what do you think he says that his friend has 10 million serving-men who get no rest at all?what might his friend be doing?

from the poem = I keep six honest serving-men ​
I need the answer please help


Answer 1


Due to the nature of his friend's names, we can conclude that he does not literally mean that What, Why, When, How, Where, and Who are real people, but referencing the approach to an opening or introducing a question(s). Therefore, when he states that ,"She keeps ten million serving-men/ Who get no rest at all," his friend does not stop asking questions. It can be concluded that this friend is endlessly curious and wants to know the reason of action, or future actions, almost constantly.

Hope this helped, goodluck! :)

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Please help. Im not good at writing essays
Will give brainiest and 50 points



It allowed the United States to gain land, power, and resources which made the United States a more respected nation.

Innovation and expansion affect a nation’s identity. The United States is an example of a nation whose identity has been affected by innovation and expansion. Business innovations, such as jobs and money, and political innovations, such as political machines and monopolies, affected our nation’s identity. Westward expansion and population growth also affected our nation's identity. I believe these things affected our nation greatly. Jobs were very important in forming our nation's identity. In 1998, the American PeopleNash states that in the last half of the 19th century, people lived near their jobs and there were more central business districts. Money caused a big debate. Bimetallism was a system that allowed two metals as legal tender at a fixed ratio to each other. They had the“Gold Bugs” and the “Silverites” who were bankers and businessmen, and farmers and laborers, respectively.


Exercise 3 Insert an adjective clause to modify the noun or pronoun in italics.
Vanessa goes to the gym on Main Street, ____________________.


Vanessa goes to the gym on Main Street, where.

DISCLAIMER : Your question is incomplete, use which in place of where according to question.

An adjective clause, or relative clause, is a form of structured clause that works to explain a noun in a sentence. It features as an adjective even though it is made up of a set of phrases instead of just one word. inside the case of an adjective clause, all the words paintings collectively to modify the noun or pronoun.

Adjective clauses begin with a relative pronoun, which connects them to the phrase they describe. Relative pronouns encompass the phrases that, where, when, who, whom, whose, which and why. When you don't forget the relative pronouns, it's easy to pick out out an adjective clause in a sentence.

Learn more about clause here:- https://brainly.com/question/1421646


Exercise 1 Underline nouns once and verbs twice. Draw a vertical line between each complete subject and complete predicate. Label adjectives Adj., articles A., adverbs Adv., direct objects D.O., and indirect objects I.O.
Our swimming team easily won the large trophy.


Our , Large - Adjective

Team , Trophy  - Noun

Easily - Adverb

Swimming , Won  - Verb

What is part of speech ?

One of the nine major categories into which words are grouped according to their roles in sentences, such as nouns or verbs, is known as a part of speech. These, also referred to as word classes, and are the fundamental units of grammar.

Noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection are the other parts of speech in English. The word's function in meaning and grammaticality inside the sentence is indicated by the part of speech. When used in several contexts, a single word can serve as more than one element of speech.

Eg - nouns









To learn more about Part of speech check the link below



Exercise 2 Write c next to each compound sentence.
Bartholdi studied painting and architecture in Paris, and his first sculpture was shown in 1883.


The given sentence Bartholdi studied painting and architecture in Paris, and his first sculpture was shown in 1883” is an example of a compound sentence. So, we write “C” next to this exercise.

The given sentence is an example of a compound sentence. In this exercise, the given sentence “Bartholdi studied painting and architecture in Paris, and his first sculpture was shown in 1883” has two independent clauses that are connecting with coordinating conjunction “,” and “and”. Each independent clause in this exercise shows a complete sense of thought.

In this exercise, the first independent clause is “Bartholdi studied painting and architecture in Paris” and the second independent clause is “his first sculpture was shown in 1883”. These two independent clauses are connected via coordinating conjunction “and”.

Therefore, the given exercise is an example of a compound sentences.

You can learn more about compound sentences at



where was Byron’s mother, why


lost becasuse she just kept wondering around

Exercise 1 Underline each pronoun.
Can you imagine how they felt when they saw them?





You is a 2nd Person pronoun

They is a 3rd Person pronoun

Them is a 3rd Person pronoun

Analyzing Word Choice: Figurative Language - Quiz - Level H

What feeling is created by the details about Brigid's response to



D Details

"His showy

displays always

gave Brigid a

headache. "

"Brigid closed her

eyes and inhaled

deeply, releasing

the tension that

clawed at her

shoulders. "





D) aggravation

O secrecy

) jealousy



Explanatio   the answer is curtis because i got it right .

The correct response is -   the answer is Curtis. Therefore option A is the correct response.

What is a Quiz?

A quiz is a type of game or cognitive sport in which participants try to accurately answer inquiries on a particular range of topics. In education and related industries, quizzes can be used as a quick evaluation to gauge changes in students' knowledge, skills, or abilities.

A short and informal test of student understanding is a quiz. In North American educational settings, quizzes are frequently used to quickly assess a student's understanding of the course material. This gives professors an understanding of their progress and any knowledge gaps that may exist.

Tests are longer than quizzes. A quiz normally includes 10 or fewer questions, but a test may have 50 or more. Questions can be used to inspire individuals, aid in their retention of recently reviewed material, and facilitate the evaluation of their level of understanding.

To read more about Quizzes, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/4599283


does the lunar landscape have

a) flowing rivers?
b) big lakes?
c) dense forest?​



it has big lakes


lunar landscape have big lakes

Why did Walter Mitty imagine himself facing a firing squad? Evaluate what he was saying
about his life with such a statement.



Evaluate what he was saying about his life with such a statement? His life is pointless and he is waiting for death. His wife is the weight that is bringing him down and he wants to stay in his dreams.

Why does the novel end with Mitty in a daydream, facing a firing squad? It shows that Mitty will never escape his tepid, ordinary life or his nagging wife until he dies.


Exercise 1 Underline each pronoun.
Their crowd spends a lot of time at the swimming pool.


Their crowd spends a lot of time at the swimming pool.

This is an example of possessive pronoun.

Pronouns are the words used in place of noun or noun phrases. Examples include he, she, it, they. They can refer to noun/s that has/have been named previously or in other cases, can be used to refer to nouns that do not need specific mention.

Different classifications of pronouns are relative, reflexive, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, personal, indefinite, subject, object, reciprocal and intensive.

Possessive pronouns are words that replace the noun and noun phrases to show the expression of possession.

For example. I have lost my water bottle. Can you pass me yours.

Learn more about possessive pronouns here



what do each characters do with their freedom in beloved



the ratio between two circles vqjoizxcvu g çm


the physical, emotional ,and spiritual devastation wrought by slavery


Exercise 2 Write the plural form of each noun.



The plural form of the given word (noun), belief is - "beliefs"

Plural form of nouns- The form of a word (noun) used to indicate that there are multiples is known as a plural word or noun. Most nouns can be made plural by simply adding -s or -es to the end.

Depending on what letter a noun finishes in, pluralization rules can vary greatly. Irregular nouns must be learned or looked up in a dictionary because they do not adhere to the plural noun rules.

Steps of Pluralization of a noun are as follows-

Add 's' to the end of normal nouns to make them plural.Add the letter "es" to the end of the single noun if it ends in s, ss, sh, ch, x, or z to make it plural.Some singular nouns with -s or -z endings need to have the -s or -z doubled before the -es is added to make them plural.If the noun ends in f or fe, the f is frequently altered to -ve before the -s is added to create the plural form.If the letter before the -y in a singular noun ends in y, modify the ending to ies to make the noun multiple.

Learn more about plural noun here-



Exercise 1 Write P above each proper noun and C above each common noun.
The United States put up a good fight against Brazil but lost by a score of 1–0.


The United States put up a good fight against Brazil but lost by a score of 1–0.

United States, Brazil : Proper nouns

fight, score : Common nouns

What are nouns?

Names for particular individuals, places, or objects are given by nouns. In sentences, nouns can take the place of the subject, the indirect object, the direct object, the subject complement, the object complement, the appositive, and the adjective.A separate entity, such as a person, place, or thing, is denoted by a proper noun. Common nouns designate a group of individuals, locations, or objects.

Therefore, here,

United States, Brazil : Proper nouns

fight, score : Common nouns

To learn more about nouns from the given link below,






The ability to recreate an experiment makes it reliable. This is because it indicates that the result of the experiment was not simply happenstance or a coincidence. It is important to use peer-reviewed sources because it allows you to verify their validity through multiple expert opinions. This also allows you to see if the experiment from your source has been recreated by others.



1. when a scientist repeats an experiment with a different group of people or a different batch of the same chemicals and gets very similar results

-the independent variables are the same, so the factors are not changed- proving reliability.

-the dependent variables remain the same as well, so it proves the reliability of the experiment.

-the process is the same, finally, proving the experiment's reliability 100%

2. peer review- when scientists assess the originality, reliability, and significance of a scientific work before its publication.  it's the most widely accepted process used to validate scientific data. peer review is fundamental so that all knowledge stays relevant and authentic.

Exercise 1 Edit the sentence for clarity and correct grammar.
The coach not know why I left practice.


The coach does not know why I left practice.

There is only one grammatical error here, it should be does not know and not just "know".

To know more about "grammar and proofreading" refer to the link here:https://brainly.com/question/14441086?

summary of the Goddess girls​


The Goddess Girls series follows the Goddess of Greek mythology as they head to school at Mount Olympus Academy. Together they learn life lessons and Goddess lessons at school and in their off time. The series features some of the most popular mythological figures like Athena, Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Zeus.

Athena and Artemis are best friends and together, along with Aphrodite and Persephone, they make up the four most popular goddess girls at Mount Olympus Academy. Actaeon is Artemis's current love interest.

Persephone and Athena first meet at the beginning of the series, Athena the Brain. They are best friends and sit together at lunch. Athena does not know who her father is until Zeus sends a letter, informing her that she is his daughter and a goddess.

Learn more Goddess Girls  here



Exercise 1 Write s if the sentence is simple or c if it is compound.
The doctor determined the cause of Gina’s health problem.



''The doctor determined the cause of Gina's health problem.'' is a simple sentence.

A simple sentence consists of only one clause having only one subject, the predicate. It may or may not contain an object.

In the given sentence, there is a subject 'the doctor,' a predicate "cause" and an object "cause of Gina's health problem."

On the other hand, compound sentence consists of more than two independent clauses.

An independent clause has a proper meaning and it makes sense without the other clause.

These independent clauses are joined together using a conjunction such as: yet, nor, for, so, and, but & many more.

If you need to learn more about simple sentences, click here:



What do you know about the relationship between john and elizabeth proctor from the stage action and opening dialogue of act ii?


About the relationship between john and Elizabeth proctor from the stage action and opening dialogue of act ii we know that 'there is tension between them and they are trying to reconcile from John's affair with Abigail'.

After John's affair the relationship between John and Elizabeth was not the same anymore it has change drastically.

The opening conversation shows that, there is tension between them and both are uncomfortable with each other. They are trying hard to pretend that everything is okay, trying to talk to each other using very civil words and making polite small talk, but the conversation doesn't. seem loving or warm"

To know more about John and Elizabeth click below



What is most clearly a motif in this passage? A. Failed dreams  B. Unhealthy habits  C. Bad deeds  D. Psychological terror


Based on the passage attached, the most clearly a motif in this passage is C.)Psychological terror.

What is  Psychological horror?

Psychological horror is known to be a kind of subgenre of horror as well as  psychological fiction that is known to be filled with a specific focus mostly on mental, emotional, as well as psychological states.

It is known to be one that was meant to frighten, disturb, as well as  unsettle its audience.

Based on the passage, you will see words like " felt the palpitation of every artery; at others, I nearly sank to the ground through languor and extreme weakness". This can make a person to be scared.

Therefore, Based on the passage attached, the most clearly a motif in this passage is C.)Psychological terror.

Learn more about Psychological terror from


I passed the night wretchedly. Sometimes my pulse beat

so quickly and hardly, that I felt the palpitation of every

artery; at others, I nearly sank to the ground through

languor and extreme weakness.... I felt the bitterness of

disappointment; dreams that had been my food and

pleasant rest for so long a space, were now become a hell

to me (45)

What is most clearly a motif in this passage?

A. Unhealthy habits

B. Bad deeds

C. Psychological terror

D. Failed dreams

Answer: D. Psychological terror

Read Paragraph 7.
In an instant, the book
slid backward along the
grooved surface,
bumping against metal
struts, halting briefly on
sticky patches, rolling
over flattened clots of
mud, and snagging a
discarded cellophane
wrapper between its
pages along the way.
Where is the book in
this excerpt?


The book is on the bus in this excerpt.

The sliding of the book immediately came to an end on the bus when the floor started vibrating steadily, the book felt relieved to remain still. The vibration hummed for a while before the slide started up once more. It rolled back across the muck that had been flattened into clots, stopped briefly on the sticky areas, and careened off metal struts before slamming into a rigid wall of plastic. It continued to move in that direction, pressing strongly against the plastic, until the floor's disorienting tilt returned to horizontal and the bus came to a stop once more.

Once more, the strange sensation was felt as shadows moved in an uneven pattern. When the bus continued, the shadows vanished. The book was picked up off the ground by a hand that was wrapped around it.

The second set of hands extended, encircling the book as they quickly turned the pages. The book was hurriedly placed on an open seat as the bus came to a third stop.

Before one more hand lifted the book from the vacant seat, the process had been repeated for longer than the book would have liked. Hands were turning the pages, fingers were holding the cellophane bookmark, and shadows were fluttering by. The book's cover was tightly squeezed, violently shaken up and down, and its cellophane wrapper was removed before it was reverently tucked into the reassuring shadows of a tidy briefcase.

To learn more about the book visit: https://brainly.com/question/17061364


Exercise 1 Draw one line under each compound subject and two lines under the simple predicate they share. Circle the conjunction or conjunctions.
Mr. Tanaka and the drama club are meeting with the school board this afternoon.


In this sentence the compound subject is Mr.Tanaka & drama club.The simple predicate is meeting. The conjunction is and.

Mr. Tanaka and the drama club are meeting with the school board this afternoon.

what is compound subject, simple predicate and conjunction?

compound subject:

A compound subject is formed when a phrase uses more than one subject for each verb.

A subject comprising two or more simple subjects is referred to as a compound subject. In other terms, a sentence's topic is a compound subject if it consists of two or more components.

simple predicate:

The verb that completes the sentence is the simple predicate. The primary verb or verbal phrase in a sentence that describes the action of the subject is known as the simple predicate.


Conjunctions, also known as the conjuncts of the conjunctions, are words, phrases, or clauses that they conjunction are used to join the two words, phases.

Hence, the compound subject is Mr.Tanaka & drama club.The simple predicate is meeting. The conjunction is and.

Learn more about compound subject, simple predicate and conjunction from here:



The number 1_0,000 is the missing a digit. the number rounded to the nearst hundred thousend is 200,000 . list all of the possibllites for the missing digit . explain your anwser



The possible digits that could go in that blank are 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5.


This is basic rounding rules... if it is 5 or greater, you round up. if it is 4 or lower, then round down. :)

Hope this helps :))


It could be






The reason why these are the possibilities is because when rounding if the number is 5 or greater than you round up and if the number is below five then you round down.


Exercise 3 Draw one line under the complete subject in each sentence. Draw two lines under the correct form of the verb.
Over the horizon (appear, appears) the posse.


Over the horizon appears the posse.

How did Mrs Whitman get Gloria back



Someone called her and told her that they found the dog. They returned the dog back to her.

Marcos approached the bike with fear. It had been a year since his accident, when he had been thrown off his bike. Twenty stitches, two broken ribs, and
a cracked fibula that required surgery. He was in the hospital for almost a week and missed ten days of school. Marcos never wanted to ride again, but
here he was ready to face his fear and get back on the road.
O memory moment
O tough questions
O words of the wiser


Answer: Memory moment

Explanation: He's thinking about a memory.

Exercise 2 Draw one line under the direct object. Draw two lines under the object complement.
Several scientists in the club make geology a priority.


Several scientists in the club make geology Direct Object(DO) a priority Object Complement(OC).

What is direct object and Object Complement?Object Complement refers to a word or phrase that follows a direct object and characterizes or renames it.Direct Object refers to a word or phrase that expresses the main purpose or outcome of a verb's action.


According to the definitions of object complement and direct object,

"geology" is the main outcome of the verb's action (make)."priority" is the rename of geology (direct object).

Hence, According to the definitions of object complement and direct object, Several scientists in the club make geology(Direct Object) a priority(Object Complement).

To learn more about object complement and direct object, refer to the link: https://brainly.com/question/24746711


Exercise 1 Add commas where necessary. Cross out commas used incorrectly using the delete symbol. Some sentences may be correct.
World War II began shortly after her marriage, but Dorothy’s work was not interrupted.


The addition of commas in the given sentence is given below:

World War II began shortly after her marriage, but Dorothy’s work was not interrupted.

The given sentence is correct as is and does not require any modifications as the use of comma here is apt as it joins the clauses together to form a complex sentence.

What is a Comma?

This refers to the punctuation that is used to separate items in a list or to indicate a pause.

Hence, we can see that The addition of commas in the given sentence is given below:

World War II began shortly after her marriage, but Dorothy’s work was not interrupted.

The given sentence is correct as is and does not require any modifications as the use of comma here is apt as it joins the clauses together to form a complex sentence.

Read more about commas here:



"A friend in need is a friend indeed" uderline the adjective phrases ​


"A friend in need is a friend indeed"

Adjectives describe or regulate—this is, they restrict or limit the means of—nouns and pronouns. they will call features of all kinds: large, red, irritated, outstanding, specific, rare, and so forth. An adjective generally comes right before a noun: "a pink get dressed," "fifteen people."Aug 30, 2022

An adjective is a word that describes the traits, characteristics, or number of a noun. What are examples of adjectives? Descriptive phrases like “stunning,” “easy,” or “heavy” are all adjectives, as are numbers ( “twelve eggs”).

An adjective is a word that tells us greater about a noun. It "describes" or "modifies" a noun (The large canine was hungry). In these examples, the adjective is in bold and the noun that it modifies is in italics. An adjective often comes earlier than a noun: an inexperienced automobile.

Learn more about adjectives here:



Exercise 2 Write D.O. above the direct objects and I.O. above the indirect objects.
These models save meteorologists time.


These models save meteorologists indirect object time Direct object.

What is a direct and indirect object?Direct Object refers to a word or phrase that expresses the main purpose or outcome of a verb's action.Indirect Object refers to a phrase made up of a noun that designates a subject or object who or what is influenced by the action of a transitive verb, but who or what is not the main object.


According to the definitions of direct and indirect objects,

"time" brings out the main outcome of the verb's action (save)."meteorologists" in influenced by the action of the verb (save).

Hence, According to the definitions of direct and indirect objects, These models save meteorologists (indirect object) time (Direct object).

To learn more about direct and indirect objects, refer to the link: https://brainly.com/question/1427574


Exercise 1 Identify the phrase in italics as I for infinitive, G for gerund, or P for participial.
Fines were imposed to discourage littering.


Fines were imposed to discourage littering.

The phrase to discourage is an infinitive.

What are participles, infinitives, and gerunds?

Gerunds are words that finish in "ing" and function as nouns. When a verb is changed by the "-ing" suffix, the entire word now functions as a noun.

In order to create an infinitive, a verb's basic form gains the word "to," which can then be used as a verbal noun, adjective, or adverb.

Depending on the root word, a participle can be a verb with one of the following endings: "-ing," "-ed," "-en," "-d," "-t," "-n," or "-ne."

One or more nouns or pronouns are linked with a participle to form a participial phrase.

The phrase to discourage is an infinitive.

To learn more about Gerunds, infinitives, and participles from the given link below,



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