What is the correct use of the
word genial?

A. David's boss, due to his critical, genial
way, had the reputation of being mean and

B. The manager at the coffee shop was
surprisingly genial and gave Maranda a free

C. The miserly old man had become genial
and angry at everyone -- a truly unhappy


Answer 1


B. The manager at the coffee shop was surprisingly genial and gave Maranda a free muffin.


B. mentions that the manager gave Maranda a free muffin; A. and B. say things about being angry and uncaring. Genial means to be friendly; the antonym of genial is unfriendly. A. and B. stated David's boss and the old man were unfriendly and uncaring. The manager at the coffee shop was being friendly by giving Maranda a free muffin.

Related Questions

Complete the sentences with the missing verbs. Match the sentences with the pictures.
1. I
my teeth three times yesterday.
2. They
a new car last month.
3. Tony
me a very funny joke.
4. Ann's grandpa
5. She
6. It was hot in the room, so I
7. Karen
8. She
9. She
10. Emma
11. When I was a child, I
12. Fred
when he was 90.
her room yesterday.
the window.
tea yesterday morning.
a letter to her brother yesterday.
a taxi from the airport to her hotel.
her cat two hours ago.
to be a doctor.
a DVD yesterday evening.


Complete the sentences with the missing verbs. Match the sentences with the pictures is:

1. I brushed my teeth 3 times yesterday.

2. They bought a new car last month

3. tony made me a very funny joke.

4. Ann's grandpa died when he was 90.

5. She cleaned her room yesterday

6. I was hot in the room so I opened the window

7. Karen drank tea yesterday morning.

8.  She wrote a letter to her brother yesterday.

9. She took a taxi from the airport to her hotel.

10. Emma fed her cat two hours ago.

11. When I was a child, I  wanted to be a doctor.

12. Fred watched a DVD yesterday evening.

A sentence is a set of phrases that makes feel. Letters form words and words make sentences. A sentence constantly begins with a capital letter and mainly ends with a complete stop. A sentence always has two components- Naming and Doing elements.

A sentence is a group of words that, while they are written down, start with a capital letter and end with a complete stop, query mark, or exclamation mark. maximum sentences incorporate a subject and a verb.

It should have a subject and a predicate. An example of an easy, whole sentence is “She sleeps.” She is the difficulty; sleeping is the predicate. In this example, the complete predicate is the verb sleeps.

Learn more about the sentences here https://brainly.com/question/552895


Which answer best summarizes this excerpt from "Rules of the Game"?


Waverly tricks her mother by saying she doesn't want to play in a chess tournament, knowing this will cause her mother to make her play.

Chess is one of the oldest and most famous board video games. it's miles performed via  warring parties on a checkered board with mainly designed pieces of contrasting colorations, generally white and black. The goal of the game is to capture the opponent's king.

Chess develops the potential to look from someone else's perspective. professional chess gamers learn to anticipate an opponent's next actions. To predict what any other character will do next, a player ought to broaden the capacity to adopt another person's perspective and infer what motion they're probably to take.

Chess is a board recreation played between two players that simulates a battle among  kingdoms. it is one of the most popular games within the international. millions of humans play it both recreationally and competitively. Chess is a flip-based approach sport with no hidden statistics.

Learn more about Chess here:- https://brainly.com/question/14268745


main idea of ch 3 long walk to water


One of Nya's tasks is to fetch water one grain at a time and bring it back to her family. This is a physically demanding job that takes up most of your waking life. In 1985 Salva cries. His village has abandoned him. He realizes that the other villagers have abandoned him because he is a child and slows down the group's main idea of ch 3 long walk to the water.

As Salva exits the barn, he encounters the home of a woman with ritual scars from his tribe, the Dinka. He is relieved that he is no longer alone, but is still afraid of strangers. She feeds him raw peanuts and he tells her how he escapes gunfire.

Hope and resilience. Long walks to water not only focus on the physical realities of people struggling to survive, such as the need for water and shelter but also on the psychological and emotional aspects of their struggle to survive. I am guessing. Food and water alone aren't enough, suggests Park.

Learn more about water at



help asap! ela reading question.


b is the answer, because of process of elimination :)

Exercise 1 Circle the participle or participial phrase in each sentence.
The coaches holding the tryouts gave each student a ball.


The answer is " The coaches holding the tryouts".

What is participial phrase?

An adjectival phrase that combines a participle (past, present, or perfect) with other words including nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases is known as a participial phrase. Participle phrases are used to modify nouns and noun equivalents similarly to adjectives.

What distinguishes a participle from a participial phrase?

As an adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun, a participle is a verbal ending in -ing (present) or -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne (past). A participial phrase is made up of a participle plus one or more complements, objects, or modifiers (s).

To learn more about participle click on the link below:



Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun.
Those who wanted (them, their) children to read would teach (they, them) at home.


Those who wanted their children to read would teach them at home.

Exercise 1 Circle each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
Sue promised me her recipe for stew.


Sue promised me her recipe (for) stew.

What is a preposition?

A preposition can be a word, and it's almost often a really little and widely used word that introduces a partner object like "of" in "a basket of apples" while also indicating direction, location, or time, such as "at" in "at the door" or "by" in "by noon." The accompanying object, which may be a noun (like noon), a phrase (like "the door"), or a closed-class word, is obliquely placed after prepositions (you).

What is an example of a preposition?

At, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with are the common prepositions that are used the most frequently. Alternatives to the preposition include "regarding," "above," "across," "after," "along," "along," "because of," "before," "behind," "beside," "between," "close to," "below," "during," "except," "within," "instead of," "into," like, near, and "off."

Learn more about preposition



Exercise 3 Draw one line under the complete subject in each sentence. Draw two lines under the correct form of the verb.
Every car, truck, and bus (go, goes) across this bridge to reach the island.


Every car, truck and bus go across this bridge to reach the island.

F. R. E.E hold up stop the beat



I’m a M..f city girl ain shi free bout me

Explanation: FNF

F. R. E.E I'm an M..f. city girl; are you free about me, hold up, halt the beat.

The beat, also known as the mensural level or beat level, is the fundamental unit of time, the pulse (frequently occurring occurrence), in music and music theory.

when in reality this may be technically hold up wrong (typically the first multiple level), the beat is frequently described as the rhythm that listeners would tap their toes to when listening to a piece of music or as the numbers a musician counts while playing.

The term "beat" is used frequently to refer to a number of similar ideas, such as pulse, speed, meter, certain rhythms, and groove.

Learn more about beat, from :



Your question is probably incomplete

the complete question would be " who's song is I'm F-R-E-E, hold up, stop the beat?"

_____is a rule based method of communication that relies on the comprehension of signs and symbols through which ideas are represented.


Language is a rule based method of communication that relies on the comprehension of signs and symbols through which ideas are represented.

These symbols may be hand or body movements, gestures, or facial expressions

What is Language..??

A language is a structured system of communication. Language is a method of human communication, which contain the usage of words in an orderly fashion and a standard conveyed by writing, gesture or speech.

Language is considered to be the primary system of communication. There are a lot of different types of languages available in the world, every country has its own language.

Hence language is the answer

To know more about language click below



Exercise 4 Complete each sentence by adding an adverb that answers the question indicated.
The veterinarian said there was nothing ___________ medically wrong with their hamster.(how?)


The veterinarian said there was nothing medically wrong with their hamster.

In a method that is related to medicine and the treatment of illness and injury, the word "medically" is an adverb.

Hence, the adverb is "medically".

What are all the types of adverb?

There are seven different categories of adverbs, and each one serves a certain purpose in the sentence.

Modal verbs (like may or must), temporal indicators (like yesterday or next week) directional indicators  (like this way or that way), proximity markers (nearby/far away), intensifiers (very/extremely), and concessive qualifiers are some of them (provided that).

You must know what kind of adverbs your particular verb uses in order to create a phrase that is grammatically sound.

Additionally, the appropriate adverb  can enhance the suspense, interest, and persuasion of your work.

To learn more about adverb, visit:





Answer: second person


It is very obvious that a second person is viewing and describing the situation going on in the excerpt by the way the person is saying things.

Hope this helps!

Answer: A first person


It uses I a lot here's an example for each point of views.

Third person uses he/she/they: “They had decided to have breakfast tomorrow morning, but she wasn’t invited."

Second person is told through you: “You crack open the door of the mansion, and you find a woman sitting alone on a chair.”

First person employs I or we: “When I heard her name, I felt a strange sensation in my stomach.”

Exercise 2 Label each italicized pronoun nom. (nominative), obj. (objective), or pos. (possessive) case.
These adventurers had to plan wisely to know what to take with them because their lives depended on these decisions.


These adventurers had to plan wisely to know what to take with them because their lives depended on these decisions.

Them --- objective pronoun

These ---- possessive pronoun

Their --- nominative pronoun

Objective pronoun :

An objective pronoun acts because the object of a sentence—it receives the action of the verb. the target pronouns are her, him, it, me, them, us, and you. Cousin Eldred gave me a trombone. Take an image of him, not us!

What is a nominative pronoun example?

The subjective (or nominative) pronouns are I, you (singular), he/she/it, we, you (plural), they and who. A subjective pronoun acts as a topic in a sentence.

The nominative pronouns (or subjective pronouns as they're better known) are "I," "you," "he," "she," "it," "we," "they," "who," and "whoever." examine this example: I saw the cat. The cat saw me.

Learn more about pronoun possession :



Exercise 2 Underline the adjective clause in each sentence. Write N next to the nonessential clauses and E next to the essential clauses.
My friend, who goes to a different school, came to visit me.


An adjective clause, or relative clause, is a form of a structured clause that works to explain a noun in a sentence. It features as an adjective even though it is made up of a set of phrases instead of just one word. inside the case of an adjective clause, all the words paintings collectively to modify the noun or pronoun.

My friend, who goes to a different school, came to visit me in nonessential clauses.

My friend who goes to a different school came to visit essential clauses.

My friend, who goes to a different school, came to visit me adjective clause.

A nonessential clause is essentially an aside or provider of superfluous information about a preceding word that might be interesting but is insignificant to the sentence's main point.

Essential clauses modify keywords and are important to the main point of a sentence. Nonessential clauses provide superfluous information that, while interesting, does not change the main point of a sentence.

Learn more about adjective clauses here



What are the benefits of learning a fictional language​



“Learning a language, fictional or not, is great for brain training. Not only does it improve your memory, but learning a conlang, or fantasy language, is a challenge and great fun. “If you love Game of Thrones, for example, learning Dothraki is a good way to immerse yourself in the book and show's culture".

hope this helps you! :)

Exercise 1 Fill in the blank with the correct personal pronoun. Underline the antecedent for each pronoun.
Nathan and Elizabeth cannot go out for pizza because ______________ have terrible colds.


Nathan and Elizabeth cannot go out for pizza because they have terrible colds. The correct personal pronoun is they.

The indefinite pronoun is the antecedent of a  pronoun, the pronoun has to agree in amount with the indefinite pronoun. This chart indicates.

A pronoun. a grammatical part of speech within the English language is a phrase that takes the region of a described man or woman or factor. The antecedent is certainly the described person or trouble to which the pronoun is being referred.

The noun or noun opportunity that a pronoun refers to is referred to as its antecedent. for example, inside the sentence: Chelsey completed her presentation, Chelsey is the antecedent and her is the pronoun. Pronouns want to agree in quantity, person, and gender with their antecedents.

Learn more about pronouns here:-



Exercise 1 Circle the gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence.
Cheryl’s delicious cooking keeps her restaurant popular.


"Cheryla's delicious cooking" is the gerund or gerund phrase in the sentence.

What are gerund and gerund phrase ?

A verb with a -ing ending that is used as a noun is called a gerund. A gerund plus one or more modifiers, objects, or complements makes up a gerund phrase (s). Almost never do gerunds or gerund phrases need to be punctuated.

How are gerunds and gerund phrases recognized?

A gerund will always be used to begin the sentence.There will either be a modifier, an object, or both in the gerund phrase.The entire sentence will serve as a noun.The word will agree in the singular with the verb.

To learn more about gerunds and gerund phrases click on the link below:



The effect of an emailed love letter differs from that of a handwritten one because their?


- channels differ

An estimate of this number based on a sample, known as an "effect size," gauges the strength of the relationship between two variables in a population. It might refer to an equation that effect operationalizes, the value of a statistic calculated from a sample of data, or the value of a parameter for a hypothetical population. how effect or parameters result in the impact size value. Examples include the relationship between two variables, the regression coefficient, the mean difference, or the probability that a certain event (like a heart attack) would occur. of effect sizes. Effect sizes are an important component of power analyses, sample size planning, and meta-analyses. They are a complement to statistical hypothesis testing.

To learn more about effect visit here :



Exercise 2 Correct each personal pronoun in italics so it agrees with its antecedent in the sentence. Cross out the incorrect pronoun, and write the correct word above it. Do not change any pronouns that already agree with the antecedent in number and gender.
Did Kay lose the assignment sheet from our notebook?


Did Kay lose the assignment sheet from his notebook?

Pronouns are phrases that take the area of nouns. Phrases like he, she, they, it, their, absolutely everyone, the entirety are pronouns. Antecedents are the words that pronouns take the vicinity of. The prefix ante- way before we want to realize the noun earlier than we update it with a pronoun.

Antecedents and next pronouns which take the location of a noun make certain that the equal phrases or phrases do not repeat time and again in a sentence. There are a few policies that will help you successfully use antecedents that pair with pronouns:

1. Antecedents come before the pronoun.

2. Antecedents fit the pronoun’s quantity.

3. Treat compound antecedents as plural.

Learn more about pronoun antecedent here:- https://brainly.com/question/11358720


What connection does the author draw between government learners and the Great Depression


Despite his many efforts, Hoover changed into not able to undo the outcomes of Harding's and Coolidge's deregulation of financial practices.

Hoover believed that the federal government couldn't deliver direct aid to people. He believed in loose market capitalism and did not suppose the charter gave the federal authorities the strength to set fees. President Herbert Hoover's interventionist rules after the crash suppressed the self-adjusting component of the marketplace, hence preventing restoration and prolonging the recession.

The stock marketplace crash of 1929 the crumble of the world exchange due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; authorities policies bank failures and panics; and the crumble of cash delivery. In response to the super melancholy, Congress authorized President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, which furnished seven billion forty dollars in investment for home packages like painting relief for unemployed employees.

Learn more about Government learners here:-https://brainly.com/question/22040966


Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun.
Early schoolhouses were heated by smoky fires. Later (they, them) had stoves


Early schoolhouses were heated by smoky fires. Later they had stoves.

Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject. Draw two lines under the simple predicate. Draw a vertical line (|) between the complete subject and the complete predicate.
The fans in the grandstand cheered the home team.


The fans in the grandstand cheered the home team.

Simple Subject: The fans

Simple predicate: cheered

Complete subject: The fans in the grandstand

Complete predicate: cheered the home team

What is subject and predicate?

The main topic of the sentence is either a noun or a pronoun. The main predicate of the sentence is a verb or verb-phrase. The central idea and any auxiliary or developing notions make up the subject. The simple predicate is combined with additional words that either clarify or complete its meaning to form the complete predicate.

A phrase is a collection of words used to express a particular idea or topic completely. The subject of a sentence is a noun or pronoun that serves as the main focal point of the narrative.

Predicate refers to the entire collection of words in a phrase that have nothing to do with the topic. If the subject of a sentence can be determined from just one phrase, the predicate can be deduced from whatever the subject is not.

Thus for the above given sentence,

Simple Subject: The fans

Simple predicate: cheered

Complete subject: The fans in the grandstand

Complete predicate: cheered the home team

To learn more about subject and predicate from the given link below,



Exercise 2 Circle the participial phrase and draw an arrow to the noun or pronoun it modifies.
Playing for a minor league "football" club, Pelé tried to earn a place on a major league team.


"(Pela) playing" is the participial phrase in the sentence.

A participial phrase is what?

A participial phrase is an adjectival construction that combines a participle (past, present, or perfect) with other words such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases. Like adjectives, participles are used to modify nouns and their equivalents.

What is a noun?

In a sentence, a noun is a word that refers to a specific person, place, thing, or animal. Depending on the context, a noun may serve as a subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, adjective, or adverb. Many nouns in English do not take gender into account.

To learn more about pronouns click on the link below:



Exercise 2 Write D.O. above the direct objects and I.O. above the indirect objects.
Computers offer them numerical models for predictions.


direct objects and indirect objects in the sentence are -

Numerical models - D.O.

Predictions - I.O.

What is the difference between direct and indirect object?

The individual or thing that immediately experiences a verb's action or impact is known as a direct object. An indirect object is one that follows a direct object and responds to the questions "for what," "of what," "to what," "for whom," "of whom," or "to whom."

The immediate object of the line "You handed me my book" is the book since the error is what has to be forgotten. "My" is the indirect object because the book is being handed to me.

To learn more about direct and indirect objects from given link



Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun. Identify the case by writing nom. (nominative) or obj. (objective) in the blank. Some sentences have more than one pronoun to identify.
Neither of last year’s leads, Ricardo or (he, him), was in the play this year.


The sentence can be written as Neither of last year’s leads, Ricardo or he was in the play this year.  In this sentence, the pronoun is 'he ' and this denotes a nominative pronoun.

A nominative pronoun refers to the clause or subject of a sentence. The subject can be used to refer to the person who is being talked about in the sentence. This sentence deals with the subject ' he'. As this deals with the subject of the sentence it will denote the nominative pronouns of the sentence. Pronouns are the words that can be used as the nouns of the sentence we are writing.

The objective pronoun can be used to refer to the object of the sentence. For example: Where is the gift? It is here. In this sentence, the word ' it ' denotes the object of the sentence. So this is different from the pronoun given to us in the sentence. So the pronoun will be identified as a nominative pronoun.

Learn more about nominative or objective pronouns here:



Exercise 1 Circle each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
Cheers filled the stadium throughout the football game.


Cheers filled the stadium (throughout) the football game.

What is a preposition?

A preposition can be a word, and it's almost often a really little and widely used word that introduces a partner object like "of" in "a basket of apples" while also indicating direction, location, or time, such as "at" in "at the door" or "by" in "by noon." The accompanying object, which may be a noun (like noon), a phrase (like "the door"), or a closed-class word, is obliquely placed after prepositions (you).

What is an example of a preposition?

At, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with are the common prepositions that are used the most frequently. Alternatives to the preposition include "regarding," "above," "across," "after," "along," "along," "because of," "before," "behind," "beside," "between," "close to," "below," "during," "except," "within," "instead of," "into," like, near, and "off."

Learn more about preposition



Exercise 1 Circle the gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence.
Her greatest hope was finding her long-lost sister.


The gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence: Her greatest hope was finding her long-lost sister. It is Finding.

Gerund phrases substitute for nouns in sentences. A gerund phrase is made up of the gerund and any accompanying objects or modifiers. Predicate nominatives, subjects, and objects can all be used as gerund sentences in their entirety. Verbs that end-ing can be either gerunds or present participles.

The sentence will always start with a gerund. There will either be a modifier, an object, or both in the gerund phrase. The entire clause will function as a noun. The verb and the word will both be singular.

To know more about Gerund phrase, click here:-



Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the simple predicate. Circle the direct object. At the end of the sentence, write the word what? or whom? to tell which question the direct object answers.
To learn more, our class visited the planetarium yesterday.


the simple subject and simple predicate are -

simple subject  - class

simple predicate - planetarium yesterday

Direct object -  planetarium

our class visited what? planetarium

What is the distinction among simple subject and easy predicate?Simple SubjectSometimes a subject has many terms that alter or describe it. If you get rid of all the enhancing or describing terms and virtually keep the number one problem (noun or pronoun), it's far referred to as the simple problem.A simple problem is a subject that has virtually one noun or pronoun as the point of interest of the sentence. This technique that only one noun or pronoun does the action, or connects, to the verb of the sentence.Simple PredicateA predicate can also have many terms. It moreover has a first-rate aspect it is the simple predicate.The simple predicate is the verbs or verbs which is probably related to the problem.

To learn more about simple subject and predicate from given link



"Mirror" by Sylvia Plath
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see 1 swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful.
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over
Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.


The mirror metaphorically compares itself to a lake in the first instance. Despite the comparison appearing to be explicit, the verb "to be" (in this case, "am") actually hides the comparison rather than revealing it.

Despite the fact that the poem uses a variety of metaphors, the metaphor involving the mirror predominates. This is not your typical metaphor, though; it's more accurately a personification: The mirror is being compared to humans, but it is more significant that it has been given human characteristics: The mirror is faithful, observes, mediates, and is honest. You could also use the candles and moon, which are compared to liars, to support your position (line 12).The second illustration contrasts a woman's reflection with that of a fish. This example is a simile because it includes the word "like." Similes are comparisons that use the words "like," "as," "than," or "resembles," but they can also be inserted into sentences without those modifiers.

Thus this is the metaphor in the poem.

To learn more about metaphor, refer: https://brainly.com/question/9418370


The mirror metaphorically compares itself to a lake within the initial instance. Despite the comparison showing to be express, the verb "to be" (in this case, "am") really hides the comparison instead of revealing it.

Despite the very fact that the verse form uses a range of metaphors, the image involving the mirror predominates. this can be not your typical image, though; it's additional accurately a personification: The mirror is being compared to humans, however it's additional vital that it's been given human characteristics: The mirror is devoted, observes, mediates, and is honest. you'll conjointly use the candles and moon, that square measure compared to liars, to support your position (line 12).The second illustration contrasts a woman's reflection thereupon of a fish. this instance could be a figure as a result of it includes the word "like." Similes square measure comparisons that use the words "like," "as," "than," or "resembles," however they will even be inserted into sentences while not those modifiers.

Thus this can be the image within the verse form.

Refer here to learn more about metaphor: brainly.com/question/9418370


Exercise 1 Circle the word or words modified by the adverb in italics. On the blank, write v if the adverb modifies a verb. Write adj. if the adverb modifies an adjective. Write adv. if the adverb modifies another adverb.
Two hundred people had already ordered tickets.


ordered; verb

Two hundred people had already ordered tickets. In the sentence ordered is the adverb modified by verb.

An adverb is a word that modifies or describes another word, such as an adjective (he sings loudly), a verb (ended too fast), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Although many adverbs finish in -ly, some, like swift, appear exactly like their adjective equivalents. Adverbs frequently alter verbs. This indicates that they describe how an action is taking place.

1) While in the shower, Phillip sings aloud.

2) My cat is impatiently awaiting his meal.

Adverbs can respond to various inquiries concerning the manner of an activity. Additionally, they can provide information about the time and location (we arrived early) (Turn here).

To learn more about Adverbs here



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