what was life like for peasants and the middle class in russia around 1900?


Answer 1

Answer: By 1900 around 85 per cent of the Russian people lived in the countryside and earned their living from agriculture. The nobility still owned the best land and the vast majority of peasants lived in extreme poverty.


Related Questions

Is the Columbian Exchange, Triangle Trade, and Transatlantic Slave Trade related/connected and how?

someone please help



Yes, the Columbian Exchange, Triangle Trade, and Transatlantic Slave Trade are related and connected.

The Columbian Exchange was the transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas and the Old World, which took place after the voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. The exchange had a significant impact on the world and led to significant changes in the global economy, agriculture, and culture.

The Triangle Trade was a trade network that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas in the 17th and 18th centuries. European merchants would trade goods such as textiles, weapons, and liquor for African slaves, who were then taken to the Americas to work on plantations. In exchange, American crops such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton were brought back to Europe.

The Transatlantic Slave Trade was the forced migration of African slaves from Africa to the Americas, which took place during the Triangle Trade. An estimated 12.5 million Africans were taken from their homes and sold into slavery, where they worked primarily on sugar, tobacco, and cotton plantations in the Americas.

In summary, the Columbian Exchange, Triangle Trade, and Transatlantic Slave Trade were all connected by their impact on the global economy, trade, and movement of people and goods between the Americas, Africa, and Europe. The Transatlantic Slave Trade was a part of the Triangle Trade, which was fueled by the wealth and resources that emerged from the Columbian Exchange.

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What were the weaknesses of the Church in the first 20 years of Henry VIII's reign?



There were many, but I can list one.


When Pope Clement VII refused to grant Henry an annulment of his marriage to Katherine of Aragon so that he may marry Anne, Henry officially severed ties with the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was Emperor Constantine historically significant to the Roman Empire?

O A. Democratic rule was established in the capital.
OB. Official policies promoted the spread of Christianity.
O C.
Merchants established contact with Islamic civilization.



B. Official policies promoted the spread of Christianity.

what were the main arguments against the confederation


If you mean Articles of Confederation it was very weak and gave the some states way to much power over the other. I hope that answers your question.

The main arguments against the confederation was that it was time for the colonies to become more independent.

What are the articles of confederation?

The Articles of Confederation comprised the United States’ first constitution, lasting from 1776 until 1789. The Articles established a weak central government and placed most powers in the hands of the states.

Under the Articles, the US economy faltered, since the central government lacked the power to enforce tax laws or regulate commerce. Shays’s Rebellion, an uprising of Revolutionary War veterans in Massachusetts that both the state and national governments struggled to address due to a lack of centralized military power, illustrated the need to create a stronger governing system.

The Articles of Confederation held the new United States together long enough for it to prevail in the Revolutionary War, but once the war was over the league of friends quickly became a league of impoverished quibblers.

Learn more about confederation, here:



match these germanic tribal names. match the items in the left column to the items in the right column. 1. odoacer roman emperor killed by visigoths 2. valens king of the visigoths 3. alaric vandal leader 4. gaiseric made peace with the visigoths 5. huns asiatic tribe 6. theodosius deposed the last roman emperor


A group of people from southern Scandinavia were known as the Visigoths. They arrived in the Roman Empire as the first Germanic  lineage.

Honorius rejected Alaric's requests for hostages, gold, and authorization to relocate to Pannonia despite his best efforts to reach a compromise with him. Early in October, six weeks after Stilicho's passing, Alaric invaded because he was aware of the frailty of Italy's defences. Also, he informed his brother-in-law Ataulf of this information and urged him to join the invasion as soon as he could provide reinforcements. When they made their way south, Alaric and his Visigoths sacked Ariminum and other places.  Alaric's march was unhurried and without opposition.

Learn more about Empire here:



Why did southern senators initially block the organization of the kansas and nebraska territories?a. they thought the railroad that would be built there would only benefit the north. b. they did not think the area’s indigenous peoples should be moved to oklahoma. c. they worried that the area’s indigenous peoples would be relocated to the south. d. they were afraid the new free states would tip the balance in congress against them.


Southern senators initially block the organization of the Kansas and Nebraska territories because - d. they were afraid the new free states would tip the balance in congress against them.

Concerns about representation in Congress were raised by southern senators. Because the Missouri Compromise stipulated that Kansas and Nebraska would become free states if they joined the Union, the Southern states in this case opposed their addition as states. This was bad news for senators from the South since it meant that there would be more members of Congress who might oppose slavery and work to abolish it. The phrase "tipping the balance" refers to this. Southerners were concerned that there would be more Congressmen opposed to slavery who may use their political influence to abolish the practice entirely.

Here is more information about Union: brainly.com/question/12003424


Answer: The answer is D) They were afraid the new free states would tip the balance in congress against them.

Explanation: I did it on Edge and got it right :))

Many Black Americans living in the North:
OA. often faced segregation and discrimination.
B. faced the same hardships as those living in the South.
C. were subject to laws segregating public spaces based on race.
D. didn't face segregation and discrimination.



The answer is C, and what grade are you in?

Final answer:

Black Americans in the Northern US faced segregation and discrimination similar to those in the South. However, while the South had legalized segregation, the North's segregation was often less formal, coined as de facto segregation. It took form in housing, education, and job opportunity disparities.


The experiences of Black Americans living in the North during the 20th century were often marked by segregation and discrimination, similar to their counterparts in the South. However, the forms this took often differed. While the South had legalized segregation known as Jim Crow laws, segregation in the North was often less official and more indirect, taking the form of de facto segregation, which means segregation that exists by practice and informal norms rather than by law.

For instance, Black Americans in the North faced housing discrimination, racial discrimination in educational systems, and disparities in job opportunities. In some Northern cities, segregation of public spaces did exist but it was not enforced by laws as it was in the South.

Learn more about Segregation and Discrimination here:



what is the difference between stalwarts aand half breeds? how did both groups compromise in the 1880 election?


Political patronage was the fundamental difference between the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds. The Half-Breeds, subsequently led by Maine senator James G. Blaine, were in support of civil service reform and a merit system while the Stalwarts were in favour of political machinery and patronage akin to the spoils system.

It is incorrect to refer to the congressional Half-Breeds as the Blaine group in the context of the Hayes era. According to Richard E. Welch Jr.'s writings, Blaine's political party at the time forged an unofficial alliance with the Stalwarts to oppose certain features of the Hayes administration. Despite the group's widespread support for public service reform and its condemnation of corruption, several of its members were reportedly involved in illegal activities.

Learn more about Stalwarts here:



Which statement best describes an example of pollution?
OA. The reservoir that supplies water to a desert town is low, causing
the local government to limit the amount of water people can use.
OB. A fertilizer plant spilled toxic substances into a nearby lake,
causing the number of fish in the lake to decrease.
OC. A housing development cut down all the trees in a forest, causing
mudslides that led to property damage.
D. A city grows quickly along both sides of a major freeway, making it
difficult for citizens to travel between different parts of town.


"A fertilizer plant spilled toxic substances into a nearby lake, causing the number of fish in the lake to decrease."

Christopher columbus believed that by sailing west 2,500 nautical miles he would:________


Answer: he would discover new land


identify the statements that describe the repeal of the stamp act.


The stamp act 1765 that is also known sa the Duties in the American Colonies.

It was the act of the Parliament of Great Britain.

It stated that the printed materials in the Colonies should  be produced  on stamp paper from London. The printed materials also included some legal documents, playing cards, newspapers and magazines or any other type of paper in the Colonies. An it has to be paid in the British currency. Not the colonial paper money. The reason behind the taxes was to pay the British military men in American Colonies, after the war between France and India.

This act was very un popular between the colonists. They considered it as the violation of their Rights as Englishmen.

Learn more about stamp act here



What was one effect of the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century? (1) Democracy became the dominant political system in Latin America. (2) European colonialism replaced the independent governments of Latin America. (3) Many Latin American countries achieved independence.


The one effect of the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century many Latin American countries achieved independence. option (3) is correct.

One of the essential impacts of the Latin American upheavals of the nineteenth century was that numerous Latin American nations effectively battled for and accomplished their freedom from European provincial powers. These transformations were to a great extent filled by a longing for political and financial self-assurance, and they brought about the foundation of free legislatures all through the locale.

While numerous Latin American nations attempted to lay out stable political frameworks in the consequence of their freedom, the effective defeat of provincial rule addressed a significant defining moment in the district's set of experiences.

Learn more about European colonial powers:



What did the Industrial Revolution led to an increase in?




Its start and end are widely debated by scholars, but the period generally spanned from about 1760 to 1840. According to some, this turning point in history is responsible for an increase in population, an increase in the standard of living, and the emergence of the capitalist economy.

That the pretended power of suspending the laws, OI the
According to this
execution of laws ... without consent of Parliament is
excerpt, how did the English Bill of
Rights affect the powers of government?
illegal ....
That levying money for or to the use of the Crown .
O It gave Parliament the authority to overturn some
without grant of Parliament...is illegal .
the king's decisions.
That the raising or keeping a standing army within the
• It restricted Parliament's right to suspend laws.
kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of
Parliament, is against law.
O It gave the king more power over armed forces
during peacetime.
-English Bill of Rights, 1680
• It gave the king increased power to levy taxes.


The English Bill of Rights, enacted in 1680, was a significant document that impacted the powers of the English government and established the rights of English citizens. The excerpt you have provided shows that the Bill of Rights restricted the powers of the Crown and increased the power of Parliament.

What is in the English Bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights declared that the king's power to suspend laws and the execution of laws without the consent of Parliament was illegal. This restricted the king's power and gave Parliament the authority to overturn some of the king's decisions.

The Bill of Rights also stated that levying money for or to the use of the Crown without the grant of Parliament was illegal. This further restricted the king's power and gave Parliament more control over government finances.

The Bill of Rights also declared that raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom during peacetime without the consent of Parliament was against the law. This restriction on the king's power over the armed forces during peacetime was meant to prevent the king from using the army for personal gain.

Learn more about The Bill of Rights at:



explain how events like coxey's army and the pullman strike show growing discontent in the united states in the 1890s


The events like coxey's type of army and the pullman strike which shows growing of discontent in the U.S. in the 1890s by reducing unemployment and implementing a divisive public works program.

This is backed by $500 million in notes that would be considered illegal tender and issued by the Treasury. In the Pullman Strike, Eugene V. Debs organized the American Railway Union, which had 150,000 members. They eventually lost the support of the American Federation of Labor after their walkout destabilized rail operations and turned violent.

Both of these demonstrate the escalating dissatisfaction with the political system and the interactions between employees and management. By detaining the leaders and suppressing the movements, the government puts a stop to both. They believed that this would resolve the matter, but at this point, their mounting rage was simply heightened.

Learn more about pullman strike Visit: brainly.com/question/27463831


how did historical context influence the equal protection clause?


The historical context of the Equal Protection Clause is closely tied to the events leading up to and during the Civil War.

The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was adopted in 1868 following the Civil War. The amendment was designed to protect the rights of newly freed slaves and ensure that they were treated equally under the law.

Prior to the Civil War, the Supreme Court had ruled in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case that African Americans were not considered citizens and therefore did not have the same rights as white citizens. The Equal Protection Clause was specifically designed to overturn this decision and ensure that all citizens, regardless of race, were treated equally under the law.

The historical context of the Civil War and the fight for racial equality played a significant role in the development of the Equal Protection Clause. Without this historical context, the Equal Protection Clause may not have been included in the Fourteenth Amendment or may have been written differently.

If you need to learn more about Equal Protection Clause click here;



Why did China agree to many of Japan's 21 Demands?
OA. China could not fight Japan.
OB. They believed the agreement would lead to a Chinese republic.
OC. China hoped for U.S. support against the Japanese.
OD. China did not intend to keep the agreement.


The reason China agreed to meet many of Japan's 21 Demands was A. China could not fight Japan.

What was Japan's 21 Demands ?

China was in a weak political and economic position at the time, and Japan used this to its advantage by presenting the demands as a way to resolve the ongoing conflict between the two countries.

China felt that it had no choice but to accept the demands, as it could not afford to go to war with Japan and risk further destabilizing its already fragile political situation.

Find out more on Japan's 21 Demands at https://brainly.com/question/12260543


The United States' first move away from isolationism prior to joining the Allies in World War II was

A - a response to attacks on British soil
B - alliances with South American countries
C - movement of troops in the Pacific
D - passage of the Lend-Lease Act


The United States' first move away from isolationism prior to joining the Allies in World War II was a passage of the Lend-Lease Act. Option (D) is correct.

What is Lend-Lease Act?

Between 1941 and 1945, the United States provided food, oil, and other supplies to the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, France, China, and other Allies under the Lend-Lease policy, which was officially known as the Lend-Lease Act and introduced as An Act to Promote the Defence of the United States.

The Neutrality Act of 1939 signaled the start of a congressional shift away from isolationism. Over the following two years, Congress enacted additional measures to combat fascism. The 1941 acceptance of Lend-Lease, which permitted the United States to transfer weaponry to countries crucial to national defence, was one of the most significant.

Therefore, Option (D) is correct.

Learn more about Lend-Lease Act, here;



what factors combined to make the us a mature industrial society after the civil war?


The main factors that combined to make the US a mature industrial society after the Civil War were the development of new technologies, the growth of the railroad network, the expansion of the banking system, the emergence of large-scale manufacturing, the growth of the labor movement, and the influx of immigrants. Additionally, the federal government played an important role in promoting industrialization through the passage of protective tariffs, the establishment of a national currency, and the granting of subsidies to businesses.

There are several factors that make a society into an industrial society after the civil war, namely natural resources, technological innovation, and transportation.

Factor in the Emergence of an Industrial Society

There were several factors that combined to make the US a mature industrial society after the Civil War. These factors include:

1. Natural resources: The US had an abundance of natural resources, such as coal, iron, and timber, which were essential for industrialization.

2. Technological innovation: There were many technological innovations during this time, such as the steam engine, the telegraph, and the sewing machine, which helped to increase productivity and efficiency.

3. Transportation: The expansion of the railroad system allowed for the efficient transportation of goods and raw materials across the country.

4. Capital: The US had a large amount of capital, which allowed for investment in new industries and the expansion of existing ones.

5. Labor: The US had a large and growing population, which provided a ready supply of labor for the growing industries.

All of these factors combined to make the US a mature industrial society after the Civil War.

Learn more about the building blocks of industrial society: https://brainly.com/question/30151130


which was a cause of the french revolution? responses napoleon had invaded france and intended to establish an absolute monarchy. napoleon had invaded france and intended to establish an absolute monarchy. the common people paid all of the taxes but had none of the benefits. the common people paid all of the taxes but had none of the benefits. the french king did not want to support the american revolution. the french king did not want to support the american revolution. the french king had initiated the practice of forced service in the military.


The cause of the French Revolution was that the common people paid all of the taxes but had none of the benefits.

In the years leading up to the revolution, the French monarchy faced a growing financial crisis due in part to the cost of wars, particularly the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution. In an effort to raise revenue, the monarchy imposed heavy taxes on the common people, while exempting the nobility and clergy. This caused widespread resentment and led to calls for reform. When the monarchy failed to address these grievances, the people of France rose up in revolution, leading to the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic. The cause of the French Revolution was that the common people paid all of the taxes but had none of the benefits.

Learn more about American Revolution :



what country did we get the statue of liberty from


Answer: France

Explanation: because it was a gift from France

what role did vladimir lenin play in the russian revolution


Vladimir Lenin's revolution sought social equality, economic prosperity, and a higher standard of living. To promote industrialization, his government nationalised all means of production. The collective phrase for Lenin's policies was "war communism." State distribution of goods and state control over labour both existed.

Bolshevik leader Lenin inspired his followers with the phrase "Bread for the Hungry, Land for the Hungry, and Peace for All". He introduced the "New Economic Policy" (NEP), a partial return to the market and monetary economy. It was a temporary compromise between capitalism and communism. He implemented a form of Marxist socialism known as communism in the former Russian Empire through force. This system sought to impose collective control over the means of production, redistribute wealth, do away with the aristocracy, and establish a more just society for the majority of people.

Learn more about Vladimir Lenin here: brainly.com/question/15537414


pearl lived in the countryside near new york city in 1895. she stayed at home, her husband worked in the city, and her kids attended school. what class did pearl likely belong to?


Pearl provides Hester with a friend to admire while also defining her identity and mission. Hester claims that her Heavenly Father sent Pearl, so choice (C) is the appropriate response.

Hester never wavers in her everlasting love and dedication to Pearl, despite her ongoing effort to comprehend Pearl's disobedience and devilish character. Pearl had a "doubtful charm, imparting a sharp metallic shine to the child's personality," according to Hester. Pearl fights grief with a frenzied vitality that comes naturally to her. Pearl occasionally annoys Hester with her strange behavior, yet she also supports and defends Hester. The young girl, named Pearl because she was "of high price," matures into a stunning, bright, and graceful young woman. She looks wonderful in the complex, beautiful clothes that Hester makes for her. Pearl, however, has a nuanced inner personality.

Learn more about Pearl here:



why did Britain raise taxes in the american colonies?
A. To help pay the expenses of the French and Indian war
B. To give more money to the British soldiers in America
C. To pay the French for damages to their forts during the war
D. To pay the expenses of new British colonies in Africa


Answer: The answer would be A: To help pay the expenses of the French and Indian War


The British felt that the Americans should pay for the war as the British felt that the war had been fought for the benefit of the colonies, which explains why the answer is A.

what was the overall purpose of title 18 of the united states code and the ethics in government act of 1978?


The purpose of Title 18 and the Ethics in Government Act was to promote ethical behavior and accountability among government officials and employees, and to help ensure that public trust and confidence in government institutions is maintained.

As per the question given,  

Title 18 of the United States Code and the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 were both pieces of legislation enacted to establish rules and guidelines for ethical conduct and accountability in government.

Title 18 of the United States Code is the federal criminal code of the United States, and it contains provisions that cover a wide range of criminal offenses, including those related to government officials and employees. The overall purpose of Title 18 is to promote public trust and confidence in government by prohibiting corrupt practices and ensuring the fair and impartial administration of justice.

The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 was enacted in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, which revealed a wide range of abuses of power and ethical lapses by government officials. The purpose of the Ethics in Government Act was to establish stricter rules and guidelines for government officials and employees, particularly with respect to financial disclosure, conflict of interest, and lobbying activities.

The Ethics in Government Act established a framework for financial disclosure by certain government officials, including members of Congress, judges, and executive branch officials. The act also created the Office of Government Ethics, which is responsible for providing guidance and advice on ethics issues to federal employees, conducting investigations and audits, and administering the financial disclosure system.

For such more questions on Title 18



a building that is designed and equipped with machinery for manufacturing textile products.the movement of people from farming (rural) areas to cities (urban) looking for work.an area of higher population densitya building where big machines are used to manufacture or assemble goods.1.Factory2.Mill3.Urban4.Urbanization5.Labor Union


The terms listed refer to the development of industry and urbanization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the growth of factories and mills

Factory: A building that is designed and equipped with machinery for manufacturing textile products, as well as other goods.Mill: A building where big machines are used to manufacture or assemble goods, typically referring to a textile mill in the context of this question.Urban: An area of higher population density that is typically associated with cities, which may offer more job opportunities and access to amenities compared to rural areas.Urbanization: The movement of people from farming (rural) areas to cities (urban) looking for work, often driven by the growth of industry and manufacturing in urban areas.Labor Union: An organization of workers formed to protect and promote their rights and interests in the workplace, often through collective bargaining with employers.

Learn more about Urbanization here https://brainly.com/question/12881754


The territorial changes discussed by Nevins in the expert most directly resulted from?


The territorial changes discussed by Nevins in the expert most directly resulted from the Mexican American war.

What is Mexican American war?

The first American armed battle to be fought mostly abroad was the Mexican-American War (1846–1848).

The expansionist administration of American President James K. Polk, who felt the United States had a "Manifest Destiny" to advance across the continent to the Pacific Ocean, faced out against a militarily unprepared and politically divided Mexico.

The conflict began with a border skirmish near the Rio Grande, and then the United States won several battles.

By the time the fighting was through, Mexico had lost almost one-third of its land, including almost all of what is now California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico.

In 1836, Texas won its freedom from Mexico. The US first turned down the inclusion into the union.

Learn more about Mexican American war, here



What is the relationship between the slave trade and other types of trade?


The transatlantic slave trade generally followed a triangular route: Traders set out from European ports towards Africa's west coast. There they bought people in exchange for goods and loaded them into the ships.

What type of trade was the slave trade?

Slaves were bought in West Africa and transported to the Americas to manufacture cotton and other goods during the so-called triangle trade that followed European annexation of Africa. Following that, the cotton was transported to Europe and turned into textiles. After that, the textiles were sent to Africa in return for more slaves.

The Atlantic slave trade was divided into two systems: the First Atlantic system, which is primarily in the 16th century and has the Spanish and Portuguese trade as its focus, and the Second Atlantic system, which is in the 17th century and on, focuses on the English, Portuguese, French, and Dutch traders.

To learn more on slave trade from the link:



Which best explains why robinson includes this description of black people? to warn the president that black people are tired of waiting and will soon take action to point out that black people have greatly suffered for far too long to assure the president that black people would continue to wait patiently to show that he respects the president and all he has done to help black people


The easiest way to understand why Robinson provides this portrayal of African Americans is with the following quote: "African Americans have suffered much for a very long time."

The majority of African Americans can be categorised as having been transported to America from Africa through slavery. Robinson claims that because they were conquered, African Americans have endured extreme suffering for a very long time. He anticipates the president will act quickly to weaken federal segregation restrictions. Robinson had grown irritated with what he saw as President Eisenhower's lack of strong action to eliminate prejudice. In this letter, he vents his dissatisfaction and implores the president to finally commit the federal government to advancing black civil rights.

Hence, choice B is the right one.

Learn more about Robinson here:



Passed by Congress on______ , the compromise temporarily settled a divisive national debate over whether new states would permit or prohibit slavery.


The statement given can be of either the Missouri Compromise of 1820 or the Compromise of 1850. The date is missing and both these compromises are passed by Congress.

The Missouri Compromise was passed on March 3, 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 was passed on September 9, 1850.

The Missouri Compromise settled the issue of slavery in the southern area and the new territories. They prohibited slavery.

Pro-slavery citizens agreed on the division of united States into three territories. Free state territory, slave state territory and unassigned territory.

The Compromise of 1850 was  it aimed to address the issue of slavery in newly acquired territories from the Mexican-American War. They declared California as a free state. They established popular sovereignty in other territories, and strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act.

After the compromise of 1850, there was huge changes in the division of this territory and effectively ended the division that agreed upon in the Missouri Compromise.

Learn more about Missouri Compromise:



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