What kind of leader did Ashoka become after he converted to Buddhism? What did he do to demonstrate this?



Answer 1

When Ashoka converted to Buddhism, he led his empire with tolerance and peace, putting more of his attention on public works and building the empire up than on expanding it.

Ashoka was the last major emperor of the Indian Mauryan dynasty. During his reign, which lasted between 265 and 238 BCE; also listed as between 273 and 232 BCE) helped spread that religion across India.

After Ashoka's early conquest of Kalinga, which was both successful and devastating, he converted to Buddhism and was inspired by its dharma doctrine. After that, he led his empire with tolerance and peace, putting the emphasis on public works and strengthening the empire rather than expanding it.

Learn more about Ashoka conversion:



Related Questions

Which limit on government prevents the government from taking actions that are unconstitutional?
Separation of power
Rule of law
Consent of the governed


Answer: I would say the constitution


What did Muhammad say that every Muslim should to do in his lifetime, if he is able?
A) join a jihad, or holy war
B)meet a caliph in person
C)memorize the Quran, or Koran
D) complete the hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca


Muhammad says that every Muslim should do in his lifetime if he is able to complete the hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca. Thus the correct option is D.

What is a Muslim?

Muslims have referred to a community or group of people who believed in a single god named Allah and seek prayers and blessings in order to receive a good place after death.

The religious community believes in helping needy poeple in order to help them to manage their survival. At least once during their lifetime, every Muslim who is physically capable must travel to Mecca and the other holy sites.

Many people found it appealing and hurried to hear that life should be conducted in total obedience to Allah's will. Therefore, option  D is appropriate.

Learn more about  Muhammad, here:



what is the term that means a course of action settled upon by a government





In most states, who draws congressional district lines?



In most states, the state legislature has primary control of the redistricting process, both for state legislative districts and for congressional districts. 34 state legislatures have primary control of their own district lines, and 39 legislatures have primary control over the congressional lines in their state (including the six states that have just one congressional district).


What are the beliefs of the Ga Adangbe



The existence of spirits


The Ga believe in the existence of spirits, some of which can be good and other bad; they believe in the existence of a supreme spirit that created the world and this supreme being has both male and female properties.

How did Marcus Garvey's views on civil rights and equality differ from those of other Black leaders of his era?
• A. He supported an all-Black state as a means for prosperity for
Black Americans.
• B. He didn't believe that desegregation was necessary for Black
Americans to prosper.
• C. He believed that Black Americans needed to acclimate to white culture to survive.
• D. He didn't support entrepreneurship as a chief means of achieving equality for Black Americans.




The correct answer is: A. He supported an all-Black state as a means for prosperity for Black Americans.

Marcus Garvey's views on civil rights and equality differed from those of other Black leaders of his era in that he believed that Black Americans needed to establish their own separate state in order to achieve equality and prosperity. Garvey believed that Black people needed to separate themselves from white society in order to escape the oppression and discrimination that they faced. He advocated for the establishment of a Black state, either in Africa or in the Americas, where Black people could govern themselves and build their own economies.

This view was in contrast to other Black leaders of the time, such as W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington, who believed in integrating into white society and working to end segregation from within. Garvey's ideas were also different from those of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, which focused on achieving desegregation and ending discrimination through legal and political means.

Garvey's views were controversial, and he faced opposition from both white and Black leaders. However, he remains an important figure in Black history and is remembered for his contributions to the development of Black nationalism and the struggle for Black rights and equality.

The English Civil War was significant in American history because


Answer: Besides the political consequence, it had a great effect on the development of the military and the economy

It was mainly because during it the colonies sided with the Monarchy which allowed them blockade certain parts.

Which of the following finally ended the Great Depression?

The Watergate Scandal
The Third New Deal
A tremendous increase in imports to Germany, Italy, and Japan after World War I
Massive government spending associated with World War II


The event that finally ended the Great Depression was Massive government spending associated with World War II. The Option D is correct.

When did the great depression end?

The Great Depression was caused by an unlucky confluence of factors, including a vacillating Federal Reserve, protectionist tariffs, and inconsistently applied government interventionist efforts. A change in any of these factors could have shortened or even avoided this period.

The Great Depression came to an end in 1941. This occurred around the time the United States entered World War II. Most economists consider this to be the end date because it coincided with a drop in unemployment and an increase in GDP.

Read more about great depression



ASSIGNMENT: Effects of WWII on Hawaii

For this assignment, please choose 4 effects that directly impacted Hawaii either during WWII, after WWII, or both. For EACH effect, you need to answer the following questions:

1. How did this effect directly impact Hawaii either during or after WWII?
2. Did this effect have a positive or negative impact on the islands?
3. Can the impact of this effect still be felt in Hawaii today?

*In order to complete this assignment clearly, I ask that you first identify the effect as either a header or title and then present your responses to each of the questions below it. For example...

EFFECT #1: Identify your effect here.
1. Write your response to Question 1 here.
2. Write your response to Question 2 here.
3. Write your response to Question 3 here.

Follow the same pattern above for the remaining 3 effects to identify as shown below...



You could also identify the effect and then write a brief paragraph that summarizes your responses to questions 1-3.


From 1941 through 1945 and afterwards, the US military altered Hawaii's culture and geography. The Marines, Navy, and Army converted the valuable sugar plantations into training and housing complexes, expanded roads and highways, and destroyed the smaller offshore islands.

What happened to the Japanese people that lived in Hawaii during WWII?

Hawai'i's Japanese American citizenry and immigrant population constituted more than one-third of the territory's total population, and their work was required to support the islands' economy and war effort. By the conclusion of the war, approximately 2,000 Hawaiians of Japanese descent had been incarcerated. Hawaii lost its independence, reluctantly became a US territory, gained a greater immigrant population than native Hawaiians, and lost much of its culture. In contrast, the United States gained a military superiority, economic wealth, and the first territory outside of its borders.

Learn more about territory from here;



Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the impact that the Hundred Years' War had on Europe?
A. Serfs were freed throughout Europe
B. Eliminated the need of knights to be loyal to lords
C. Countries established their own professional armies
D. Castles became less important


The correct answer is A. Serfs were not freed throughout Europe. The Hundred Years' War did lead to countries establishing their own professional armies, as well as knights being less loyal to their lords, and castles becoming less important. However, serfs were not generally freed throughout Europe as a result of the war.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the mobility of the social classes of the middle ages?
A. Lords could become nobles
B. The class one was born into was where they remained
C. Serfs had the ability to become knights
D. Lords had the potential to inherit the throne


The statements that is about the mobility of the social classes of the middle ages is B. The class one was born into was where they remained.

What were the Middle Ages' social classes?

There were three primary social classes at the height of the feudal era: the clergy, which consisted of church officials, the nobles, who were wealthy, and the peasants, who were poor farmers and laborers. But as towns grew, a fourth class emerged: the burgesses, or residents.

These organizations specialized in jobs requiring particular abilities and training, frequently acquired at medieval colleges. They included lesser clergy as well as businesspeople, physicians, and those with advanced degrees.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about social classes at:



What was the form of government in Sparta?

a. Monarchy

b. Oligarchy

c. Democracy

d. Dictatorship







Answer:   Oligarchy



Is judiciary a biblical principle?


Yes, judiciary a biblical principle, in equity and fairness

What is Biblical principles?

Biblical principles often emphasize justice, fairness, and righteousness, and the concept of a judiciary can be seen as being in line with these values.

However, the Bible does not specifically mention the institution of a judiciary as we understand it today.

The Bible does refer to leaders and judges in ancient Israel who were responsible for dispensing justice and settling disputes, and these passages can be seen as providing a foundation for the idea of a judiciary. However, the exact form and function of a judiciary in a modern society would likely go beyond what is specifically described in the Bible.

Learn more about Judiciary at:



How did british policy in india fulfill the economic argument for establishing colonies? provide two examples.


The British policy in India satisfies the economic justification for the establishment of colonies by using India as a market for their products and utilizing the abundant resources.

Capitalism, which requires a market to sell the massive amounts of products produced in order to maximize profit, is to blame for the emergence of colonialism as a notion. The monopoly on the market and the direct control over raw materials, as stated in the aforementioned phrase, can be considered the economic goals of colonialism.

The monopoly over the Indian market produced demand for Lancashire mills as well as the desire for raw commodities like cotton, coal, and other materials that can be obtained from India, making India's huge land and massive population suitable for this goal. As a result, British policies in India support the justification for setting up colonies based on economic theory.

To know more about colonialism



In what three ways did the Little Rock Nine change the United States?



They advanced the civil rights movement, helped desegrated schools, and changed Americans' views on segregation. The other two answers are unrelated to the event.

How did rulers determine who was in power in 1820?


The period between approximately 1820 and 1914, corresponding roughly but not exactly to the period of Queen Victoria’s reign (1837–1901) and characterized by a class-based society.

What is class-based society?

The most prevalent social classes are upper, medium, and lower classes. A social class is a collection of individuals organised into a set of hierarchical social categories. For instance, a person's education, wealth, employment, income, and membership in a certain subculture or social network may all affect their social class.

Sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, and social historians all analyse the concept of "class" in their research. There is no widespread agreement on a definition of "class," and the term has a diverse range of occasionally competing connotations. Some claim that because of social mobility, class distinctions are meaningless. The phrase "social class" is frequently used interchangeably with "socio-economic class," which is defined as "individuals sharing the same social, economic, cultural, political, or educational standing."

To learn more about class-based society



Do you think each house being able to write its own rules is fair to you as a citizen? Do the rules help bond representatives with their constituents or do they create split loyalties?


All measures reported from the policy and fiscal committees are examined by the House Rules Committee, which also decides whether and when to schedule their discussion on the House floor.

Who has the authority to draft House rules?

The Constitution gives Congress, one of the three equal branches of government, a number of important functions. The only branch of the government with the authority to enact new laws or amend existing ones is Congress, which has complete legislative authority.

Who sets the guidelines and practices for each House?

374 U.S. 109 v. United States (1963). Every Congress begins with the House adopting the rules that will govern how it will operate during its sessions. In doing so, the House typically adopts the rules in effect from the previous Congress plus any modifications it deems necessary.

To learn more about House Rules Committee here:



What does smith see as the role of government in the free trade of goods and services






We know Adam Smith today as the father of laissez faire ("to leave alone") economics. This is the idea that government should leave the economy alone and not interfere with the "natural course" of free markets and free trade.

What is meant by the “winner-takes-it all” rule?


The "winner-takes-it-all" rule is a concept that refers to a situation in which the winner of a competition or contest receives the entire prize or reward, while the losers receive nothing.

What is this rule “winner-takes-it all” mean by?

This rule is often used in contexts where there is a limited number of prizes or rewards available, such as in sporting events, talent competitions, or political elections.

The winner-takes-it-all rule means that the person or team that performs the best or gets the most votes or points is the sole winner, and there is no reward or recognition given to the runners-up. This can create a situation where there is intense competition and pressure to perform at the highest level, as the stakes are very high and there is no consolation prize for second place.

The winner-takes-it-all rule can have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, it can motivate individuals or teams to work harder and strive for excellence in their performance. On the other hand, it can also lead to a "do-or-die" mentality that can be stressful and demotivating for those who do not succeed. Additionally, it can lead to a concentration of resources and attention on the few winners, while the rest are largely ignored or forgotten.

To know more about Elections, check out:



Imperialism has been around since ancient times and still occurs today. For this discussion post you will need to write a constructive paragraph (at least 5 sentences) about one of the countries listed below. You will need to use the links provided to learn about imperialism through primary sources and analyze those documents.

Choose one country below and read the primary source by clicking on the link. Then write a constructive paragraph of at least 5 sentences that includes the following:

1.) Briefly summarize the primary source you read.

2.) What were the political, social, and economic effects of imperialism on the country you chose?

3.) Does the type of imperialism you read about still exist today? Where is it present? (You may need to conduct outside research to answer this question)

4.) How has this type of imperialism shaped the world we live in? Does it directly or indirectly affect us today?







Middle East







I have chosen to write about India and its experience with British imperialism. The primary source I read is an excerpt from "The British Rule in India" by Sir William Hunter, written in 1871. The author provides an overview of the British rule in India and its effects on the country.

The political effects of British imperialism in India included the establishment of a British-controlled government and the loss of sovereignty for India. The social effects included cultural and religious suppression, as well as the exploitation of the Indian people and resources. The economic effects were significant, as the British took control of India's resources and wealth, leading to widespread poverty and economic hardship for the Indian people.

Although British rule in India officially ended in 1947, the effects of imperialism can still be seen in India today. For example, the legacy of colonial policies and the exploitation of resources have contributed to continued economic disparity and poverty in some parts of the country.

Imperialism has had a profound impact on the world we live in today, shaping the global power dynamic and leading to the unequal distribution of resources and wealth. The British imperialism in India directly affects the country and its people, but it also has wider indirect effects, such as the lasting impact on the global economy and the distribution of wealth.

Which of the following is the most accurate characteristic of Indus Valley civilizations based on archaeological records?
A. Peaceful
B. Small
C. Aggressive


Peaceful is the most accurate characteristic of Indus Valley civilizations based on archaeological records. Option A

The most accurate characteristic of Indus Valley civilizations based on archaeological records

The most accurate characteristic of the Indus Valley Civilization, based on archaeological records, is "Peaceful."

The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the world's earliest urban civilizations, with a sophisticated and technologically advanced society.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the Indus Valley people were peaceful, with a well-planned urban system, and a complex social and economic structure. The cities had a sophisticated drainage system, a standardized system of weights and measures, and evidence of trade with other ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia.

While there is some evidence of fortifications in some Indus Valley cities, it is not clear if these were built for defensive purposes or for controlling trade and commerce. Overall, the evidence suggests that the Indus Valley Civilization was characterized by a peaceful, urban society, rather than an aggressive one.

Learn more about Indus Valley civilizations at: https://brainly.com/question/2263593


Match the words below with their description in the sentences below. architecture; miniature paintings; fashions; literature; education; manners and courtesy; administration; calligraphy; weaponry a).___________: The mausoleums, mosques, gardens and forts testify to theartistic beauty and grace cultivated by Mughal royalty.​


a) Architecture: The mausoleums, mosques, gardens and forts testify to the artistic beauty and grace cultivated by Mughal royalty.

who the mistress of king louis xv of france who was influential not only in politics but also especially in the fine and decorative arts was?


Madame Pompadour was the mistress of king louis xv of france who was influential not only in politics but also especially in the fine and decorative arts.

Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, marquise de Pompadour, also known as Madame de Pompadour and Jeanne-Antoinette Le Normant d'Étioles (from 1745), was an influential mistress of the French king Louis XV and a well-known patron of the arts and literature. She was born on December 29, 1721, in Paris, France, and died on April 15, 1764, in Versailles. When Mademoiselle Poisson reached marriageable age, she could function in any society and had developed relationships with many eminent men, including Voltaire. The rising young man Charles-Guillaume Le Normant d'Étioles, who was his own nephew and had a daughter named Alexandrine, was matched for her by Le Normant de Tournehem. Madame d'Étioles rose to prominence in Parisian society and won the king's admiration.

Learn more about Versailles here:



46. Besides the Appian Way, what other feat of architecture and engineering did Appius Claudius Caecus initiate?
A.)the Roman baths
B.)the Colosseum
C.) the first aqueduct
D.)the first amphitheater


Appius Claudius also initiated the first aqueduct

so the answer is:

C.)the first aqueduct

a summary on state and local wage increase


Inflation is brought on by wage increases since doing business becomes more expensive as wages rise. Companies must raise their prices for their products and services to offset the cost increase and keep their profitability at the same level.

What is the purpose of a wage increase?

A pay raise is a method to express gratitude to your staff and recognize their achievements. Salary increases for top performers encourage them to stick with the company and further their careers.

According to some economists, raising the minimum wage promotes consumer spending, lifts families out of poverty, and increases tax revenue while lowering the need for tax-funded social services. Other economists highlight the drawbacks of raising the minimum wage, such as higher unemployment and inflation.

Thus, Inflation is brought on by wage increases since doing business becomes more expensive as wages rise.

For more information about purpose of a wage increase, click here:



What usually happens in a conflict of interest


A conflict of interest at work arises when a situation that benefits an employee also affects your company.

What is the meaning of Company?

A group of people can get together to form a corporation, which is a legal body used to conduct and manage commercial or industrial business operations. The business lines of an organization rely on its structure, which can be a corporation, a partnership, or even a sole proprietorship.

A corporate structure that is distinct from its owners legally is a company. Due to additional reporting requirements as well as higher-level legal obligations, the business structure is more complex and has greater setup and administrative costs.

Learn more about the Company here:



which of the following arguments did thomas paine include i common sense


The common-sense argument is that monarchies are a hazardous type of administration.

Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense, passionately backed the colonists in their dispute with the king.

Paine calls for the liberation of the American colonies from the control of the British king in Thomas's "Common Sense" political system.

The work would no longer be significant in the American resistance against British power. Thomas Paine urged residents of the Thirteen Colonies to split from Great Britain in 1775-1776 in his 47-page leaflet Common Sense.

In his work, Paine presents a case for the 13 colonies and their right to be independent of British sovereignty. He has stated that monarchs in general, and all monarchies, are potentially harmful systems of authority or government.

How did Common Sense affect the colonists?

- the concept of independence

- that they owed nothing to the United Kingdom

What were Thomas Paine's reasons for independence?

-that the colonists owed nothing to Great Britain

-that the English accomplished nothing beneficial for the colonists

To learn more:


you will write 5 or more sentences answering these questions...

How does the soil and access to water affect the population of Texas?
What is the cause of this?
What could happen if Texas experiences a major drought?
What could happen if Texas experiences major flooding?

When you are done writing your 5 or more sentences, please reply/comment on another students' work.
Do you agree/disagree with their observations? WHY?



Soil and water are an essential without soil you wouldn't be able to live and grow livestock and without livestock we wouldn't be able to get cows to make beef, and other foods. and without water the animals wont survive the grass wont survive the plant wont survive and we wont be able to survive so we can get more livestock. If Texas experienced a major drought all the plant, livestock, grass, and we would die. And the ground would be so hard we wouldn't be able to dig so we could find some water underground. And if we experienced a major flooding the ground would be really soft and trees might be down blocking the road. Buildings might be damaged to where it's hard to get in the now. Or we might not be able to even get out of the buildings.

ASSIGNMENT: Effects of WWII on Hawaii

For this assignment, please choose 4 effects that directly impacted Hawaii either during WWII, after WWII, or both. For EACH effect, you need to answer the following questions:

1. How did this effect directly impact Hawaii either during or after WWII?
2. Did this effect have a positive or negative impact on the islands?
3. Can the impact of this effect still be felt in Hawaii today?

*In order to complete this assignment clearly, I ask that you first identify the effect as either a header or title and then present your responses to each of the questions below it. For example...

EFFECT #1: Identify your effect here.

1. Write your response to Question 1 here.

2. Write your response to Question 2 here.

3. Write your response to Question 3 here.

Follow the same pattern above for the remaining 3 effects to identify as shown below...













You could also identify the effect and then write a brief paragraph that summarizes your responses to questions 1-3.


Four effects that directly impacted Hawaii either during WWII, after WWII, or both are given below:

What are these effects?

Increase in Military Presence: During WWII, Hawaii became a major military hub as the U.S. military used the islands as a strategic location for defense and as a staging area for the Pacific theater of war.

Tourism Boom: After the war, Hawaii's tourism industry boomed, as military personnel who had been stationed there during the war returned with their families and friends, and word of the state's beauty and beaches spread. This led to rapid development of the tourist industry and significant growth in the state's economy.

Cultural Fusion: The military presence in Hawaii during and after WWII brought together people from diverse cultural backgrounds, leading to a fusion of different cultures and customs. This has had a lasting impact on Hawaiian society and has helped to shape the state's unique cultural identity.

Environmental Changes: The rapid growth of the tourism industry and military presence in Hawaii had significant environmental impacts, including the construction of new infrastructure, increased pollution, and loss of natural habitats. These changes have had lasting impacts on the state's ecosystems and wildlife, and continue to be a concern for conservation efforts in Hawaii.

Read more about WWII here:



Which of these events happened when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb?
OA The formation of the Iron Curtain was announced.
OB. The Soviets honored their promise to declare war on Japan.
OC. The United States established a containment policy.
O D. Japan surrendered.


The Soviets honored their promise to declare war on Japan of these events happened when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb. The correct option is B.

Why did the US drop the first atomic bomb?

The US wanted to force the Japanese to surrender quickly in order to reduce the number of American casualties. Furthermore, the Soviet Union secretly agreed to enter the war against Japan at the Yalta Summit in February 1945.

The events occurred when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb and the Soviets kept their promise to declare war on Japan. The first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan in 1945 in Hiroshima, and the second bomb was dropped three days later.

Learn more about The USA and Japan here:



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