What is the name for the hacking technique that involves using persuasion and deception to get a person to provide information to help compromise security?


Answer 1

Phishing attackers act as a reliable organization or person in an effort to get you to reveal personal information and other valuables. One of two approaches are used to target phishing attacks: mass phishing, often known as spam phishing, is a widespread attack that targets lots of users.

Phishing is a type of fraud in which a perpetrator uses email or other forms of contact to pose as a reliable organization or individual. Attackers frequently employ phishing emails to disseminate malicious URLs or attachments that are capable of carrying out a number of tasks.

As many faculty members as feasible receive a mass distribution of a counterfeit email purporting to be from myuniversity.edu. The user's password, according to the email, is soon to expire. The instructions state that they must renew their password within 24 hours by visiting myuniversity.edu/renewal.

Learn more about phishing here



Related Questions

Because behavior is so complex, many modern psychologists prefer the __________, that considers biological, psychological, and social processes.


Because behavior is so complex, many modern psychologists prefer the neuroscientific/biopsychological perspective, that considers biological, psychological, and social processes.

The neuroscience/biological viewpoint pertains to how individuals behave in terms of their origins. According to this viewpoint, a person's genetic makeup influences how they behave or how they respond to certain situations.

The link between psychological processes and the underlying physiological events—or, to put it another way, the mind-body phenomenon—is the main focus of biological psychology.

To learn more about biopsychological perspective, refer



The main reason that the diseases of the old world overwhelmed populations in the new world was that:________



The gene pool of the Old World was much larger than that of the New World. meaning Native American had fewer immunities.

Which instruction would be most important to include when teaching parents about over-the-counter (otc) anti-inflammatory agents?


To find out the components and dose, read the label carefully would be the instruction.

What does anti-inflammatory mean?

Common over the counter pharmaceuticals like aspirin and prescription drugs like celecoxib are examples of anti-inflammatory drugs, commonly known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or NSAIDs (known by the trade name Celebrex).

By putting up a barrier against COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes, which induce inflammation, NSAIDs lessen pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, menstrual cramps, headaches, and muscle discomfort.

The ability of a drug or medical intervention to lessen inflammation or swelling is known as an anti-inflammatory property.

A little over half of analgesics are anti-inflammatory medications, sometimes known as anti-inflammatories.

In contrast to opioids, which act on the central nervous system to suppress pain communication to the brain, these medications treat pain by lowering inflammation.

To know more about anti-inflammatory agents, visit:



According to prochaska and norcross, when an individual has no intention of changing a behavior pattern in the near future, he or she is in the _______________ stage.


According to Prochaska and Norcross, when an individual has no intention of changing a behavior pattern in the near future, he or she is in the pre-contemplation stage.

According to Prochaska and Norcross, the individual in the pre-contemplation stage has no intention to change his or her behavior in the foreseeable future. Here, although the individuals are unaware of their families, friends, neighbors, and their problems and employees are often very aware of these problems.

So the pre-contemplation is considered as a stage in which an individual has no intent to change his behavior in the near future. This is usually measured as the next 6 months.

Hence, people in pre-contemplation stage tend to defend their current bad habits and do not feel it is a problem.

To learn more about Prochaska here:



After hearing about what vaccines are and having some of their misconceptions addressed, the smiths decide to have their son vaccinated. what is an important part of the family history to elicit?


After hearing about what vaccines are and having some of their misconceptions addressed, the smiths decide to have their son vaccinated. The important part of the family history to elicit is allergies to eggs or shellfish.

Shellfish is a colloquial and fisheries term for exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates used as food, along with numerous species of mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms.

Is shrimp a fish or shellfish?

Shrimp is a sort of shellfish. The term shellfish became to begin with utilized in aquaculture and by fishermen to consult seafood with an exoskeleton, together with shrimp, crab, and lobster, but it could additionally talk over with oysters, mollusks, scallops, and starfish.

As the call shows, shellfish are animals that reside in water and feature a shell or shell-like outdoors. They can be divided into  businesses: crustaceans and mollusks. Crustaceans consist of shrimp, crayfish, crab, and lobster, whilst clams, scallops, oysters, and mussels are examples of mollusks.

Learn more about shellfish here:- https://brainly.com/question/26291713


Discuss why superior efficiency is important and the many ways that different parts of the organization can help achieve it


For a business to have a competitive advantage over rivals, superior efficiency is crucial. A business can achieve higher levels of profit and customer happiness by completing its key tasks and operations faster, cheaper, and more competently than its competitors.

Efficiency is the ability to achieve something or get a desired outcome without wasting resources, time, money, energy, or effort. In a broader sense, it is the capacity to carry out tasks effectively and efficiently.

Making the most of your resources is the definition of efficiency. It implies that your company can generate more with less money and waste. It also means you can go about your daily business without making expensive mistakes.

Learn more about efficiency here



For a business to have a competitive advantage over rivals, superior efficiency is crucial. A business can achieve higher levels of profit and customer happiness by completing its key tasks and operations faster, cheaper, and more competently than its competitors.

Efficiency is the ability to achieve something or get a desired outcome without wasting resources, time, money, energy, or effort. In a broader sense, it is the capacity to carry out tasks effectively and efficiently.

Making the most of your resources is the definition of efficiency. It implies that your company can generate more with less money and waste. It also means you can go about your daily business without making expensive mistakes.

Learn more about efficiency here:- https://brainly.com/question/27870797


Marlowe wakes up from a dream about his teeth falling out. He looks in a dream dictionary and finds losing teeth is usually dream symbolism for anxiety. Marlowe is focused on the ________ content.


Marlowe wakes up from a dream about his teeth falling out. He looks in a dream dictionary and finds losing teeth is usually dream symbolism for anxiety. Marlowe is focused on the latent content.

Marlowe awakens from a dream in which his teeth are coming out. He consults a dream dictionary and discovers that losing teeth is frequently associated with anxiety in dreams.Marlowe is preoccupied with the latent content of his dream.

There are two types of dream analysis: the Manifest content, which include the minor elements of the dream you remember when you wake up.The Latent content discusses the implicit meaning of a dream. In this case, Marlowe wants to find the underlying meaning of his dream symbolism.

The symbolic meaning of a dream that lies underneath the literal substance of the dream is referred to as latent content.

Find out more information about latent here:



Nvestigation of relationships among internal structures using scanning procedures is ____________ anatomy


Radiographic anatomy is the study of interactions between interior structures utilizing scanning techniques.

What does "radiographic anatomy" mean to you?

In the field of anatomy known as radioanatomy, radiographic films are used to investigate the anatomy. Due to the summary projection of numerous anatomical features onto a planar surface, the x-ray film depicts a two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional object. Your understanding of human anatomy meets clinical application in the field of radiological anatomy. It brings together a number of non-invasive techniques for seeing the internal body architecture. The three imaging modalities that are most frequently employed are magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and radiography (MRI). In terms of diagnosis, radiology is essentially applied anatomy. It is necessary to interpret variations in tissue density seen on a fluoroscope or radiograph in terms of anatomical structure. A good anatomist is a prerequisite for a good diagnostician in a radiologist.

To know more about radiographic anatomy, click here:



A statement that specifies the relationships among events and is derived from a theory is called a(n):________



it's called a hypothesis

What theory claims political power rests in the hands of a small group of people?


This thought is called the elite theory of government or elitism. According to this theory, the United States is, in fact, an oligarchy where power is concentrated in the writings of the few. Pluralists argue political power is dispersed throughout society.

Which political theory argues that political power rest in the hands of groups of people?

Federalism allows political groups that are juvenility on the federal or national level to hold office at the state or provincial level.

What refers to the idea that political power rests in the hands of the people?

democracy a form of government where political power rests in the hands of the people. direct democracy a structure of government where people participate directly in making management decisions instead of choosing representatives to do this for them.

To learn more about Federalism, refer



1. Which Gospels offer the fullest account of the temptations of Jesus?



People also ask

Which gospels have the temptation of Jesus?

The temptation of Christ is a biblical narrative detailed in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

An amorphous solid has long range, repeating order.
true/ false


An amorphous solid has a long-range, repeating order: FALSE

What do we mean by amorphous solid?Amorphous materials have no discernible crystal structure. Deposition of a natural "glassy" material, such as a glass composition, can be used to create amorphous film materials. Low-temperature deposition in which the adatoms do not have enough mobility to form a crystalline phase (quenching). Any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite lattice pattern is referred to as an amorphous solid. Glass, plastic, and gel are examples of such solids. Amorphous solids lack long-range and try to repeat order. An amorphous solid (or non-crystalline solid, glassy solid) is a solid that lacks the long-range order that is defining feature of a crystal in condensed matter physics and materials science.

Therefore, the statement "an amorphous solid has a long-range, repeating order" is FALSE.

Know more about amorphous solids here:



The outcome of social media that satisfies humans' innate need to connect with other people is known:_________


The outcome of social media that satisfies humans' innate need to connect with other people is known the connected effect.

What is social media ?

Social media is very important, it has helped to improve the way people connect with each other. It is a platform where individuals from all race, ethnicity, religion connect with one another. Social media allows people to share information such as sharing of pictures with family and friends.

A lot of businesses today have been able to thrive with the help of social media as it helps customers connect with different vendors and merchants that sell varieties of products. It has also helped to build strong relationships.

Read more on social media here



Which component of the dris offer recommendations for desirable percentages of carbohydrates, protein, and fat?


The AMDR is a part of the DRIs that provides advice on the ideal ratios of carbs, protein, and fat.

What is the AMDR's purpose?

The AMDR offers a paradigm for maximizing protein intake for people in different phases of life and health. In a nutshell, the RDA determines minimum protein requirements based on an absolute amount of protein computed related to body weight, whereas the AMDR reflects protein consumption as a percentage of calories.

Dietary reference intakes (DRIs): What are they exactly?

A healthy person's food intake is assessed and planned using a set of benchmark values called dietary reference intakes (DRIs). Planning and assessing research studies and the results are two common uses for them. making meal guides and dietary advice.

Learn more about Dietary reference intakes (DRIs): https://brainly.com/question/28121288


Identify some reasons why the constitution is an enduring document that is still important to the lives of americans today.


In order to prevent arbitrary control, the Constitution not only created a government but also set limitations on it.

In order to prevent arbitrary control, the Constitution not only created a government but also set limitations on it. The Constitution ensures every American's fundamental rights and protection of life, liberty, and property, particularly through its amendments.

Our Constitution established a strong federal government with a balance between broad powers and clear restrictions. The first American government founded under the Articles of Confederation in March 1781, in contrast to its strong endurance, began to exhibit signs of weakness and disarray shortly after it was constituted.

The states provided the first national government with the revenue it needed, but it was powerless to compel their cooperation. Congress struggled to support its own army under the Articles of Confederation because it was surrounded by territory that was under the jurisdiction of Great Britain, France, and Spain.

To learn more about Constitution refer to:



Which observation confirms to the nurse that the client is experiencing a normal inspiration?


The observation confirms to the nurse that the client is experiencing a normal inspiration is the thoracic cavity enlarges.

What is an observation?

Observation is the active collecting of information from a primary source. The phrase can also be used to describe any data gathered for the scientific endeavor. Observations can be quantitative if a numerical value is assigned to the observed phenomena by counting or measuring, or qualitative if just the existence or absence of a property is documented. The second and fifth steps of the scientific process both involve observations. However, the requirement for repeatability necessitates the ability to compare observations made by many observers. Human sense impressions are qualitative and subjective, making it challenging to compare or record them.

The main inspiration muscle is the diaphragm. It expands the thoracic chamber and descends in the chest as it contracts during inhalation. The abdominal wall is forced outward at the same time that the abdominal contents are compressed. As the tracheobronchial tree draws air into the alveoli, or distal air sacs, the intrathoracic pressure lowers, expanding the lungs. Expiration occurs when the diaphragm relaxes.

To learn more about obervation, visit:



The ordinal scale represents a higher level of measurement than the nominal scale in that?


The ordinal scale represents a higher level of measurement than the nominal scale in that: the assigned numerals represent the order as well as identifying the object.

The nominal scale is the first level of measurement, it is called the categorical variable and defined in terms of labeling. An example where do you live 1. city, 2. town, 3. suburb. Other examples of nominal scale are gender, political preference, and place of residence.

The ordinal scale is the second level of measurement or simply depicts the ordered variables. Examples of ordinal scale are the order of product quality, the status of the workplace. Variables can vary from grade, satisfaction, and happiness.

Learn about ordinal:



What is the most current term for organizations that do business in several countries?


The most current term for organizations that do business in several countries is: Transnational Organizations.

What is Transnational Organizations?

Transnational Organizations can be define as the way in  which  companies or organization tend to carryout their business  globally or internationally.

Most Companies desire to conduct their business in several nations of the world so as to enables their product to be known globally, to boost sales  and to as well generate more revenue or profit.

One of the benefit of transnational organization is that they help to create employment opportunities for people and they tend to often  recruit local  employees.

Example of an organization that tend to operate as a transnational Organizations is apple based on the fact that they have their business in more than one nation of the world.

Therefore the most current term for organizations that do business in several countries is: Transnational Organizations.

Learn more about Transnational Organizations here:



After an applicant reads and signs an insurance application, he/she should be conscious of the fact that:_______


After an applicant reads and signs an insurance application, he/she should be conscious of the fact that the Beneficiary receives $50,000 income tax-free.

What is meant by insurance application?

An application is a form that provides the information an insurer needs to assess a specific risk. The applicant must complete it in order to apply for insurance.

The phrase "application" refers to a "paper supplied by the insurance company, frequently completed by the agent and medical examiner on the basis of information obtained by the applicant." It is signed by the applicant and forms a part of the insurance policy if it is accepted.

Thus, Beneficiary receives $50,000 income tax-free.

For more details about insurance application, click here:



_________ psychologists examine the differences between automatic and controlled processes in thinking.
a) cognitive
b) biological
c) behavioral


Option A: Cognitive psychologists investigate the distinctions between automatic and regulated thought processes.

What do you mean by a psychologist?

A psychologist is a specialist in the field of psychology who investigates behavior as well as mental states, cognitive, emotional, and social processes. They frequently experiment with, observe, and interpret how people interact with one another and their surroundings as part of their work. A psychology bachelor's degree is typically followed by a psychology master's or doctoral degree for psychologists. Psychologists typically are not allowed to prescribe medication, unlike psychiatric doctors and psychiatric nurse practitioners. However, depending on the jurisdiction, some psychologists with additional training may be able to obtain a licence to do so; the qualification requirements may differ from those for a bachelor's degree and a master's degree.

To know more about psychologists, visit:



The process of identifying links or connections between apparently unrelated things or events is ______.


Pattern recognition is the process of finding connections or similarities between things or occurrences that appear to be unconnected.

What does the term "pattern recognition" mean?

The capacity to spot configurations of traits or data that reveal details about a specific system or data set is known as pattern recognition. The automatic detection of patterns and regularities in data is known as pattern recognition. It can be used for information retrieval, bioinformatics, computer graphics, machine learning, signal processing, image analysis, and statistical data analysis.

Why do people utilize pattern recognition?

The following fields can use pattern recognition: Image evaluation In digital image analysis, pattern recognition is used to automatically analyze photos and extract valuable information from them. It equips machines with the intelligence for recognition required for picture processing.

Learn more about pattern recognition: https://brainly.com/question/28427592


what are some similarities between historic and modern cities?



The research showed that both modern and ancient city expansions moved by the same set of rules, known as urban scaling. These rules dictate that, as city populations grow throughout time, people densely cluster rather than sprawling outward.

“Religion cannot be separated from politics” elaborate this statement



Gandhiji used to say that religion can never be separated from politics.

According to the study material, religion should be kept separate from the State because: It enables the country to function democratically. The people belonging to the minority communities can otherwise be harmed by the domination of the majority and there can be an infringement of the Fundamental Rights.


hope this is what you were asking if not let me know

According to chomsky, which observation of language in children challenges a behavioral account?


According to Chomsky, "Children can generate novel grammatically correct sentences." observation of language in children, challenged a behavioral account

This is further explained below.

What is language?

Generally, A systematic method of communication is referred to as a language.

The structure of a language is represented by its grammar, and the components that are free to use are the language's vocabulary. Languages are the most important method of human communication. Languages may be spoken verbally, via sign language, or in written form.

In conclusion, Chomsky claims that children are capable of producing unique phrases that are also grammatically accurate.

The observation of language development in youngsters posed a problem for a behavioral explanation.

Read more about language



Within the context of the development of child problematic behaviors very few ______________________ exist.


Within the context of the development of child problematic behaviors very few cause and effect relationships exist.

What is a cause and effect relationships?

Basically, this relationship is claimed where the following conditions are satisfied which includes when two events occur at the same time and in the same place, where one event immediately precedes the other and where the second event appears unlikely to have happened without the first event having occurred.

Mostly, the children with cause-effect relationship problems will have much more trouble learning that it is not a good idea to put your hand on the stove. we should be remembered that all children, at some point, will behave impulsively as well.

Read more about cause and effect



Throughout his life, jefferson promoted u.s. relations with this european nation, much to the displeasure of those who favored britain:_____.


Throughout his life, Jefferson promoted U.S. relations with this European nation, much to the displeasure of those who favored Britain:


Who is Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Jefferson was previously the second vice president under John Adams and the first United States secretary of state under George Washington.

Therefore, Jefferson promoted U.S. relations with this European nation, much to the displeasure of those who favored Britain:


learn more about Thomas Jefferson: https://brainly.com/question/4869951


Do you think the toluene/water combination would be a good binary solvent system for a mixed recrystallization?


Yes, toluene/water combination would be a good binary solvent system for a mixed recrystallization.

Because toluene is a fairly nonpolar chemical and water is polar, they will not dissolve together, making the combination of toluene and water an excellent binary solvent system.

What is mixed recrystallization?The substance to be crystallized is first dissolved in the smallest quantity of hot "soluble solvent," and then hot "insoluble solvent" is added dropwise until the solution becomes faintly hazy.This is how mixed recrystallization happens.What is binary solvent?When synthesizing pharmaceuticals and drug precursors, binary solvent mixtures are employed as carriers in HPLC columns. For accurate and effective separation of the necessary pharmaceutical components, it is essential to precisely manage the mixture's composition. Water-based solutions of ethanol, sugar, and salt.

Learn more about recrystallization here:



Maribel is a first-generation college student, meaning she is the first member of her family to attend college. this is a measure of _____.


Maribel is a first-generation college student, meaning she is the first member of her family to attend college. this is a measure of formal education experience.

What is the definition of a first generation college student?

This is known to be any student who is said to be the first in his or her family to be able to attend college

Formal learning is a term that is known to be  a type of learning program whose  goals and objectives are set  by the training department, etc.

Therefore, Maribel is a first-generation college student, meaning she is the first member of her family to attend college. this is a measure of formal education experience.

Learn more about formal education experience from


___________________ invite an audience to explain their response and discourage yes or no replies from people being questioned.


Open ended invite an audience to explain their response and discourage yes or no replies from people being questioned.

A question that cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" or with a fixed solution is said to be open-ended. Open-ended inquiries are framed as statements that call for a more in-depth response. The answer can be compared to knowledge that the questioner already has.

Open-ended activities or questions can be answered in a variety of ways and have more than one correct response, solution, or conclusion. They might come in the form of declarations, inquiries, assignments, projects, or instructional strategies. There are no predefined right answers; various learners may employ different styles of reasoning.

To learn more about audience, refer



Observer bias relates mainly to researchers whereas observer effects stem from participants.
false/ true


Observer bias relates more often than not to researchers whereas observer results stem from participants.

Observer bias occurs when a researcher's expectations, opinions, or prejudices affect what they discover or record in a study. It typically affects studies when observers are aware of the research targets or hypotheses. This type of lookup bias is additionally referred to as detection bias or ascertainment bias.

Does observer bias have an effect on validity?

Research has shown that in the presence of observer bias in result assessment, it is possible for cure effect estimates to be exaggerated via between a 0.33 to two-thirds, symbolising considerable implications on the validity of the findings and effects of research and procedures.

Learn more about observer bias here:

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