When parking downhill with or without a curb, always point your wheels toward ____.


Answer 1

When parking downhill with or without a curb, always point your wheels toward the side of the road and away from traffic.

Set the parking boscage. to help roll when you situate upwardly, turn your frontal bus into the check or toward the side of the road. Set the parking boscage. turn the bus so the auto won't roll into the road if the thickets should fail. Always set your parking boscage and leave the vehicle in gear or in the “ demesne ” position. Upwardly turn the bus toward the check. Uphill turn the bus down from the check. No check turns the bus toward the shoulder of the road. Traffic comprises climbers, vehicles, ridden or herded creatures, trains, and other vehicles that use public ways for trip and transportation.

Learn more about traffic here: https://brainly.com/question/9380087


Related Questions

In anatomical position, a person stands with the legs together and the feet flat on the floor. additionally, the ________.


In anatomical position, a person stands with the legs together and the feet flat on the floor. additionally, the hands are at the sides and palms face anteriorly.

The significance of anatomical position

Human anatomy and physiology can be explained in a straightforward and consistent manner using standard anatomical positions. Many anatomical terminology are used to describe the relative placement of different appendages in relation to the standardized position while analyzing an individual's anatomy. Such terms include proximal and distal, which define how close or far something is, respectively, as well as posterior and dorsal, which refer to the body's rear. The standard anatomical position establishes distinct points of comparison that reduce ambiguity when using anatomical terminologies.

To know more about 'anatomical position' , visit :https://brainly.com/question/5029605


Bacterial plaque forms around the margin of the gingiva; when left undisturbed, it mineralizes and appears as a yellow or brown deposit on the teeth called:________


Bacterial plaque forms around the margin of the gingiva; when left undisturbed, it mineralizes and appears as a yellow or brown deposit on the teeth called Calculus.

What is Gingivitis?

The gums, or gingiva, become inflamed with gingivitis, which is frequently unpleasant. The accumulation of plaque on the teeth is likely the cause. The majority of adults will experience gingivitis at some point in their lives. It is a type of gum disease that usually only manifests as minor symptoms. If the underlying reason is not addressed, it could worsen and become more serious. A non-destructive form of periodontal disease is gingivitis. This condition is sometimes referred to as gum disease. Early gum disease known as gingivitis often has minimal symptoms.

To know more about gingivitis refer:



What question did clarisse ask montag, and why did it cause him to re-think the "utopia" he was living in?


The question that Clarisse asks Montag which causes him to re-think the "utopia" he was living in is that, if he is happy.

When Montag first meets Clarisse, Clarisse asks him that if he is happy. So Montag immediately assumes that the answer is yes, but then with more thought he considers the question. Before this conversation, he felt pleasure while burning books, but now he realizes that this is not true happiness, which causes him to re-think the "utopia".

When Clarisse comes into Montag's life, she immediately begins to question his relationship with his wife, his happiness, and his career. Thus, Clarisse shows Montag how to appreciate the simple things in life.

Hence, this shows that they are in a utopia that' has become a dystopia.

To learn more about Clarisse here:



A hypothesis about why humans sleep suggests that the onset of rem sleep stops the release of neurtransmitters called:________


A hypothesis about why humans sleep suggests that the onset of REM sleep stops the release of neurtransmitters called "monoamines."

What is REM sleep?

Dreaming & memory consolidation are associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep3.

REM sleep was discovered in the 1950s by scientists studying sleeping infants who noticed distinct periods when their eyes quickly moved from side to side.

Some key features regarding the REM sleep are-

REM sleep gets its name from these rapid eye movements, or REMs. During REM sleep, the eyes move rapidly behind the closed eyes, the heart rate increases, and the breathing becomes irregular. REM sleep, in contrast to certain other stages of sleep in which the brain waves slow down, the brain is highly active and the brain waves are becoming more variable.Much of the body behaves similarly to how it is doing when you're awake during REM sleep, except the eyes are closed and you have a temporary loss in muscle tone. Researchers believe this is a protection mechanism designed to keep us from acting out ones dreams and injuring yourself.

To know more about the REM sleep, here



How might a conflict theorist explain the marginalization of female sociologists and theorists, especially african american females?


Conflict theory, which was created by Karl Marx, contends that society is continually at war with itself for limited resources. It explains the legacy of racial and gender inequality throughout history.

Conflict theory holds that civilization is a struggle for finite resources. Conflict theory holds that dominance and power—rather than agreement and conformity—maintain social order. According to conflict theory, those who are powerful and wealthy want to hang onto their positions by any means necessary, most notably by oppressing the weak and defenseless.

The core tenet of conflict theory is that social actors will compete with one another to amass the greatest amount of wealth and power. Social and economic systems are weapons in confrontations between groups or classes, according to conflict theory.

To know more about conflict theory refer to: https://brainly.com/question/985437


Mira is uninvolved in the lives of her children. she does not seem to know or care what they are doing. her parenting style might be best described as?


Her parenting style might be best described as Diana Baumrind's styles of parenting .

Define Diana Baumrind's styles of parenting .

The terms authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive/indulgent were first used by clinical and developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind.

According to Diana Baumrind's "Pillar Theory," when kids get older and interact with more people, their behavior is directly related to their parents' parenting methods. The growth of children has traditionally been seen to be significantly influenced by parenting practices.

How would you define parenting style?

The combination of a parent's attitudes and behaviors toward their children, as well as the emotional context in which they act, is referred to as their parenting style.

To know more about Diana Baumrind's styles of parenting visit :



When all the beneficiaries stand in the same degree of relationship to the decedent and each receives the same share of the estate it is known as:_________


'When all the beneficiaries stand in the same degree of relationship to the decedent and each receives the same share of the estate it is known as testate distribution.

What is an estate?

The entirety of a person's net worth, including all real estate, personal property, investments, cash, and other assets that the person owns or controls, makes up their estate. The term "estate" is slang for the entire parcel of land and improvements on a sizable property, frequently a farm or homestead or the former mansion of a wealthy family. Nevertheless, in the financial and legal sense of the word, an estate refers to everything of value that a person owns, including real estate, art collections, antiques, investments, insurance, and any other assets and entitlements. It is also frequently used to refer broadly to a person's net worth.

To know more about Estate visit:



Manufactured under the trade name ______________, in 1932 amphetamine was marketed as an inhalant


Manufactured under the trade name  Benzedrine, in 1932 amphetamine was marketed as an inhalant.

Amphetamine is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant used to treat obesity, narcolepsy, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine are the two enantiomers of amphetamine, which was discovered in 1887.

Amphetamine sulphate was sold under the brand name benzedrine. From the early 1930s until the 1970s, it was used to treat a wide range of ailments. By 1971, the drug had undergone significant manufacturing reductions and stricter regulation as a result of misuse. Amphetamine is now used to treat obesity, narcolepsy, and ADHD.

To learn more about amphetamine, refer



Which point is most important for the nurse to include when teaching assistive personnel (ap) about protecting themselves from hiv exposure when caring for hiv-positive clients?


The most important point for the nurse to include when teaching assistive personnel (ap) about protecting themselves from HIV exposure when caring for HIV-positive clients is : to "wear gloves when in contact with clients' mucous membranes or nonintact skin."

The  HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) targets the immune system of the body. AIDS can develop from HIV if it is not treated (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). There is currently no effective cure. Once people get HIV, they have it for life. But with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled.

In a range of clinical settings, including rehabilitation, nursing assistive personnel (NAP) significantly contribute to the care and welfare of patients.

The complete question is:

Which point is most important for the nurse to include when teaching assistive personnel (AP) about protecting themselves from HIV exposure when caring for HIV-positive clients?

a) "always wear a mask when entering an HIV-positive client's room."

b) "talk to the employee health nurse about starting pre-exposure prophylaxis."

c) "wear gloves when in contact with clients' mucous membranes or nonintact skin."

d) "wear full protective gear when providing any care to HIV-positive clients."

To learn more about HIV, refer



What two aspects of the life of cyclops make odysseus think that they are uncivilized?


As Odysseus and his men reach the Cyclops' island, details of the scenery can contribute to the reader better understanding the image of a Cyclops', even before Odysseus interacts with one. Odysseus describes the mountain side as the farm's "grows [are] untended, and wine grapes, in clusters, ripen in heavens rains" and how which each Cyclops'

The Odyssey is one of Homer's two major ancient Greek epic poems. It is one of the oldest works of literature still in print and widely read by modern audiences. It tells the story of the Greek hero Odysseus, King of Ithaca, and his return home after the Trojan War.

To know more about The Odyssey here



A client with cellulitis of the leg asks why bed rest has been prescribed to prevent sepsis. which response by the nurse would be the best explanation to give to the client?


The nurse's response is that bed rest is ideal to limit muscle contractions that force the movement of bacteria in bloodstream.

What does sepsis mean?

The word sepsis is used to denote the immune response against infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses, which may cause a counter reaction in the human body.

The best way to prevent any health complication associated with this condition (i.e., with problems associated with the sepsis condition) is to rest to limit any type of muscle movements that may cause the flow of the infectious agent in the bloodstream.

In conclusion, the nurse's response that best explains why bed rest has been prescribed to prevent sepsis of a client with cellulitis of the leg asks is that bed rest is ideal to limit muscle contractions that force the movement of bacteria in bloodstream.

Learn more about sepsis here:



Professional handling of confidential sociological field notes entails __________.


Professional handling of confidential sociological field notes entails protecting respondents

This is further explained below.

What is sociological?

Generally, The study of society, human social behavior, patterns of social interactions, social interaction, and elements of culture that are involved with day-to-day living are the primary objectives of sociology, a branch of the social sciences.

In conclusion, Protecting respondents is essential when managing private sociological field notes.

Read more about sociological



Some substances cannot cross the membrane alone. they require the use of ____________ carriers.


Some substances cannot cross the membrane alone. they require the use of protein carriers.

body membranes are skinny sheets of tissue that cover the body, line frame cavities, and cover organs within the cavities in hollow organs. They may be categorized into epithelial and connective tissue membranes.

The cellular membrane, consequently, has two features: first, to be a barrier keeping the ingredients of the mobile in and unwanted substances out, 2d, to be a gate allowing transport into the mobile of vital vitamins and motion from the cell of waste products.

The mobile membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is determined in all cells and separates the interior of the mobile from the outdoor environment. The cell membrane consists of a lipid bilayer that is semi-permeable.

Learn more about membrane here:



The nurse is assessing a pregnant client at 20 weeks' gestation and obtains a hemoglobin level. which result would be a cause for concern?


According to the given statement the most appropriate option is 2.

"At 36 weeks' gestation, the fundus is in the normal expected location."Briefing:

At 20 to 22 weeks and 36 weeks, respectively, the fundus develops to reach the umbilicus and the sternum's xiphoid process. This fundus is therefore in its expected and typical location.

After 36 weeks of pregnancy, the fundus begins to lighten and will eventually slip 4 cm underneath the xiphoid process.

Once the fundus has passed the xiphoid process, further advancement is impossible without seriously impairing the mother's ability to breathe.

What occurs if your hemoglobin level is low?

When you have anemia, your body doesn't produce enough healthy red blood cells to supply your tissues with enough oxygen. Being anemic, or having low hemoglobin, can make you feel exhausted and frail. Anemia can have many different forms, each with a unique etiology.

To know more about hemoglobin level visit:



I understand that the question you are looking for is:

The nurse is assessing a primipara's fundal height at 36 weeks' gestation and notes the fundus is now located at the xiphoid process of the sternum. The client asks if this is normal. Which response to the client would be best?

1 "By this time, the fundus should drop down lower because the baby is moving towards the pelvic inlet."

2 "At 36 weeks' gestation, the fundus is in the normal expected location."

3 "To be honest, the fundus should be lower since you have gained minimal weight."

4 "Just get prepared, the fundus might actually get a little higher until a few days before you go into labor."

7. the artist vasily kandinsky advocated the use of primary colors, which cannot be mixed from any other color combination. t/f


The statement "the artist Vasily Kandinsky advocated the use of primary colors, which cannot be mixed from any other color combination. " is True

This is further explained below.

What are primary colors?

Generally, Primary colors are a group of colorants or colored lights that may be combined in varied proportions to form a spectrum of colors. Primary colors can be found in sets.

This is the key approach that is used in a variety of applications, including electronic displays, color printing, and paintings, to generate the perception of a wide spectrum of colors.

In conclusion, It is accurate to say that "the artist Vasily Kandinsky supported the use of fundamental colors, which cannot be blended from any other color combination."

Read more about primary colors



Which conditions occur in clients who are experiencing the effects of sensory deprivation? select all that apply.


The conditions that occur in clients who are experiencing the effects of sensory deprivation

• inability to control the direction of thought content

• difficulty with memory, problem-solving, and task performance

• inaccurate perception of sights, sounds, tastes, and smells

This is further explained below.

What is sensory deprivation?

Generally, When a person receives less sensory input than usual or receives information that is repetitive, chaotic, or meaningless, they are said to be suffering from sensory deprivation.

Inaccurate perception of sights, sounds, tastes, and smells are just some of the common conditions that can develop as a result of sensory deprivation.

Other symptoms include an inability to control the direction that thoughts take, as well as difficulties with memory, problem-solving, and carrying out tasks.

In conclusion, Decreased coordination and stability, a lack of a caring attitude, and unpredictable emotions are other prevalent disorders linked with sensory deprivation.

Hence, The conditions that occur in clients who are experiencing the effects of sensory deprivation

• inability to control the direction of thought content

• difficulty with memory, problem-solving, and task performance

• inaccurate perception of sights, sounds, tastes, and smells

Read more about sensory deprivation.



complete question

Which conditions occur in clients who are experiencing the effects of sensory deprivation? Select all that apply.

a) increased attention span and ability to concentrate

b) inability to control direction of thought content

c) emotionally caring attitude and stable moods

d) difficulty with memory, problem solving, and task performance

e) inaccurate perception of sights, sounds, tastes, and smells

f) increased coordination and equilibrium

The ________ typically has the greatest influence on the socialization process, especially in the early years of life


The family typically has the greatest influence on the socialization process, especially in the early years of life. Socialization is the process of teaching people to be competent members of a society. It covers how people learn to understand cultural norms and expectations, accept societal views, and recognize societal values.

The methods and procedures by which socialization occurs are referred to as socialization processes life. They are the means by which knowledge is transmitted to individuals in society. These methods include direct, indirect, role learning, and model learning. It is divided into three sections: context, content and process, and the results.

To learn more about socialization, click here.



Why do you accept or reject the evidence that kurzweil presented of an exponential model of growth?


Because social development will likewise expand linearly with increased technology.Many observers assume that technological and social development change at linear rates. Entrepreneur and inventor Ray Kurzweil presents evidence of an exponential pace of change in human technological advancement and makes some contentious predictions regarding future change.What are the assumptions about Kurzweil?He uses a timeframe that is convenient for his own intended immortality, which makes him too optimistic and biased in his forecasts.Even though he's sometimes regarded as the most "accurate futurist," many of his predictions are wrong by a decade.For a small number of technologies and disciplines, his "exponential growth" (or price drop) prediction holds true, but not for the majority. Nothing can be extrapolated;His predictions are too nebulous and unclear, therefore it is challenging to gauge their accuracy over time.

Learn more about Kurzweil here:



In early medieval manuscripts, a decorative page resembling a textile is known as a ______ page.


In early medieval manuscripts, a decorative page resembling a textile is known as a Carpet page.

Medieval manuscripts were written on mainly treated animal skins, called parchment or vellum paper did no longer become common in Europe until around. The pelts were first soaked in a lime solution to loosen the fur, which become then removed.

Early medieval manuscripts also worked with old forms like frescoes and mosaics, specifically in decorating churches and palaces. Frescoes are watercolor paintings finished on wet plaster, and mosaics are problematic snapshots created from lots of pieces of colored stone and glass.

Medieval manuscripts sorts may be broadly labeled into iconography, fresco, and panel painting. in the course of medieval times, Catholic iconography turned into a crucial type of medieval portrait which consisted of the representation of holy figures as well as heaven and hell and different religious standards.

Learn more about manuscripts here:-https://brainly.com/question/26413228


Survivor is a reality tv show on which a group of contestants are stranded on a remote island with very few resources. reality tv shows are most like __________ research in social psychology.


Survivor is a reality tv show on which a group of contestants are stranded on a remote island with very few resources, the reality tv shows Observational research in social psychology.

What is an observational research?

This refers to the research technique where you observe participants and phenomena in their most natural settings. This type of research enables the researchers to see their subjects make choices and react to situations in their natural setting as opposed to structured settings like research labs or focus groups.

Therefore, in this context, the the reality tv shows observational research in social psychology.

Read more about observational research



Special educators design __________________ to keep a potential or minor problem from becoming a disability.


To prevent a prospective or small issue from developing into a handicap, special educators plan preventative intervention.

The correct option is D.

What is a preventive action?

Preventive intervention is a response to anticipated hostility rather than actual aggression that may occur at any given point in the future. The intervener typically anticipates further violence because it sees the target state as an adversary whose military might is deteriorating in comparison to the intervener.

Why are preventative initiatives necessary?

In terms of providing human services, prevention often refers to techniques or initiatives that aim to lessen or avert particular or predictable issues, safeguard the present level of wellbeing, or encourage desirable results or behaviors.

To know more about preventative initiatives visit:



I understand that the question you are looking for is:

special educators design ___ to keep a potential or minor problem from becoming a disability

A. compensatory intervention

B. community-based intervention

C. remedial intervention

D. preventive intervention

Before performing laboratory work, all glassware should first be checked for presence of star-cracks. if a star-crack is located, _______ that piece of glassware.


Before performing laboratory work, all glassware should first be checked for the presence of star cracks. if a star crack is located, You should inspect glassware for cracks or stars because if you use them they will shatter or crack violently on that piece of glassware.

Glassware used as laboratory apparatus offers an extensive range of containment and transport features for answers and other liquids utilized in laboratories

Glassware normally refers to glass objects used as tableware, (dishes, cutlery, flatware)and drinkware used to set a desk for consuming a meal.  In catering enterprise “glassware” is used to consult all forms of drinkware.

Glass is made from herbal and plentiful raw substances (sand, soda ash, and limestone) which might be melted at very excessive temperature to form a brand new material: glass. At excessive temperature glass is structurally much like drinks, however, at ambient temperature, it behaves like solids.

Learn more about Glassware here:



How would you describe the biota classification or status of v. cholerae in humans? how about in copepods?


The biota classification or status of v. cholerae in humans is "Transient microbiota."

The biota classification or status of v. cholerae in copepods is "Normal microbiota."

What is microbiota?

The term microbiome was coined by scientists to refer to all eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms associated with a specific organism.

Some key features regarding the microbiota are-

There are resident microbiota as well as transient microbiota in the human microbiome. The microorganisms that live on or within our bodies are known as the resident microbiota. The word transient microbiota makes reference to microorganisms that are only found in the human body for a short period of time and could include pathogenic microorganisms. Both hygiene and diet can influence the resident as well as transient microbiota.The normal microbiota refers to the microorganisms that live on the mucous membranes and skin of healthy people. The normal microbiota acts as a first line of prevention against microbial pathogens, aids digestion, and aids in immune system maturation.

To know more about the microbiota, here



The right and left iliac regions are sometimes referred to as the ____________ regions.


The right and left iliac regions are sometimes referred to as the "Inguinal" regions.

What is Inguinal regions?

The inguinal region, also recognized as the groin, is situated on the lower portion of a anterior abdominal wall, between the thigh and the pubic tubercle, and superolateral to a anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).

Some key features regarding the Inguinal regions are-

The inguinal canal has been a tubular structure which runs inferomedially and houses the spermatic cord and round ligament in males and the circular ligament in females. The inguinal ligament, also known as the Poupart ligament, is the floor of the inguinal canal formed by the external oblique aponeurosis because it folds over again and inserts at the ASIS down to a pubic tubercle. This bent edge is known as the shelving edge, and it is essential for surgeons performing hernia repairs. The inguinal canal is a passageway for structures.

To know more about the Inguinal regions, here



Palmer (1975) found that, if the context scene was a ________ , it was easier to recognize a loaf of bread than a mailbox.


Palmer in 1975 found that if the context scene was a kitchen, it was easier to recognize a loaf of bread than a mailbox.

         In the year 1975, Steven Palmer carried out an experiment that represented a situational context like a kitchen scene. Then Palmer briefly flashed on a target image. People were then asked to identify a loaf-like image. People who had first seen the kitchen clearly were able to identify the loaf 80% of the time.

         Then the people were asked to identify images like an open US mailbox and a drum. These two images are usually not associated with kitchen items. The open US mailbox was identified as the loaf of bread and a slice of bread lying next to it. The drum was identified as the lid of a jar. Only 40% of the people who have seen the kitchen were able to identify these.  

         Studies are done for these context scenes to generate certain expectations of the people. These expectations may be momentary but in the long term, these expectations may be set up by longer time influences. Examples of these are prejudices, past experiences, and stereotypes.

Learn more about Palmer here:



_____ exists when different versions of the same data appear in different places.


A Data inconsistency exists when different versions of the same data appear in different places.

What is known as a Data inconsistency?

It refers to the situation of keeping the same data in different formats in two different tables or a situation where it requires to match the data between tables. Also, this situation can cause one table in the database to have the correct value and the remaining tables to be different.

Furthermore, a data inconsistency can also cause an unreliable and meaningless information, therefore, it often leads to difficultly to reduce data inconsistency.

Read more about data inconsistency



You notice that there is more traffic between 8 and 9 in the morning. this would be a(n):_________


You notice that there is more traffic between 8 and 9 in the morning. this would be a(n) observation

This is further explained below.

What is observation?

Generally, The act of actively gathering information from a primary source is what we refer to as observation.

Observation of living things requires the use of one's senses. In the realm of scientific inquiry, the term "observation" may also refer to the perception and recording of facts via the use of various scientific equipment.

The traveling (of cars or people) along a route that is being described.

The people or commodities that are being transported along a road, river, or air route, or that are being carried by train, boat, or aircraft.

In conclusion, You will see that there is a discernible rise in the volume of traffic between the hours of eight and nine in the evening. This is anything that may be regarded as an observation.

Read more about observation



When illicit funds have entered the banking system undetected and appear to be legitimate, the funds are referred to as:__________


When illicit funds have entered the banking system undetected and appear to be legitimate, the funds are referred to as integrated funds.

What are illicit funds?

The most popular definition of illicit financial flows is "money generated, transferred, or utilized illegally that crosses international borders" (IFFs).IFFs cut back on resources, but they are also a sign of other problems that impede efforts to eliminate poverty and promote shared prosperity, like vested interests and a lack of openness and accountability. To stop IFFs, developed and developing nations must work together closely and take coordinated measures, along with the commercial sector and civil society.

To know more about illicit funds visit:- https://brainly.com/question/15871408


What term describes a task within a game that the player must achieve in order to succeed?


Answer: Task training


In which order would four clients admitted to an emergency department after a bus accident with different conditions be seen?


The  order that the  four clients who was admitted to an emergency department after a bus accident with different conditions be seen are:

Client in cardiac arrest

Client with chest pain resulting from ischemia

Client with abdominal pain

Client with closed extremity trauma

What is the purpose of emergency department  of an hospital?

An emergency department, can as well be regarded as the accident and emergency department,  which is a  casualty department, where the medical treatment facility is been designed and this specialize in emergency medicine.

It should be noted that this is the  acute care of patients  that are in the hospital without prior appointment, which implies that they got there by emergency.

Find out more on accident at https://brainly.com/question/1619484


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