Who did the Hebrews conquer in order to establish the first Hebrew state in Canaan?a. Moabites
b. Phoenicians
c. Edomites
d. Philistines


Answer 1

The correct option is D ; Philistines , Moses died before entering Canaan. The Hebrews were led back into Canaan by Joshua, where they settled among the Canaanites and the Philistines. The Old Testament records Joshua's victories over these people.

According to the Hebrew Bible, Moses died before reaching Canaan. The Israelites were brought to Canaan by a new leader named Joshua. They discovered that there were already other groups living there. The Phoenicians and the Philistines were two of these groups.

Beginning in the late second millennium bce, or possibly earlier, the Israelites seized and conquered Palestine, or Canaan; and the Bible defends such possession by associating Canaan with the Promised Country, the land promised to the Israelites by God.

Learn more about Hebrews



Related Questions

Which ethical system bases ethical behavior on the opinions and behaviors of relevant other people?
A. Egoism
B. Utilitarianism
C. Relativism
D. Virtue Ethics


Relativism is the ethical system bases ethical behavior on the opinions and behaviors of relevant other people.

It's common to refer to relativism as the idea that all points of view are equally valid. This translates to arguing that all moralities are good in terms of ethics, and it suggests that all belief systems are true in terms of epistemology. Since they imply the validity even of the notion that relativism is wrong, such beliefs are often dismissed by relativism critics as being incoherent. Additionally, they claim that such viewpoints are harmful because they impair our efforts to advance our cognitive processes. Few philosophers are ready to identify as relativists, maybe because the term is connected with such ideas.

Learn more about relativism here:



given a longer-lived american call and a shorter-lived american call with the same terms, the longer- lived call must always be worth a) at most the value of the shorter-lived call b) at least as much as the shorter-lived call c) exactly the same as the shorter-lived call d) the shorter-lived call discounted to the length of the longer-lived call


Given a longer-lived American call and a shorter-lived American call with the same terms, the longer-lived call must always be worth b. at least as much as the shorter-lived call.

An American option, also known as an American-style option, is a type of options contract that permits holders to exercise their option rights at any time before the expiration date.

It differs from another sort of option, known as a European option, which allows execution only on the day of expiration. An American-style option allows investors to profit as soon as the stock price swings in their favor, as well as benefit from dividend announcements.

The timeframe in which the option holder can exercise their option contract rights is defined under American options. These rights allow the holder to buy or sell the underlying asset at the set strike price on or before the expiration date, depending on whether the option is a call or a put.

To know more about American call option:



to what extent was the growing class division of the time a threat to american democracy? why or why not?


The growing class division of the late 19th and early 20th centuries posed a significant threat to American democracy.

The division between the wealthy elite and the working class had grown increasingly pronounced, leading to a growing sense of disillusionment and unrest among the working class. This division was fueled by a number of factors, including the rapid growth of industry, the concentration of wealth in the hands of a small number of individuals, and the increasing influence of big business on the political process. One of the primary ways in which the growing class division threatened American democracy was by limiting the ability of working-class individuals to participate fully in the political process. The concentration of wealth in the hands of a small number of individuals made it difficult for working-class individuals to make their voices heard, as they lacked the resources to effectively compete with the wealthy elite in the political arena. This, in turn, meant that the policies and regulations that were put in place favored the interests of the wealthy, rather than the interests of the working class. In addition to limiting the ability of working-class individuals to participate fully in the political process, the growing class division also threatened American democracy by leading to widespread social and economic inequality. The working class was subjected to long hours, low wages, and dangerous working conditions, while the wealthy elite lived in luxury and comfort. This growing disparity in wealth and living standards contributed to a growing sense of frustration and anger among working-class individuals, who felt that they were being unfairly treated and that the system was rigged against them.

To know more about democracy:



this object, belonging to moses, is described in exodus as having the the temple at ain dara (with the giant footprints) is located in what present-day country? group of answer choices ability to transform into a snake.


The object belonging to Moses that is described in Exodus as having the ability to transform into a snake is the staff or rod of Moses.

When Moses and Aaron first confronted Pharaoh to demand that he liberate the Israelis from slavery, Moses flung down his staff, which changed into a snake as a demonstration of God's power, according to the biblical account.

The Ain Dara temple, with its massive footprints, is located in modern-day Syria. Ain Dara is a small village near the Turkish border in northwest Syria. The Iron Age temple is noted for its enormous footprints cut into the floor of the main hall, which some academics believe may have represented the feet of a deity.

For such more question on Exodus:



imani, who is 17, has become more skilled at understanding that other people may have beliefs and points of view that differ from her own. what do brain researchers call this ability?


Brain researchers refer to this ability as "theory of mind" or "perspective-taking." It is the ability to understand and consider other people's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and perspectives, and to recognize that these may differ from our own.

Theory of mind is a crucial component of social cognition and is considered to be a major aspect of human intelligence. It allows individuals to understand that others have mental states and experiences that are separate from their own, and to predict and interpret their behavior accordingly. This ability is believed to develop during childhood and adolescence and is considered to be a key factor in the development of successful social relationships, empathy, and cooperation.

For more information on component see:



which term describes how hard people work towards something, where they apply their efforts, and how they continue to work towards their goals?


The term that describes how hard people work towards something, where they apply their efforts is Motivation.

What is Motivation and how does effect goals?

Motivation is a broad term that refers to the underlying processes that drive and direct behavior. It is the internal or external drive that prompts a person to take action, persist in that action, and direct their efforts towards a specific goal or outcome. Motivation involves the activation of the brain's reward system, which provides a sense of pleasure or satisfaction for achieving a particular goal or task.

Motivation can be intrinsic, coming from within a person's own interests and desires, or extrinsic, driven by external factors such as rewards, recognition, or pressure from others. Motivation can also vary in intensity and focus, depending on the specific task or goal a person is trying to achieve. Some individuals may be more motivated to achieve certain goals than others, and motivation can be influenced by a range of factors, including personality, values, beliefs, and environmental factors. Overall, motivation is a critical factor in determining the level of effort, persistence, and success that a person is likely to achieve in pursuing their goals.

To know more about Goals, check out:



why does byron stop larry dunn from giving kenny a super maytag


George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron FRS, known simply as Lord Byron, was an English romantic poet and peer.

Who is  Lord Byron?

Lord Byron, sometimes known as George Gordon Byron, was an English romantic poet as well as a peer. He was the sixth Baron Byron, FRS. He is recognized as one of the finest English poets and was a key figure in the Romantic movement.

The poetry and demeanor of Lord Byron, a British Romantic poet, and satire, captivated Europe. He gained fame with the autobiographical poetry Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812–18), as well as through his numerous relationships, but now he is perhaps best remembered for the satirical realism of Don Juan (1819–24).

Learn more about Lord Byron here:



what is the first step, or consideration, in career decision making?


Career decision making can be a complex and multi-step process. However, the first and most important step in career decision making is self-assessment.

Self-assessment involves reflecting on your personal values, interests, skills, personality, and experiences in order to identify career options that are a good match for you. By reflecting on your values, you can identify what is most important to you in a job, such as work-life balance, salary, opportunities for growth and development, and job security. By reflecting on your interests, you can identify areas of work that are likely to be most engaging and motivating for you, and that align with your long-term goals. By reflecting on your skills, you can identify areas of work where you are most likely to excel, and where you have a competitive advantage over others. By reflecting on your personality, you can identify work environments and cultures that are a good match for your temperament and work style. Once you have completed the self-assessment process, the next step in career decision making is to research different career options and evaluate how well they align with your self-assessment results. This involves gathering information about different industries, job titles, and companies, and evaluating them based on factors such as salary, work environment, job duties, and opportunities for growth and advancement. By combining the results of your self-assessment with the information you gather about different career options, you can identify a shortlist of careers that are a good match for your interests, skills, and values, and that offer the kind of work environment and opportunities you are looking for. This shortlist can then be used as a starting point for further exploration and decision-making.

To know more about self-assessment:



For this assignment you must first do research to find out who your local representatives are and then you must compose a formal letter to your representative proposing a new bill that you would like to be brought to the house. You may choose from the following options as to what your bill is about.

1. Environmental law
2. Education law (This choice is the one I would prefer)
3. Rights granted to teenagers
Your letter must be no less than 300 words and must be persuasive in tone. Make sure to think about your district and how this bill would help your community specifically.

(The letter will be written to Senators Ted Budd and Thom Tillis)



Dear Senators Ted Budd and Thom Tillis,

I am writing to you today to express my support for a new bill that I believe would have a significant positive impact on education in our state. As a constituent in your district, I believe it is important to make sure that our schools have the resources they need to provide the best education possible to our children.

The bill I would like to propose is focused on increasing funding for education in our state. This would be accomplished through a combination of grants, tax incentives, and other financial incentives. The goal of the bill would be to make sure that every student has access to the resources they need to succeed in the classroom, no matter where they live or what their family's financial situation may be.

One of the reasons I am so passionate about this issue is because I have seen first-hand how a lack of funding can affect students in the classroom. In many schools, students are forced to make do with outdated materials and technology, and teachers are stretched thin trying to provide adequate support to their students. This can lead to a lack of engagement and a lower quality of education for all students.

By increasing funding for education, we can ensure that every student in our state has access to the resources they need to succeed. This would include things like updated technology, new textbooks, and additional support for teachers. It would also help to address the achievement gap and ensure that every student has a fair shot at a quality education, no matter their background.

I would like to thank you for considering my proposal and for your ongoing commitment to improving education in our state. I believe that this bill would have a significant impact on students and schools across our district, and I would be happy to discuss the specifics with you in more detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]


Dear Senators Budd and Tillis,

I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of North Carolina, to propose a new education law that would positively impact the youth of our state and help in their growth and development.

I understand that education is a crucial aspect of an individual's life, and it plays a significant role in determining their future. With the advancements in technology and the global competition increasing day by day, it is imperative that our students receive a well-rounded education that equips them with the necessary skills to succeed in the 21st century.

The proposed education law I am proposing is centered around expanding access to technology and digital resources for students in our state. In today's digital age, access to technology and the internet has become a necessity, and our students should not be left behind. By providing students with access to digital resources, we can help bridge the digital divide and provide them with the tools they need to succeed in their education and future careers.

Additionally, this bill would also provide funding for teacher training programs to help them integrate technology into their curriculum effectively. This will not only benefit the students but also aid the teachers in keeping pace with the fast-changing technological landscape.

I understand that implementing this bill might require an initial investment, but in the long run, it will bring numerous benefits to the students and the state as a whole. Our students will be better prepared for the future, and the state will have a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce.

In conclusion, I implore you to consider this proposal and take the necessary steps to bring it to the house. Our students' education and future are of utmost importance, and we must do all that we can to ensure they receive the best possible education. I believe that this bill will bring immense benefits to our community and help in the growth and development of our youth.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal. I look forward to your positive response.


[Your Name]

which channel would be assigned for fireground operations only?


The channel assigned for fireground operations only is Channel 5.

Operation Fire Field

Fire channel or Fire hoses allow firefighters to quickly extinguish fires using water or other extinguishing agents. Fire drains are often constructed around fire fields to make it easier for firefighters to access water sources.

This channel (Channel 5) is used for radio communication between firefighters in the field and the command post. It is important to keep this channel free from all other communications to ensure that the necessary information can be communicated clearly and efficiently.

Learn more about field fire channels: https://brainly.com/question/28834062


Identify the true and false statements about generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). True or Flase


Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent and excessive worry and anxiety about various life events, activities, or situations.

Here are some true and false statements about GAD:

GAD is a common mental health condition: True. GAD is one of the most prevalent anxiety disorders, affecting about 3-4% of the population.GAD is only caused by stress: False. While stress can trigger or exacerbate GAD symptoms, the disorder is also influenced by genetics, brain chemistry, and other factors.GAD can be treated with medication: True. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs are commonly used to treat GAD, often in combination with psychotherapy.GAD always involves physical symptoms: False. While physical symptoms like muscle tension, headaches, and fatigue are common in people with GAD, some individuals may experience only psychological symptoms like excessive worry and anxiety.GAD is easy to diagnose: False. GAD can be challenging to diagnose, as it shares symptoms with other anxiety disorders and medical conditions. A thorough evaluation by a mental health professional is typically required.GAD is curable: False. While GAD can be effectively managed with treatment, there is no known cure for the disorder. However, many people with GAD are able to lead fulfilling and productive lives with proper treatment and self-care.

Learn more about Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) here:



who is the designated survivor state of the union 2023


This year's designated survivor is Marty Walsh, the secretary of labor. A year ago, it was Gina Raimondo, the secretary of commerce.

The US government didn't make the designated survivor's identity public until 1981. It was Terrel Bell, who was the secretary of education under President Reagan at the time.

Since then, designated survivors have been selected from a variety of government departments, including the justice department's attorney general and a number of cabinet-level secretaries.

The secretaries of agriculture, energy, and the interior were the State of the Union designated survivors under the previous president, Donald Trump.

David Shulkin, the secretary of veteran affairs, was selected as Mr. Trump's survivor for the customary inaugural address to a joint session of Congress following his election.

The designated survivors must be qualified

To know more about survivor state here



ever since the head injury, mick e. mouse can recall the past without error but cannot form any new memories into long-term storage. this is best described as:


Since the brain trauma, Mickey E. Mouse has been able to recall prior events accurately but is unable to create or store any new memories. The most accurate word to use is retrieval.

What is a brain injury?

An abrupt hit or jolt to the head or body is the most common cause of traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injury can also be brought on by an object that penetrates the brain, such as a gunshot or a fragment of the skull. Your brain cells may experience temporary damage from a mild traumatic brain injury.

Bruising, torn tissues, bleeding, and other physical harm to the brain can arise from more severe traumatic brain injury. These wounds may cause long-term problems or even death. The physical and psychological repercussions of traumatic brain injury can be extensive. After a stressful occurrence, certain indications or symptoms could arise right away, while others might take days or weeks to manifest.

Learn more about brain trauma with the help of the given link:



what instrument did lionel hampton introduce to jazz music?


Lionel Hampton is known for introducing the vibraphone to jazz music. Born in 1908, Hampton was a multi-instrumentalist and bandleader who played the drums, piano, and xylophone.

He is credited with popularizing the vibraphone in jazz, and his innovative use of the instrument helped to establish it as a staple in the genre.

Hampton's incorporation of the vibraphone into his music added a new dimension of sound and texture to jazz. The vibraphone, also known as the vibes, has a unique, shimmering sound that adds a rich and vibrant quality to the music. With its sustain pedal and the ability to play multiple notes at once, the vibraphone provided Hampton with a new tool for expression and creativity in his music.

In addition to his contributions to jazz, Hampton was also a pioneer in the realm of musical integration. He was one of the first African American bandleaders to lead an integrated band and his music was a reflection of his belief in equality and social justice. His impact on jazz and music as a whole continues to be felt today and he remains a legendary figure in the history of the genre.

Learn more about  vibraphone here:



king presented three different types of reasons in his letter to justify arriving in birmingham: organizational reasons, religious/ historical reasons, and moral reasons. choose one type of reason and an example. explain why the example fits your chosen reason.


The reasons Dr. Martin Luther Ruler composed the letter in his Birmingham prison was on the grounds that there was racial segregation and the law never really ended the bad form.

A model from his lines is that " we can't fail to remember what and everything Hitler did in Germany were lawful". Why this model fits is that on the off chance that foul play isn't managed, with time it eats into the general public. Ruler expresses that the congregation decided the laid out customs and shows of society.

I trust this letter tracks down serious areas of strength for you the confidence. I likewise trust that conditions will before long make it workable for me to meet every one of you, not as an integrationist or a social equality pioneer yet as an individual pastor and a Christian sibling.

Learn about martin luther king



Authoritarian governments are sometimes referred to as totalitarian states because the government has total control.?


It is TRUE because the government maintains complete power, authoritarian regimes are occasionally referred to as totalitarian states.

Totalitarianism is a type of government and political system that forbids all opposition parties, criminalizes individual and collective defiance of the state and its claims, and imposes a draconian level of control and regulation on both public and private life. It is thought to be the most extreme and totalitarian form of government. Autocrats, such as dictators (totalitarian dictatorship) and absolute monarchs, frequently hold political power in totalitarian nations. They use all-encompassing propaganda operations that are disseminated by state-run mass media to maintain control over the populace.

To know more about Totalitarianism



The actual question is:

True, or False,

Authoritarian governments are sometimes referred to as totalitarian states because the government has total control.

what is the idealized conditions necessary for a population to achieve rmax include?


A population needs an environment with unlimited resources, a lack of competition, and minimal mortality in order to achieve its maximum growth rate (rmax). Factors such as age structure, fertility rate, and natural selection can also impact a population's growth rate.

For a population to achieve rmax, the idealized conditions necessary are a lack of environmental stressors and a lack of competition with other populations. This is because environmental stressors and competition will reduce the population’s ability to maximize its reproductive rate. Furthermore, for a population to reach its maximum reproductive rate, there needs to be an abundance of resources, such as food, shelter, and mates, which is not always the case in nature. Additionally, the population must not be suffering from any diseases, parasites, or predators that may hinder their reproductive success. Finally, the population needs sufficient genetic variation to ensure that the population can adapt to changing environmental conditions and remain healthy and productive.

Learn more about genetics:



Whitley’s ethical beliefs are the same whether she’s at work, at school, or hanging out with her friends. Whitley follows
A. ethical principles.
B. situational beliefs
C. ethical consequences.
D. popular beliefs.


Whitley’s ethical beliefs are the same whether she’s at work, at school, or hanging out with her friends. Whitley follows ethical principles .

Option a is correct .

The five principles, autonomy, justice, benevolence, malice and loyalty, are all absolute truths in their own right. By examining the dilemma related to these principles, it is possible to better understand the controversial issues. In the ethics of human research, three basic principles  generally recognized in our cultural tradition are particularly important: the principles of personal respect, benevolence and justice.

Ethics guides us to tell the truth, keep our promises or help those in need. Our daily lives are based on ethics, which help us make decisions that create positive effects and remove us  from unjust outcomes.

To know more about  ethical principles visit :



women born with an extra x chromosome (xxx) are generally healthy and indistinguishable in appearance from xx women. what is a likely explanation for this finding? how could you test this explanation?


The explanation for why XXX women are normally healthy and indistinguishable from XX women is well-supported by current scientific knowledge, and various testing methods are available to further investigate this event.

X-chromosome inactivation is a natural process that happens in female mammals where one of the two X chromosomes is randomly inactivated in each cell through embryonic development. In XXX women, one of the three X chromosomes is randomly inactivated in each cell, just like in XX women.

More, one could study the incidence of certain genetic disorders that are associated with extra X chromosomes, such as Turner syndrome or Klinefelter syndrome, in XXX women to determine if the extra X chromosome has any clinical effects.

To know more about Chromosome:



does buddha's teaching on suffering and the four noble truths sufficiently answer the question and solution regarding human suffering?


Yes  buddha's teaching on suffering and the four noble truths sufficiently answer the question and solution regarding human suffering. This can be concluded through  the eight fold path.

There are four noble truths in buddhism:

1. everything in life is suffering and sorrow

2. the root of all suffering is people selfish desires

3. the mean of curbing suffering is to end all desire

4. the way to overcome all desire is to follow the eight fold path.

Thefour noble truths truth of suffering, the truth of its origin, the truth of its resolution, and the truth of the path that brings it to an end are these. Simply put, there is suffering; It has a reason; It will end; and it has a reason to come to an end.

learn about four noble truths



Researchers want to know whether the age at which people begin using a cell phone is associated with their level of extroversion. The researchers will examine the number of people that participants interact with in a day. Which of the following words describe "extroversion" in the context of this study?a. variableb. measuredc. conceptual


When the outcomes match expectations, like in this situation where there is a positive correlation between two variables that are known to be related, there is no instant reaction.

What is demonstrated by a study that indicates a 55% difference across groups?

- A study demonstrating a 55% difference between groups shows a stronger correlation than a study demonstrating a 10% difference between groups. - Confidence intervals show how accurately the calculated link is thought to exist. - A study's statistical validity is improved when it has been conducted more than once.

Which of the following is not measured but is instead manipulated?

The thing being measured by researchers is known as the dependent variable. An item that the researcher can change is referred to as an independent variable.

To know more about expectations visit;



suppose that the results of this breath test were positive, and the driver is arrested and a blood sample collected and sent to the laboratory. the laboratory assigns the case to an analyst but does not provide her with any other information. what practice is this an example of?


This an example of Forensic toxicology as the laboratory gives the case to an analyst but does not provide with any other information.

The examination of biological samples for the detection of poi.sons, including dru.gs, is known as forensic toxicology. The type of dru.gs present in a person and whether their quantity is within the range of a therapeutic dosage or above the threshold for harm can both be determined by the toxicology report.

These information can be utilised to draw conclusions about a substance's potential impact on a person's dem.ise, disease, or physical or mental disability. The field of forensic toxicology has expanded to encompass dr.ug and alco.hol testing for employers and law enforcement officials, testing animal samples for wildlife criminal investigators, as well as testing for "date ra.pe" dru.gs and performance-enhancing pharmaceuticals.

Know more about Forensic toxicology here



Which of these is a true statement regarding safety?a. Safety is a learned behavior and attitude.b. Safety consciousness comes naturally to most individuals.c. Safety primarily depends on workers in the field.d. Safety does not normally require training.


A true statement regarding safety is that safety is a learned behavior and attitude, as stated in option (a).

For the majority of people, safety is not necessarily a trait that comes naturally, and to develop the necessary knowledge and abilities to identify and prevent possible hazards frequently calls for training and instruction.

In order to establish a safety culture inside a company, it is necessary to create an atmosphere where safety is prioritised as a fundamental value and staff members are supported in their efforts to actively promote safety. This entails continuing instruction and training in teamwork, communication, and hazard awareness.

Although field employees are crucial to ensuring safety, it is not only their responsibility. All organisational levels, including leadership and management, have responsibility for safety. They must provide the tools and assistance required to establish a secure working environment.

To know more about leadership, visit:



true or false: ethics is frequently a victim of subjectivity as it yields to the will of cultural relativism. true false question. true false


The given statement "ethics is frequently a victim of subjectivity as it yields to the will of cultural relativism." is true because ethics is often a victim of subjectivity.

it yields to the will of artistic relativism. This means that ethical  norms vary according to artistic  morals, traditions, and values. This can lead to a situation in which different  societies have different ethical  norms, performing in ethical conflicts and  dissensions  between  individualities and groups. Cultural relativism can also lead to subjectivity ethical,

as what's ethical in one culture may not be in another. As a result, ethical issues can come  largely complex and  delicate to address.

To know more about subjectivity ethical visit:



each year the fbi publishes the ______ in which it lists the numbers of various crimes that have become known to the nation’s police departments.


"Each year, the FBI publishes the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), in which it lists the numbers of various crimes that have become known to the nation's police departments."

The UCR is an annual report that provides data on the number of reported crimes in the United States. It includes information on crimes such as murder, ra?pe, robbery, and aggravated assault. The report is based on data collected from the nation's police departments and is used to help law enforcement agencies, policymakers, and the public understand the nature and extent of crime in the United States.

The report is also used to track trends in crime rates over time and across different regions of the country. It serves as a valuable tool for researchers and analysts who study criminal behavior and for those who work to develop strategies for preventing and reducing crime. The UCR is produced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and has been a key source of crime data since the 1930s.

Learn more about FBI brainly.com/question/16519257


a philosophy that bases ethical behavior on the opinions of relevant other people is called?


Ethical relativism is a philosophy that bases ethical behavior on the opinions of relevant other people.

According to the "ethical relativism" school of thought, morality is reliant on cultural norms. As a result, whether a particular action is right or immoral depends on the moral norms of the culture in which it is carried out. The same behaviour could be morally acceptable in one society but unacceptable in another. The ethical relativist contends that there are no universally applicable, absolute moral standards. The only way to judge a society's practises is in relation to its own moral principles. If ethical relativism is valid, there cannot be a universal framework for resolving moral disputes or for attaining ethical accord among members of distinct cultures.

Learn more about ethical relativism here:



What is United States Department of Commerce U.S. Census Bureau?


The U.S. Census Bureau, a key organisation within the U.S. Federal Statistical System, is in charge of carrying out the country's census.

The national census must be carried out by the U.S. Census Bureau at least once every ten years.

The U.S. Census Bureau is also in charge of conducting surveys regarding the economy and economic activities as well as collecting data on the population of the United States.

A section of the U.S. Department of Commerce is the Census Bureau. The Census Bureau has had its main office in Suitland, Maryland, since 1942.

Policymakers who rule the nation and make economic decisions that have a daily impact on business use data gathered by the U.S. Census Bureau for analysis and decision-making.

The Bureau gathers information on foreign import and export as well as the trade balance, and it provides information to the government and the general public.

To know more about U.S. Census Bureau, click here:



What type of social interaction is a state of balance between cooperation and conflict? A.accommodation


Option A is Correct. Social interaction that is accommodating strikes a balance between cooperation and conflict. A state of equilibrium between cooperation and conflict is accommodation.

When two or more individuals or groups cooperate to accomplish a task that will benefit several parties, cooperation has taken place. temporarily stops the rivalry or dispute until a settlement may be found Accommodation is a balance between harmony and discord.

Exchange, rivalry, teamwork, conflict, and coercion are the five main categories of social interaction. Each of these has unique qualities and is applied in particular situations. When a situation cannot be resolved, when ideals diverge, or when there is uncertainty regarding the title of land, various groups of people frequently come into conflict.

Learn more about accommodation Visit: brainly.com/question/19126979


1. what is humankind’s basic economic concern?





Humankind’s basic economic concern is how to allocate limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants and needs. This is known as the problem of scarcity, and it is one of the fundamental challenges that all economies face.

Because resources such as land, labor, and capital are finite, individuals, businesses, and governments must make choices about how to use them most effectively. This involves trade-offs, as satisfying one want or need may require sacrificing another.

Thus, the basic economic concern of humankind is to find ways to allocate resources in a way that maximizes satisfaction and minimizes waste.

Learn more about the economy at https://brainly.com/question/30123521.


morgan has become indispensable to her boss. her boss believes that morgan is a diligent worker who can be trusted with sensitive projects. what is morgan's power most likely due to? group of answer choices legitimacy effort expertise interpersonal attraction


Morgan's power is most likely due to her expertise. Expert power is based on the knowledge, skills, and expertise of an individual. It comes from the perception that the individual has unique and valuable knowledge or skills that others do not possess. Here option C is the correct answer.

Morgan's boss views her as a diligent worker who can be trusted with sensitive projects, which suggests that she has a level of knowledge and expertise that is valued by her boss. This expertise has made her indispensable, as her boss relies on her to complete important tasks.

Legitimate power is based on the position or role an individual holds in an organization, while effort power is based on the amount of time and effort an individual puts into a task.

Personal attraction, or referent power, is based on the personal qualities of an individual, such as charisma or likability. While these types of power may contribute to Morgan's overall influence, it is her expertise that has made her indispensable to her boss.

Complete question:

Morgan has become indispensable to her boss. Her boss believes that Morgan is a diligent worker who can be trusted with sensitive projects. What is Morgan's power most likely due to?

A) Legitimacy

B) Effort

C) Expertise

D) Personal attraction

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When writing an in-text citation at the end of a single sentence of information from a source, the period goes before the citation. True or False there are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation, namely ___________ and __________ suppose you have a map of equipotential surfaces spaced 1.0 v apart. what do the distances between the surfaces in a particular region tell you about the strength of e in that region? Decorte Corporation uses a job-order costing system with a single plantwide predetermined overhead rate based on direct labor-hours. The company based its predetermined overhead rate for the current year on the following data: Total direct labor-hours Total fixed manufacturing overhead cost Variable manufacturing overhead per direct labor-hour 10,000 $33,000 $ 2.50 Recently, Job K332 was completed with the following characteristics: 70 Number of units in the job Total direct labor-hours Direct materials Direct labor cost 140 $ 455 $5,320 The total job cost for Job K332 is closest to: (Round your intermediate calculations to 2 decimal places.) your monthly rent payment is an example of a variable expense.True or False Which method is the most common way to select multiple cells?a. Double-clickb. Click & Drag methodc. cut & paste The width of a human hair is 125 m. What is this length in inches if 1.000 m = 39.37 inches? detectives present their investigation findings in court, as well as investigate crimes by obtaining evidence and information relating to illegal activities. group of answer choices true false What is the pathway of blood in the cardiovascular system A light spring of constant 166 N/m rests vertically on the bottom of a large beaker of water. A 4.15 kg block of wood of density 661 kg/m3 is connected to the top of the spring and the block-spring system is allowed to come to static equilibrium. What is the elongation L of the spring? The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 . Answer in units of cm. Two stars are of equal luminosity. Star A is 3 times as far from you as star B. Star A appears _________ star B. Choose one: A. 3 times brighter than B. 9 times brighter than C. one-third as bright as D. the same brightness as E. one-ninth as bright as I need helppp asaaaap a feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection is called? A particular prism has 10 faces. How many edges does it have SOMEONE HELP URGENT PLSIll give u brainliest and 20 points When a firm has ______, it can place more emphasis on other objectives. money. When flow is ______, capacities are_____________. Select the abstract nouns. Select all that apply.toothfaithgracelambperseverancevanityironBible what are the limitations of health and safety legislation in any workplace nebosh diploma A Bowl Contains:3 Red Erasers4 Blue Erasers 6 Green Erasers7 Pink ErasersAn eraser will be drawn from the bowl and replaced 50 times. What is a reasonable prediction for the number of times a green eraser will be drawn Muscles are not likely to tear from their bones because Select one: a. the tendons are partially ossified at their attachment points to the periosteum. b. a circumferential lamella sandwiches the ends of the tendon onto the surface of an adjacent lamella. c. perforating fibers of collagen attach the tendons and periosteum to the cortical surfaces of bone. d. elastin fibers in the tendon can allow for stretching and recoil of the muscle.