What is the description of a federal system of government?


Answer 1

The political system known as federalism distributes authority among many levels of government. Federal states frequently have a minimum of three layers of government, including the federal government at the national level.

It is a substate governments at the provincial level, and municipal governments. Federalism is a form of government in which a central authority and numerous national constituent parts share power. There are at least two tiers of governance in a federation. All of these governmental tiers have a certain degree of independence from one another.

Federalism is a form of government in which two levels of authority share control over the same region. Larger territorial areas are typically governed more broadly by an overarching national government, while local concerns are handled by smaller subdivisions, states, and cities.

Learn more about federal system Visit: brainly.com/question/9892053


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this passage most accurately reflects the democratic ideals taken from the enlightenment. True/False?


The given statement "this passage most accurately reflects the democratic ideals taken from the enlightenment." is True about the passage.

Because the theories and ideas of an intellectual enlightenment were more efficient and useful in making the US Constitution. Main purpose of this was to improve society with the help of different rights and freedoms such as freedom of expression and equality.

The concept of enlightenment emerged in the 18th century in Europe. Social Contract is one of the main components of enlightenment. It focused on the faith, collectiveness, and a belief that govern people.

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The passage reads as follows: "we hold truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Thus, to secure these rights, governments are instructed among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

which concept argues that true and free political discourse requires a forum for free and unrestrained political discussion?


Theory of "Marketplace of Ideas" argues that true and free political discourse requires a forum for free and unrestrained political discussion.

Marketplace of Ideas can be referred to as freedom of expression where every person is free to express his views and every view or expression of idea is valuable for coming up with a conclusion or judgment.

Freedom of expression is the most right of an individual. Here, the expressions of people lead to the finding of the truth by society. To find the truth it is important that the government must not interfere in this process.

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state courts cannot have concurrent jurisdiction with federal courts. true/false


True. Federal courts and state courts cannot share concurrent jurisdiction. Even when a federal court has jurisdiction, state law matters may not be decided by federal trial courts inside a particular state.

The most suitable court site for a case is determined by the venue. If all of the courts have the authority to hear the case, two or more courts may have concurrent jurisdiction. In particular, both state and federal courts in the United States have concurrent jurisdiction over a wide range of proceedings.

For instance, concurrent jurisdiction exists when a crime starts in one state and is continued in one or more other jurisdictions, providing both state and federal courts the ability to hear the case. Concurrent jurisdiction also applies in cases where a crime has been committed.

Learn more about jurisdiction Visit: brainly.com/question/10377896


what cases fall under exclusive federal jurisdiction and therefore must be heard in a federal district court?


Cases related to Federal crimes, Bankruptcy, Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Securities and Banking, Suits between States, suits between foreign ambassadors and high-ranking public officials, falls under the exclusive federal jurisdiction.

In addition to the above-mentioned types of cases the federal courts also have the power or jurisdiction to those cases which arise from the act of congress such as environmental cases, labor and civil rights cases.

All the above-mentioned cases fall under the exclusive federal jurisdiction and therefore must be heard in a federal district court. The federal district court derives its powers from Article III of the US Constitution.

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What Does the Fourth Amendment Mean?


Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

Fill The Blank? Krugman argues that if each country seeks to follow a strategic trade policy to protect its interests, this may lead to a ______.


It may be stated that Krugman has argued that if the countries seek to follow a strategic trade policy to protect their individual interests, then it will lead to the occurrence of a trade war.

A trade policy may ideally be taken into consideration as the policy for carrying the trading and business activities in the societies. Only the highest authorities have been given the responsibility of making or entering into trade policies. However, if the trade policies are directed towards individual interests, then it may lead to an outburst of a trade war.

Learn more about a trade policy here:



why does the constitution give implied powers to congress?


The "elastic" or implied powers clause enables Congress to enact laws that it deems "necessary and suitable" for the accomplishment of its listed duties.

This crucial clause serves as the foundation for numerous congressional authorities that have developed throughout time. Implied refers to something that is implied or inferred but is not expressly expressed. It has been argued that Congress has implied powers that aren't expressly specified, citing the constitutional provision that grants it the authority to pass any laws that are "necessary and appropriate."

The ability to create an army, declare war, and create money are a few instances of enumerated powers. The federal minimum wage is an example of an inferred power because the Constitution doesn't explicitly provide Congress that authority.

Learn more about constitution Visit: brainly.com/question/470736


which laws did the us citizens follow ?


In the United States, citizens are expected to follow federal, state, and local laws.

What is the US Laws about?

Federal laws are enacted by the U.S. Congress and apply to all citizens throughout the country. Some examples of federal laws include the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land and establishes the framework of the federal government; the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; and the tax code, which governs how taxes are collected and distributed.

State laws, on the other hand, vary from state to state and cover a range of issues such as criminal law, family law, and business law. For example, each state has its own driving laws, which dictate how drivers must behave on the road, and each state has its own criminal code, which defines crimes and punishments.

Local laws, such as city or county ordinances, are enacted by local governments and govern issues specific to a particular community, such as land use, traffic, and noise regulations.

Conclusively, It's important to note that when there is a conflict between federal, state, and local laws, federal law takes precedence.

Learn more about US Laws from



Which of the following is a disadvantage for a
private investigator of having an attorney as a


Please provided the the options that you can choose from.

what kind of cause is it when the act is foreseeable and defendant will be held responsible for damages


The proximate cause is the kind of cause that exists when the act is foreseeable as well as the defendant is to be held as responsible for the damages caused to the plaintiff or the complainant.

The act wherein the defendant is held as being the under responsibility or liability to pay for the damages caused to the plaintiff, or his property, then the cause is to be held under the foreseeability and proximate cause. The verdict will always be made against the defendant in the cases related hereunder.

Learn more about proximate cause here:



Many experts believe that using a quasi-military model for police work can help to cultivate an “us versus them” attitude that can result in the mistreatment of citizens.


Many experts believe that using a quasi-military model for police work can create a sense of distance between law enforcement personnel and the people they are meant to protect and serve. This can lead to an attitude of superiority, which can then lead to the mistreatment and even abuse of citizens. Additionally, this model of policing can also lead to a breakdown of trust between law enforcement and the public, resulting in a lack of cooperation and a reluctance to report crimes or cooperate with investigations. This can result in a decrease in public safety and an increase in crime.

how did european labor systems differ from chinese labor systems


The European labor systems were more focused on feudalism and capitalist wage labor, while the Chinese labor systems were more focused on corvée labor and indentured labor.

The European labor systems and the Chinese labor systems had significant differences, as explained below.

European Labor Systems:

European labor systems were predominantly based on feudalism, where serfs or peasants worked on the land owned by lords or nobles in exchange for protection and the right to farm a small portion of the land for themselves.The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries led to the development of capitalist wage labor systems in Europe, where workers were paid wages for their labor.

Chinese Labor Systems:

Chinese labor systems were predominantly based on the corvée labor system, where peasants were required to provide labor services to the state or to landlords for a certain number of days each year.The Chinese labor systems also included the use of indentured labor, where individuals were contracted to work for a specified period of time in exchange for payment of debts or for transportation to a new country.

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Social Structure
Delinquent Subculture
1. Cohen argues that gang-related stealing doesn't necessarily coincide with stealing out of want/desire. He argues that gang
members tend to steal for recreation, sometimes glory and or prowess. Do you agree with Cohen's argument? Why or why not?
2. Cohen believes that many adolescents, including gang members tend to exhibit short-run hedonism. Do you agree with
Cohen regarding gang members and short run hedonism?
3. One of the greater concerns regarding gangs is group autonomy. Parents and family members of adolescent gang members
often feel their loved one pull away as he/she becomes more entrenched in the gang. In your opinion, what elements of gang
lifestyle attract adolescents? What can/should parents and family members of newly indoctrinated gang members do to
reestablish their relationships with their children/ loved ones?
Lower Class Culture
4. Miller argues that lower class individuals have different Focal Concerns than individuals in the middle class or upper class.
Based on your upbringing/household/community, do you agree with Miller regarding the prevalence of unique focal concerns
based on socio-economic status? Why or why not?
5. In relation to the toughness focal concern-Do you think that the lack of a positive male role model (father figure) can lead a
male juvenile to join a gang? Why or why not? If yes, what steps can single mothers take to minimize the likelihood that their
child(ren) will join a gang?
6. Miller argues that members of the lower class orient themselves by six focal concerns as adults, eight as adolescents. Do you
agree with Miller's different focal concerns? This theory was initially published in 1958. In modern day, do you think any focal
concerns should be added or deleted? Which ones and why?




Cohen's argument about gang-related stealing is a significant contribution to the sociological study of deviant behavior. In his book "Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang," Cohen argues that gang members engage in theft as a form of recreation, a means of demonstrating their skills and toughness, and a way to gain status and recognition within their peer group. This idea challenges the conventional wisdom that theft is motivated by economic need or poverty.

Regarding the idea of short-run hedonism, Cohen argues that adolescents, including gang members, tend to focus on immediate pleasure and gratification rather than long-term goals and consequences. This perspective has been influential in shaping our understanding of adolescent behavior and decision-making.

The group autonomy and attraction of gangs for adolescents can be attributed to several factors, including a sense of belonging, peer pressure, a desire for excitement and adventure, and the perceived benefits of gang membership, such as protection, money, and status. Parents and family members can help reestablish their relationships with gang-involved youth by maintaining open and non-judgmental communication, seeking professional support, and involving the youth in positive activities and alternatives to gang involvement.

Miller's theory of lower-class culture and its associated focal concerns is still relevant and widely studied today. According to Miller, lower-class individuals have unique focal concerns, such as toughness, smartness, excitement, fate, and autonomy, that are shaped by their experiences of poverty and marginalization. Whether or not one agrees with Miller's theory may depend on personal experiences and exposure to different socio-economic contexts.

The lack of a positive male role model, such as a father figure, can contribute to a male juvenile's decision to join a gang, as it may lead to a search for a sense of belonging and identity. Single mothers can take steps to minimize the likelihood of gang involvement by providing their children with positive male role models, such as mentors, coaches, or community leaders, and by engaging their children in activities and opportunities that promote positive development.

Miller's six focal concerns for lower-class adults and eight focal concerns for adolescents have been widely studied and debated in the sociological literature. The continued relevance of these focal concerns today suggests that they capture important dimensions of lower-class culture and experience. However, it is also possible that new focal concerns may have emerged in response to changes in society and the experiences of lower-class individuals over time.

Based on the theories and arguments discussed, it can be concluded that:

Gang-related theft is not solely motivated by economic need but can also be driven by social and cultural factors, such as a desire for recognition and status within a peer group.

Adolescents, including gang members, tend to focus on immediate pleasure and gratification, which can lead to risk-taking behavior.

Gangs can be attractive to adolescents for various reasons, including a sense of belonging, peer pressure, and the perceived benefits of gang membership. Parents and family members can play a crucial role in preventing gang involvement and reestablishing relationships with gang-involved youth.

Lower-class individuals have unique focal concerns shaped by their experiences of poverty and marginalization. The lack of a positive male role model can contribute to a male juvenile's decision to join a gang.

Miller's theory of lower-class culture and its associated focal concerns remains relevant and widely studied today, although it is possible that new focal concerns may have emerged over time.

It is important to note that these theories are not absolute and should be considered in light of other factors that may influence gang involvement and lower-class culture.

in the case of an actual fire in the hospital, code red will be paged overhead. your role as the fire’s point of origin is to follow the l-i-f-e procedure, which stands for:


In the case of an actual hospital fire when a Code Red is paged overhead and your role as the fire's point of origin is to follow the L-I-F-E procedure, which stands for: Location of fire, Isolation of fire, Fight the fire, and Evacuation.

Code Red is an alarm which indicates to hospital staff about a fire or probable fire. When there is an actual fire in the hospital, code red will be paged overhead. Your role as the fire’s point of origin is to follow the L-I-F-E procedure, which stands for:

L: Locate the fire and activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.

I: Isolate the fire by closing all doors and windows in the area.

F: Fight the fire with the appropriate fire extinguisher if it is safe to do so.

E: Evacuate the area and assist others in doing so, if necessary.

By following the L-I-F-E procedure, you can help prevent the spread of hospital fires and ensure the safety of all patients, staff, and visitors.

Learn more about Fire’s point of origin:



many jurisdictions/organizations configure their eocs using the standard______


The common ICS-organizational structure is used by many governments and organizations to set up their EOCs. Many people are familiar with the structure, and it fits with how incidents are organized on the scene.

For the purpose of managing major incidents, ICS jurisdictions establishes five functional areas: command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration. The organizational structure is never greater than necessary since the Span-of-Control recommendations are strictly observed.

Only the roles and responsibilities required to complete the incident's objectives should be included in an ICS organizational structure. It is possible to merge ICS positions to save staffing costs or boost productivity. A standardized, on-scene, all-risk event management concept is the Incident Command System, or ICS.

To accommodate the complexity and requirements of a single or series of occurrences, ICS enables its users to establish an integrated organizational structure.

Learn more about jurisdictions Visit: brainly.com/question/10377896


how long after certifying for unemployment will i get paid california?


Most qualified workers receive payment for their unemployment benefits after at least three weeks of processing their claim.

You'll get a debit card in the mail when your first benefit payment becomes available. You can track, use, and transfer your benefit payments once the card has been activated. You should maintain your card until it expires because it is utilized for all EDD benefit programs and is good for three years from the day it is issued.

You will get your benefit payments on that debit card if you have previously received Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, or Paid Family Leave benefits there. Once funds are available, a replacement card will be automatically delivered to you if your old one has expired.

To learn more about unemployment benefits, please refer:



When someone is accused of a crime, the type of case is... a. civil
b. criminal
c. federal
d. Bench


A criminal case exists when someone is suspected of committing a crime. When someone sues another individual, business, or corporation, this is referred to as a civil case.

What is a criminal case?

When a prosecutor working for the federal, state, or municipal government accuses someone of committing a crime, it is known as a criminal case. Criminal proceedings often start after the suspect is detained and charged, typically at an indictment hearing. The defendant in a criminal case is always presumed innocent until proven guilty in court beyond a reasonable doubt. When a court finds someone guilty of committing a crime, a criminal law sentence may follow. These punishments can include community service, a fine, an incarceration sentence, or a combination of all three.

To learn more about criminal cases visit;



Question 10
In respect of remedies for patent infringement which one of the following statements is NOT correct?

a) Injunctions are not available after the expiry of the patent in question under any circumstances.

b) Where the infringement occurred before an amendment to the specification was allowed, when awarding damages or making an order for an account of profits, the court or the Comptroller shall take into account a number of factors including whether the specification as published was framed in good faith and with reasonable skill and knowledge.

c) Damages or an account of profits are not available if the defendant can prove that, at the time of the infringement, he was not aware and had no reasonable grounds for supposing that the patent existed.

d) Where a subsequent proprietor, co-proprietor or exclusive licensee acquired his rights in the patent under a registrable transaction, instrument or event but it was not registered within six months or, if it was not practicable to register in that time, it was not registered as soon as practicable after that six-month period, costs or expenses will not be awarded for infringement subsequently before registration.​


In respect of remedies for patent infringement, one statement that is NOT correct is: injunctions are not available after the expiry of the patent in question under any circumstances. The Option A is correct.

What is the remedies for Patent Infringement?

A patent owner is responsible for monitoring competitors to see if they are using the patented invention. Patent owners who want to compel others to respect their intellectual property rights must usually file a lawsuit in federal court. Although issued patents are presumed to be valid, accused infringers may claim that a patent is invalid or unenforceable for a variety of reasons.

A court may subject adjudicated patent infringers to the same remedies as the victorious patent proprietor. Injunctions, monetary damages, and attorney fees are among the available remedies.The Patent Act also allows for damages to be tripled in cases of willful infringement. Unlike copyrights and trademarks, criminal penalties do not apply to patent infringement.

Read more about Patent Infringement



How many Supreme Court justices are Republican?


Currently, six out of nine Supreme Court justices are Republican. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett are all members of the Republican Party.

1. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.

Because of the fact that paralegals’ time is charged at lower rates, paralegals may be employed by law firms and corporations to perform tasks previously performed by lawyers.

2. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.

With specificity, paralegals may be asked to perform legal research of case and statutory materials in the event that a client requests an answer to a problem of a legal nature and is concerned about saving money.

3. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.

It is important to note that some states are considering allowing paralegals to practice independently.

4. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.

Try this schedule; shower, eat breakfast, drive to the train, go to work, and come home.

5. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.

The prosecutor will attempt to within the course of the trial persuade you that the defendant committed the crime.

6. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.

The substance of Walter Mondale’s speeches is more similar to Jimmy Carter.



Grammar mistake: Faulty parallelism

Corrected sentence: "Law firms and corporations may employ paralegals to perform tasks previously performed by lawyers because their time is charged at lower rates."

Grammar mistake: Wordiness

Corrected sentence: "Paralegals may be asked to conduct legal research and review case and statutory materials for clients who want to save money and have questions about legal problems."

No grammar mistake. The sentence is grammatically correct as is.

Grammar mistake: Lack of parallel structure

Corrected sentence: "Try this schedule: shower, eat breakfast, drive to the train, go to work, and then come home."

Grammar mistake: Word choice

Corrected sentence: "The prosecutor will try to convince you during the trial that the defendant committed the crime."

Grammar mistake: Lack of parallel structure

Corrected sentence: "The content of Walter Mondale's speeches is more similar to that of Jimmy Carter."


what countries have embassies in the united states


The countries that have diplomatic relations with the United States have their individual embassies in the United States of America.

An embassy may be defined or referred to or considered as the branch of government outside the domestic borders of the country due to the operation of legal and essential functions which are out of purview of the domestic management by the countries and their respective governments. Many countries that have an agreement over diplomatic relations with the American government hold an embassy in the United States of America.

Learn more about embassy here:



T/F : independent assortment occurs only in cells that are heterozygous for two genes (aabb) and not in cells that are completely homozygous (aabb or aabb).


It is highly inappropriate and completely incorrect to be mentioning that the independent assortment takes place in the cells that are heterozygous for two genes, aabb, and not in cells that are totally homozygous, aabb or aabb. Therefore, the given statement is to be held as false.

The condition of independent assortment is not very uncommon in the cells of the two genes that are completely homozygous, such as the aabb or aabb. However, the only catch here is that it is not relevant in the cells of the two genes that do not have a similarity in their nature.

Learn more about independent assortment here:



why did rhode island not attend the constitutional convention


The Rhode island not attend the constitutional convention because they believed that the constitution gave too much power to the central government at the expense of the state powers.

There were several reasons why the Rhodes island didn't attend the constitutional convention out of which the most important reason was that they believe the constitution of United States being federal in nature, where division of powers can be seen significantly powers are not distributed equally between the center and the state, the union government was favored with more powers over the state government according to them. They didn't approve the new constitution they believed it is biased. Rhode island wanted a new constitution to be formed and did not ratify the constitution of United States and its amendments.

To know more about "constitutional convention" visit-



Which Supreme Court decision established the principle that the federal government rather than the individual state governments has authority to deal with American Indian affairs?
answer choices
a. Marbury v. Madison
b. Worcester v. Georgia
c. McCulloch v. Maryland
d. Gibbons v. Ogden


The underlying notion that American Indian issues are a federal government subject, not a matter for each state government, was established by the Supreme Court's decision in Marbury v. Madison.

A federal government was essentially built as a means of transferring power from the wealthy to the disadvantaged. A country's larger, more potent central government shares authority with the country's smaller state and regional governments. This is achieved by assigning specific tasks to each sector, providing the federal government, states, and localities their own jobs to execute.

According to the United States Constitution, the federal government must continue to have control over a variety of tasks, including, to name a few, the creation of money, the establishing of subordinate courts, and the granting of patents. Another example of a federal government duty is the power to declare war.

To learn more about federal government visit;



mention the two issues that greatly raised the political stakes were?


Economic distress and the slavery issue are the two issues that greatly raised the political stakes.

Slavery and economic distress  was the two great reasons to raise political stakes in 1820s and 1830s. Vigorous political conflict which were once feared, came to be celebrated as necessary for the health of democracy, which lead to the emergence of new political parties. Many other issues were also raised like the fight over the national bank whether it should be continued or not. During the struggle the federalists believed that the power should remain with the elites and the freedom is dangerous in the hands of general public. People raised voices to built laws to prevent slavery which became a social propaganda for others and the ongoing economic distress eventually led to political outrage.

To know more about "Economic distress" visit-



the juxtaposition of opposing or contrasting ideas, is called?


The juxtaposition of being in opposition or ideas that are completely contrast in the essence of each other are called as the figure of speech, antithesis.

The antithesis is a figure of speech that may be taken into interpretation as the one wherein the ideologies defined within a sentence or a statement are completely in contrast or opposition to each other. Moreover, it is noteworthy to mention that an antithesis does not define the ideology, but identifies the opposing ideas that they tend to reflect as an effect of the same.

Learn more about antithesis here:



Paco Corp, a building contractor, offered to sell Roy several pieces of used construction equipment. Roy, engaged in the business of buying and selling equipment, accepted the offer. Paco's written offer had been prepared by a secretary who typed the total price as $10,900, rather than $109,000, which was the approximate fair market value of the equipment. Paco learned of the error in the offer and refused delivery of the equipment unless Roy agreed to pay $109,000. Roy sued Paco for beach of contract. Which of the following scenarios is the likely outcome?


In the situation that has been shown above, it may be stated that the Paco will be able to rescind the contract, because Roy should have known about the erroneous price of the product, is the most likely outcome. Therefore, the option A holds true.

When the contract has essentials that are completely erroneous, then the party to the contract has the option to rescind or abstain from fulfilling the contents of the contract, as the contract becomes voidable at the end of the discretion of the party related thereto.

Learn more about contract here:



Complete question

Paco Corp., a building contractor, offered to sell Roy several pieces of used construction equipment. Roy, engaged in the business of buying and selling equipment, accepted the offer. Paco's written offer had been prepared by a secretary who typed the total price as $10,900, rather than $109,000, which was the approximate fair market value of the equipment. Paco learned of the error in the offer and refused delivery of the equipment unless Roy agreed to pay $109,000. Roy has sued Paco for breach of contract. Which of the following scenarios is the likely outcome?

Paco will be able to rescind the contract because Roy should have known that the price was erroneous.

Paco will not be liable because there has been a mutual mistake of fact.

after an intermediate appellate court rejects an appeal, the losing party may petition the highest court in the system for a(n) .


After an intermediate appellate court rejects an appeal, the losing party may petition the highest court in the system for writ of certiorari.

The writ of certiorari is issued by a superior court for the reexamination of order given by a lower court. The writ protects justice at all cost when a lower makes a mistake or gives a judgement which is not acceptable by any of the two parties, either of the party can appeal in a higher level of court for its evaluation, then the higher court corrects the misinterpretations of lower court. The writ of certiorari originated from England. In United States the writ is exercised by the Supreme Court to review the judgements of the lower courts, these writs are used exceptionally not in every case.

To know more about "writ of certiorari" visit-



what is the act of erasing or permanently destroying records called?


"Purging" is the process of permanently removing or eliminating documents. "Securely erasing" or "shredding" the records It guarantees that the data is unrecoverable and inaccessible to "destruction"

Making something utterly useless by physical or irreversible ways is known as destruction. The removal of data or records permanently from a system, storage device, or physical medium is often referred to as destruction in the context of records and data management. Destruction may be required to safeguard private or secret information, adhere to legal or regulatory obligations, or just to clear off storage space. The employment of specialised software or hardware that may overwrite, delete, or physically destroy the data is a common component of proper destruction techniques. Maintaining a transparent audit trail and ensuring accountability requires careful documenting and tracking of destruction

Learn more about "destruction"here:



What is the power of jurisdiction?


The main power of the jurisdiction is the limits to which extent a legal body, court or authority can exercise its powers.

It is an authority or power to the courts which is given by the laws to render justice and provide judgments. Jurisdiction depends on the circumstances of the cases and can vary from case to case. A court cannot give judgment or render justice if it doesn't have the jurisdiction.

It can be determined by the subject matter of the case, personal jurisdiction (issue took place in which area) and the territory.

To know more about Justice, click here: brainly.com/question/15930187


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Abdul _____________________________ (be employed) at the company for 20 years, when they ____________________ (promote) him to manager.11. Even though Celma _____________________________ (enjoy) living in Italy for more than 10 years, she and her husband ________________________ (decide) to move to Canada 4 years ago. 12. Sylvia _____________________ (be) a student in the LINC ESL classes for 2 months, when her teacher ___________________ (suggest) she join the EAP program. 13. Havel _________________________(enjoy) hiking in the mountains near his home town, but he ____________________(worry) about encountering a bear while hiking.14. Khitam usually _______________(give) Jessica a ride home after class, but one day she ____________________________(drive) over a cat, so Jessica ____________________ (stop) driving with her. 15. Paloma _______________________(be) a lawyer for 2 years before she _______________(have) to present a case before a judge in court.16. Her grandparent ________________________________(be married) for over 50 years, when her grandfather ____________________(fall) one day on some ice and _____________(die) because of his head injury. 17. Needa _______________________(live) in Canada for 3 years when she __________________(decide) to return to Palestine. 18. Although the company ____________________________________________(assure) my friends that their house would be built on time, it _______________________ (take) 8 months longer tan promised. In addition to providing support, movement, and protection, bones also function in the formation of cells and the storage of minerals.a. Trueb. False Mount St. Helens is a volcano in the state of Washington. One-way scientists monitor volcanoes is by using a tool, called a seismometer, on the volcano that measures the strength of earthquakes. In addition, visual observations are frequently made of Mount St. Helens. The table lists data about Mount St. Helens recorded over several months in 1980.Explain why this type of data can be used by scientists to predict volcanic eruptions. What common skin infections can Staphylococcus cause? 2/3 thrids subtract 1/4 draw an er diagram for an airline reservation system. this system holds information of airports, airplane types, airplanes, flights, flight legs, and seats reserved for a flight leg. the system handles information such as: Which of the following are not examples of mechanical energy? There is more than one answer.Question 1 options:runningheatphotosynthesishands on a clock movinga spinning topnuclear fission personality stability tends to: be best estimated by validity coefficients. increase with age. not change reliably over time. decrease with age. what is the value today of $5,100 per year, at a discount rate of 7.9 percent, if the first payment is received six years from today and the last payment is received 20 years from today? what is the secondary goal of examination of the extracranial carotid artery system by duplex ultrasound? Pls help im desperate the flashlight batteries produced by one of the northern manufacturers are known to have an average life of 60 hours with a standard deviation of 4 hours. assuming that the this phenomenon is not normally distributed (ie not symmetric) please answer the following questions: a. at least what percentage of flashlights will have a life of 54 to 66 hours? b. at least what percentage of the batteries will have a life of 52 to 68 hours? c. determine an interval for the batteries' lives that will be true for at least 80% of the batteries. consider the attention paid to odysseus's physical presence in book 6, as he appears before princess nausicaa, asking her for help. what are some of the ways that homer describes odysseus here? how is his exchange with nausicaa a reflection of his heroism? please type what belongs in the highlighted squaresill give brainliest yolanda is your client. with her current level of taxable income, she is paying tax at a 24% marginal rate. she received $2,000 in qualified dividends this year. what rate of tax do you expect that yolanda will pay on her dividends? multiple choice question. the qualified dividends are taxed at a favorable rate. since yolanda is in the 24% bracket, the dividends will be taxed at 15%. qualified dividends are tax deferred income and will be taxed in a future year when the underlying investment is sold. qualified dividends are tax-exempt income, so the dividends will not be taxed now or in the future. the dividends are considered ordinary income, so they will be taxed at yolanda's marginal rate of 24%. Ordinary cell division produces two daughter cells that are genetically identical. This type ofcell division is important for all of the following functions EXCEPT ________.A. Production of sperm and eggsB. Komodo dragonC. NucleusD. DNA and protein The Tenth Amendment says the "p" ..........and the states hold all other powerA. Peaceably B. PetitionC. PowerD. Practice E. PressF. ProcessG. Punishment