Which of the following did Slavery come out

A. Glorious Revolution

B. Bacon's Rebellion

C. tribal warfare


Answer 1

Tribal warfare it's known that when tribes conquered other tribes they would either kill them or make them work.

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The vast majority of immigrants arriving on the East Coast spend about a day at a processing center located where?


The vast majority of immigrants arriving on the East Coast spend about a day at a processing center located at  "Ellis Island".

Ellis Island is located in New York Harbor and was the main processing center for immigrants arriving on the East Coast between 1892 and 1954. During this time, over 12 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island to be processed and admitted into the United States.

Immigrants would typically spend about a day at Ellis Island, where they underwent medical exams and interviews to determine their eligibility for entry.

Ellis Island played a crucial role in American immigration history, serving as a gateway for millions of people from around the world who sought a better life in the United States. Today, Ellis Island is a popular tourist destination and museum, offering visitors a glimpse into the experience of the millions of immigrants who passed through its doors.

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What economies were established by the colonies of the various European colonial empires that influenced colonies’ development



Mercantilism, an economic theory that rejected free trade and promoted government regulation of the economy for the purpose of enhancing state power, defined the economic policy of European colonizing countries.

who is the youngest girl to sail around the world documentary


Laura Dekker, a Dutch sailor, is the youngest woman to have sailed around the globe. As she finished her solo circumnavigation at age 16, she did it as the youngest person ever.

"Maidentrip," a documentary movie on Laura Dekker's adventure, was released in 2013. The documentary, which was directed by Jillian Schlesinger, details Dekker's two-year solo voyage, during which time she travelled more over 27,000 nautical miles and stopped at numerous locations all over the world.

Dekker and her family are interviewed in the movie, and there is also video she took with a hand-held camera. At the 2013 South by Southwest Film Festival, "Maidentrip" took home multiple honours and the Audience Award for Best Documentary.

Learn more about Circumnavigate here:



Select the correct answer.
How did the United Nations help end the Suez Crisis?

It sent toll profits to other countries.
It provided funds for rebuilding the canal.
It filed a lawsuit against canal owners.
It negotiated a cease-fire between combatants.



D. It negotiated a cease-fire between combatants



Which of Thomas Jefferson's achievements as president aligned with his goal of extending the United States westward? A. The reduction of the federal government  B. The growth of the U.S. military  C. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory  D. The abolishment of slavery


The purchase of the Louisiana Territory as president aligned with his goal of extending the United States westward. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

What did Thomas Jefferson do in the westward expansion?

In 1803 the westward movement started in earnest. Thomas Jefferson signed a pact with France in which the United States paid $15 million to France for the Louisiana Territory, an area of territory measuring 828,000 square miles west of the Mississippi River. This practically doubled the size of the new country.

The westward expansion, for which Jefferson served as the architect, was one of his finest accomplishments. He dispatched the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-6) to the Pacific because he foresaw the nation's future on the continent, even though he was aware that it would have to pass land that was claimed by other nations.

Learn more about the westward expansion here:



the edict of nantes, passed by henry iv of france, promised all french peoplegroup of answer choicesfree land.persecution.freedom of religion.a catholic state.


The ruling supported Protestants' right to religious liberty and gave them permission to hold open worship services in many areas of the kingdom, but not in Paris.

It established a special court, the Chambre de l'Édit, made up of both Protestants and Catholics, to adjudicate conflicts resulting from the edict and accorded them full civil rights, including access to education. The state was to pay Protestant preachers and release them from some duties. Military strongholds, or sites de sûreté, could be maintained by the Protestants for an additional eight years with the monarch covering the cost of maintaining them. The proclamation also extended Protestant worship and restored Catholicism in those locations where Catholic activity had been halted.

Learn more about religious here:





The word "Chivalry" comes from the word chevalerie, which means "horse soldiery" in English.

What is a code of chivalry?

According to the moral code known as the Knight's Code of Chivalry, all knights have a duty to defend those who are unable to defend themselves, such as widows, children, and the elderly. In the Middle Ages, knights had to be physically fit and skilled in order to fight in battle.

The King Arthur and Camelot stories, as well as the Chivalric Code of the Knights. The oaths and pledges made at the knighthood rituals of the Middle Ages and Medieval era emphasized the values outlined in the Code of Chivalry. Everyone in the Middle Ages was aware of and adhered to the Knights of Chivalry Code.

To know more about Chivalry, visit:



In the context of this passage, what is the goal of education? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer


The goal of education is to develop sufficient skills and abilities in an individual to seek desired success in life.

What is education?

Education is referred to as knowledge or information received by an individual through institutions like schools and colleges which helps in well being and improvement of an individual's personality by learning new concepts.

In the given case, the passage is not given so the goal of education is discussed in a generalized manner. Education helps in bringing the personality of an individual to an effective manner by developing confidence and positivity.

It builds better opportunities for careers with enhanced knowledge and experience as compared to those who lack education. It provides better financial stability in life by achieving goals.

Learn more about education, here:



Select the correct answer.
How did the United Nations help end the Suez Crisis?

It sent toll profits to other countries.
It provided funds for rebuilding the canal.
It filed a lawsuit against canal owners.
It negotiated a cease-fire between combatants.



The answer should be D.


As fighting continued, the Council demanded, by resolution 340 of 25 October, an immediate and complete ceasefire and the return of the parties to the positions they had occupied on 22 October. It decided to set up immediately a new United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF II). The Force, established with a strength of up to 7,000 men for an initial period of six months, was stationed in the Egyptian-Israel sector. The dispatch of the new peacekeeping operation effectively brought the crisis to an end.

what event led to the 1964 gulf of tonkin resolution? the sinking of a us cruise ship with heavy casualties in the gulf of tonkin the capture of a us navy ship and its personnel by the north vietnamese


In response to an alleged attack on two American naval warships arms s cruise ship stationed off the coast of Vietnam, it was passed by the US Congress on August 7, 1964.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution served as one of the official catalyst for the United States' extensive involvement in the Vietnam War. The known Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a law enacted by the US Congress that gave the US President the authority to take military measures, such as increasing force levels, without first officially declaring war. It resulted in a significant increase in US engagement in the Vietnam War. Congress approved the resolution in August 1964 in response to the purported attacks on two US military ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. President Johnson used that resolution as a blank check to send soldiers wherever he thought necessary to carry out the war.

Learn more about resolution here:



what country did we get the statue of liberty from




Out of all the national monarchies to a marginal late middle ages, which one dominated the New World for well over a century (1500-1600?


The Spanish Empire was the most dominant national monarchy in the New World for well over a century, from the late 15th century to the early 17th century. During this period, the Spanish Empire established a number of colonies in the Americas, including Mexico, Peru, and the Caribbean islands, and was the most powerful nation in the region.

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Question 2 of 21
How is organizing the past by region similar to or different from organizing
the past by period?


Organizing the past by region is similar to organizing the past by period in that they both involve organizing historical events in chronological order.

However, organizing the past by region focuses on particular geographical areas and the events that occurred in those areas, while organizing the past by period looks at the broader timeline of history and the events that occurred during that period.

What is the past?

The past is referred to as the time that has already happened or occured, or all of the events or occurrences that have occurred or took place before the present moment. It is often referred to as history or the historical record.

Therefore, organizing history or the historical records by region or by period might be similar in terms of chronological arrangement whereas the two modes or methods of organizing history could be said to be different as on deals with geographical areas and the other with time in history.

learn more about historical timeline: https://brainly.com/question/25670011


How did the Cherokee attempt to keep their land


The Cherokee people attempted to keep their land in a number of ways, including political and legal means, as well as resistance and military action. Here are some of the ways the Cherokee attempted to keep their land:

1. Political action: The Cherokee Nation established a constitutional government and became recognized as a sovereign nation by the United States government. They also signed treaties with the US government to protect their land and rights.

2. Legal action: The Cherokee Nation took the US government to court, challenging the forced removal of the Cherokee from their land in a case known as Worcester v. Georgia. The case went to the Supreme Court, but the Court ruled against the Cherokee and upheld the forced removal.

3. Resistance: Some Cherokee resisted the forced removal by hiding in the hills and forests or by joining forces with other Native American groups. They also staged a series of uprisings and armed conflicts against the US military.

4. Military action: A small group of Cherokee, known as the "Cherokee Nationalists," formed a military unit and attempted to defend their land by force. They were eventually defeated by the US military.

Despite these efforts, the Cherokee were ultimately forced to give up their land and were relocated to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) in a forced march known as the "Trail of Tears." This event had a devastating impact on the Cherokee people, leading to the loss of their ancestral lands and the deaths of thousands of people.





What area of the region has a humid subtropical climate



Humid subtropical climates can be found in the southeastern United States, southeastern South America, coastal southeast South Africa, eastern Australia and eastern Asia from northern India through south China to Japan.

here are four instruments. which were used in mesoamerican times?


One of instruments that were used in Mesoamerican times is Tlapitzalli.

The indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica used a variety of musical instruments in their music and ceremonies. Some of the instruments that were used during Mesoamerican times are

Teponaztli: A type of vertical, hollow log drum made of wood or clay, often decorated with carvings or painted designs.Huehuetl: A large cylindrical drum made of wood, with a hollowed-out center and two drumheads made of animal skin.Ayotl: A turtle shell that was used as a percussion instrument. It was often struck with a stick or worn on the body and played by tapping it with the hands or fingers.Tlapitzalli: A type of flute made of wood or clay, with a notch on the top for the mouth and finger holes along the body.

Your question is incomplete, most likely it was:

Here are four instruments. which were used in Mesoamerican times?





Learn more about Mesoamerican here:



Write a one-page essay which explains and summarises what the Nazis did when they were in power. Use the following words in your essay: dictatorship, propaganda, Dachau, Nuremberg Laws and persecution.​


I'm not confident I can write an essay, but I can certainly give you the key points. First of all, on the night of the Reichstag fire (27th Feb 1933), the Nazi's blamed Marinus Van Der Lubbe (a dutch communist arsonist) for the fire. This was convenient for Hitler as he was trying to turn everyone against the communists because it'd lead everyone towards him. Next, during the event of the Enabling Act (23rd march 1933), the Nazi's barricaded exits of the Kroll Opra House so that people couldn't leave and had to follow Hitler's ideals. Thanks to the Nazi's use of fear, violence, and intimidation, the Enabling Act was passed with 441 votes to 94. The Enabling Act was seen by many as the end of Democracy in germany, so the Nazi's played a very big part in Hitler's dictatorship over Germany. On the 2nd of May 1933, a policy called the Gleichstchtug was introduced in which Hitler/the Nazi's could interfere with German citizens' private lives, like posts, phone calls, etc. All trade unions were banned, and only one trade union was introduced, which was, of course, completely run and filled by Nazis (German Labour Front, or, the DAF- Deutsche Arbeitsfront)

i apologise if this isn't what you need or this is too late, but i hope I helped even a little!

Which delegates opposed the mention of slavery in the Declaration of Independence?
a. South Carolina
b. Georgia
c. Various northern delegates who represented slave trading merchants
d. All of the above


John Adams firmly believed that the country should become independent from occupying powers and self-sufficient.

The anti-slavery tenet that had been rejected served as the inspiration for the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which forbade slavery. Jefferson's proposal was rejected because, unlike the well-known anti-slavery wording in the Ordinance, it would have applied both north and south of the Ohio River. What did Thomas Jefferson have to say about slavery in the original Declaration of Independence? Jefferson worked to prevent the introduction of slavery into new American territories while he was president, and he vehemently opposed and outlawed the global slave trade. He advocated for the gradual release and colonization of slaves who were already residing in the United States instead of their immediate manumission.

Learn more about Anti-slavery here:



What was the final solution?
O Europe's strategy for solving the problem of declining resources
O Germany's plan to exterminate all the Jewish people in Europe
O Germany's determination to pay off its World War I debts
O Russia's answer to the problems brought about by famine ​


Answer:   B


The "Final Solution"The Nazi “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” (“Endlösung der Judenfrage”) was the deliberate, planned mass murder of European Jews. It occurred between 1941 and 1945. It was, and is, often referred to as the “Final Solution” (“Endlösung”). Hope this helps!! :))

Who was Martin Luther King before the Montgomery bus boycott?


The boycott was spearheaded by Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist clergyman who supported nonviolent civil disobedience. The bus boycott was effective after the Supreme Court ruled in November 1956 that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional. It had been 381 days long.

After the incident on December 1, 1955, in which Rosa Parks, an African American woman, had refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger and as a result was arrested for violating the city's segregation law, the city's small group of civil rights advocates decided to challenge racial segregation on that city's public bus system. King had been pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, for slightly more than a year at that point. Initiated by activists, the Montgomery.

Learn more about boycott here:



What political conflict did Haiti face soon after gaining independence?


Answer: First, the warfare of the Haitian Revolution destroyed the capital and infrastructure of the economy. Second, Haiti lacked diplomatic and trade relations with other nations. Third, Haiti lacked investment, both foreign and domestic investment.


The Separatists who landed at Plymouth in 1620 signed the Mayflower Compact because
A. they had come to the new world in order to create a democracy.
B. they were deeply suspicious and fearful of each other.
C. the King's charter required it.
D. they arrived far north of the lands they were promised, so they created an agreement to obey majority rule and defend against eviction.
E. they wanted to sever the ties with the proprietors who had financed their voyage.


The Mayflower Compact was signed by the Separatists who arrived in Plymouth in 1620 because they wished to break connections with the proprietors who had paid for their travel. So (E) would be the correct answer.

The English settlers who came to the New World on the Mayflower developed a set of self-governance laws known as the Mayflower Compact. They planned to anchor in northern Virginia when the Pilgrims and other settlers sailed for America in 1620. But after their ship was forced off course by perilous shoals and storms, the settlers instead made landfall in Massachusetts, close to Cape Cod, outside of Virginia's control. The Mayflower Compact was designed by colonist leaders to ensure that a functioning social system would prevail because they were aware that life without laws could be disastrous.

Visit here to learn more about Mayflower Compact: https://brainly.com/question/28821894


The conversation between John the Baptist and Nicodemus in this episode dramatizes Nicodemus’s curiosity. He’s been seeing things that don’t make sense and sincerely investigating. Read Proverbs 30:4 (the verse John quotes in response to Nicodemus), and answer the questions the curious Pharisee couldn't. Who has ascended to heaven and come down?


In Christian belief, ascension refers to Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven on the 40th day following his Resurrection, with Easter being counted as the first day.

What is the story behind Nicodemus?

In the Gospel of John, Nicodemus is a Pharisee and Jewish ruler at the time of Jesus' preaching and crucifixion. Nicodemus appears only three times in the Gospel of John. As a result, within the biblical canon, his character is largely ambiguous.

"Just as Moses lifted up the rattlesnake in the desert, so must the Son of Man be hoisted, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life," Jesus told Nicodemus. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, that whoever wants to believe in him may have eternal life.

Learn more about Nicodemus here:



Why did the framers create a federal system?


The framers create a fedral system because they believe that legislative power represents a danger to any person freedom.

The Composers picked federalism as a method of government since they accepted that legislative power unavoidably represents a danger to individual freedom, the activity of legislative power should be controlled, and that to partition legislative power is to forestall its maltreatment.

Federalism is a joined and compound method of government that consolidates an overall government (the focal or "bureaucratic" government) with local legislatures (common, state, cantonal, regional, or other sub-unit states) in a solitary political framework, splitting the powers between the two. Federalism in the advanced time was first embraced in quite a while of states during the Old Swiss Confederacy.

Federalism contrasts from confederalism, in which the general degree of government is subordinate to the local level, and from devolution inside a unitary state, in which the territorial degree of government is subordinate to the general level.

To know more about federal system, visit here:



Put them in order.
-The British government rules India.
- The Indian National Congress launches a series of nonviolent protests.
-The Sepoy Rebellion occurs.
-The East India Company rules India.
-India receives its independence and is split into India and Pakistan.


the last is first the second is the 3rd the second is the last and the first is the second

Who led the Haitian Revolution in 1791?






Toussaint Louverture

andrew jackson believed that the second bank of the united states was a problem because ?


Jackson's mistrust of the Bank was political as well because he thought a federal organization like the Bank violated the rights of the states. Additionally, he believed that the Bank gave too few individuals — who could use that power against the government — too much power.

hope this helps!

When did the first US state abolish slavery?



Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery when it adopted a statute that provided for the freedom of every slave born after its enactment

Which event was an invasion that failed miserably planned by president eisenhower and carried out by kennedy?
a. The Bay of Pigs Invasion
b. The invasion of Normandy (D-Day)
c. Invasion of the United States


At the Bay of Pigs on Cuba's southern coast, 1,400 Cuban exiles launched what ended up being a failed assault on April 17, 1961. Attempting to remove Cuban leader Fidel Castro from office, the CIA staged the Bay of Pigs Invasion during the Kennedy administration.

When analysing reconnaissance photos, CIA analysts had missed coral reefs in the Bay of Pigs' shallow waters that slowed down landing craft and rendered two boats inoperable. In addition, a frogman's red signal light unintentionally flickered offshore. The Bay of Pigs incident involving the United States was the worst hidden secret in history. To be fair to President Kennedy, he took full ownership of the blunder.

Learn more about Kennedy here:



The sherman antitrust act of 1890 changed the relationship between the federal government and by attempting to through regulations.a. Trueb. False


The given statement "The Sherman antitrust act of 1890 changed the relationship between the federal government and by attempting to through regulations" is false.

The Sherman anti-trust act of 1890 altered the relationship between the federal government and the states by attempting to regulate them.

It was the first federal law to outlaw monopolistic ideology and corporate practises, and it was approved on July 2, 1890. Congress's ability to influence interstate trade is guaranteed by the Constitution.

The statute gave the federal government the right to file lawsuits against trusts, retain oversight of their operations, and dissolve them.

Although the act was designed to reinstate fair competition, it was poorly written and lacked definitions for key phrases like "trust," "combination," "conspiracy," and "monopoly."

The goal of the programme was to increase economic competition and prevent monopolies in particular industries by giving everyone the same opportunities.

To know more about the Sherman Act, click here:



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