What is the power of jurisdiction?


Answer 1

The main power of the jurisdiction is the limits to which extent a legal body, court or authority can exercise its powers.

It is an authority or power to the courts which is given by the laws to render justice and provide judgments. Jurisdiction depends on the circumstances of the cases and can vary from case to case. A court cannot give judgment or render justice if it doesn't have the jurisdiction.

It can be determined by the subject matter of the case, personal jurisdiction (issue took place in which area) and the territory.

To know more about Justice, click here: brainly.com/question/15930187


Related Questions

t/f because the amendment process is so cumbersome, only 27 constitutional amendments have ever been proposed


False. Only 27 constitutional modifications have ever been proposed due to the difficult amendment process. Due to Informal Modifications and how much simpler it is to alter something informally than formally.

The Constitution's drafters provide a method for amending it: Hence it might alter along with civilization. The amendment's backers reasoned that lawmakers are more likely to exercise caution when voting to increase congressional salary if they have no personal stake in the outcome.

James Madison proposed the amendment to Congress in 1789, and at that time it was sent to the states for ratification. Amendments are difficult to pass since just thirteen states can prevent their acceptance (in either of their two chambers) of any amendment.

Learn more about amendments Visit: brainly.com/question/458137


Which amendment to the Constitution guarantees due process and equal protection rights to all citizens. A 1st Amendment B 5th Amendment C 14th Amendment


The 14th Amendment of the Constitution guarantees equal protection and due process to all citizens.

On June 8, 1866, the Senate passed the Fourteenth Amendment, granting citizenship to all people—including former slaves who were born or naturalised in the country—and extending the Bill of Rights' protections to the states. Also, it promised "equal protection under the law" for all residents.

The 14th Amendment made it illegal for former Confederate governments to make payments to former slave owners in order to settle their war debts and make up for the freeing of their slave populations. Lastly, it granted Congress the power to implement this amendment; This provision set the stage for the passage of other important pieces of 20th-century legislation, including the 1965 Rights Act and the 1964 Voting Rights Act.

To learn more about 14th Amendment, please refer:



If you were one of the legislators during the debate over the Bill, would you support or oppose the Bill? Why or why not?


If I was one of the legislators during a debate over the bill I would certainly support a bill after addressing all its advantages only.

Like all the legislators debate on the bills present in the houses and considering the facts, advantages and disadvantages decide whether to support a bill or not, I will adopt the same procedure. A bill is a proposed legislation proposed by a legislature in front of a senate, which further debates and address such bills and then the process of voting is done where the members of the houses either accept or oppose the bills. The senate with at least one third of votes can ratify the bill. If both the House and Senate pass the same bill then it is sent to the President. If the House and Senate pass different bills they are sent to Conference Committee. Most major legislation goes to a Conference Committee. A bill when signed by the president becomes a law.

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The plaintiff, a State N citizen, properly invokes a State M federal court's diversity jurisdiction in a tort suit against the defendant, an airplane manufacturer based in State M. The plaintiff credibly alleges that he was severely injured when the defendant's airplane crashed as a result of an improperly installed engine part. During discovery, the plaintiff learns that an employee of the defendant who installed engine parts at the time the plane was manufactured was an alcoholic whose drinking may have impaired his work. The defendant fired the employee before the plane crash that injured the plaintiff. What discovery device may the plaintiff use to obtain more information from the former employee?
An oral deposition.
An interrogatory.
A physical examination.
A request for admission.


The discovery device that the plaintiff may use to obtain more information from the former employee is an "oral deposition."

An oral deposition is a discovery method in which one party (in this case, the plaintiff) questions the other party or a witness (in this case, the defendant's former employee) under oath, while a court reporter records the questions and replies. The plaintiff might utilise the oral deposition to interrogate the former employee about his alcohol consumption and whether it interfered with his work when he installed engine parts for the defendant. The plaintiff may also ask the former employee further questions about the situation.

Interrogatories are written questions sent from one side to the other, but a physical examination involves a physical examination of a person.

For such more question on plaintiff:



A bakery negotiated with a supplier regarding a long-term commitment to supply flour. They agreed to specific terms to be memorialized in a written contract. Due to an oversight, the supplier never signed the written contract, although it began providing flour to the bakery under the terms of their agreement. Six months later, the price of flour rose dramatically following a nationwide drought. The supplier, realizing that it had never signed the contract, told the bakery that it would have to charge a higher price for the flour. The bakery properly filed a complaint in federal district court, alleging that the flour supplier had breached their contract. The flour supplier filed an answer in which it denied the factual allegations in the complaint regarding the price and duration of the contract, but did not raise any affirmative defenses. The following day, the flour supplier filed a motion to dismiss, asserting that the oral contract between the parties violated the Statute of Frauds.
Can the court grant the defendant's motion to dismiss?
Yes, because the answer denied the factual allegations regarding the terms of the contract.
Yes, because the complaint failed to state a claim upon which relief could be granted.
No, because the defendant waived any objection on the pleadings by filing an answer.
No, because the defendant did not assert a defense based on the Statute of Frauds in its answer.


In the above court case, it may be stated that the court may grant the defendant's motion to dismiss, since the complaint had failed to state a claim upon which there can be a claim being relieved. Therefore, the option B holds true.

A court has the power to grant a motion in the case before an actual trial is being held in the court of law as per the legal procedures. In the cases that involve complaints being filed over which a claim can also be made, it automatically applies to the doctrine of granting a motion to dismiss for the defendant, according to the essentials of the law.

Learn more about motion here:



which principle allows the national government to override state governments in certain policy areas?


The principle of federal supremacy allows national government to override the state governments in certain policy areas.

What is federal supremacy?

Federal supremacy is a principle in the United States Constitution that establishes the federal government as the ultimate authority in matters of law and policy. It means that federal laws and regulations take precedence over state and local laws when there is a conflict between them. This principle is based on the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, which states that the Constitution and federal laws shall be the supreme law of the land. The purpose of federal supremacy is to ensure uniformity and consistency in the application of federal law throughout the country, as well as to prevent states from impeding or interfering with federal government functions. However, federal supremacy is not absolute and must be balanced with the principles of federalism and state sovereignty.

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Japan would restrict emmigration of laborers to the US is part of what agreement?


Japan would restrict immigration of laborers to the US is part of Gentlemen's Agreement.

The Gentlemen's Agreement was a series of informal and nonbinding agreement between japan and the United State in the year 1907 under  which Japanese government agreed to voluntarily restrict issuing passports for immigration, good for the continental United States to laborers while the US government promised to protect the rights of Japanese immigrants and their children already residing in the United States. The major aim of the agreement was to calm down immigration issues and war like conditions between the two countries. However, it was later nullified due to criticism from public by the US Immigration Act 1924.

To know more about "Gentlemen's Agreement" visit-



what controubted to rise of dual federalism



The rise of dual federalism in the United States was largely the result of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which outlined a system of government with separate powers and responsibilities for the federal government and the states. This system was further strengthened by the 10th Amendment, which clarified that all powers not explicitly delegated to the federal government are reserved for the states. This created a balance of power between the two levels of government, with the federal government having control over issues that affected the entire nation and the states having control over more localized matters. This system of dual federalism ensured that both levels of government would have a role to play in the United States.


Dual federalism, also known as layer cake federalism, is a political arrangement in which the power of the federal government and state governments are clearly defined and separated. The rise of dual federalism can be attributed to several factors, including:

The U.S. Constitution: The Constitution outlines the division of power between the federal government and the states, with the federal government having specific, enumerated powers and the states having residual powers. This division of power helped to establish the framework for dual federalism.

The Marshall Court: The Marshall Court, in several landmark cases such as Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland, established the principle of judicial review and solidified the power of the federal government.

The Civil War: The Civil War settled the issue of states' rights and reinforced the power of the federal government, further solidifying the principles of dual federalism.

The Progressive Era: The Progressive Era saw a rise in activism and a call for greater regulation of business, which led to a growth in federal power. This increased federal power helped to further establish dual federalism as the dominant system of government in the United States.


Overall, the rise of dual federalism was due to a combination of constitutional principles, judicial decisions, and historical events that helped to establish and reinforce the division of power between the federal government and state governments.



1. Existence and territorial extent of states

2. Political history of states

3. Forms of government and symbols of nationality

4. Law of nations

5. Admiralty and maritime courts of the world and their seals

6. Political constitution and history of the Philippines

7. Official acts of the legislative, executive and judicial departments of the Philippines

8. Laws of nature

9. Measure of time

10. Geographical divisions


1. Existence and territorial extent of states:

Example: The United States of America is a sovereign state located in North America with a territorial extent that includes 50 states, the District of Columbia, and various other territories and possessions.

2. Political history of states:

Example: The political history of the United Kingdom includes the reigns of various monarchs, the establishment of the parliamentary system, and the formation of the British Empire.

3. Forms of government and symbols of nationality:

Example: The government of Japan is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system, and its national symbols include the flag, anthem, and imperial crest.

4. Law of nations:

Example: The law of nations, also known as international law, governs the relations between nations and includes treaties, customs, and general principles of law.

5. Admiralty and maritime courts of the world and their seals:

Example: The United States has admiralty and maritime courts, which are specialized courts that hear cases related to maritime law, and their seals typically include an anchor or ship motif.

6. Political constitution and history of the Philippines:

Example: The political constitution of the Philippines is a presidential representative democratic republic, and its history includes periods of Spanish and American colonization as well as a struggle for independence.

7. Official acts of the legislative, executive and judicial departments of the Philippines:

Example: The official acts of the legislative, executive, and judicial departments of the Philippines include the passage of laws, the issuance of executive orders, and the rendering of judicial decisions.

8. Laws of nature:

Example: The laws of nature are scientific principles that describe the behavior of the physical world, such as the laws of gravity, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism.

9. Measure of time:

Example: The measure of time includes units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, which are used to quantify the duration of events and the passage of time.

10. Geographical divisions:

Example: Geographical divisions include various types of landforms, such as continents, countries, regions, states, provinces, cities, and bodies of water, which are used to describe and organize the Earth's surface.

What are the different forms of government and how do they differ from each other?

The main forms of government are democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, and oligarchy. They differ in terms of who holds power, how decisions are made, and the degree of citizen participation.

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what role can legislation play in improving health and safety in the supermarket. Nebosh Diploma


Legislation can play an important role in improving health and safety in the supermarket. Laws and regulations can be used to require employers to provide proper safety equipment, training, and protocols to employees. Additionally, government bodies can conduct regular inspections of supermarkets to ensure compliance with safety regulations. Lastly, legal action can be taken against employers who are found to be in violation of safety regulations.
The legislation can help in recognizing and controlling the unhealthy or dangerous working situation.

consequences of not reporting foreign contacts travel or business dealings may result in


Consequences of not reporting foreign contacts' travel or business dealings may result in Disciplinary action (civ), Loss of employment or security clearance, UCMJ/Article 92 (mil), and Criminal charges

What is Disciplinary action?

Employees who cause problems or do not abide by corporate laws and procedures may face disciplinary action.

The disciplinary measures implemented should be viewed largely as a remedial action meant to stop additional misconduct or subpar work.

Warning: This is the mildest type of punishment and is typically used for minor offenses. These are administered orally with extreme caution. You can issue verbal or written warnings.

Written Notice: When a warning does not stop an employee's misconduct, it is important to issue a written notice that suggests a specific punishment.

To learn more about Disciplinary action visit;



Concerns relationships between individuals or between individuals and the governmenta)criminal lawb)civil lawc)international lawd)military law


Out of the choices of alternatives provided above, it may be stated that the Civil Law is the one that takes care of the concerns of the relationships that exist between the individuals or individuals and the government. Therefore, the option B holds true.

The civil law may be taken into interpretation or consideration as the type of law that brings into account the matters related to the disputes or concerns related to the individuals and civilians of the country, and also provides a number of protections and regulations being made thereunder.

Learn more about civil law here:



Concerns relationships between individuals or between individuals and the government

a)criminal law

b)civil law

c)international law

d)military law

antitrust laws have been implemented by governments to promote


The implementation of the antitrust laws has been made by the government in order to lead a promotion of competition in the markets.

The antitrust laws are the laws that are brought into enforcement in order to bring regulations of competitiveness among the sellers in the market during a given particular period of time in an economy. In fact, the entire construction of these laws has been built around the regulations related to the market competition, and provides protection against unfair advantages to the sellers.

Learn more about antitrust laws here:



Complete question

antitrust laws have been implemented by governments to promote ______

Does USA regulate e-waste?


Yes,USA regulate e-waste.Out of 50 states,25 states have instituted electronic waste.

The US doesn't have an authority government e-waste regulation system, yet certain states have carried out state administrative frameworks. The Public Methodology for Electronic waste regulation was helped to establish by the Natural Security Office (EPA), the Board on Natural Quality (CEQ), and the General Administrations Organization (GSA), and was acquainted in 2011 with center around government activity to lay out electronic stewardship in the Assembled States.

E-waste management is basic because of the poisonous synthetic compounds present in electronic gadgets. As indicated by the US EPA, poisonous substances like lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium are frequently delivered into the climate and imperil entire networks; these harmful toxins can inconveniently affect the wellbeing of biological systems and living organisms. US e-waste  board incorporates reusing and reuse programs, homegrown landfill unloading, and global shipments of locally created e-squander. The EPA gauges that in 2009, the US discarded 2.37 million tons of e-squander, 25% of which was reused locally.

To know more about e-waste,visit here:



Which law states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas when the temperature and pressure are held constant?


The Ideal Gas Law states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas when the temperature and pressure are held constant.

The Ideal Gas Law states that the pressure multiplied by the volume of a given mass of an ideal gas is equal to the product of the gas' absolute temperature and its molar mass.

Mathematically, this can be expressed as P*V = n*R*T, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature.

To learn more about Ideal Gas Law link is here



What plan was suggested by the large states as a basis for the new legislative branch?


The Vi*rginia Plan was the plan suggested by James Madison and the large states as a basis for the new legislative branches.

The Vi*rginia Plan has been taken into interpretation as the plan that held about the inclusion of a separate legislative branch in restructuring of American political governance. This plan was largely supported by James Madison, and the larger states in the American society, soon after the declaration of American independence was made. Thus, they hold a big portion of relevance in the American society.

Learn more about V*irginia Plan here:



What is the description of a federal system of government?


The political system known as federalism distributes authority among many levels of government. Federal states frequently have a minimum of three layers of government, including the federal government at the national level.

It is a substate governments at the provincial level, and municipal governments. Federalism is a form of government in which a central authority and numerous national constituent parts share power. There are at least two tiers of governance in a federation. All of these governmental tiers have a certain degree of independence from one another.

Federalism is a form of government in which two levels of authority share control over the same region. Larger territorial areas are typically governed more broadly by an overarching national government, while local concerns are handled by smaller subdivisions, states, and cities.

Learn more about federal system Visit: brainly.com/question/9892053


The law of superposition is a geologic principle used to determine the ______________


The law of superposition is a geologic principle used to determine the relative ages of rock strata, or layers.

Superposition is one  of the basis of science of geology, the major principle of stratigraphy stating the layers of the sediment placed in accordance with their age. The law of superposition is based on theory that the youngest rock are always on top and the oldest rock always lies in the bottom. Using this principle, geologists were able to determine which rock layers were the oldest long before the technology existed to calculate the absolute ages of rocks. This principle was considered a great milestone in the field of geology propounded by geologist Nicolaus Steno in the 16th century.

To know more about "law of superposition" visit-



what system consists of both a sovereign central government and sovereign regional governments?


The federal system consists of both a sovereign central government and sovereign regional governments.

What is a federal system government?

The fundamental framework of American governance is defined by federalism and the federal system. The Constitutional Convention saw lots of arguments. Many delegates feared an overly powerful central government and worried that states' rights would only preserve the fragile structure of government established under the Articles. As a compromise, the Constitution established a federal system of governance (federalism). Power is shared and divided between the federalist system's national and state governments. Both levels directly impact individuals and have their own agencies and officials.

To learn more about federal system visit;



What are the reasons grandparents can file for custody of grandchild ?


Grandparents can file for custody of grandchild because when parents are not able to take care of their child then grandparents can take custody.

There are many reasons grandparents can file petition for custody of grandchild. Maybe the guardians can't deal with the kid, or perhaps there has been a sensational change in the family circumstance that leaves the kid without a home.Anything that the explanation, grandparents have lawful privileges with regards to looking for care of their grandkids.

The five reason why grandparents can file for custody of grandchild

#1. The grandparent is the most proper parental figure:

At times, a grandparent might be the most fitting and cherishing guardian for their grandkid because of reasons like age, monetary steadiness, or family ancestry

#2. The guardians can't give sufficient consideration:

Now and again, the parent or guardians might not be able or reluctant to give appropriate consideration and thoughtfulness regarding their kid. This could be because of medication or liquor misuse, psychological instability, or detainment.

#3. The guardians are perished or missing:

In the sad instance of a parent's demise or long haul nonappearance because of reasons, for example, military help, it very well might be vital for a grandparent to petition for care of their grandkid.

#4. The guardians can't give monetarily to the kid:

At times, the parent or guardians might not be able to give monetarily to their kid because of joblessness or an absence of assets and dependability. For this situation, a grandparent might petition for care of their grandkid to give a superior life to them.

#5. The guardians have dismissed their parental obligations:

Now and again, the parent or guardians might have disregarded their parental obligations because of compulsion or psychological sickness.

To know more about custody,visit here:



Munten Company's management derives four estimates relating to the possible tax benefit of its tax position. The amount that Munten should recognize relating to this potential tax benefit is the


The largest amount with a cumulative greater than 50 percent chance of realization is the amount that is to be recognized as being in relation to the potential tax benefit for Munten.

The tax benefit may be taken into interpretation as the benefit that an individual derives from the payment or nonpayment of taxes within the stipulated time of the previous year during the time of assessment being made in the context of the same. In the above situation, the largest amount is the amount to be considered for tax benefit.

Learn more about tax benefits here:



what term is used to describe an employment practice that lacks discriminatory content but still leads to discrimination?


Adverse impact refers to employment practices that appear neutral but have a discriminatory effect on a protected group. Adverse impact may occur in hiring, promotion, training and development, transfer, layoff, and even performance appraisals.

which amendments address the rights of the accused? a) The fourth amandement. b) The fifth amandement. c) The sixth amandement. d) The seventh amandement


The sixth amendment of the constitution of United States address the rights of the accused.

Hence, the correct option is C.

The amendment was ratified in houses in the year 1791 by the required three-fourths majority of states, and the 6th amendment of the constitution of United States protects the rights of the criminal defendants or accused. It includes the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know about accused and the nature of the charges and evidence against the accused. It addresses an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed.

To know more about "sixth amendment" visit-



Based in the country of Mexico(Healthcare system)

What is the health care budget picture? What are the largest budgetary issues affecting your state? How have these issues affected state programs? What kinds of public policies might be designed to give individuals more incentives to remain healthy and reduce demand for costly health care services? Mexico has universal healthcare that I (assume) is paid for by taxation. With the burden on continued funding of health care, have services been negatively impacted?

Based on USA Healthcare

Health care as a whole in this country is a mess. Many people who need health care cannot afford it, even with the "Affordable Care Act," which is anything but affordable. Medicaid is a peculiar program, as unlike Medicare, which is a national health care plan for seniors, Medicaid is managed by individual states. Even though federal dollars are used to fund a majority of Medicaid costs, the program is dependent on states to decide what coverage to offer and pay 10% of program costs. How can we address or provide a solution to a real Affordable Care Act? California commercially produced tobacco. How much is given in incentives for growing tobacco each year?



The health care budget picture in Mexico is shaped by the government's commitment to providing universal health care to its citizens. The largest budgetary issue affecting the healthcare system is the cost of providing care, which is primarily funded through taxation. Despite this funding, the system has struggled with limited resources and some services have been negatively impacted.

To address these challenges, the government has implemented various public policies aimed at reducing demand for health care services, such as preventative measures, health promotion and disease prevention programs, and providing incentives for individuals to maintain good health.

In the United States, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was intended to provide health insurance coverage to more Americans and reduce the cost of health care. However, despite its name, many people have found the cost of health insurance under the ACA to be unaffordable. The Medicaid program, which provides health care coverage to low-income individuals and families, is managed by individual states, making it susceptible to state budget cuts and the decisions of state officials.

To address the affordability of health care in the United States, some suggest expanding access to health insurance, increasing funding for Medicaid, or implementing a single-payer system like Medicare. The government also provides incentives for growing tobacco in California, though the amount given each year is not specified.


the policy which sought to remove native americans from territories they had lived in for generations was known as


The Indian Removal Act was a strategy that aimed to drive aboriginal Americans off of the lands they had inhabited for many centuries.

On May 28, 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law, giving him the power to award territory west of the Mississippi River in return for Indian holdings that were already inside current state limits. A few tribes left peacefully, but the relocation policy was contested by the majority.

As the population of the United States increased, the federal government wanted to evict Native People to make room for the western expansion in this territories. The era's governmental objectives centered on evicting Native Americans from Indian Country and relocating them westward past the Mississippi River.

Learn more about territories Visit: brainly.com/question/18234493



Indian Removal


I took the K12 quiz

you have _____days to file a complaint with the equal employment opportunity commission after the alleged incident.


You have 180 days in order to file a complaint with the help  of equal employment opportunity and commission after applying the alleged incident.

Claimants have 180 days from the date of the claimed incidence to submit an EEOC complaint. Similar to the EEOC, the claimant has 180 days from the moment the EEOC receives the complaint to file a lawsuit once the EEOC has finished its investigation. After the claimed incident, you have 180 days to file a complaint with the equal employment opportunity commission.

After the discrimination occurred, you have six months plus one day to file a lawsuit. It is not sufficient to just post your claim; the court must have received it before the deadline. An EEOC office near you can accept written or in-person complaints regarding employment discrimination.

Learn more about employment Visit: brainly.com/question/29318513


Which of the following is essential to the success of law reform efforts?
O Advocacy
O Deposition
O Litigation
O Naturalization


Advocacy is essential to the success of law reform efforts. The process of analysing present laws and pushing for change is known as law reform or legal reform.

Law reform, sometimes known as legal reform, is the process of analysing current laws, proposing change, and putting such change into effect in the legal system, usually with the goal of improving justice or efficiency.

Law reform commissions or bodies, which are institutions created to support law reform, are closely connected. Aiming to modernise and simplify the law, law reform organisations do research and make recommendations. Although many law reform organisations are statutory businesses created by governments, they are typically free from official oversight, giving them the intellectual independence to objectively consider and communicate how the law should advance.

To learn more about law reform visit;



true or false,a citation identifies the publication in which a legal authority can be found.



It is TRUE a citation identifies the publication in which a legal authority can be found.


You're welcome.

The given statement, "a citation identifies the publication in which a legal authority can be found,"  is true (T) because it is indeed used to support a particular legal argument or claim.

A citation is a reference to a specific source, such as a book, article, or other publication, that is used to support an argument or claim. In the context of legal research, a citation is used to identify the legal authority that supports a particular legal argument or claim. The citation typically includes the name of the publication, the volume number, the page number, and the year of publication.

By providing a citation, a researcher or legal professional can help others find the legal authority that they are referring to, and can also help ensure that their argument or claim is supported by reliable and authoritative sources.

Learn more about citation brainly.com/question/28365429


Which of these descriptions is consistent with the federal system?Each of two governing layers holds ultimate authority over different matters. A confederal system of government. The colonies had no formal venue for influencing parliamentary policy. Confederal system


The descriptions that is consistent with the federal system A. Each of two governing layers holds ultimate authority over different matters.

What is the most accurate way to define a federal system?

A federal government is a system in which local state governments that are interconnected with the national government and a central national government share power. The national government has power over some aspects of public life, while local governments have control over other aspects.

In federal systems, political power is split between two independent, directly elected sets of governments, one national and the other subnational.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about federal system at:



The Smith system does not include


proper use of air bags

Hope it helps

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