What is minimalist music style named after part of a house crossword clue ?


Answer 1

The minimalist music style named after the part of a house crossword clue is bedroom pop.

A music type is a common category that recognizes a few pieces of sounds that are pleasant and harmonized as owned by a shared attitude or set of practices. It searches out the distinct lyrical form and musical style, even though in essence these agreements are occasionally used correspondently.

The past of Western serious music is detached into various stylistic periods. These are the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern, and Postmodern periods. The lyrical traits that have happened secondhand as liberated variables in studies on musical priority involve rhythm, beat, pitch, melody, unity, and tone.

To know more about rhythm refer to: https://brainly.com/question/1087425


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What part of speech is this?


If you are referring to the word satisfied, it’s an adjective.

if "de" means "not or oppose of" and "compose" means "put together," then why do we use decompose in this sentence.

Tthe grass clippings and leaves will decompose over time.
nevermind i got the answer. but just in case you need it it is
the opposit of "put together" is dismantle, also meaning break down, so the leaves are breaking down over time.


The above is correct! "Decompose" means to break down or disintegrate into simpler substances, which is the opposite of putting things together or composing. So in the sentence "The grass clippings and leaves will decompose over time," the meaning is that the organic matter will break down and be transformed into simpler substances over time, rather than being put together or composed.

What is decomposition?

Decomposition is the process by which organic substances such as dead plant and animal matter are broken down into simpler substances by bacteria and fungi. This process helps to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem and is an important part of the natural cycle of life.

Therefore, During decomposition, complex organic molecules are broken down into simpler compounds such as carbon dioxide, water, and minerals, which can be reabsorbed by living organisms. Decomposition is a slow process that takes place over a period of several weeks or months, depending on the type of material and the environmental conditions.

Learn more about decomposition from



(25 points, answer fast)
What is the purpose of the third paragraph in the passage?
A. to suggest that Neptune is similar to Earth in terms of weather patterns
B. to demonstrate how scientists were able to conclude that Neptune has clouds like Earth
C. to introduce the idea that Neptune is similar to other planets in the galaxy
D. to prove how scientists were able to confirm that Neptune has recurring weather


The correct answer is C. to introduce the idea that Neptune is similar to other planets in the galaxy. The third paragraph in the passage introduces the idea that Neptune is similar to other planets in the galaxy. It explains that scientists were able to observe that Neptune had clouds and weather patterns similar to those on Earth and other planets in the Solar System. This information was used to conclude that Neptune is similar to other planets in the galaxy.

The Folly* of Youth ASSIGNMENT
*Folly: lack of good sense; foolishness.
It is not unusual that adults – parents, teachers, and other
know-it-alls – claim that the dreams of children and youth are
“folly,” just so much foolishness. But that hardly ever
prevents a child or youth from dreaming.
In the following quotation, Jon Krakauer concludes two chapters
in his book, “Into the Wild,” with a confession of a young man
after having pursued “folly.”
Read this quotation and consider its meaning.
Then, after reading/listening to the two chapters (14 and 15), each entitled “The Stikine Ice Cap,” respond to the following quotation from Chapter 15 of “Into the Wild” with 2 paragraphs of your own writing; five or more sentences each.
It is easy, when you are young, to believe that what
you desire is no less than what you deserve, to assume
that if you want something badly enough, it is your
God-given right to have it. When I decided to go to
Alaska that April, like Chris McCandless, I was a raw
youth who mistook passion for insight and acted
according to an obscure, gap-ridden logic. I thought
climbing the Devils Thumb would fix all that was wrong
with my life. In the end, of course, it changed almost
nothing. But I came to appreciate that mountains make
poor receptacles for dreams. And I lived to tell my
tale. (155)
In your writing, consider the point of view of a young Jon Krakauer, when he went on this “foolish” mountain climbing adventure, and the point of view of a mature Jon Krakauer, as he is writing his book. What is he saying about himself and Chris McCandless?


Answer: When Jon Krakauer was young, he believed that he deserved everything he desired and that if he wanted something badly enough, it was his right to have it. This perspective led him to embark on a dangerous mountain climbing adventure in search of a solution to the problems in his life. However, as he grew older, he came to realize that his passions and desires were not necessarily a reflection of his true needs and that he had been foolish to assume so.

In the quote, Krakauer reflects on his youth and acknowledges that he mistook passion for insight and that he acted on an obscure, gap-ridden logic. He realized that mountains make poor receptacles for dreams and that his adventure changed almost nothing. As a mature writer, Krakauer is able to look back on his experiences with a sense of wisdom and introspection. He is not just telling the tale of his own foolishness but is also making a connection with Chris McCandless, the main character of his book, who also suffered from the same delusion of youth. Through this reflection, Krakauer is able to highlight the dangers of foolishness in youth and the importance of understanding one's true needs and desires.

In conclusion, Krakauer's quote is a reminder of the importance of perspective and the dangers of foolishness in youth. He is able to look back on his experiences with a sense of wisdom and introspection, and his words serve as a cautionary tale for those who may be tempted to act on their passions without considering the consequences. By highlighting the folly of youth, Krakauer is able to share valuable lessons and insights with readers, reminding us that our passions and desires are not always a reflection of our true needs and that we should approach them with caution and introspection.


True or false: "Going to School in India" is the correct way to format a book title.


As per the given statement in the question is True.

The correct way to format a book title depends on the style guide being used.

In general, titles of books are usually written in title case, which means that the first letter of each significant word is capitalized. Based on this convention, "Going to School in India" would be a correctly formatted book title.

Using a phat phat in rural Gujarat, being pushed by a bullock cart or rickshaw in Kolkata, riding on an army truck in Kargil being driven by friendly soldiers, and crossing a rope bridge in Nagaland.

For such more question on electronic



How many feet are in the line of poetry below But, soft! What light through yon-der win-dow breaks?


It is the east, and Juliet is the sun is the light through yon-der win-dow breaks.

What is iambic pentameter in Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 5?

The poem is written in iambic pentameter and consistently rhymes, adhering to the ABAB CDCD EFEF GG pattern. This indicates that each line is composed of five metrical feet, or sets of two beats. The first is not stressed, but the second is. It resembles the sound da-DUM, da-DUM.

Shakespeare also incorporates heroic couplets at the conclusion of acts, as seen when Juliet bids Romeo farewell in Act Two, Scene 2: "Good night! Good night. The pain of separation is so wonderful that I will say goodbye until the next day.

Thus, It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

For more information about iambic pentameter in Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 5, click here



In a well written paragraph summarize your reading for “The Outsiders” be sure to include the following introduced the story including the main idea, title of the book and author include at least three important details from the book that support the main idea of the week reading what are conclusion sentence That recaps that main idea of the outsiders



"The Outsiders" is a novel written by S.E. Hinton that explores the themes of class, family, and friendship through the eyes of a group of teenage boys in 1960s Oklahoma. The main idea of the book is that social class can have a profound impact on one's life, and can create deep divides between people who might otherwise be friends. The protagonist, Ponyboy Curtis, is a member of the lower-class gang known as the Greasers, and the story follows his struggles and triumphs as he navigates the tensions between his group and the wealthier Socs.

One important detail that supports the main idea of the book is the way in which the Greasers and the Socs are constantly at odds with one another, despite their shared experiences as teenagers. Another important detail is the relationship between Ponyboy and his older brother Darry, who is torn between his desire to protect and provide for his younger siblings, and his frustration with their lack of ambition and direction. Finally, the character of Johnny, a fellow Greaser who becomes Ponyboy's best friend, highlights the transformative power of love and friendship in overcoming the obstacles created by class and social status.

In conclusion, "The Outsiders" is a powerful exploration of the ways in which class, family, and friendship can shape our lives and impact our relationships with others. Through its portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of Ponyboy and his friends, the book raises important questions about the meaning of true friendship, the power of love and loyalty, and the impact of social class on our lives and relationships.

study sync home think question 3


In the short story "Sorry, Wrong Number," the protagonist Mrs. Stevenson gives the operator a justification for why she needs to speak to her husband urgently by explaining her health condition so that the operator might call his workplace on her behalf.

What is the concept of the excerpt?

Mrs. Stevenson must have overheard the murder-related talk because the operator unintentionally dialed a different number when she heard it. She requests that the operator attempt dialing the incorrect number once more.

She has tried for a while, but all she receives is a busy signal. She wants to emphasize how crucial it is to get to him immediately.

Thus, in the short story "Sorry, Wrong Number," the protagonist Mrs. Stevenson gives the operator a justification.

For more information about concept of the excerpt, click here:



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What does M. Krempe ridicule about Victor's previous studies?


Answer: all the time that Victor has spent studying the alchemists has been wasted,


What key concept about the relationship between an abusive government and its citizens does Paine want readers to understand? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be one to two complete paragraphs.


Thomas Paine wants readers to understand the key concept that an abusive government creates suffering for its citizens, and that citizens should not accept such tyranny. In his pamphlet, Paine argues that “[a]ll men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please: and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another.” This suggests that a government that is oppressive should not be tolerated, and that citizens have the power to stand up to it and make a change. Additionally, Paine argues that “[u]nder a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison”. This statement shows that Paine believes that citizens should not accept an unjust government, but should instead take action to oppose it. All in all, Paine wants readers to understand that oppressive governments create suffering for their citizens and should not be tolerated.

How does this excerpt from whistling season reflect Paul’s point of view?


Ivan Doig, an American author probably most famous for his sixteen novels and non-fiction works, wrote The Whistling Season.

The main plot of the Whistling Season revolves around Paul's story, but Doig makes it clear from an away that Oliver and Rose's relationship is where the actual momentum lies in the book. Since they are good, straightforward individuals, there must be a specific period of mourning for both the couple's dead spouses with no hanky-panky in between. However, the cards have been dealt, and Rose accepts Oliver's proposal in the ending, to no one's surprise.

To know more about Paul's story  visit:



Are add on bidets worth it?


A bidet installation will quickly pay for itself thanks to the money you save on toilet paper, according to seasoned bidet users. Take that, they say, bidets are worth it!

When it comes to butt cleaning, toilet paper is less effective than a bidet, and it also raises your risk of hemorrhoids and butt itch. Nevertheless, unless you have the space (or money) for a full-sized bidet, you will need to select an add-on bidet. Lucky for you, add-on bidets deliver excellent performance. Being directly connected to your plumbing system necessitates professional installation, which is why bathroom renovations frequently include them. Toilets lessen waste. Because you use a lot less toilet paper, you spend less money and avoid toilet clogs.

Learn more about “ hemorrhoids ” to visit here;



Give two examples of perks that employees might want.




Healthy vending machine or cafeteria options.

Gym membership reimbursement.

Required breaks (bonus for nap rooms, tea stations, etc.)

Wellness activities like yoga, meditation, walking clubs.

Standing desks (or convertible options)

How hard is it to grow an orange tree in Phoenix Arizona from seed?

List how many years it will take to grow it.

What I need to grow it.



Growing an orange tree in Phoenix, Arizona, from seed can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here's what you need to know about growing an orange tree from seed:

1. Time frame: It can take several years for an orange tree grown from seed to produce fruit, usually around 5-8 years.

2. Requirements: To grow an orange tree from seed in Phoenix, you will need:

Orange seedsPotting soilA container or pot with drainage holesA sunny locationConsistent water and proper nutrition

3. Steps:

Clean the seeds and let them dry for a few daysFill a pot with potting soil and plant the seeds about 1 inch deepPlace the pot in a sunny location and keep the soil consistently moistAs the seedling grows, you can transplant it into a larger pot or into the groundProvide proper nutrition by fertilizing with a balanced fertilizerAs the tree matures, you will need to prune it to encourage healthy growth and fruiting

It's important to remember that growing an orange tree from seed can be a slow and challenging process, but with proper care and patience, you can enjoy the sweet reward of fresh oranges from your own tree!

2.Kendra is a manager for a sales company that sells several different products. She makes it a priority to obtain expert knowledge of each product sold and how to use them. What type of leadership skill is this? A. Technical Competence B. Skill Competence C. Sale Competence D. Resource Competence


"Kendra is a manager for a sales company that sells several different products. She makes it a priority to ob-tain expert know-ledge of each product sold and how to use them. The type of leadership skill this is-  A. Technical Competence."

Technical Competencies are the know-ledge and abilities required to app-ly specific technical princi-ples and inform-ation in a job function or role. They are usual-ly learned in an educational environ-ment or on the job and are the “what” of perform-ing a job. Counsel-ling is one example of a tech-nical competency.

Technical competence des-cribes an area of know-ledge or skill that is use-ful in a particular industry's job responsibilities.

To know more about competence click below:



effects of power shortages at school and how it affects the school children



Power shortages can have a significant impact on schools and the education of children. When electricity is unreliable or unavailable, it can disrupt the daily operations of the school and affect the learning environment. Here are some ways in which power shortages can impact schoolchildren:

1. Disruptions in the classroom: Power shortages can cause interruptions in classes, making it difficult for teachers to continue with their lesson plans and for students to learn. This can lead to a loss of instructional time and negatively impact student performance.

2. Technology limitations: Many schools today rely heavily on technology for teaching and learning. Power shortages can cause computers, projectors, and other technology to shut down, limiting the ability of teachers to use these resources in the classroom. This can have a significant impact on students who are used to using technology for learning.

3. Uncomfortable learning environment: Power shortages can cause fluctuations in temperature and lighting, making the school environment uncomfortable for students and teachers. This can impact their ability to concentrate and learn effectively.

4. Safety concerns: Power shortages can also cause security systems, such as alarms and lights, to malfunction, putting students and staff at risk.

5. Inequitable access to education: Power shortages are often more prevalent in underprivileged communities, where schools may be affected more frequently and for longer periods of time. This can lead to disparities in education and a widening of the achievement gap between students from different backgrounds.

In conclusion, power shortages can have a significant impact on schools and the education of children. It is important for schools, governments, and communities to work together to address these issues and ensure that all children have access to a safe and supportive learning environment.

Regenerate response


Which sentence is an example of rising action from The Story of My Life?



I became impatient at her repeated attempts and, seizing the new doll, I dashed it upon the floor.


Young AR Question 3

At the end, Young concludes about his family, "If they had [gotten it], I wouldn't have been the only one getting kicked that night" (216).

What does he mean by this? Can you tease out his argument and perhaps the intention for this piece based on what he says here?


Based on the quote, it seems that Young is talking about some kind of situation where his family members were in danger of being physically "kicked."

How to convey the information

By saying "If they had [gotten it], I wouldn't have been the only one getting kicked that night," Young is implying that his family members were also at risk of being physically harmed in the same way that he was. He seems to be suggesting that if they had had this understanding or information, they could have avoided the situation altogether.

It's difficult to say for certain what Young's argument or intention for this piece is based solely on this quote, but it does suggest that he is reflecting on a situation where he and his family were in danger and wishing that they had had more information or understanding that could have prevented the violence.

Learn more about quote on:



common lit: why do kids bully How does the author use the final paragraph of the text to refine her idea


Because they don't get enough attention from their parents at home, children who bully often act out in an effort to get attention.

What is bullying?

Bullying is unwelcome, violent conduct displayed by school-age youth that incorporates a real or imagined power disparity.

Bullying can cause physical harm, psychological suffering, self-harm, and even death. Additionally, it raises the chance of developing despair, anxiety, insomnia, poorer academic performance, and dropping out of school.

Thus, kids bully to seek attention, because they don't get enough from their parents.

Learn more about bullying, here:



Highlight details that support a central idea.

In such circumstances [poor harvest], storage of food is most important. The principal rule is to have separate places for different types of commodity: dry things can be kept in a pantry with bread and dry linen; wet things are normally stored in the buttery. Wine and meat must be kept apart, and cellars should be avoided on account of their dampness. Meat should be seethed in summer to keep it fresh, then kept in a cool cellar, soaked in vinegar with juniper seeds and salt. Most yeomen will have vats and presses for making cheeses—a valuable source of protein in the long winter season. Similarly, most livestock owners have troughs for salting meat or allowing it to steep in brine.

–The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England,
Ian Mortimer

What is the central idea of this passage?

Elizabethans who did not have cellars were unable to properly preserve and store food.
Many Elizabethans did not know how to properly preserve and store food.
Elizabethans had to be very careful about properly preserving and storing food.


The author's goal in writing this passage is to emphasize the value of food storage.

What does food storage mean?

Food storage refers to the technique of keeping raw and cooked foods in suitable conditions for later consumption without allowing microbes to enter or grow.

Food preservation involves storing food in order to use it later. Food deterioration is lessened or stopped, and more food is available for human consumption.

The author claims that different foods can be preserved in various locations and in various ways. Keeping dry food in a pantry and wet food in a refrigerator, for example separating the storage of wine and meat.

The author's goal in included this excerpt is to emphasize the value of food storage.

To know more about storage of food visit:



A bad harvest needs to be stored properly, and the harvest's earnings need to be appropriately "preserved." Adding more waste to a harvest that was already subpar only makes the situation worse.

Why is food storage done?

In the face of natural, inescapable unpredictability, food storage helps to reduce the fluctuation of the food supply. Food storage is the process of preserving cooked and uncooked foods in optimal conditions for later consumption while preventing the entry or growth of germs.

Reduce kitchen waste by saving leftover or uneaten food for later use. preserving cupboard items for future use in cooking, such as spices or dry goods like rice and flour. a state of readiness for disasters, emergencies, especially times of food shortage or famine. protection against theft or animals.

To know more about harvest, visit:



If you found out that your friends has been sad for many days,and is reluctant to share the problem with anyone,what would you do¿


If I found out that my friend had been sad for many days and was reluctant to share the problem with anyone, I would approach them in a supportive and non-judgmental manner. I would ask them if they wanted to talk about what was bothering them and let them know that I'm there to listen if they wanted to open up. I would also offer help or resources they may need, such as counseling or support groups.

How are the universal themes "the wisdom gained from experience” and "the relationship between violence and human nature” best developed in this passage?


Regardless of cultural or regional distinctions, a universal theme is a concept that applies to everyone. In many areas, ideas can be linked by using universal themes.

What is a good illustration of a universal theme?

The pursuit of one's own goals, one's struggle with mankind, love, life cycles, karma, overcoming tragedy, adolescence, and learning about the world around us are some of the most prevalent universal themes that can be found in literature.

How should a declaration of a global subject be written?

Describe in one sentence the author's viewpoint on the subject. In Finding Nemo, for instance, the author argues that readers should learn to trust both themselves and other people. Observation: Avoid using character names.

To know more about universal themes visit:-





When designing a logo, what does a design brief include?
design sketch
design elements


A design brief is a written description of the goals, specifications, and limitations of a design project that is often given to a designer by a customer.

A design brief for a logo can contain the following details:

Foreground detailsObjectivesRequirementsConstraintsCompetitor researchDesign aesthetic

Overall, a well-written design brief can aid a designer in understanding the client's preferences and wants and can act as a guide for developing a logo that fulfills those demands and accomplishes the required goals.

The design brief serves as an essential beginning point for every design project since it gives the designer valuable knowledge about the needs, interests, and expectations of the client. Additionally, it can assist to prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications later in the design process by ensuring that the developer and client are both on the same page from the beginning.

To know more about design brief include, click on the link below:



What short story element is
most evident in the following
passages from "A Great
"The babe came often to this
corner .... He had never
ventured very near to the
stand.... One day, however ...
He sidled nearer ... The Italian
turned his paper... The babe...
again put forth his hand"
A. Plot
B. Setting
C. Theme


The Short story element most evident in the passages from "A Great

Mistake" is a Plot

What is a Plot?

The plot of a story is its sequence of events, or the actions and events that make up the story.

In this case, the plot of "A Great Mistake" is evident in the passages because they describe a sequence of actions taken by the character "the babe."

The passages describe how the babe comes to a certain corner, and how he approaches closer to the stand over time, eventually putting forth his hand. This progression of events creates a plot, as it describes a change in the situation and the actions taken by the character.

Learn more on Plot here:https://brainly.com/question/18885252


We finally hear about Trevor's father. What do we know about fathers during the apartheid that
makes Trevor's situation unique? Should he have done more to say no to Trevor's mother when
asked about having her baby? Should he have done more to ensure Trevor and his mother's

Please help me answering these questions and the previous ones please guys


In terms of whether Trevor's father should have done more to ensure his safety and that of his mother, it's difficult to say without knowing more about the circumstances at the time. However, it's worth noting that Trevor's mother has spoken highly of his father in interviews, describing him as a kind and caring man who provided financial support and emotional stability to the family.

What is apartheid  about?

Trevor Noah's father was a Swiss-German expatriate named Robert, who had an affair with Trevor's Xhosa mother, Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah, during the apartheid era in South Africa.

According to Trevor's memoir "Born a Crime," his parents' interracial relationship was illegal under the apartheid laws, and he was born as a result of this illicit union. This made Trevor's situation unique, as he was considered a "colored" child, which was a separate racial category under apartheid.

Learn more about apartheid   from



The agency that sets the standards for foods labels for all foods except meat and poultry is the?


Answer: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets the standards for food labels for all foods except meat and poultry, which are regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).


why does janie choose to tell her story only to her best friend pheoby? how does pheoby respond at the end of janie's tale? hurston uses nature like the pear tree, the ocean, the horizon, the hurricane not only as a plot device but also as metaphor. describe the ways these function as both. can you think of others? the novel's action begins and ends with two judgment scenes. why are both groups of people judging her? is either correct in its assessment? many readers consider the novel a bildungsroman, or coming-of-age novel, as janie journeys through three marriages. what initially attracts her to each man? what causes her to leave? what does she learn from each experience? in the novel, speech is used as a mechanism of control and liberation, especially as janie struggles to find her voice. during which important moments of her life is janie silent? how does she choose when to speak out or to remain quiet?


Janie chooses to tell her story to her best friend Pheoby because she trusts and values her. Pheoby is a good listener and she doesn't judge Janie for her choices.

The pear tree is a metaphor for Janie's desire for love and intimacy. The ocean represents the mystery and vastness of life. The horizon symbolizes.

The groups of people who judge Janie are the gossipy women of Eatonville at the beginning of the novel, and the men of the town at the end. Both groups judge Janie for her choices in relationships, but neither group is correct in its assessment.

Janie is initially attracted to Logan Killicks because of his status and financial security. She marries Joe Starks because he promises her a life of luxury and independence.

Janie is silent during important moments in her life, such as when she is forced into marriage with Logan Killicks and when she is subjected to Joe Starks' verbal abuse.

For such more question on Pheoby





The sentence provided in the prompt has a possessive error as well as problems with punctuation, which can be solved as shown below:

The bookstore owes its popularity in part to Carly. It was her idea to also stock stationary and art supplies, which have been a hit with customers.

The correct use of possessives

We looked this question up online, but were unable to find any matches or complete versions. Thus, we assumed that we are supposed to correct the mistakes that appear in the sentence.

The first mistake we found concerns the use of the possessive. It is incorrect to say "it's popularity," since "it's" is a contraction of "it" and "is". We should instead use the possessive adjective "its."

We have also noticed that a period is missing between "Carly" and "It." Besides that, we should add a comma after "supplies," before introducing a relative clause.

Learn more about possessives here:



The children wanted to go fishing they gathered the supplies they needed.

Add comma and conjunction, semicolon, or period?


A period would be appropriate in this sentence.

Adding "so" to the sentence as a conjunction to show a result or consequence:

Adding PERIOD and a CONJUNCTION to a sentence

The sentence is a complete thought and expresses a clear idea, so a period is used to signal the end of the sentence. Here's the sentence with the period:

The children wanted to go fishing. They gathered the supplies they needed.

If you want to add "so" to the sentence, it could be added as a conjunction to show a result or consequence:

The children wanted to go fishing, so they gathered the supplies they needed.

The conjunction "so" shows the relationship between the two ideas in the sentence, indicating that the gathering of supplies was a result of the desire to go fishing.

Learn more Adding PERIOD and a CONJUNCTION here:https://brainly.com/question/1435903


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