who started the tuskegee normal and industrial institute in alabama


Answer 1

Booker T Washington, Lewis Adams, George Washington carver started the Tuskegee normal and industrial institute.

When Booker T. Washington first arrived in Tuskegee, Alabama, in the summer of 1881, the Tuskegee State Normal School was a nominal school. A House bill allocated money for teacher salaries, but no land was allocated for schools. Early classes at Tuskegee State Normal School were held in an old building owned by Butler Chapel AME Zion Church.

The Tuskegee Institute was founded on July 4, 1881, but the idea of ​​a school for African Americans in Tuskegee actually began two years earlier. In 1879 W.F. approached Lewis Adams. Foster, a Democrat running for the Alabama Senate who helped win the black vote. Foster and Brooks both won the race and in return they honored their end of the deal by working on House Bill 165.

To know more about Tuskegee University click on the link below.



Related Questions

After fighting for years to subdue native peoples in New Zealand to access their resources

and open trade, why did the British give the nation self-rule and then its ultimate

independence in 1907?

A. Decided that it was too far from the main land

B. Did not want to keep using its army to control the colony

C. New Zealand no longer could produce the raw materials the British wanted

D. Too many other European nations established trade in the country



Ongoing scholarly and societal discussion surrounds New Zealand's independence. In contrast to popular belief, New Zealand's political independence from the United Kingdom resulted from the country's changing constitutional status rather than having a specific date of separation.

New Zealand doesn't observe an official "Independence Day." The Mori population of New Zealand began to be augmented in the late 1700s by sealers and whalers, who were followed by infrequent visits from intrepid travellers from Europe and the Americas, Christian missionaries, and emancipated Australian convicts. New Zealand was not formally ruled during this time, as the British were busy establishing their colony in the neighbouring country of Australia and disregarded New Zealand.

Learn more about New Zealand here:



Who does Theodor Roosevelt believe really makes a difference in the world?


Theodore Roosevelt believed that it become not the large companies or the rich those who make a difference in the international, but as an alternative the "man within the arena." He believed that ordinary people who take action and persevere in the face of boundaries and problems had been the ones who simply made a distinction and helped shape the arena.

How did Roosevelt's belief influence his approach to leadership?

Theodore Roosevelt's belief that ordinary citizens make a difference in the world influenced his approach to leadership in several ways. He believed that a leader's role was to empower and encourage people to take action and make a difference in their communities. He also focused on promoting progressive reforms that would improve the lives of everyday Americans, such as conservation, regulation of monopolies, and workers' rights. He took an active approach to leadership, leading by example and inspiring others to take action. Roosevelt's belief in the power of ordinary citizens also shaped his views on democracy and social justice, and he worked to ensure that all Americans had equal opportunities to succeed.

To know more about Roosevelt visit: https://brainly.com/question/29797674


What role did the first rulers of Ur, Uruk, and other Sumerian city-states play? A)Priests B)Merchants C)Farmers D)Scribes


The first rulers of Ur, Uruk, and other Sumerian city-states played the role of A) Priests. The Sumerian city-states were ruled by a priest-king who oversaw the religious and political affairs of the city-state.

These rulers were responsible for maintaining the city's relationship with the gods, organizing and overseeing religious ceremonies, and making decisions about the city's laws and policies. Additionally, they were often responsible for overseeing the construction of temples and other religious buildings. In this way, the first rulers of Sumerian city-states played a crucial role in the religious and political life of their  They were believed to have a direct connection to the gods and were responsible for maintaining the city's relationship with the divine world. In addition to their religious duties, the priest-kings were responsible for the management of the city's resources, including the distribution of land and the allocation of labor.

Over time, as the city-states grew more complex and developed more advanced economic systems, other classes of people, such as merchants and scribes, began to emerge and gain influence. However, the role of the priest-king remained central to the organization of Sumerian society, and many of the city-states continued to be ruled by religious leaders well They were believed to have a direct connection to the gods and were responsible for maintaining the city's relationship with the divine world. In addition to their religious duties, the priest-kings were responsible for the management of the city's resources, including the distribution of land and the allocation of labor

Learn more about ruling here:https://brainly.com/question/820417


wilderness wasn’t a handicap for americans because of their advantages. (True or False)


It is TRUE that Wilderness wasn’t a handicap for Americans because of their advantages.

Aldo Leopold witnessed the wildness dissipate in before of his eyes. Even on the national forests, the "blank spaces on the map," as he put it, were going away. Leopold put in a lot of effort to preserve the Gila River headwaters in New Mexico, one of the last undeveloped areas in the area where he operated. His work was fruitful. The Gila Wilderness in the Gila National Forest was the first wilderness area to be established anywhere in the world by the Forest Service in 1924. Before the Wilderness Act, there were 40 years.

In the present day, there are more than 750 wilderness areas in the United States, spread throughout 44 states and Puerto Rico. These range in size from the 6-acre Pelican Island Wilderness in northern Florida to the 9-million-acre Wrangell-St. Elias Wilderness in Alaska. In the lower 48 states, the Forest Service alone is responsible for managing nearly 60% of the total wilderness area. Wilderness designations cover around 18% of the National Forest System.

To know more about Wilderness Act



fill the blink please for me thnaks​


President John Adams wanted to build or improve a national road and a national astronomical observatory. He wanted a national university and supports scientific research to benefit the American people.

Like his father, John Adams, he wanted to expand the role and power of the federal government.

Adam's opponents wanted a lesser role for the government and not to waste money.

Who is President John Adams?

President John Quincy Adams became the sixth president of the United States in 1825.  He was a secretary of State, a diplomat, and a lawyer.

During his tenure, Adams supported internal improvements - a network of roads and canals, a national university, and science, and research in the United States.

Read more about President John Quincy Adams at brainly.com/question/20062838


in the old testament, atoning sacrifices were permanent coverings of sin. true or false?


In the Old Testament, atoning sacrifices were not permanent coverings of sin. They were temporary and had to be repeated on a regular basis.

The Israelites were expected to make animal sacrifices in order to atone for their crimes and ask God for forgiveness, according to the Old Testament. These sacrifices, which required the blood of the animal, were carried out by the priests in the temple. It was believed that the animal's blood would atone for the sins of the person making the sacrifice.

The sacrifices did not, however, serve as a perpetual atonement for sin. To stay pure and keep a healthy relationship with God, they had to be repeated frequently, frequently daily or weekly. The Old Testament makes it very obvious that a more long-lasting solution to the sin problem was required and that sacrifices were merely a stopgap measure.

To know more about testament click here,



If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. (T/F)


This statement is true and was made by Abraham Lincoln during a speech in 1862.

The quote indicates Lincoln's belief that maintaining the Union was his main priority and that, if necessary, he was open to considering all options, including the prospect of liberating some or all slaves.

This quote demonstrates Lincoln's belief that maintaining the Union was his top priority and that he was ready to explore all options to get there, including the prospect of releasing some or all slaves. Lincoln's opinions on slavery and race did, however, change with time, and in 1863 he finally issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared all slaves in Confederate-held territory to be free.

To know more about Lincoln click here,



Why didn’t the British Parliament’s response to the Tea Party achieve its goals?


The British Parliament's response to the Tea Party did not achieve its goals because it failed to address the underlying grievances of the colonists. The British imposed a series of taxes and restrictions on the colonists, which were seen as oppressive and unjust. Therefore, their response was seen as a further attempt to control and oppress the colonists, rather than a genuine effort to address their grievances. This further angered the colonists and ultimately led to the American Revolution.

What is the MAIN reason the author includes the section "Farmers Organize?


The main reason the author includes the section "Farmers Organize" is to illustrate how farmers in the early 20th century were able to come together to form organizations and advocate for their rights.

3. The influence and wealth from trade gave
complete control of the government.
O patrons
O serfs





Merchants. Trade allowed merchants to gain wealth and influence, which in turn gave them control over the government. They could use their wealth to buy political influence and sway decisions made by the government. This gave them significant control over the power structure and decisions made in the government.

Evaluate the factors which led to detente between the US and USSR between 1971 and 1979. Cold War.


The end of World War II resulted in emergence of Soviet Union and United States as only two nations worthy of title 'big powers'. The ideological war, fought between 1945-91 between two blocs is famously known as Cold War - the war of nerves.

Major factors which led to detente between the two blocs are:

1. Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT)

It announced ban on test of nuclear weapons in atmosphere, outer space and under water. This treaty was signed on August, 1963 in Moscow by US, USSR and United Kingdom on backdrop of Cuban missile crisis.

2. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT-I)

It was the first among the series of various strategic Arms Limitation Talks. First round of dialouge began in 1969 between Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev. This talks resulted in limiting the number of ABMs - Anti Ballistic Missile from May 1972.

3. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT-II)

Second round began in 1972 in Vienna headed by Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev. This time the focus was to set limit on strategic offensive arms.

Apart from US and USSR, other international players also contributed to limit the tensions of cold war and discourage smaller states to join the either blocs.

One of the classic example is group of five nations (India, Indonesia, Egypt, Yugoslavia and Ghana) who collectively pushed the idea of peace under the banner of NON-ALIGNMENT MOVEMENT (NAM) which gained importance around mid-1970s.

learn more about Cold War: https://brainly.in/question/6518303

What role did pressures for land and resources play in the relationship between European colonisers and First Nations communities?


European colonizers often sought to acquire land and resources from First Nations communities, leading to tension and conflict between the two groups. This was especially true in North America, where the Europeans sought to acquire land for settlement and resources for economic gain.

What was the First Nations' relationship to the European settlers?

They built trade relationships with the Aboriginal peoples in addition to their fishing and fish preservation activities. Glass, iron axes, iron knives, copper cauldrons, and iron knives.

First Nations tribes experienced tension and conflict as a result of European colonists' frequent attempts to take their land and resources. This was notably true in North America, as European settlers searched out resources for commercial gain and territory for colonization. In order to obtain land and resources, the Europeans frequently utilized force and compulsion, which resulted in the eviction and displacement of First Nations tribes. This led to a

Learn more about resources at:



Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause so rigorously debated, even to this day?

Congress cannot agree on how broad its implied powers should be.
The wording of the clause is often undergoing revision.
The clause deals with implied powers that are ambiguously defined.
The clause establishes reserved rights, which vary from state to state.


Congress has the authority to enact special legislation under the Necessary and Proper Clause that directs other government agencies to investigate or rule on specific claims.

What is the problem with the Necessary and Proper Clause?

Federalists claimed that the phrase would only allow the execution of powers that had already been provided by the constitution, despite concerns by anti-Federalists that it would give the federal government unlimited power. One of the longest clauses in the US Constitution is the Necessary & Proper Clause.

The Necessary and Proper Clause was designed to give Congress the authority to pass regulations governing the Powers. The words "necessary" and "appropriate" are the cause of the Clause's disagreement. The Congress has implied powers because these provisions do not expressly specify the scope of its authority.

To know more about Federalists, visit:



The American federal system could be described as

States can make their own choices, as they have power over all laws.
State and federal governments are run separately, without any overlap.
The federal government informs states of what is and what is not considered legal.
The federal and state governments share powers, but federal power is supreme.


In the American system of federalism, the federal government has exclusive power over some aspects of public policy, while state governments have exclusive control over others.

What is the federal system in America?

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress, the President, as well as the Federal courts, respectively, the authority to act as the legislative, executive, & judicial departments of the federal government. Federal systems share political power between two separate, elected directly sets of governments, one at the national level and the other at the subnational level.

Federalism is a system of government where two levels of authorities share control over the same area. Local issues are often dealt with by smaller subdivisions, states, and cities whereas larger territorial areas are typically regulated more extensively by an overarching national government.

To know more about Federalism, visit:



Which group was most justified in its reaction to the treaty?
a. Germany
b. Africans & Asians
c. Italy & Japan


The criticisms of the Treaty of Versailles from Germany are largely legitimate and only somewhat unjustified. One of the most important justifiable German justifications is the War Guilt Clause.

Germany was given harsh punishment and held responsible for starting World War I alone. It suffered territorial losses, was forced to make substantial reparations, and had to put a cap on the size of its army and the amount of weapons and ammo available. The German economy failed as a result of the reparations. Germans were unhappy with the humiliating terms of the pact, particularly the sentence regarding war guilt. In other circumstances, such as when Germany willingly entered a war while knowing the implications, the treaty was justified.

Learn more about Treaty here :



why did settlers of the plains build sod houses?


They gave good shelter and were great for any type weather. The material itself was flexible and strong.

Can someone please complete this world history hook exercise: what was the underlying cause of World War 1?

Directions: Wars have been fought throughout history. The list below presents different reasons for going to war. Check whether you agree or disagree that the reason given is a good one. In the notes section, explain why you agree or disagree.



Monkey Luffy

Can someone please complete this world history hook exercise: what was the underlying cause of World War 1?

Directions: Wars have been fought throughout history. The list below presents different reasons for going to war. Check whether you agree or disagree that the reason given is a good one. In the notes section, explain why you agree or disagree.

The underlying cause of World War 1 is often considered to be the complex system of alliances and political tensions among the European powers, particularly the rivalries between the Central Powers (led by Germany and Austria-Hungary) and the Allied Powers (led by France, Russia, and Great Britain).

I disagree that the underlying cause of World War 1 was the desire for colonies and territories. While the acquisition of colonies and territories was a factor in the tensions between the European powers, it was not the root cause of the war. The desire for colonies and territories was fueled by the larger rivalries and competition between the major powers.

I also disagree that nationalism was the underlying cause of World War 1. Nationalism was a significant factor in the buildup to the war, as the rise of nationalistic sentiments among ethnic and cultural groups led to tensions and competition between countries. However, nationalism was not the root cause of the war, but rather a symptom of the larger political and economic rivalries between the major powers.

In conclusion, the underlying cause of World War 1 was the complex system of alliances and political tensions among the European powers, particularly the rivalries between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The desire for colonies and territories and the rise of nationalism were factors that contributed to the tensions and ultimately led to the outbreak of the war.

What are two things the Cherokee did to fit into Georgia society



Cherokee society was egalitarian: it valued men's and women's economic and political contributions equally. While Cherokee towns were independent in operation, Cherokee land was communally held by the whole tribe.

Analyzing All Quiet on the Western Front
In this unit, you learned that World War I affected an entire generation of young people. This generation is sometimes referred
to as the "Lost Generation." The Lost Generation was marked by intellectual and artistic trends that differed greatly from their
parents' generation. Some literature, for example, depicted the horrors experienced by soldiers during the war. One example
is the book All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I. A great deal of literature
prior to World War I romanticized war, speaking of glory, courage, and adventure. Remarque, however, chose to illustrate the
fear, meaninglessness, and butchery of the war. In this task, you will read and analyze a few excerpts from Remarque's book.
Question 1
The following excerpt is the epigraph from All Quiet on the Western Front. An epigraph is a sentence or short paragraph
that prefaces a book. Read the excerpt and then answer the questions.
This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure
to those who stand face to face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have
escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war.
Part A
What do you think is the main point of the excerpt?
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The book isn't meant to be an indictment or a confession, nor is it designed to romanticise or celebrate war as an adventure.  The author hopes to capture the sense of terror, meaninglessness, and misery that the war left behind for this generation.

Why is this generation referred to lost generation?

The youthful generation that developed during World War I and its aftermath is referred to as the "Lost Generation." They were "lost" in the sense that they were alienated from and disillusioned with the ideals and principles of their parents' generation. They had experienced the atrocities of war and the quickening social, economic, and cultural upheavals of the period. A lot of them had a sense of purposelessness, hopelessness, and anxiety about the future. This generation produced eminent authors, painters, and thinkers who used their work to vent their disillusionment and existential torment.

To learn more about generation visit here:



During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of what?



During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of theAlien and Sedition Acts.


Jay Treaty. That's what it said was right when I took it.

Why did many of the proposals made by President John Quincy Adams fail to become law?

A. Many members of Congress supported more internal improvements

B. Supporters of Andrew Jackson opposed the proposals in Congress

C. Many members of Congress supported more nationalist policies

D. Supporters of Henry Clay opposed the proposals in Congress


The reason why many of the proposals made by President John Quincy Adams fail to become law is

B. Supporters of Andrew Jackson opposed the proposals in Congress.

What happened during President John Quincy Adams?

President John Quincy Adams, who served as the 6th President of the United States from 1825 to 1829, faced significant opposition to his proposals in Congress during his presidency. One of the main reasons for this opposition was the presence of supporters of Andrew Jackson, who was a political rival of Adams and held opposing views on many key issues.

Jackson's supporters, known as Jacksonians, believed in a more democratic and populist approach to government and were skeptical of many of Adams' proposals, which they viewed as elitist and out of touch with the needs and desires of the American people. They also opposed many of the proposals that Adams made for internal improvements, such as funding for infrastructure projects, as they felt that these projects favored the northeastern states at the expense of the rest of the country.

As a result of this opposition, many of Adams' proposals failed to gain sufficient support in Congress and failed to become law.

Learn more about President John Quincy at:



The reason why many of the proposals made by President John Quincy Adams failed to become law was B. Supporters of Andrew Jackson opposed the proposals in Congress.

What happened to John Quincy Adams ?

Adams faced opposition from many members of Congress, particularly from members of the opposing political party, the Democratic-Republicans. This opposition made it difficult for Adams to get his proposals passed into law.

Adams' proposals were often seen as too ambitious and ahead of their time, and did not receive widespread support from the public. Adams only served one term as president, and his proposals were not given enough time to gain traction and become law.

Find out more on John Quincy Adams at https://brainly.com/question/15395938


who is the infamous nazi doctor in february 07-1979,who performed medical experiments at the auschwitz death camps that died of a stroke while swimming in brazil?


Josef Rudolf Mengele is the infamous Nazi doctor, in february 07-1979, who performed medical experiments at the auschwitz death camps that died of a stroke while swimming in brazil.

German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and surgeon Josef Rudolf Mengele, commonly known as the Angel of Death, served in World War II.

He was a member of the medical team that chose the victims to be executed in the gas chambers and one of the physicians who administered the gas in the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) concentration camp, where he conducted gruesome experiments on captives.

Mengele was moved from Auschwitz to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp on January 17, 1945, ten days before the arrival of the Soviet forces at Auschwitz, when Red Army soldiers swept through German-occupied Poland.

The main and most renowned of the six concentration and extermination camps set up by Nazi Germany to carry out its Final Solution strategy, which had as its goal the mass slaughter of Jews in Europe, was Auschwitz-Birkenau.

To learn more about auschwitz death camps refer



Congress may respond to United States Supreme Court rulings by
Pilihan jawaban
declaring rulings of the court invalid
rewriting a law overturned by the court
deciding which lawyers may argue the case
determining which justices will review a particular case


Congress may respond to United States Supreme Court rulings by rewriting a law overturned by the court. The correct option is B.

Judicial review is the process through which a court in the United States determines whether a statute, agreement, or administrative rule contradicts or otherwise breaches the provisions of other laws, state constitutions, and eventually the US Constitution.

The authority for judicial review in the United States has been deduced from the structure, provisions, and history of the Constitution even though it is not expressly defined in the U.S. Constitution.

The idea of judicial review was brought up frequently by the Founding Fathers during discussions at the Constitutional Convention. The majority of these allusions came up when the Virginia Plan plan was being discussed. Similar to today's presidential veto, the Virginia Plan contained a "council of revision" that would have reviewed proposed new federal legislation and approved or disapproved them.

To know more about Judicial review, click here:



pope francis this week visited kinshasa, the capital of which country that is home to one of the world’s largest catholic populations?


Pope visited Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo which is also home to one of the world's largest catholic populations.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country in Central Africa. DRC is the second-largest country in Africa and the 11th-largest in the world. The national capital and largest city are Kinshasa, the nation's economic center. Catholicism has a significant presence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). There are six archdioceses and 41 dioceses. The largest of these is the Archdiocese of Kinshasa which is the Vicar General of Kinshasa, Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Nlandu Mayi is an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

Know more about the Democratic Republic of Congo here:



In your own words, explain what the monroe doctrine said. then explain whether you think president monroe pursued the best foreign policy option.


According to the Monroe Doctrine, Europe should not colonise any Latin American nations, and any attempts at colonization would be viewed as a threat to the United States.

The Monroe Doctrine is the most well-known example of US policy towards the Western Hemisphere.

The doctrine, buried in President James Monroe's routine annual message to Congress in December 1823, warns European nations that the United States will not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs.

The Monroe Doctrine was invoked in 1865, when the United States government applied diplomatic and military pressure on Mexican President Benito Juárez.

With this backing, Juárez was able to lead a successful revolt against Emperor Maximilian, who had been installed on the throne by the French government.

Learn more about Monroe Doctrine’s here



The land west of the _________ was thought to be worthless. Mississippi River Appalachian Mountains Central Plains Rocky Mountains



Rocky Mountains


The land west of the Rocky Mountains was thought to be worthless because there was not much known about the area. In the 1800s, many people believed that the land was an impassable desert and that it was too dangerous to explore. This led to the perception that the land was not suitable for settlement and was not worth investing in.

What happened in the presidential election of 1936?


In the presidential election of 1936,Franklin Delano Roosevelt won over Republican challenger, Alf Landon.

US presidential election of 1936, American official political decision hung on November 3, 1936, in which Majority rule Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt won re-appointment, overcoming Conservative Alf Landon.

In 1932, in the midst of the Economic crisis of the early 20s, Roosevelt had prevailed upon an avalanche triumph occupant Herbert Hoover, finishing 12 years of conservative rule. Subsequent to expecting the workplace, he made a fast and definitive move, seeking after the New Arrangement, an expansive cluster of measures planned to accomplish monetary recuperation, to give help to the large numbers of poor and jobless, and to change parts of the economy that Roosevelt accepted had caused the breakdown.

The actions, passed in his initial hundred days in office, had created a restricted level of recuperation by the fall of 1934, and in that year's midterm races the liberals based on their generally significant greater parts. Albeit the New Arrangement had estranged preservationists, including numerous money managers, most Americans upheld Roosevelt's projects.

To know more about presidential election,visit here:



What were 3 issues faced by the Qing Dynasty in the late 18th century



The inevitable results were land shortages, famine, and an increasingly impoverished rural Population.

Three issues faced by the Qing Dynasty in the late 18th century were: 1) peasant uprisings, which were caused by the increasing taxes and restrictions imposed by the dynasty; 2) foreign invasions, as the Qing Dynasty was under pressure from imperialist powers; and 3) internal conflicts between different groups within the dynasty such as Han and Manchu.

He specifically rejected Aristotle and instead embraced empiricism.a. Descartesb. Brahec. Newtond. Bacon


Father Bacon specifically  rejected Aristotle and instead embraced empiricism.

Bacon was an English philosopher and scientist, he was one of the first proponent of scientific methods who rejected Aristotle's philosophy. Bacon's rejection came on the philosophy's reliance on classical thinking which was headed by Aristotle. Philosophy's are based on human experiences and can change with time, place, and the individual who experiences it. Hence, Bacon considered these philosophy's ill-logical and personal. Empiricism means the usage of science or experiments and experience n the basis of ideas. It is based on fact that idea that we learn comes from experience and observations.

To know more about "empiricismCriminaloid" visit-



Why do you think so many of Tureaud cases had to do with education?


Tureaud was a civil rights lawyer who fought for equal access to education for African Americans in the southern United States during the mid-20th century. He saw education as a key to unlocking racial equality, and he argued that segregation was unconstitutional and that all children, regardless of race, deserved equal access to quality education. He believed that education was the most powerful tool for achieving racial justice and helping African Americans overcome the long-standing oppression they had experienced. He also argued that education was essential for allowing African Americans to participate fully in society and to reach their full potential.
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I've never heard of it happening anywhere else either and definitely not here in South Carolina." She rubbed the back of her neck. Suddenly realizing what a sardine run could mean, she spoke with urgency. "If there are sardines, there are probably sharks out there trying to feed on them."A. Caroline heard Debbie say that sardine runs happen in South Africa.B. Carolina knows if there is a sardine run, sharks will be in the area.C. Carolina knows that it's weird to see a sardine run on a crowded beach.D. Carolina knows that sardine runs don't usually happen in South Carolina.PLEASE ANSWER TRUTHFULLY!!!! If q had a different value, would W/q be different or would it have the same value regardless of the value of q? Explain. The electric potential difference AV between two points in an electric field is related to the work W needed to move a charge q from one point to another, and to the change in electric potential energy AU that the system experiences when the charge moves from one point to another: W U V =- 9 9 The SI unit for potential difference is the Volt (V) and potential difference is also frequently called "voltage." 20. Does the potential difference AV between two points in an electric field depend on the electric field (and the charges that created that field), or does it depend on a charge that moves between those two points, or does it depend on both? Explain your reasoning. 21. Two students are discussing their answers to question A20. Megan: The potential difference between two points is the work per unit charge. The electric field determines how much work is done when a charge moves from one point to another. But the value of that moving charge also matters, since q appears in the denominator. If you change the value of q, then you must change the value of W/q. That means the potential difference depends on both the electric field and the value of the charge that moves in that field. Aicha: I agree that the electric field determines W. But if you change q, then you also change the value of W. The amount by which W changes should equal the amount by which q changes, so Wlq should always be the same for an electric field regardless of the value of q. So I think that the potential difference between two points only depends on the electric field, and not on the value of any charge that moves between those points. Do you agree or disagree with either or both of the students? Explain your reasoning 15. Imagine that the electric field in Figure 1 has a magnitude of 20 N/C. Figures 3-5 below show three different paths (dashed lines) that a positive charge q = +3.0 C can take between two points. Find the work done by the electric field on the positive charge for each of these three paths. Show your work. Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 60 45 454 30 1.0 m 1.0 m 1.0 m 16. Does the work done by the electric field on the charge depend on the path that the charge takes to get from one point to another? 17. If q had a different value, would the work you calculated in question A15 be different or would it have the same value regardless of the value of q? Explain. 18. Calculate the work per unit charge W/q for the three paths you analyzed in question A15. As a warehouse worker pushes a crate across a concrete floor, the force he applies is not perfectly horizontal, as shown in the image below. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and concrete floor is 0.5, what is the net force on the crate?A. 87 NB. 110 NC. 77 ND. 135 N the _____ is considered the master gland of the endocrine system.