Which production method emerged during the Second Industrial Revolution?


Answer 1

[tex]\huge\underline{\red{A}\green{n}\blue{s}\purple{w}\pink{e}\orange{r} →}[/tex]

Automatic signals, air brakes, and knuckle couplers on the railroads; the Bessemer and then the open-hearth process in the steel mills; the telephone, electric light, and typewriter.


Hope it helps you~

Related Questions

Who is this person? the child of former slaves, invented the ironing board, the lawn sprinkler, and many other useful things.


The person you are referring to is Sarah Boone. She was an African American inventor and dressmaker who was born in 1832 in Craven County, North Carolina, and died in 1904 in New Haven, Connecticut.

Sarah Boone is the person to whom you are alluding. She was a dressmaker and inventor of African American descent who was born in Craven County, North Carolina, in 1832 and passed away in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1904. The ironing board, which Boone created to make ironing simpler and more effective, is credited to her. She also received patents for the sleeve board and a stand for holding clothes. She also created a grass sprayer with a sort of enhanced design. Boone, a descendant of slaves, made enormous contributions to American ingenuity that are still felt today.

learn more about dressmaker here:



why was the location of the new nation’s capital city controversial?


The location of the new nation’s capital city was controversial because each region wanted to have control over the national capital and this was compromised by the Federal government assuming state's debts.

Philadelphia served as the capital of the country until 1800, when Washington, D.C., took over as the permanent location for the federal government. It displays the nation's dedication to democracy and political life in beautiful government buildings. The capital of a country is often its center of economic, cultural, and population life. Capital cities are frequently the location of historical centers of trade, communication, and transportation. London, England and Paris, France both developed along big, active rivers hundreds of years ago.

Know more about Capital here:



why do you think that life will be different for the people living in Athens


Answer: Better Community

Explanation: Sparta  had no Arts, Dance, and type of stuff like that.

Which of these was used by the Aztecs to build a powerful and wealthy empire?


Much of northern Mesoamerica was occupied by the Aztec Empire (c. 1345–1521) at its height. Aztec warriors had the power to subjugate their neighbouring states, allowing tyrants like Montezuma to impose Aztec beliefs and values throughout Mexico.

The final of the major Mesoamerican civilizations was notable for its art and architecture as well as its prowess in agriculture and trade. The most thorough documentation of any Mesoamerican civilization comes from the Aztec civilization, which had its capital city at Tenochtitlán. This documentation comes from archaeology, native books (codices), and lengthy, in-depth accounts from the Spanish conquerors, both military men and Christian clergy. Although these latter sources may not always be trustworthy, the information we know about the Aztecs, their institutions, religious practises and warfare, is mostly accurate.

Learn more about Aztec here:



What three things neutralized Britain’s military superiority to the colonists?


1. Knowledge of the Terrain - The British soldiers were not familiar with the rugged and unfamiliar terrain in America, which made it difficult for them to maneuver and effectively engage the colonists in battle. The colonists, on the other hand, were intimately familiar with the land and could use this knowledge to their advantage.

2. Guerrilla Tactics - The colonists used guerrilla tactics to attack British forces, such as hit-and-run raids and ambushes, which made it difficult for the British to maintain control over the colonies. The British were used to fighting on open battlefields, and their tactics were not suited to fighting a guerrilla war.

3. Lack of Supplies - The British forces were often dependent on supplies shipped from Britain, which could take months to arrive. This made it difficult for them to sustain a prolonged war effort, especially as they encountered resistance from the colonists and the French. The colonists, on the other hand, had the support of the local population and were able to access supplies more easily.

A Christian minister is reading in the Old Testament that worshipers of God must abstain from work at all on the Sabbath. Then he reads in the New Testament that Jesus of Nazareth healed people on the Sabbath. Given the viewpoint of Christians on the Old versus New Testaments, what would the minister MOST likely conclude?
Group of answer choices

Jesus was in violation of the Sabbath law.

The Sabbath is something that he should institute in his church.

Strict observance of the Sabbath is no longer a requirement for Christians.

The Jews were correct in having Jesus executed.


He would most likly include verses from the bible

Describe how amendments have affected AmericaIn your own words, answer the following questions about the amendment process.

Why did the Founding Fathers create an amendment process for the Constitution?

Why did they make the amendment process difficult to achieve?ns' participation in government.


The founding fathers recognized that the constitution includes defects that would need to be addressed as society evolved and time passed. The founding fathers understood that there would be defects and weaknesses in the construction of the federal government, and there was no way they could predict all of the republic's future demands.

Why did the Founders include the amendment process?

They believed that a lengthy and complicated amendment process would help to create stability in the United States. Because altering the Constitution is so difficult, most changes are irreversible. An amendment becomes a part of the Constitution after it is ratified.

Constitutions must be amended throughout time in order to fix deficient provisions and adapt to new needs, such as expanding rights. The text of a constitution cannot otherwise reflect social circumstances and political necessities throughout time.

To learn more about the constitution, click



9. American civic ideals and practices are complex issues that are best served by which of the following? Select all that apply. (3 points)

O multiple perspectives and diverse experiences

O passionate and active citizens

O recognizing the gap between ideals and practices

O restricting the rights of individuals ​



The options that best serve American civic ideals and practices are:

multiple perspectives and diverse experiences

passionate and active citizens

recognizing the gap between ideals and practices.

22. Pilihan ganda30 detik1 ptQ. This event angered Americans and led to an undeclared naval war with France.Pilihan jawabanSectionalismVirginia and Kentucky ResolutionsXYZ AffairNullification


XYZ Affair event angered Americans and led to an undeclared naval war with France. In this case Option D is correct

An unofficial, limited war known as the Quasi-War was caused by the XYZ Affair, a diplomatic incident involving French and American diplomats.

With the Convention of 1800, also referred to as the Treaty of Mortefontaine, American and French negotiators brought the world back to peace. The final French Revolutionary administration, the Directory, had trouble funding its European wars in the late 1700s. The fact that the United States and Great Britain had signed the Jay Treaty in 1794 infuriated a lot of leaders.

As a result, in 1796, French authorities decided to issue a decree authorizing the seizure of American merchant ships, carefully timed to catch as many people off guard as possible. Elbridge Gerry, Charles Cotesworth, and John Adams sent three American envoys to France to mend fences between the two countries.

To know more about XYZ Affair here



This event angered Americans and led to an undeclared naval war with France.

SectionalismVirginia Kentucky ResolutionsXYZ Affair

T/F. in 1862, shortly before issuing the emancipation proclamation, abraham lincoln ordered the largest mass hanging in united states history when he condemned 38 dakota, all of them selected at random, to death.


It is TRUE that Lincoln ordered the largest mass hanging in American history in 1862, just before issuing the emancipation proclamation, when he sentenced 38 Dakota all of them selected at random, to death.

38 Dakota prisoners were carried to a scaffold designed specifically for their execution at 10:00 am on December 26. A last-minute respite had been granted to one. Mankato's streets and the surrounding area were crowded with an estimated 4,000 onlookers. Col. Stephen Miller, who was in charge of maintaining order in the days preceding the hangings, had proclaimed martial law and forbade the sale and consumption of alcohol within 10 miles of the town.

To know more about Dakota



to what extent and in what ways was the french revolution during the period 1789 through the reign of terror an attempt to create a government based on enlightenment ideals?


The extent to which the French Revolution was an effort to establish an enlightenment-based government from 1789 to the reign of terror is unclear.

With civil war spreading from the Vendée and enemy forces approaching France on all sides, the Revolutionary government made the decision to implement "Terror" as the rule of the day (decree of September 5), as well as to impose severe punishments on anyone believed to be Revolutionary opponents (nobles, priests, and hoarders).

The High Enlightenment's goal of overthrowing the established order in order to remake society along rational lines was realized in the French Revolution of 1789, but it quickly devolved into a bloody terror that exposed the flaws in its own assumptions and paved the way for Napoleon's rise a decade later.

Learn more about revolution Visit: brainly.com/question/26153965


what country did america gain their independence from?


America gained their independence from Great Britain

Need help ASAP

In your essay, you must:

Articulate a defensible claim or thesis that responds to the prompt and establishes a line of reasoning.

Support your claim with at least TWO pieces of accurate and relevant information.

At least ONE piece of evidence must be from the U. S. Constitution.

Use a second piece of evidence from another foundational document or from your study of government policies.

Use reasoning to explain why your evidence supports your claim/thesis.

Respond to an opposing or alternative perspective using refutation, concession, or rebuttal


The U.S. Constitution has been successful in protecting the rights of citizens, as evidenced by the document's language, its amendments, and the Supreme Court's decisions. The language of the Constitution establishes a government based on the rule of law and the protection of individual rights, while the amendments extend those protections to all citizens regardless of race, gender, or religion.

The Supreme Court has been the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution, ruling on cases which further protect citizens' rights, such as Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion and safeguarded the autonomy of individuals over their own bodies. Thus, the U.S. Constitution has been successful in protecting the rights of citizens.

The success of the U.S. Constitution in protecting citizens' rights can be seen in the document itself. For example, the 5th Amendment states that no one can be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." This language protects citizens by ensuring that the government cannot simply take away a person's rights without legal justification.

Additionally, the 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws to all citizens, regardless of race, gender, or religion. This amendment has been used to protect citizens from laws that violate their rights and to ensure that all citizens are treated equally under the law.

The Supreme Court has also played an important role in protecting citizens' rights. The court's decisions, such as Roe v. Wade, have helped to ensure that individuals' rights are respected, even in cases where the law might not recognize them.

In Roe v. Wade, the court ruled that a woman's right to privacy extended to her decision to have an abortion, protecting her autonomy over her own body. This decision ensured that women could make their own decisions about their reproductive health, a right which had not previously been recognized.

Opponents of this claim may argue that the U.S. Constitution has not been successful in protecting citizens' rights, citing examples such as the current debate over gun control. While it is true that the legal framework of the Constitution may be inadequate in some areas, it is important to remember that the Supreme Court has interpreted the document in ways that have further protected citizens' rights.

For example, the court has consistently affirmed the right to bear arms in cases such as District of Columbia v. Heller, while also upholding reasonable restrictions on that right. Thus, while the legal framework of the Constitution has been successful in protecting citizens' rights, the Supreme Court has been the ultimate guardian of those rights, ruling on cases in a way that furthers their protection.

To learn more about U.S. Constitution link is here



In the context of this article, what makes a great leader? What qualities make a leader most
effective or inspiring? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or
history in your answer.


I don’t know

what is meant by the term sovereignt


supreme power or authority

the term progressive that came into common use around 1910 describes


A loosely defined political movement of people and organizations that aimed to change the social and political landscape of America.

What is social and political landscape?

Women must assume enough authority in the public realm to alter political climate and cultural stereotypes.

By voting, women, who were previously prohibited from doing so until 1945, altered the political scene.

A minority administration would alter the political environment.

The political scene is dominated by enormous, bureaucratic entities.

These pundits contend that the decline in morality that began in the 1960s has had a long-lasting impact on society.

One of the most noticeable aspects of the political scene at the start of 1996 is this divide.

His statements altered the political environment.

They are reshaping the political landscape in the name of democracy in order to marginalize democracy.

To know more about social and political landscape , check out :



Historically, who played the game Chaturanga? A. Indian and Persian nobility B. Indian commoners C. Asian farmers D. Roman soldiers


Option c correct. The game chaturanga was played by the asian farmers

Chaturanga is first known from the Gupta Empire in India around the 6th century CE. In the 7th century, it was adopted as chatrang (shatranj) in Sassanid Persia, which in turn was the form of chess brought to late-medieval Europe.

Chaturanga was a warwar game called chaturanga, a Sanskrit name for a battle formation mentioned in the Indian epic Mahabharata. Chaturanga was flourishing in northwestern India by the 7th century and is regarded as the earliest precursor of modern chess because it had two key features found in all later chess.

To know more about chaturanga click here

Explain how information is encoded, moved long distances, and then decoded without losing any of the information


Encoding, also known as information transmission, requires a sender to communicate the message through some media. Decoding, also known as receiving information, requires a receiver to receive, interpret, and comprehend the message.

Because an inaccuracy in the amplitude or frequency value would have to be very big to induce a leap to a different value, digital signals are a more trustworthy means of delivering information. Signals have an endless number of potential values. Signals have exactly two potential values: 0 or 1.

Encoding is the process of turning data or a predetermined sequence of letters, symbols, alphabets, and so on into a specific format for safe data transfer. Decoding is the opposite of encoding in that it extracts information from the transformed format.

Learn more about communicate here



what ways were the roles of african american men significantly different from the roles of african american women before the civil war?


Nonetheless, fieldwork was typically divided along gender lines, with more physically taxing duties being given to Men gangs, especially on bigger farms and plantations.

Males might, for instance, cut the wood for a fence while women were assigned to build it. Typically, men hoed while women ploughed the fields. Motherhood was a woman's principal social function in Africa. This feature of African womanhood was lowered under slavery. While giving birth to a child in Africa was a milestone that boosted women's dignity, under the American plantation system that emerged around the middle of the eighteenth century, the master benefited financially since it expanded the size of his labour force.

Learn more about Men here:



this 19th century cattle trail began in texas and ended in kansas. it was named after a man who opened a trading post near wichita, kansas and was one of the most traveled cattle routes out of texas.


Chisholm Trail is the this 19th century cattle trail that began in Texas and ended in Kansas. It was named after a man who opened a trading post near Wichita, Kansas and was one of the most traveled cattle routes out of Texas.

It was probably named after Jesse Chisholm, a 19th-century merchant. In 1867, Joseph G. McCoy established a cattle depot in Abilene for the Kansas Pacific Railroad. Between 1867 and 1871, about 1,500,000 cattle were driven north along the road to Abilene, the starting point for sending cattle to the eastern markets. The trail's importance declined after 1871 when another railroad station was built, but increased again in the 1880s when the Santa Fe Railroad reached Caldwell, Kansas. With the establishment of branch lines by the railroad in the late 19th century, long-distance cattle herding gradually declined.

To know more about Chisholm Trail  click on the link below.



Woodrow Wilson proposed the creation of a League of Nations as the first step in maintaining
world peace. Because the Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, the United
States never joined the League of Nations.
Is this a formal or an informal check?
Who checks the power?
Name the check?



hoped such an organization would help countries to mediate conflicts before they caused war  or   In the face of Wilson's continued unwillingness to negotiate, the Senate on November 19, 1919, for the first time in its history, rejected a peace treaty.


In January 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference that ended World War I, Wilson urged leaders from France, Great Britain and Italy to come together with leaders of other nations to draft a Covenant of League of Nations. Wilson hoped such an organization would help countries to mediate conflicts before they caused war.

What reason would best support the reason for savannah and brunswick being important shipyards during world war ii?


Savannah and Brunswick are both located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, this reason would best support the reason for savannah and brunswick being important shipyards during world war ii.

Savannah and Brunswick are both located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. For the urgent and quick use during world war 11 it  allowed ships to be built and put into the sea .

173 Liberty ships were launched at Savannah and Brunswick during world war II .They hauled trucks, tanks, ammunition, crated aircraft, heavy machinery and a wide range of other supplies, along with a singular priceless commodity, the promise of eventual victory.bombers the port cities of Savannah and Brunswick manufactured 180 “Liberty Ships”. These US naval ships not only  helped the US win World War II but they also helped to providethousands of jobs for Georgia citizens along the coast.

The Savannah shipyard built 88 Liberty ships, for the need during war year employed 46,766 Americans and paid out $112 million in payroll. Recruiting thousands of workers to the area as it was the urgent need for  the shipyard that had an immediate need for housing adjacent to its operation.

Deepwater ports are one of Georgia's strongest economic engines, fostering the development of virtually every industry. The ports are especially supportive of other forms of transportation, manufacturing, wholesale/distribution centers, and agriculture.

Learn more about Brunswick here:-



city in southern egypt inhabited since 21st century?


City in southern Egypt inhabited Luxor since 21st century. Which includes the site of the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes.

Southern Egypt's Luxor is a contemporary city. The ancient Egyptian temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor still survive inside the boundaries of the modern city, earning Luxor the title of "world's greatest open-air museum." The structures, temples, and tombs of the Theban Necropolis on the west bank of the River Nile, which includes the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens, are located directly across the river on the other side. Each year, thousands of visitors from all over the world come to Luxor to see its monuments, which has a significant economic impact on the current city.

With a total size of about 417 km2, Luxor has 422,407 residents as of 2021. (161 sq mi). The governorate of Luxor has it as its capital. It is one of the oldest cities still in continuous habitation.

To know more about Valley of the Kings



What percentage of Sophocles’ works still exist? (This is a math question -use the equation: total still existing total works = percent that still exist


Sophocles was a Greek playwright who wrote over 120 plays, but only a relatively small number of his works have survived to the present day.

What percentage of Sophocles’ works still exist?

According to most estimates, only seven of Sophocles' plays have survived in full, while fragments of other works have also been discovered.

Using the formula you provided, we can calculate the percentage of Sophocles' works that still exist as follows:

percent that still exist = (total still existing ÷ total works) x 100%

Substituting the numbers we have for Sophocles, we get:

percent that still exist = [tex](7/120)*100%[/tex]

percent that still exist =[tex]0.0583*100%[/tex]

percent that still exist = [tex]5.83 %[/tex][tex]%[/tex]%

Therefore, based on this calculation, only around 5.83% of Sophocles' works still exist today.

To know more about Sophocles, check out:



What did Frederick Douglass think of the north?


Frederick Douglass was a former slave and prominent abolitionist who escaped to freedom in the North. He had a complex relationship with the North and held a nuanced view of the region.

While Douglass appreciated the greater freedoms he found in the North and the opportunities it provided for him to advocate for abolition and the rights of African Americans, he also experienced discrimination and prejudice there. He was acutely aware of the hypocrisy of a region that claimed to stand for freedom and equality while tolerating or participating in slavery and discrimination against African Americans.

In his writings and speeches, Douglass often critiqued the North for its lack of action to abolish slavery and its treatment of African Americans. He called for Northern society to live up to its professed values of equality and freedom and to take a more active role in the struggle for abolition.

Despite the challenges he faced in the North, Douglass remained committed to his work as an abolitionist and a advocate for the rights of African Americans, and his writings and speeches continue to be regarded as some of the most powerful and influential of the abolitionist movement.

To know more about abolitionist :-



How were conditions best described for workers in mines, mills and factories prior to1850?A. dangerousB. healthyC. paid wellD. protected by strict laws


Working conditions for workers in mines, mills and factories prior to 1850 were A.dangerous.So,correct option is A.

The primary principal component of modern work environments was the extended periods of time of work. It was normal for worker not out of the ordinary to work movements of 16 hours out of each day in difficult circumstances. The work was labor incentives and expected the specialists to finish redundant and tiring activities. In that capacity, a considerable lot of the laborers were genuinely 'worn out' following a day of work. What exacerbated things was the absence of breaks during the long moves. Frequently workers were denied their breaks or were deducted pay for enjoying some time off. Too, they were likewise some of the time expected to clean the machines during their feasts.

Hence,correct option is A.

To know more about workers,visit here:



What was Socrates' philosophy about?

The pursuit of wealth and power

The importance of physical beauty and strength

The pursuit of knowledge and truth

The importance of religious devotion



The pursuit of knowledge and truth

2. why was the invention of penicillin so important in the context of wwii? what were some other advances in medicine that were important during the war?


After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States entered World War II. In order to treat infectious diseases on the front lines, the U.S. military required penicillin.

During World War II, how did penicillin production change?

In 1943, the nation produced 231 billion units, or 85% of the country's total production during the war. In 1944, 1,633 billion units were produced through the use of efficient methods for mass production, and in 1945, 7,952 billion units were produced.

The production of penicillin increased in size. The primary factor that contributed to the Great Depression's end Work in war-related industries attracted a lot of unemployed individuals.

To learn more about Great Depression's here:



Directions: Complete the chart below by placing content and
academic vocabulary words in the chart under the correct heading.
You may use a dictionary to help you. Some words may appear
under more than one heading. Not every word will be used.


A person's language's set of common words is known as their vocabulary. A vocabulary is a useful and essential tool for communication and knowledge acquisition that typically develops with age.

What is communication?

The transfer of information is the standard definition of communication. The phrase can either be used to describe the message itself or the area of research known as communication studies that focuses on these transmissions.

There are some differences of opinion regarding the exact definition of communication, such as whether inadvertent or unsuccessful transmissions are included included and if communication creates meaning in addition to transmitting it.

Communication models seek to give a concise overview of its key elements and how they work together. Several models incorporate the notion that a source use a coding scheme to convey information as a message.

The message is transmitted from the source to the receiver via a channel, who must decode it to comprehend what it means.

Learn more about communication, here



Mohenjodaro was divided into a lower city and a fortress known as the
A. citadel.
B. palace.
C. pyramid.
D. temple.


Mohenjodaro was divided into a lower city and a fortress known as the Citadel.

In Pakistan's Sindh province, there is an archaeological site called Mohenjo-daro. It was one of the world's first major towns and the greatest metropolis of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization when it was built approximately 2500 BCE. It flourished at the same time as Norte Chico, Minoan Crete, ancient Egypt, and Mesopotamia. Mohenjo-daro thrived until roughly 1700 BCE and had a population of at least 40,000 people, according to estimates. The Indus Valley Civilization began to deteriorate in the 19th century BCE, and Mohenjo-daro was abandoned. It wasn't until the 1920s that the site was found. The city's site has undergone significant excavation since it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980, making it the first location in South Asia to receive this honor. Erosion and floods are currently threatening the location. Erosion and poor restoration present a threat to the location.

Know more about Mohenjo-Daro here:



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