what if? if the woman still pulls on the strap with a 34.5 n force but wishes to accelerate the suitcase at a rate of 0.500 m/s2, at what angle (in degrees) must she pull on the strap? assume that the rolling friction is independent of the angle of the strap.


Answer 1

The angle at which the woman pull on the strap with a 34.5N force but wishes to accelerate the suitcase at a rate of 0.500 m/s2 is 0°


F = 34.5 N

Friction force = 20.0 N

m = 16.5 kg

The net force, Fnet, must be equal to the mass of the suitcase, 16.5 kg, times the acceleration, 0.500 m/s^2, or 8.25 N.

Fnet = ma

8.25 N = 16.5 kg * 0.500 m/s^2

The net force, Fnet, will be equal to the force of the strap, F, minus the friction force, Ffriction, or 34.5 N - 20.0 N = 14.5 N.

Fnet = F - Ffriction

14.5 N = 34.5 N - 20.0 N

To find the angle, θ, at which the strap must be pulled, we can use the following equation:

Fnet = Fcosθ - Ffriction

14.5 N = 34.5 Ncosθ - 20.0 N

Solving for θ, we get:

θ = 0°

To learn more about force click here https://brainly.com/question/13191643


complete question: A woman at an airport is towing her 16.5 kg suitcase at a constant speed by pulling on a strap at an angle θ above the horizontal (see figure). She pulls on the strap with a 34.5N force, and the friction force on the suitcase is 20.0 N. A woman holds the strap of a suitcase while pulling it to the right. The strap makes an angle θ measured counterclockwise from the horizontal. What If? If the woman still pulls on the strap with a 34.5 N force but wishes to accelerate the suitcase at a rate of 0.500 m/s2, at what angle (in degrees) must she pull on the strap? Assume that the rolling friction is independent of the angle of the strap

Related Questions

Predict: Suppose a cart with no fans has a starting velocity of 2 m/s. What will be the

velocity of the cart when it reaches the wall?


when it reaches the wall will be 4.5 m/s.

What is meant by ""the rate of doing work is power""?





Work is given by the equation W=FxD

- F is force

- D is distance

"the rate of doing work is power" is saying that the rate in time (s) for work is given by Power.

Meaning that Power = Work/time

Think of it like this, a) find the work for a force of 150N over a distance of 10m.

W = (150N)(10m)

W = 1500J

Lets say in the question it also tells you that this work is done for 10 seconds. b)

Given by the equation P=W/t

You would simply plug in these values

P = (1500J)/(10s)

P = 150 W

The units for power is Watts.

In conclusion, the Power is the rate of work done. Also could be thought of as Work per second.

Given by equation P=W/t

It simply means
Power is equal to Work\Time

if the other charges are fixed in place and charge 2q is allowed to move, what will be the kinetic energy k2q of charge 2q when it is very far from the other charges? express your answer in terms of q , d , and appropriate constants.


K2q = 7.76kg^3/d will be the kinetic energy k2q of charge 2q when it is very far from the other charges.

At the corner of the square, the potential energy of interaction of other charges with the charge 2q  is given by U_2q


U2q.i = k2qq1 / d+k2qq1 / d+k2qq1 = 7.746kg^3 / d

Also, since v_B also

The initial energy of the system is given by;

E_i = U2qi + k2qi =7.76*kg^2/d

Since U2qf=0, the final energy of the system is obtained by

Ef = U2qf + K2qf =k2qf

From the law of conservation of energy, Ei = Ef

Therefore, K2q = 7.76kg^3/d

Kinetic energy is the electricity an item possesses with the aid of distinctive feature of its movement. it is described because the work required to accelerate an object from relaxation to its present day speed. The faster an object moves, the greater its kinetic energy.Kinetic energy is a fundamental concept in physics, and it has important applications in many fields, including engineering, sports, and transportation.

It is also a crucial concept in understanding the behavior of particles and molecules in chemistry and biology.The formula for calculating kinetic energy is 1/2 * mass * velocity^2, where mass is the mass of the object and velocity is its speed in a given direction. This equation shows that the amount of kinetic energy an object has is proportional to its mass and the square of its velocity.

To learn more about Kinetic energyvisit here:



the rest energy of a proton is approximately 938.27mev. if its kinetic energy is also 938.27 mev, find (a) its momentum, and (b) its speed.


(a) Proton has a momentum of 1305.7 MeV/c, and (b) Its speed is 0.99997 the speed of light.

The total energy of a particle is given by the sum of its rest energy and kinetic energy, as described by the equation:

E = mc² + (1/2)mv²


E is total energy,

m is mass of the particle,

c is speed of light, and

v is velocity of the particle.

(a) To find the momentum of the proton:-

E² = (mc²)² + (pc)²


p is momentum of the particle.

Making this:-

p = √[E² - (mc²)²] / c

Putting in values for rest energy and kinetic energy of proton:-

=> E

= 938.27 MeV + 938.27 MeV

= 1876.54 MeV

=> m

= 1.007276 u * (931.5 MeV/c²/u)

= 938.03 MeV/c²

=> p

= √[(1876.54 MeV)² - (938.03 MeV/c²)²] / c

= 1305.7 MeV/c

Therefore, the momentum of the proton is 1305.7 MeV/c.

(b) To find the speed of the proton, we can rearrange the equation for the total energy:-

v = c * √[1 - (mc² / E)²]

Putting values for rest energy and kinetic energy of proton:-

=> v

= c * √[1 - (938.03 MeV/c² / 938.27 MeV)²]

= 0.99997c

Therefore, the speed of the proton is 0.99997 times the speed of light.

To know more about momentum please refer: https://brainly.com/question/30677308


A Toy Boat with a force of 40.0 N is required to pull a 10.0-kg wooden toy boat at a constant velocity across a smooth glass surface on Earth. What is the force that would be required to pull the same wooden toy boat across the same glass surface on the planet Jupiter?


The force required in Jupiter is 80 N.

What is the acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter?

The strength of the gravitational field on Jupiter is determined by its mass and size, as well as the distance from its surface to the center of the planet. Because Jupiter is much larger and more massive than Earth, its gravitational field is much stronger, which results in a higher acceleration due to gravity.

In this case we need to know the value of the acceleration due to gravity on the Jupiter planet which is 8 m / s 2.

Thus we would need;

mg = 10 Kg * 8 m / s 2. = 80 N

Learn more about gravity:https://brainly.com/question/4014727


Whether a truck comes to a stop by crashing into a haystack or a brick wall, the stopping force is

A) both the same
B) greater with the haystack.
C) greater with the brick wall.


C) Greater with the brick wall. Stopping force is determined by the amount of friction a surface provides.

What is friction ?

Friction is a force that acts between two objects when they come into contact with each other. It is an important force that affects our everyday life. Friction can be both beneficial and detrimental. It is beneficial in that it allows us to walk, run, drive, and even write without slipping or sliding. It also helps us to stop when we need to. On the other hand, friction can be detrimental when it causes machines to wear down, resulting in energy being wasted. Friction can also cause heat, noise, and wear on the surfaces of the two objects.

To learn more about friction



you are riding an elevator. an object has been hung from a spring balance attached to the elevator ceiling. the scale reads the weight of the object as w when the elevator is stationary. the elevator then starts moving. the scale then reads the weight of the object as 0.75w. what is the acceleration of the elevator?


According to the question the acceleration of the elevator is 0.25w/t.

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity, or the rate at which an object's speed or direction is changing. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. Acceleration can be either positive or negative, depending on the direction of the change in velocity.

The acceleration of the elevator can be calculated by using the following equation:a = (w-0.75w)/t
where 'a' is the acceleration of the elevator, 'w' is the weight of the object when the elevator is stationary, and 't' is the time it takes for the elevator to move.
Since the time it takes for the elevator to move is unknown, we can rearrange the equation to solve for 't':
t = (w-0.75w)/a
By substituting the known values of w and 0.75w into the equation and solving for 'a', we can calculate the acceleration of the elevator:
a = (w-0.75w)/t = (w-(0.75*w))/t = (w(1-0.75))/t = 0.25w/t
Therefore, the acceleration of the elevator is 0.25w/t.

To learn more about acceleration

Water is pumped from a large reservoir to a point 20 m higher than the reservoir.
Calculate the pump head if 0.01 m3/s flows through a 0.15 m diameter pipe and the
total frictional head loss is given to be 35^2/2g?


The pump head is -42.065 m

Since the pump head is negative, the pump is unable to push the water to the height of 20 m, and additional work must be done to overcome the frictional losses in the pipe.

How The Pump Head Calculation Was Done

The pump head is equal to the total head minus the frictional head loss. The total head can be calculated as follows:

h_total = h_static + h_dynamic

where h_static is the static head, which is equal to the difference in height between the reservoir and the point 20 m higher, and h_dynamic is the dynamic head, which is a measure of the pressure generated by the flow of water.

h_static = 20 m

To calculate the dynamic head, we need to first calculate the velocity of the water in the pipe. We can use the equation of continuity, which states that the flow rate through a pipe must remain constant along its length.

Q = A * v

where Q is the flow rate (0.01 m^3/s), A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe (pi * (d/2)^2), and v is the velocity of the water.

A = pi * (0.15/2)^2 = 0.00176 m^2

v = Q / A = 0.01 / 0.00176 = 5.68 m/s

Next, we can calculate the dynamic head using the Bernoulli equation:

h_dynamic = (v^2) / (2g)

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2).

h_dynamic = (5.68^2) / (2 * 9.8) = 16.06 m

Finally, we can calculate the total head:

h_total = h_static + h_dynamic

= 20 + 16.06

= 36.06 m

The pump head is then:

h_pump = h_total - h_friction

= 36.06 - (35^2) / (2 * 9.8)

= 36.06 - 78.125

= -42.065 m

Since the pump head is negative, it means that the pump is unable to lift the water to the desired height of 20 m, and additional work must be done to overcome the frictional losses in the pipe.

Learn more on frictional head loss here https://brainly.com/question/19089751


8. What is meant by the critical angle of a boundary of two materials? Show how to derive the critical
angle equation.
9. Explain how the concept of total internal reflection can be applied to optical fibres.
10. Give three advantages of using optical fibres for communication.
11. a) An optical fibre has a core and cladding with refractive indices of 1.52 and 1.40 respectively. Find
the critical angle for the boundary.
1. b) What angle of incidence would light need to be at for total internal reflection to happen at this


(8) The critical angle of a boundary of two materials is the angle of incidence, measured from the normal to the surface.

The critical angle equation can be derived from Snell's law of refraction, which states that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the ratio of the refractive indices of the two materials.

(9) Total internal reflection can be applied to optical fibers by using it to confine light inside the fiber.

(10) Three advantages of using optical fibers for communication are:

Low attenuation, Immunity to electromagnetic interference and Large bandwidth.

(11. a) The critical angle for the boundary is  67 degrees.

(11. b) The angle of incidence is 90 degrees.

What is the critical angle for the boundary?

The critical angle for the boundary can be found by using the critical angle equation derived from Snell's law.

Setting the refractive index of the first material (core) to 1.52 and the refractive index of the second material (cladding) to 1.40, we have:

sin(critical angle) = (1.40)/(1.52) = 0.92

The critical angle can be found using the inverse sine function:

critical angle = sin^-1(0.92) = 67.3 degrees

The angle of incidence at which total internal reflection occurs can be found by setting the angle of refraction to 90 degrees in Snell's law:

sin(90) = (1.52)/sin(angle of incidence)

Solving for the angle of incidence:

angle of incidence = sin^-1((1.52)/(1.40)) = 90 degrees.

Learn more about critical angle here: https://brainly.com/question/15009181



The critical angle of a boundary of two materials is defined as the angle of incidence at which the angle of refraction becomes 90°, causing total internal reflection to occur. In other words, it is the minimum angle of incidence required for light to be completely reflected back into the material with the higher refractive index.

The concept of total internal reflection can be applied to optical fibres by using them to guide light through a core with a higher refractive index surrounded by a cladding with a lower refractive index. The light is completely reflected at the core-cladding boundary and guided along the fiber, allowing it to be transmitted over long distances without significant loss of signal. This is the basic principle behind optical fiber communication.

The advantages of using optical fibers for communication are:

High bandwidth: Optical fibers have a much larger bandwidth compared to traditional copper wires, allowing for much faster and more efficient communication.

Immunity to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): Optical fibers are immune to EMI and do not emit electromagnetic radiation, making them more secure and reliable for communication.

Immunity to environmental factors: Optical fibers are less susceptible to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and water damage compared to copper wires, leading to fewer signal disruptions and failures.

a) The critical angle for the boundary can be found using the equation:

sin(Θc) = n2/n1

where n1 is the refractive index of the core (1.52) and n2 is the refractive index of the cladding (1.40). Plugging in these values, we find:

sin(Θc) = 1.40/1.52 = 0.921

Taking the inverse sine of both sides, we find the critical angle:

Θc = sin^-1(0.921) = 63.7°

b) For total internal reflection to happen at the boundary, the angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle. Thus, the angle of incidence required for total internal reflection to occur is:

Θ = Θc = 63.7°

If a force of unknown magnitude acts on a 10 kg box resting on a frictionless horizontal surface and changes its speed to 40 m/s in 5 s, then the acceleration of the box will be



The box has a magnitude of 80 N


The acceleration of the box can be calculated as follows:

a = (v_f - v_i) / t


v_f = 40 m/s (final velocity)

v_i = 0 m/s (initial velocity)

t = 5 s (time)

a = (40 - 0) / 5

a = 8 m/s^2

So, the acceleration of the box is 8 m/s^2. This acceleration can be caused by the force acting on the box, which can be found using the equation:

F = m * a


m = 10 kg (mass of the box)

F = 10 * 8

F = 80 N (Newton)

So, the force acting on the box has a magnitude of 80 N.

A car advertisement states that a certain car can accelerate from rest to 70 km/h in 7 seconds. What is the cars average acceleration



the car's average acceleration is 2.77 m/s^2.


The average acceleration of the car can be calculated using the formula for average acceleration, which is:

a = (v_f - v_i) / t


a is the average acceleration

v_f is the final velocity (70 km/h)

v_i is the initial velocity (0 km/h)

t is the time taken (7 seconds)

First, we need to convert the velocity from km/h to m/s, as the formula requires both velocities to be in the same units. 70 km/h is equivalent to 70 * 1000 / 3600 = 19.44 m/s.

Plugging the values into the formula:

a = (19.44 - 0) / 7

a = 2.77 m/s^2

So the car's average acceleration is 2.77 m/s^2.

The air around a certain chemical reaction becomes warmer as the reaction progresses. How is energy transferred from the system to the surroundings?

A) Molecules in the system absorb energy when they move to the surroundings.

B) Molecules in the system absorb energy when the collide with molecules from the surroundings.

C) Molecules in the system transfer kinetic energy when they collide which molecules in the surroundings.

D) Molecules in the surroundings transfer kinetic energy when they collide with molecules in the system


The correct answer is D) Molecules in the surroundings transfer kinetic energy when they collide with molecules in the system.

What is exothermic chemical reaction?

An exothermic chemical reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which heat energy is released into the surrounding environment. During an exothermic reaction, the products of the reaction have less energy than the reactants, and the difference in energy is released as heat. This means that the temperature of the surroundings increases as the reaction proceeds.

Some common examples of exothermic reactions include combustion, oxidation, and neutralization reactions. In contrast, an endothermic chemical reaction is a reaction that absorbs heat from the surroundings as the reaction proceeds, resulting in a decrease in temperature of the surroundings.

Learn more about exothermic chemical reaction, here:




C. Molecules in the system transfer kinetic energy when they collide with molecules in the surroundings.


What does a copper calorimeter can with mass 0.100 kg contain?


In thermal equilibrium at atmospheric pressure, a copper calorimeter can with mass 0.100 holds 0.160 kg of water and 0.018 kg of ice.

The heat of chemical reactions or physical changes, as well as their heat capacity, are measured using copper callipers. For effective insulation, felt jacket is given between the vessels as well as at the bottom of the outer vessel. two holes in the bakelite cover that it is equipped with. The thermometer will fit in one of the holes, and the stirrer will fit in the other. With washer, rubber stopper, and stirrer but no thermometer.

because copper has a low specific heat capacity and is an excellent heat conductor. It is the best substance for use in calorimeter construction. Due to its low specific heat capacity, it easily absorbs heat to attain the equilibrium temperature.

Learn more about Calorimeter here:



how many circuit courts of appeal are in the federal system?


12 regional circuits courts of appeal are in the federal system .

There are 13 appellate courts that sit below theU.S. Supreme Court, and they're called theU.S. Courts of prayers. The 94 civil judicial sections are organized into 12 indigenous circuits, each of which has a court of prayers. The appellate court’s task is to determine whether or not the law was applied rightly in the trial court. Appeals courts correspond of three judges and don't use a jury.

A court of prayers hears challenges to quarter court opinions from courts located within its circuit, as well as prayers from opinions of civil executive agencies.

In addition, the Court of prayers for the Federal Circuit has civil governance to hear prayers in technical cases, similar as those involving patent laws, and cases decided by theU.S. Court of International Trade and theU.S. Court of Federal Claims.

Learn more about circuit courts:



When a car’s velocity is positive and its acceleration is also positive what is happening to the car’s overall motion?


When a car's velocity is positive and its acceleration is also positive, the car's overall motion is speeding up in a forward direction.

Velocity is the measure of an object's speed in a specific direction, while acceleration is the measure of how quickly an object's velocity changes over time. So, if both the velocity and acceleration are positive, the car's speed is increasing in the forward direction. This means that the car is moving faster and faster in a forward direction.

Likewise, it can be said that the automobile develops an accelerated movement.

See more about acceleration at https://brainly.com/question/460763.


a certain battery charger uses 12 w of power. at 6.0 cents per kilowatt-hour, how much does it cost to charge batteries for a full day?


It would cost approximately 1.7 cents to charge batteries for a full day using this battery charger.

What type of energy is stored in a battery?

A battery stores chemical energy. Chemical energy is a form of potential energy that is stored in the chemical bonds between atoms and molecules. In a battery, this energy is stored in the form of chemicals that can be converted into electrical energy when the battery is used.

To calculate the cost of charging batteries for a full day, we first need to determine the amount of energy used by the battery charger in one day.

Since the power of the charger is 12 watts, we can calculate the energy used in one hour as:

12 watts × 1 hour = 12 watt-hours

To get the energy used in one day, we can multiply the energy used in one hour by the number of hours in a day:

12 watt-hours × 24 hours = 288 watt-hours

To convert watt-hours to kilowatt-hours (kWh), we need to divide by 1000:

288 watt-hours / 1000 = 0.288 kilowatt-hours

Finally, we can calculate the cost of using 0.288 kWh of energy at a rate of 6.0 cents per kWh:

0.288 kWh × $0.06/kWh = $0.01728

To know more about power, visit:



What interventions prevent respiratory infections?


There are several interventions that can help prevent respiratory infections, including: Vaccinations, Hand hygiene, Quitting smoking

mention few respiratory infections ?

Some examples of respiratory infections include the common cold, influenza (flu), pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough (pertussis), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection.

Vaccinations: Getting vaccinated against certain viruses, such as the flu and pneumococcus, can help prevent respiratory infections.

Hand hygiene: Washing your hands frequently with soap and water, or using hand sanitizer, can help prevent the spread of respiratory infections.

Avoiding close contact with sick individuals: Limiting contact with individuals who are sick, and avoiding crowds during respiratory infection outbreaks, can help prevent respiratory infections.

Covering your mouth and nose: Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing can help prevent the spread of respiratory infections.

Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces: Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs and countertops, can help prevent the spread of respiratory infections.

Quitting smoking: Smoking can damage the lungs and make individuals more susceptible to respiratory infections, so quitting smoking can help prevent these infections.

Improving indoor air quality: Good indoor air quality can reduce the risk of respiratory infections, so opening windows, using air purifiers, and avoiding exposure to pollutants can help prevent respiratory infections.

To learn more about respiratory infections follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29935641


a 159 watt motor in a bowling alley lifts an 7 kg bowling ball directly upwards at a constant speed. at what speed does the ball rise?


The speed at which the ball rises is 2.24 m/s.

What is power output?

Power output refers to the amount of power that a device, machine, or system produces or generates. It is a measure of the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred, and is usually expressed in units of watts (W) or kilowatts (kW).

We can use the formula for power to find the speed at which the ball rises. The power output of the motor is given by:

Power = Work done / time taken

Since the ball is lifted at a constant speed, the work done by the motor is equal to the gravitational potential energy gained by the ball, which is given by:

Work done = mgh

where m is the mass of the ball, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and h is the height through which the ball is lifted. The time taken to lift the ball is equal to the height of the lift divided by the speed of the lift, which is given by:

time taken = h / v

where v is the speed of the lift. Substituting these expressions into the formula for power, we get:

Power = mgh / (h/v)

Power = mgv

Solving for v, we get:

v = Power / (mg)

v = 159 W / (7 kg x 9.8 m/s²)

v = 2.24 m/s

To know more about Power output, visit:



Suppose you have two metal cubes, one made of iron and one made of aluminum. You transfer the same amount of heat Q to each of them. Which cube will have the higher final temperature, given they have the same masses and initial temperatures?
a. Iron Cube
Aluminum Cube
2. Suppose you place an ice cube into a small cup of hot water and it melts completely. What happens to the temperature of the water in the cup?
Stays the same
3.Suppose you place an ice cube into a small cup of hot water and it melts completely. What happens to the temperature of the ice in the cup?
Stays the same


Heat and temperature are fundamental concepts in thermodynamics and are often used interchangeably in everyday language, but they have distinct scientific meanings.

Which cube will have the higher final temperature, given they have the same masses and initial temperatures?

According to question:

1. The final temperature of the iron cube will be lower than that of the aluminum cube. This is so because aluminum has a lower specific heat capacity than iron. The quantity of heat energy needed to raise a substance's temperature by one degree Celsius is referred to as its specific heat capacity. As a result, the aluminum cube will heat up more quickly than the iron cube for a given amount of heat Q applied to either cube.

2. Water in the cup will remain at the same temperature. A melting ice cube overcomes the latent heat of fusion by absorbing heat energy from the water in the cup (the heat required to change the state of a substance from solid to liquid). However, because this heat energy is being utilized to dislodge the intermolecular interactions holding the ice molecules together rather than to raise the water's temperature, the water does not become hotter as a result.

3. The ice in the cup maintains its original temperature. The ice cube melts when it is submerged in hot water because it absorbs heat energy from the liquid. The temperature of the ice stays constant at 0 degrees Celsius until it has entirely melted, but because it is originally at 0 degrees Celsius, the absorbed heat energy simply serves to overcome the latent heat of fusion.

To know more about Heat and Temperature visit:



Suppose that two objects attract each other with a gravitational force of 18 units. If the mass of one of the objects was tripled, and if the distance between the objects tripled, then what would be the new gravitational force of attraction between the two objects?



  6 units


You want the gravitational force between two objects after both the mass of one object and the distance between them triples, if it is initially 18 units.


Let F represent the initial force between the objects. Newton's law of gravitational attraction tells us ...

  F = GmM/r²

When one mass is tripled, and the distance between the objects is tripled, the new force is ...

  F' = G(3m)M/(3r)² = 3/9(GmM/r²) = F/3

Given the initial force is 18 units, the new force of attraction is ...

  F' = (18 units)/3 = 6 units

The new gravitational force of attraction between the objects is 6 units.

1.a bone, which is 35cm long, has a radius of 2.25 cm. a twisting torque of 2.75 nm is applied to the bone. find the angle through which the bone twists.


The bone twists at an estimated angle of 0.000025 radians.

The scenario in the question involves applying a twisting torque of 2.75 nm on a bone that has a length of 35 cm and a radius of 2.25 cm. T = Fr, where T is the torque, F is the force, and r is the distance from the axis of rotation, gives the torque on the bone. The formula = T/(GJ), where is the angle of twist, T is the torque, G is the bone's shear modulus, and J is its polar moment of inertia, can be used to determine the angle through which the bone twists.

J = r4/2 can be used to get the polar moment of inertia, assuming the bone is a cylindrical rod.

Learn more about distance here:



5. What is the momentum of a 0.05 kg golf ball moving at 240 m/s?



12 kg m/s.


The momentum of an object is equal to its mass times its velocity. In this case, the mass of the golf ball is 0.05 kg and its velocity is 240 m/s, so the momentum of the golf ball is:

0.05 kg * 240 m/s = 12 kg m/s

So, the momentum of the golf ball moving at 240 m/s is 12 kg m/s.

Words that sound the same but have different meanings are called

Words that sound the same but have different meanings are called





Option homophones is the correct option.

Words that sound the same but have different meanings are called homophones.

A term that has the same pronunciation as another word but a different meaning is called a homophone. Moreover, a homophone's spelling may vary. The two words can have the same spelling, as in rose and rose, or they can have a distinct spelling, as in rain, reign, and rein.

A homophone is defined as "one of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning, derivation, or spelling" by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Homophones are described as "words having various meanings which are spoken in the same way but are spelt differently" by the Collins Dictionary.

For such more question on homophones



Note: The correct question would be as bellow,

Words that sound the same but have different meanings are called




three vehicles approach an uncontrolled intersection. car a wants to make a left turn and is across the intersection from car b. car b is ahead of car c and both are in the same lane traveling in the same direction and want to proceed straight through the intersection. the law gives the right-of-way:


Three cars are coming up to an uncontrolled intersection. Across from Car B at the intersection, Car A wants to turn left. According to the legislation, Vehicle B has the right-of-way.

Explain the rules and law of roads?

Right-of-Way Rules:

Whenever vehicles, pedestrians, and bikes collide on the road, right-of-way regulations make it clear who should move first. The right-of-way belongs to the car that approaches the intersection first.The driver who has that right-of-way must yield to other cars, bikes, and pedestrians.


Any location where one road joins another is considered an intersection. Controlled intersections have signage or lighting for the traffic signals.Any location where one road joins another is considered an intersection. Controlled intersections have signage or lighting for the traffic signals.Automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians upon it through route (moving forward straight) have always had the right-of-way at T intersections lacking STOP or YIELD signs.Look for pedestrians before making a left turn. Any approaching pedestrian or dangerously close vehicle must be given the right of way.

Three cars are coming up to an uncontrolled intersection. Across from Car B at the intersection, Car A wants to turn left.

Thus, according to the legislation, CAR B has the right-of-way.

To know more about the rules and law of roads, here



The complete question is-

Three vehicles approach an uncontrolled intersection. Car A wants to make a left turn and is across the intersection from Car B. Car B is ahead of Car C and both are in the same lane traveling in the same direction and want to proceed straight through the intersection. The law gives the right-of-way:

To Car A Only.

To Car A and Then Car B.

To Car B and then Car A.

To Car B.

the two light bulbs are now connected in parallel across the 120- v line. find the current through each bulb.


The current through each bulb is 0.15A.


V = Voltage across each bulb = 120 Volts

i400 = current in 400 ohm resistor = V/R = 120/400 = 0.3 A

i800 = current in 800 ohm resistor = V/R = 120/800 = 0.15 A


P400 = V2/R400 = 1202/400 = 36 Watt

P800 = V2/R800 = 1202/800 = 18 Watt


Ptotal = 36 + 18 = 54 Watt

Current refers to the flow of electric charge through a conducting medium. It is defined as the amount of charge that passes through a given cross-sectional area per unit of time. The SI unit of current is the ampere (A), which is defined as the flow of one coulomb of electric charge per second.

In an electric circuit, the current flows from a higher potential to a lower potential, and the direction of the current is taken as the direction in which positive charges would flow. In DC, the current flows in one direction only, while in AC, the current changes direction periodically. The magnitude of the current depends on the potential difference across the circuit and the resistance of the circuit.

To learn more about Current visit here:



Complete Question:

Two light bulbs have resistances of 400 Ω and 800 Ω.

D). the two light bulbs are now connected in parallel across the 120- v line. find the current through each bulb.

E). Find the power dissipated in each bulb.

F). Find the total power dissipated in both bulbs.

When should the power switch be in the off position? Check all that app


When reading about how to build the circuits, while building the circuits.

What is Power in off position?

The power button is a round or square button that powers an electronic device on and off. Nearly all electronic devices have power buttons or power switches.

A hard power button is mechanical—you can feel a click when pressed and usually see a difference in depth when the switch is on versus when it's not. A soft power button, which is much more common, is electrical and appears the same when the device is on and off.

Some older devices have a power switch that accomplishes the same thing as a hard power button. A flip of the switch in one direction turns the device on, and a flip in the other turns it off.

Therefore, When reading about how to build the circuits, while building the circuits.

To learn more about power, refer to the link:



An object slides at constant speed on the frictionless surface. What forces act on the object? What work is done by each force?


There are two main forces acting on an object sliding at a constant speed on a frictionless surface: gravity and the normal force. No force happens in the direction of displacement of the object because the object is sliding at a constant speed.

Gravity is the force that pulls the object downward, while normal force is the force that pushes the object upward to counteract gravity. Since the object is sliding at a constant speed, these two forces are equal and opposite, which means that they cancel each other out. As a result, there is no net force acting on the object, and therefore no work is being done by either force.

Learn more about force at https://brainly.com/question/25825478


consider a projectile that is launched on a flat field at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal. if the projectile reaches a maximum height of 10 m, how far away from the launching point does it land (ignoring air resistance)?


At every location on the trajectory, the acceleration is constant (but not zero). the route taken by a flying projectile or an item moving while being affected by certain forces.

What does a trajectory look like?

The route taken by a projectile, such as a ball or rock thrown, is a well-known illustration of a trajectory. The item only moves in a vastly simplified model when it is subject to a constant gravitational force field.

A positive trajectory is what?

The term "career advancement" may also be used to describe a successful professional trajectory. A successful career trajectory involves succeeding along a specified professional path. Many people may believe that advancing in their company is the only way to have a successful career.

To know more about trajectory visit:



If a flea can jump straight up to a height of 0.350 m, what is its initial speed as it leaves the ground?



To solve this problem, we can use the fact that the flea's initial kinetic energy is converted entirely into potential energy at the top of the jump. Using conservation of energy, we can set the initial kinetic energy equal to the potential energy at the maximum height:

(1/2)mv^2 = mgh

where m is the mass of the flea, v is its initial velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the maximum height of the jump.

We can solve for v:

v = sqrt(2gh)

where we substitute the given values:

v = sqrt(29.8 m/s^20.350 m) ≈ 2.65 m/s

So the flea's initial speed as it leaves the ground is approximately 2.65 m/s.


Which two types of energy does an apple falling to the ground have?
A. Nuclear energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Sound energy
D. Elastic energy
E. Potential energy



kinetic and I think sound energy


kinetic energy


An apple falling to the ground has both potential energy and kinetic energy. As the apple falls, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which is the energy an object has due to its motion. The apple gains kinetic energy as it falls and its velocity increases, and at the moment it reaches the ground, all of its potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy.


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