What is true about research on the relationship of virtuous leadership to organizational and individual employee performance?


Answer 1

B-Recent research in this area has shown a positive relationship between these variables.

Virtuous LeadershipTM may be defined as the practice of reaching greatness through bringing out the greatest in others. It is insufficient to be just decent. Today's world is in critical need of decent people who can inspire others to greatness via their dynamic character strength.The seven qualities that make up The Virtuous Leadership Framework are: Courage, Integrity, Humility, Compassion, Passion, Wisdom, and Humor.Irresponsible leaders foster trust. Lack of sleep, competing priorities, or counterfactual reasoning can all cause attention deficiency. Employees that are successful report reduced stress, more devotion to the business, and higher job satisfaction.

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Related Questions

In ________, the state has the broad powers to decide what goods and services are produced and in what quantities.


The state has extensive authority to determine what goods and services are produced and in what quantities under centrally planned socialism.

A Centrally Planned Economy: What Is It?

A centrally planned economy, commonly referred to as a command economy, is a form of capitalism where decisions about the production and distribution of goods are made by the government. Market economies, where these decisions are the consequence of hundreds of choices made by producers and consumers, are different from centrally planned economies.

Although individual businesses may occasionally be brought into economic planning, state-owned corporations produce goods and services in planned economies frequently. In most cases, a centralized bureaucracy determines the costs, salaries, and production schedules.

to know more about Centrally Planned Economy



The policies, people, and decision rules that affect the culture and operation of the business are considered:_____.


The policies, people, and decision rules that affect the culture and operation of the business are considered Infrastructural elements


Infrastructure is the collection of facilities and systems that serve a country, city, or other geographic area, and includes the services and facilities required for the economy, households, and businesses to function.  Public and private physical structures include, but are not limited to, roads, railroads, bridges, tunnels, water supplies, sewage systems, electrical grids, and telecommunications (including Internet connectivity and broadband access).  Infrastructure is typically understood to be "the physical elements of interconnected systems that deliver commodities and services necessary to enable, sustain, or improve society's living conditions" and the environment.

To learn more about Infrastructure



Variable costs blank______.


Variable costs are also known as mixed costs. An expense for the company that varies according to how much is produced or sold is called a variable cost.

Describe what you mean by variable cost.

An expense for the company that varies according to how much is produced or sold is called a variable cost. Variable costs rise or fall in relation to a company's output or sales volume. They expand in accordance with production and contract in accordance with production.

Variable costs include things like raw materials, piece-rate labor, production supplies, commissions, shipping costs, packing costs, and credit card fees.

Costs or expenses that are fixed do not alter as a result of shifts in production or sales volume. Just a few examples of the expenses they pay include rent, insurance, dues and subscriptions, equipment leases, loan payments, depreciation, management salaries, and advertising.

To know more about variable costs, visit: https://brainly.com/question/28013522


Budgeting, analysis of investment proposals, and provision of funds are activities associated with the _______ function.


Budgeting, analysis of investment proposals, and provision of funds are activities associated with the finance function.

The activity of controlling and planning financial resources is known as financial function. It is a part of  business in which obtaining and using the money required for effective operations is required.

Below are the objectives of finance functions.

Investment decisions- It include employing revenues received from the sale of assets that become less profitable and productive in addition to allocating resources to long-term assets.Financial decision - Many different methods and routes can be used to obtain funds. In general, a proper ratio of equity to debt must be maintained. A company’s capital structure is defined as its ratio of equity to debt.Dividend decision - A financial manager's primary responsibility in a profitable situation is to choose whether to distribute all earnings to shareholders or keep all profits for themselves. This all comes under dividend decision. Liquidity decision - It's crucial to put enough money into current assets in order to maintain the trade-off between profitability and liquidity.

To learn more about finance function, refer this link



Which folder will automatically upload a file saved in it to your onedrive account?


Desktop folder will automatically upload a file saved in it to your OneDrive account.

What is a desktop computer?

Anyone with a Microsoft account has access to OneDrive, a web-based storage facility from Microsoft, which offers a sizable amount of space without cost. Consider it a benefit-added sharing cloud-based hard drive. One of the main benefits is that OneDrive occasionally connects with Windows 10.

OneDrive's folder sync happens quite quickly, so what you see in File Explorer is also what is kept in the cloud. Some OneDrive users save every web-based file and folder they have access to on their computers. Some OneDrive users, however, have only downloaded a fraction of their OneDrive folders to their laptops. Only this subset of folders is visible to users in File Explorer, hiding all other cloud-based folders.

To know more about OneDrive visit:



This federal agency presided over all elements of war production from the distribution of raw materials to the prices of manufactured goods.


This federal agency oversaw all aspects of military manufacturing, including the supply of raw materials and the costs of finished items are known as War Industries Board

Federal agencies are specialized government entities created for a particular function, such as resource management, industry financial regulation, or matters of national security.

Between July 1917 and December 1918, the War Industries Board (WIB) was in place to organize and direct American manufacturing by establishing priorities, determining prices, and standardizing goods to aid the country's and its allies' military endeavors. US government organization called the War Industries Board (WIB) was basically established to oversee the procurement of military goods.

To learn more about federal agency



Jenna changes the amount of butter she purchases depending on whether it costs $3, $4, or $6 a pound. in order to derive her demand curve for butter, what other information do we need?


She bought butter at various price ranges.

The demand curve shows how much a person decides to buy at different prices. To plot the curve, we need to know how much butter Jenna buys when it costs $3, $4, and $6.

What is Demand Curve

A demand curve in economics is a graph that shows the relationship between the cost of a particular good (y-axis) and the amount of that good  desired at that cost (x-axis). You can use the demand curve to analyze the relationship between price and quantity for a specific consumer (single demand curve) and  all consumers in a specific market (market demand curve). The demand curve is usually assumed to be sloping as shown in the graph below. This is due to the law of demand, in most cases the higher the price, the lower the demand. However, in certain circumstances this rule does not apply. Veblen goods, Giffen goods and asset bubbles are  examples of this kind of phenomenon. Buyers are attracted to goods when the price increases.

To learn more about Demand Curve

Ricardo works in marketing for a soft drink company. His new outdoor advertising plan involves placing billboards for children near schools and playgrounds. Ricardo's goal is to increase the consumption of soft drinks by children ages 5-11. He knows that the drinks are not necessarily healthy for young children, but they can increase sales if they target this demographic.
Is Ricardo's marketing strategy ethical? (Ethical Principles: Integrity, Accountability, Transparency)
Why or Why Not


The marketing strategy that Ricardo has here is not one that can be regarded as an ethical one.

What is an ethical strategy?

This is the term that is sued to refer to the strategy that is used to do business that would have to do with all of the strategies that has to do with doing things in the right ways while considering morality and social responsibility.

The reason why we can say that there is no ethical responsibility here is the fact that Ricardo is aware of what he is doing and the fact that it may have an adverse effect on people but he is still doing it because he wants to be able to drive his sales up.

Hence we can say that The marketing strategy that Ricardo has here is not one that can be regarded as an ethical one.

Read more on ethical responsibility here:



enhancing qualitative characteristics of accounting information include each of the following except:


Enhancing qualitative characteristics of accounting information include each of the following except neutrality.

Accounting information demonstrates the financial statements which are created by the procedures of bookkeeping and accounting. These include profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.  This information traces and records all the accounting activity of the firm through the utilization of information technology systems and resources.

The main principle of accounting information is that the company has an infinite life. This information mostly contains business entities' transactions. It helps people make business and financial decisions. The four branches of accounting information are corporate, public, government, and forensic. These act as great guides for the decision-makers in the organization.

Learn more about accounting information:



The rate at which employees leave an organization is? a. turnover b. conformance c. workforce planning d. staffing


Turnover is the rate at which employees leave an organization. Others are not correct because:

b. Conformance is the conformity of product performance and quality to the desired standard.c. Workforce planning is a workforce recruitment planning method for identifying the company's future needs.d. Staffing is one of the management functions that carry out the withdrawal, selection, development, and use of Human Resources (HR) for the achievement of organizational goals effectively and efficiently.

In general, employee turnover is an employee turnover activity of a company that is caused by the determinants of the occurrence of the employee's displacement either voluntarily or not. While the employee turnover rate or labor turnover rate is the tendency or intensity of a company experiencing employee turnover or turnover.


The stock market is approaching its year-to-date high value, so should houston horticulture company consider selling new stock or new bonds to pay for its planned market expansion?


The stock market is approaching its year-to-date high value, so Houston Horticulture company should consider the capital structure for selling new stock or new bonds to pay for its planned market expansion.

What characteristics does capital structure have?

The capital structure of a firm refers to the precise debt-to-equity ratio used to finance its assets and operations. Equity is a more expensive, long-term form of investment with greater financial flexibility from a business's perspective.

Following are some of the key characteristics of a solid capital structure:

a) Maximum Return

b) Less Risky

c) Flexibility

d) Safety

e) Capacity

f) Economy

g) Control.

How is capital structure impacted?

The main variables that need to be looked at when determining capital structure decisions are industry leverage, profitability, business size, growth prospects, asset tangibility, anticipated inflation, and stock market return.

To know more about the debt-to-equity ratio, visit:



A market formed when member countries of a customs union remove all barriers to allow the movement of capital and labor within the customs unions is known as:_________


A common market is created when all restrictions on the movement of people, goods, and services inside a customs unions are removed by its member countries.

A common market is a set of states that have entered into a legal agreement and adopted a single external tariff. In a common market, countries also allow free trade and the movement of people, capital, and labor within the group. The trade agreement seeks to improve the economic standing of all market participants. The most well-known example of a common market is the European Common Market, which aims to ensure the free movement of goods, capital, services, and labor inside the European Union.

To learn more about Common Market here



The economic value of resources not utilized to produce products or provide services is known as:_________


The correct answer is wealth.

Wealth is the accumulation of valuable economic resources, which may be measured in terms of tangible goods or monetary value.

What is the Wealth Effect?

According to the wealth effect, a behavioral economic hypothesis, people spend more money as the value of their possessions increases. Consumers are supposed to feel more financially secure and wealthy as the value of their houses or investment portfolios rises.

What significance does riches have?

Wealth gives you the confidence that you won't have to put in countless hours of work in order to live a happy, healthy, and successful life, in addition to giving you access to the world's boundless delights. It allows you to have time and financial flexibility.

To know more about Economic resources, visit: https://brainly.com/question/1503203


Abc company reported total revenues of $100,000, a gross profit of $40,000, and operating expenses of $20,000. what are abc company's common-size operating expenses?


The company's common size operating expenses are 20% of the total revenue of the company .

Operational Income

Both formulas have advantages and disadvantages. Below is the first formula:

Operating Income Plus Depreciation and Amortization = EBITDA

Operating income is the company's profit following the deduction of operating expenses, or the costs associated with conducting regular operations. By removing interest and taxes, operating income aids investors in separating the earnings for the company's operating performance. As the name implies, operating income shows the revenue generated by a company's operations.

Sales less running costs like labor and the cost of products sold are frequently used to determine operating income (COGS). Only D&A needs to be included in order to calculate EBITDA because operating income has already been calculated before interest and taxes are subtracted.

To know more about ' Depreciation ' , visit: https://brainly.com/question/25806993


Who are the potential customers? what do they buy? where do they buy? these are _______ factors affecting channel choice. group of answer choices product market product stage timing


Who are the potential customers? what do they buy? where do they buy? these are  market factors affecting channel choice. group of answer choices product market product stage timing

What is Market Factor?

In economics, a factor market is a place where the raw materials for manufacturing are bought and sold. In exchange for factor payments at factor prices, companies buy productive resources. The derived demand principle governs how product and factor markets interact. A firm's factors of production are obtained from its economic activities of supplying goods or services to another market. Derived demand is the term used to describe the relationship between product and factor markets.

To learn more about Market Factor



The price at which stock is sold depends on a variety of factors such as the ______.


It depends on the following:

1. the company's financial standing, track record of earnings, and dividend payouts

2. Investor projections for the probable earnings of the company

3. The state of the economy and overall business circumstances

What are stocks?

A security that denotes ownership of a portion of the issuing company is referred to as stock, also known as equity. Shares, which are units of stock, entitle their owners to a percentage of the company's assets and income based on how many shares they possess.

The cornerstone of many individual investors' portfolios, stocks are mostly bought and sold on stock exchanges. Government rules aimed at shielding investors from dishonest tactics must be followed when trading stocks.

Corporations issue stock to obtain money to run their businesses, and a shareholder who owns stock may be entitled to a portion of the company's assets and earnings.

Depending on how many shares an investor owns in relation to the total number of shares outstanding, the investor is regarded as an owner of the issuing firm. One individual would hold and be entitled to 10% of the assets and profits of the company if there are 1,000 shares of stock outstanding and they each have 100 shares.

Thus, the Prices of stocks keep on fluctuating and depend upon a number of factors.

For more information on Stocks, refer to the given link:



Both bananas and apples cost $1/each. paul is deciding how many apples and bananas to purchase for $100. after careful deliberation, he decides to buy 100 apples and 0 bananas. this is an example of:_____.


This is an example of Corner Solution.

A corner solution is a unique answer to the agent maximisation problem when one of the inputs in the maximised function has a quantity of zero. In layman's words, a corner solution occurs when the chooser is unable or unwilling to make a trade-off between several options. In consumer theory, what do we mean by "corner solutions"?A corner solution is one in which none of the goods are present in the ideal bundle. 49 / 70. Consumer choice restrictions. The indifference curve is to the budget constraint at the best bundle if there is an inside solution.

To learn more about Corner Solutions, Click the links.



When an employee works in year 1 but is paid in year 2, the company must recognize an expense in year(s) _____


When an employee works in year 1 but is paid in year 2, the company must recognize an expense in year(s):

There is no income statement affect in Year 2There is no cash flow affect in Year 1both an expense and liability are recorded in Year 1

What is income statement?

A company's financial performance over a certain accounting period is reported using three primary financial statements: the balance sheet, the statement of cash flows, and the income statement.

The income statement, which is often referred to as the profit and loss statement (P&L) or the statement of revenue and expense, is primarily concerned with the company's revenue and expenses for a specific time period.

Knowing how to study an income statement is the greatest approach to evaluate a firm and determine whether you should invest.

Learn more about income statement



Why does modigliani and miller's proposition i have to be corrected when there are corporate taxes?


Because levered firms pay fewer taxes than identical unlevered firms, MM Proposition I does not hold in the presence of corporate taxation.

What is MM Proposition I with corporate taxes?Two propositions are mentioned in Miller and Modigliani's theory. According to Proposition I, the market value of any firm is independent of the amount of debt or equity in its capital structure. According to Proposition II, the cost of equity is directly related and incremental to the percentage of debt in the capital structure. Because levered firms pay fewer taxes than identical unlevered firms, MM Proposition I does not hold in the presence of corporate taxation. The first proposition asserts that tax benefits resulting from tax-deductible interest payments increase the value of a leveraged company over the value of an unlevered company. The theorem's main premise is that income interest payment have a positive impact on a company's cash flows.

Therefore, as levered firms pay fewer taxes than identical unlevered firms, MM Proposition I does not hold in the presence of corporate taxation.

Know more about MM Proposition I with corporate taxes here:



A successful manager is most likely to have:________
a. low general self-efficacy.
b. an internal locus of control.
c. low self-monitoring.
d. a reactive personality


Option [D] is the correct answer.

A successful manager is most likely to have a reactive personality. In addition to leading teams and fostering their growth, excellent managers may simultaneously exercise complete control over their company's operations and results.

Difference between a Manager and a Leader

A manager is not the same thing as a leader. A leader prioritizes the development and well-being of your team members while a manager may be responsible for work delegation and timekeeping. The best managers are adept at performing both tasks and can effectively leverage each employee's abilities to create a successful company. Deborah Sweeney, vice president and general manager of business acquisitions at Deluxe Corp., asserts that effective managers accomplish this by utilizing their emotional intelligence and soft skills.

To know more about ' Good Managerial Skills' , visit:https://brainly.com/question/24215941


You are a stakeholder who has just designated a business function as critical. what must you do now?


You should now dedicate resources to protect the function.

Who are stakeholders?

A stakeholder is a party with an interest in a business who has the potential to influence or be affected by it. A typical corporation's investors, employees, clients, and suppliers make up its main stakeholders.

However, the idea has been broadened to encompass communities, governments, and trade groups as a result of the growing focus on corporate social responsibility.

An organization's stakeholders may be internal or external. Internal stakeholders are those who have a direct interest in a firm, such as through employment, ownership, or investment.

External stakeholders are those who don't work for a company directly but are still impacted by its decisions and results. Suppliers, borrowers, and government agencies are all regarded as external stakeholders.

To know more about stakeholders, visit:



Assuming Dell sales will grow 50% in 1997, how might the company fund this growth internally?


Dell can fund this growth internally by:

The $469 million increase in current liabilities serves as a source of funds. The estimated increase in net profits to $395 million is approximately $123 million. The short-term investment is assumed to be the same as in 1996, namely $591 million.

What is funding?Business financing is a funding option that allows business owners to obtain business loans to cover expenses such as temporary cash flow interruptions, expansion projects, stock and equipment, and seasonal spikes in activity. Retained earnings, debt capital, and equity funding are the three major sources of corporate financing.

So, according to the given chart:

As a result, an additional operating asset of $794 million is required to sustain growth. The $469 million increase in current liabilities serves as a source of funds. The estimated increase in net profits to $395 million is approximately $123 million. The short-term investment is assumed to be the same as in 1996, namely $591 million. As a result, we can confidently predict that growth will be funded internally.

Therefore, Dell can fund this growth internally by:

The $469 million increase in current liabilities serves as a source of funds. The estimated increase in net profits to $395 million is approximately $123 million. The short-term investment is assumed to be the same as in 1996, namely $591 million.

Know more about funding here:



In economics, the demand for a good refers to the amount of the good that people:_______


In economics, the quantity of an item that consumers will purchase at various price points is referred to as the demand for the good.

Demand for anything or service means that people want to buy it and are willing and able to pay for it. Demand for a product is influenced by its price, the pricing of competing products, the consumer's income, as well as her preferences and tastes. We defined demand as the amount of something that a buyer is willing and able to acquire at each price. This implies that there are at least two more factors besides price that influence demand. A Veblen product is one for which demand rises in proportion to price. Veblen products are often of a high caliber, expertly produced, unique, and status symbol. The majority of Veblen customers are wealthy individuals who value utility over all other factors.

Learn more about demand:



Barnes & noble and amazon would be considered a(n) _______ because they sell similar products.




A situation that requires an adjusting entry that is not a prepayment or an accrual entry is:_________


Estimating bad debts is a circumstance that necessitates an adjusting entry that is neither a prepayment nor an accrual entry.

Bad debt: What is it?

Sometimes a firm needs to figure out what percentage of its receivables is recoverable when it comes time to prepare its financial statements at the end of the fiscal period. The two techniques of documenting bad debt are 1) direct write-off method and 2) allowance method, and they both involve recording the percentage that a company considers is uncollectible.

The significance of bad debt costs

Companies create financial statements at the beginning of each fiscal year or quarter. Investors and potential investors look at the financial accounts, thus they need to be trustworthy and honest.

to know more about bad debts



When the change in demand due to seasonality is a constant amount, regardless of trend or average, the seasonal variation is described as?


When the change in demand due to seasonality is a constant amount, regardless of trend or average, the seasonal variation is described as Additive Seasonal Variation.

What is Additive Seasonal Variation?

The seasonal component is stated in absolute terms in the scale of the observed series using the additive approach, and the level equation adjusts the series for the season by deducting the seasonal component. The seasonal component will roughly equal zero within each year.


When the change in demand due to seasonality is a constant amount, regardless of trend or average, the seasonal variation is described as Additive Seasonal Variation.

to learn more about Additive Seasonal Variation from the given link:



department a has 1,000 square feet. department b has 1,000 square feet. calculate the allocation rate for allocating $21,000 total cost on square feet.


The department has 1,000 square feet. department b has 1,000 square feet.$10.50 Is the allocation rate for allocating $21,000 total cost on square feet.

Allocation rate is that the standard amount of overhead applied to a unit of production or other measure of activity. This can be done when shifting costs to a value object, $10.50 Is the allocation rate for allocating $21,000 total cost on square feet, which can be required under one among the accounting frameworks to confirm that a full cost is applied to inventory.

A cost allocation plan may be a written summary which shows how a corporation allocates costs. between two or more programs. a company often has several allocation plans supported form of expenditure or how the. expenditure is getting used. There are many ways to allocate expenses.

Cost allocation is that the distribution of 1 cost across multiple entities, business units, or cost centers. An example is when insurance premiums are paid by the most corporate offices but allocated to different branches or departments.

The benefit allocation method sets aside the cash contributed by employer and employee into a fund that is invested to pay the benefit down the road. against this, a value allocation method estimates the general cost of advantages which will be owed and sets aside that quantity.

learn more about Allocation rate: https://brainly.com/question/23158446


According to "scientific view of risk", most of the public’s view of risk is ___________ than risk experts.


According to "scientific view of risk", most of the public’s view of risk is different than risk experts.

Who are risk experts?

A risk management expert is a position hired by corporations to find possible hazards that might hurt the company's bottom line. Financial concerns have typically been the emphasis of this function. But risk managers are increasingly expected to detect possible hazards that might harm workers, third-party risks, cybersecurity dangers, and privacy-related problems. As a result, money, personnel, facilities, information technology (IT), data, and reputation are now included in the scope of risk management. Before the COVID-19 pandemic introduced new facets of market risk in early 2020, the area of risk management professionals was already one of the enterprise management positions with the quickest rate of growth. Due to the significant effects of COVID-19 and climate change, businesses are calling for more risk management experts.

To know more about risk experts, visit;



What was the main reason that people decided to leave their homes and head west in the late 1800s? question 2 options: economic opportunity contracts offered by railroads adventure patriotism


In the late 1800s, people primarily chose to leave their homes and go west due to economic opportunity.

Economic opportunity is defined as a special business or community circumstance that advances the state's economic interests by catalyzing or stimulating the expansion of, or retention of, business and industry in the state. This definition also includes the retention of a company whose relocation outside the state would have a significant negative economic impact on the state as a whole, particular regions of the state, or particular state components as determined by the boa. Vacant land is frequently linked to increased crime and a decline in local property values.

To learn more about Economic opportunity here



product design and process selection are examples of decisions. multiple choice financial tactical system design system operation forecasting


Product design and process selection are examples of system design decisions.

System design decisions demonstrate strategic organizational decisions. These include a long-term commitment of resources and deciding the operational parameters of the system. Systems design is the process of denoting elements of a system like modules, architecture, components, interfaces, and data for a system based on the specified requirements. It allures the procedure of defining, developing, and designing systems that fulfill the specific needs and requirements of a business or organization.

A systemic approach is deemed necessary for a coherent and well-running system. A bottom-Up or Top-Down approach is required to take into account all related variables of the system.

Learn more about Systems design:



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