Using complete sentences, describe the relative location and three characteristics of North America’s humid continental climate region. Then, identify at least two plants and animals found in the grassland ecosystem. Please help!! I will thank and give 5 stars to the person who answers me first!


Answer 1
The humid continental climate region is located in the middle and eastern parts of North America, stretching from central Canada to the eastern United States. This climate region is characterized by four distinct seasons, with warm summers and cold winters. The region experiences high levels of precipitation throughout the year, with a peak in the summer months. Additionally, this climate region experiences moderate to high humidity, with frequent cloud cover and fog.

In the grassland ecosystem, which is found within the humid continental climate region, two common plant species are big bluestem and Indian grass. Both of these species are tall grasses that grow in dense clumps, providing important habitat and food sources for various animals.

Two common animal species found in the grassland ecosystem are the pronghorn antelope and the American bison. The pronghorn antelope is a fast-running herbivore that feeds on the tall grasses in the grassland. The American bison, also known as the buffalo, is a large herbivore that plays a crucial role in maintaining the grassland ecosystem by grazing on the grasses and fertilizing the soil with their waste.

Related Questions

Government asks people to accept a social contract giving up certain
personal liberties in exchange for safety in a civil society. Without
governments protecting civil society, life would be "nasty, brutish.
and short."
The government should be divided into three independent branches-
the executive, legislative, and judicial-to ensure "checks and balances."
ouserimet should be pascu upou a social compact, a contract allowing
the people to ruie themseives through adherence to the general will..
Individuals should be willing to sacrifice their self-interests in favor of
the common good.
Freedom of speech and religion must be protected by the government.
Individual governments should not impose religious systems on an
entire state.
Protecting people's natural rights to life, liberty, and property is the
government's primary function. The ruler's authority comes from a
contract made with the people, and they have the right to overthrow
an unjust government.
Philosopher Book


The ideas presented above appear to be related to political philosophy and the role of government in society. Some of the key concepts include:

Social contract theory - the idea that individuals give up some personal liberties in exchange for protection and security from the government, and that the government derives its authority from the consent of the governed.Separation of powers - the idea that government should be divided into independent branches to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and to ensure checks and balances.

What is the Government  about?

Others are:

General will - the notion that the will of the people as a whole is more important than the interests of any one individual, and that individuals should be willing to sacrifice their self-interests for the common good.

Lastly, Freedom of speech and religion - the belief that these are fundamental human rights that must be protected by the government, and that the government should not impose any particular religious beliefs on its citizens.

Learn more about Government from


who were the buffalo soldiers


people who had buffalo body protection

Explanation:they killed buffalos to get them

The Buffalo Soldiers were African-American soldiers who served in the United States Army from 1866 to after World War II. The term "Buffalo Soldiers" was first used by the Native Americans they fought against in the American West, and their nickname was taken from the bison which roamed the plains. They served in a number of different units, including the 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiments and the 24th and 25th Infantry Regiments. Buffalo Soldiers made significant contributions to the military, and their actions helped to shape the history of the American West.

How have the Declaration of Independence’s key principles grown in importance to become unifying ideas of American political philosophy?


The American political ideal of popular sovereignty was founded on the notions that all people are created equal and that government is based on the consent of the governed: that is, that the government exists to serve the people, who elect representatives to represent them.

What essential concepts of America are reflected in the Declaration of Independence?

They embody American principles, or more precisely, the full image of what America ought to be. They merit careful examination. Consider the Declaration of Independence's four main principles: equality, inalienable rights, consent of the governed, and the ability to change or abolish the government.

What effect does the American Declaration of Independence have today?

It served as a declaration of a new country's creation, a diplomatic request for recognition, a declaration of political philosophy, and a plea to preserve liberty both at home and abroad. The Declaration is still pertinent today, given the pressure on our democracy from both domestic and foreign adversaries.

To know more about American politics visit:


What purpose does the Power Figure serve among the Kongo Peoples.


The powers figures are used to house mystical figures in the Kongo.

What purpose does the Power Figure serve among the Kongo Peoples.

Power figures from Central Africa are among the several types that are frequently associated with African art. They were jointly developed by Kongo sculptors and ritual experts and were intended to contain certain mystical spirits.

Their carvings were utilized as a charm or as a form of medicine since it was believed that they contained spirits that were magical and strong. The figurine was made as a tool to preserve the health of a Kongo village.

Read more on Kongo here:


By what major means has the Constitution been informally amended?


The Constitution has been informally amended through the use of Supreme Court interpretations, executive orders, and public opinion. Supreme Court interpretations can change the way a law is applied without modifying the original text. Executive orders can also be used to modify existing laws without changing the Constitution. Finally, public opinion can influence how the government interprets and applies the Constitution, leading to informal amendments.

7. From this historical narrative, find two examples of verifiable information and two examples of unverifiable information. 40


Find two examples of verifiable information and two examples of unverifiable information 40 in this historical story.

What exactly are examples and information?

Knowledge is information that has been gained or communicated by study, instruction, inquiry, or news, and it is shared through the act of communication, whether audibly, nonverbally, visually, or in writing. Intelligence, message, data, signal, or fact are all terms for information. Information aids in minimizing study duplication. Information stimulates the thinking processes of consumers, especially scholars. Scientists, engineers, intellectuals, and others can use information to stay updated about current breakthroughs in their fields and to stay current.

Know more about historical Visit:


Why was trade important for the development of early Russian societies? Write your answer in a paragraph.


Trade was an essential part of early Russian societies. Trade allowed different cultures to exchange goods and services, creating economic opportunities and increasing the amount of available resources. It also encouraged contact between different people, helping to spread ideas and technology across larger distances. Trade also served as a form of diplomacy and enabled different cultures to form alliances and relationships, strengthening Russian society. Trade was an important factor in the growth and development of early Russian societies.

which of the following was true about germany after World War I


After World War I, Germany was forced to accept responsibility for the war and was stripped of its overseas colonies and a large portion of its territory. It was also forced to pay large reparations to the Allied Powers, and its military was severely restricted. Germany was also humiliated in the peace treaty, which had a devastating effect on its citizens and resulted in a great deal of resentment and bitterness towards the Allied Powers.

Explain how the cloture resolution changed the legislative process



That year, the Senate adopted a rule to allow a two-thirds majority to end a filibuster, a procedure known as "cloture." In 1975 the Senate reduced the number of votes required for cloture from two-thirds of senators voting to three-fifths of all senators duly chosen and sworn, or 60 of the 100-member Senate.

Write a Compare/Contrast Essay on the similarities and differences between the Medieval Romance poem “How Soon Hath Time” by John Milton and the Pastoral poem “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” by Sir Walter Raleigh. Use textual evidence to support claims. 400 Words. Point by point organizational method (ex. I. Introduction
II. Similarities from both “How Soon Hath Time” and “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”
III. Differences from both “How Soon Hath Time” and “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”
V. Conclusion)

Do not include slang terms or made up words from the text

Some questions to consider for this topic are:
How did the religious climate of their perspective time periods affect these types of poems?
How did the cultural climate of their perspective time periods affect these types of literature?
What are the major themes found in these types of poetry? How are they similar? How are they different?
How are the mechanics of these types of poetry similar and different?


I. Well-known Renaissance-era poetry include John Milton's "How Quickly Has Time" and Sir Walter Raleigh's "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd."

How can it be explained in detail?

Medieval romance and pastoral poetry, respectively, are two contrasting literary subgenres represented by these two works. While there are some parallels between these genres, there are also some noteworthy variances. In this article, the similarities and contrasts between these two poems will be compared and contrasted. Comparisons between "How Soon Has Time" and "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" II”

II. The usage of natural imagery in the two poems is one of their shared elements. Milton writes, "But let my due feet never fail / And enjoy the high-embowèd roof" in "How Quickly Has Time," while Raleigh says, "The flowers do fade, and wanton fields / To wayward winter reckoning yields" in "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd." Both poems make use of nature as a metaphor for life's fleeting nature.

III. Differences between "How Soon Has Time" and "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" IV. The two poems' tones are one of their most significant variances. In contrast to "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd," "How Quickly Has Time" has a more lighthearted and sarcastic tone. The two poets' different religious and cultural origins are probably to blame for this variation in tone. Milton was a Puritan, and his poetry exhibits his very spiritual and reflective character, whereas Raleigh was a courtier, and his poem exhibits the courtly love custom of his day.

IV. Finally, despite the fact that both "How Quickly Has Time" and "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" were composed during the Renaissance and have elements in common, they also differ significantly. Although love and images of the natural world are the subjects of both poems, their styles and tones are different. The two poets' differing and exceptional works are a result of their varied religious and cultural origins, which probably had an impact on their choice of genre and form.

To learn more about essay visit here:


Word bank: Confederate leaders, John Wilkes Booth, abolish slavery, fair wages, radical, Wade-Davis Bill, Ten Percent Plan, Restoration, 1865, education, amnesty, 50 percent, vote

Reconstruction Debate

In December 1863, during the Civil War, Lincoln announced the (1)_____________, which offered Southern States a way back into the Union. The President offered (2)_____________ to all white Southerners, except (3)_____________, who were willing to swear loyalty to the Union. Lincoln also supported granting African Americans the right to (4)_____________. Some Republicans favored a more (5) _____________ approach. In July 1864, Congress passed the (6)_____________, which said that (7)_____________ of a state’s white males had to swear loyalty to the Union. Only white males who swore that they had never taken up arms against the Union could vote for state constitutional convention delegates, and the new constitution had to (8)_____________. The Freedman’s Bureau reached its greatest success in the area of (9)________________. The bureau helped freed people acquire land and free transportation to work sites, and it helped them obtain (10)_____________.

Lincoln Assassinated!

President Lincoln was shot by (11)_____________ while Lincoln was watching a play at Ford’s Theater. President Andrew Johnson revealed his plan, which he preferred to call (12)_____________. By the end of (13)_____________, all the former Confederate states were ready to rejoin the Union


In December 1863, during the Civil War, Lincoln announced the Ten Percent Plan which offered Southern States a way back into the Union.

Write the blanks in the Reconstruction Debate?Ten Percent PlanamnestyConfederate leadersvoteradicalWade-Davis Bill50 percentabolish slaveryeducationfair wagesJohn Wilkes BoothRestoration1865

The Ten Percent Plan was a proposal put forth by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 during the Civil War. Under this plan, if ten percent of the voting population in the Confederate states took an oath of allegiance to the United States and supported the end of slavery, they could form a new state government and rejoin the Union. This plan was an attempt to quickly restore the Union and bring an end to the war. However, it was criticized by some who felt it was too lenient towards the Confederacy and did not do enough to protect the rights of African Americans.

To know more about Civil war, check out:


write an essay on the role the GOV plays in our economy


The appropriate role of government in the economy consists of six major functions of interventions in the markets economy.

Governments provide the legal and social framework, maintain competition, provide public goods and services, national defense, income and social welfare, correct for externalities, and stabilize the economy.

The government also provides polices that help support the functioning of markets and policies to correct situations when the market fails. As well as, guiding the overall pace of economic activity, attempting to maintain steady growth, high levels of employment, and price stability.

By applying the fiscal policy which adjusts spending and tax rates or monetary policy which manage the money supply and control the use of credit, it can slow down or speed up the economy's rate of growth in the process, affecting the level of prices and employment to increase or decrease.

Learn more about economic role of government at:


Directions: Carefully examine the Placard and Student Information at each station. Use writing and visuals to record evidence from both the placard and student information on the negative and positive effects of the particular aspect of the Industrial Revolution. Then, discuss with your partner ways to improve the negative effects. (MARKING AS BRIANLIST)


Massive transformations in social and economic structure resulted from the Industrial Revolution. A broader distribution of income and an increase in global trade were among these trends.

What are the Effects of the Industrial Revolution?

Additionally, managerial hierarchies emerged to control the division of work.Many individuals were unable to make a life in the countryside by the late 1700s. People began to relocate from farms and small towns into larger cities in search of factory jobs.Cities expanded in size, but they were frequently unclean, crowded, and unhealthy.Production was considerably boosted by the machines. As a result, goods were less expensive to produce and purchase. A lot of industrial owners grew wealthy.Despite the fact that some tasks were made easier by machines, factory employment presented several difficulties for the workers. The pay for factory workers was low, and the labour was frequently hazardous. Many people worked six days a week for 14 to 16 hours each day. Even young children and men worked in industries.

To learn more about Industrial Revolution visit;


Which of the following most accurately describes the disagreement between Du Bois and Booker T. Washington?
A. Washington emphasized education for blacks, and Du Bois thought education was not impon
Washington supported slavery, and Du Bois did not.
Washington thought African-Americans should form a new country of their own, and Du Bo
assimilate into white society.
Washington thought blacks should focus on economic self-sufficiency rather than political
political equality was critical.


The most accurately description is that Washington thought African-Americans should form a new country of their own, and Du Bois assimilate into white society. The correct option is (C).

What was the similarity between Du Bois and Booker T. Washington?

Both men were prominent educators in the African-American community. Du Bois and Washington cared about the Black community's education, wealth, and social standing.

Both men established vital institutions for America's Black population: the Tuskegee Institute and the NAACP.

Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. They did not agree on strategies for black social and economic advancement.

Therefore, the most accurately description in the statement of the disagreement between Du Bois and Booker T. Washington is that Washington thought African-Americans should form a new country of their own, and Du Bois assimilate into white society.

To know more about the Du Bois and Booker T. Washington, visit:


Tecumseh created a confederacy in order to?

A. Establish stronger trading networks.

B. Stop American encroachments on Indian land.

C. Convince the British to renew the war effort against the United States.



B. Stop American encroachments on Indian land.

1. How did British
colonial policies
lead to American



Answer Below ↓


The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in the mid-1770s. The British instated the acts to make an example of the colonies after the Boston Tea Party, and the outrage they caused became the major push that led to the outbreak American Revolution in 1775.

Following 1965, the dominant view of government holds that blank is the primary purpose of government



protecting the least advantage


what writings have transferred the history and culture of the Mali Empire


In the empire, people spoke the Manding languages. Mali was the largest empire in West Africa at its height, and its language, laws, and practices were extensively adopted throughout the region, greatly affecting its culture.

What do u know about the Culture of Mali Empire ?

The several ethnic groups that make up Mali, including the nomadic Tuareg, Fulani, Bozo fishers, Bambara, and Dogon farmers, all have their own distinctive languages and histories yet frequently get along well with one another. Over the decades, each of these has transmitted its unique customs, histories, and occupations.

Long-standing oral storytelling has had a significant impact on both Malian literature and music. At weddings and other special occasions, griots, or traditional storytellers, frequently perform.

The handmade cotton mud cloth fabric also plays a significant role in Mali's culture and economics.

Learn more about Mali Empire , from :


2) What product was first made using machines in factories?
A) Steel
B) textiles
C) locomotives
D) flying shuttles


B) textiles (The earliest factories (using the factory system) developed in the cotton and wool textiles industry)

Textiles were first made using machines in factories. Thus, option B is the correct option.

The first product made using machines in factories was textiles. The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, brought significant advancements in manufacturing processes. One of the key developments was the mechanization of textile production. The invention of machines such as the spinning jenny, water frame, and power loom revolutionized the textile industry.

These machines enabled the mass production of textiles, replacing traditional methods of manual labor with mechanized processes. This shift to factory-based production marked a major turning point in industrialization and set the stage for the subsequent mechanization of other industries.

Thus, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about textiles here:


please help meeee.

what are the are the differences between " Should women have equal treatment under the law?" and "Who should be allowed to vote?"


The difference is that woman’s should have right and should be no different to men , the other is simply that woman should be allowed to vote

Social groups are important building blocks of society.” Discuss this statement in relation to how various social groups foster personal development, a common identity and assists us in performing various tasks in society. Give examples to illustrate your answer and indicate what kind of social group you are investigating in each example.


Statuses, roles, social networks, groups and individuals, social institutions, and society make up the bulk of the social structure. The ascribed status, attained status, & master status are particular categories of statuses.

Why are social groups important to society?

As expected, social organisations make us feel valued and supported, but they also, according to Katharine Commitment to sustainability and her coworkers (2015), help us feel capable. Our sense of personal control over our life grows greater as a result of the encouragement and respect.

A society's foundation is social interaction, or communication between two or more people. Through social interaction, a society is created. Things start to change and society as a whole improves when people get together and exchange ideas.

To know more about social organisations, visit:


If it was a court case, how did the case ultimately resolve itself and how were the people involved in the case affected? If it was a movement, what ultimately pushed back against the movement? Or does it still remain unresolved today?
The topic is The Scottsboro Boys & the NAACP


The Scottsboro Boys & the NAACP was a court and the case didn't resolve itself. The people in the case were affected because the people of the South believed that the case was a gross miscarriage of justice and exploitation of liberals and radical groups.

What is the Scottsboro Boys case?

The Scottsboro case was major U.S. civil rights controversy of the 1930s surrounding the prosecution in Scottsboro, Alabama, of nine black youths charged with two white women. The nine, after nearly being lynched, were brought to trial in Scottsboro in April 1931, just three weeks after their arrests.

Not until the first day of the trial were the defendants provided with the services of two volunteer lawyers.

Learn more about Scottsboro, here:


Which did you like better- the radio show or the chapter you read from the novel? Explain your answer in two or three sentences.


Answer:what novel


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about manors in the middle ages?
A. Need to be self-sufficient in the goods that were produced
B. They were not under the control of the monarch
C. Large estate including farmland and villages
D. Had a castle or a manor house


Answer: e

Explanation: find you own answer

Billy tells his teacher that his grandfather lived in the state of florida in 1969 and survived hurricane michael. His teacher does not believe him. Why not? use information from the hurricane packet to support your answer.


Billy's teacher didn't believe that his grandfather survived from hurricane michael is because during 1969 hurricane name was only given on the name of female and michael name is male.

The 1969 Atlantic hurricane season was the most dynamic Atlantic tropical storm season since the 1933 season, and was the last year of the latest positive ("top caliber") Atlantic multidecadal swaying (AMO) period. The storm season formally started on June 1, and went on until November 30. The season had the largest number of frameworks arrive at tropical storm status - twelve - in a solitary season, until that record was outperformed in 2005.

The season was better than expected regardless of an El Niño, which ordinarily smoothers action in the Atlantic Sea, while expanding hurricane action in the Pacific Sea. Action started with a tropical sadness that caused broad flooding in Cuba and Jamaica toward the beginning of June. On July 25, Typhoon Anna created, the primary named tempest of the time. Later in the season, Tropical Sadness 29 caused serious nearby flooding in the Florida Beg and southwestern Georgia in September.

To know more about hurricane,visit here:


Compare and contrast the promises made by the United States to the actual treatment of the Native Americans.

Did the promises and treatment match?

Give evidence to support your answer.


The United States made a number of promises to Native Americans, many of which were never fulfilled. These promises included providing land, resources, and protection from attack from non-Native peoples. In exchange, Native Americans were expected to abide by U.S. law, recognize the sovereignty of the federal government, and cede their land when desired by the U.S. government.

Unfortunately, the treatment of Native Americans by the U.S. has often been in stark contrast to the promises made. Native Americans have been subjected to violence, displacement, and systematic discrimination. The U.S. has annexed land from Native Americans without their consent, subjected them to cultural genocide, and failed to hold accountable those who perpetrated violent acts against Native people. Additionally, despite decades of programs trying to improve the lives of Native Americans, poverty, addiction, and health disparities remain.

The evidence clearly shows that the promises and treatment of Native Americans by the United States do not match. Native Americans were promised rights and protections that were never delivered, and instead were subject to violence and discrimination.

Which of the following statements regarding "muscular Christianity" are true:
Motivated by a fear that the country had become a nation of emasculated men
O Sought to stiffen young men's' backbones by putting them in touch with their primal manliness
O Built summer camps and gymnasiums where young American men could strengthen their bodies and spirits
O All of the above


The statements true on " muscular Christianity " is D. All of the above.

What was muscular Christianity?

Muscular Christianity was a social and cultural movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States. It was motivated by a belief that the country was in danger of becoming a nation of "emasculated" men, and sought to counteract this by promoting a vision of manliness that emphasized physical strength, courage, and character.

As part of this movement, organizations and institutions, such as summer camps and gymnasiums, were established to help young American men develop their physical and moral strength.

Find out more on Christianity at


11. Tensions between the colonies and Great Britain increased after the French and ____ War.

A. Indian
B. Dutch
C. English
D. German


Answer: A. Indian


What was Socrates' philosophy about?

a. The pursuit of wealth and power

b. The importance of physical beauty and strength

c. The pursuit of knowledge and truth

d. The importance of religious devotion


Answer: c. The pursuit of knowledge and truth

the killing of 200 men, women, and children that ended armed resistance in the west


Answer:  Battle of Wounded Knee


Hope that helps

Answer:  Battle of Wounded Knee


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