What does the nightingale do at the end of stanza


Answer 1

The nightingale sings with ease while perched in the shadows. The sleepy speaker is mesmerized by this lovely melody and hopes to drink it like a cold, aged wine tasting of lovely green land.

What is an ode to a nightingale?

Jon Keats wrote a poem titled "An Ode to a Nightingale." The poet is aware of the nightingale's singing while he writes this poem. The poet enjoys the nightingale's song while being depressed and using drugs. When the nightingale flew away at the conclusion, the poet wondered if he was dreaming or if it was actually happening. As a result, towards the end of stanza one, a nightingale may be heard singing in the pitch-black woodland.

Learn more about ode to a nightingale here:



Related Questions

Write two rhyming words for each of these.
1 pack
2 deck
3 sick
4 lock
) duck



1. pack: clack, whack

2. deck : check, beck

3. sick : click, chick

4. lock : rock, knock, clock

5. luck : duck, muck

6. about : doubt, clout

7. O : no, oh

8. back : rack,

9. lick : brick, slick

10. kick : tick, blick


The streaming platforms continue to deprive movie theaters of viewers, what's your take on this ?


The phrase "The streaming platforms continue to rob movie theaters of viewers" implies that the popularity of streaming services is having a negative effect on the amount of people who visit movie theaters to watch films.

While it is true that streaming services have grown in popularity recently, it is crucial to remember that there are many other aspects and facets to the interaction between streaming and movie theaters.

On the one hand, movie theaters can be regarded as being threatened by the accessibility and cost of streaming services, especially for smaller, independent cinemas that depend on box office receipts to stay afloat. On the other side, greater interest in films and television series has also been brought on by the popularity of streaming services, which is beneficial for the entire film industry.

Additionally, many studios have experimented with novel release methods in response to the growth of streaming services, such as concurrent theater and streaming releases or condensed theatrical windows. These adjustments have given moviegoers more options for when, when, and how they watch movies, while also assisting studios in adjusting to a shifting media landscape.

To know more about streaming platforms, click on the link below:



Individually, you have to talk about activities that started in the past and that haven’t finished yet. You could present your information in a timeline. ​

For this evaluation you must use The Present Perfect and The Present Perfect Continuous as well as The Simple Past. pleasee


You can express timing by using a verb tense. The verb's tense tells us when something happened or was done, whether it was an event, an object, or a person. Past, present, and future are the three fundamental tenses.

The present perfect is a linguistic construct used to express a past event with present-day effects. It incorporates the present tense with perfect aspect.

The present perfect continuous refers to an action or circumstance that began in the past (often in the recent past) and is still occurring now. Typically, the activities involve transient circumstances.

In English, an action or occurrence from the past is described using the simple past tense. Many verbs can be made into the simple past tense by adding a "ed" or "d" to the end of the base verb.

Click on the following link to learn more about tenses:



Takei has told the story of Japanese American internment camps in different forms over the years. What do you think about his decision to share this story in 2019 as an illustrated graphic memoir? Is this format more powerful? Why or why not?



Yes it was right for him to share it.


George Takei, best known for his role as Sulu in the original Star Trek series, has been an outspoken advocate for Japanese American rights and has used his platform to educate the public about the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. In his recent graphic memoir, "They Called Us Enemy," Takei tells the story of his family's internment in a Japanese American internment camp through the use of illustrations and text.

I believe that Takei's decision to share this story in the form of an illustrated graphic memoir in 2019 was a wise one. The graphic memoir format has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it allows for a more visceral and emotional connection to the subject matter than a traditional written memoir might. The combination of images and text can help readers better understand the experiences and emotions of those who lived through the internment camps.

In particular, the use of illustrations in "They Called Us Enemy" makes the story more accessible to younger audiences who may not have been previously exposed to the history of Japanese American internment. The use of visual storytelling can help to engage these audiences and make them more interested in learning about this important part of American history.

Moreover, the graphic memoir format can be more powerful in conveying the emotional impact of the internment experience. The images can help to create a more immersive experience for the reader and provide a more personal connection to the story. By combining words and pictures, the graphic memoir format can help to create a more vivid and memorable representation of the internment experience.

In conclusion, I believe that George Takei's decision to share his family's story of Japanese American internment through the medium of an illustrated graphic memoir was a wise one. The graphic memoir format is powerful in conveying the emotional impact of the internment experience and can help to make the story more accessible to younger audiences. By using images and text, Takei is able to create a more visceral and emotional connection to the subject matter, which can help to engage readers and educate them about this important part of American history.

Facial ticks are what kind of non-verbal communication? Select one: a. Kinesics b. Artifacts c. Haptic d. Proxemics





Because Kinesics is the language of body and facial ticks belongs to the language of body.

Read the sentence
As the trumpet blared a jarring noise, everyone quickly covered their ears!
Using the context clues, what is the meaning of the underlined word?




NASA has asked you to evaluate a number of proposals for telescopes. These proposals include information about where the telescope would be built and what wavelengths it intends to observe at. Based only on these factors, evaluate whether NASA should consider funding each proposal. Justify your recommendations. (Some telescopes may have more than one "correct" answer depending on how you justify it).

a.) An ultraviolet telescope in space

b.) An optical telescope in a remote location in Michigan's upper peninsula

c.) A radio telescope in the Mojave desert in Arizona

d.) An x-ray telescope in the Andes mountains in Chile

e.) An optical telescope in space


My father told my mother I want — to take these jewelry and put — on a box . When — have done that come and see — and — will tell — why — don’t want — to keep — in that box


Answer: My father told my mother, 'I want you to take these jewels and put them on a box. When you have done that come and see me and I will tell you why I don't want you to keep them in that box.'


You, because he speaks to mum

them (jewels)

Remembering that there are FIVE components of Investigative reporting, define investigative journalism in your own words.


Investigative journalism refers to the exposing of information that has been accidentally or on purpose hidden under a disorganised mass of facts and situations or by a person in a position of authority.

Why is investigative journalism necessary and what does it entail?

Investigative journalism is a kind of journalism in which reporters look deeply into a particular subject of interest, most frequently a crime, public corruption, or business misconduct. An investigative reporter may put months, if not years, into their research and report-writing.

Provide an example of what investigative journalism is.

Investigative journalism is the practise of using interviews, satellite imagery, data, and archival media to produce a news story or series of stories that is in-depth and demands public accountability.

To know more about journalism visit:-



"Age of Enlightenment."

List some of the defining characteristics of writing from the Age of Enlightenment. Explain these characteristics in your own words.



The Age of Enlightenment, also known as the Enlightenment, was a cultural movement in the 17th and 18th centuries characterized by a focus on reason, science, and individualism. The following are some of the defining characteristics of writing from the Enlightenment:

Reason and Rationality: Enlightenment writers emphasized the use of reason and logic to understand the world and improve society. They believed that knowledge could be gained through observation and experimentation, and they sought to apply this method to all aspects of life.

Individualism: Enlightenment thinkers celebrated the individual, viewing each person as unique and capable of thinking for themselves. They challenged the traditional notion of the divine right of kings and advocated for individual rights, including freedom of speech and religion.

Science and Progress: The Enlightenment saw a significant increase in scientific discovery and innovation. Many Enlightenment writers believed that science and technology could be used to improve society and that progress was inevitable.

Criticism of Institutions: Enlightenment writers were critical of the existing social, political, and religious institutions, and they sought to reform these institutions based on reason and evidence.

Universalism: Enlightenment writers believed in universal principles that applied to all people, regardless of their race, gender, or social class. They advocated for the idea that all people should be treated equally and have the same opportunities.

These defining characteristics of writing from the Enlightenment reflect a broader cultural shift toward rationality, individualism, and progress, and they have had a lasting impact on Western thought and society.

1. Which of the following is the least successful analogy due to limited commonality?

A. Always and forever, longer and greater than the Great pyramids themselves

B. Deep and dark, like the never ending void of space

C. Young and perfect, like fresh squeezed orange juice in the morning

D. felt so lonely, lonelier than the last animal left alive of a near extinct species

2. A writer wants to create a sullen mood in their writing. Which word would best complete the statement below to achieve this?

They were done with this ___________ job. It felt like a dead end and was just so blah. Their boss was grumpy and old and didn't think their new ideas were worth considering. They did the same boring thing everyday. They would quit if they didn't need the money for prom tickets.

They were done with this ___________ job. It felt like a dead end and was just so blah. Their boss was grumpy and old and didn't think their new ideas were worth considering. They did the same boring thing everyday. They would quit if they didn't need the money for prom tickets.

A. aggravating

B. depressing

C. frustrating

D. humiliating



Answer for number 1. Is B. Answer for number 2. Is C. & B. Ig-

Hope this helps:)


they are to welcome the guests (change into passive)​


Answer: The guests are to be welcomed.


Clap When You Land -

How did media and the rest of the world immediately react when it was determined that the probable cause of the crash was not terrorism, but a both pilot error and design flaw?

What were the long-term reactions and changes in response to flight 587?

How has her book been received by the community?

In the author’s note, how does Elizabeth Acevedo react to flying?


"Clap When You Land" is a novel by Elizabeth Acevedo and the way the media reacted was stark disbelief.

What are the author's notes about the book?

As for the author, Elizabeth Acevedo, in the author's note of the book, she mentions that she has a love-hate relationship with flying, and that writing this book helped her confront her fears.

The book was well-received by the international community and readers as it was described as brilliant and thought-provoking.

Read more about literary analysis here:



How was Georgia affected by the results of the French and Indian War?
Georgia had to pay taxes to help pay off debts.

Georgia was the site of one of the bloodiest battles.

Georgia was not affected due to its dependency on Great Britain.

Georgia's borders expanded to the Mississippi River.




D. Georgia's borders expanded


Georgia became stable during the French and Indian War and gained a peaceful environment. Georgia acquired more land, and the borders expanded to the western sides of the Mississippi River and the southern parts of the St. Mary's River. Also, Georgia gained the land from Augusta to the northern regions.

Georgia's borders extended to the Mississippi River as a result of the French and Indian War. Therefore, option D is correct.

What are the consequences of the French and Indian War?

The French and Indian War (1754-1763) had significant consequences. Some of the consequences include:

British debt and taxation: The British government had accumulated a large debt during the war, and they sought to raise revenue by imposing new taxes on the American colonies. This eventually led to the American Revolution and the eventual separation of the thirteen colonies from British rule.Increased tensions between British and Native Americans: The war disrupted the balance of power between Native American tribes and European colonists. It led to increased tensions and conflicts over land and resources. British territorial gains: As a result of the war, the British gained control of much of North America east of the Mississippi River, including Canada and Florida.

Learn more about the French and Indian War, here:



1. What was Frederick Douglass' main cause after he returned to the United States from England?

2. What did Frederick Douglass do to fight for his main cause? Cite at least three details from the text about Frederick Douglass's actions to support your answer.

3. What impact did Frederick Douglass have on the fight for African American rights? Use details from the text to support your answer.

4.During two decades of pitching in the Negro Leagues, what did Satchel Paige prove about baseball fans?

5.How did Satchel Paige "lay the groundwork" for Jackie Robinson to become the first black Major League Baseball player? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

6.Why was Satchel Paige important to the fight for social equality for African Americans? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

7.Compare the impact that Frederick Douglass and Satchel Paige each had on African Americans' rights. Use evidence from both texts to support your comparison.

8. Contrast the ways that Frederick Douglass and Satchel Paige helped to achieve positive changes for African Americans. Use evidence from both texts to support your answer.


Frederick Douglass was born into slavery on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Talbot County, Maryland. The plantation was between Hillsboro and Cordova;[10] his birthplace was likely his grandmother's cabin[b] east of Tappers Corner, and west of Tuckahoe Creek.

Who was  Frederick Douglass?

Frederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, c. February 1817 or 1818[a] – February 20, 1895) was an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. After escaping from slavery in Maryland, he became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York, becoming famous for his oratory and incisive antislavery writings. Accordingly, he was described by abolitionists in his time as a living counterexample to slaveholders' arguments that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to function as independent American citizens. Northerners at the time found it hard to believe that such a great orator had once been a slave. It was in response to this disbelief that Douglass wrote his first autobiography.

Without his permission, Douglass became the first African American nominated for vice president of the United States, as the running mate of Victoria Woodhull on the Equal Rights Party ticket.

To know more about Frederick Douglass, visit



describe your ideal self




I would like to be in a state where I'm not worrying about money and I want to become an archaeologist that discovers some think that will change the way we think about history and have a happy family and have  homes near the beach.

How do you make the maximum profit in the sneaker resale industry industry?



by selling the shoes


None of the students ?
happy with the instructor
because she
every weekend.

(a.) is /assign
(b.) are/assigns
(c.) are/assign
(d.) is/ assigns


The correct option to complete the sentence is D, since both subjects, "none" and "she," are in the singular form, as further explained below:

None of the students is happy with the instructor because she assigns homework every weekend.

What are the subjects of the sentence?

The subject of a sentence or clause is the topic, the thing or person that sentence or clause is about. The sentence in the prompt consists of two clauses, the first having "none" as the subject, the second having "she" as the subject.

"None" and "she" are singular words, which means we have to choose singular verbs for them. That is why option D makes the most sense with the sentence. We have answered this question correctly.

Learn more about subjects here:



In the novel, Where the
Crawdads Sing, how do
Kya's origins shape her
into the person she is
throughout the text?


Since childhood, Kaya has learned to be and survive alone. She has trouble trusting people, but the relationships she forms tend to last a long time.

What can the positions of our head, face and neck communicate


I think it’s Facial nerves

"am i doing my homework" to passive voice


The sentence "Am I doing my homework?" cannot be converted to passive voice as it is a question in the first person and the passive voice is typically constructed using the third person. However, a sentence like "My homework is being done by me" can be rephrased as "Is my homework being done by me?" in the first person.

Which statement from paragraph 4 is an example of evidentiary support? Having access to cell phones in schools can be the key to keeping students safe. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have developed Wireless Emergency Alerts. Cell phones also allow students access to important public announcements and alerts. These are text messages that will warn the public about severe weather events, possible floods, or other local and national emergencies.


Facts and statistics, expert opinions, or anecdotal evidence can all be used as proof to persuade the reader of the truth of your assertion. A successful writer must provide evidence to back up his or her assertion.

What's the meaning of evidentiary?

Again, evidence is a sign of truth in the subject. Having proof for a proposition from a perceptual experience requires the experience to suggest the truth of the proposition to the person.

What is evidential evidence?

Evidentiary is defined as something that resembles and qualifies as evidence. Similarly, an evidentiary hearing is a hearing in which the court merely records the evidence.

What is evidentiary limitation?

Many jurisdictions include evidentiary constraints on a defendant's ability to prove that someone else committed the crime.

To know more about Evidentiary Support visit:



Write a meaningful sentence for each of the coordinating conjunction.


There are 8 types of coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, nor, for, so, and yet.

What are coordinating conjunctions?

Coordinating conjunctions are used to combine two sentences, words, or phrases.

Sentences for each of the coordinating conjunctions are:

Ram and Shyam are going to market.

The food is tasty but its too spicy.

I'd like pizza or pasta for the lunch.

I neither speak tamil nor understand it.

I will go there for you.

That baby is so cute.

John like Mexico, yet he can't afford a house there.

Thus, these are the meaningful sentences for each of the coordinating conjunction.

Learn more about coordinating conjunctions, here:



Change into passive voice.
a.My sister told me a story.
b.Usha speaks English fluently.
c.I bought a boll yesterday.​



a. ans is story was told by my sister.

b. ans is English is fluently spoke by usha.

c. ans is the doll was brought by me.

What is the metaphor rumbling herd mean


Answer: "Rumbling herd" is a metaphor that refers to a large group of people or animals moving together, creating a noise like a herd of animals. The metaphor is often used to describe a crowd or throng of people, and the sense of movement and momentum can convey excitement, energy, or power. In this context, the herd is considered to be "rumbling" as it moves, suggesting a low, vibrating noise created by the sheer number of bodies in motion. The metaphor is often used to describe a large and seemingly unstoppable force, and can convey both a sense of power and a sense of potential danger.


Read the excerpt from Chapter 4 of Wheels of Change.
Annie Londonderry wasn't the only one who pushed the
limits of time and distance on her two-wheeler. In the
late 1890s, several women took the concept of riding a
century_ 100 miles to the extreme by peeling off two,
three, four, or more centuries in a row. Perhaps the
greatest female century rider performed outside the
spotlight. Dora Rinehart's exploits hardly ever were
reported beyond the western United States, where the
Colorado native earned the title America's Greatest
Cyclienne." Rinehart took up the bicycle to regain her
strength after suffering scarlet fever. She started with
short rides, but quickly built up her endurance. In 1896
alone, she pedaled 17.196 miles, more than any other
woman in the United States. That included stretches of
10 days in July and 20 days from October 31 through
November 19 when she rode a century every day.


The objective in this excerpt is that Dora Rinehart earned the title America's Greatest Cyclienne in the western part of the united states.

What is the wheel of change?

The interchange of two dimensions that we must resolve before we may transform into the person we wish to be is illustrated by the Wheel of Change. The factors that either advance us or impede our progress are tracked on the positive to the negative axis. The elements that we decide to modify or keep in the future are tracked on the change-to-keep axis.

Thus, the objective in this excerpt is that Dora Rinehart earned the title America's Greatest Cyclienne in the western part of the united states.

Learn more about the wheel of change, here:



40CD1.62 Simon is flying to Rome on business. Listen to the phone call and choose the correct answers to these questions.

1 When is Simon arriving?

2 When is he leaving?

3 What kind of room does he want?

4 How much does the room cost per night?

5 How many nights is he staying at the hotel?

6 What time will he arrive?





€120 / €150

one night / two nights

seven o'clock / six o'clock


We can see that as we couldn't hear the phone call, we can deduce the following:

1. Simon arrives on Monday.

2. He is leaving on Wednesday.

3. The kind of room he wants is single.

4. The room costs €120.

5. His staying two nights in the hotel.

6. He will arrive by six o'clock.

What is a business trip?

A business trip is a journey made by an employee or representative of a company for work-related purposes, such as attending meetings, conferences, training sessions, or conducting business transactions.

The purpose of a business trip is typically to achieve specific business goals, such as building relationships, generating sales, or acquiring new skills and knowledge.

Learn more about business on https://brainly.com/question/24553900


The elements of the rhetorical situation dont work together




The "rhetorical situation" refers to the circumstances surrounding a piece of writing or communication, including the writer, audience, context, and purpose. The elements of the rhetorical situation must work together in order for the communication to be effective. If one element is missing or not fully considered, the message may not be well received or may not achieve its intended purpose.

For example, if the writer does not take into account the audience's knowledge, interest, or beliefs, the message may not connect with the audience. Similarly, if the context is not properly considered, the message may not be relevant or may not have the desired impact. And if the purpose of the communication is not clear, the message may be confused or misinterpreted.

It is important for writers and communicators to carefully consider all of the elements of the rhetorical situation in order to effectively convey their message and achieve their intended purpose. By considering the audience, context, and purpose, writers can tailor their message to meet the needs of their audience and achieve the desired outcome.

What does this quote mean? “to understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to.” - Khalil Gibran, The Madman


Answer: This quote by Khalil Gibran is suggesting that to truly understand a person's character and their motivations, you should look at their aspirations, rather than their past achievements. The quote suggests that what a person aspires to do, what they dream of, and what they are working towards, can tell you more about their heart, mind, and true character than anything they have already accomplished. By looking at someone's aspirations, you can gain a deeper understanding of their hopes, fears, and desires, and what drives them forward. The message of the quote is that what a person aspires to be and do is a more telling reflection of their inner self than what they have already achieved.


I ____ (take) some photos at the weekend
14. They ___ (order) a pizza for dinner

15. We ____ (not play) football tomorrow

16 . Paul ____(get) a summer job

17 . ___ ____(you / phone) me tonight?

18 .Molly ____(not buy) a new skirt for the party

19 . ____ ___(Greg / start) university next year?

20 . I _____(study) tonight


The correct fill-in-the-blanks:

13. I took some photos at the weekend14. They ordered a pizza for dinner.

What is tense?

Tense is a category used in language to communicate time reference.

15. We will not play football tomorrow16. Paul got a summer job17. will you phone me tonight?18. Molly didn't buy a new skirt for the party19. Does Greg start university next year?20. I will study tonight.

Therefore, the correct option is

13. took14. ordered15. will not play16. got17. Will you 18.  didn't buy19. Greg start20. will study

To learn more about tense, refer to the link:



Underline sentences in which the author both presents solutions and provides Evidence in towards a new refuge


It should be noted that in order to identify sentences in which the author presents solutions, you could look for statements that propose the solution.

How to know the sentence to underline

Propose a specific solution: To identify sentences in which the author presents solutions and provides evidence in support of a new refuge, you could look for statements that:

Propose a specific solution: This could be a new policy, technology, or approach to solving a problem.

Provide reasons or evidence to support the solution: This could include data, statistics, expert opinions, or personal anecdotes.

An overview was given as the information is incomplete.

Learn more about refuge in:



Other Questions
Zach delivers pizza and is paid by the hour. Yesterday he worked 4 hours and made $40. what three questions are central to the process of investigative psychology? 2. distinguish among the five types of profiling covered in the chapter. 3. distinguish between geographical profiling and geographical mapping. 4. list five findings from the research on eyewitness identification. 5. list any six recommendations made by researchers to increase the reliability of identifications made in lineups. 6. what are the three types of false confessions? 7. what suggestions have psychologists offered for improving the police interviewing and interrogation process? 8. in light of research findings on deception, how can investigators best detect deception on the part of persons being interviewed? 9. list any five findings from the research on the polygraph 60. MODELING REAL LIFE You are designing anobstacle course along a straight path. The distancebetween obstacle three and obstacle seven is thesame as the distance between obstacle four andobstacle nine. Show that the distance betweenobstacle three and obstacle four is the same as thedistance between obstacle seven and obstacle nine. how many drug orders and label checks must be performed when dispensing and administering medications? NEED QUICKLY WILL GIVE BRAINLIESTWhen the data collected measures what you expect it to, education researchers call the measurements: empiricalqualitativequantitativevalid Read this excerpt from the text "The Carolina Crew: The Mystery at Myrtle Beach."Select the event that best describes Carolina's urgency to tell a lifeguard of her concern about the sardine run."This seems weird," said Debbie, "but it looks surprisingly similar to the sardine run in South Africa. I've never heard of it happening anywhere else in the world.""You're right," said Carolina. "It does look like a sardine run. I've never heard of it happening anywhere else either and definitely not here in South Carolina." She rubbed the back of her neck. Suddenly realizing what a sardine run could mean, she spoke with urgency. "If there are sardines, there are probably sharks out there trying to feed on them."A. Caroline heard Debbie say that sardine runs happen in South Africa.B. Carolina knows if there is a sardine run, sharks will be in the area.C. Carolina knows that it's weird to see a sardine run on a crowded beach.D. Carolina knows that sardine runs don't usually happen in South Carolina.PLEASE ANSWER TRUTHFULLY!!!! If q had a different value, would W/q be different or would it have the same value regardless of the value of q? Explain. The electric potential difference AV between two points in an electric field is related to the work W needed to move a charge q from one point to another, and to the change in electric potential energy AU that the system experiences when the charge moves from one point to another: W U V =- 9 9 The SI unit for potential difference is the Volt (V) and potential difference is also frequently called "voltage." 20. Does the potential difference AV between two points in an electric field depend on the electric field (and the charges that created that field), or does it depend on a charge that moves between those two points, or does it depend on both? Explain your reasoning. 21. Two students are discussing their answers to question A20. Megan: The potential difference between two points is the work per unit charge. The electric field determines how much work is done when a charge moves from one point to another. But the value of that moving charge also matters, since q appears in the denominator. If you change the value of q, then you must change the value of W/q. That means the potential difference depends on both the electric field and the value of the charge that moves in that field. Aicha: I agree that the electric field determines W. But if you change q, then you also change the value of W. The amount by which W changes should equal the amount by which q changes, so Wlq should always be the same for an electric field regardless of the value of q. So I think that the potential difference between two points only depends on the electric field, and not on the value of any charge that moves between those points. Do you agree or disagree with either or both of the students? Explain your reasoning 15. Imagine that the electric field in Figure 1 has a magnitude of 20 N/C. Figures 3-5 below show three different paths (dashed lines) that a positive charge q = +3.0 C can take between two points. Find the work done by the electric field on the positive charge for each of these three paths. Show your work. Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 60 45 454 30 1.0 m 1.0 m 1.0 m 16. Does the work done by the electric field on the charge depend on the path that the charge takes to get from one point to another? 17. If q had a different value, would the work you calculated in question A15 be different or would it have the same value regardless of the value of q? Explain. 18. Calculate the work per unit charge W/q for the three paths you analyzed in question A15. As a warehouse worker pushes a crate across a concrete floor, the force he applies is not perfectly horizontal, as shown in the image below. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and concrete floor is 0.5, what is the net force on the crate?A. 87 NB. 110 NC. 77 ND. 135 N the _____ is considered the master gland of the endocrine system. jack keeps current buyer tastes in mind when touring a home during a pre-listing appointment. this helps him to . Do you think the correlation between higher education and job security will continue in the future? Why or why not?This question is for Career Workshop what percent of children between the ages of 2 and 5 years engage in repetitive behaviors such as waving, picking at their bodies, and body rocking. consider the cross aabbccdd x aabbccdd. if the genes are independently assorting, how many different genotypes are possible in the offspring? Prove by induction that if we remove the root of a k-th order binomial tree, it results in k binomial trees of the smaller orders. You can only use the definition of Bk. 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