Which of these was one of the three main factors contributing to european population growth in the eighteenth century?


Answer 1

The three main factors which contributed to European population growth in the eighteenth century were, "better weather, more bountiful harvests, improved agricultural techniques, and the plague's disappearance after 1720."

Improved agricultural techniques was one of the main factors contributing to European population growth in the eighteenth century. Thus, major economic change was spurred by western Europe’s tremendous population growth which happened during the late 18th century.

So between 1750 and 1800, the populations of major countries increased between 50 and 100%, mainly as a result of the use of new food crops  and a temporary decline in epidemic disease.

Hence, as a result, Europe's economy expanded dramatically.

To learn more about population growth here:



Related Questions

The decline of the united states standing in industrial power since the 1960s is considered a relative decline because it is a reflection of?


The decline of the united states standing in industrial power since the 1960s is considered a relative decline because it is a reflection of the faster economic growth of other countries.

Economic growth may be defined as the increase or improvement in the inflation-adjusted marketplace price of the goods and services produced by an economy over a certain period of time. Statisticians conventionally measure such a boom because of the percent fee of increase in the actual gross home product, or real GDP.

Broadly talking, there are main resources of economic growth: growth in the size of the workforce and increase in the productivity (output per hour worked) of that workforce. Either can increase the overall size of the economy however only a strong productivity increase can increase per capita GDP and earnings.

The economic increase is driven oftentimes by consumer spending and business investment. Tax cuts and rebates are used to return money to consumers and boost spending. Deregulation relaxes the rules imposed on businesses and has been credited with creating growth but can lead to excessive risk-taking.

learn more about economy here https://brainly.com/question/1106682


help plssssssssssssssssssss


Answer: Massachusetts Bay

I hope this helps. :)

What is the "unfinished work" Lincoln mentions in paragraph 3? (5 points) Group of answer choices reuniting the Union dedicating the cemetery defeating Lee at Gettysburg completing the cemetery


The "unfinished business" that Lincoln mentioned in paragraph three is reuniting the union.

It is in all likelihood that, in Lincoln's mind, the maximum instant “unfinished work” changed into the Civil conflict itself in addition to many different unfinished tasks. An upcoming conference at Clemson college will discuss some of the dimensions of Lincoln's “unfinished work” as a springboard for exploring America after his death.

As per the Gettysburg address “4 score and seven years ago our fathers delivered forth in this continent a new kingdom, conceived in liberty, and devoted to the proposition that all guys are created identical. “Now we are engaged in a first-rate civil battle, trying out whether or not that state, or any country so conceived and so devoted, can lengthy bear.

In his Gettysburg cope, Abraham Lincoln promised that the state's sacrifices at some point in the Civil war would result in a “new delivery of freedom.” Lincoln's Unfinished paintings analyze how America has tried to realize—or subvert—that promise over the past century and a half.

Learn more about Gettysburg address here brainly.com/question/24409421


5. Why did the Church feel that the Heliocen-
tric theory devalued man and God?



Because it said that the Earth was one planet among many that orbited the sun. The Chruch beleived we were the center of the universe because we were God's perfect creation

During your experiment you change the temperature of the air in a room and you are measuring the effects on plant Growth what is the dependent variable

(Will mark brainlist)



well what did you change the temperature in the room too?


and ill fs try and help once ik that just so yk im not doing it just for the points <<3

How did the theory that a communist victory in south vietnam would cause all of southeast asia to fall to communism pan out?


The theory that a communist victory in south Vietnam would cause all of southeast Asia to fall to communism panned out overall the theory proved to be unsound, although Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia all fell within the Communist camp. allow young Americans to work directly with the people in Third World countries.

the USA justified its army intervention in Vietnam by the domino concept, which stated that if one united states of America fell under the impact of Communism, the encircling countries would unavoidably observe. The intention became to save you from the Communist domination of South-East Asia. In 1961, President John F.

Vietnam conflict, (1954–75), was a long battle that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam, called the Viet Cong, against the authorities of South Vietnam and its foremost best friend, the USA.

Learn more about Vietnam here: https://brainly.com/question/182779


Question 8
Ahmad Ibn Mäjid was known for his navigational skills and exploration across the?
Indian Ocean
Nile River
Atlantic Ocean
O Mediterranean Sea


Ahmad Ibn Mäjid was known for his navigational skills and exploration across the Indian Ocean.

Who was Ahmad Ibn Mäjid?Ahmad ibn Majid, popularly known as the Lion of the Sea and "Amr al-Bar al-Arab," was an Arab navigator and cartographer who was born in Julfar in the year 1432. He grew up in a naval household, and by the time he was seventeen, he could steer ships.The great Muslim navigator Ahmad Ibn Majid is also well-known in the West for allegedly assisting Vasco da Gama on his historic voyage to India, which was the first by a European via the Indian Ocean and the Cape of Good Hope.He created the magnetic needle that is used to calculate the routes. Libraries around Europe published his publications.His works were published in libraries around Europe and were multilingual.

Learn more about Indian ocean here:



Although associated with and delivered by president monroe, the ideas behind the monroe doctrine were written by?


Although associated with and delivered by president Monroe, the ideas behind the Monroe doctrine were written by John Quincy Adams. The concepts of the Monroe ideology were written by president Monroe, despite being connected with and spoken by him.

What is Monroe Doctrine?

A US doctrine known as the Monroe Doctrine condemned European colonialism in the Americas. It claimed that any foreign interference in American politics constituted a potentially hostile act against the United States. Although it started in 1823, the phrase "Monroe Doctrine" wasn't coined until 1850.

The Monroe Doctrine was intended to address a specific and pressing issue, but since it was so broad, it was guaranteed to have long-lasting effects.

To know more about Monroe Doctrine, click here:-



Which early explorer mistook the canadian river for the red river and abandoned his mission in 1820?


John R. Bell explorer mistook the canadian river for the red river and abandoned his mission in 1820.

What exactly is the Long-Bell Expedition?

John R. Bell led the explorers east along the Arkansas, including zoologist Thomas Say. Long and his nine companions rode across the far western tip of Oklahoma's Panhandle into Texas, mistaking the Canadian River for the Red River. They followed the stream back into Oklahoma near the Antelope Hills, then east across the state. In the absence of adequate food and water, the men subsisted on horse, skunk, owl, and badger meat, with the occasional deer or buffalo. They had few good things to report about the climate and resources on the southern plains that summer, as they were frequently without water for twenty-four hours at a time. On September 13, they rejoined Captain Bell and the rest of the expedition in Fort Smith, Arkansas, relieved to have survived their ordeal. During the summer of 1820, their journey through Oklahoma exposed them to high temperatures, biting insects, and drought. Mile after mile of stream bed was devoid of water or carried a liquid so contaminated with sand or animal manure that it was unfit to drink. Their observations in a nearly waterless and treeless environment convinced the scientists that the Oklahoma plains had little agricultural potential, and when Major Long drew his map of the region, he labeled the plains as "Great Desert."

To learn more about Long-Bell Expedition refer to



What does this quotation from the introduction of the
Declaration of Independence do?
O. It explains what the rest of the document will do.
O It acknowledges the authority of the monarchy.
It lists the rights that nature gives all men.
O It states the colonists' lack of respect for Great


The quotation from the Introduction of the Declaration of Independence is meant to explain what the rest of the document will do.

Why was there an introduction to the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence had an introduction which was meant to explain what the rest of the document would do which was to explain the reasons why the American colonies decided to declare independence.

These reasons why put into the Declaration to make it clear that the American colonies had no choice but to rebel against the British.

Find out more on the introduction to the Declaration of Independence at https://brainly.com/question/1043363


The American revolution ________ the relationship between church and state??


In the American Revolution, the Church is self-sufficient in its personal spheres and has its personal government. The nation, being led by using 'natural law', capabilities in the ones matters secular and political the relationship between church and nation.

Revolutions are born when the social climate in a country adjusts and the political system does not react in kind. humans emerge as discouraged via present conditions, which alters their values and beliefs. A revolution is a completely sharp alternate made to something. The phrase comes from Latin and is associated with the word revolution (this means a flip around).

An instance of revolution is the motion of the earth across the sun. An example of revolution is the battle fought between colonial human beings and top-notch Britain. An instance of revolution is the creation of the automobile in society. noun. They may be divided into three principal procedures: psychological, sociological and political.

Learn more about revolution here:https://brainly.com/question/16533738


in 1492, carrying trade goods between Asia and Europe required



In 1492, carrying trade goods between Asia and Europe required.... (2) Paying taxes on the Ottoman Empire.

To fully comprehend the Ottoman system of trade, it is important to understand the concept of Capitulations (or Ahidnâme). Capitulations were basically contracts between the Ottomans and European powers in the form of trade concessions. (Shaw 158) The first such contract was between Süleyman and Francis I of France. (Shaw 91) Their agreement did not go over so well with other European powers who disapproved of a Christian power engaging with a non-Christian expansionist power. Nevertheless, this alliance between France and the Ottoman empire lasted more then two centuries, and probably had more to do with combating the influence of the Hapsburg of the Holy Roman Empire than any other factor. While France claimed that their motivation for such an alliance was to ensure the safety and well being of Christians living in Ottoman controlled territories, the truth was that the Ottoman policy made a point of not persecuting non-Muslims. (Shaw 120)  

The Ottoman Empire’s complicated tax system necessitated a robust bureaucracy.  The taxes to be collected were of two kinds: those authorized by the Koran, and those dictated by the Sultan. (120) Ottoman Sultans asserted that it was their “sovereign right to legislate in secular matters.” (120) Among the taxes in the empire were the tithe (one tenth of agricultural produce), the head tax (collected from non-Muslims according to their ability to pay) the Zeke (alms), the municipal tax (collected from all artisans and merchants), the Sheep Tax, and the Mine Tax (one fifth of the yield of all privately held mines). (Shaw 120-21) Additional taxes authorized by the Imperial Council  included a household tax to help pay for “soldiers and functionaries visiting the area…campaign expenses…and emergency aid to neighboring areas that had suffered from natural calamities.” (Shaw 120) One reason for the eventual decline of the Ottoman Empire was that this bureaucracy would later become mired in corruption and inefficiency.


The ancient egyptian artist who painted the journey of the sun god re on a coffin chose hsi subject becuase?


The trip of the sun god Re, which was depicted by an ancient Egyptian artist on a coffin, was chosen as his subject because it shows belief in a hereafter.

The ethnic group known as Egyptians is native to Egypt. Geography and Egyptian identity go hand in hand. The Nile Valley, a narrow length of arable territory encircled by desert to the east and west, is where most people live. It stretches from the First Cataract to the Mediterranean.

Since ancient times, Egyptian society has evolved on the foundation of this distinctive geography. Egyptians speak a variety of regional dialects of Arabic on a daily basis; Masri, the most well-known variety, is referred to as Egyptian Arabic. In addition, a sizeable minority of Egyptians in Upper Egypt speak Saudi Arabic, a hybrid of Arabic and the Sahidic Coptic dialect.

To know more about Egyptian here



According to the twenty-fifth amendment, if a president's ability to discharge his normal?


In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Section 1

The Vice President will take over as President in the event that the President is removed from office, dies, or resigns.

Section 2

The President shall designate a Vice President whenever the position of Vice President becomes vacant. The Vice President will enter office after being confirmed by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Section 3

When the President notifies the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate in writing that he is unable to carry out his duties as president, the Vice President shall serve in that capacity as acting president until the President notifies them in writing to the contrary.

Section 4

The Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide transmit their written declaration to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

To know more about ' presidential disability', visit: https://brainly.com/question/14387927


Which characteristics best describe Aaron Douglass's painting, Song of the
• A. Still and peaceful
O B. Exaggerated and humorous
• C. Realistic and detailed
D. Abstract and geometric


D. Abstract and geometric

Which statement best summarizes the outcome of the Haitian Revolution?
OA. Haiti became independent from France, but the fighting
devastated its economy.
OB. French colonists agreed to remain in Haiti to help the new country
plan its government.
O C. Haiti established a short-lived democratic government, but it was
soon colonized again by Spain.
OD. France gave up control of Haiti, but it forced Haitian leaders to
allow slavery to continue.


OA Haiti became independent from France but the fighting devastated its economy




C. Adaptation to and use of the natural environment for their own benefit.


The Pre-Columbian America created a lot of successful societies, such as major earthworks, and more. This was examples of their adaptation.

Hope this helps, have a good day! :D

Who authored the "Rights Granted to Columbus by Spain"?



In April 1492, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain agreed, Columbus would be named Admiral, be put in charge of the newly opened lands


List three subjects you want to know more about and why?


Answer: Animal science- Its a passion of mine so that I can understand how to help the creatures god put on the earth

Zoology- Same reason but it is more in-depth

Biblical studies- to learn the bible


Match the American ideals (equality, rights, liberty, opportunity, and democracy) with a preamble goal.

1) in order to form a more perfect union - ______
2) establish justice -______
3) insure domestic tranquility -______
4) provide for the common defense -______
5) promote the general welfare -______
6) secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity -______


The American Ideas of  (equality, rights, liberty, opportunity, and democracy) matched with a preamble goal will result in the following sentences:

1) in order to form a more perfect union - Equality

2) establish justice -rights

3) insure domestic tranquility -liberty

4) provide for the common defense - equality

5) promote the general welfare -opportunity

6) secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity - democracy.

The above are derived from the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America.

What is the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America?

The preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America which serves as an introduction is given below:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.."

Learn more about the American Ideals:

Were the Founding Fathers justified in rebelling against the British government and declaring independence?
In a well-developed essay that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, explain whether or not the Founding Fathers were justified in declaring independence. Be sure to address counterclaims in your essay and include reasons and evidence to support your argument.

Please help me it’s an essay I’m really stressed out I can’t even think of what to write I need pre-writing, rough draft, final draft if you won’t help me then don’t view this question


The Founding Fathers had been justified in rebelling against England due to the fact the authorities turned into no longer protected the rights of the residents, taxed the colonists, and pressured them to house British squaddies. In 1756 Britain put the first tax on the colonists.

The colonists felt that seeing that they did now not take part in voting for individuals of Parliament in England they were not represented in Parliament. So Parliament did no longer have the proper to take their cash by implementing taxes. "No taxation without representation" became the yank rallying cry.

Although England has many motives as to why the colonies had been unjustified in waging warfare, the colonists nevertheless have been justified due to the fact the declaration of Independence sincerely stated the colonists' problems against the King. They said that they were breaking away from England to end up in America.

Learn more about colonists here:



What were the main cities in italy, turkey, syria, india, and china during the classical era?


Main cities in Italy, Turkey, Syria, India, and china during the classical Kashgar, China. Located close to the border of modern-day Kyrgyzstan, Kashgar is in the far west of China. ...

Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Synonymous with the Silk Road, exotic Samarkand was once the center of the world. ...

Bukhara, Uzbekistan. ...

Bursa, Turkey.

The Silk road community is normally notion of as stretching from an jap terminus at the ancient Chinese capital town of Chang'an (now Xi'an) to westward stop-points at Byzantium (Constantinople), Antioch, Damascus, and other Middle Eastern cities.

Due to its vicinity, historic Syria served as a vital hyperlink for the Silk avenue trade. For west-certain investors, the metropolis became the ultimate place of relaxation before making a quick adventure to the Mediterranean and moving items to transport ships.

One of the most well-known tourists of Silk street was Marco Polo (1254 C.E. –1324 C.E.). Born into their own family of rich traders in Venice, Italy, Marco traveled with his father to China (then Cathay) when he turned just 17 years of age.

Learn more about cities here:



What was a cause of the Mexican-American War?



It stemmed from the annexation of the Republic of Texas by the U.S. in 1845 and from a dispute over whether Texas ended at the Nueces River (the Mexican claim) or the Rio Grande (the U.S. claim).


I really hope i was able to help you. :)

which of these tribes are classified as pre historic and served as the ancestors of more modern tribes?


local Americans are also referred to as First people, Indigenous Americans, and American Indians. There are 574 federally identified tribes residing within the US.

prehistoric religion, the beliefs, and practices of Stone Age peoples. The oldest acknowledged burials may be attributed to the middle Paleolithic duration.

The Prehistoric duration or while there has been human life earlier than information documented human hobby kind of dates from 2.5 million years in the past to 1, two hundred B.C. it's far normally categorized into three archaeological durations: the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron.

The idea of prehistory became first developed at the same time by means of C.J. Thomsen, although he no longer uses the word. It became used more often inside the nationalism debates of the 1840s, in particular by way of J.J.A. Worsaae.

Due to the fact that pre means before and history is the document of human activities, prehistory refers back to the time before human civilization advanced and commenced writing matters down. Scientists frequently speculate about what occurred in prehistory, which is likewise called prehistoric times.

Learn more about prehistoric here:-



Just as certain principles or "laws of nature" govern the physical world, there are also natural laws at work in the universe.
Natural law is timeless and existed before any king or government ever exercised power.
People can discover natural law by using reason.
Among the "natural rights" are the rights of life, liberty, and the ownership of property.

Which Enlightenment thinker's belief are reflected in the statements above?

A. John Locke ✅
B. Baron de Montesquieu ❌
C. Marquis de Condorcet ❌
D. Jean-Jacques Rousseau​ ❌

A is the correct answer :)


The Enlightenment thinker whose belief is reflected in the statements given is A. John Locke.

What did John Locke believe?

John Locke was a famous Enlightenment thinker who believed that humans had natural rights such as life, liberty and property ownership and that these rights came from natural law.

He argued that the reason why people would put a government in power is to protect these rights and if the government cannot protect, the government would need to be replaced.

Find out more on John Locke at https://brainly.com/question/870852


2. What is one way that Darius united the Persian empire?


One way that Darius united the Persian empire when he standardized coinage and other aspects of the Persian economy.

Who was Darius?The third King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire, Darius I, also known as Darius the Great, was a Persian emperor who ruled from 522 BCE until his death in 486 BCE.Darius widened the Persian Empire's limits so that they extended to the Indus River and included the wealthy areas of modern-day Pakistan.He established a more equitable trading system, which helped to unite the Persian Empire. Additionally, he was able to develop a political system that offered the local populace considerable influence over their own administration. He subsequently let them to maintain their own customs and laws and exercise many of their own decision-making powers.He also made changes to the Persian tribute system. Financial improvement was one approach. Another option was to establish a single currency.Darius the Great was an Achaemenid king renowned for his administrative prowess, his massive construction endeavors, and his generosity toward the various peoples who lived under his rule. His decisions and construction endeavors strengthened his large kingdom and promoted trade everywhere.

Learn more about Persian empire here:



The complete question is :

What is one way that Darius united the Persian empire?

A) He forced conquered people to adopt Persian customs and religion

B) he personally oversaw every branch of the Persian government

C) he standardized coinage and other aspects of the Persian economy

D) he expanded his empire through peaceful means rather than conquest

Which city is the leader of Texas's petrochemical industry?

Question 4 options:

A Dallas

B Houston

C San Antonio

D Austin


Answer: B.





the answer is 100% right

which of the following best characterizes the mississippian societies described in the excerpt? they had mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages. they had mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages. they were nomadic peoples who utilized river systems to move throughout the region. they were nomadic peoples who utilized river systems to move throughout the region. they lived in isolated, impermanent communities and left very little trace of their presence once a settlement had been abandoned. they lived in isolated, impermanent communities and left very little trace of their presence once a settlement had been abandoned. they used advanced agricultural practices like irrigation to support economic growth.


They had mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages.

What agricultural mean ?

Agricultural production is the sustainable use of crops and animal products to improve human life. Foods, fuels, fibers, and raw materials are the four categories. Crops and animal products are used to produce food, animal feed, and non-food products for human consumption.

Why is it called agriculture ?

Agriculture is a late Middle English adaptation of the Latin word agricultra, which comes from ager 'field' and cultra 'cultivation' or 'growing.' While agriculture is typically associated with human activities, certain ant, termite, and beetle species have been cultivating crops for up to 60 million years.

To know more about human life :



Which principle of american government was written into the constitution but fully developed and explained in the federalist papers?


Answer: As James Madison explained in the "Federalist Papers," our government is "neither wholly national nor wholly federal."

Explanation: Thank you for asking that question.

The principle of "separation of powers" was written into the Constitution, but its full development and explanation were elucidated in the Federalist Papers.

The principle of "separation of powers," an architectural marvel of governance, weaves a web of checks and balances, fortifying the edifice of American democracy.

Within this intricate design, power is not confined to a single chamber, but gracefully divided among three branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.

Like harmonious dancers, each branch performs its distinct role, preventing concentration of authority and protecting individual liberties.

The Federalist Papers, penned by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, breathed life into this visionary blueprint, illuminating its profound significance and timeless relevance, and guiding the nation on a journey of perpetual equilibrium between governmental authority and citizens' rights.

Learn more about separation of powers here:



Why were colonists not angry about the new taxes when taxes on colonial trade had existed before?.


Many colonists felt that they ought to not pay these taxes, due to the fact they had been surpassed in England through parliament, not by their personal colonial governments. They protested, announcing that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens.

Parliament is the preferred legislative frame of India. The Indian Parliament incorporates of the President and the 2 houses - Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and Lok Sabha (house of human beings). The President has the electricity to summon and prorogue both houses of Parliament or to dissolve Lok Sabha.

The number one feature of the parliament is to make legal guidelines for the governance of the USA. It has extraordinary powers to make laws on the topics enumerated inside the Union list and on the residuary topics (that is, subjects not listed in any of the 3 lists).

Learn more about parliament here: https://brainly.com/question/12096941


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