Which sentence would be the MOST accurate summary of this passage? A) Tornadoes are dangerous, unpredictable, and tremendously frightening. B) Everyone needs to take tornadoes seriously and always be prepared in case of severe weather. C) After barely surviving a tornado, the narrator now has a respect and even fear of nature's power. D) Tornadoes and hurricanes, while often confused, are actually not the same type of natural disaster at all


Answer 1
Where’s the passage?
I can’t see it
Answer 2
l would choose D.

Hope it helped. :)

Related Questions

Which sentence uses a colon correctly?
According to The Daily Chatter, snow is expected tomorrow: "It will become colder after midnight with cloudy skies and a chance of up to five inches of accumulation."
According to The Daily Chatter: snow is expected tomorrow. "It will become colder after midnight with cloudy skies and a chance of up to five inches of accumulation."
According to: The Daily Chatter, snow is expected tomorrow, "It will become colder after midnight with cloudy skies and a chance of up to five inches of accumulation."
According to The Daily Chatter, snow is expected tomorrow. "It will become colder after midnight: with cloudy skies and a chance of up to five inches of accumulation."


the answer is b :) hope it helps
The answer is A hope i helps

Why does Cinderella go through so much pain in the movie and play?


In the movie Cinderella, Cinderella goes through a lot of pain because she is an orphaned girl who is treated very poorly by her stepmother and stepsisters. She is constantly made to do all the hard work around the house while her stepsisters get to go to parties and balls. This can be seen as symbolic of the struggles that many people face in life, where they have to work hard and make sacrifices while others seem to get all the benefits. Additionally, Cinderella's pain can be seen as a metaphor for the emotional pain of feeling rejected and alone, and the hope of finding true love and acceptance in the world.

Because she is an orphan

That's it I really need help to help!

What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?


The word is "heroine", which means a great woman. The first two letters, "he", signify a male, the first three letters, "her", signify a female, and the first four letters, "hero", signify a great person.

Answer: Heroine


Please write a conclusion for this argumentative essay. (It doesn't have to be good I just need an idea of what to write.)

Intro: “The trade in exotic animals is a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry.” “Millions of wild animals, including reptiles, large felines, nonhuman primates, and others, are kept in private possession in the U.S.” and are being mistreated due to this fact. One might take an exotic animal as a pet with the idea that it's "cool", or even, possibly, that they are helping the pitiful creatures. But what is really happening is that corrupt associations are profiting off of these animals as a result of people lacking knowledge about exotic animals. Exotic animals should not be kept as pets.
Body Paragraph 1: As stated before, people often will take in an exotic, or wild, pet just for vain purposes, “it’s cute”, or because it might be “cool”. Of course, there are also those who have a natural affinity for animals, and genuinely want to care for or be close to them. As a result of this, many of these animals are being mistakenly, sometimes purposely, mistreated because the owners do not have the right resources or knowledge to care for these animals. “Zoos, pet stores and exotic pet expos often include a hands-on component that, similarly to television media, creates a fabricated intimacy between people and wildlife that mirrors how they interact with domesticated pets” and “The results of these findings reveal that the main motivation for people obtaining exotic pets is because of their high affection and desire to be close to animals.”, are inquisitions made by Samantha Kieswetter for Zoocheck Inc. that show the reasons for getting exotic pets. The only circumstance in which one should have an exotic animal in their care, not being an animal organization or a zoo, is if they have the proper means to care for these animals.

Body Paragraph 2: Further reasoning is that these animals do not belong in captivity. The National Library of Medicine explains why keeping exotic animals is ill-advised. More common pets, such as dogs and cats, are more accustomed to being pets. But animals like, say, foxes are not adapted to abiding amongst humans, and as a result, are more bestial. If people kept domesticated animals they would be safer, and these peculiar animals they desire would suffer less.

Body Paragraph 3: One might say that owning exotic pets is the best and no matter what it should be legal. Although it may be fun to own an exotic animal one must consider the consequences. Humans are hurting these animals, and these animals could also hurt people. Born Free USA reveals that exotic animals suffer under the care of separate persons due to the inability of one to care properly for these animals. Many would be safer and these peculiar animals they desire would suffer less if we were to leave them in proper care.

Conclusion: In the final analysis,



it is clear that the trade in exotic animals as pets is a harmful and unethical industry. The ownership of exotic pets is driven by vain and misguided desires, leading to mistreatment and suffering of these animals. These animals are not adapted to living in captivity, and their welfare is at risk in the hands of private owners who do not have the resources or knowledge to properly care for them. While some might argue for the legal ownership of exotic pets, it is important to consider the consequences for both the animals and the people involved. In conclusion, it is imperative that we reconsider the trade in exotic animals as pets and work towards finding alternative solutions that prioritize the welfare of these animals.

My final analysis is, why should you keep an exotic animal as a household pet, they require maintenance, you could get sick and die, and the pet would be put in danger! 30% of the world can’t even obtain a small pet such as a dog or cat due to fur allergies! It’s ridiculous to even harm an animal just for your selfish wishes! If you really cared about animals and their well-being, then you would let them live in their natural habitat rather than putting them in captivity for no reason whatsoever. In addition to that, you’re putting animals, yourself and anyone who is close to you, in danger. Don’t be that person to put your selfish wants before yourself and close friends and family?

Read the following partial summary of the


(1) Despite its great cost, Americans are drinking

more bottled water than ever. (2) Tap water is

more carefully regulated than bottled water.

Which sentence provides the BEST conclusion to

the summary?

There are no regulations in place for bottled water.

Both tap water and bottled water are tested for


Bottled water should be held to similar standards as

tap water.

People who drink bottled water have no idea what

they're drinking




Both tap water and bottled water are tested for contaminants.

You can make all the excuses you want,but you’re the one who decides how to live your life.
How does the quote make me feel?
-Do I agree with the quote?
-If so why?
-If not why?
-Do any of my experiences or prior knowledge relate to the quote?
-What is the theme of the quote?
-Who would I share this quote with?


Answer: it makes me feel like i don't want to make excuses no more because at the end of the day i'm the one to decide how to live my own life.

i agree with this quote because it makes a lot of sense no matter how you look at it. also because what it is saying is the truth.

yes my prior and experience knowledge relate to the quote.

i will share this quote to the people that make excuses even tho it is a small problem


Why do both Romeo and Juliet die in the end of "Romeo and Juliet?"


At the end of the play, Romeo and Juliet both commit s.u.i.c.i.d.e. Although they killed themselves, there were other factors that led them to their demise. The three major causes of Romeo and Juliet's deaths were bad choices, adult interference, and bad luck.


The message fails to reach Romeo, and believing Juliet dead, he takes his life in her tomb. Juliet wakes to find Romeo's corpse beside her and kills herself.

Explanation: sorry wanted the points XD

Tap the phrase that "it" refers to.


What are the options as answers? It could refer to many things but without a more detailed question I can’t answer that for you.
it refers to a thing or something

Hi guys (idek why i did this, i should be doing my homework)



OMG SAMEEEE, wait your a middle schooler too???

And i was waiting for my answer to be answered so yeah. lol

ok⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

Court players serve as both offense and defense during the game and possession can change quickly. All court players may do the following, EXCEPT? This is in Physical education but there is no thingy for that so yeahhh.

Kick the ball
Dribble the ball (within their 3 steps or 3 seconds)
Hold the ball up to 3 seconds
Run 3 steps with the ball



hold the ball


I'm pretty sure that they can't hole the ball for more than three seconds, sorry if I'm wrong :(

It’s run 3 seconds with the ball. That’s called a travel and is illegal.

How does the author convey multiple points of view on transgenic salmon in the article?
Cite evidence from the text in your answer. ( Use the R.A.C.E strategy ) =D



The author convey multiple points of view on transgenic salmon in the article are :

Much scientific research and the work of scientists and the opinions of the people were used in the article to convey different perspectives on transgenic salmon.

The author first wrote about benefit salmon that have been genetically modified. This means that the DNA has been artificially warned.

Scientists and  US companies wanted to produce and sell eggs commercially, but the government did not approve the sale of genetically modified animals for food.


Writing an Argumentative Essay about an Ethical Issue



Start off with an intro, body, and conclusion. Using “I believe that” or “I argue that” .. the meaning of ethical is something that is appropriate to the public that is good. Such as cleaning up trash that is ethical but being unethical meanings like something that is bad to the public like trashing the earth.

Select all the correct answers.

Which two arguments does the information in the passage support?

from "Some Rights of Children

as Persons" in School Education

by Charlotte Mason

Parents are responsible for the way their child performs at


Personal Initiative in Work

The current education system hinders children's creativity.

Schools should include more creative arts in their syllabus.

Children have come to rely on external motivation to do



Examinations and grades are unnecessary.

In their work, too, we are too apt to

interfere with children. We all know the

delight with which any scope for personal

initiative is hailed, the pleasure children take

in doing anything which they may do their

own way; anything, in fact, which allows room

for skill of hand, play of fancy, or

development of thought. With our present

theories of education it seems that we cannot

give much scope for personal initiative. There

is so much task-work to be done, so many

things that must be, not learned, but learned

about, that it is only now and then a child

gets the chance to produce himself in his

work. But let us use such opportunities as



come in our way



come in our way by next rest wide works but us opportunities as Alger get chance to get free


no explanation

The two arguments the information in the passage support is

"The current education system hinders children's creativity"

" Schools should include more creative art".

What is the argument?

A situation when two individuals involved in a conversation share differences of opinions which causes disagreement between them and creates arguments in order to prove them stronger.

The argument is made in the passage that the current educational system hinders or lacks creativity in children and that schools ought to teach more innovative art.

The statement that promotes the main idea in this situation is that the existing educational system hinders children's innovation and that kids have started to depend on outside motivation for work.

Therefore, The current education system hinders children's creativity.

Learn more about the argument, here:



PLEASE HELPPPPP! 06. 04 Organize Your Argument You will complete an Argument Organizer based on the topic you choose. Select the Argument Organizer. Important: Immediately save the worksheet to your computer or drive. Select one topic to research. You may choose from one of the following questions: Should teens be allowed to play dangerous sports? Should volunteering be required to graduate high school? Choose one side of the issue. Add the following information to your Argument Organizer: The question your essay will answer A claim clearly stating your stance on the issue that is written in the third person point of view, does not include emotions or feelings, and can be supported with facts Reason 1 why readers should agree with your claim. Evidence/support for the reason. A reliable source for the information Reason 2 why readers should agree with your claim. Evidence/support for the reason. A reliable source for the information Counterclaim Rebuttal with evidence from a reliable source Locate at least two reliable sources and complete each box of the Argument Organizer. Save your work to your computer or drive. Submit your work in 06. 04 Organize Your Argument. If you cannot save your worksheet, you can type the information into a document and submit



I will type out everything here, lol, but I recommend going with "Should volunteering be required to graduate high school?"

 I would put my stance as No. Teens should not need to volunteer to graduate. ( I know its first person, so you will have to rewrite it)

 - Because only some have the opportunity or time to volunteer due to other responsibilities out of their control, such as home life. family etc 

- It would not give those who needed to befits from volunteering the best experience etc., if the volunteers did not want to be there 

- they should agree because we have all experienced unwarranted circumstances and school stress, and adding more pressure/ anxiety to school is the last thing we need to do. 


Describe two things that caused the modernist writers of the 1920's to lose their faith in humanity and society



The violence of WWI and the devastation of the Great Depression

Two things that caused modernist writers of the 1920s to lose their faith in humanity and society were the horrors of World War I and the disillusionment of the postwar period. World War I exposed the brutality of modern warfare, leading many to question the morality of humanity. The postwar period was characterized by economic hardship, political turmoil, and a general sense of disappointment, which further eroded faith in humanity and society. These two factors, combined with other social changes of the time, led to a widespread sense of disillusionment and loss of faith, which is reflected in the works of modernist writers of the 1920s.

Why does all of Shakespeare's plays end in tregedy.


Refer to the attachment for your answer

Because its just the way he writes his plays

Why couldn't Romeo and Juliet be together?
Do you think they should have or not explain why or why not?



They should be together as they are influenced by their teenage feelings and the angst that comes with it.



They should be together as they are influenced by their teenage feelings and the angst that comes with it.

A student plans to write a literary analysis about ""Saved by a Seal"" by Theodore A. Cutting. The essay will focus on how the main character’s experience with Nab affected him. Which two sentences from the story give information that will help the student form a thesis statement for the essay?


Answer:) B and a are correct.


This excerpt ends with King Midas begging the Greek god Bacchus to take away the Golden Touch Midas had been given. Write a continuation of the story that shows how Bacchus responds to Midas' request. Be sure to use detail and dialogue in your response.


Bacchus was moved by Midas' pleas and agreed to take away the Golden Touch. He waved his hand and said, "Let your wish be granted." Immediately, Midas felt a warm sensation spreading throughout his body. When he looked down at his hands, he saw that the golden hue had disappeared, and he was back to his normal skin color.

Midas was overwhelmed with joy and thanked Bacchus for taking away his curse. Bacchus replied, "It was my pleasure. May your kingdom prosper and may you find peace within your heart." With a smile, Bacchus turned away and disappeared from sight.

Read the excerpt from "Homesick."
The skeleton of a large junk, its ribs lying bare, its backbone running straight and true down the bottom.
What does the figurative language in the excerpt tell readers about the junk?
A. The junk is old and falling apart.
B. A junk is better constructed than other boats.
C. Artists have painted the junk with frightening images.
D. Builders have only completed the frame of the junk.


It’s A I think. It’s “lying bare”, without the rest of the boat.
I believe it’s A

Hope this helps!

Macbeth. Why did Macbeth and Lady Macbeth kill the king?


Macbeth and Lady Macbeth killed the king as part of their plan to seize the throne of Scotland. Macbeth was driven by ambition, while Lady Macbeth was driven by her desire to see him become king. Together, they hatched a plan to assassinate King Duncan, the rightful ruler of Scotland, in order to pave the way for Macbeth's ascension to the throne.

Macbeth received a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he would become king of Scotland. Consumed with ambition and pushed by his wife Macbeth does eventually end up killing King Duncan.

Persuasive Essay: Should students be required to have a certain GPA in order to play school sports?



Having good grades gives many financial benefits to students. For example, schools offer merit money, money received based on academic, artistic or athletic excellence. This would be a privilege to have especially if you are having trouble affording college. Having a half-athletic scholarship combined with the other half merit money can equal to having a full scholarship. However, this will only happen if you excel in both sports and studies. Thus, it is beneficial to have good grades to play sports.

Coaches look for students with good grades, not only playing ability. It is to one’s benefit to have good grades. Students should have good grades to play sports. Even if you are a great athlete, you will probability not get a full-athletic scholarship.

Thus, having good grades can lessen your stress about affording college.

Read this excerpt from the text "The Carolina Crew: The Mystery at Myrtle Beach."

Select the event that best describes Carolina's urgency to tell a lifeguard of her concern about the sardine run.

"This seems weird," said Debbie, "but it looks surprisingly similar to the sardine run in South Africa. I've never heard of it happening anywhere else in the world."

"You're right," said Carolina. "It does look like a sardine run. I've never heard of it happening anywhere else either and definitely not here in South Carolina." She rubbed the back of her neck. Suddenly realizing what a sardine run could mean, she spoke with urgency. "If there are sardines, there are probably sharks out there trying to feed on them."

A. Caroline heard Debbie say that sardine runs happen in South Africa.
B. Carolina knows if there is a sardine run, sharks will be in the area.
C. Carolina knows that it's weird to see a sardine run on a crowded beach.
D. Carolina knows that sardine runs don't usually happen in South Carolina.






Carolina knows if there is a sardine run, sharks will be in the area.

i agree the answer is B

What was Burr overcome with in the scene/musical Obedient Servant when he loses to Jefferson??

English and Arts.


Answer: In the musical "Hamilton," the character Aaron Burr is overcome with frustration and anger when he loses the election for Vice President to Thomas Jefferson. Burr is a man of ambition who has worked hard to climb the political ladder, and the loss to Jefferson is a significant setback for him. He feels that he has been betrayed by the political system and that his efforts have gone unacknowledged. In the song "The World Was Wide Enough," Burr expresses his frustration and rage, singing "I wish there was a war." He is consumed by feelings of powerlessness and disappointment, which eventually lead him to challenge Alexander Hamilton to a duel and ultimately lead to his downfall. The scene highlights the consequences of unfulfilled ambition and the destructive impact it can have on an individual.


The opening two paragraphs of the story help to convey the idea that

A David's mother is cautious because of the weather report.

B David and his friends don't always agree on what sport to play when they are at the park.

C David has missed getting to play soccer and is anxious to get to the park.

D David has become fascinated with the weather.


The answer is C David has missed getting to play soccer and is anxious to get to the park


the answer is C ^^ hope this helps


in the beginning he is going to play soccer i always had trouble but i understand it now :>

"We choose to go to the moon" Speech.
On September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy delivered his "We Choose to Go to the Moon" speech to a crowd of thousands at Rice University Stadium in Houston, Texas. The country was unsure about the time and cost of sending a man to the moon, and President Kennedy's speech addressed their uncertainty. Read the excerpts from Kennedy's speech. Then, respond to the prompt that follows.

I am delighted to be here, and I'm particularly delighted to be here on this occasion. We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.

Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation's own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population as a whole, despite that, the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension.

If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.

Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it—we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace.

We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say that we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours.

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.

identify the speaker, purpose, and audience

identify and cite examples of at least one rhetorical appeal

identify and cite examples of at least two rhetorical devices that support the appeal

explain how the rhetorical appeal connects to and achieves the purpose

use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation


This answer was generated by an AI and may be incorrect.

Speaker: President John F. Kennedy

Purpose: To inspire and motivate the country to support the mission to send a man to the moon, and to address the uncertainty about the time and cost of the mission.

Audience: A crowd of thousands at Rice University Stadium in Houston, Texas.

Rhetorical Appeal: Pathos (Emotional Appeal)

1. "we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance"

2. "it is one of the great adventures of all time"

3. "the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace."

Rhetorical Devices:

Alliteration: "We mean to be a part of it—we mean to lead it."

Repetition: "We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade"

Metaphor: "The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time"

The rhetorical appeal of Pathos connects to and achieves the purpose by evoking emotions in the audience and making them feel invested in the mission. By appealing to the audience's emotions, President Kennedy makes them feel a sense of excitement and pride about the possibility of exploring space and being a part of one of the greatest adventures of all time. He also emphasizes the importance of the United States being at the forefront of this exploration and not falling behind other nations. The repetition of the phrase "We choose to go to the moon" emphasizes the determination and unwavering commitment of the country to achieve this goal. The use of alliteration and metaphor helps to reinforce the purpose and adds impact to the speech.

1. 3. 7 Quiz: Analyze a Supreme Court Decision

Question 1 of 10

2 Points

If a reader wants to evaluate a text, which is the best question to ask while

reading it?


A. What are the goals of the text, and what elements help achieve

those goals?


B. How long is this text, and how quickly does it get to the point?


c. Where else is there a text with similar goals that used different



D. When did the author of this text decide on its goals, and when did

he write it?


The answer to this question is A
A will be the answer to your question

In your notebook complete the sentences with the present simple passive form of the verbs in brackets

1 the olympics. ( hold ) every four years.

2 cricket. ( not play ) in my country

3 the best tennis player. ( rank ) number one

4 a gold medal. ( not make of solid gold

5 records. ( break ) at most olympic games

2 zad

in your notebook complete the sentences with the past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets

1. My camera. ( steal ) from my bag

2. The goal. ( not score ) by messi

3 the 2012 olympic games. ( hold ) in london

4. Text messages. ( not send ) twenty years ago


Answer: The Olympics are held every four years.

Cricket is not played in my country.

The best tennis player is ranked number one.

A gold medal is not made of solid gold.

Records are broken at most Olympic games.

My camera was stolen from my bag.

The goal was not scored by Messi.

The 2012 Olympic Games were held in London.

Text messages were not sent twenty years ago.


1) The olympics are held every four years.
2) Cricket is not played in my country.
3) The best tennis player is ranked number one.
4) A gold medal is not made of solid gold.
5) Records are broken at most olympic games.

1) My camera was stolen from my bag.
2) The goal was not to score by messi.
3) The 2012 olympic games were held in london.
4) Text messages were not sent twenty years ago.

What might be a counter argument to the claim : Math is the most important school subject


Math isn’t the most important school subject
Without learning how to read in English, a person wouldn’t be able to understand most things, even math.
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What conclusions can you draw about why there are fewer laws this case study built upon what we covered in module 3 on groundwater. you are introduced to the differences between anthropogenic and geogenic contamination. if you are from the san antonio area, you know that we get most of our water from the edwards aquifer which is a cavernous limestone aquifer. the edwards runs roughly from the southwest around uvalde to the northeast toward austin, and water flows the same general direction. since it encompasses such a large area it runs through farmland, small towns, industrial areas, and cities. discuss the ways in which the aquifer could be contaminated by human activity, and the possible ways that it could be contaminated by geogenic sources. what careers outside of science would be involved in monitoring and mitigating contamination of the aquifer? what technologies might be valuable in helping with monitoring and mitigation? what is the central defining characteristic of a psychopath? 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The amount of flour is 4 times the amount of sugar.A recipe uses , y, cups of flour and , x, cups of sugar. The amount of flour is 4 times the amount of sugar.Tricia is y years old. This is 4 years older than her younger brother, Max, who is x years old.Tricia is , y, years old. This is 4 years older than her younger brother, Max, who is , x, years old.Sebastian buys y sacks of groceries. Each sack weighs 4 pounds. He carries x pounds of groceries home from the store.Sebastian buys , y, sacks of groceries. Each sack weighs 4 pounds. He carries , x, pounds of groceries home from the store. (03.03 LC)How does the graph of g(x) = (x - 2)3 + 7 compare to the parent function f(x) = x? Yenework is the sole entrepreneur what answer below best addresses the following statistical problem? a new advertisement for ben and jerry's ice cream introduced in late may of last year resulted in a 30% increase in ice cream sales for the following three months. does this mean that the advertisement was effective? a. yes, because an increase in sales means the advertisement worked. b. no, because the increase in sales was all caused by another variable (specifically a change in weather) c. uncertain, because there are other variables at play and correlation does not equal causation d. uncertain, because it's impossible to measure the effectiveness of advertising. Lakeland Heating & Cooling installs and services commercial heating and cooling systems. Lakeland uses job costing to calculate the cost of its jobs. Overhead is allocated to each job based on the number of direct labor hours spent on that job. At the beginning of the current year, Lakeland estimated that its overhead for the coming year would be $64,800. It also anticipated using 4,050 direct labor hours for the year In October, Lakeland started and completed the following two jobs: E(Click the icon to view the jobs.) Lakeland paid a $24-per-hour wage rate to the employees who worked on these two jobs. Read the requirements Requirement 1. What is Lakeland's predetermined overhead rate based on direct labor hours? A company's january 1, 2022 balance sheet reported total assets of $155,000 and total liabilities of $62,500. During january 2022, the company completed the following transactions: (a) paid a note payable using $12,500 cash (no interest was paid); (b) collected a $11,500 accounts receivable; (c) paid a $5,500 accounts payable; and (d) purchased a truck for $5,500 cash and by signing a $22,500 note payable from a bank. The company's january 31, 2022 balance sheet would report which of the following?