what is chronic stress ​


Answer 1


Chronic stress is a type of stress that persists over a long period of time, often lasting months or years, and is characterized by an ongoing, persistent response to stressors. It occurs when the body's stress response systems remain activated, even after the stressful situation has passed. This can lead to a range of physical and mental health problems, including headaches, muscle tension, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression. Chronic stress can also have a significant impact on overall well-being and quality of life, and can be a risk factor for developing certain chronic health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It's important to identify and manage chronic stress in order to maintain good health and well-being.

Related Questions


“Give me a short, reasonable summary for the first 5 chapters of “Smells Like Dog” by Suzanne Selfors.”


Answer: "Smells Like Dog" is a novel by Suzanne Selfors. In the first five chapters, we are introduced to the main character, Homer Pudding, and his life on the island of Mount Medium. Homer is an orphan and lives with his uncle and aunt, who run a pet store. One day, while on a walk, Homer discovers a talking dog named Knight who claims to be the last of the magical dogs and is searching for the fabled Bone of Rings. Homer and Knight embark on a journey to find the bone and along the way, they meet a cast of quirky and colorful characters including a pirate captain, a mermaid, and a giant. They also encounter obstacles and challenges that test their courage and friendship. The first five chapters set the stage for the rest of the adventure, introducing us to the world of Mount Medium and the characters who inhabit it.


Was the rate of youth confinement higher or lower in 1975 than it was in 2010? By how much?



US rate has fallen 41 percent in the past 15 years, reaching the lowest level since 1975, a new study finds.


The juvenile incarceration in the US rate has fallen 41 percent in the past 15 years, reaching the lowest level since 1975, a new study finds. What is behind the rapid decline?


The rate of youth confinement in the United States was higher in 1975 than it was in 2010. In 1975, the rate of youth confinement was around 500 per 100,000 youth, while in 2010 it had decreased to around 250 per 100,000 youth, a 50% reduction. However, it is important to note that the rate of youth confinement has been on a general decline since the mid-1990s, and there has been significant variation in the rate of youth confinement across states and over time.


The explanation for the decrease in the rate of youth confinement between 1975 and 2010 is due to a number of factors. One major factor has been a shift in the juvenile justice system towards alternatives to secure confinement, such as community-based programs and rehabilitation services. This shift has been driven by a recognition of the negative consequences of secure confinement for young people, including increased risk of recidivism and exposure to violence and abuse.

Additionally, research has shown that many young people who are incarcerated are there for nonviolent offenses, and that secure confinement is often not necessary for public safety. This has led to a decrease in the use of secure confinement as a punishment for youth and an increase in the use of community-based programs and services.

Finally, changes in laws and policies at the federal and state levels have also contributed to the decrease in the rate of youth confinement. For example, many states have implemented reforms to reduce the number of youth who are incarcerated and to provide alternatives to secure confinement for young people who have committed offenses.

What types of media influence your thoughts and behaviors? Provide specific names and the type of media it is 75 words


Media can have a powerful influence on our thoughts and behaviors. Television, movies, music, magazines, books, radio, and social media can all shape how we think and what we do. For example, television shows can affect our opinions on relationships, as well as on topics such as current events, gender roles, and body image. Music can also influence our behavior, from the way we dress to our attitude toward violence and drugs. Social media can shape our opinions on political issues, as well as our views on controversial topics like racism and sexism. All of these forms of media have the potential to influence our thoughts and behaviors.

Write a narrative essay about overcoming a challenge, and what you learned as a result.
Needs to be 5 paragraphs.


I have always been an avid learner, but even I was intimidated when I decided to take on a college-level math class. The course material was complex and the concepts seemed overwhelming. But I was determined to challenge myself and rise to the occasion.

The first few weeks of class were difficult, the lectures and coursework faster than anything I had ever experienced. I had to completely change my study routine and focus on mastering a single concept each day. Even then, I often felt like I was falling behind and struggling to keep up. I was determined to not give up though, so I kept pushing myself.

I soon realized that the only way to succeed in this class was to have an extreme level of focus and dedication. I started studying extra hours, attending office hours, and forming study groups with my fellow classmates. I also made sure to take regular breaks and treat myself as a reward for working hard.

These strategies began to pay off, and I slowly started to feel more confident about the material. Slowly but surely, I caught up and eventually started understanding the concepts in the course. I finished the semester with an A and felt a great sense of accomplishment.

Through this experience, I learned that hard work and dedication can help you overcome any challenge. Even when the odds seem insurmountable, I now know that I can push through and succeed if I am willing to put in the necessary effort.

Write a poem called Poppies



Credit to Jane Weir for this poem :)

The poem, though set in the present day, could refer to any war, from the Great War of 1914-1918, to the Afghan and Iraq wars of the 20th century. It reaches back to the beginning of the Poppy Day tradition. Armistice Day began as a way of marking the end of the First World War, so people could remember the hundreds and thousands of ordinary men who had been killed. Remembrance Sunday commemorates those who fell in all wars since then. Jane Weir conflates the two.


Three days before Armistice Sunday

and poppies had already been placed

on individual war graves. Before you left,

I pinned one onto your lapel, crimped petals,

spasms of paper red, disrupting a blockade

of yellow bias binding around your blazer.

Sellotape bandaged around my hand,

I rounded up as many white cat hairs

as I could, smoothed down your shirt's

upturned collar, steeled the softening

of my face. I wanted to graze my nose

across the tip of your nose, play at

being Eskimos like we did when

you were little. I resisted the impulse

to run my fingers through the gelled

blackthorns of your hair. All my words

flattened, rolled, turned into felt,

slowly melting. I was brave, as I walked

with you, to the front door, threw

it open, the world overflowing

like a treasure chest. A split second

and you were away, intoxicated.

After you'd gone I went into your bedroom,

released a song bird from its cage.

Later a single dove flew from the pear tree,

and this is where it has led me,

skirting the church yard walls, my stomach busy

making tucks, darts, pleats, hat-less, without

a winter coat or reinforcements of scarf, gloves.

On reaching the top of the hill I traced

the inscriptions on the war memorial,

leaned against it like a wishbone.

The dove pulled freely against the sky,

an ornamental stitch, I listened, hoping to hear

your playground voice catching on the wind.

Have a wonderful day! :-)

Poppies paint the sky with scarlet hues
A vibrant sight that never fails to enthrall
Soft petals billowing in the gentle breeze
Shimmering in the sunlight, standing tall

Splashed upon the landscape like drops of wine
The brilliant blooms a sparkling carpet lay
And for a moment, hearts are filled with light
As if by their beauty lives can be saved

Oh poppies, so regal and bold and fair
Your beauty beyond compare from near and far
A reminder that no matter what may come
Life is worth living, and beauty will remain.

Which excerpt from "Morte d'Arthur" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson contains imagery? “In act to throw: but at the last it seem’d” “I heard the ripple washing in the reeds” “Thou hast betray’d thy nature and thy name” “Not rendering true answer, as beseem’d”


Option B's quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson's "Morte d'Arthur," "I heard the ripple washing in the reeds," contains imagery.

Describe imagery.

Authors can engage readers on a variety of levels by using sensory imagery. In sensory imagery, the five senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell are discussed.

For centuries, it has served as a hallmark of great poets and writers. The reader will be drawn into your writing and into your world if you can master these techniques.

A descriptive language known as imagery is used to evoke the reader's senses of touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight.

Which excerpt from "Morte d'Arthur" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson contains imagery?

"So all day long the noise of battle roll'd

Amongst the mountains by the winter sea;

Until King Arthur's Table, man by man,

Had fallen in Lyonnesse about their Lord,

As leaves, fall in the windy street, alone,

And darkly fell the champions, one by one."

To know more about Imagery visit:



In his 2012 State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama said:

"Nowhere is the promise of innovation greater than in American-made energy. We've opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration, and more than 75% of our potential offshore oil and gas resources. Right now, American oil production is the highest that it's been in 8 years. Last year, we relied less on foreign oil than in any of the past 16 years.

But with only 2% of the world's oil reserves, oil isn't enough. This country needs an all-out, all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy—a strategy that's cleaner, cheaper, and full of new jobs."

Is this excerpt from President Obama’s speech an example of argument or persuasion? Provide at least two reasons to support your answer. Answer in complete sentences.



It is obvious from the information provided that it is a persuasive.

What is persuasion?

The process by which other people's messages impact one's attitude or behavior is known as persuasion. Many academic fields study persuasion. Rhetoric, which focuses on persuasion techniques in speech and writing, is sometimes taught as a classical discipline. Psychology studies persuasion from the perspective of individual behavior, and neuroscience investigates the brain activity behind this behavior. The influence of propaganda on historical events is a topic that both political science and history are interested in. According to the passage, the president claimed that American-made energy holds the greatest promise for innovation.

He added that the economy had recovered from both inflation and the recent slump. He was merely trying to convince the audience of his viewpoint.

Learn more about persuasion on:



Which sentence from "Ellis Island" is a major supporting detail?
Most arriving immigrants were there for only a short three to
five hours. (paragraph 1)
The minority who were detained on Ellis Island can be
divided into three categories. (paragraph 2)
The doctors at Ellis Island were skilled at conducting "six-
second physicals" during which they could diagnose various
conditions with just a glance. (paragraph 1)
The diseases that examining doctors looked for were cholera.
scalp and nail fungus, tuberculosis, insanity, epilepsy, mental
impairments, and trachoma, a highly contagious eye infection
that could lead to blindness and death. (paragraph 2)



The sentence "The doctors at Ellis Island were skilled at conducting "six-second physicals" during which they could diagnose various conditions with just a glance." (paragraph 1) is a major supporting detail. It provides specific information about the process of examining immigrants upon their arrival at Ellis Island, which helps to paint a picture of the conditions at the time. This detail supports the overall idea that the process of immigrating to the United States through Ellis Island was a thorough and rigorous one.

What is the meaning of "adhere to the strategic defensive"?


"Adhere to the strategic defensive" means to adopt a military strategy where a defensive stance is taken in order to protect one's position or territory, rather than launching aggressive attacks on the enemy

What is the meaning of the phrase?

It involves a careful and deliberate approach to defense, utilizing a combination of fortifications, tactics, and technology to deter or repel any potential threats.

This phrase is often used in the context of military or geopolitical strategies, but it can also be applied more broadly to describe a cautious and defensive approach in other situations, such as in business or politics.

Learn more about strategy on:



what is special in 14 February​



Valentine's Day


U.S. Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, and we are ready to shower our significant others with love and tokens of our affection.

How are symbols often used in a story?
• A. To show the author's personal opinion or bias about the subject

B To recap important events that took place earlier in the story
• C. As artifacts that have special meaning for a character

D. To help resolve the central conflict of the story and tie up loose


We can see here that symbols are often used in a story in the following way: C. As artifacts that have special meaning for a character.

What is symbol in literature?

Symbols are often used in a story to convey deeper meaning and to evoke emotions and themes that are not explicitly stated in the text.

Symbols are often used in a story to represent abstract concepts, such as love, hope, freedom, or death. They can also be used to create a mood or atmosphere, to establish a setting, or to develop a character or theme. For example, a rose may symbolize love or passion, a cross may symbolize sacrifice or redemption, or a storm may symbolize chaos or turmoil.

We see here that option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about symbols on https://brainly.com/question/15816956


Leaders should use their power to help citizens and make right any suffering previously inflicted on the people governed. Why? Write 3-4 sentences.



Leaders have a duty to their citizens to use their power and influence for the betterment of society. By doing so, they demonstrate their commitment to the welfare of their constituents and create a more just and equitable society. Additionally, addressing past suffering inflicted on the people governed can help to heal divisions and promote reconciliation, fostering a more cohesive and harmonious community. In short, leaders have a moral obligation to use their power to make things right for their citizens, and doing so can have long-lasting positive impacts on the people and the community they serve.

how is phineas gage contrast an adolescent


Phineas P. Gage was an American railroad foreman who gained notoriety for both his miraculous recovery from a head injury that left a significant portion of his left frontal lobe dead and for the reported effects of that injury on his personality and behavior over the course of the next 12 years of his life.

Friends at least temporarily referred to him as "no longer Gage" due to these effects.

The main modification is the "pruning" away of unused interconnections in your child's grey matter, which is the region of the brain in charge of thought and processing. At the same time, other ties are strengthened. This is the brain's strategy for increasing effectiveness and is based on the adage "use it or lose it."

Similar to this, the majority of popular tales of Phineas Gage state that his injuries caused him to experience significant personality changes. It's common knowledge that he lost his inhibitions permanently and began acting badly in social settings.

To know more about phineas gage, click on the link below:



Phineas behavior is different from an adolescent because


Answer: Phineas Gage's behavior was different from that of an adolescent because he underwent a traumatic brain injury which resulted in a change in his personality and behavior. After surviving an accident where an iron rod was driven through his skull, Phineas underwent significant changes, including becoming impulsive, irresponsible, and lacking empathy. This change was attributed to damage to the frontal lobe of his brain, which is responsible for personality, behavior, and decision-making. These changes were starkly different from the behavior that would be expected from an adolescent and highlight the critical role that the brain plays in shaping human behavior.

Explanation: :DDD

what does lamofh mean?


People love loofahs because they exfoliate your skin.

What is the meaning of Loofah?

Additionally, since your skin doesn't require daily exfoliation, many skin experts advise against using a loofah on a regular basis. Your skin may get dry and uncomfortable if you use a loofah frequently since it will lose its natural oils. If you enjoy using a loofah scrub, stick to a twice-weekly schedule.

For two reasons, the loofah makes an excellent scrubber. First off, the texture of the material is absorbent and practical for usage with liquids. Next, the uneven surface effectively removes stubborn stains.

Learn more about the Loofah here:



Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist



c I think


Consider Anzaldúa's claim that alienation leads to inner conflict and a "dual identity" in those who are traditionally excluded by academic institutions (43). What causes this alienation, and how, according to Anzaldúa, does it predominantly affect people of color?


According to Anzaldúa, the experience of alienation and inner conflict predominantly affects people of color because they are often subjected to multiple layers of oppression and exclusion, including racism, sexism, heterosexism, and classism, among others.

What is alienation about?

Gloria Anzaldúa, a Chicana lesbian feminist writer and cultural theorist, argues in her work that alienation is a major factor that contributes to inner conflict and the development of a "dual identity" in individuals who are traditionally excluded by academic institutions

As a result, they are often forced to navigate multiple identities and to reconcile conflicting cultural, racial, and ethnic identities within themselves, which can lead to a sense of inner conflict and the development of a "dual identity."

Learn more about alienation on:



correct form I love to sing a song. (into passive voice)​


In passive voice, the sentence should read, A song is loved to be sung by me.

How do you write a sentence in passive voice?

The passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of the sentence receives the action, rather than performing it. To write in the passive voice, you need to make a few changes to the structure of your sentence. Here are the steps to follow:

Identify the action in the sentence: Start by identifying the action that is being performed in the sentence, and the noun or pronoun that is performing it (the "doer" of the action).Move the doer to the end of the sentence or omit it altogether: The doer of the action should either be moved to the end of the sentence or omitted completely.Use a form of the verb "to be" + past participle: The verb form should be chosen based on the subject of the sentence. For example, "is" for "he," "was" for "she," and "were" for "they." The past participle form of the verb should be used after the form of "to be".Make the object of the active sentence the subject of the passive sentence: The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.

Find more exercises on passive voice here;



Sean is a motivated student. He sets goals and plans time to participate in study groups and office hours. Since he tries to maximize his time, he has formed a study group that meets in his dorm room. This is an issue with:


This is an issue with time management. Sean has set goals and formed a study group to maximize his time and be more productive, but this could lead to an overcommitment of his time and energy. He needs to make sure that he is setting realistic goals and managing his time effectively so that he does not become overwhelmed.

Justin Vinh makes an argument about the effects of social media on the human mind and emotions. What is his "they say" statement, and what is his "I say"? Does he agree, disagree, or both?


An increased risk of melancholy, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even sui-cide ideation has been linked by numerous studies to using social media excessively. Social networking may encourage unfavorable feelings, such as inadequacy about your life or appearance.

Nevertheless, there are numerous opinions and points of view regarding how social media affects the mind and emotions of people. While some claim that social media can exacerbate feelings of worry, despair, and loneliness, others assert that it fosters community and connection.

Technology like social media has many fantastic advantages. Individuals may interact and exchange, learn news and information, and even meet new people thanks to it. However, there can also be a drawback, particularly for college-age young adults who were raised in a screen-centric society.

Use of social media has been connected to loneliness, anxiety, and depression. People who often use social media may feel more unhappy and less satisfied with their lives than others who spend more time engaging in non-screen-related activities, according to recent studies cited by The Child Mind Institute and The National Center for Health Research.

To know more about effects of social media on the human mind and emotions, click on the link below:



who is your hero? who is this person and why do you believe he or she is a hero


i hope u have the most amazon day wish u luck
my hero is my mom, she is always there for me no matter what.

Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


C. This is the thesis that identifies the literary device and theme or message. Section 4 of the sample introduction contains the thesis, which identifies the literary device (irony) and the theme or message (love never has a happy outcome no matter what the circumstances).

What new information have you learned about the United States and Native Americans?



There are currently 4.5 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives living in the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This equates to around 1.5% of the populace.

A resolution is the end of a story .


The resolution of a story is the conclusion of a story's plot.

Resolution: how the characters solve the problem.

What were Wickham's intentions in trying to elope with Georgiana Darcy?
O He wanted to get her fortune.
O He knew the older Mr. Darcy wanted it.
O He admired her great beauty.
O He recognized that Georgiana loved him.



A. He wanted to get her fortune


- Form adjectives from the following nouns 2. nature 3. friend 4. fun 8-Form nouns from the following verbs. 2. depart 3. act- 4. direct ► ab 4. 1. in active 2. In efficient 3. behave recognizable Liogical 5. $. danger C-Use the correct prefixes to make the following words negative. > bi 8. rain dis- 6. incline 7. enjoy 8. compare > non 6. his fortune 7.020 toxic 8. perfect 9. disagreement 10. disrespect 10. ignorance 11 obedience 1. I can't think of an 2. The accident caused the 3. Lots of accidents happen because of 4. They need the government's 9. succeed 10. choose 11 assist 12. react- measures to reduce 11. 12. Un do 13. moral 14. legal 15. approve spell D-Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Make the necessary changes... for his absence. (EXPLAIN) of five people. (DIE) 16. rational 17 expensive 19. 20. sane resident normal drivers. (CARE) before they can go ahead. (APPROVE) (EMPLOY) is the matter. (DENY)​


Forming wdjectives from the following nouns will be:




B. Forming nouns from the following verbs will be:




Using the correct prefixes to make the following words negative











Fill in the blanks with the correct words

Explain his absence.

The death of five people.

What is a noun?

A noun is a term that typically serves as the name for a particular object or group of objects, including live things, locations, events, traits, states of existence, and concepts. Lexical categories are described in terms of how their constituents mix with different expression types.

A noun or noun phrase is described with an adjective. Its semantic function is to modify the information the noun provides. Although traditionally they were grouped alongside nouns, adjectives were once regarded as one of the main components of speech in the English language.

Learn more about noun on:



What’s the correct answer answer asap


In section 5-8 of "The Lumber Room" by Saki, an ironical situation is that Nicholas, who was planning to get in trouble to go to the Lumber Room, ended up being a good boy and getting rewarded with a trip to the beach, while the other children who were behaving well got punished.

What is “The Lumber Room” about?

Hector Hugh Munro, a British writer who went by the pen name Saki, wrote the short tale "The Lumber Room." A small child named Nicholas who is naughty and frequently causes trouble with his aunts is the subject of the narrative. He finds the child-free Lumber Room, which is locked, to be fascinating. Nicholas tries to enter the room and eventually does it with the aid of his cousin. He finds a lot of fascinating and lovely things within, but before he can thoroughly explore them, his aunts catch him. Nicholas feels content despite his penalty since he has finally gone on a solo excursion. Childhood rebellion, inventiveness, and the longing for independence and freedom are all topics that are addressed in the novel.

In section 36, it is ironic that the Lumber Room, which was initially portrayed as a dull and uninteresting place, turned out to have more treasures than the beach, which was thought to be the highlight of the children's trip.

To learn more about “The Lumber Room” from the given link


What’s the correct answer answer asap

As a parent, what does it mean to ensure that children have appropriate and safe clothing?


Answer: C

Explanation: Because you don't want your 12 years old daughter in shoryts shorts. Clothes have to be age apporiate

The author of "Mohandas Gandhi" includes an anecdote about a train ride that Gandhi took in South Africa.

Once, Gandhi himself purchased a first-class train ticket, only to be told after he had boarded that he had to sit in the third-class compartment reserved for Indians and Africans. When Gandhi refused, he was taken off the train.

What does this anecdote reveal about Gandhi?

Gandhi thought he could cause trouble because he had more money than other Indians.

Gandhi thought he was better than the other Indians and Africans in third-class.

Gandhi wanted everyone on the train to sit in the first-class compartment.

Gandhi put into practice the ideals he suggested everyone live by.


The correct answer is : (D) Gandhi put into practice the ideals he suggested everyone live by.

The anecdote about the train ride reveals that Gandhi put into practice the ideals he suggested everyone live by. He stood up for his principles and refused to accept the discrimination he faced based on his race. He did not think he was better than the other Indians and Africans in third-class, but rather believed in treating everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of their social status. His actions showed that he was committed to fighting against injustice and inequality. This anecdote demonstrates the kind of person Gandhi was and how he lived his life in accordance with his beliefs, inspiring others to do the same.

To know more about Gandhi visit:



Around what age are children at the greatest risk of SIDS?

birth to six weeks

three months

five months

six months


I believe the correct alternative is:

d) six months.

"Most SIDS deaths happen in babies between 1 month and 4 months of age, and the majority (90%) of SIDS deaths happen before a baby reaches 6 months of age. However, SIDS deaths can happen anytime during a baby's first year. Slightly more boys die of SIDS than girls."

- Grabbed from: https://safetosleep.nichd.nih.gov

I apologize if I was wrong. I hope you have a lovely day! :)

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