What is the difference between a formal sanction and an informal sanction?
Following rules of behavior to help maintain order is part of
negative sanctions.
capital punishment.
social control.
informal sanctions.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer 1

The difference between a formal sanction and an informal sanction is capital punishment.

Sanctions in law and legal definitions are penalties or other enforcement measures used to encourage compliance with laws or rules and regulations. Criminal sanctions can take the form of severe penalties, such as. Corporal Punishment, Death Penalty, Imprisonment or Heavy Fines.

Economic sanctions are trade and financial penalties imposed by one or more countries against an autonomous state, group, or individual. Economic sanctions are not always imposed due to economic conditions. It can also be imposed for various political, military, and social reasons. The United States has been subject to multiple sanctions throughout history. Most recently, in 2018, US President Donald Trump imposed economic sanctions on several trading partners, including the People's Republic of China, Canada, the European Union, and Mexico.

Learn more about sanctions here



Related Questions

12. Lines 261-271: Explain how Madison uses nuanced language in his concluding paragraphs.​​


Madison uses nuanced language in his concluding paragraphs including words such as conflagration," "malady," and "diseases" to appeal to a sense of fear.

However Madison used nuanced type of language in his concluding paragraphs and he concludes by saying, "Consequently, we believe in the size and right organization of the Union."Here is a republican cure for the ailments that plague the republican government the most. "According to this, allowing political freedom causes political disagreement, which cannot be put down if freedom is to be preserved. Despite the fact that Madison's argument is mostly based on logic, he utilizes the phrases "conflagration," "malady," and "diseases" in his conclusion to arouse terror in his audience.  

In a great phrase focused on the nature of human language—"the medium through which the concepts of men are transferred to one another"—Madison addressed this final issue. Madison argued that people use language "to express ideas." As a result, "perspicuity" required that "the thoughts not only be distinctly formulated but also articulated by terms clearly and solely applicable to them."

No language, however, is "so copious as to offer words and phrases for every complex thought, or so correct as not to include" terms that signify ambiguous meanings, according to Madison. No matter how sound the concepts are, "the definition of them may be rendered wrong by the inaccuracy of the terminology in which they are conveyed," so the saying goes. The accuracy would decrease according to the complexity and uniqueness of the defined items.


Learn to know more about federalist James Madison on



what does edgetho's quarrel kenning mean


Edgetho's quarrel kenning meant's proud prince" and "Edgetho's son."

Edge to:  Beowulf's father The most effective motive he's essential is that a few years before our tale opens, King Hrothgar gave Edgetho shelter in Denmark after Edgetho was a rival tribe warrior.

Grendel and Beowulf are uncommon. This makes Grendel hard to and it makes Beowulf a well-known warrior. while maximum guys have tried to Grendel with swords, Beowulf is the most effective one robust enough to combat Grendel with his palms, that's part of what allows Beowulf to succeed.

The poem issues the legendary determine Beowulf, a hero of the Geats who was a North Germanic human being inhabiting current-day Gotaland in southern Sweden. Beowulf fights a sequence of monsters and also rules as King of the Geats for about 50 years.

Learn more about edgetho's here:



A controversial topic is one that is

(4 points)

Group of answer choices






"A controversial Topic is one that is Debatable."

A situation of protracted public argument or debate, usually involving a topic with opposing views or opinions, is referred to as a controversy. The word was created from the Latin word controversia, which is a compound of the Latin word controversus, which means "turned in the opposite direction."

For example, A custody dispute between two well-known parents is an illustration of a controversy. A disagreement in opinions, especially one expressed in public, between people who support opposing positions on a certain topic.

So the controversy is always debatable, some people will speak in favor of the topic while some will be against the topic.

To learn more about Debatable here:



Read the texts.
Text 1
My family lives near the San Diego Zoo, and we often go there to see the amazing
animals. My favorite animal there is the capybara. It looks like a two-foot-tall hamster.
The zoo's helpful signs taught me that capybaras live near the water in Central and
South America. The zoo did a great job recreating their habitat, and the capybaras look
Text 2
I love working at the San Diego Zoo. We take good care of our animals and present
excellent information to the visitors. The best thing about our zoo is our mission to help
species survive. We've done amazing work to save the California condor, which almost
went extinct in the wild. Check out the condor exhibit when you visit. You won't find a
better one in the whole zoo!
Which author would agree with the opinions below?
Zoos provide people with important information
about animals.
The San Diego Zoo is a great place for animals to
The best animal to see at the zoo is the capybara.
Text 1 author Text 2 author


After reading both texts, we can see that the authors mostly share their opinions about the San Diego Zoo, but that Text 1 author prefers capybaras.

Zoos provide people with important information about animals. - Both authors.The San Diego Zoo is a great place for animals to live. - Both authors.The best animal to see at the zoo is the capybara. - Text 1 author.

What are the authors' opinions?

After reading both Text 1 and Text 2, we can see that the two authors like the San Diego Zoo. One goes there as a visitor, the other works there. Both speak of how the zoo provides important information about the animals. And both mention that the zoo provides a good habitat for the animals. However, Text 1 author focuses on capybaras, whereas Text 2 author speaks more generally.

With the information above in mind, we can conclude the author who would agree with each opinion is the following:

Zoos provide people with important information about animals. - Both authors.The San Diego Zoo is a great place for animals to live. - Both authors.The best animal to see at the zoo is the capybara. - Text 1 author.

Learn more about author's opinions here:



Exercise 1 Circle each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
Would you rather live in Alaska or in Africa?


Would you rather live (in) Alaska or (in) Africa?

What is a preposition?

A preposition can be a word, and it's almost often a really little and widely used word that introduces a partner object like "of" in "a basket of apples" while also indicating direction, location, or time, such as "at" in "at the door" or "by" in "by noon." The accompanying object, which may be a noun (like noon), a phrase (like "the door"), or a closed-class word, is obliquely placed after prepositions (you).

What is an example of a preposition?

At, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with are the common prepositions that are used the most frequently. Alternatives to the preposition include "regarding," "above," "across," "after," "along," "along," "because of," "before," "behind," "beside," "between," "close to," "below," "during," "except," "within," "instead of," "into," like, near, and "off."

Learn more about preposition



Exercise 2 Underline the simple subject. Identify the verbal or verbal phrase in each sentence by drawing a circle around it. In the blank, write whether the verbal or verbal phrase is a gerund, a participle, or an infinitive.
The dream of the Wright brothers was to build the first successful airplane.


The simple subject in the sentence is "dream", the verb is "was" and the verb phrase is "to build," which is an infinitive, as further explained below.

What is a simple subject?

A simple subject is the main word in the subject, the one that truly expresses the relationship with the verb whereas a complete subject is the main word plus all modifiers that appear in a subject.

In the sentence we are analyzing here, we have the following:

Complete subject: The dream of the Wright brothers.Simple subject: dream.Verb: wasVerb phrase: to build --> infinitive

Let's keep in mind that a verb is the word that expresses an action, a condition, or a state. An infinitive verb phrase, in its turn, consists of "to" and the basic form of a verb.

With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the answer provided above is correct.

Learn more about simple subjects here:



Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun. Identify the case by writing nom. (nominative) or obj. (objective) in the blank. Some sentences have more than one pronoun to identify.
We are sending blankets and winter clothes to the earthquake victims we know, Katherine and (she, her).


We are sending blankets and winter clothes to the earthquake victims we know, Katherine and her (obj.).

Pronouns are words used to refer to things or people. They are have three different forms depending on how they are used in a sentence.

The three forms of pronouns are objective, nominative, and possessive.

Objective pronoun is used in a sentence when its function in a sentence is that of a subject or predicate. Few objective pronouns are I, you, he, she, it (singular) and you, they, we (plural).

Nominative pronoun is used in a sentence when the pronoun functions as a direct or indirect object, or also, the object of preposition. Some nominative pronouns are you, her, him, me, it (singular) and you, us, them (plural).

Lastly, a possessive pronoun is used as a way to portray ownership or possession such as mine, your, my, her, his (singular) and our, your, their (plural).

We are sending blankets and winter clothes to the earthquake victims we know, Katherine and her is the correct sentence.

In the above sentence, "her" is an objective pronoun because it serves the function of a direct object.

To know more about pronouns and how they can be used in a sentence, refer to the link provided - https://brainly.com/question/1494508


Exercise 2 Complete each sentence by writing a verb phrase (main verb and auxiliary verbs) using the verb indicated.
In fact, by age nineteen she __________ had obtained a commercial pilot’s license. (obtain)


In the sentence In fact, by age nineteen she had obtained a commercial pilot’s license. the word obtained is the main verb and had is the auxiliary verb.

Because The primary verb, also known as the lexical verb, is the main verb. The crucial verb in a sentence—the one that often expresses the action or status of the subject—is referred to by this word. A assisting verb, also known as an auxiliary verb, may be used alongside main verbs or they may stand alone.

To identify the primary verb in a statement, keep in mind: Typically, a primary verb follows the subject. In order to communicate tense, aspect, modality, voice, stress, etc., an auxiliary verb adds functional or grammatical meaning to the phrase in which it appears. An infinitive verb or a participle, which offer the clause's major semantic substance, is typically accompanied by auxiliary verbs.

To know more about auxiliary verb:



Their eyes were watching god

Give two reasons for why Janie returns, based on chapter 1


After Tea Cake passes away, Janie cannot bear to stay in the Everglades where she is surrounded by reminders of her beloved Tea Cake and returns to Eatonville. Her search for genuine love has finally been satisfied, and she returns to her hometown thanks to Tea Cake.

Its from Their eyes were watching god. Pheoby offers to deliver a pot of mulatto rice to Janie, and she soon makes it across the pitch-black hallway to Janie's back steps. Pheoby's motivations are not entirely altruistic. She has a quiet confidence that Janie will speak with her and explain what took place over the last 18 months. Janie is happy to have her friend and the food gift. She lets Pheoby know that Tea Cake did not steal the cash that Joe left for her. She adds that while Tea Cake is no longer alive, the money is secure in the bank. Janie tells Pheoby about her months with Tea Cake after she has had some time to relax, cleaned and comforted her tired feet, and eaten some rice.

To learn more about Their eyes were watching god here



Exercise 1 Circle the conjunctions. In the blank write coord. if the conjunction is coordinating. Write corr. if the conjunction is correlative. Write sub. if the conjunction is subordinate.
Neither Sasha nor her brother could locate the car.


The conjunction in this given sentence is nor, which is a coordinating conjunction l. e., coord whereas neither is Correlative conjunction. e., corr.

How do you recognize conjunctions in a sentence?

Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together. I like cooking and eating food, but I hate cleaning up afterward. Sophie, who is plainly exhausted, dances till dawn. There are four basic kinds of conjunctions: conjunctive adverbs (such since, because, when), coordinating conjunctions (or, and, but), correlative conjunctions (and/or, not only/but also), and subordinating conjunctions (since, because, when) (however, therefore). In conjunctions, high-frequency words like "and" are often used and understood by kindergarten and first-graders.

To learn more about Conjunction, visit:



Exercise 2 Write the plural of each word.


The answer is knives

which sentence uses a semicolon correctly?


Choice c is the best answer

Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun. Identify the case by writing nom. (nominative) or obj. (objective) in the blank. Some sentences have more than one pronoun to identify.
I could tell Conrad was more nervous than (I, me).


The correct sentence is "I could tell Conrad was more nervous than me."

Nominative pronouns function as the subject of the sentence. This is why they are also known as subjective pronouns. Common nominative pronouns are I, you (both singular and plural), he, she, it, we, they and who.

Objective pronouns are used when something is being done to the subject. Common objective pronouns are me, you (both singular and plural), him, her, it, us, them and whom.

In the given sentence, the correct pronoun is "me". It is an objective pronoun.

"I" can also be used, but to make the sentence sound less ambiguous, it must be written as "I could tell Conrad was more nervous than I was." It must be noted that "I" is a nominative pronoun.

To learn more about pronouns, refer to this link:


Exercise 1 Underline the subject of each sentence. Then, choose the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject and write it in the blank.
A few of the lights _____________ not work. (do, does)


The subject of the sentence and the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject are these:

Subject: A few of the lightsVerb form: Do

So, the complete sentence will be:

A few of the lights do not work.

What is a subject?

A subject is a person or thing usually at the beginning part of a sentence that performs the action. In the sentence provided, we can see that the subject is: A few of the lights.

The action that can be attributed to them is that of not working. Note that the subject which is in its plural form is matched with a singular verb.

Learn more about the subject of a sentence here:



Write a story of not more than 250 words on the wise saying "good name they say is better than riches".​


A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

People place a high value on financial success. This goal is served by a variety of social activities like business, employment, and education. People now prioritise money above all else since it has become so important. As a result, using dishonest tactics to make money is common. That entails dishonouring the user in some way. Despite the fact that they have money, which gives them influence and power, people do not believe or trust them because of their reputations. Only a person with a good reputation can gain the faith, trust, confidence, and love of others. There are many things in life that money cannot buy, including respect, trust, and goodwill. A person's reputation can be helpful in these situations.A good reputation is preferable than big wealth, thus we should take extra effort to do things that will help us build and maintain our excellent reputations as opposed to growing our investment portfolio. A fool may be extremely wealthy, but a good reputation makes a guy easy and safe, presumes a man to be wise and honest, brings praise to God, and increases a man's chances of doing good. While vast wealth can satisfy both our own and others' physical needs, a good name allows us to avoid the responsibilities and worries that come with managing great wealth.

To know more about Stories visit:



Read the excerpt from The Metamorphoses by Ovid.
At once [Jupiter] shuts the North Wind in the caverns.
.. and then he sends forth the South Wind. With
soaking wings the South Wind flies abroad, having his
terrible face covered with pitchy darkness; his
beard is loaded with showers, the water streams down
from his hoary locks, clouds gather upon his forehead,
his wings and the folds of his robe drip with wet; and,
as with his broad hand he squeezes the hanging
clouds, a crash arises, and thence showers are
poured in torrents from the sky....
. [Neptune] struck the Earth with his trident, on
which it shook, and with a tremor laid open the
sources of its waters. The rivers, breaking out, rush
through the open plains, and bear away, together with
the standing corn, the groves, flocks, men, houses,
and temples, together with their sacred utensils.
Mark this and return
How is Baldwin's adaptation different from Ovid's
original text?
In Baldwin's adaptation, the flood spreads over the
Earth more completely, while in Ovid's original, the
flood covers a small area.
O In Baldwin's adaptation, the flood comes from
Jupiter and is more violent, while in Ovid's original,
the flood is naturally occurring and gentler.
O In Baldwin's adaptation, the flood covers every part
of the Earth more quickly, while in Ovid's original, it
takes a long time to flood the whole world.
O In Baldwin's adaptation, the flood is caused by
Jupiter alone, while in Ovid's original, it is caused
by a group of gods.
Save and Exit



Teej 2and the value of a and the value of a and the value for a 7ma about deusi bhailo essay writing a and the value for money and the value for money and the value for money and the value for a friends as as well as a hah and the value of a bit late but the I have a and bhailo essay writing about writing a and the value for money and the value for money and the value for money money and the value for money and 2baj the value for money and the value for money and the value for money 2to 2and 2baj http.


Jesus Christ church in the value value for money and the value 22khe the value for money and the value for money and the value for money and the value for money and the value for money and the value for money and the value for money and the value for

Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

Towns in the flood zone are in great danger.

Towns in the flood zone is in great danger.


Towns in the flood zone are in great danger
Answer: Towns in the flood zone are in great danger.

Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun. Identify the case by writing nom. (nominative) or obj. (objective) in the blank. Some sentences have more than one pronoun to identify.
These algebra problems confuse Rashonda as much as (I, me).


Answer: The correct sentence is "These algebra problems confuse Rashonda as much as me."

Explanation: Nominative pronouns function as the subject of the sentence. This is why they are also known as subjective pronouns. Common nominative pronouns are I, you (both singular and plural), he/she/it, we, they and who.

Objective pronouns are used when something is being done to the subject. Common objective pronouns are me, you (both singular and plural), him/her/it, us, them and whom.

In the given sentence, the correct pronoun is "me". It is an objective pronoun.

To learn more about pronouns, refer to this link:


write 1 paragraph Describing two interesting or unexpected details from Mann's description of pre-Columbian Native America. Explain why they were surprising, citing specific passages in your response.


Two unexpected details of Mann's description are that the peoples of pre-Columbian America were extremely numerous and socially evolved.

How did Mann make these discoveries?He began studying throughout the American continent.He analyzed artifacts, documents, and evidence about native peoples.

Mann discovered that the peoples of pre-Columbian America were very different from what Europeans advertised. These peoples were very numerous and formed very large ethnic groups that were larger than the population of Paris and London combined.

In addition, people were not uncivilized, but socially and scientifically evolved, as they had a well-organized society with norms and knew how to manipulate the environment technologically.

Learn more about pre-Columbian America:



Answer: This is the answer I submitted for my homework last week...

Two unexpected details I found surprising in Mann's description are that the peoples of pre-Columbian America were extremely numerous and socially evolved. He began making discoveries by studying throughout the American continent. Analyzing artifacts, documents, and evidence about native peoples. Mann discovered that the peoples of pre-Columbian America were very different from what Europeans advertised. These peoples were very numerous and formed very large ethnic groups. As well, people were not uncivilized, but socially and scientifically evolved, as they had a well-organized society with norms and knew how to manipulate the environment technologically.

"Unlike the upland hunters, the Indians on the rivers and coastline did not roam the land; instead, most seem to have moved between a summer place and a winter place, like affluent snowbirds alternating between Manhattan and Miami. The distances were smaller, of course; shoreline families would move a fifteen-minute walk inland, to avoid direct exposure to winter storms and tides. Each village had its own distinct mix of farming and foraging—this one here, adjacent to a rich oyster bed, might plant maize purely for variety, whereas that one there, just a few miles away, might subsist almost entirely on its harvest, filling great underground storage pits each fall. Although these settlements were permanent, winter and summer alike, they often were not tightly knit entities, with houses and fields in carefully demarcated clusters. Instead, people spread themselves through estuaries, sometimes grouping into neighborhoods, sometimes with each family on its own, its maize ground proudly separate. Each community was constantly “joining and splitting like quicksilver in a fluid pattern within its bounds,” wrote Kathleen J. Bragdon, an anthropologist at the College of William and Mary—a type of settlement, she remarked, with “no name in the archaeological or anthropological literature.”" (Lines 96-115)

Hope it helped! :)

Exercise 2 Circle each prepositional phrase in the sentences below and draw an arrow to the word or words it modifies.
At the museum we saw paintings and sculptures.


The prepositional phrase in the sentence "At the museum we saw paintings and sculptures". is "At".

What is prepositional phrase?

Prepositions and postpositions are a class of words used to mark various semantic obligations as well as to transmit spatial or temporal relationships (in, under, towards, or before). Adpositions (or, more generally, prepositions in classical grammar) is the term for this word group (of, for).

The term "preposition's complement" or "postposition's object" refers to the union of a preposition or postposition and a noun phrase. In contrast to a preposition, a postposition comes after its complement. Although there are a few exceptions, such "ago" and "notwithstanding," as in "three days ago," English tends to employ prepositions more frequently than postpositions. Prepositional phrases like in England, under the table, and of Jane are used before their respective objects.

To learn more about from prepositional phrase the given link:



Write a 15- 20 line poem that represents your American journey and how it relates to the American Dream.


the American dream.....?

The working class through the nose pay

For rising prices prices every day

Their savings diminished bit by bit

Need a consumer's advocate

The dollar now is worth a cent

It's sunk as low as drowned cement

The cost of butter has gone sky high

So now their toast is eaten dry

How do parents explain to kids

Why their goodies they must forbid

Children of our once proud nation

Can't quite reckon this thing, inflation

Whatever happened to the American scheme

Of working hard for the American dream

To the working guy who's missed the boat

The American dream now seems remote

When adding or subtracting numbers in scientific notation, both quantities must have the same ______ before carrying out the calculation.


When adding or subtracting numbers in scientific notation, both quantities must have the same exponent before carrying out the calculation. The answer here is exponent.

"Before numbers expressed in scientific notation can be added or subtracted, they must be converted to a form in which all the exponents have the same value. The appropriate operation is then carried out on the values of N."

To add or subtract two numbers in scientific notation, you first need to convert them to the same power.

For example, 5 x 103

+ 4 x 105

= 5 x 103

+ 400 x 103

= 405 x 103

= 4.05 x 105

To know more about scientific notation click below:



Type your response in the box.
Read the lines from the poem.

"So, they teach me the sweet lesson,
That the humblest may give
Help and hope, and in so doing,
Learn the truth by which we live;
For the heart that freely scatters
Simple charities and loves,"

Analyze the significance of the lines from the poem. Use information from the poem to support your analysis.


The significance of the lines from the poem can be described as follows:

The poem teaches a lesson in giving humility. These qualities can be learned from the birds which have the attitude of scattering their seeds. So, the poet promotes the lesson of charity that is seen in the birds.

What lesson is gleaned from the birds?

In this poem titled "My Doves" by Louisa May Alcott , we learn a lot of useful lessons about birds. These animals are known for their peaceful nature. The poet says that if we can be like the birds in giving and helping our fellow humans, then we will bring home love and joy.

The theme of the poem is the importance of charity. Humans should learn to give so that they will experience peace like the birds. The final part of the poem lends more credence to the outcome of giving which is that: Giving "lures home content, and joy, and peace, / Like a soft-winged flock of doves."

Learn more about poem analysis here:



2. Which piece of evidence explains the cause of Jediism's similarity to other religious philosophies?​


The time period of Jewish philosophy refers to diverse sorts of mirrored images engaged in by means of men and women recognized as Jews. At times, as within the middle a while, this meant any methodical and disciplined thought pursued by means of Jews, whether on preferred philosophical subjects or on particular Judaic topics.

In other eras, as in modern times, attention to the latter has been taken into consideration as a decisive criterion, in order that philosophers who are Jewish however unconcerned with Judaism or the Jewish heritage and future of their thought are not frequently categorized as Jewish philosophers.

Philosophy arose in Judaism under Greek impact but, a kind of philosophical method can be discerned in early Jewish spiritual works apparently subject to little or no Greek influence. The books of task and Ecclesiastes have been preferred works of medieval philosophers, who took them as philosophical discussions now not depending on historic revelation. in notions of sacrifice, suitable works, hospitality, peace, justice, pilgrimage an afterlife, and loving God with all one's heart and soul.

Learn more about Religious Philosophies here:-https://brainly.com/question/16140059


Read the following passage from A Catechism of Familiar Things.
In order to study astronomy, ancient Greeks built observatories, invented instruments for observing and measuring with correctness, separated the stars into different
groups or constellations, gave particular names to most of the moving stars or planets, and noted the periods which each took to move through its apparent path.
Paraphrase the passage above.


Its origin has been ascribed to numerous people, as well as to exclusive countries and a long time. Belus King of Assyria Atlas King of Mauritania and Uranus King of the countries situated on the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean are all recorded because the people to whom the sector is indebted for this noble science. Its starting place is typically constant in Chaldea. a few choices, but, to characteristic it to the Hebrews others to the Egyptians, from whom, they say it handed to the Greeks.

The astrolabe is a calculation and pedagogical device of the Greek foundation It made it possible to solve astronomic problems with no calculations. It identified, as an example, the time that the sun or the stars would upward push or set, and the sun's top at its highest factor above the horizon,

Ancient Egyptians and Mayans built observatories. The Egyptian obelisks as an example have been used as shadow clocks. The residents may want to divide the day into two elements and also into hours by following the obelisk's shadow. The Mayan had astronomical codices which allowed them to calculate moon stages and eclipses. Radio telescopes, telescopes detecting infrared radiation, gamma rays, and X-rays, and space-based telescopes are critical in modern-day astronomy.

Learn more about Ancient Greeks here:-https://brainly.com/question/15189730



Ancient Greeks used buildings and instruments to observe and study astronomy. 


Exercise 1 Circle the prepositions in each sentence. Sentences can have more than one preposition. If the sentence has no prepositions, circle nothing.
He batted .362 in the 1960 and the 1971 World Series.


Preposition in the following sentence "He batted 362 in the 1960 and the 1971 World Series.":- in.

Why do we need grammar?

Grammar is significant because the language allows us to discourse about language, which is why it is so vital. Grammar describes the many kinds of words and word groups that can be found in sentences in any language, not only English. Even as young children, all of us can use language and construct complete phrases. However, being able to discuss the types of words and word groupings that make up sentences, as well as how sentences are put together, requires knowledge of grammar. Grammar knowledge also provides a glimpse into the human mind and our incredibly sophisticated cognitive ability.

To know more about prepositions, visit:



write an email to your friend to tell him the criteria to be enrolled in a medical college


Write an email to our friend to tell him the criteria to be enrolled in a medical college.

At a minimum, most schools will ask you to submit one of the following. Three individual letters. Two letters from science professors and one letter from a non-science professor. These letters are to be sent directly to AMCAS by individual professors or by your school via a letter packet.

7 Tips - How to write an email to a college admissions office

Keep the format clean.

Make a good impression by demonstrating real interest.

Don't be too casual.

Don't be too formal.

Be polite and respectful.

Think before you send.

Sample college admissions office email.

The Address. Make sure to begin every email you write with an address line: “Dear Professor Smith,” is a safe and effective formula, at least for the first email. Do not, under any circumstance, begin an email to a college professor or administrator with  Hi Hello or  Hey, by itself.

Learn more about email  here



Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies.
The chair that we bought at the garage sale looks great in the living room.


The chair that we bought at the garage sale looks great in the living room.

The adjective clause is that we bought at the garage sale and the noun is the chair. A clause is a set of words that includes a topic and a verb that has a date. This dating is critical due to the fact a clause conveys records about what that situation is or is doing, instead of in reality being a random grouping of phrases.

A clause is a selected point or provision in regulation or felony record. it could be an article, section, or standalone paragraph that addresses any subject matter relating to the document that carries it. A clause is the fundamental unit of grammar. A clause should comprise a verb. usually, a clause is made from a topic a verb phrase, and once in a while, a compliment I have eaten.

Learn more about The adjective clause here:-https://brainly.com/question/1818683


The prefix mono- means (one." The Greek root ton means "tone" of "sound" The suffix-ous
forms an adjective. If someone's speech is monotonous, how might you describe it?


Answer: The Greek word for "one tone" is monotonic, which is the root for both monotone and the closely related word monotonous, which means "dull and tedious." A continuous sound, especially someone's voice, that doesn't rise and fall in pitch, is a monotone.

Explanation: The Internet said so!

Indira Gandhi is not answering your questions about the ruby slippers.Is this active or passive voice?


Indira Gandhi isn't just answering your questions about ruby ​​shoes, she's taking an active voice.

Active Voice: The cat was chasing a mouse. In this sentence, "cat" is the subject, "chased" is the verb, and "mouse" is the object. Passive Voice: The cat was chasing a mouse. In a sentence written in the active voice, the subject performs an action. In a sentence written in the passive voice, the subject receives an action. The active voice indicates that the person or thing represented by the grammatical subject performs the action represented by the verb.

The active voice is used in most non-scientific texts. Using the active voice for most sentences makes the meaning clear to the reader and prevents the sentence from becoming too complex or verbose. Even in scientific writing, too much passive voice can blur the meaning of a sentence. In most English sentences with action verbs, the subject performs the action the verb represents. This example shows that the subject performs the action of the verb. In these sentences, the sentence is said to be in the active voice because of the subject "acts" or acts on the verb.

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