two charged copper spheres are placed in space. if the charge on each sphere is halved and the distance between the spheres is also halved, the electric force between the spheres will


Answer 1

The distance between the spheres is halved. The force of repulsion between the two spheres, Therefore, the force between the two spheres is 0.243 N.

Let us consider, the charge on sphere A  [tex]q_A[/tex] and on sphere B  [tex]q_B[/tex] According to the question,

q_A= 6.5 × 10−7 C

q_B= 6.5 × 10−7 C

r=distance between A and B=50cm=50×10^-2

From Coulomb's law, the force between the two spheres is

F= [tex]\frac{9*6.5&6.5* 10^-5}{50*50*10^-4} = 1.521*10^-2N[/tex]

According to the question, if the charge is doubled

Distance between them is halved i.e., r'=r/2

F = 16F 16*1.521*10^-2N = 0.243 N

In physics, pressure is an influence that may exchange the motion of an item. A force can purpose an object with mass to alternate its velocity (e.g. moving from a nation of relaxation), i.e., to boost up.  its miles are measured inside the SI unit of newton (N). force is represented with the aid of the symbol F (formerly P).

The unique form of Newton's 2d regulation states that the net pressure appearing upon an object is identical to the fee at which its momentum modifications with time. If the mass of the item is steady, this regulation implies that the acceleration of an item is immediately proportional to the internet force appearing on the object, is within the direction of the internet force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

To learn more about Force visit here:


Complete Question:

Two insulated charged copper spheres A and B have their centers separated by a distance of 50 cm. What is the mutual force of electrostatic repulsion if the charge on each is 6.5 × 10−7 C? The radii of A and B are negligible compared to the distance of separation. (b) What is the force of repulsion if each sphere is charged double the above amount, and the distance between them is halved?

Related Questions

which has a greater luminosity, a star with absolute magnitude -4 or a star with absolute magnitude 6?


A star with an absolute magnitude of -4 is brighter than one with an absolute magnitude of 6.

No matter how far a star is from Earth, its absolute magnitude provides a measure of its inherent brilliance. A difference of 5 magnitudes corresponds to a 100-fold increase in brightness on the logarithmic magnitude scale. The result is that a star with a smaller absolute magnitude is more bright than a star with a bigger absolute magnitude. By a difference of 10 magnitudes, or a factor of 10,000 in luminosity, the star with absolute magnitude -4 is brighter than the star with absolute magnitude 6, in this instance. In other words, the star with absolute magnitude -4 is 10,000 times more brilliant than the star with absolute magnitude 6, according to this statement.

Learn more about magnitude here:


A simple circuit consists of a battery, a light bulb, a capacitor, a switch, and some wire. When the switch is turned on, charges are moved from one plate of the capacitor, through the battery, and all the way around to the other plate. Which of the following occur during that time?

I Chemical potential energy is decreased.
II Electrical potential energy is increased.
III Thermal energy is increased.

II only

I only

I and II only

All of the above


Chemical potential energy is decreased, electric energy is increased and thermal energy is increased. All the above is correct.

Conversion of energy Energy is transferred throughout electrical circuits as well. The battery's two sides convert the chemical energy inside it into electrical potential energy. This electrical potential energy is converted into electric energy in the electricity that circulates through the circuit.Energy is conserved in all circumstances, which is another thing we know. Energy, according to the principle of energy conservation, never creates nor destroys itself; instead, it just changes from one type or location to another. But from a circuit perspective,How does this operate?It's true that the two sides of the battery have a different electrical potential energy, as we previously mentioned. Or, to put it another way, the circuit's electrons originally possess electric potential energy before they begin to travel.

For more information on conversion of energy kindly visit to


how much work does a supermarket checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.810 m horizontally with a force of 5.60 n? express your answer in joules and kilocalories. (for each answer, enter a number.)


The work done by the checkout attendant of the supermarket is 4.536 Joules or 0.00108413 Kilocalories.

The checkout attendant at a Supermarket is pushing a can of soup with the force of 5.6 Newton.

He is able to push the can of soup still a distance of 0.810m horizontally.

We know the formula of the work done is given by,

W = Fd

Where, W is work done, F is the force, d is the distance.

Putting all the values,

W = 5.6 x 0.81

W = 4.536 Joules.

This same amount of work in kcal will be equal to 0.00108413 Kilocalaorie.

To know more about work done, visit,


I need help on these pleaseee


1) Solar energy

2) Mechanical energy

3) Electrical energy and light energy

4) Mechanical energy

5) Heat and light energy

6) Electrical energy

What is energy transformation?

Energy transformation, also known as energy conversion, is the process by which energy is transferred from one form to another. Energy exists in many forms, including thermal energy, light energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, and chemical energy. In any energy transformation, the total amount of energy remains constant, but its form changes.

The efficiency of an energy transformation is the percentage of the input energy that is transformed into useful output energy. In some cases, some energy is lost as heat or waste, decreasing the overall efficiency of the transformation.

Learn more about energy transformation:


How could you increase the precision and accuracy of your wavelength measurement?​


To increase the precision and accuracy of a wavelength measurement, you can take the following steps:

Use a higher-quality measuring instrumentIncrease the number of measurements

How to increase the precision and accuracy of a wavelength measurement

Use a higher-quality measuring instrument: Using a higher-quality instrument that is designed to measure wavelength with high accuracy and precision can improve the results. For example, a high-quality spectrometer can be used to measure the wavelength of light.

Increase the number of measurements: Taking multiple measurements and averaging the results can reduce the effect of random errors and improve precision.

Minimize sources of error: Minimizing sources of error, such as fluctuations in temperature and pressure, can also improve the precision and accuracy of measurements.

Calibrate the instrument: Calibration of the instrument against a known reference can improve the accuracy of measurements.

Use appropriate units: Using appropriate units that are compatible with the instrument being used can prevent errors caused by unit conversions.

Overall, increasing precision and accuracy requires careful attention to the details of the measurement process, from the choice of instrument to the environmental conditions in which the measurement is made.

Learn more about wavelength measurement at:


On a dry winter day, if you scuff your feet across a carpet, you build up a charge and get a shock when you touch a metal doorknob. In a dark room you can actually see a spark about 2 cm long. Air breaks down at a field strength of 3 × 10^6 N/C. How much charge have you built up? As- sume that just before the spark occurs, all the charge is in your finger, drawn there by in- duction due to the proximity of the doorknob. Approximate your fingertip as a sphere of di- ameter 1.42 cm, and assume that there is an equal amount of charge on the doorknob 2 cm away. Answer in units of C How many electrons does this correspond to? The elemental charge is 1.60218 × 10-19 C.


The number of electrons that corresponds to the number of charges is 2.71 × 10¹⁰ electrons.

How much charge have you built up?

The breakdown field strength of air is 3 × 10⁶ N/C, and the distance between the fingertip and the doorknob is 2 cm, so the electric field between the two is given by:

E = 3 × 10⁶ N/C

The electric field causes the charge on the fingertip to be drawn towards the doorknob, so we can calculate the charge on the fingertip using the formula:

q = 4π ε_0 x Er²


r is the radius of the fingertip (0.71 cm) and

ε_0 is the permittivity of free space (8.854 × 10^-12 C^2/Nm²).

q = 4  x π  x 8.854 × 10⁻¹² x 3 × 10⁶  x  0.71²

q = 2.17 × 10⁻⁸ C

The charge on the doorknob is equal and opposite to the charge on the fingertip, so the total charge on both is calculated as;

Q_total =  2  x 2.17 × 10⁻⁸ C

= 4.34 × 10⁻⁸ C.

The number of electrons is calculated as follows;

number of electrons = q / e


e is the elementary charge (1.60218 × 10⁻¹⁹ C).

number of electrons = ( 4.34 × 10⁻⁸ C / 1.60218 × ⁻¹⁹ C )

number of electrons = 2.71 × 10¹⁰ electrons

Learn more about electric field here:


s the nitrogen in thermodynamic equilibrium with respect to vibrational energy? what is the vibrational temperature of the gas? is this value necessarily the same as the translational temperature? why or why not?


In thermodynamic equilibrium, the different forms of energy in a system, including vibrational energy, must be in balance. Therefore, if nitrogen is in thermodynamic equilibrium, its vibrational energy will be in balance with its other forms of energy.

The vibrational temperature of a gas is related to the average vibrational energy of its molecules. In the case of nitrogen, which is a diatomic gas, its molecules have multiple modes of vibration, including stretching and bending vibrations. The vibrational temperature of nitrogen can be calculated from the Boltzmann distribution, which relates the temperature of the gas to the relative populations of its energy states.

The vibrational temperature of nitrogen at room temperature is around 335 K. This is significantly higher than its translational temperature, which is around 300 K. The reason for this is that the vibrational energy of nitrogen molecules is not the same as their translational energy. While translational energy is associated with the motion of the molecule as a whole, vibrational energy is associated with the internal motion of the atoms within the molecule.

The vibrational temperature of a gas is not necessarily the same as its translational temperature, because the two forms of energy are not directly related. In a gas that is not in thermal equilibrium, the vibrational and translational temperatures can be different. However, in a gas that is in thermodynamic equilibrium, the different forms of energy will be in balance, and the vibrational temperature will be related to the translational temperature through the equipartition theorem.

Learn more about equipartition here:


calculate the height (in m) of a cliff if it takes 2.24 s for a rock to hit the ground when it is thrown straight up from the cliff with an initial velocity of 8.04 m/s.


The height of the cliff is 13.2 meters. We can solve this problem using the kinematic equations of motion. The key equation that we need to use is the equation that relates the final velocity (vf), initial velocity (vi), acceleration (a), displacement (d), and time (t): [tex]vf = vi + at[/tex]

If we assume that upward is the positive direction, then the acceleration due to gravity (g) is negative (-9.81 m/s^2), and the initial velocity of the rock is +8.04 m/s. We want to find the height of the cliff, which is the displacement of the rock when it hits the ground. We can use the equation above to solve for the time it takes for the rock to reach its maximum height, and then use this time to calculate the height of the cliff.

Step 1: Find the time it takes for the rock to reach its maximum height

At the maximum height, the final velocity of the rock is zero, so we can set vf = 0 in the equation above and solve for the time, t:

[tex]vf = vi + at\\0 = 8.04 m/s - 9.81 m/s^{2}*t\\t =\frac{ 8.04 m/s }{ 9.81 m/s^{2}}\\t = 0.82 s[/tex]

So, it takes 0.82 seconds for the rock to reach its maximum height.

Step 2: Find the displacement of the rock when it hits the ground

Since the rock was thrown straight up, it will take the same amount of time to reach its maximum height as it will take to fall back to the ground. So, the total time of flight is 2*t = 1.64 s. During this time, the displacement of the rock is equal to the height of the cliff. We can use the equation that relates displacement to initial and final velocity and time:

[tex]d = vit + \frac{1}{2}a*t^{2}[/tex]

To use this equation, we need to find the final velocity of the rock just before it hits the ground. Since the rock was thrown straight up, its velocity when it hits the ground is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to its initial velocity:

vf = -8.04 m/s

Now we can plug in the values and solve for the displacement:

[tex]d = vit +\frac{ 1}{2}at^{2}\\d = 8.04 m/s * 1.64 s +\frac{1}{2}(-9.81 m/s^2)*(1.64 s)^{2}\\d = 13.2 m\\[/tex]

Therefore, the height of the cliff is 13.2 meters.

Learn more about displacement here:


How does adding thermal energy to solid ice affect the molecules in the ice? Describe what happens to both their motion and spacing.


Once ice has been taken out of the freezer, its molecules start to travel more quickly when heat energy is supplied.

Motion and spacing Given that the ice is substantially colder than the air outside the freezer, heat energy will transfer from the air to the ice. The molecules' kinetic energy is increased by the heat input, which weakens the ice's structure. Hydrogen bonds that were keeping the ice together start to disintegrate when the ice warms up further, causing molecules to migrate more quickly. In time, the molecules will travel so swiftly that the ice will experience a phase shift and convert into water.

For more information on heat energy kindly visit to


a 14500 kg railroad car travels alone on a level frictionless track with a constant speed of 21.0 m/s. a 6000 kg load, initially at rest, is dropped onto the car. what will be the car's new speed?


50.75 m/s will be the car's new speed. The law of conservation of momentum states that the momentum before and after a collision will be equal.

Momentum is the result of a particle's mass and velocity. Being a vector quantity, momentum possesses both magnitude and direction. According to Isaac Newton's second equation of motion, the force applied on a particle is equal to the time rate of change of momentum. Check out Newton's laws of motion. According to Newton's second law, if a particle is subjected to a constant force for a specific amount of time, the result of the force and time (referred to as the impulse) is equal to the change in momentum. On the other hand, a particle's momentum represents the length of time needed for a consistent force to bring it to rest.

Steps for calculation:

[tex]m1*v1 =m2*v2\\14500 *21 = 6000* v2\\50.75 m/s = v2[/tex]

To learn more about momentum visit;


Solve problem 2, answer C is not correct.



A 220 N


it’s the only one not marked out on the photo. Hope this helps!

a long uniform beam of length 4 is supported by a cable at its center. a 10 worker stands on the beam at one end. where should a 200 kg bucket of mix be suspended if the beam is to be equilibrium?


Dynamic equilibrium is a state in which bodies are moving at a constant speed as opposed to static equilibrium, which is a state in which bodies are at rest (rectilinear motion). The total amount of forces exerted on them in both situations is zero.

What are the characteristics of Static equilibrium?

A system is said to be in a condition of static equilibrium when all of its parts are at rest and there should be no net force operating on it.

An object will be at rest since all the forces acting on it cancel one another. The branch of mechanics that studies forces acting on motionless things in an equilibrium state.

Static equilibrium means balanced torque, i.e. is

[tex]= T_1 + T_2 = 0[/tex]

[tex]= 100 \times 2 + 200 \times r = 0[/tex]

[tex]= r=1[/tex]

Therefore,  [tex]r=1[/tex]Which means bucket should be placed at [tex]1 m[/tex] From centre of man on opposite site of steelworker.

Learn more about Static equilibrium here:


a small disk of mass is tied to a cord and allowed to move in a circle of radius on a frictionless horizontal table. the cord passes through a small hole in the center of the table and a block of mass is suspended on the other end. the block remains stationary meanwhile the disk on the table moves in uniform circular motion. c) draw and clearly label a free body diagram for the disk and one for the hanging box. d) what is the tension in the cord? e) what is the radial force acting on the disk? f) what is the speed of the disk?


The tension in the cord is T1 = m_2g and the radial force acting on the disk is F_radical = m_2g.

A), The speed of the disk is v=[tex]\sqrt{m_2Rg/m1}[/tex] , if mass block decreases tension & F_radial increase so radius decrease. If the mass of the block increases Tension & F_radial radius increase.

B). F_radical = T1

F_radical = m_2g

C). F_ Centripetal = m_1v²/ R

m_2g = m_1v²/ R

D). if the mass of the block decreases tension and F radical increase so radius decreases.  if the mass of the block decreases tension and F radical  increase

In physics, tension refers to the force that is transmitted through a string, rope, cable, or wire when it is pulled or stretched. The magnitude of the tension in a material is equal to the pulling force or stretching force that is being applied to it. Tension is a vector quantity, which means that it has both magnitude and direction.

The direction of tension is always along the length of the string or cable, away from the point where it is being applied. Tension plays an important role in various physical systems, including bridges, cranes, pulleys, and elevators. Engineers and designers must consider the tension in these structures to ensure their safety and functionality.

To learn more about Tension visit here:


Complete Question: -

A small disk of mass my is tied to a cord and allowed to move in a circle of radius R on a frictionless horizontal table. The cord passes through a small hole in the center of the table and a block of mass m, is suspended on the other end. The block remains stationary meanwhile the disk ok the table moves in a circle. a. What is the tension in the cord? b. What is the radial force acting on the disk? C. What is the speed of the disk? Describe what would happen to the disk if the mass of the hanging block is decreased (by removing part of the load), and what would happen to the disk if the mass of the hanging block is increased. ma

[TRUE or FALSE] a frequency distribution usually has equal bin widths.


In a frequency distribution, the bin widths are typically equal. Cross-sectional data does not employ line charts. Using a scatter plot, you can see trends over time. There must be two quantitative variables for a scatter plot (i.e., not categorical data). Thus, it is true.

What frequency distribution usually has equal bin widths?

The Pareto chart shows the few, most important flaws that account for the majority of the entire issue.

A Pareto chart makes it easier to see what elements make up the 20% that are the crucial few and what factors make up the inconsequential many by arranging the bars from the largest to the smallest.

The number of groups of classes that should be used to classify a distribution of observations according to the Sturges rule is 1 + 3.3 log n, where n is the total number of observations.

Therefore, it is true that a frequency distribution usually has equal bin widths.

Learn more about frequency here:


choose the correct definition of electrical charge: A, Two charges exert only electrical force on each other. B. Two charges exert only magnetic forces on each other. C.Two charges interact electromagnetically. D.Two charges interact either electrically or magnetically.


The line where the two charges meet is the point of attraction or repulsion. The square of the distance between the two charges and the strength of the force are inversely related. Thus, option C is correct.

What are the charges that interact electromagnetically?

Finally, there are two different kinds of electric charge, which we will refer to as positive charge and negative charge. According to Newton's third law, this is the strength of the force that one charge has on the other charge.

With the use of Coulomb's law, the force of electromagnetic attraction or repulsion between two charges can be determined.

In contrast to like charges, which resist one another, opposite charges attract one another. A positive charge therefore attracts a negative charge, but two negative charges repel one another.

Therefore, Two charges interact electromagnetically.

Lear more about charges here:


Star: Vega
Star: Sirius
What is true about these stars?


Vega and Sirius are both well-known stars that are often mentioned in astronomical and popular culture.

What are the particulars of these stars?

Vega is a bright, blue-white star located 25 light-years from Earth. It is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and is often used as a reference star in various astronomical studies.

Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, is the brightest star in the night sky and is located approximately 8.6 light-years from Earth. It is a binary star system, consisting of a main-sequence star (Sirius A) and a white dwarf star (Sirius B).

learn more about stars:


If you add 2.34 C to an object, how many electrons did you add?


An example on how to type your number in in scientific notation 2.6e19


2.34 C corresponds to[tex]2.34 x 10^6[/tex] Coulombs, which is equal to [tex]2.34 x 10^6 x 6.24 x 10^18[/tex]electrons, or 1.44e25 electrons.

What is electron?

Electron is a subatomic particle that is part of the atom. It carries a negative charge and is considered to be the primary carrier of electricity in nature. Electrons are found in the nucleus of an atom, and they are held together by a strong nuclear force. Electrons are also found in the outer shells of atoms, and they can move freely between different shells. Electron is considered a fundamental particle, which means it is not composed of any other particles. Electrons also have a mass of about 1/1836 of the mass of a proton. Electrons are extremely important in everyday life, as they are responsible for the electrical forces that power our devices and make them function. Electrons can also be used in various applications such as semiconductors, which are used in computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.

To learn more about electron visit


which moving object would have the least amount of kinetic energy if they were traveling at the same speed?


The object with least mass would have the least amount of kinetic-energy if they were traveling at the same speed.

Equation of kinetic energy is  [tex]KE = (1/2) mv^2[/tex]

m is the mass of the object and v is velocity.

From the equation of kinetic energy we can see two factors which kinetic energy is depends upon. First one is mass of the moving object. Second one is the velocity of the object.

Kinetic energy is directly depending on the mass of the object. That means if mass is higher, then kinetic energy also higher.

Likewise kinetic energy directly depends upon the square of the velocity of the object. So if velocity of A is twice than B, then the kinetic energy of A will be 4 times than of B.

In the question it is stated that objects are traveling at the same speed. If the speed is same that is if velocity is same, then the only factor that affects the kinetic energy will be mass of the moving objects.

Learn more about kinetic-energy:


How do photons interact with charged particles?


Photons can interact with charged particles in a number of ways, depending on the energy of the photon and the properties of the charged particle.

explain about the process of scattering ?

In the process of scattering, a photon collides with a charged particle, causing it to change direction. This can occur through various mechanisms, such as Compton scattering, where a photon transfers some of its energy to an electron, causing it to recoil and emit a new photon with a different wavelength and direction.

In the process of absorption, a photon is absorbed by a charged particle, which may then be excited to a higher energy level. This can occur through various mechanisms, such as the photoelectric effect, where a photon ejects an electron from an atom or molecule, or through excitation of the electrons in a material.

Overall, the interaction between photons and charged particles depends on the properties of both the photon and the charged particle, such as their energy, wavelength, and charge, as well as the physical environment in which they interact.

To learn more about photon follow the given link:


a professor has to haul a cart up a ramp. the ramp has an angle of about 10 degrees and is about 5 meters long. his initial speed at the bottom of the ramp is 5.3 m/s, and the cart has a mass of about 100 kg. how hard does he have to push on the cart so that at the top of the ramp, its speed has not dropped below 4.4 m/s? neglecting friction, what is the magnitude of the minimum force he has to exert on the cart?


The magnitude of the minimum force the professor needs to exert on the cart is approximately 150 N.

The acceleration of the cart can be found by equating the final kinetic energy (at the top of the ramp) to the initial kinetic energy:

(1/2) m v_final^2 = (1/2) m v^2

Solving for the final speed, we get:

v_final = sqrt(v^2 - 2 g h)

Substituting the given values, we get:

v_final = sqrt((5.3 m/s)^2 - 2 x 9.81 m/s^2 x 1.42 m) ≈ 4.23 m/s

Since we want the final speed to be at least 4.4 m/s, the cart will need to be accelerated at the top of the ramp. The minimum force required to provide this acceleration can be found as follows:

F = m (v_final^2 - v_desired^2) / (2 h)

where v desired is the desired speed at the top of the ramp (i.e., 4.4 m/s). Substituting the given values, we get:

F = 100 kg x (4.23 m/s)^2 - (4.4 m/s)^2) / (2 x 1.42 m) ≈ 150 N

To know more about force here


a. during the phase of full moon, what phase would you see for earth? would it be daylight or dark where you live?


During the phase of full moon, the phase you would see for Earth would be a new moon. This is because during a full moon, the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, so the side of the Moon that is facing the Earth is fully illuminated by the Sun.

What is full moon?

When the Moon is positioned so that it is on the other side of the Earth from the Sun, it enters the full moon phase. This indicates that the Moon's side facing Earth is entirely lighted by the Sun, giving it the appearance of a brilliant, rounded disk in the sky.

The lunar cycle's brightest and most noticeable phase, the full moon, usually lasts for one or two nights. The Moon looks to be brightest and fullest at this moment, giving the ground below a dazzling glow.

In many cultures, the full moon is a significant cultural emblem and is frequently linked to mystical or spiritual significance. Additionally, it has been the focus of various scientific studies, including research into its effects on human.

To know more about full moon visit:


a mass/spring system is displaced from equilibrium by 5.0 cm and its period of motion is determined to be 3.0 seconds. what will the period be if it is displaced from equilibrium by 15.0 cm?


The period of motion when the mass-spring system is displaced from equilibrium by 15.0 cm is 6.0 seconds.

What is the mass-spring system?

The period of a mass-spring system is given by:

[tex]T = 2pisqrt(m/k)[/tex]

where m is the mass and k is the spring constant.

The period of motion is not affected by the amplitude (displacement from equilibrium) of the oscillation for small amplitudes. However, for large amplitudes, the period does depend on the amplitude.

To find the period when the system is displaced from equilibrium by 15.0 cm, we need to find the new value of k, which depends on the displacement.

When the system is displaced by 5.0 cm, we have:

[tex]5.0 cm = A = x_max[/tex]

where A is the amplitude and [tex]x_max[/tex] is the maximum displacement from equilibrium.

When the system is displaced by 15.0 cm, we have:

[tex]15.0 cm = A = x_max[/tex]

The new spring constant k' can be found by:

[tex]k' = m*(2*pi/T')^2[/tex]

where T' is the period of motion when the system is displaced by 15.0 cm.

The energy of the system is conserved, so the potential energy at the maximum displacement is equal to the kinetic energy at the equilibrium position.

At the maximum displacement, all of the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, so:

[tex]1/2 k' A^2 = 1/2 k x_max^2[/tex]

Solving for k' and substituting into the expression for the period, we get:

[tex]T' = 2pisqrt(m/k') = 2pisqrt(m/(k*(A/x_max)^2))[/tex]

Substituting the given values, we get:

[tex]T' = 2pisqrt(m/k*(15.0 cm/5.0 cm)^2) = 6.0 s[/tex]

Therefore, the period of motion when the mass-spring system is displaced from equilibrium by 15.0 cm is 6.0 seconds.

Learn more about mass-spring system, here:


part 1: a driver loses control of a car on ice, drives off a cliff, and lands in a canyon 6 meters below. the car was traveling at 12 m/s just before losing control of the car. assume there is no friction between the car and the icy road. what is the final velocity of the car just as it hits the bottom of the canyon?


Fall height, h = 6.0 m

Initially, u = 12 m/s


The final speed is v be $

Now, according to the equation of energy conservation, = Initial total energy=Final total energy entails

1 /2  muΛ2+mgh= 1/ 2  mvΛ2\ indicates vΛ2 = uΛ2 + 2mgh \suggests vΛ2 = 12Λ2+2\ times 9.81 times\ 6.0\ implies v = 16.18 m/s$

The decision and practice of using less energy is known as energy conservation. Turning off the light when you leave a room, unplugging equipment when not in use, and walking instead of driving are all ways to save energy. Renewable energy sources are natural resources that can be transformed into these sorts of clean, useable energy: biomass, geothermal resources, sunshine, water, and wind. Bioenergy. Consuming less energy or reducing power consumption reduces the demand for energy production. There will be fewer carbon dioxide emissions, which will contribute to climate change. As a result, it will produce cleaner and healthier air.

Learn more about power consumption from here;


Question 13 of 25
Which of the following processes do not depend on spontaneous radioactive
Check all that apply.
A. radium paint that makes watch dials glow in the dark
B. the process of bone-scan imaging
C. using carbon-14 to determine fossil ages
D. the energy production of the sun
E. the energy production in nuclear reactors


The following processes which do not depend on spontaneous radioactive decay is radium paint that makes watch dials glow in the dark which is therefore denoted as option A.

What is Radioactivity?

This is referred to as the property which is exhibited by certain types of matter of emitting energy and subatomic particles spontaneously.

Bone scanning is based on the spontaneous radioactive decay oftechnetium-pp methyldiphosphate and energy production of the sun involved nuclear fusion. However radium paint that makes watch dials glow in the dark do not depend on spontaneous radioactive decay as the glow is also added to substances for aesthetic effects whic would have deemed it harmful.

Read more about Radioactivity here


you have a light spring, a metre scale and a known mass. how will you find the time period of oscillation of mass without the use of a clock ?


We can determine the time period of oscillation of a known mass using a light spring and a meter scale without the use of a clock.

To find the time period of oscillation of a known mass using a light spring and a meter scale without the use of a clock, we can follow these steps:

Hang the spring vertically from a fixed support, and attach the known mass to the bottom of the spring.Displace the mass slightly from its equilibrium position and release it. The mass will oscillate up and down on the spring.Measure the length of the spring (from the fixed support to the bottom of the mass) using the meter scale.Measure the maximum displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position using the meter scale.Repeat step 4 several times and take the average of the measurements to reduce errors.Use the formula for the time period of oscillation of a mass-spring system: T = 2π√(m/k), where m is the mass of the object and k is the spring constant.Calculate the spring constant k using the measured length and maximum displacement of the mass, and the known properties of the spring.Use the calculated spring constant and the known mass to find the time period of oscillation of the mass.

Learn more about oscillation :


at a particular instant, a hot air balloon is 100 m in the air and descending at a constant speed of 2.0 m/s. at this exact instant, a girl throws a ball horizontally, relative to herself, with an initial speed of 34 m/s. when she lands, where will she find the ball? ignore air resistance.


The ball will land 98.10 meters vertically below the point where it was thrown and the girl will find the ball 153.68 meters horizontally away from her and 98.10 meters vertically below her.

Since the ball is thrown horizontally relative to the girl, it has no vertical velocity component initially. Therefore, the only force acting on the ball after it is thrown is the force due to gravity, which causes it to follow a parabolic path.

We can use the fact that the horizontal motion of the ball is independent of the vertical motion to analyze each motion separately. Let's start with the horizontal motion:

The horizontal velocity of the ball remains constant at 34 m/s throughout its flight, so we can use the equation:

distance = speed x time

to determine the horizontal distance traveled by the ball.

We know that the ball is thrown at the same instant that the balloon is 100 m above the ground, so we can use this to find the time it takes for the ball to reach the ground.

The time taken for the ball to hit the ground is the same as the time taken for an object to fall 100 m under gravity, since they both have the same vertical acceleration due to gravity.

Using the equation:

distance = 1/2 x acceleration x time^2

with an initial velocity of 0 m/s and an acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2, we can find the time taken for the ball to hit the ground:

100 m = 1/2 x 9.8 m/s^2 x time^2

time^2 = 100 m / (1/2 x 9.8 m/s^2) = 20.41 s^2

time = sqrt(20.41 s^2) = 4.52 s (taking the positive square root)

Now we can use the horizontal distance equation to find the horizontal distance traveled by the ball during this time:

distance = speed x time = 34 m/s x 4.52 s = 153.68 m

So the ball will land 153.68 meters horizontally away from the point where it was thrown.

To find the vertical distance that the ball travels, we can use the same equation:

distance = 1/2 x acceleration x time^2

but this time with an initial velocity of 0 m/s and a time of 4.52 s (since the time taken for the ball to hit the ground is also the time taken for the balloon to descend 100 m).

Using the acceleration due to gravity of 9.8 m/s^2, we get:

distance = 1/2 x 9.8 m/s^2 x (4.52 s)^2 = 98.10 m

So the ball will land 98.10 meters vertically below the point where it was thrown.

Therefore, the girl will find the ball 153.68 meters horizontally away from her and 98.10 meters vertically below her.

For similar questions on acceleration due to gravity ,


What happens to the time period of a simple pendulum if the amplitude is doubled?


When producing modest swings, the amplitude frequently has no impact at all on the pendulum's period. There is a tiny but insignificant rise in the period when the pendulum's amplitude is greater.

What alter on time period pendulum if amplitude changed?

The distance to travel increases as the amplitude rises, but when the restoring force rises as well, the acceleration rises correspondingly.

This implies that the mass can move faster and cover a bigger distance. Since these qualities cancel one another, amplitude has no bearing on period.

A straightforward harmonic oscillator's period is independent of its amplitude. with the graphs of acceleration and velocity produced by the time derivatives. These oscillators also show how kinetic and potential energy can be transferred.

Therefore, the length of time is unrelated to the vibration's magnitude. Time period is unchanged by doubling the oscillation's amplitude.

Learn more about simple pendulum here:


Two stars are of equal luminosity. Star A is 3 times as far from you as star B. Star A appears _________ star B.
Choose one:
A. 3 times brighter than
B. 9 times brighter than
C. one-third as bright as
D. the same brightness as
E. one-ninth as bright as


Two stars are of equal luminosity. Star A is 3 times as far from you as star B. Star A appears the same brightness as star B.

The amount of energy that a star or other astronomical object emits is measured by its luminosity, which is typically expressed in terms of brightness. It depends on the star's surface area, temperature, and proximity to the observer. The evolution of a star and its ultimate fate are greatly influenced by its luminosity.

Two stars are therefore equally bright. Star A is three times farther away than star B. The brightness of star A and star B are comparable.

Learn more about Stars :


Solve with a vivid explanation pls
1. A man jumps out of an airplane and is accelerating towards the ground. Consider air
A) Draw the forces acting on the falling man.
B) Write a paragraph explaining your diagram and what is happening to the man.
C) What is the final velocity of the man after being in flight for 1.25 minutes.

4. If a cyclist is travelling with a speed of 12 miles per hour.
A) Draw a diagram for the action of the cyclist.
B) Determine the number of meters the cyclist will have travelled in 25 minutes keep
track of the units in the solution calculations.



A man jumps out of an airplane and is accelerating towards the ground. Consider air resistance.

A) Draw the forces acting on the falling man.

There are two forces acting on the falling man: the force of gravity and the force of air resistance. The force of gravity is pulling the man downwards towards the ground, while the force of air resistance is pushing upwards against the man's motion.



| |

| Man |

| |


F_air resistance

B) Write a paragraph explaining your diagram and what is happening to the man.

The diagram shows the two forces acting on a man who is jumping out of an airplane and accelerating towards the ground. The force of gravity is the stronger force and is pulling the man downwards towards the ground, while the force of air resistance is pushing upwards against the man's motion. As the man falls, he gains speed due to the force of gravity, but the force of air resistance also increases. Eventually, the force of air resistance will become equal in magnitude to the force of gravity, and the man will reach a constant speed called the terminal velocity. At this point, the net force on the man will be zero and he will continue to fall at a constant speed.

C) What is the final velocity of the man after being in flight for 1.25 minutes.

Assuming that the man falls straight down without any additional forces or complications, we can use the equations of motion to calculate the final velocity.

First, we need to convert the time to seconds:

t = 1.25 minutes = 1.25 x 60 seconds = 75 seconds

Next, we need to know the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.8 m/s^2.

Using the equation:

v = u + at

where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity (which is zero in this case), a is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time in seconds, we can calculate the final velocity:

v = 0 + (9.8 m/s^2 x 75 s) = 735 m/s

Therefore, the final velocity of the man after being in flight for 1.25 minutes is approximately 735 m/s.

Note that this calculation assumes that air resistance is negligible, which is not entirely true. In reality, the man would experience air resistance and reach a lower terminal velocity. However, the effects of air resistance can be difficult to model accurately, and this simple calculation provides a reasonable approximation for the final velocity.

If a cyclist is travelling with a speed of 12 miles per hour.

A) Draw a diagram for the action of the cyclist.

The diagram for the action of the cyclist would show the direction of motion and the forces acting on the cyclist. Since the cyclist is travelling at a constant speed, the net force on the cyclist must be zero. The forces acting on the cyclist are the force of friction between the tires and the ground, the force of air resistance, and the force of gravity.

F_air resistance



| |

| Cyclist |

| |


| |

F_friction ← |

The distance from Earth to the Moon is 2.389 x 105 mi. Convert this distance to standard form.






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