Which word makes sense in this sentence?

The _____ ordered that a beautiful park be built.

Multiple choice questions.






Answer 1

Answer: Shogun


Answer 2

Answer: refugee


Related Questions

What two kinds of imaginative comparison does Chávez use? Give an example of each from the poem.


1. Metaphor: In the poem, Chávez uses a metaphor to compare the moon to a "silver chalice" that is "filled with night." This comparison implies that the moon has a mysterious, almost sacred quality to it.

What is metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things by speaking of one in terms of the other. It is used to create an interesting and vivid description, and can also be used to highlight a particular idea or feeling. Metaphors are powerful tools that can be used to evoke strong emotions or bring attention to key ideas. For example, someone might say "the sky is a blanket of stars" to emphasize the beauty of the night sky.

2. Simile: In the poem, Chávez also uses a simile to compare the night to "a thick dark blanket." This comparison suggests that the night is comforting and provides a sense of security and protection.

To learn more about metaphor



Match each poetry term with its correct description.

Line length
A) Communicates silence, emotion, or shape in a poern through emptiness or lack
of words

Rhyme scheme
B) Determined by the sets, or feet of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of

Stanza breaks
C) The pattern of letters assigned to the common sounds at words at the end of
lines in a poem

White space
D) Determined by the number of lines in a group, can reflect similar ideas or
represent a shift of change in thought


The line length of a text block is the distance between its left and right edges. The arrangement of rhymes at the conclusion of each line in a poem or song is known as a rhyme scheme. Stave breaks in poetry refer to the groups.

In a poem titled _____, what rhyme scheme does the poet use for stressed and unstressed syllables?

the rhyme scheme in poem that uses stressed and unstressed syllables. English poetry typically uses accentual-syllabic meter.

See quantitative, syllabic, and accentual meters as well. Trochees and dactyls are what is meant by "falling meters" (i.e., a stressed syllable followed by one or two unstressed syllables). Rising meter refers to iambs and anapests (i.e., one or two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed one). as well as foot.

What in poetry is a four stress line?

Tetrameter is the name for a poetic form in which a line contains four beats. It is referred to as iambic tetrameter when a line of poetry contains four beats of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable.

To know more about Match Term Definition visit:



Which of these subjects is not discussed in "Song of Myself"?


The subjects Economics is not discussed in "Song of Myself".

"Song of Myself" is a poem by American poet Walt Whitman, first published in 1855. It is the most famous poem from his collection Leaves of Grass, which is considered to be one of the most important works of American literature.

The poem is written in a free verse style, and is considered to be a representation of the individualistic spirit of the United States during the mid-19th century. It is a celebration of the self, and a meditation on the individual's relationship with nature and the divine.

In the poem, Whitman speaks in the first person, as a representative of all mankind. He explores themes of democracy, individualism, mortality, and love, while also celebrating nature and its beauty.

To learn more about Song of Myself link is here



Describe the speaker’s childhood appearance and activities. How did her looks and actions give her pleasure?


In his youth, the speaker had the look of a free-spirited wild youngster. She enjoyed running around in the sun while wearing her black, curly hair in an untidy style.

She enjoyed singing, dancing, playing with her siblings and friends, exploring the outdoors by climbing trees, and singing. Speaker was liberated and joyful in the pleasure she took in her appearance and behavior. Her wild, carefree lifestyle gave her a strong feeling of adventure that invigorated her. It made her feel even more special because she was able to display her own special sense of fashion and personality.

To know more about speaker refer to the link below :



In a well-written essay, analyze how Faulkner uses literary elements and techniques to convey the narrator's and other community members complex relationship with Emily.


In William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, the narrator uses several literary elements and techniques to convey the complex relationship between Emily and the community. He utilizes symbolism to represent the love-hate relationship between Emily and the townspeople. For example, when Emily dies, the people of the town “bore her [Emily] up, with more than charity” (Faulkner, 2). This symbolizes the mixture of respect, resentment, and pity that the people feel towards Emily.

Faulkner also employs imagery to emphasize the complexity of the relationship. When the narrator describes the townspeople’s reaction to Emily’s funeral, he paints a vivid picture of the citizens standing in the doorway observing Emily’s corpse. This imagery conveys the townspeople’s curiosity and morbid fascination of Emily’s death.

Additionally, Faulkner uses point of view to highlight the complexity of Emily's relationship with the town. The story is told from an omniscient point of view, which allows the narrator to provide insight into both Emily and the townspeople’s perspectives. This perspective enables the audience to see how Emily is viewed by the community and how their relationship has changed over time.

Overall, “A Rose for Emily” provides a powerful look into the complex relationship between Emily and her community. Through the use of symbolism, imagery, and point of view, Faulkner is able to effectively convey the emotions and dynamics of this relationship.

Revising Endnotes
1. See Trendell for further discussion of
Brahmagupta. GoTrendell bets believes that
Brahmagupta's only error was in how he
divided by zero.
4) Intro
2. Also see Monroe for further data.
Read the endnotes carefully. Which error does the
notes page include?
O The notes should be single-spaced.
O The notes should not be indented.
O The notes should be in alphabetical order.
O The title should not be bolded.


The error that the notes page includes is this:

B. The notes should not be indented.

What error is included here?

The error that is evident in this passage is the left indentation of the points made. There is no need for indenting the points in this manner. All of the ideas should be included in a single sentence.

We can notice that the indentation as seen in the passage above does not add to the clarity of the points made. A better way to present the text is to justify it so that reading can be a lot easier. So, the option that best explains the error on the notes page is option B.

Learn more about indentation here:



Answer: The title should not be bolded.

What is tone propaganda?


Answer: Tone propaganda is a type of propaganda that aims to manipulate the emotions and attitudes of its audience by using certain tones, such as fear, anger, or hope, to influence their opinions and beliefs. Tone propaganda is often used in political campaigns, advertisements, and media to create a particular emotional response in the audience, making them more susceptible to the message being conveyed. The tone used in propaganda can also shape how people perceive an issue or individual and impact their decisions and actions. Tone propaganda is considered a more subtle form of manipulation compared to other types of propaganda, but it can still have a significant impact on the audience.


Read the third stanza of the poem and describe how the speaker seems to feel about the path he did not choose.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.



Frost depicts the two roads as equal in the third stanza, implying that there is no right or wrong choice. The speaker would argue that by choosing one road over another, something good was undoubtedly lost.

What is the meaning of the last two lines of the stanza?

The poem's core concept, that human life is mortal while nature's beauty is eternal, is very eloquently explained in the last two lines. In these lyrics, the brook indicates that human life die and another generation begins.

What is the theme or the message of the poem The Road Not Taken?

The poem's main theme is making the correct judgements at the right moment. It provides a deep understanding of decision making. The traveller comes across a path that splits into two, and he is unsure which option to take.

To know more about Road Not Taken visit:



Eleanor and Park
What is a quote, with the page number, telling the audience where this book takes place?


"Eleanor was right. She and Park were the opposite of every other thing in Omaha. He was a walking poem, and she was a painting" (Page 36).

What is painting?

Painting is the practice of applying pigment, color, or other medium to a surface to create an aesthetic effect. It can be done with a variety of tools and techniques, including brushes, sponges, knives, and other implements. Painting is an art form that has been around for centuries, and has been a source of inspiration and creativity for many different cultures. It can be used to express an artist’s feelings, ideas, and emotions, as well as to create a physical representation of a concept or scene.

This quote tells the audience that the book takes place in Omaha, Nebraska. The imagery of Park being a "walking poem" and Eleanor being a "painting" suggests a setting that is both familiar and strange. This quote conveys the idea that Eleanor and Park are outsiders in their hometown, and their experience of the town is unique from everyone else's.

To learn more about painting



Based on the final paragraph, what can the reader infer would be a consequence of women obtaining the right to vote?


The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote; it was passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and it was ratified on August 18, 1920.

Women have the right to vote in elections thanks to women's suffrage. Some people started pushing to amend the voting laws so that women could vote at the beginning of the 18th century. Later, when women were given the opportunity to vote, liberal political parties would have more potential supporters. Worldwide Woman Suffrage Alliance and other national and international organizations were established to coordinate efforts to enfranchise women.

According to the National Archives, the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, giving women the right to vote for the first time in American history. This was largely made possible by early suffragette leaders like Cady Stanton, who assisted in organizing the first women's rights convention in the country in 1848 at Seneca Falls, New York.

To know more about women obtaining the right to vote, click on the link below:



What evidence does the author provide to support his claim that a lack of meals can have significant consequences for kids during the summer?


Physical mental health and health promoting development, and Social and emotional development. Therefore, option C is correct.

What is the effect of a lack of meals on kids?

According to research, there is a link between food insecurity and developmental delays in early childhood, a higher chance of developing long-term conditions like anemia and asthma, and behavioral issues in school-age children like hyperactivity, anxiety, and aggression.

It can cause poor mental and physical health and also make kids irritated and unsocial. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about the effects of the poor meal, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the full question is this:

What evidence does the author provide to support his claim that a lack of meals can have significant consequences for kids during the summer?

Physical mental health and health promoting development.

Social and emotional development

Both (A) and (B)

None of the above

In Selma, Lord, Selma, what main effect do the events on the bridge have on the narrator’s father?


In the Disney film "Selma, Lord, Selma," the events on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama have a significant impact on the narrator's father. The events on the bridge, known as "Bloody Sunday," were a seminal moment in the American Civil Rights Movement, where peaceful protesters were met with violence by state troopers.

How to convey the information

The events on the bridge deeply affect the narrator's father, as they demonstrate the violence and oppression that African Americans were facing during this time. The father is shown to be deeply disturbed by what he sees, and he becomes more resolved in his commitment to the Civil Rights Movement. The events on the bridge serve as a catalyst for the father's involvement in the movement, inspiring him to work even harder for justice and equality.

Overall, the events on the bridge in Selma have a profound impact on the narrator's father, inspiring him to become more active in the fight for civil rights and shaping his beliefs and values in a lasting way.

Learn more about Selma on:



which type of gypsum is used to fabricate a replica for an inlay or crown



High-strength stone is the strongest and most expensive of the three gypsum products, and it is used mainly for making casts or dies for crown, bridge, and inlay fabrication stone is the strongest and most expensive of the three gypsum products, and it is used mainly for making casts or dies for crown, bridge, and inlay fabrication

final answer:


The type of gypsum that is used to fabricate a replica for an inlay or crown is known as dental stone or Type III gypsum.

Dental stone or Type III gypsum is used to fabricate a replica for an inlay or crown. This type of gypsum is a stronger and denser form of gypsum, making it ideal for use in creating a replica of a tooth for dental restorations.

To use dental stone for an inlay or crown, the following steps are followed:
1. First, an impression of the tooth is taken using a dental impression material.
2. Next, the impression is filled with dental stone, which is allowed to set and harden.
3. Once the dental stone has hardened, the impression is removed, leaving behind a replica of the tooth.
4. The replica is then used to fabricate the inlay or crown, which is later placed on the tooth to restore its function and appearance.

In summary, dental stone or Type III gypsum is the type of gypsum that is used to fabricate a replica for an inlay or crown. It is a stronger and denser form of gypsum, making it ideal for use in dental restorations.

Learn more about Gypsum:



Fill The Blank?! the _________of something in the natural or human environment is the underlying factor in how it both affects and is affected by other features surrounding it.


The  context of something in the natural or human environment is the underlying factor in how it both affects and is affected by other features surrounding it.

Everything around us is part of the environment. It includes everything that is organic, artificial, and non-organic. Our surroundings, including all of the living and non-living objects including the air, water, soil, plants, and animals, can also be referred to as our environment. The degradation of the environment is mostly the result of human activity. Environmental effects of human activity. Numerous human activities such as overpopulation, pollution, the burning of fossil fuels, and deforestation have an adverse effect on the physical environment. Climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water have all been brought on by changes like these. These detrimental effects may influence human behaviour and lead to large-scale migrations.

To know more about environment refer :



Which two parts of this excerpt from Mark Twain's "The £1,000,000 Bank-Note" use hyperbole?


This passage from Mark Twain's "The £1,000,000 Bank Note" contains the following hyperbolic sentence:

He worshipped with all of his body and soul, but it didn't appear like he could move a hand or a foot.

Hyperbole: What is it?

This is the practice of exaggerating circumstances to demonstrate how dire they are through language or narration.

By keeping this in mind and examining the entire passage, we can observe that hyperbole was employed to demonstrate the adoration of a person's body and soul.

To learn more about Mark Twain from the given link



Which of the following is not a characteristic of a sonnet?
14 lines
O Blank verse
O lambic pentameter

O Rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG


Answer: Blank verse


I got it right on the test

The characteristic of a sonnet that is not correct is "Blank verse." Therefore, option (B) is incorrect.

What is a sonnet?

Iambic pentameter is the most common metre used in the composition of sonnets. This metre requires that each line of the poem have 10 syllables and adhere to a predetermined sequence of stressed and unstressed syllables.

In addition, a sonnet typically consists of 14 lines, and the majority of sonnets adhere to a predetermined pattern of rhyme. ABAB CDCD EFEF GG is the pattern of rhyme that is used in a standard English sonnet. On the other hand, poetry written in blank verse is not rhymed and instead adheres to a predetermined pattern of iambic pentameter. Although sonnets are written in iambic pentameter, they do not employ blank verse, which is free poetry that does not have any rhymes.

Learn more about sonnet, here:



What is safety device for a child traveling by car crossword clue ?


A booster seat is a safety device for a child traveling by car crossword clue. Children under the age of 8 are necessary expected insured in a machine or booster seat.

A child safety seat, frequently named a baby safety seat, juvenile limitation arrangement, car safety seat for a child, baby seat, car seat, or booster seat, is a seat devised expressly to protect adolescents from harm or passing all along instrument collisions. Children the one are 8 age traditional OR not completely 4'9” grant permission to be insured by a car safety seat for a child, but at minimum wear a seat belt.

Booster seats are seats that help kids stay dependable in cars. It's an occasion to use a car safety seat for a child when a teenager outgrows a car safety seat for a child. Booster seats lift kids up for fear that seatbelts lie across the forceful cartilages of the rib cage and pelvis a suggestion of correction of the stomach and narrow connector, place they grant permission for weighty damage in a crash.

To know more about seat belts refer to: https://brainly.com/question/1069786


A toolbox is shaped like a rectangular prism. The length is 14 inches and the height is 7 inches. If the volume of the toolbox is 1,176 cubic inches, what is its width?


The toolbox's width, which is 12 inches and has the shape of a rectangular prism.

A rectangular prism's volume can be calculated using the following formula:

V = lwh

where l denotes the length, w the width, h the height, and V the volume.

We are aware of the dimensions of this issue: length is 14 inches, height is 7 inches, and volume is 1,176 cubic inches. With this knowledge, we can calculate the width:

V = lwh 1,176 = 14w (7)

1,176 = 98w \sw = 1,176/98 \sw = 12

As a result, the toolbox has a 12 inch width.

To learn more about toolbox here:



How do the description of the author's mother and aunt affect the reader


When the aunt's true generosity is revealed, it surprises the reader and has an impact on them.

How does the passage's exposition by the author give readers crucial details about aunt Gertrude?

In this tale, Aunt Gertrude's letter is made to be read aloud by the narrator's uncle. The author has also deftly incorporated character dialogues in which they discuss Aunt Gertrude's characteristics and personality.

The author also says that even though he didn't feel close to Aunt Gertrude, knowing that she was nearby during her final years comforted him. The author foreshadows the story's resolution by mentioning Aunt Gertrude's well-known generosity in handling situations.

To know more about foreshadowing visit:



e town I lived in before Smalltown didn't have any recycling. I was a lot
unger when we lived there, but I understood that the people there just
dn't care about the environment. Looking back, I realize that my old
mmunity was poorer than Smalltown. Poor people don't care about the
vironment. They have bigger day-to-day things to worry about, so it's
rd to get them involved in environmental programs that really matter.
he author says, "We have recycling, of course." What meaning is implied by
ding the words "of course" to this simple sentence?


The author's use of the phrase "of course" implies a sense of expectation or assumption that the community in Smalltown has recycling. The author is likely assuming that it is a common and expected feature of a community and therefore adding "of course" emphasizes that it is not surprising or unexpected that Smalltown has recycling.

The author's use of this phrase may also suggest that the author views having recycling as a basic necessity for a community, and that it is a given that any community should have it. By using "of course", the author conveys a sense of superiority or a belief that Smalltown is better than the previous town the author lived in.

In protocol layer structure, one protocol data unit (pdu) in layer n is encapsulated in a pdu at layer (n-1) and a (n-1)-header is added. It is also possible to break one n-level pdu into multiple (n-1)-level pdus (segmentation) or to group multiple n-level pdus into one (n-1)-level pdu (blocking). A) in the case of segmentation, is it necessary that each (n-1)-level segment contain a copy of the n-level header? please explain your answer. B) in the case of blocking, is it necessary that each n-level pdu retain its own header, or can the data be consolidated into a single n-level pdu with a single n-level header? please explain your answer


One protocol data unit (PDU) from layer n is encapsulated in a PDU from layer (n-1) and an (n-1)-header is added to the protocol layer structure. No,  in the case of segmentation, is it not necessary that each (n-1)-level segment contain a copy of the n-level header.

In telecommunications, a protocol data unit is a distinct part of news communicated between peer bodies of a computer network. It is collected of code-particular control news and consumer dossier. In networking, an agreement dossier whole (PDU) is the fundamental whole of exchange middle from two points entities that correspond utilizing a particularized socializing for the professional or personal gain obligation.

A Network Protocol Data Unit is a small dossier erected at the network tier of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) seven coating model. The PDU (Protocol Data Unit) can hold either signaling or consumer news.

To know more about protocol data unit refer to: https://brainly.com/question/30256977


Though Miguel played the violin with enthusiasm, he was no Mozart.

Which type of figurative language is used in the sentence?











b) allusion


allusion is when something is referenced or compared to something else; in this instance Miguel is stated as being a good violin player, but no Mozart; with this reference to Mozart, this is an allusion

What is the definition of an author's purpose?
A. The author's big idea or takeaway
B. The author's favorite details in a text
C. The author's overall outlook
D. The author's reason for writing something.



D. The author's reason for writing something.


An author's purpose is their intent, reason, or motivation for writing something. Thus, the correct answer is D. :)

From the story "How you see yourself" by set to go

The author most likely wrote this selection to:

A: Entertain the reader with funny stories about talent shows

B: Persuade the reader to develop a captivating self-image

C: Inform the reader of how our self-image constructed and changed throughout our lives

D: Inform the reader of how difficult a positive self-image is to create in today's world


The creator of this, set to go,  wanted to educate the audience about how our self-images developed and altered over the span of our lives when they chose "How you perceive yourself." The correct answer is (c).

How then do you perceive yourselves and do those around?

You have really no influence over those who will admire you, despise you, talk well of you, criticize you, become infatuated with you, behave you unjustly, stand by you, tell falsehoods on you, or be your greatest cheerleader.

What makes it crucial to prioritize yourself?

The road to satisfaction and functional values in life and business is by having proper care of oneself.

To know more about How You see Yourself, visit:



HELP IM GONNA FAIL Read the excerpt from "Ain't I a Woman?" by Sojourner
I could work as much and eat as much as a man when
I could get it-and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a
woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most
all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my
mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a
What is the speaker's claim?
O She is a mother.
O She was enslaved.
O Women are as capable as men.
O Women suffer more than men.


she is claiming that women are as capable as men


I think that it it C


i think its C because the author keeps repeating the sentence "aint I a woman?" and compares herself to a man saying she could get it and bear the lash as well and continues to say so i believe.

Highlight the 10 Errors

Each year in early Febrary, visitors gather in the
Japanese City of Sapporo for an event that could
only happen in icy cold whether. During the cities
Snow Festival, master carvers and builders create
beautiful works of art out of ice and snow. Started
by hi school students' in 1950, the festival gained
international attention when Sapporo hosted the
Winter Olympic games in 1972 people from all over
the world travel to Japan for this specail event.


Answer: February is spelled rong


Write a letter to the editor of a
national news paper, Complaining
about lack of seriousness in the student
In your school in particular and the
district as a whole


To write a letter to the editor of a national newspaper, the formal style of letter writing should be followed.

How to write the letter

After inputting your address on the left-hand side of the paper and the address of the editor on the lower right side, the letter can begin thus:

Dear Sir,

I am writing to bring to your notice the lack of seriousness that has pervaded my school and the entire district. It has become a worrisome situation, hence my decision to write to you.

Our teachers no longer still to the teaching schedules and it has also become very common for students to engage in all sorts of malpractices. The entire situation seems impossible to contain, and I hereby plead that you look into this situation and possibly point the higher authorities to them.

Best regards.

Your name.

Learn more about letter writing here:



how does chapter 44 offer hope for a happy ending? what distinction is austen making between rank and breeding in this chapter? what is the difference between the superficial aspects of class and the quality of character?


Answer: Chapter 44 of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" offers hope for a happy ending for the main characters. In this chapter, Elizabeth and Darcy share a conversation that reveals their mutual understanding and growing affection for each other. This conversation provides a turning point in their relationship and foreshadows a possible reconciliation between the two characters.

In this chapter, Austen makes a distinction between rank and breeding, suggesting that rank (or social status) is not as important as good breeding (or character and manners). This is evident in Elizabeth's conversation with Darcy, where she acknowledges that Darcy's lack of social graces and rude behavior had initially made him unappealing to her, but that she now realizes that his actions were due to his pride and not his lack of breeding.

Austen also makes a distinction between the superficial aspects of class and the quality of character. She suggests that social status and wealth do not guarantee a person's good character, while a person of humble origins can possess a superior quality of character. This is a central theme in the novel and is evident in Elizabeth's opinion of Darcy, who initially appears to be a proud and aloof gentleman, but eventually reveals himself to be a man of integrity and generosity.

In conclusion, Chapter 44 of "Pride and Prejudice" offers hope for a happy ending for the main characters, Elizabeth and Darcy. Through this chapter, Austen makes a distinction between rank and breeding, suggesting that character and manners are more important than social status. She also explores the difference between the superficial aspects of class and the quality of character, emphasizing the importance of personal qualities over wealth and social status.


List sentences or lines from the text that help to show how humans have affected the environment (including plants & animals). Additionally, include what those effects are.




Humans are now responsible for causing changes in the environment that hurt animals and plant species. We take up more space on Earth for our homes and cities. We pollute habitats. We illegally hunt and kill animals.

what is true about wool?


Answer: It Is the Stongest of all natural fibers

Explanation: because wool is the 100% natural fibers

The characteristics of wool which are true are wool is an excellent insulator, highly absorbent, flame-resistant, and is renewable. (Option A, B, D, and E)

Wool is a type of fabric that is derived from the fleece or hair of animals, typically sheep. There are several important facts that are true about wool.  First, wool is an excellent insulator. This means that it is capable of keeping you warm in cold weather, and cool in warm weather. Second, wool is highly absorbent, which makes it an ideal fabric for clothing. It can absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture without feeling wet.

Third, wool is flame-resistant, which means that it is less likely to catch on fire compared to other types of fabric. Finally, wool is a renewable and sustainable resource, as sheep can regrow their fleece every year.

Overall, wool is a versatile and highly valued fabric that is used in a wide variety of applications, from clothing to home furnishings.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: What is true about wool? Check all that apply. A) Wool is an excellent insulator.  B) Wool is highly absorbent C) Wool is a conductor. D) Wool is flame-resistant E) Wool is renewable.

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Once you have seen the two sides of an issue, you now can say what you believe. You can make a stand. Which of the two sides do you believe in or agree with? When you make your stand, you can start with the following expressions: a cup of soup is left on a countertop to cool. the table below gives the temperatures , in degrees fahrenheit, of the soup recorded over a 10-minute period. write an exponential regression equation for the data, rounding all values to the nearest thousandth. alice is 16 and lives with her mother and four younger siblings in an impoverished neighborhood. alice does well in school and will be the first of her family to graduate from high school. she knows she could have a better life by getting a college degree, but she does not have the means to go to college and no one ever talks to alice about furthering her education. like many teenage girls her age, alice wants trendy clothes, fashionable shoes, and expensive handbags. alice works part-time at the local grocery store, but her earnings go to her mother to help with family finances. alice is approached and asked to carry drugs to dealers around town. she agrees; after all, she is not the one selling the drugs so she really is not hurting anyone. the money alice makes allows her to quit her job at the grocery store, help her mother, and buy clothes, shoes, and handbags. she now thinks that is not necessary to finish school. according to merton's social adaptation theory, which mode of adaptation best describes alice? if the calcium concentration inside a cell is 0.3% and the concentration in the surrounding fluid is 0.8%, through what process would the cell increase the amount of calcium inside the cell? what is a large city where many people live very close to one another? Think about all of the inventions you've discoveredin this lesson. Which two inventions changedAmericans' lives the most? Explain your answer ina few sentences. Distinguish which two scenarios provide evidence to support the following theme. Patience can lead to great things.Select the two correct answers.1. Olivia continued to try out for a new play every year until she finally got the lead role in May this year.2. Laurel waited to find out the results of her algebra test only to discover that she hadnt turned it in yet.3. In February, Brendan found out that after over a dozen interviews he finally got the job as an accountant.4. While Evan waited for his brothers practice to finish, he chose to reread parts of his favorite spy novel.5. Curtis was excited for his new glasses to arrive, but then discovered that they were shipped to the wrong place. Read the passage from "Odysseus."Odysseus, hearing that they had come, determined to trick them by pretending that he was out of his mind. He put on his richest garments, yoked an ox and a mule to his plow, and went out into his fields. As he plowed, he scattered salt into the furrows, pretending that he thought it was seed.How do Odysseus' actions lead to the climax of the story?When they see him throw salt in the fields, they realize that he is not a farmer.Odysseus must leave his home to fight in the war.When the soldier throws Odysseus' son in front of the plow, they learn he is not crazy.He becomes one of the greatest heroes of the Trojan war. meaning of occupation Lit + e- LiIn a lithium ion battery, the following reaction occurs. When the device is charging (adding e-) which direction does the reversible reaction occur?A.Forward to make more productsB.Reverse to make more reactantsC.No change will occur in the systemD. The battery explodes Box plot pls help outliers An ___________________ that is useful for living in one type of ______________ may be useless in a different environment. Organisms must live in a place that has the conditions they need to _____________ Organisms generally have adaptations that allow them to survive in one particular ______________. NEED HELP ASAPPPFind m/TUV.m/TUV= suppose you charge a parallel plate capacitor with a dielectric between the plates using a battery and then remove the battery, isolating the capacitor and leaving it charged. you then remove the dielectric from between the plates. the potential difference between the plates will Who was the original creator of the Disney character Goofy, who developed a lot ofcredits during the 30's and 40's, and what did he and Thomas have in common? Get points by answering. What is 2 + 2 = Based on what you read about Mark Zuckerberg, he would most likely score highly on which of the following personality dimensions?a.) Extroversionb.) Perceptionc.) Emotional stabilityd.) Conscientiousness Find HPRound to the nearest whole meter what district does marjorie taylor green represent? What is the empirical formula of with 4 significant digits Carbon:80.19 Hydrogen:9.62 Oxygen:10.19 keeping 4 significant digits