What is the cause of the lunar phases (i.e. why doesn't the moon look the same every day)?


Answer 1

The Moon's orbit around the Earth makes different amounts of the Moon's illuminated side visible to Earth. About two hours after sunrise, I notice the moonset on my way to work is the cause of the lunar phases.

As the Moon orbits our planet, its changing position means that the Sun illuminates different regions, creating the illusion that the Moon is changing shape over time. The best way to understand the phases of the moon is to go outside on a clear night when the moon is in the sky and watch it regularly.

The moon itself does not emit light. It is lit by the sun. As the Moon orbits the Earth, the illuminated portion of the Moon that we see changes, creating lunar phases.

Learn more about lunar phases at



Related Questions

Hurricane sandy hit the new york city area on 30 october 2012. which issues or lessons emerged from this natural disaster?


Hurricane Sandy hit issues or lessons that emerged from this natural disaster that there was a severe shortage of fuel in New York City.

What is a natural disaster?

A natural disaster can be defined as a disaster that is called environmental change, it could be a flood, Hurricane, volcano eruption, or earthquake.

Hurricane Sandy hit New York City in 2012 which caused major damage that was brought to the City.

With this damage came various problems, and one major problem which occurred was a shortage of fuel around the area. As there was no way the transportation would happen, the fuel would reach the area.

Learn more about a natural disasters, here:



On the galapagos islands, the finches diverged in response to the availability of ________ in the different habitats.


On the galapagos islands, the finches diverged in response to the availability of food in the different habitats.

On the Galapagos Islands, Darwin also saw several different types of finch, a different species on each island. He noticed that each finch species had a different type of beak, depending on the food available on its island. The finches that ate large nuts had strong beaks for breaking the nuts open.here An island is a body of land surrounded by water. Continents are also surrounded by water, but because they are so big, they are not considered islands. Australia, the smallest continent, is more than three times the size of Greenland, the largest island.In ecology, the term habitat summarizes the array of resources, physical and biotic factors that are present in an area, such as to support the survival and reproduction of a particular species. A species habitat can be seen as the physical manifestation of its ecological niche.

to know more about reproduction  click here



How does the physical environment of the coastal plains region compare with that of the mountains & basins region?


When comparing the physical environment of the coastal plains region with that of the mountains & basins region, the coastal region has more rivers.

While highlands and river basins typically flow in an east-west orientation, mountains and coastal plains typically run north to south. The many physiographic features of Texas, including its mountains, seas, coastal plains, rocky plateaus, high plains, and forests, are controlled by a variety of rocks and structures that are found beneath and on top of the state.

An epic record of Texas' geological past remains as oil and gas are extracted from the earth. Texas rocks preserve over a billion years of geological history. The legacy of modern Texas is its diverse landscapes and abundant natural wealth.

Know more about coastal plains region here



How did the development of an interstate highway system change the urban landscape in the united states?.


The US interstate highway system destroyed the city's white urban middle class and lower middle-class residential areas.

New "whites only" residential areas were created in low-cost land areas outside urban and suburban employment centers and in formally rural agricultural areas by providing means of economic communication at low (relatively) cost. Those areas are being acquired by land speculators, who have profitably developed them into suburban residential housing subdivisions. With all interregional connectivity and newly built shopping and commercial centers. Before the US interstate highway, even small- to medium-sized cities had dense urban cores, with much of the development geared toward pedestrians and mass transit users. After the interstate, by the 1970s, only a few areas had the density to support pedestrian and mass transit infrastructure until more and more people depended on cars. It's popular now to blame urban areas on freeways. It's just as important to consider that many suburban areas, especially in the Northeast, need new housing developments with 2-5 acre land requirements. Also, many areas across the country have strict zoning requirements that only mandate residential development for miles and miles of land, so no one would walk that far even if they wanted to.

Learn more about the US interstate highway brainly.com/question/22078310


What are some examples of extreme weather?



heat waves, freezes, heavy downpours, tornadoes, tropical cyclones and floods.

Define highlands in a simple discriptive way please


an area where there are many mountains or where the land is high above the level of the sea


Highlands refer to a mountianous region or elevated part of a country.


Example: The Northern Scotland Highlands

hope this helps!

Which maintenance record entry best describes the action taken for a control cable showing approximately 20 percent wear on several of the individual outer wires at a fairlead?


The maintenance record entry best describes the given action is that repair is not essential if wear is within reasonable limits.

What is maintenance record entry?Requires that the maintenance record include information on the applicable ADs' current status. If the AD requires recurring action, the time in service and the date that action is required are also required to be included in the record, along with the technique utilized to comply with the AD, the AD number, and the modification date. The work done on the aircraft is described in detail in aircraft maintenance records, together with the date it was finished, the maintenance team's signature, information about the FAA certificate, and the certificate number and signature of the person who put the aircraft back into service.

Learn more about maintenance record entry here



When the winds have removed all smaller particles, the remaining surface of rocks and gravel is _____
a. bornhardt
b. exotic playa
c. desert pavement


When the winds have removed all smaller particles, the remaining surface of rocks and gravel is desert pavement.

What is desert pavement?A naturally occurring mosaic of tightly packed rocks, cobblestones, and pebbles typically seen in a desert where all smaller particles have been driven away by the wind.According to a widely accepted idea, sand and other tiny particles are gradually removed from desert pavements by wind and infrequent rainfall, leaving the huge chunks behind. Larger rock fragments are moved into position by the acts of several forces, including rain, wind, gravity, and animals.The development of the so-called "vesicular A" (or Av) soil horizon just below the surface of the pebbles, gravel, and small stones that make up the ground surface of desert pavements is a remarkable characteristic of these surfaces.

Learn more about soil horizon here:



Question 1
Marcy has just written down a question about a scientific observation that she's made. In
order to correctly follow the scientific method, what should she do next?
O Share the results of her observation.
1 pt
O Form a hypothesis.
O Create an experiment to test her question.
O Revisit her observation.



the answer is

Form a hypothesis

What are direct and indirect two forms of?
a. democracy
b. dictatorship
c. autocracy
d. anarchy


Direct and indirect two forms of Democracy, option a is the correct option.

Direct democracy roots  (government) can be seen in the Greek city-state of Athens. The Athenians followed the democratic form of government, to be more precise, they followed the Direct Democracy form of government.

Indirect form of democracy took hold because of the grappling number of people, growing population and varied interests. examples include India, Canada etc.

To read more about democracy click here https://brainly.com/question/13158670


The site on the surface of a reactant or substrate where it binds to the enzyme is called the:_____.


The site on the surface of a reactant or substrate where it binds to the enzyme is called the active site.

The active site or catalytic site is the specific site of an enzyme where substrates bind. Structural complementarity between E and S allows for exact matches. Enzymes adapt to their substrates through a conformational change known as induced adaptation.

Substrate and active site are two terms used for catalytic reactions involving an enzyme as the catalyst. The difference between the substrate and the active site is that the active site is a specific region of the enzyme whereas the substrate is the chemical compound that can undergo a chemical reaction.

Learn more about Substrate at



Which term describes a sedimentary rock that is composed of material evaporated from seawater?


Chemical describes a sedimentary rock that is composed of material evaporated from seawater.

Sedimentary rocks, rocks formed at or near the earth's surface by the accumulation and consolidation of sediments, or precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures (chemical rocks). Sedimentary rocks are the most commonly exposed rocks on the earth's surface, but they are only a small part of the total crust dominated by igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Chemical-sedimentary rocks are formed by chemically and organically reprecipitating dissolution products of chemical weathering and are removed from weathering sites. Sediments and sedimentary rocks are trapped in the crust, the thin, light outer solid skin of the Earth.

Know more about chemical sedimentary rocks here



What is creating the down-dropped rift valleys in pull-part basins that have formed the red sea, gulf of aden, and the great rift valley?


Triple Junction is creating the down-dropped rift valleys in pull-part basins that have formed the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Great Rift Valley.

The meeting of the boundaries of 3 tectonic plates is called as triple junction. At the triple junction, every of the 3 boundaries are going to be one amongst 3 types: ridge (R), trench (T), or rework fault (F). The types of plate margins that converge at triple junctions can be able to classify them.

RRR: These could also be found within the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans to the west of the Galapagos Islands. The geographic region Rift, the Gulf of Aden, and therefore the Red Sea all converge at the Afar Triple Junction. The RRR's solely triple junction on top of water level is found here.

Learn more about Plate Tectonics here:



What cell type in sponges is responsible for producing the water current through the sponge?


Choanocytes is the cell type that is responsible for water current for the sponge.

Sponges are unusual animals in that they lack definite organs to carry out their various functions. The most important structure is the system of canals and chambers, called a water-current system, through which water circulates to bring food and oxygen to the sponge. The water-current system also helps disperse gametes and larvae and remove wastes.The essential elements of the water-current system include the pores, or ostia, through which water enters the sponge (incurrent system).the choanocytes, or collar cells, which are flagellated cells that generate water currents and capture food; and the oscula, openings through which water is expelled (excurrent system).

To know more about collar cells click here



Where a mid-ocean ridge is offset, the linear feature connecting and between the crests of the ridge segments is called a __________.


Where a mid-ocean ridge is offset, the linear feature connecting and between the crests of the ridge segments is called a transform fault.

Transform fault, in geology and oceanography, are type of fault in which two tectonic plates slide over each other. Transform faults can occur in parts of fault zones that lie between different offset propagating centers, or in parts that connect propagating centers to deep-ocean trenches in subduction zones.

The spatial direction of the translation error is usually parallel to the plate motion. Deformation faults are the only segments of seismically active shatter zones. Morgan's theory made a very dramatic prediction, that the direction of translation error movement is opposite to the displacement of the ocean ridge.

Know more about transform fault here



Our supply of fossil fuels, such as petroleum and natural gas, is effectively unlimited as technology develops to extract more of it.
a. true
b. false


The answer is false.

The statement that our supply of fossil fuels, such as petroleum and natural gas, is effectively unlimited as technology develops to extract more of it, is false.

Why is the aforementioned statement false?

Fossil fuels or the energy resources extracted from fossils such as oil, coal and natural gas, are non - renewable resources. These resources were formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and as time passed, gradually they were buried by layers of rock and soil.

These are available in limited amounts and even if technology is developed to extract more of it, one day the Earth's reserves of the fossil fuels will come to an end. These reserves are already being exploited by human activities and cannot be replenished fast enough to fill the increasing gap.

To know more about fossil fuels, visit:



The earth's re-radiation of heat back towards space is mostly in the ____ wavelengths.


The earth's re-radiation of heat back towards space is mostly in the infrared wavelengths.

The sun continuously emits solar radiation in all directions. Sunlight reaching the Earth's surface and atmosphere is either absorbed or reflected. The absorbed energy is emitted again in the form of infrared radiation, also called longwave radiation. Infrared rays are invisible, but they are felt as heat.

In the atmosphere, greenhouse gases and clouds absorb and re-radiate heat, affecting the Earth's temperature. Reflection of heat contributes to the energy balance. The amount of energy available on Earth that drives system processes and phenomena. Heat reflection is an important part of how the Earth system works.

Know more about infrared wavelengths here



The _____________ were among the first to use ceramics, and paint them with elaborate decorations during the 6th and 5th century bce. a. chinese c. romans b. greeks d. mayans please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


The Greeks were among the first to use ceramics, and paint them with elaborate decorations during the 6th and 5th centuries BCE.

One of the most ancient industries is Ceramics which goes back thousands of years. When humans first discovered that clay could be molded into any figure and it is found in abundance. Then the ceramics industry started. The oldest known ceramic artifact is a statuette of a woman, named the Venus of Dolni Vestonice, found in the Czech Republic. In the 6th and 5th centuries, BCE Attic vases of Greek are considered the ap-ex in the evolution of ceramics because they were painted which requires a specialist skill to paint on the vases.                                                                            
Learn more about Ceramics:      





In a solar day, the sun comes back to the same place in the sky but, in relation to the distant stars, the earth actually rotates.


On a solar day, the sun comes back to the same place in the sky but, in relation to the distant stars, the earth actually rotates more than one revolution.

Define a day as the time it takes for the sun to return to the same position in the sky. It takes about 24 hours for the star to return to the same position in the sky.

Therefore, the sun appears to move relative to the stars. The movement of the sun every day is like the movement of distant stars, but not always the same stars all year round.

Learn more about distant stars at



What information is needed to determine the distance from the focus of an earthquake to the seismic receiving station?


The distance from the earthquake to the observation point is estimated using the arrival time difference of the P-wave and S-wave information needed to determine the distance from the focus of an earthquake to the seismic receiving station.

The distance from the epicenter of an earthquake to the seismic station is determined by the time difference between the first arrival of the P and S waves. This is known as the S-P interval.

Requires triangulation to determine the exact location. Three seismometers are required. A circle is drawn from each of the three different seismometer sites, with the radius of each circle equal to the distance from that seismic receiving station to the epicenter.

Learn more about seismic receiving station at



How does a sea breeze occur?



Sea breezes occur during hot, summer days because of the unequal heating rates of land and water. During the day, the land surface heats up faster than the water surface. Therefore, the air above the land is warmer than the air above the ocean.



As the warm air over the land is rising, the cooler air over the ocean is following over the land surface to replace the rising warm air.

chemical reaction is a chemical change. justify with an example​



A chemical transition is the result of a chemical reaction, whereas a physical change is when the structure of matter changes, but not the chemical identity. Burning, cooking, rusting and rotting are examples of chemical changes.

Geologists call the interconnected web of interacting processes and materials on (and in) the earth:________
a. plate tectonics.
b. the earth system.
c. external processes.
d. the scientific method.


The correct answer is Option B) the Earth systems.

Geologists call the interconnected web of interacting processes and materials on (and in) the earth, the Earth systems.

What are the earth systems and how do they interact with each other?

When the five major systems of Earth, that are, geosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere interact with each other so as to produce the environment we are familiar and comfortable with, it is called Earth systems.

Geosphere: The types of minerals present in soils, which are the end products of geologic processes, influence the vegetation and ecosystems that grow on the soil's surface. Carbon, a component of biological matter that is necessary for life, is carried to the ocean by wind and water erosion, where it finally becomes a part of the ocean floor. Ocean deposits are transported into the interior of the planet via tectonic activity. Volcanic activity has the ability to release carbon dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere over geologic timescales. One of the important cycles that connects the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere is the carbon cycle.

Biosphere: Interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere are ongoing. All living creatures are dependent on atmospheric gases for survival. Animals and other organisms absorb oxygen from the air to utilize in all of their bodily cells, and they expel carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

Cryosphere: The cryosphere acts as a highly reflecting blanket to keep Earth from overheating. Compared to open water or bare ground, snow and ice reflect more sunlight. The energy balance of the entire globe is impacted by the presence or absence of snow and ice, which influences heating and cooling over the surface of the Earth.

Hydrosphere: Rain originates from clouds in the atmosphere and descends to the lithosphere as streams and rivers, providing water for both plant development and drinking for humans and animals .

Atmosphere: The three main atmospheric components that absorb radiation are ozone, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. The sun's UV energy, which is detrimental to the majority of living organisms, is absorbed by ozone. Without this protective layer in the atmosphere our skin would burn when exposed to sunlight.

To know more about earth systems, visit:



A fault that accommodates the horizontal movement of one tectonic plate past another is a(n) __________ fault.


A fault that accommodates the horizontal movement of one tectonic plate past another is a transform fault.

An example of a transform fault is a strike-slip fault where the relative horizontal slip allows movement to occur between two tectonic limits, such as two ocean ridges. They are linked to other defects on both ends.

Since these faults neither build nor destroy lithosphere, they are sometimes known as transform faults or transform boundaries, and their relative motion is primarily horizontal. A transform fault allows for some horizontal relative movement between other tectonic components, like oceanic plates.

Know more about transform fault here



In Inca society, the Sapa Inca served as a chief. A farmer. The emperor. The religious leader


Hi shed by the religious leader
25 is right

Answer: c


Why do lightning strikes have a low potential for catastrophe?


Lightning strikes have a low potential for catastrophe because typically, lightning doesn't have a significant impact on both persons and property.

What is Lightning?Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge that arises from the temporary neutralization of two electrically charged regions, either in the atmosphere or with one on the ground. It results in the instantaneous release of an average of one gigajoule of energy.What is catastrophe?A catastrophe is a large-scale calamity with a profound impact on people's lives and which necessitates a huge investment of time, money, and resources in reaction and recovery.Disasterous weather conditions can include, among other things, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and droughts. Scientific data implicates climate change as the main factor contributing to the increasing frequency of these extremely damaging and expensive catastrophes.

Learn more about lightning here:



Please help due soon.


Promoting democracy is one goal of European unification.

The aim of unification is to make expression appear to be the same with the aid of using the usage of substitution. Unification may be used for kind inference, order sorting, narrowing, e-unification, etc. for easy logic we use first-order unification, and to unify typed lambda phrases we use higher-order unification.

An Example of Unification from. It could be handy if there were one manner to symbolize the equation of an aircraft that consists of both (1.32) and (1.33) as unique cases. The procedure of making this new, encompassing illustration is an instance of any other mathematical approach referred to as unification.

Learn more about unification here: https://brainly.com/question/220253


Flooding because of dam failures, flooding due to subsidence, and rupturing gas lines are ______ due to earthquakes, whereas shaking of structures and buildings, liqu


While building shaking and structural collapse due to faulting are strike slip effects of earthquakes, gas line ruptures are an explosive result of earthquakes.

Faulting associated to Earthquakes

A crack or cluster of cracks separating two rock blocks is referred to as a fault.

Due to problems, the blocks could move in relation to one another.

It is possible for this movement to occur suddenly, like in an earthquake, or gradually, like in creep.

As a result, we can see that strike slip and explosives are the main causes.

An earthquake is what?Earthquakes can be caused by a fault slipping quickly, the resulting ground shaking, the seismic energy released as a result of the slip, volcanic or magmatic activity, or other sudden changes in the earth's stress.

Why do tremors occur?Even though the tectonic plates are always moving slowly, friction makes their edges impenetrable. Waves of energy are created when the stress on the edge is greater than the friction, and these waves move into the earth's crust to produce the shaking we experience.

To learn more about earthquake visit:



Give another name for line r



Line AC



A climate zone categorized as a desert will have an annual rainfall of less than?


A climate zone categorized as a desert will have an annual rainfall of less than 25 cm.

What is the desert's temperature and rainfall like?

Many average annual temperatures range between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. The extreme maximum temperature ranges from 43.5 to 49 degrees Celsius.

Minimum temperatures have occasionally dropped to -18 degrees Celsius. Most experts agree that a desert is defined as an area of land that receives less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of precipitation per year. In a desert, evaporation frequently far exceeds annual rainfall.

Rainfall in the Desert

Some deserts, such as the world's driest, the Atacama, receive little or no rain. These areas are extremely arid, with very little life. Other deserts, such as Arizona's Sonoran Desert, receive close to the maximum yearly rainfall for deserts and are fairly well populated with a diverse range of fauna and flora.

While still arid, the Sonoran Desert is lush in comparison to other deserts, supporting over 2,000 plant species.

Rains in the spring produce incredible displays of greenery and flowers as dormant plants take advantage of the rain.

Saguaro cacti grow to enormous proportions, collecting and storing massive amounts of water when it rains and surviving for months until the next rain.

To learn more about Desert's temperature and rainfall refer to:



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