which of the following statements is correct? prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells evolved at about the same time. prokaryotic cells evolved a lot earlier (over a billion years) than eukaryotic cells. eukaryotic cells evolved a lot earlier (over a billion years) than prokaryotic cells.


Answer 1

Prokaryotic cells evolved a lot earlier (over a billion years) than eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, are the simplest and most primitive type of cells. They first appeared on Earth around 3.5 billion years ago and have been highly successful, thriving in a wide range of environments. On the other hand, eukaryotic cells, which are more complex Prokaryotic cells and include all animal and plant cells, evolved around 2 billion years ago. The evolution of eukaryotic cells was a major event in the history of life, as it made possible the development of complex multicellular organisms. The presence of a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotic cells allowed for the specialization of cellular functions, which was crucial for the evolution of higher life forms.

Learn more about Prokaryotic cells here:



Related Questions

If you have too much glucose molecules will you be able to excersise normally


Having an elevated level of glucose in your bloodstream can affect your ability to exercise normally, especially if it is a result of uncontrolled diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

The two main types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body's immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar. People with type 1 diabetes must take insulin injections or use an insulin pump to manage their blood sugar levels.

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. People with type 2 diabetes can manage their condition with a healthy diet, physical activity, and oral medications, although some may eventually need insulin injections.

Learn about Diabetes here https://brainly.com/question/26666469


Which is not part of the fern sporophyte generation?
A. rhizome
B. sorus
C. frond
D. rhizoid


Rhizoid (D) is not the part of the fern sporophyte generation.

Why is it called sporophyte generation?

By name, sporophyte means "spores" for "sporo," and "phytate" means "plants." The term "sporophyte" refers to plants that produce spores within other plants. A microscopic structure called a spore aids in the continued germination of a new plant. The only food supply for the sporophyte generation is the photosynthetic gametophyte. In the sporangium of a sporophyte's cells, meiosis creates both male and female spores.

What is sporophyte and gametophyte generation?

Spores are created during the asexual phase, also known as the sporophyte generation, whereas gametes, or sex cells, are created during the sexual phase, also known as the gametophyte generation. The gametophyte is diploid (has two sets of chromosomes), whereas the sporophyte is haploid (has one set of chromosomes) (has a double set). Plant generations called sporophytes create spores. Algae, bryophytes, angiosperms, and gymnosperms all produce spores. A spore is a microscopic object that, upon germination, produces a new plant. Mitotic and meiotic spores are the two types of spores that are recognized.

To know more about Sporophyte Generation visit:



A scientist is investigating mutations. she observes a mutation where one or more nucleotides are inserted into a sequence of dna. the scientist claims that this insertion mutation will affect genetic variability. Is the scientist correct? why or why not?


A researcher is looking at mutations. She notices a mutation in which a DNA sequence has had one or more nucleotides added. This insertion mutation, according to the expert, will impact genetic diversity. The researcher is right.

Yes, the scientist is correct. Insertion mutations can have a significant impact on genetic variability by altering the DNA sequence and potentially leading to changes in the resulting protein.

These changes can affect the structure, function, and activity of the protein, which can in turn affect the traits and characteristics of an organism. Therefore, insertion mutations can contribute to genetic diversity within a population, which is important for the survival and evolution of species.

To know more about nucleotides click here:



bruise formed by the collection of blood at the puncture site. What do you do if a patient refuses a blood draw? notify the doctor and chart it.


After a person has a blood draw, a bruise may appear. Bruising is not an uncommon occurrence, but it can be uncomfortable.

When a healthcare professional draws blood, they insert a small, hollow needle through the skin to access a vein. This procedure temporarily damages the blood vessel wall and the outermost layer of skin.

Bruising occurs when blood from the damaged vein leaks out and settles under the skin.

Some people may bruise more easily than others.

Some causes of easy bruising include:

a history of excessive alcohol consumption and liver damagetaking certain medications, including antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as ibuprofena vitamin C deficiencya vitamin K deficiencysome medical conditions, such as hemophilia and von Willebrand’s disease.

To learn more blood draw refer to this link



if an organism can use only o2 as a final electron acceptor, can it generate atp under anaerobic conditions?


Organisms that can use only oxygen as a final electron acceptor can generate ATP via during anaerobic conditions.

Anaerobic conditions exist when the intake or disappearance of oxygen exceeds its production through photosynthesis or diffusion through physical transfer from the surrounding environment. Microbial respiration normally consumes oxygen as a result of the availability of organic material.

What does an anaerobic environment look like?

Soil and muck, the inner guts of certain creatures, and hydrothermal vents deep beneath the sea are all examples of anaerobic environments. These locations are not devoid of life. Yet, the life that survives there is often tiny, single-celled, and tough.

Learn more about  anaerobic conditions



what is selection pressure in the process of soapberry bugs population living on the introduced/new food source, came to have, on average, shorter beaks.


In soapberry bugs living on a new food source, the availability of the new food source would be the selection pressure that affects the characteristics of the population over time. Option A is correct.

In this case, the new food source may require soapberry bugs to develop shorter beaks in order to feed on it more efficiently. Those soapberry bugs with shorter beaks that are better adapted to feed on the new food source would have a selective advantage over those with longer beaks that are less efficient in feeding.

As a result, the soapberry bugs with shorter beaks are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing their genes and traits onto their offspring. Over time, this process of natural selection can lead to the average beak length of the population becoming shorter, as the soapberry bugs with longer beaks are selected against.

To know more about soapberry bugs here



--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

"What is selection pressure in the process of soapberry bugs population living on the introduced A) new food source B) came to have C) on average D) shorter beaks."--

What is meant by metastases?


Metastases are the cancer cells that have spread from a primary tumour to various parts of the body. It happens when cancer cells separate from the main tumour, move via the bloodstream or lymphatic system, and develop secondary tumors in different organs.

One of the main causes of cancer-related fatalities is metastases, a dangerous cancer complication. Cancer cells can invade nearby lymph nodes, blood arteries, and organs to enter the lymphatic system and circulation.

The cancer cells can move to far-off organs and tissues once they are in the circulation or lymphatic system, where they can grow new tumours.

When cancer cells migrate straight to other organs, such as when breast cancer spreads to the lungs or prostate cancer spreads to the bones, metastases can also develop.

Often more aggressive than original tumours, metastatic cancers are more challenging to treat. Typically, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are used in conjunction for treatment.

To learn more about tumors visit:



what is the overall goal in conducting a bacterial transformation


The overall purpose of a bacterial transformation is to introduce a genetic element into the bacterial cell, such as a DNA plasmid or gene, which will subsequently be duplicated and expressed by the bacterial cell.

This method is extensively utilised in the field of biotechnology since it enables researchers to investigate genetic engineering and produce genetically altered organisms that may be applied to the manufacture of drugs, biofuels, food, and other things.

The production of competent bacterial cells, which are prepared in a way that allows them to absorb the genetic material, usually marks the beginning of the transformation process.

The cells are then given the genetic material, and they are incubated at a temperature that enables the transformation to take place.

Following the completion of the transformation, the cells are cultured again to allow the cells to express the new genetic material.

Complete Question:

What is the overall goal of conducting a bacterial transformation?

To learn more about biotechnology visit:



root pressure can move water a long distance up the xylem because of the higher water potential of the xylem in comparison to the water potential in the surrounding cells. true or false?


It is false. Due to the high water potential of the xylem compared to that of the surrounding cells, root pressure can move water over the xylem a long distance.

How does root pressure affect water transport?

The effect of root pressure on nighttime water transport is more important because stomata remain closed at night. In all higher plants, water movement is primarily driven by root pressure and transpiration.

How does root pressure move water to the plant stem?

Root pressure, the plant's force pushing fluid up into the water-carrying blood vessels (xylem). It is produced primarily by osmotic pressure within the root cells and can be detected by exuding fluid when the stem is cut just above the ground. 

To learn more about Root pressure visit:



Which of the active transport types employs diffusion?
Uniport and Antiport
All types of active transport make use of some form of diffusion.


Diffusion is a component of all active transport modes. is a form of active transportation that uses diffusion.

Cells depend on diffusion to acquire the nutrients they need to grow and obtain energy as well as to rid themselves of waste materials. Examples of the materials needed by cells and the waste products they produce are shown in the table below.

The terms "concentration gradient," "pressure gradient," and "temperature gradient" are used to describe changes in concentration, pressure, and temperature over a given distance. The Latin word diffundere, which means "to spread out," is the root of the English word diffusion.

Learn more about ‘ employs diffusion ’ visit here;



3. Pilihan ganda30 detik1 ptQ. A nerve fiber is a ________ elongated process, usually an axon or a peripheral process.Pilihan jawabansingledoubletriplequadruple


One long extension (axon) in sending impulses and typically several branches (dendrites) in receiving impulses make up the big cell body that makes up a nerve cell (or neuron).

The dendrite of one cell receives impulses from of the axon that travel across a synapse, or the junction among two nerve cells. The component of a nerve (neuron) known as the axon, also known as a nerve fibre, is responsible for carrying nerve impulses out from the neuron body. Typically, a neuron contains one axon which connects it to other neurons, muscle cells, or glandular cells. Some axons may extend all the way from of the spinal cord to the tip of a toe, for instance. An axon is a lengthy fibre that emerges from the neuron's cell body. It sends nerve impulses outside of the cell body.

Learn more about nerve



which organelle controls what goes in and out of the cell?


The cell membrane distinguishes between the internal and external components of the cell.

It protects a cell's integrity and regulates the flow of materials into and out of the cell. For the required exchange, all components inside a cell must have access to the cell membrane (the cell's boundary). A double layer of phospholipid molecules makes up the cell membrane. The cell membrane's proteins serve as structural reinforcement, material-passage channels, receptor sites, transport molecules, and identification marks. The control centre of the cell is the nucleus, which is made up of a nuclear membrane enclosing fluid nucleoplasm. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the cell's genetic material, is found in chromatin threads in the nucleus.

Learn more about cell here-



a vector biologist is attempting to identify the vector of a new virus that causes disease in goats. she does some field work, collecting blood-feeding arthropods from the goats, and identifies a tick that is also infected with the virus. has she correctly identified the tick as a vector?


The identification of a blood-feeding arthropod that is infected with a virus does not necessarily confirm it as a vector for the virus.

In order to be considered a vector, the arthropod must satisfy several criteria, including the ability to acquire, maintain, and transmit the virus to a new host. In this case, the vector biologist would need to conduct further experiments to determine if the tick is capable of transmitting the virus to goats or other susceptible hosts. This might involve infecting the tick with the virus and then allowing it to feed on a goat or other host, and then observing whether the host arthropod becomes infected. Alternatively, the vector biologist could test the tick for the presence of the virus using molecular or immunological assays. Therefore, the identification of an infected tick is an important clue in identifying potential vectors, but further experimentation is required to confirm its role as a vector for the virus.

Learn more about virus here:



what are the main factors limiting the growth of bacteria in nature?


The four main physical and chemical factors limiting the growth of bacteria in nature are warmth, moisture, pH levels, and oxygen levels.

The two main general problems in most structures are warmth and wetness. Moisture has a major role in the development of fungus. Like all living things, bacteria require water to survive. Without a reliable water source nearby, they are unable to grow and spread. The likelihood of moisture and standing water in bathrooms and basements makes them prime locations for possible microbial problems. In addition to damaging equipment, leaks in the ceiling caused by rain or from neglected water system pipes can serve as breeding grounds for bacteria in harder-to-see regions.

To know more about bacteria click here:



which blood vessels handle the highest blood pressure?


The big and tiny arteries that exit the heart have the capacity to rupture. Large arteries receive the highest blood flow pressure because they are thicker and more elastic and can withstand the high pressures.

Which blood vessels handle the highest blood pressure?

Arteries, which are blood channels that transport oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, are an essential component of the cardiovascular system.

Large and tiny arteries can separate in the arteries that carry blood away from the heart. Large arteries, which experience the highest blood flow pressure, are thicker and more elastic in order to withstand the high pressures.

Your organs and tissues receive the oxygen and nutrients they require to function from the muscles that make up these tube-like veins. Your arteries' ability to carry blood may be slowed down by a condition known as atherosclerosis.

Therefore, The aorta, the biggest artery, is the primary high-pressure vessel linking the left ventricle of the heart to the body.

Learn more about blood vessels here:



Water is the trigger for the embryo to begin the enzymatic breakdown of the starchy endosperm TRUE OR FALSE


True. Water is necessary for the embryo to initiate the enzymatic breakdown of the starchy endosperm.

What is enzymatic ?

Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts, or agents that cause or speed up chemical reactions. They do this by lowering the energy required for a reaction to occur, making it more likely and faster for the reaction to take place. Enzymes are found in all living organisms and are responsible for the majority of biological reactions that take place in them. Enzymes are highly specific, meaning that they only act on certain molecules and substrates, and they can only catalyze one particular reaction. They are also very efficient, and can catalyze reactions that would otherwise take a very long time to occur. Enzymes are essential for life,

To learn more about enzymatic



Collecting vessels are formed by the convergence of several lymphatic ________ .





I hope this helps... :)



The story of the finches and the tale of the African elephant both demonstrate how species can evolve and adapt to changes in their environment.

The finches on the Galapagos Islands are a classic example of natural selection and adaptation. Observed by Charles Darwin during his travels, the finches on the islands displayed a range of beak sizes and shapes, each adapted to a specific food source. Over time, genetic mutations occurred that allowed some finches to develop longer or shorter beaks, better suited for cracking open hard seeds or reaching nectar from flowers. This adaptation helped the finches to access a wider range of food sources and to survive in changing environmental conditions. The change in the ecosystem that drove the evolution of the species was primarily driven by changes in food availability, as the plants on the islands varied in the types and hardness of their seeds.

In the case of the African elephant, the species has also evolved in response to environmental changes. Over millions of years, elephants have developed larger ears, tusks, and trunks, which are adaptations that have helped the species to cope with changing temperatures and to find food and water. For example, larger ears help to dissipate heat and cool the body. At the same time, tusks and trunks are useful for breaking through tough vegetation and reaching food sources that would otherwise be inaccessible. The change in the ecosystem that drove the evolution of the species was caused by a variety of factors, including changes in climate and food availability, as well as the competition for resources from other species.

In both cases, the stories of the finches and the African elephant demonstrate how species can evolve and adapt to changing environmental conditions, allowing them to survive and thrive in their habitats.

Does protein expression begin with transcription or translation?a. translationb. transcription


The correct answer is option b. Transcription.

Transcription is the process by which a gene is translated into a messenger RNA molecule, and it is the initial step in protein production.

Transcription is the process by which a section of the DNA molecule is replicated into an RNA molecule throughout this process. The genetic information for a certain protein is found in this messenger RNA (mRNA), a kind of RNA molecule.

The ribosomes, which are the organelles responsible for translating mRNA into amino acids, which serve as the building blocks of proteins, receive the mRNA next.

One protein is created during translation, which is subsequently released into the cell. Protein expression is the name given to this activity.

To learn more about Transcription visit:



what do cells do during cell division in order to make sure the full set of dns is replicated


Cells use a process called DNA replication during cell division in order to ensure that the full set of DNA is copied correctly.

DNA replication is the process by which a cell makes a copy of its DNA before cell division. During this process, the two strands of the double helix DNA molecule separate and each strand acts as a template for the formation of the new complementary strand. This process is facilitated by various enzymes and proteins, which then result in two identical copies of the original DNA molecule.  DNA replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle.

Learn more about cell cycle at https://brainly.com/question/7196669


Recognize 5. (Circle) the animals that are vertebrates. lion squid crab salamander tortoise shark ostrich frog butterfly snake octopus spider bee Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. (t)rich (b)Jeff Rotman/Stockbyte/Getty Images​


Lion Salamander Tortoise Shark Ostrich Frog Snake

the layers are made up of __ elements, have different ___ and __


The layers are made up of in periodic table elements and have different groups and periods.


What are the different elements in the periodic table?

The elements are distributed in table cells, in reading order of increasing atomic number. The table is divided into four blocks, suggesting the filling of electrons into types of subshells. The table columns are called groups, and the rows are called periods.

This periodic table helps to find the electronegativity, ionization enthalpy, and size of the atom.

Therefore, the layers are made up of in periodic table elements and have different groups and periods.

Learn more about elements, here:



which structure is highlighted? posterior view of a human tongue. the highlighted structure resembles two ovals joined at their posterior ends, creating a butterfly-shaped section in the posterior section of the tongue.which structure is highlighted? pharyngeal tonsil lingual tonsil palatine tonsil epiglottis


The lingual tonsil is most likely the feature shown in the posterior view of a human tongue that resembles two ovals linked at their posterior ends, forming a butterfly-shaped region in the posterior part of the tongue.

Which structure has white pulp highlighted?

The white pulp and the red pulp make up the human spleen. The periarterial lymphatic sheath (PALS) and follicles, two collections of mobile T- and B-lymphocytes, respectively, make up the white pulp.

What use does the organ's white pulp, which is emphasized, serve?

As a result, the spleen's white pulp plays a crucial part in the body's typical immunological response to infection. The white pulp may be penetrated by antigen-presenting cells, which would activate any T lymphocytes that were present.

To know more about human tongue visit:-



what comb types will appear in the and in the and in what proportions if single-combed birds are crossed with birds of a true-breeding walnut strain?


According to the rule of dominance, the f1 gene will exhibit dominant alleles R and P and genotype RrPp, resulting in 100% walnut comb progenies. When RrPp is self crossed, alleles separate in the 9:3:3:1 ratio.

In its broadest sense, the term "genotype" refers to the genetic makeup of an organism. In other words, it represents the complete set of an organism's genes. More narrowly, the term can be used to refer to alleles or variants of genes carried by an organism.

Each pair of alleles represents a genotype of a particular gene. A genotype is said to be homozygous if it has two identical alleles at a particular locus, and heterozygous if the two alleles are different. Alleles contribute to an organism's phenotype, the appearance of the organism.

According to Mendel's law of dominance, in heterozygotes one trait masks the presence of another for the same trait. Only the dominant allele is expressed instead of both alleles contributing to the phenotype.

The F1 generation is genotypically heterozygous as it carries both dominant and recessive alleles. Co-dominance occurs when both alleles are dominant, as in the AB blood group in humans.

For more information on genotype , visit :



Complete question :

In the fowl, genotype rrpp gives single comb, R-P- walnut comb, rrP- pea comb, and R-pp rose comb. What comb types will appear, and in what proportions, in the F1 and F2 if single-combed birds are crossed with birds of a true-breeding walnut-combed strain?

Which statement best describes why scientific models change over time?
A. Models are constantly improved and refined as new information is
B. Models change over time because scientists cannot agree on how
to represent their ideas.
C. Models are changed when enough people decide they want to
represent an idea in a different way.
D. Models are changed because people cannot understand models
from the past.


Scientific models change over time because models are constantly improved and refined as new information is discovered, hence option A is correct.

What is a scientific model?  

Models change when scientific understandings change since they are representations of these understandings. The main concept of Science investigates the growth of scientific understanding.

They might have analog and digital models that can be improved over time by taking into account fresh scientific information.

Therefore, models are constantly improved and refined as new information is discovered best statement.

Learn more about the scientific model, here:



The cortical reaction of sea urchin eggs functions directly in the formation of a fertilization envelope. true or false?


True. When sea urchin eggs are exposed to sperm, the cortical reaction occurs, triggering the release of cortical granules from the egg cell membrane.

What is triggering ?

Triggering is the process of activating a particular reaction or emotion in someone. It can refer to a traumatic or stressful event that brings up trauma-related memories, emotions, and physical sensations. Triggers can also refer to cues in the environment, such as words, images, or smells, that evoke a certain emotional response or physical sensation in someone. This can be a challenge to manage, particularly in those living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other mental health conditions. With the right support, individuals can learn to manage triggers and develop healthier coping strategies.

To learn more about triggering



based on your observation and your experimental design, what do you predict will happen? recall that you are counting the algae that are left in the coral, not the algae that is expelled.


Based on my observation and experimental design, I predict that the addition of the herbivore to the tank with high algae abundance will result in a decrease in the number of algae left in the coral over time.

What is herbivore?

A herbivore is an animal that only eats plant material for nutrition. Herbivores vary in size and shape and can be found in most habitats. They can range from small rodents, such as mice and voles, to large mammals, such as horses and elephants. Herbivores are typically classified as either grazers or browsers. Grazers eat large amounts of grass, while browsers feed on leaves, twigs, and other vegetation. Herbivores are critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems as they help to control the growth of vegetation, allowing other species to thrive. Herbivores also provide food for other animals, including carnivores, omnivores, and scavengers. Plant material is typically low in nutritional value, so herbivores need to eat large amounts in order to sustain themselves.

To learn more about herbivore



1. bottle disease is an autosomal recessive condition that is lethal in childhood. it affects 1 / 10 000 in a specific population. what is the chance that the sibling of an affected individual will have an affected child with an unaffected person from the same population?


Thr chances that the sibling of an affected individual will have affected with bottle disease child with an unaffected person from the same population is 1/300.

SyndromeIn very young children, bottlemouth syndrome is a specific type of tooth decay. It is brought on by extended exposure to milk or sweet liquids. For naps and night, kids at risk for bottlemouth syndrome bring bottles of milk or juice.White patches on the teeth's surface or along the gum line, as well as dental sensitivity and pain, are early signs of baby bottle tooth decay. Baby bottle tooth decay can progress to more severe symptoms, such as brown or black spots on teeth, bleeding or swollen gums, fever, and poor breath.More than 50% of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) youngsters have baby bottle tooth decay (BBTD), a preventable dental condition.

For more information on autosomal recessive disease kindly visit to



1. which type of organism requires oxygen as its final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?



An obligate aerobe is an organism that requires oxygen to grow.



Aerobic organisms


Aerobic organisms require oxygen as their final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain. These organisms use oxygen to complete the process of cellular respiration and produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy. Examples of aerobic organisms include mammals, birds, and many types of bacteria.


Life as we know it cannot flourish on the moon but it might be possible for it to survive. What life form on Earth might survive on the moon?
bacterial endospores


Bacterial endospores is life form on Earth might survive on the moon. Bacterial endospores are simplified forms of the bacteria, consisting of the DNA genome, some small amount of cytoplasm, and a specialized coating that confers resistance to heat, radiation, and other harsh external conditions.

Endospores are vegetative forms of bacteria that are dormant, incapable of reproducing, and enzyme-inactive. The phrase "sporulating bacteria" is more commonly used to describe endospore-producing bacteria. The majority of sporulating bacteria are Gram positive bacteria that belong to the Firmicute phylum. These bacteria that produce endospores are Bacillus and Clostridium species. A bacterium's condensed form is an endospore. It consists of a core that only has what is absolutely necessary to start bacterial growth. A strong, multiple-layered coating that is very impermeable surrounds the core. By reducing the bacterium to a dehydrated, cryptobiotic, and highly defensive state that confers resistance to numerous environmental circumstances, endospores protect the bacterium from hazardous environmental conditions.

To learn more about sporulating bacteria please visit here:



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