What was Tunis Campbell regrets and failures during Reconstruction?


Answer 1

Short Answer:
Tunis Campbell was an African American leader during Reconstruction who regretfully failed to secure political power and economic equality for his community. Despite his efforts, African Americans were excluded from politics and faced poverty and hardship. Despite these challenges, Campbell remains an important figure in African American history.

Long Answer:
Tunis Campbell was a prominent African American leader during the Reconstruction era who worked to promote the rights and interests of his community. He is best known for his political activism and his efforts to improve the lives of African Americans in the South after the Civil War.

One of Tunis Campbell's regrets and failures during Reconstruction was his inability to secure political power for African Americans. Despite his efforts to participate in the political process and to use his position as a leader to promote the rights of his community, African Americans were largely excluded from political power and decision-making during this time. This lack of political representation was a major obstacle for Campbell and other African American leaders, who struggled to advance their community's interests in the face of widespread opposition from white supremacists.

Another regret and failure of Campbell's during Reconstruction was his inability to secure economic equality for African Americans. Despite his efforts to promote economic self-sufficiency and to support African American businesses and entrepreneurs, many African Americans continued to struggle with poverty and economic hardship during this time. This lack of economic opportunity was a major challenge for Campbell, who was committed to improving the lives of African Americans, but was limited by the systemic obstacles that stood in the way of economic equality.

In conclusion, Tunis Campbell's regrets and failures during Reconstruction included his inability to secure political power and economic equality for African Americans, despite his efforts to promote their rights and interests. Despite these challenges, however, Campbell remains an important figure in African American history, and his legacy continues to inspire future generations of activists and leaders.

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How did the us change the government of Japan after ww2


Answer: The biggest change was that it declared that sovereignty rested with the people, not the emperor.


based on the passage it can be inferred that in the late nineteenth century international relations were increasingly perceived as being governed by


The study of international relations focuses on how nations interact with one another, as well as with international organisations and some subnational entities. Political science, geography, history, economics, law, sociology, psychology, and philosophy are among the academic fields it is associated to.

When the United States gained strength and influence at the start of the 20th century, the field of international relations also developed predominantly in the West and in particular there. While officially imposed Marxist ideology stifled the study of international relations in the newly formed Soviet Union and later in communist China, the field flourished in the West as a result of a number of factors, including: a growing desire to discover less-dangerous and more effective ways to conduct relations between peoples, societies, governments, and economies; a surge in writing and research motivated by the belief that systematic observation and inquiry can shed light on complex issues; and  foreign affairs.

Learn more about international here:



where did the first official groundhog day take place?


On February 2, 1887, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA celebrated the first official Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog, emerges from his hole on this day, according to legend.

If the groundhog sees its shadow, it will go back into its burrow, and winter will last another six weeks. If it does not perceive its shadow, it will remain above ground, indicating an early spring. February 2, 1887, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA celebrated the first official Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog, emerges from his hole on this day, according to legend.  If the groundhog sees its shadow, it will go back into its burrow, and winter will last another six weeks. If it does not perceive its shadow, it will remain above ground, indicating an early spring. February 2, 1887, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

learn more about  groundhog  here:



Define "sectionalism summarize the conflicts and compromises between South Carolina and the federal government during this time.



Sectionalism refers to loyalty to one's own region or section of a country, rather than to the country as a whole. It was a major issue in the United States in the 19th century, particularly during the antebellum period, as different regions of the country had different economic, social, and political interests.

The conflicts between South Carolina and the federal government during this time were primarily centered around the issue of tariffs. South Carolina, which relied heavily on foreign trade, was heavily impacted by tariffs, which raised the prices of imported goods and made it more difficult for South Carolina to compete with other states. In response, South Carolina passed the "Nullification Ordinance," which declared federal tariffs null and void within the state. This act was seen as a direct challenge to federal authority and the U.S. government responded by sending military forces to South Carolina.

The conflict was ultimately resolved through the Compromise of 1833, which reduced the tariffs and provided relief to South Carolina. The compromise was seen as a victory for both sides, as it allowed South Carolina to maintain its sovereignty while also maintaining the authority of the federal government.

In conclusion, the conflicts between South Carolina and the federal government during this time were a result of sectionalism, as the different regions of the country had different interests and priorities. The Compromise of 1833 served as a resolution to these conflicts and helped to maintain the balance of power between the federal government and the states.


what is a primary reason why hurricane katrina caused major destruction to new orleans in 2005?


The majority of Hurricane Katrina's fatalities were caused by floods brought on by disastrous engineering mistakes in the levee, which served as New Orleans' flood defence system.

Why did Hurricane Katrina harm New Orleans so severely?

In New Orleans, the failure and overtopping of the levee system is caused by the combination of surge and waves. Over 50 levee system breaches caused floods that eventually covered.

What key factor contributed to the 2005 August devastation in New Orleans?

In the afternoon of August 29, Katrina made its way inland into southern Mississippi, leaving behind a path of destruction that will never be forgotten. The number of fatalities and property losses increased.

To know more about Hurricane visit:-



The Silk Road expanded the scope of trade which lead to ______ which changed the world more than any political or religious leaders.


Beyond any governmental or religious figures, the Silk Road increased the range of trade, which sparked cultural interaction and altered the course of history.

What does the Silk Road mean?

The Silk Road doesn't quite exist as a physical route or as a single route. Instead, the phrase refers to a system of trade routes that have been in operation for more over 1,500 years, beginning with the Ming dynasty of China's opening of commerce in 130 B.C.E.

What exactly was the Silk Road?

A large commercial route that connected Europe and North Africa by land and sea was known as the Silk Road. Chinese imperial, a highly coveted item that traders moved over these trade networks, gave rise to the moniker "Silk Road."

To know more about Silk Road visit :



According to Miriam Fin Scott, what were two conditions that made factory work difficult in 1911?


According to Miriam Fin Scott, two conditions that made factory work difficult in 1911 were long hours and low wages. Factory workers in 1911 often worked up to 16 hours a day, six days a week, and were paid very little for their labor. Furthermore, factory workers were exposed to dangerous and hazardous working conditions, including poor ventilation, loud noise, and the risk of physical injury. As a result, factory workers had to endure grueling and often dangerous working conditions for very little pay.

what is the definition of anthropocene, the term that historians and scientists use to describe the impact of the industrial revolution?


The term "Anthropocene" is increasingly being used to describe a new planetary epoch in which humans have emerged as the dominant force shaping Earth's bio-geophysical composition and processes.

The term Anthropocene is derived from the Greek words for human ('anthropo') and new ('cene'), but its meaning is debatable. It was coined in the 1980s by atmospheric chemist Paul J Crutzen and diatom researcher Eugene F Stoermer, and it became popular in 2000.
The Anthropocene Epoch is a term used to describe the most recent period in Earth's history when human activity began to have a significant impact on the planet's climate and ecosystems.

The Anthropocene is a new, modern epoch in which scientists claim that human activity has significantly altered the Earth. Global warming, habitat loss, changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, oceans, and soil, and animal extinctions are examples of these changes.

To know more about Anthropocene refer to:-



Which best explains the reason for U.S. involvement in the Korean War?The United States feared a new Japanese conquest of the Korean peninsula.The United States wanted to overturn the Communist government of China.The United States wanted to defend South Korea from Communist aggression.The United States wanted to import more inexpensive Korean manufactured goods.


The United States got involved in the Korean War to defend South Korea from Communist aggression. Thus Option C is the answer.

The United States got involved in the Korean War in 1950 to defend South Korea from Communist aggression. North Korea, backed by the Soviet Union and China, invaded South Korea, and the United States saw the conflict as a threat to its larger strategy of containing the spread of communism and maintaining its position as a global superpower.

The U.S. entered the war in support of South Korea, providing military and economic assistance, and fought alongside other United Nations forces until an armistice was signed in 1953. The Korean War is often seen as a pivotal moment in the Cold War and the history of U.S. foreign policy.

Learn more about Korean War:



Focus on some of the predictions given in sources 1, 2, and 3. Do you think any of them came true? Fill in

the table to organize your observations. This will help you draw conclusions and write an essay in Part B.

The first row of the table has been completed for you:

BI V X X 10pt




Has the prediction come


Will the prediction be possible in the


We will be able to communicate over long distances



Characters used: 153 / 15000


Access to vast amounts of information, and the development of a global network of interconnected computers. Some predictions, like the ability of computers to understand and respond to natural language, have only been partially realized.

BI V X X 10pt




We will be able to communicate over long distances instantly.



Computers will be smaller and more powerful.



People will have access to vast amounts of information.



There will be a global network of interconnected computers.



Computers will be able to understand and respond to natural language.



Robots and artificial intelligence will become more common in everyday life.



Virtual reality technology will become widely available.



In conclusion, many of the predictions made in sources 1, 2, and 3 have come true, such as the ability to communicate over long distances instantly,  Others, such as the prevalence of robots and artificial intelligence in everyday life, have become increasingly common but still have room for further growth. Finally, virtual reality technology has become widely available, indicating that predictions of this nature can be achieved given the right technology and resources.

For such more question on computers.



The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine expanded America's role inA. Central America and the CaribbeanB. The PhilippinesC. North AfricaD. AsiaE. Europe


The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine expanded America's role in: Central America and the Caribbean.

Though the Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine, it could also be viewed as a departure. While the Monroe Doctrine said European countries ought to stay out of Latin America, the Roosevelt Corollary took this further to say the United States had the right to practice military power in Latin American countries to keep European countries out.

United States will move into Latin America about twelve times with military power, to the point where the United States Marines become known in the area as "State Department Troops" because they are always moving in to protect State Department interests and State Department strategy in the Caribbean.

to know more about Latin America click here:



the one nation in Africa that successfully resisted European rule was .


Ethiopia was able to form alliances with the surrounding North African kingdoms and Russia, making it the only African country to effectively resist European colonialism.

Why did Ethiopia fight against European rule?

Ethiopia was able to fight imperialism because it joined with other local kingdoms and Russia, who supplied them with equipment to repel the Italian forces at the Battle of Adwa. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to establish a physical presence in Africa in the 1480s, but European colonies remained limited to ports along African coasts focused on trade and diplomacy until the 1870s. The Boers not only rejected this proposition, but they also hated and opposed British incursions. War broke out on February 11, 1899, between the two Boer Republics and the two British Colonies (the Anglo-Boer War). The British captured Bloemfontein on 13 March 1900, followed by Johannesburg and Pretoria on 1 September.

Learn more about Anglo-Boer War from here;



The Cuban Missile Crisis was an incident involving Cuba, the United States, and what other country? (A) Russia (B) The Soviet Union (C) Spain (D) Germany


The Cuban Missile Crisis, which  passed in October 1962, was a significant conflict sparked by the Soviet Union's deployment of nuclear-  sloped dumdums in Cuba.    

The Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev assumed that the United States would not take any action to stop the installation of Soviet medium- and intermediate- range ballistic dumdums in Cuba because he'd pledged in May 1960 to  cover Cuba with Soviet weapons. However,  similar dumdums could  fleetly strike much of the eastern United States, If fired from Cuba. The Soviet Union had started  transferring dumdums to Cuba, the United States discovered in July 1962. By August 29, AmericanU-2 surveillance aeroplanes flying over the  islet had discovered new military construction and the presence of Soviet technicians.

Learn more about Cuban here :



In the first half of the nineteenth century, the process of industrialization first spread from the United Kingdom to


The Industrial Revolution got its start in northern England in the first decade of the nineteenth century. It swiftly expanded to southern England before travelling via Belgium, northern France, and Germany to spread throughout the entire continent.

What is a revolution, for instance?

a shift in a nation's political system that frequently involves violence or war and a change in the political system as a whole: France became a republic after the French Revolution transformed it from a monarchy. The nation seemed to be moving towards revolution. extra instances The beginning of it usually involves a popular uprising and is violent. A revolution happens when a sizable number of people resolve to overthrow an unjustly behaving government. Social, economic, and political policies are altered by revolution, which literally means "turning around."

Know more about Germany Visit:



What was the first written language in Mesopotamia?


The first written language in Mesopotamia was Sumerian

Sumerian language was the first written language in Mesopotamia

Which Enlightenment philosophe believed in limited government and argued that government power comes from the "consent of the governed"?
answer choices
Mary Wollstonecraft
John Locke
Baron de Montesquieu
Thomas Hobbes


John Locke, a political theorist who is also known as the father of the modern Republican government.

He was of the believe that a state can only be legitimate if it receives the agreement of the government through a social contract.

He always promoted the system of democratic government,  that has a system of checks and balance. In his views, all the men and only men has the political right to life,  property, and liberty. He believed that human beings are inherently good and they can make their own reasonable decisions even without a government.

Learn more about government powers here.



Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences.
Under Suleymanv, the Ottomans saw great advancement in the arts, architecture, and law. He also expanded the
empire into
v. The Ottoman Empire created a complex and efficient[
v system. Ottoman
sultans also promoted religious
One effect of Ottoman expansion was that almost all goods traded between merchants from
passed through Ottoman hands.


Under Suleymanv, the Ottomans saw great advancement in the arts, architecture, and law. He also expanded the empire into the Ottoman Empire created a complex and efficient system.

What was the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 and rather quickly expanded from its origins as one of many Turkish states that rose to power after the decline of the Seljuq Turks in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey).

Much of this success was a result of the Ottoman military and an elite fighting force called the Janissaries. They were raised in the Islamic faith and either became administrators for the sultan or members of the sultan's personal bodyguard and military.

Under Suleymanv, the Ottomans saw great advancement in the arts, architecture, and law. He also expanded the empire into the Ottoman Empire created a complex and efficient system.

Learn more about the Ottoman empire here:



Which benefit did railroad companies provide that allowed farming to expand in west texas? question 2 options: a. they shipped certain crops for free.b. they allowed farmers free access to the rail lines. c. they planted trees that helped protect the soil. d. they removed railroad tracks from the most fertile areas.


The benefit that railroad companies provided that allowed farming to expand in West Texas was that they shipped certain crops for free. Option A is the correct answer.

The expansion of railroads in West Texas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries played a key role in the development of agriculture in the region. By providing a low-cost and efficient means of transportation, the railroads enabled farmers to transport their crops to markets in other parts of the country. This allowed farmers to sell their goods at higher prices and earn greater profits, which in turn encouraged the expansion of agricultural production. In particular, the railroads were crucial to the growth of the cotton industry in West Texas, as they provided a means of shipping cotton bales to textile mills in the eastern United States. This growth in agriculture also had broader economic impacts, as it created jobs and stimulated the growth of related industries such as banking and retail. Overall, the development of railroads was a key factor in the growth and transformation of West Texas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Learn more about agriculture here https://brainly.com/question/11158509


Read the passage from "Odysseus."

Odysseus, hearing that they had come, determined to trick them by pretending that he was out of his mind. He put on his richest garments, yoked an ox and a mule to his plow, and went out into his fields. As he plowed, he scattered salt into the furrows, pretending that he thought it was seed.

How do Odysseus' actions lead to the climax of the story?
When they see him throw salt in the fields, they realize that he is not a farmer.

Odysseus must leave his home to fight in the war.

When the soldier throws Odysseus' son in front of the plow, they learn he is not crazy.

He becomes one of the greatest heroes of the Trojan war.



what did you want me to do here you go if this helps


Interesting Facts about the Odyssey

Odysseus' dog Argos recognized him even though he was in disguise and it had been 20 years. Odysseus is called Ulysses by the Romans. Many of the stories in the Odyssey were passed down for hundreds of years orally before Homer wrote them down.He is the son of Laertes, the king of Ithaca, and Anticlea and the husband of Penelope and father of a child named Telemachus. Known for his leadership skills, wit, and intelligence, Odysseus is most famous for his ten-year journey had after the Trojan War.According to Homer, Odysseus was king of Ithaca, one of the Ionian Islands. His parents were Laertes and Anticleia. Odysseus's wife was Penelope, and they had a son, Telemachus. (In later tradition, Odysseus was instead the son of Sisyphus and fathered sons by Circe, Calypso, and others.)

Former president of the Republic of Texas, sam houston was in favor of texas seceding from the united states.truefalse


It is false to say that Former president of the Republic of Texas, sam houston was in favor of texas seceding from the united states.

The Alamo was an eighteenth century Franciscan Mission in San Antonio, Texas, which was the area of a significant fight for Texans battling for freedom from Mexico. In 1836, a little gathering of Texans was crushed by Mexican General St Nick Anna.

At the point when Houston got expression of the loss at the Alamo, he was propelled to start a drawn out retreat to refocus and recharge the Texas armed force's solidarity. Recollecting how gravely the Texans had been crushed at the Alamo, on April 21, 1836, Houston's military won a fast fight against the Mexican powers at San Jacinto and acquired freedom for Texas. Before long, Houston was chosen leader of the Republic of Texas. He kept on filling in as representative and lead representative after Texas turned out to be important for the US in 1845.

Sam Houston kicked the bucket in 1863 in Huntsville, Texas, where a 67-foot-tall dedication sculpture of him presently stands. After a long period of administration to his country, the occasion for which he is most notable is his job in the independence of Texas

To know more about texas,visit here:



What were the functions or results of the following wartime agencies and laws? 1. Fuel Administration 2. Railroad Administration 3. War Industries Board 4. National War Labor Board 5. Food Administration 6. Committee on Public Information 7. Espionage and Sedition Acts


War Industries Board and National War Labor Board are two wartime organizations and legislation that serve specific purposes.

The required details about War Industries Board is mentioned in below paragraph.

The War Industries Board (WIB), which oversaw industrial production and prices along with the independent Price Fixing Committee, was the first major agency. The second was the Fuel Administration, which oversaw fuel production and prices, and the third was the Food Administration, which oversaw agricultural production.

The War Industries Board, a regulatory body established to oversee the economy during World War I, had more authority at the time than any other US government organization. In reality, however, the board did not function as a centralized regulatory body that was trying to ration the economy. As an alternative, the WIB collaborated with companies to plan the production and distribution of war materiel within the American economy.

To learn about War Industries Board visit here.



All of the following are far-reaching consequences of the French Revolution EXCEPT


The French Revolution had a profound impact on world history and led to many far-reaching consequences, including the spread of revolutionary ideas and the rise of nationalism. Some specific consequences include the end of the absolute monarchy in France, the establishment of a republic, the Reign of Terror, and the spread of revolutionary ideals and nationalist movements throughout Europe and beyond.

What is a Revolution?

A revolution is an abrupt, fundamental shift that takes place in the social, political, or economic systems within a very short period of time. Revolutions may lead to the overthrow of firmly entrenched systems of power and authority and are frequently sparked by a confluence of social, economic, and political elements. For instance, the French Revolution signaled the end of feudalism and the emergence of modern nation-states, and it was a significant turning point in European history. Inequality, tyranny, corruption, and the yearning for more freedom and democracy have all served as catalysts for revolutions, a repeating theme throughout history.

Learn more about Revolution here: https://brainly.com/question/1291142


What was the international peacekeeping organization created after world war i?



League of Nations


The League of Nations was formed after the Treaty of Versailles as kind of a first take of the United Nations. It eventually fell due to it being weak! Hope this helps :))

in 1862, shortly before issuing the emancipation proclamation, abraham lincoln ordered the largest mass hanging in united states history when he condemned 38 dakota, all of them selected at random, to death.


The given statement "In 1862, shortly before issuing the emancipation proclamation, Abraham Lincoln ordered the largest mass hanging in united states history when he condemned 38 Dakota, all of them selected at random, to death" is True.

The Dakota War of 1862, also known as the Sioux Uprising, Dakota Uprising, Sioux Outbreak of 1862, Dakota Conflict, U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, or Little Crow's War, was a conflict between the United States and different eastern Dakota bands also known as the Santee Sioux. On August 18, 1862, it began at the Lower Sioux Agency along the Minnesota River in southwest Minnesota.

The eastern Dakota were compelled to ratify a series of treaties in 1837, 1851, and 1858 that gave the United States large tracts of land in exchange for monetary annuities, debt payments, and other conditions. Particularly the Mdewakanton, together with the other four eastern Dakota bands, were forcibly removed to a reserve that was twenty miles broad and dispersed over ten miles on either side of the Minnesota River.

To know more about  Dakota War, click here:



The complete Question is-

True/False- In 1862, shortly before issuing the emancipation proclamation, Abraham Lincoln ordered the largest mass hanging in united states history when he condemned 38 Dakota, all of them selected at random, to death.

How did the Blitz help unify Britain?




"Many British governments from 1945 onwards wanted to celebrate the idea of consensus and a family spirit, and the Blitz was meant to be the solvent that brought that family together." It has also influenced a defence policy, he says, that places at its core the ability of the country to defend itself.

2. Pierre Trudeau's Liberal government passed Canada's Official Language Act,
A. allowed both French and English to be used in the federal civil service.
B. made English Canada's official language.
C. demanded that all provincial government officials learn French.
D. demanded that all provincial government officials learn English.


A. allowed both French and English to be used in the federal civil service.

The Official Languages Act passed by Pierre Trudeau's Liberal government in 1969 allowed both French and English to be used in the federal civil service and ensured that both languages had equal status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all federal institutions. The act reflected Canada's commitment to bilingualism and ensured that both French and English-speaking citizens had access to federal services in their preferred language.

The degree of the term with the ____degree denotes the degree of the polynomial.


"The degree of the term with the greatest degree denotes the degree of the polynomial."

The degree of a polynomial is the high-est power of the variable in any term of the poly-nomial. Example;- The degree of the poly-nomial in the variable is since this is the high-est power of  in the terms. Hence, the deg-ree of the term with the great-est degree de-notes the degree of the poly-nomial.

A polynomial's degree is the high-est or the greatest power of a vari-able in a polynomial equation. The degree indic-ates the highest exponential power in the poly-nomial (ignoring the coefficients). For exam-ple: 6x4 + 2x3+ 3 is a polynomial.

To know more about degree of polynomial click below:



How did changes in immigration policy help to encourage the Great
A. It led to less violence and fewer discriminatory laws against Black
B. It created a demand for laborers and more jobs in northern
C. It created a cultural void that would later be filled by the Harlem
D. It led to less overcrowding and more available resources in the





Changes in immigration policy helped to encourage the Great Migration by providing easier access to the cities of the North, Midwest, and West. This was largely due to the Immigration Act of 1924, which placed strict quotas on immigrants from certain countries. This act, combined with the war-time labor shortages of World War I, provided an impetus for African Americans to take advantage of the economic opportunities available in Northern and Midwestern cities. Additionally, the establishment of the National Origins Quota in 1929 further encouraged African Americans to migrate, as it removed the quotas that had previously limited the number of African Americans allowed to migrate. Moreover, the Social Security Act of 1935 provided financial assistance to those who had migrated, further incentivizing African Americans to make the move to northern and Midwestern cities.

Answer: it’s B -.-


Transcribed image text: To Americans the rise to modernity meant following the ideas of the Enlightenment, which emphasized the free individual. On the one hand, the individual must be free from the tyranny of a king. On the other hand, which of the following is the appropriate sentence for the blank? the individual should be a part of the natural world. the individual should be free from the bonds of the natural world. the individual should follow the rules of nature. the individual should bond with the natural world.


The correct option is: (B) the individual should be free from the bonds of the natural world.

Any reasonable person would agree that the American Enlightenment occurred during the eighteenth 100 years among masterminds in English North America and the early US and was roused by the ideas of the English and French Enlightenment, despite the fact that there is conflict throughout the exact time span that relates to it.

The Time of Enlightenment was portrayed by an adjustment of loyalties from outright power, whether religious or political, and towards additional critical and perky points of view on human instinct, religion, and politics. Masterminds like Thomas Paine, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin made and embraced noteworthy ideas in regards to scientific explanation in the American setting.

to know more about North America click here:



the complete question is:

to Americans the rise to modernity meant following the ideas of the enlightenment, which emphasized the free individual. on the one hand, the individual must be free from the tyranny of a king. on the other hand, ____. which of the following is the appropriate sentence for the blank?

(A) the individual should be a part of the natural world.

(B) the individual should be free from the bonds of the natural world.

(C) the individual should follow the rules of nature.

(D) the individual should bond with the natural world.

Think about all of the inventions you've discovered
in this lesson. Which two inventions changed
Americans' lives the most? Explain your answer in
a few sentences.


The inventions I have discovered in this lesson that changed Americans' lives the most is the railroads and telegraph. The railroads changed Americans' lives the most because they made it possible for people to live in one part of the city and work in another and made the city feel more convenient. The telegraph changed Americans' lives the most because from a telegraph office, you could send a message to almost any place in the world instantaneously. They changed Americans' lives the most because they were the start of new technologies. They were made and than people kept up grading them and because of that we now have telephones and automobiles. It all started with railroads and telegraphs, and without them we wouldn't have all the things we have today.
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