What is the goal of the United Nations?
A. Divide the world into military zones for safety.
B. Avoid another world war and promote peace.
C. Increase the world's global trade.
D. Aid in the re-location of immigrants to other lands.


Answer 1

The goal of the United Nations is to B. Avoid another world war and promote peace.

What is the United Nations' primary objective?

The preservation of world peace and security, the advancement of global human welfare, and international cooperation toward these goals are the main goals of the United Nations.

The United Nations is an intergovernmental body whose declared goals are to uphold world peace and security, foster goodwill among nations, advance global collaboration, and serve as a hub for harmonizing national policies.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about United Nations at:



Related Questions

in new york, a group of native americans joined together to resist anglo encroachment. they were known as the


A group of native Americans that joined together to resist anglo encroachment were known as the Iroquois League.

Speaking of the Iroquoian language, the Iroquois are a group of First Nations people who inhabit Turtle Island in northeastern North America. During the colonial period, the French originally referred to them as the Iroquois League and later as the Iroquois Confederacy. They were known as the Five Nations by the English and included the Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca tribes (listed geographically from east to west). The Iroquoian-speaking Tuscarora tribe from the southeast was admitted to the confederacy, which later took the name Six Nations, after 1722. According to legend, the Confederacy was founded on the Great Law of Peace, which is attributed to Hiawatha, Jigonsaseh, and Deganawidah the Great Peacemaker. The Six Nations/Haudenosaunee Confederacy had a significant influence on North American colonial politics for about 200 years. Several academics have argued for the Middle Ground theory, which holds that the Iroquois used European powers just as much as Europeans did. Around 1700, the Iroquois Empire reached its height, spanning from what is now New York State north into what is now Ontario and Quebec along the lower Great Lakes-upper St. Lawrence, and south on both sides of the Allegheny Mountains into what is now Virginia and Kentucky and into the Ohio Valley.

Know more about The Iroquois League here:



What happens between the US and France in the XYZ Affair?


The XYZ affair between France and United States was a political incident in the year 1797 -98. Early during the presidency of Jahn Adams.  That led to a limited Undeclared war that was also known as the quasi war.

An American political commission was sent to France during 1797 to look for the solutions that were threatening to break out during the war. The leaders, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry, were proposed for the solutions. But they demand for loans before atarting any kind on negotiation.  And this offended the America.

And further, the failure of all this led to an Undeclared Quasi- war.

Learn more about Quasi-war here.



who suggested that the us keep the ussr from expanding its power until communism fell apart from its own weakness?


The policy of containing Soviet expansion was proposed by George F. Kennan, an American diplomat and historian who served as the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union.

In a famous telegram sent in 1946, known as the "Long Telegram," Kennan outlined his belief that the Soviet Union was inherently expansionist and that the U.S. needed to adopt a policy of containment to prevent its further spread.

Kennan argued that the Soviet system was vulnerable to internal weaknesses, such as economic inefficiency and popular discontent, and that the U.S. should work to contain Soviet expansion until these weaknesses caused the system to collapse.

This policy became the basis for U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, and was implemented through a combination of military alliances, economic aid, and diplomatic efforts to prevent Soviet expansion.

To know more about Cold War, visit:



what caused women's roles to change in the catholic church during and after the counter-reformation




Women reformers like Teresa of Avila, Angela Merici, and Jane of Chantal helped establish religious orders that founded schools. Their fervor for the Catholic faith inspired many would-be Protestants to remain in the Church. After the Counter-Reformation, many the status of women improved very little, if not any.

Women's roles in the Catholic Church changed both during and after the counter-reformation because they were less segregated and able to assist girls, the poor, and those in need.

During the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church underwent a period of reform and renewal in response to the Protestant Reformation. One of the changes that occurred during this time was the shift in women's roles within the Catholic Church. Prior to the Counter-Reformation, women were largely excluded from leadership positions and were not allowed to become priests or hold other religious offices.

However, during the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church began to recognize the important contributions of women to the Church and began to allow women to take on more active roles within the Church. This included the establishment of religious orders for women, such as the Ursulines and the Sisters of Charity, which allowed women to take on leadership roles and become more involved in the Church's mission.

Women were allowed to become more involved in religious education and were given more opportunities to participate in the Church's liturgy. These changes helped to expand the role of women within the Catholic Church and allowed them to become more active and influential members of the Church.

Learn more about the Counter-Reformation brainly.com/question/1117174


Can the term “dexterity” have a meaning beyond manual labor skills? Explain


Yes, the term dexterity can have meanings beyond manual labor skills.

What is dexterity?

Although dexterity is often used to describe manual skill or nimbleness of hand movements, it can also refer to mental agility and the ability to handle difficult or complex situations with skill and ease.

For example, one might talk about a person's "dexterity" in social situations, meaning their ability to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics with grace and ease. Or one might talk about a politician's "dexterity" in handling a crisis, meaning their ability to respond quickly and effectively to changing circumstances. In these cases, dexterity refers to a person's ability to handle challenging or unpredictable situations with skill and aplomb.

In essence, the term dexterity refers to the ability to use one's skills and abilities effectively, regardless of whether those skills are physical or mental in nature.

Learn more about dexterity at:



2. Fill in the table with an explanation of each type of mass migration.


When a huge number of individuals relocate from one region to another, this is referred to as mass migration. The term "mass migration" is used to differentiate it from "individual or small scale migration," "seasonal migration," and "regular migration.

" A "great migration" may be used to describe a particular mass migration that is thought to have had a particularly significant impact on the course of history. Great migrations, for instance, occurred during the Roman Empire's time of the Barbarian Invasion, the Great Migration from England in the 1630s, the California Gold Rush of 1848–1850, and the Great Migration of African Americans from the rural American south to the industrial north between 1920 and 1950. The 'era of mass migration' was influenced by three causes. In the beginning, moving became significantly less expensive.

Learn more about Migration here:



who was the african american woman who ran for president in the 1970s?


The first African-American woman to run for president in the 1970s was Shirley Chisholm

While taking advantage of the Homestead Act was an appealing opportunity for owning land, why did most homesteaders fail and move back east?



The 1862 Homestead Act accelerated settlement of U.S. western territory by allowing any American, including freed slaves, to put in a claim for up to 160 free acres of federal land.


Many homesteaders could not handle the hardships of frontier life and gave up before completing five years of farming. If a homesteader quit or failed to make a go of farming, his or her land reverted back to the government and was offered to the public again.



what theory originated with the eleventh-century church theologian peter abelard?


Peter Abelard was an 11th-century church theologian and philosopher most recognized for his contributions to the establishment of scholasticism, a learning system that used critical thinking to reconcile conflicts in church beliefs. "Sic et Non".

One of Abelard's most famous writings presented conflicting views on different theological topics without adopting a final stance on any of them. This work pushed students to question established dogmas and think for themselves, laying the groundwork for later philosophical revolutions such as the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Abelard's emphasis on logic and questioning authority aided in the formation of contemporary scientific ideas.

To Learn More About philosopher click



In an experiment, an object is released from rest near and above Earth's surface. A student must determine the relationship between the direction of the gravitational force
exerted on the object and the change in momentum caused by that force. What data could the student collect to determine the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force
and the change in momentum of the object? Justify your choices. Select two answers.


The mass of the object because it is required to determine the force due to gravity carried on the object and the distance fallen by the object is the data could the student collect to determine the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force and the change in momentum of the object. Hence, option B is correct.

What is gravitational force?

The gravitational force, which is what pushes mass-containing objects toward one another. We frequently consider the pull of gravity from the Earth. Your body is kept on the ground by this force. However, all mass-bearing objects are pulled toward one another by gravity.

The attraction that the earth has on a body is known as gravitational force. Example: Because of gravity, leaves and fruits fall from a tree and land on the ground.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about gravitational force, click here:



The options are attached below-

What territories did japan acquire in the 1750 to 1900 time period?


The first over-seas territories that Japan acquired were the islands of its surround-ing seas. During the early Meiji era, Japan establish-ed control over the Nanpō, Ryukyu, and Kuril Islands; it also strength-ened control of the naichi.

Japan's government began to encourage agricultural workers to take seasonal contract work on Hawaii, Guam, and other locations. Through a Coloni-zation Society established in 1893, lead-ers began plans to establish colon-ies in Mexico and Latin America.

In 1750-1900, Provincial lead-ers in Japan started to not li-ke the Europeans and because he start-ed the trading with Europe Tokugawa was over-thrown. He was replaced by a emperor th-at had all of the power.

To know more about 1750-1900 click below:



What is the difference between indentured servants and chattel slaves?


Indentured servants and chattel slaves are both kinds of unfree labor, yet they differ significantly. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, indentured servitude was a widespread labor arrangement.

in the British colonies of North America. Individuals would agree to work for a specific amount of time, often four to seven years, in return for transportation to the colonies and the chance to establish a new life under this system. They were free to live and work as they pleased when their period of duty ended. Chattel slavery, on the other hand, was a labor system in which people were considered the property of their owners and could be bought and sold just like any other commodity.  Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, indentured servitude was a widespread labor arrangement.

learn more about chattel slaves   here:



te profit
nterest in
en, and
w greedy
Fill in the table below by placing a check mark in either the pro- or anti-labor movement box for each person
or group. Then explain why this person or group was for or against the Labor Movement.
Henry Frick
Eugene Debs
Samuel Gompers
George Pullman
Terrence Powderly
Andrew Carnegie
Pinkerton Detectives
Role In or Position on
the Labor Movement


The people who are anti or pro labor have been marked as X in the diagram attached.

What categories of persons were in the labor movement

Henry Frick was against the Labor Movement because he was a wealthy industrialist and capitalist who was notorious for his anti-union stance and harsh treatment of workers.

Eugene Debs was for the Labor Movement and was a prominent union leader and socialist. He was a founder of the Industrial Workers of the World and ran for president five times on the Socialist Party ticket.

Samuel Gompers was for the Labor Movement and was the longest-serving president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL). He believed in the use of collective bargaining and negotiations between workers and management to improve working conditions.

George Pullman was against the Labor Movement because he was an industrialist and founder of the Pullman Palace Car Company. He was known for his anti-union stance and was involved in the Pullman Strike of 1894, which was a major event in the labor movement.

Terrence Powderly was against the Labor Movement and was the Grand Master Workman of the Knights of Labor, one of the first major national labor organizations in the United States. He was against strikes and advocated for a cooperative approach to labor relations.

Andrew Carnegie was against the Labor Movement because he was a wealthy industrialist and philanthropist who believed in the idea of "survival of the fittest" and opposed organized labor.

The Pinkerton Detectives were against the Labor Movement because they were a private detective agency that was often hired by corporations to suppress and monitor union activities.

Unions were for the Labor Movement because they were organizations made up of workers who aimed to improve their working conditions and wages through collective bargaining and negotiations with management.

Read more on labor movement here:



How was Ronald Reagan as chief executive and what were some of the things he did and how would he be graded as chief executive?



Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, is widely regarded as a successful chief executive. He served two terms in office, from 1981 to 1989, and implemented a number of policies and initiatives during his tenure.

One of Reagan's key achievements was his economic policy, known as "Reaganomics," which focused on reducing taxes, deregulation, and increased defense spending. This policy is credited with revitalizing the American economy and contributing to a period of sustained economic growth during the 1980s.

Reagan also played a significant role in the Cold War, adopting a tough stance against the Soviet Union and implementing a policy of military buildup and containment. He famously called for the Soviet Union to "tear down this wall" in a 1987 speech, referring to the Berlin Wall that separated East and West Berlin.

However, Reagan's presidency was not without controversy. Critics have accused him of ignoring the growing AIDS epidemic and of engaging in illegal activities, such as the Iran-Contra scandal, in which members of his administration sold arms to Iran and used the profits to fund anti-Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua.

Overall, Reagan is generally regarded as a successful chief executive, particularly for his economic policies and his role in ending the Cold War. However, his presidency was not without its flaws, and he would likely receive a mixed grade as a chief executive.


Ronald Reagan was one of the most popular presidents in modern U.S. history. As chief executive, Reagan sought to reduce taxes and increase military spending, as well as cut social programs and regulations. He also worked to build strong relationships with foreign countries, facilitating arms control agreements and speaking out against the Soviet Union. Reagan's legacy is still debated today, but his supporters view him as a strong leader who brought the country out of economic recession and restored confidence in American ideals.

Read the passage from Garrison's message “To the Public” from The Liberator.

Which of these statements best describes how Garrison feels about slavery?

It is a problem that should be solved immediately.

It is a problem best solved gradually.

It is a problem with no solution.

It is not a problem for America.


The idea that slavery should be abolished right away best captures Garrison perspective on the issue. The right response is a.

What is Garrison?

A garrison is a group of soldiers stationed at a certain site, initially to secure it. The phrase is frequently used to describe certain buildings that make up a military base or fortified military headquarters. A garrison is typically located in a city, town, fort, castle, ship, or other place like that. A garrison is a town that houses a military installation.

Arab-Muslim armies utilised garrison towns to strengthen their control over local inhabitants during their conquests of Middle Eastern territories.

Learn more about Garrison, here:






How does Winston feel about the message on the note?


After getting the note he was stunned and found it hard to concentrate on his work for part of the day.

In George Orwell's novel 1984, Julia hands Winston a note that says, "I adore you." Given that they don't even know one another, this would seem absurd. In essence, if you don't know someone, you shouldn't declare your love for them out loud. Love, though, is a mysterious thing. Some people really do experience the cliché "love at first sight." As a result, even if they haven't met in person, they have already crossed paths several times. The note has Winston completely perplexed. Although he suspects Julia, or "the girl," may be a spy, he is also drawn to doing good deeds. When Winston first sees her, he is divided between wanting to help her and not. Winston ultimately decides to meet Julia. Winston seems to be compelled to disregard caution due to three simple words from a stranger. He is now interested in both the girl and her purported love for him.

Know more about Winston here:



its importance to the economy of food industry?


Yes the food industry is important to the economy

What is the food industry?

The food industry is the sector of the economy that is concerned with the production, distribution, and sale of food products. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including farming, fishing, forestry, and livestock production, as well as food processing, packaging, and distribution.

The food industry also includes restaurants, cafes, and other food service establishments, as well as retail food stores and supermarkets. It is a complex and global network that plays a critical role in feeding the world's population and contributes significantly to the economies of many countries.

Learn more about food industry at:



this cover from a nineteenth-century periodical helps illustrate that the united states was beginning to change from â€""


This cover from a nineteenth-century periodical helps illustrate that the United States was beginning to change from an agrarian society to an increasingly industrialized one.

The cover features images of the industrial revolution, such as a steam engine, smokestacks, and machines, while also showing a man and a woman working in a factory.

This indicates that the economy was shifting from an agricultural to an industrial one, creating jobs for people in factories and other industrial settings. This shift was a major change for the United States and one that would shape the country for years to come.

To learn ore about industrial revolution link is here



This civil rights advocate told her life story in the book A Colored Woman in a White World. Who is that character?


The autobiography A Colored Woman in a White World by this civil rights activist detailed her life's journey. That character is Mary Eliza Church Terell.

One of the first African American women to receive a college education was Mary Church Terrell, who rose to prominence as a national advocate for suffrage and civil rights. She was a Latin instructor at the M Street School in Washington, DC, which is now Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, and was the country's first public high school for Black Americans. Terrell was a founding member of the Colored Women's League of Washington and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (1909). . She participated in the establishment of the National Association of Colored Women (1896), serving as its first national president, and the National Association of College Women, of which she was a founding member (1923).

Know more about Mary Eliza Church Terell here:



during the 1800s, america only became involved in european affairs when the affairs directly affected the united states. true false


True During the 1800s, the United States only became involved in European affairs when they directly impacted the country.

Why did America become more isolated after World War I?

American public opinion and policy moved toward isolationism in the 1930s as a result of the Great Depression and the painful memories of World War I's casualties. Isolationists advocated not being involved in Asian and European conflicts or in international politics.

How did the United States conduct its foreign policy in the 1920s and 1930s?

Thus, isolationist policies were the hallmark of American foreign policy in the 1920s; For example, even though the United States was the first nation to propose such international cooperation, it decided not to join the League of Nations, which was just starting out.

To learn more about European affairs here:



Since myth can go wrong (as Aristotle says, imagination "may be false"), what then is the value of myth?



This common opinion may be false, according to Plato, but it certainly ought to be taken into account and dealt with.


How was Hamilton and Jefferson’s disagreement about the payment of the national debt resolved? The federal government repaid the war debts, and the national capital was moved. The Bank of the United States was created, and factories were built in southern states. The states repaid the debt, and northern merchants agreed to higher taxes


Alexander Hamilton came a  commanding voice of the Federalists who accepted that the civil government should have areas of strength for been. On the  contrary side, Thomas Jefferson, a Republican, argued that an excess of force in the hands of the civil government would lead to  despotism.  

In September 1789, President George Washington assigned Alexander Hamilton the task of  diving  the nation's obligation. As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton had exactly 110 days to prepare a report on the nation's credit status, which he'd present to Congress in January.  

This was a daunting assignment, to say the least. Between  strange, homegrown and state  scores, the United States owed  nearly$ 80 million, to a great extent because of the pay and  force of the Continental Army.

Current pay from civil tariffs and excerpt  levies amounted to simply$4.4 million, enough to cover current government operations. Adding to the intricacy of his task, the French were presently in a  delicate situation politically and financially, and an unknown number of original bond  possessors had offered their administration  scores to bookmakers.

to know more about tariffs click here:



In Europe in the 1900s how did people become political leaders?


In Europe in the 1900s, people became political leaders through a variety of means, depending on the country and the political system in place.Answer:


In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, political leaders were elected to office through a democratic process. In others, such as Russia and some Eastern European countries, political leaders were often appointed by a monarch or ruling party.

In some cases, political leaders were military leaders who gained power through force, such as in Germany during the Nazi era. In other cases, leaders emerged from political parties or movements, such as the Bolsheviks in Russia.

contemporary gender ideologies are firmly rooted in the natural differences between men and women and gender roles from early human history. True/False?


Contemporary gender ideologies are understanding cross-cultural parallels and differences in how people regard men, women, and other gender identities is the goal of the study of gender ideas.

The term "ideology" refers to two aspects of the research on this subject: (a) its feminist roots, which hold that social and cultural systems dominated by men are justified and sustained by conceptualizing women as inferior to men; and the culturally constructed (as opposed to "natural") nature of gender.

The ideological gendering of private vs. public social spheres, the degree to which a nature-culture dichotomy organizes gender ideas about women and men, and nature are important foci in this primarily but not entirely anthropological field of study.

To learn more about   gender ideologies    :



title movie
freedom riders

instructions create a reflection paper that summarize the documentary and how brougth about social changes and lead to the Civil rigths act of 1964

please help me
2,5 pages

Please read the instructions please I need your help watch the movie and the instructions ​​


The Reflection Paper on "Freedom Riders"

The documentary "Freedom Riders" is a powerful and moving account of a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement. This film tells the story of a group of young activists who challenged segregation laws in the American South during the early 1960s

What opposition did they face?

The Freedom Riders faced incredible opposition, including brutal violence and arrest, as they tried to change the status quo.

Despite the risks, they refused to back down, inspired by the belief that justice and equality were worth fighting for. Through their bravery and determination, the Freedom Riders helped bring about major social changes that paved the way for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Read more about Civil Rights Act here:



When is Black History Month celebrated in the UK?


Black History Month is celebrated in the UK in the month of October.

Black History Month now covers the history of individuals from the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa as well as their contributions to Britain's "island story," having broadened its scope throughout the years. Some people have criticized this change for attempting to advance multiculturalism rather than raising knowledge and understanding of the history of the African Diaspora.

A common criticism of Black History Month is that it is patronizing, serves as an excuse to disregard Black history for the rest of the year, and serves to separate Black history from British history. Whatever the merits and flaws of these arguments, they all emphasize the necessity of using history to comprehend the present and potential futures.

Black History Month occurs in October. This national holiday seeks to increase awareness of Black history generally and to commemorate the contributions that Black people have made to British society.

To know more about Black History Month



How did cattle impact the Americas in the 16th century?


Menaced the food crops of Native Americans, notably in Mexico
As they traveled to the Caribbean and then across North and South America, cattle introduced by Spanish conquerors aided European expansion by occupying spaces inhospitable to colonists, destroying native environments, sup- porting extractive activities, and transforming relations of prop- erty, often in advance of ...

The qin dynasty ruled by following the philosophy of _____.

The _____ collapse because of its harsh policies.

The han dynasty was founded by _____who was a peasant.

The han dynasty followed the teachings of ______ to emphasize social hierarchy and order.

The _____ were trade routes from and to east asia.

The emperor ____ expanded Chinese territory and broke up nomadic tribal groups in northern asia.

What was a main goal of the queen dynasty ?

What were some of the major accomplishments of the han dynasty?


The Qin dynasty ruled by following the philosophy of Legalism.The Qin dynasty collapsed because of its harsh policies.The Han dynasty was founded by Liu Bang who was a peasant.The Han dynasty followed the teachings of Confucius to emphasize social hierarchy and order.The Silk Road were trade routes from and to East Asia.The emperor Wu Di expanded Chinese territory and broke up nomadic tribal groups in northern Asia.A main goal of the Qin dynasty was to unify China under one centralized government and establish a legalist system of governance.Some of the major accomplishments of the Han dynasty were the establishment of a centralized bureaucratic system of government, the expansion of the empire's territory, the development of a civil service examination system, and the invention of paper and the seismograph. The Han dynasty also saw significant advancements in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.

How did Constantine change the religious policy of the Roman Empire?


Constantine change the religious policy of the Roman Empire was that he made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Constantine the Great credited his triumph over the Eastern Roman Realm to God because of the way that he got a dream ahead of time that gave him directions for triumph.He then lifted up Christianity to the place of the authority religion of the Roman domain which made the Congregation essentially strong.It was a critical shift from the overarching view at the hour of Christians waiting be oppressed.

In 313 C.E., Roman sovereign Constantine the Incomparable finished all oppression and proclaimed lenience for Christianity. Sometime thereafter, Christianity turned into the authority state religion of the Realm. This uncommon change in approach spread this generally new religion to each side of the Domain.

To know more about Constantine,visit here:



Answer:(D) He made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.


who was a writer and speaker working to abolish slavery?


Frederick Douglass was the writer and speaker who worked to abolish slavery. He learnt how to read when he was sent to work as a house servant in Baltimore.

Douglass became an agent for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in the year 1841, in which he endured violent personal attacks and frequent insults.

He started an anti-slavery newspaper called North Star, which he published until 1860 in New York. He was also a consultant in the Civil War to the then President, Mr. Abraham Lincoln.

To know more about Anti-Slavery Society



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