata of rock and the fossils buried therein indicate millions of years of history. The reason why people abandoned Chaco Canyon is unclear, but a protracted drought may have been a factor. Communities in other parts of the region began to expand in size and significance about this period.

The correct answer is option d.

Know more about chaco canyon



Each of the major continents at the beginning of the paleozoic can be divided into two major components:______.


Each of the major continents at the beginning of the paleozoic can be divided into two major components and those are a craton and a mobile belt.

What is paleozoic era?The Phanerozoic Eon is divided into three geologic eras, the oldest of which being the Paleozoic Era. With a duration of 538.8 to 251.902 million years ago, it is the longest era of the Phanerozoic and is divided into six geologic periods: the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian.The Paleozoic Era (541 to 252 million years ago) saw the diversification of fish and the abundance of marine life. Trilobites, cephalopods like squid, as well as insects and plants are typical Paleozoic fossils. This epoch was marked by the largest mass extinction in Earth history.The emergence of chordates and arthropods, which are the forerunners of modern insects and crustaceans, was part of the "Cambrian explosion" (animals with rudimentary spinal cords).

Learn more about paleozoic era here:



12. Visit the Incan city of Machu Picchu in
this country, located at 10'S, 75 W.


Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan citadel located approximately 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Cusco, Peru. When the American explorer Hiram Bingham III first visited the settlement's ruins in 1911 and brought them to the world's attention, they were little known — even among Cusco residents.

Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel located on a 2,430-meter (7,970 ft) mountain ridge in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru. [2] [3] It's in the Machu picchu District of Urubamba Province, above the Sacred Valley, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) northwest of Cusco. The Urubamba River flows past it, carving a canyon through the Cordillera and creating a tropical mountain climate. According to studies, the majority of the people who lived there were immigrants from various backgrounds. They lacked the chemical and osteological markers that would have been present if they had lived there their entire lives. Instead, bone damage was caused by various species of water parasites native to different regions of Peru. There were also varying osteological stressors and chemical densities, implying that the long-term diets of specific regions were spaced apart.

Learn more about Machu Picchu here:



Inclusions in the clay used to make pottery that act as a filler, creating strength and counteracting cracking and shrinkage during firing, are known as:_______.


Inclusions in the clay used to make pottery that act as a filler, creating strength and counteracting cracking and shrinkage during firing, are known as temper.

What is Pottery?Pottery is the art of creating vessels and other items out of clay and other ceramic materials and then firing them at high temperatures to give them a tough and long-lasting shape. The three main varieties are earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware.Sgraffito, which means "to scratch" in Italian, is a method of decorating pottery in which layers of color (underglazes or colored slips) are applied to leather-hard pottery, and then portions of the layer(s) are scratched off to produce contrasting images, patterns, and textures and reveal the clay color underneath.One of the earliest human innovations, dating to before the Neolithic era, is pottery.

Learn more about pottery here:



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