What are 2 observations that lamarck makes and what is the inference he makes based on these observations?


Answer 1

The main 2 observation which Lamarck made is:

1. Use and Disuse of Organ

2. Inheritance of Acquired Characters.

The Use and Disuse of Organ states that, only those character will last longer or pass on to next generation which are getting in use day by day. And, the organ will vanish if it not in use. Like, Tail in Human.

Inheritance of Acquired Characters, a theory that suggests physiological changes that an organism acquires throughout the course of its existence might be passed on to children. It's often referred to as the theory of adaptation or Lamarckism, after French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory of evolution.

To know more about Lamarck's theory, click on the below link,



Related Questions

Thin-walled vessels that connect the smallest arterioles to the smallest venules are?



Thin-walled vessels that connect the smallest arterioles to the smallest venules are capillaries.

Nutrients and waste products are exchanged between the blood and body tissues through the tiny, thin-walled capillaries that connect the arterioles and venules.

What are capillaries?These little blood vessels have thin walls. Oxygen and nutrients from the blood can enter organs and tissues through the walls. The capillaries also eliminate waste from your tissues. In capillaries, carbon dioxide and waste are exchanged for oxygen and nutrients.

Where do capillaries reside within the body?Continuous capillaries are the smallest blood veins in your circulatory system.They link your arteries and veins. Additionally, they support the endocrine system, brain, kidneys, lungs, small intestines, and kidneys.

To learn more about capillaries visit:



In the small intestine, fat-soluble nutrients are absorbed by? lacteals. chief cells. capillaries. bile.


Nutrients like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, iron, vitamins, and water can all be absorbed by the small intestine.

The adipose tissues store fat-soluble nutrients. These nutrients are taken up by the lacteals and transported through the lymphatic system before being released into the bloodstream by the chylomicrons in the small intestine.

Villi that line the walls of the small intestine absorb nutrients into the circulatory system's capillaries and lymphatic lacteals. Villi contain lymphatic pathways that resemble lacteal beds and capillaries. After the chyme is digested, the lacteals absorb the fatty acids.

Nutrient absorption then occurs through the tiny intestine wall. After absorption, the fat-soluble vitamins travel to the lymph arteries before continuing to the bloodstream.

The small intestine is the organ in charge of food absorption, enabling the body to utilize minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. It is extremely uncommon for cancer to form in the small intestine, despite the fact that it makes up nearly three-quarters of the digestive system.

Learn more about the small intestine here:


Consider this animal cell. the organelles in an animal cell are labeled. part f is a network of hollow tubes, flattened sheets, and round sacs. what is the function of the organelles that are labeled f?


Part f is a cisterna i.e a network of hollow tubes, flattened sheets, and round sacs.

What is a cisterna?

cisterna is a flattened membrane vesicle found in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.

To know more about cisterna go to the given link:


Part f may be a cisterna i.e a network of hollow tubes, flattened sheets, and round sacs.

Function of organelles:

Organelles are structures that do various jobs inside the cell, help maintain a state of balance within the cell, and keep the cell alive. The organelles of an animal cell include the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi body

What is a cisterna?

cisterna is a flattened membrane vesicle found in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.

What is in an animal cell?

Nucleus, cell wall , cytoplasm and mitochondria are four cell components that are found in both animal and plant cells.

Learn more about organelles:



During ________, the shortest phase of mitosis, chromosomes are pulled toward the poles of the cell.


According to the research, the correct option is anaphase. During anaphase, the shortest phase of mitosis, chromosomes are pulled toward the poles of the cell.

What is anaphase?

It is one of the stages of mitosis, which is a method of cell reproduction, where the separation of pairs of chromosomes that are homologous occurs.

In this sense, the sister chromatids (the units of the chromosome that have already been duplicated) separate from each other and are pulled towards the opposite poles of the cell, that is, they move towards the opposite sector of the cell through the achromatic spindle.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, the correct option is anaphase. During anaphase, the shortest phase of mitosis, chromosomes are pulled toward the poles of the cell.

Learn more about phases of mitosis here: https://brainly.com/question/17092456


The nerve cell stage in which potassium returns to the inside of the cell and sodium returns to the outside of the cell is called what?


The nerve cell stage in which potassium returns to the inside of the cell and sodium returns to the outside of the cell is called Refractory period.

Nerve cell is the functional unit of the nervous system. The action potential is transmitted through various phases.

Normally the nerve cell is in resting membrane potential of -70mV. During this phase all the gated channels are closed and only passive transport of ions take place.

As a action potential arrive all the voltage gated sodium open and influx of sodium occurs into the cells. It is called depolarization phase. It causes the membrane potential to pass to next part of the axon.

After that the potassium channels open and outflow of K+ ions occurs outside cell called repolarization.

The resting period after this is called refractory period.

To learn more about Nerve cell here



When too little carbohydrate is consumed in a person’s diet, ______ are used to make glucose.


When too little carbohydrate is consumed in a person’s diet amino acids are used to make glucose.

When a person is on diet and the intake of carbohydrates is too low, the body starts to make glucose using amino acids. The body breaks the protein into amino acids and then the liver converts the amino acids into glucose through a chemical reaction known as gluconeogenesis.

The body also starts to burn fat to produce energy. This burning of fats leads to the formation of ketones in the body.

When a body is low on sugar, a person starts to experience Hunger

Shakiness, Dizziness, Confusion, Difficulty speaking, Feeling anxious.

If you need to learn more about how body produces glucose in the absence of carbohydrates.



When a person is in a state of fear, the hormone epinephrine is released. This stimulates the activation of energy-generating catabolic pathways in order to provide the body with energy for a response to danger. How would that be helpful to a person who encounters a lion?.


A person who comes into contact with a lion will benefit from the secretion of the hormone epinephrine since it will enhance blood flow to the muscles, giving them greater energy to get away from the threat and into safety.

A component of such a body's endocrine system seems to be the adrenal gland.

The adrenal cortex as well as the adrenal medulla are its two component sections.

Adrenaline/epinephrine as well as noradrenaline/norepinephrine are the 2 kind of hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla.

Such hormones are known as emergency hormones  or we can also say hormones of Flight or Fight because they are secreted in reaction to just about any stressful circumstance and during emergencies.

The body is impacted by these hormones in the ways listed below:-

They sharpen the mind.

They speed up breathing as well as the heart's rate of beat and force of contraction.

They also promote the stimulation of catabolic processes, which produce energy.

The impacts listed above make it easier for someone to get out of a stressful situation.

As a result, the production of a hormone epinephrine would be beneficial to a person who comes into contact with a lion since it will result in an increase in blood flow and the delivery of greater energy towards the body's muscles, allowing the person to flee the area of danger and reach safety.

You can learn more at:



The body mass index (bmi) of an adopted child will be ________ related to the bmi of the adoptive parents and ________ related to the bmi of the biological parents.


The body mass index BMI of an adopted child will be not at all related to the BMI of the adoptive parents and strongly related to the BMI of the biological parents. The father and mother whose DNA a child inherits are commonly referred to as the child's biological parents.

Although they are not need to be blood relations, as in the case of an adopted child, legal parents have a legal family connection to the child. There are 8 different words that can be used in place of the word biological-parent on this page, including birth-father, biological-father, birth-mother, birth-parent, birth parent, father, mother, and natural parent.

To learn more about adoptive child, click here.



Tremors at rest, rigidity, akinesia, and postural abnormalities are a result of the atrophy of neurons in which part of the brain?


Tremors at rest, rigidity, akinesia, and postural abnormalities are a result of the atrophy of neurons in Substantia nigra of brain that produces dopamine.

What is the role of Substantia nigra?

Trial-and-error learning and movement control are two critical functions of the brain region known as the substantia nigra (SN). The disorder of movement The loss of DA cells, also known as SN cells that release dopamine, is what leads to Parkinson's disease. A separate kind of cells known as GABA cells is also present in the SN. Animal studies have shown that DA and GABA cells serve various purposes in the SN. Numerous brain illnesses, such as schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease, in which DA cells die, involve SN dysfunction. Thus, comprehending the typical actions of the cells that comprise the SN can aid in our understanding of and eventual treatment for these brain illnesses.

Learn more about the Substantia nigra with the help of the given link:



Imagine that you forgot to flame the loop before streaking the inoculum from the first quadrant into the second quadrant. what is the most likely consequence of this error?



too much bacterial growth in the first quadrant


If you forgot to flame the loop before streaking the inoculum from the first quadrant into the second quadrant. Then, the most likely consequence of this error would be : too much bacterial growth in the first quadrant

The streak for isolation method is one way to get isolated bacterial colonies. This method involves scratching bacteria onto one side of a petri dish containing culture medium using an inoculation loop. The inoculating loop is placed under the flame during the streaking process, where it becomes extremely hot. The goal of doing this is to eliminate all contaminants.

This allows some of the bacteria in the first quadrant to spread into the second. The vaccination loop must go back through the second quadrant in order to vaccinate the third, and so on.

In this case, it is clear that the flaming loop is necessary for the second quadrant to be crossed out before bacterial colonies can develop in all four quadrants. If not, the first quadrant will contain only bacterial colonies.

As a result, if the flame loop is not properly sterilized, it will carry a variety of microbes to the Petri plate, which could result in contamination.

Find more on streaking at : brainly.com/question/14451524


To prevent the accumulation of hormones in our bodies, the hormones are constantly being metabolized and excreted. where are adrenal and gonadal steroid hormones excreted?


Hormones from the adrenal and gonadal sytems are eliminated through the urine or bile in the liver.

Unbound steroid hormones from the gonadal and adrenal glands are transformed in the liver, where they become inactive, and subsequently eliminated through the bile or urine. The lungs, cell metabolites, or feces do not contain adrenal or gonadal steroid hormones. The steroid hormones are broken down by several tissues, but mostly the liver, into physiologically inactive byproducts that are primarily excreted in the urine, although some are also removed via the bile and, finally, the feces. Analysis of urine steroids may aid in the diagnosis of endocrine disorders. The liver is the primary site of steroid metabolism. Tetrahydro derivatives are created in the first step by reducing double bonds and adding hydroxyl to the ring.

Learn more about Liver hormones



Three types of formed elements found in blood include erythrocytes, leukocytes, and?


The three types of formed elements found in the blood include erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes (platelets).

Blood is made up of a watery liquid portion and formed elements. The watery liquid portion is called plasma and the formed elements are cell and cell fragments suspended in the plasma. The three formed elements are erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells) and thrombocytes (platelets).


The most numerous of the three formed elements are the red blood cells or the erythrocytes. Their primary function is to transport oxygen throughout the body and to an extent, carbon dioxide. They are coloured red due to a certain protein they contain called haemoglobin.


The white blood cells or leucocytes are much fewer than the red blood cells and help to protect the body against foreign entities like bacteria, viruses and tumours.


Thrombocytes or platelets are not really complete cells. Instead, they are fragments from large cells called megakaryocytes. Immediately after an injury, the platelets become sticky and clump together, forming a plug to prevent excess bleeding and promote recovery.

Learn more about the blood here:



Albinism in humans is sometimes caused by a mutation in the oca2 gene. albinism is a _____ while the mutant dna sequence in the oca2 gene that causes albinism is a


Albinism in humans is sometimes caused by a mutation in the oca2 gene. albinism is a phenotype while the mutant dna sequence in the oca2 gene that causes albinism is a genotype.

Mutations withinside the OCA2 gene reason a disruption withinside the regular manufacturing of melanin; therefore, inflicting imaginative and prescient issues and discounts in hair, skin, and eye color. Oculocutaneous albinism as a result of mutations withinside the OCA2 gene is known as oculocutaneous albinism kind 2.

OCA2 is related to mutations withinside the OCA2 gene, previously known as the P gene. Oculocutaneous albinism kind 3 (OCA3) became to begin with defined withinside the African population.The maximum not unusualplace shape is kind 1, inherited with the aid of using a gene mutation at the X chromosome.

To learn more about Mutations here



In the fourth week after conception, a miniscule blood vessel that will become the _____ begins to pulsate.



In the fourth week after conception, a miniscule blood vessel that will become the heart begins to pulsate.

In four weeks following conception, what is happening?The embryo grows and expands inside the lining of your womb throughout the first few weeks of pregnancy, between weeks 4 and 5.Your blood vessel network is connected by the outer cells' extension outward.Two inner cells eventually split into three layers.

Has a heartbeat been detected at four weeks?When expecting parents hear their unborn child's heartbeat for the first time, they are filled with excitement.A vaginal ultrasound can spot the first indications of a baby heartbeat as early as five and a half to six weeks after conception.

How early can a healthy pregnancy be identified by an ultrasound?The earliest a healthy pregnancy inside the uterus can be detected by an ultrasound screening is 17 days after the egg was released from the ovary (ovulation). This is around three days after a menstruation was missed.

To learn more about gestation visit:



Vertebrate species of animals are estimated to be outnumbered by invertebrate species by a ratio of approximately ___:____ (


According to estimates, there are roughly 1: 30 invertebrate species for every one vertebrate species.

What is vertebrate?

An animal having a backbone is called a vertebrate.

What is invertebrate?

An animal which doesn't have a backbone is called a invertebrate.

According to estimates, there are roughly 30 invertebrate species for every one vertebrate species. Ratio is 1:30.

To learn more about vertebrate, click on the link below –https://brainly.com/question/10714806


What is the hydrolysis of atp and preparation for reattachment to the thin filament by the myosin head called?


The hydrolysis of atp and preparation for reattachment to the thin filament by the myosin head called the recovery stroke.

What is myosin ?

Myosins are a class of motor proteins well recognized for their functions in the contraction of muscles and a variety of other eukaryotic motility processes. They are ATP-dependent and in charge of motility based on actin. By Wilhelm Kühne, the first myosin was identified in 1864.

When the myosin pulls the actin what is happening?

The actin is drawn along by the myosin head as it advances in the direction of the M line. The filaments migrate nearer the M line by around 10 nm as the actin is tugged. The power stroke is the name given to this motion because it is where force is generated.

To know more about atp visit :



a drug like nicotine that produces a biological response in the brain is called a(n) .


A drug like nicotine that produces a biological response in the brain is called an dopamine agonist. Nicotine enters the brain within seconds of taking a cigarette. Nicotine promotes the release of brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which help regulate mood and behavior. Nicotine is a hazardous and extremely addicting substance.

It can increase blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow to the heart, and promote brain artery constriction (vessels that carry blood). Nicotine may also contribute to artery wall hardening, which may lead to a heart attack. Nicotine is a stimulant substance that speeds up the transmission of messages between the brain and the body.

To learn more about Nicotine, click here.



Which of the surface antigens related to blood type would be found on the red blood cells of an individual with the iaib genotype? multiple choice question.


In this case, each red blood cell would carry both surface antigen A and surface antigen B.

What is blood grouping?

Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are contained in a fluid called plasma, which is the blood. Antibodies and antigens found in the blood help identify your blood type.

Plasma contains proteins called antibodies. They are a component of your body's built-in defenses. They identify alien objects, like bacteria, and notify your immune system, which then eliminates them.

Protein molecules called antigens can be detected on the outer layer of red blood cells.

The ABO system distinguishes 4 major blood types:

Blood group A - Red blood cell antigens have anti-B antibodies in their plasma.Blood group B- B antigens and anti-A antibodies are present in this blood type.Blood type O - contains both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma but no antigens.Blood group AB – they have both A and B antigens but lack antibodies

Therefore, in this case, both surface antigen A and surface antigen B.

Read more about blood groups, here



Students walked a grid on a football field and ranked plant species present as abundant, common, or rare. how might
they have collected and expressed this information more usefully?


The simple way in which the students might have collected and expressed this plant species ranking as abundant common and rare species are on the basis of comparing the species according to their how much they are widely seen and grown.

The students which carry a great sense of observation understand and can identify plants which they see always which are common, those that are everywhere and highly abundant and those which are the minorities among plant species.

Classification of living organisms

This simply refers to the process of grouping living organisms based on their similarities and differences.

Generally, plants species regardless of any of its abundance nature; are classified as:

ThallohytesBryophytesPteridophytes Spermatophytes

So therefore, the simple way in which the students might have collected and expressed this plant species ranking as abundant common and rare species are on the basis of comparing the species according to their how much they are widely seen and grown

Learn more about classification of plants:



The plasma membrane must possess mechanisms for getting nutrients into the cell. nutrients such as oxygen and hydrogen are needed in relatively large amounts and are referred to as?


The plasma membrane must possess mechanisms for getting nutrients into the cell. Nutrients such as oxygen and hydrogen are needed in relatively large amounts and are referred to as macro elements.

Primary nutrients are the components that plants require in large quantities. These macro elements occur naturally in soil. However, they can be exhausted by plants that grow in the same location year after year. Testing soils for macro and microelements, as well as adding nutrients as needed, is essential for any farmer or home gardener

Plants require macro elements like hydrogen and oxygen for cell formation. Carbohydrate metabolism needs phosphorous and potassium for the development of reproductive structures. The proportion of these components is frequently provided on fertilizer product labels.

To learn more on macro elements: brainly.com/question/3313290


where does photo synthesis occur


Answer: In plants, photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts.


Although penicillin inhibits peptidoglycan (cell wall) synthesis, bacterial cells will continue to grow normally in the presence of penicillin in a(n) __________ environment.


Bacterial cells will continue to develop properly in the presence of penicillin in an isotonic environment even if penicillin inhibits the production of peptidoglycan (the building block of the cell wall).

What does it mean to be a peptidoglycan?

The term peptidoglycan, often known as "murein" or "mucopeptide," comes from the peptides and sugars (glycan) that make up a molecule. This intricately woven network of amino acids and sugar polymers encircles the entire bacterial cell. Human cells do not produce peptidoglycan.

Where does peptidoglycan reside?

Cell wall of the bacteria

Almost all bacteria have peptidoglycan (murein), which is a crucial and distinctive part of the bacterial cell wall, on the outside of the cytoplasmic membrane.

To know more about Peptidoglycan visit:



Which factor is not an environmental cost of clearing tropical forests? group of answer choices


The factor which is not an environmental cost of clearing tropical forests is (a) increased biodiversity.

Tropical forests are the wet places that receive high rainfall. Their temperatures ranges from 21°C-35°C. They are found at the areas lying between the Tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn. However, the quality of the soil of tropical forests is low.

Biodiversity is the variety of life forms present in an area. These life forms range from the smallest microbes to the largest plant and animal species. There are three types of biodiversity: genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity. Rich biodiversity is important to keep a region functional

The question in incomplete. The complete question is:

Which factor is not an environmental cost of clearing tropical forests?

a. increased biodiversity

b. increased soil erosion

c. increased air pollution

d. increased flooding

e. accelerating global warming

To know more about tropical forests, here



The primary anabolic hormone is:____.
a) cortisol.
b) epinephrine.
c) glucagon.
d) insulin.


The primary anabolic hormone is:

d) insulin

How do hormones work?

The Oxford dictionary defines a hormone as "A regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action." In essence, a hormone is a message sent by an organ to our body, causing changes. Anabolic and catabolic hormones are the key hormones to consider when it comes to athletic performance.

An anabolic hormone is what?

According to Kids Health.org, anabolic supplements, commonly referred to as anabolic steroids, are hormones created intentionally. The purpose of these artificial hormones is to mimic the effects of androgens, a type of male sex hormone. The adverse effects of anabolic pills are many and extremely dangerous.

What hormone is the main anabolic one?

Testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor are three of the key anabolic hormones.

To learn more about anabolic hormones click below-



A biological model of living systems as whole entities which maintain themselves through continuous input and output from the environment, developed by ludwig von bertalanffy is known as?


A biological model of living systems as whole entities which maintain themselves through continuous input and output from the environment, developed by ludwig von bertalanffy is known as General system theory.

Biological model of living system is defined as open and self organizing life forms which are continuously interacting with the environment. These systems maintain the flow of information, energy and matter.

General system theory of biological model of living system was proposed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in 1968. The theory relates to finding a general theory that can explain all the systems in the field of study.

It is an interdisciplinary practice to describe the systems with interacting components, which can be applied to biology, and other field as well.

To learn more about biological model of living systems here



The British naturalist Charles Darwin developed a theory after observing species in the Galapagos Islands. What is the name of this theory?
Theory of Gravity

Theory of Relativity

Pythagorean Theorem

Theory of Evolution





One of the primary functions of sebum is: ________
a. protection against infection
b. hair growth
c. tissue repair
d. scar development
e. excoriation


One of the primary functions of sebum is : protection against infection.

Sebum is an oily substance that the sebaceous glands produce. It combines with lipid molecules, which are fat molecules, to create a protective layer on the skin's surface. These lipids aid in hydrating the skin and shielding it from pathogens like bacteria and fungi that could be harmful.

Sebum helps in providing infection protection in the following ways:

90% of the lipids, or fat molecules, on the skin's surface are contributed by sebum. These lipids keep the skin moist and shield it from UV rays and other irritants.Fat-soluble antioxidants, like vitamin E, are also transported to the surface of the skin by the sebum. By taking this action, skin oxidative damage might be avoided.Atopic dermatitis and staph infections are both brought on by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which is also fought off by sapienic acid and other fatty acids in sebum.Squalene and many of the fatty acids found in sebum, as well as other sebum constituents, have anti-inflammatory properties.

Find more on Sebum at : brainly.com/question/10723558


The fact that the base of the basilar membrane responds best to high frequencies supports the ________ theory of hearing.


The fact that the base of the basilar membrane responds best to high frequencies supports the Place theory of hearing.

The place theory of hearing states that the different parts of the basilar membrane respond to sounds of different frequencies. We hear different pitches due to specific frequencies vibrating specific parts on the basilar membrane.

As mentioned, the base part of the basilar membrane responds best to high frequencies but the tip of the basilar membrane won't respond in the same way. the tip of the basilar membrane will respond best to sounds of low frequency.

It also states that the pitch of a sound is determined by the place of vibration of the membrane.

If you need to learn more about Place theory of hearing. click here


we can hear different pitches due to specific sound frequencies causing vibrations in specific parts on the basilar membrane of the cochlea

The molecules activated by light in photoreceptors are called:_______
a. the sclera
b. the na/ca exchanger
c. rhodopsin
d. the voltage gated sodium channels
e. guanylyl cyclase


The molecules activated by light in photoreceptors are called rhodopsin

Photoreceptors are the cells in the retina that are specialized to respond to the light ans are called visual photo-transduction. They function is to convert the light into stimuli which can be processed by our brain.

They absorb the photons and causes a change in the cell membrane potential. They are of three types- rodes, cones and intrinsically photosensitive retinol ganglion cells.

Rods are more sensitive and are used in low light vision while cons are used in bright light vision.

Rods contain a photosensitive pigment called rhodopsin which is extremely sensitive to light. it is activated by even dim light.

To learn more about photoreceptors here



If the cuvette with the algae are in the dark what process(s) are happening?


If the cuvette with the algae are in the dark , the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration occurs.

What is an algae?

An algae can be described as a members of a group of predominantly aquatic photosynthetic organisms of the kingdom Protista.

Algae has many economic importance that ranges from ecological roles as oxygen producers and as the food base for almost all aquatic life.

Algae are also economically important as a source of crude oil and as sources of food and a number of pharmaceutical and industrial products for humans.

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration occurs if the cuvette with the algae are  kept in the dark.

Algae can photosynthesize but they lack the specialized multicellular reproductive structures of plants, that contain fertile gamete-producing cells surrounded by sterile cells.

The size range of the algae can span seven orders of magnitude. Many of these algae consist of only one cell, while the largest of them have millions of cells.

In conclusion, algae are classified into groups based on their pigmentation.

Learn more about algae at :https://brainly.com/question/800121


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