True or false: in the context of values that guide humans, glenn sparks supports theorists who offer no empirical evidence to validate their claims.
a. true
b. false


Answer 1

The statement is False

In the context of values that guide humans, glenn sparks do not supports theorists who offer no empirical evidence to validate their claims.

Empirical evidence is proof, or what bolsters or refutes a claim, that is comprised of or accessible through sense experience or an experimental procedure. Empirical evidence is crucial to the sciences and has applications in many other disciplines, including law and epistemology.

The definitions of the words "evidence" and "empirical" are up for debate. Different fields frequently employ very dissimilar concepts. Evidence is used in epistemology to support views and assess whether a belief is logical. Since this is only possible if the person has the evidence, different epistemologists have begun to think of evidence as private mental states like experiences or other beliefs.

Learn more about empirical evidence here:


Related Questions

Current assets are classified as relatively _______; these assets can be converted to cash within the next 12 months.


Current assets are classified as relatively liquid; these assets can be converted to cash within the next 12 months.

What are Current assets?

Current assets  can be described as the  short-term assets which can be considered as the  assets that a  business can use as well as replaces and in some cases  converts to cash  which can be done during operating cycle .

It should be noted that this cycle is usually  less than 12 months and this make it to be able to be distinguished from long-term assets,  that has a operating cycle of the business  for more than a year, hence Current assets are classified as relatively liquid; these assets can be converted to cash within the next 12 months.

Find out more on Current assets at


According to kkv, hd, and o'neil, the first and foremost important step to perform good research is:_____.


According to kkv, hd, and o'neil, the first and most important essential step to perform good research is to acquire information.

A desirable lookup includes systematic planning and putting time-based, practical objectives. It entails viable research methods primarily based upon a lookup methodology that excellent suits the nature of your research question. It is constructed upon enough relevant data and is reproducible and replicable.

What is the standards of true research?

A ready researcher need to be sensitive to the results of imperfect format and his journey in inspecting the facts should supply him a foundation for estimating their influence. Analysis of the information must be sufficiently ample to disclose its significance; and the techniques of evaluation used ought to be appropriate.

Learn more about good research here:

An apparent way of generating value through unique, novel, or desirable products, services, and processes that have not been previously exploited in a particular context is ______.


An apparent way of generating value through unique, novel, or desirable products, services, and processes that have not been previously exploited in a particular context is opportunity

A novel is a lengthy piece of prose-based narrative fiction that is published as a book. The term "long work of prose fiction" that is currently used in English comes from the Italian novella, which means "new," "news," or "short story of something new," and is derived from the Latin novella, which is a singular noun that uses the neuter plural of novellus, which is a diminutive of novus, meaning "new."  Some authors favoured the term "romance" to describe their works, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Ann Radcliffe, John Cowper Powys, and others.

The novel, according to Margaret Doody, has "a continuous and thorough history of nearly two thousand years," with its roots in the Chivalric romance, the Italian Renaissance novella tradition, and the Ancient Greek and Roman novel.

Learn more about novel here:


Marketing efforts to produce, promote, and reclaim environmentally sensitive products are known as ______.


Marketing efforts to produce, promote, and reclaim environmentally sensitive products are known as Green marketing.

What is Green marketing ?

Green marketing can be described as the act of advertising products that are environmentally friendly. This form is marketing is becoming popular in the market as people now want to use environmentally friendly products. Some product and services in the market cause a lot of damage to the atmosphere hence the reason why people go for less polluted products.

Green marketing helps to converse the natural resources for people to have a better and healthier life. An example of a green product is the use of solar energy. Solar energy is a very important form of energy as it help to reduce pollution of the atmosphere and the environment in general. It is cost effective and growing market in most part of the world.

Read more on Green marketing here


In an area controlled by the u.s forces, drivers are required to stop when approaching a bus that has come to a stop?


Whether you are approaching or following the bus, halt at that point and don't move again until the bus starts moving again.

All drivers following or coming up behind a school bus must stop.

All drivers following or approaching a bus must come to a complete stop at least 25 feet away from the stopped bus. Only after the bus signals have stopped should a driver proceed, and even then, they should still scan the area for kids crossing the street.

Which cars need to stop?

At all railroad crossings, all passenger vehicles, school buses carrying children or not, and cargo trucks carrying explosives or flammable liquids are required to stop. The only time you shouldn't stop is if a policeman or traffic signal tells you to go ahead.

Learn more about traffic signal:


The standards of ethical conduct for practitioners of management accounting and financial management contains a policy regarding confidentiality that requires that management accountants:__________


The standards of ethical conduct for practitioners of management accounting and financial management contains a policy regarding confidentiality that requires that management accountants refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of their work except when authorized by management, unless legally obligated to do so.

What are the ethical standards of management accounting?

The Institute of Management Accountants created four principles for moral behavior in management accountants' professional endeavors. Competence, discretion, honesty, and credibility are the four standards.

What are the 4 IMA standards of ethical practice?

The fundamental moral values of IMA are: Honesty, Fairness, Objectivity, and Responsibility. Members are expected to follow these guidelines and to inspire others in their organizations to do the same.

Learn more about IMA standards


Beginning is to end as _____ is to _____.
a) generalization; discrimination
b) acquisition; extinction
c) spontaneous recovery; acquisition
d) extinction; discrimination


Beginning is to end, as acquisition is to extinction. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is acquisition?

Acquisition refers to the learning of new skills, technique that is very beneficial for the future perspective of the individual in the organization.

Extinction acquisition is the first learning that happens when conditioned responses decline during an extinction training program. This is followed by a several-hour consolidation phase. Therefore, it can be concluded that option (b) is correct.

Learn more about acquisition here:


Which public policy fits best with, or agrees most with, peacemaking criminology?


Radical criminology fits best with or agrees most with, peacemaking criminology.

Radical criminology is a contention philosophy that puts together its viewpoints with respect to wrongdoing and regulation in the conviction that entrepreneur social orders encourage and characterize wrongdoing.

As the proprietors of the method for creation utilize their ability to establish regulations that will control the working people and curb dangers to the force of the decision class.

Revolutionary hypotheses will generally see criminal regulation as an instrument by which the strong and rich pressure the poor into examples of conduct that safeguard business as usual.

The focal precepts of extremist criminal science are social class, bourgeoisie, and low class. They can't help contradicting what individuals say is fair. It likewise doesn't accentuate the technique for social change.

To learn more about Radical criminology refer to:


When a battery becomes completely discharged, both positive and negative plates become ______________ and the electrolyte becomes ______________.


When a battery becomes completely discharged, both positive and negative plates become PbSO₄ and the electrolyte becomes H₂O.

By completely discharging a battery, or even discharging it below 80% of its rated capacity, you could damage the battery. Here, PbSO₄ is a white solid, which tends to appear white in microcrystalline form. Thus, the color of a PbSO₄ depends on additive and also the size of crystals.

Discharging the stored energy relies on the positive and negative plates which are becoming lead(II) sulfate and also while the electrolyte losing much of its dissolved sulfuric acid and becoming H₂O in this process.

Hence, so the process of discharging of stored ion completely relies on the positive and negative plates and the electrolyte.

To learn more about battery here:


Beliefs or associations that link whole groups of people with certain traits or characteristics are best described as _____.


Beliefs or associations that link whole groups of people with certain traits or characteristics are best described as stereotypes

This is further explained below.

What are stereotypes?

Generally, A generalized view about a certain group of individuals is what is referred to as a stereotype in the field of social psychology.

It is a presumption that individuals could hold about each and every member of a certain group.

In conclusion, Stereotypes are ideas or connections that relate large groups of individuals with certain features or attributes.

Read more about stereotypes


after the flint, michigan, water crisis, a group of residents formed a group that asked the people who were affected by it to give their input into how to keep it from happening in the future. they created a survey and residents took it door to door. this is called .


After the flint, michigan, water crisis, a group of residents formed a group that asked the people who were affected by it to give their input into how to keep it from happening in the future. they created a survey and residents took it door to door. this is called participatory action research.

Research is defined as "creative and methodical activity done to improve the body of knowledge."  It entails gathering, organising, and analysing data in order to improve understanding of a subject or problem. A research effort could build on prior contributions to the field. Research may duplicate portions of earlier projects or the project as a complete to verify the accuracy of instruments, processes, or experiments.

Documentation, discovery, interpretation, and the research and development (R&D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge are the main goals of basic research (as opposed to applied research).

Learn more about research here:


Which patterns of temporal precedence are indicated by different cross-lag correlational results?


When two variables are significantly correlated, there is covariance.

What is a temporal precedence?

Temporal precedence, which proves that the independent variable (the cause) happens before the outcome (the effect); proving a connection between and/or a covariance between the cause and the outcome.

An ecological research determining if an increase in the number of predators follows a rise in the population of lemmings in a Norwegian fjord might serve as an example. Lemming population cycles rise and fall continuously over a period of three to five years, and they are remarkably predictable.

It is implied by the concept of temporal precedence that causes must come before their effects. It seems improbable that mental states lead to the occurrence of brain states because they appear to come first. All that can be known to exist is one's own thought.

To learn more about temporal precedence visit:


The primary purpose of state and local government is to provide services to ______


The primary purpose of state and local governments is to provide services to their population.

More about state and local governments:

Executive, legislative, and judicial branches make up the three-branch structure of all state governments, which are fashioned after the federal government. Even though the three-branch framework is not required, the U.S. Constitution requires all States to maintain a "republican form" of government.

County, also known as borough in Alaska and parish in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns, are the two main layers of local governments

The 50 state governments closely resemble the federal government in terms of their organisational layout. There is a governor, a legislature, and a judicial system in each state. Additionally, each state has its own constitution.

Learn more about state and local governments here:


Vector algebra, as we are going to use it, is based on a __________ coordinate system.


Vector algebra, as we are going to use it, is based on a  Right handed coordinate system.

In essence, vector algebra is an algebra where the essential elements usually denote vectors. We perform algebraic operations on vectors and vector spaces. A lot of it is based on assumptions.

It is said that Vector Algebra is much easier to apply than geometry, and requires much less knowledge of rules.

Examples of vector- Zero vector, Unit vector, Co-Initial vector, Line and unlike Vectors, Colliner vector etc.

To read more about Vector Algebra click here


Which of the steps in the process should be repeated if the hypothesis in question is to be more rigorously tested?


The experimental process should be repeated rigorously to test the hypothesis and ensure that the outcome is not by chance.

A scientific experiment can be conducted in different ways, with the aim of trying to check the theories and hypotheses, to observe the results of the same. An experiment is defined as that process by which one or more independent variables are intentionally manipulated to verify or correct the postulates of the hypotheses that have been created. Its goal is to accumulate reliable information.

For a scientific experiment to be valid, however, it must comply with the steps of what is contemplated in the scientific method: a series of logical connections and steps to follow to study a phenomenon objectively and verifiably. Therefore, we can conclude that there are more than one way to conduct a scientific experiment for the verification of the hypothetical knowledge of the researchers following the steps in the scientific method.

Learn more about a scientific experiment here:


The word feature that determines whether the next word in the line will fit within the established right margin is called:_________


The word feature that determines whether the next word in the line will fit within the established right margin is called- Wordwrap

What is Wordwrap?

A section of text is divided into lines via line breaking, often referred to as word wrapping, in order to fit it into the available width of a page, window, or other display space. When text is displayed, line wrap is used to continue on a new line when a line is full. This allows each line to fit inside the visible window and eliminates the need for horizontal scrolling, allowing content to be read from top to bottom.  is a function that most text editors, word processors, and web browserWord wrap is a function which includes that, where possible, breaks lines between words rather than within words. Word wrap eliminates the need to hard-code newline delimiters within paragraphs and enables flexible, dynamic text display that can accommodate screens of various widths.

To know more about Wordwrap visit:-


The nurse leader is setting priorities for achieving success by using the simplest and fastest method of communication. which rule or responsibility would the nurse fulfill by this action?


The lead nurse is setting priorities to achieve success using the simplest and fastest method of communication. The rule or responsibility that the nurse would fulfill with this action would be to maintaining balance.

How is effective communication for nurses?

Communication is one of the most important characteristics for nursing professionals, since through it, patient information is shared, which must be provided quickly, organized and complete. Communication in health care must have the needs of patients as a total priority.

Therefore, maintaining balance by establishing a simpler and faster method of communication would be a correct action to be taken by the lead nurse, since there is some information associated with patients that must be passed on in a well-structured way, as in the case of patients more serious, since the flow of information can imply in its recovery.

Find out more about nurse leader here:


Why is it important to be aware of your self-concept and level of self-esteem when communicating with people?.


It is important to be aware of your self-esteem and self-concept while communicating as it helps to create reasonable boundaries and set standards for people to know about you.

Having self-concepts is extremely necessary in life as it is to have self-esteem, it not only help yourself to know about your beliefs, opinions, and various views but also help you construct your own boundaries. It greatly helps in the communication process as it lets others know about your true self and makes you open for any feedbacks.

By doing so you are not only respecting yourself you are also managing how you feel and why you feel a certain way which can help you understand your emotions well. A person's behavior must not be forced or faked one should keep in natural at all times.

To know more about self-esteem refer to the link below


Considering all the various sources of caffeine, it is estimated that 80 percent of americans regularly use caffeine in some form, and that the average intake is blank______ per day.


Considering all the various sources of caffeine, it is estimated that 80 percent of Americans regularly use caffeine in some form, and that the average intake is 200 to 250 mg per day.

What is caffeine?

Caffeine is a focal sensory system energizer of the methylxanthine class. It is utilized as a mental enhancer, expanding readiness and attentional execution. Caffeine acts by obstructing restricting of adenosine to the adenosine A₁ receptor, which improves arrival of the synapse acetylcholine. Caffeine additionally increments cyclic AMP levels through nonselective hindrance of phosphodiesterase. Caffeine is a characteristic energizer most generally tracked down in tea, espresso, and cacao plants. It works by animating the cerebrum and focal sensory system, assisting you with remaining alarm and forestall the beginning of sluggishness.

Learn more about caffeine, refer:


When two or more independent firms establish a new firm together, it is an example of? a joint venture. a wholly owned subsidiary. licensing. franchising. an acquisition.


When two or more independent firms establish a new firm together, it is an example of  a joint venture.

A strategic allowance are cooperative strategies between firms that combine their resources and capabilities in order to create a competitive advantage. One major advantage of joint venture strategic alliance is the transfer of tacit knowledge.

A corporation that does worldwide business might profit from a joint venture. Many of the advantages of foreign joint ventures include the possibility to gain additional training and knowledge, as well as the ability to engage into related business or new international regions based on geographical, as well as the acquisition of new technology and knowledge.

Learn about joint venture:


When the findings in a research study are believed to be due to an actual phenomenon under investigation and not due to chance or random occurrence, this is called:__________


When the findings in a research study are believed to be due to an actual phenomenon under investigation and not due to chance or random occurrence, this is called: Statistical Significance.

What is Statistical Significance?

Statistical Significance can be defined as the process that help to determine whether an event that occur was as a result of chance or the event occur due to some factors.

Statistical Significance research study can be determine by observable fact rather than random occurrence.

Therefore When the findings in a research study are believed to be due to an actual phenomenon under investigation and not due to chance or random occurrence, this is called: Statistical Significance.

Learn more about Statistical Significance here:


At a t-intersection, yield the right of way to drivers ____. on the street with fewer lanes on the private street on the through road on the left submit answer


At a t-intersection, yield the right of way to drivers (D) on the right way.

What is a t-intersection?A three-way joint is a three-armed road intersection. A Y junction typically has three arms of equal size that meet at an acute or obtuse angle, whereas a T junction also has three arms, but one of them is typically a smaller road joining a larger road at a right angle. At a T-intersection, right-of-way rules apply. The driver on the street that ends must yield the right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians on the cross street at an uncontrolled T intersection. Additional YIELD or STOP signs are installed at some T-intersections to remind drivers that they must yield to cross traffic.

Therefore, a t-intersection yields the right of way to drivers (D) on the right way.

Know more about t-intersection here:


The correct form of the question is given below:
At a t-intersection, yield the right of way to drivers ____.

(A) on the street with fewer lanes

(B) on the private street

(C) on the through road

(D) on the right way

When a group of underwriters jointly works together to sell a new issue of securities, the underwriters form a(n):_________


When a group of underwriters jointly works together to sell a new issue of securities, the underwriters form a syndicate.

What are securities, and what different kinds are there?

Nociceptor pain receptors, which are found on sensory nerves in your organs, communicate messages of illness or injury to the brain and spinal cord.

securities categories:

There are three primary categories of securities: stocks, loans, and hybrids.

Equities are ownership interests in a corporation, partnership, or trust. Despite the fact that many equity securities do pay dividends, shareholders often have no right to regular payments. Instead, investors who purchase equity securities may, if the value of the assets has increased, benefit from capital gains when they sell the securities. The holder of equity securities also has some control over the issuing corporation, for instance through voting privileges at the annual general meeting.

Borrowed funds that are subject to repayment at the end of a predetermined tenure are known as debt securities. Government and corporate bonds, CDOs, and certificates of deposit are a few examples of debt securities. Regular interest payments and principle repayment are often due to holders, but voting rights are not included. Secured or unsecured debt securities are both possible.

Hybrid securities, elements of both debt and equity instruments are combined. Convertible bonds, which are bonds that can be converted into shares of the issuing company's common stock, are an illustration of a hybrid security. Equity warrants, which are options given to shareholders by a corporation giving them the right to purchase stock within a certain time frame at a set price, are another type of hybrid security.

To know more about securities visit:


_______ is one aspect that patrick ryan mentioned that ameriprise financial does to contribute to sustainable business practices. this could be considered a ________ practice.


Demography is one aspect that Patrick Ryan mentioned that Ameriprise financial does to contribute to sustainable business practices. this could be considered an environmental practice.

Sustainable improvement has been defined in many approaches, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our not unusual destiny, also known as the Brundtland record Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the prevailing without compromising the potential of destiny generations to meet their very own needs.

Sustainable development constantly encourages us to preserve and enhance our resources, by way of steadily changing the manners in which we develop and use technology. All nations should meet their fundamental wishes of employment, food, electricity, water, and sanitation. monetary, environmental, and social. these three pillars are informally known as human beings, planet, and profits.

Learn more about Business practice here:-


After exercising, respiratory rate ________________________ (increased or decreased) and breath holding time ________________________ (increased or decreased). explain why.


Following exercise, breath holding duration decreased and respiratory rate increases.


In order to power muscles, cells need to breathe more quickly after exercise, which increases the amount of carbon dioxide waste produced. As a result, breath holding duration decreases.

How quickly should one breathe normally?

With fever, disease, and other medical conditions, respiration rates may rise. A person's breathing problem should be taken into consideration when assessing respiration. Adults typically breathe 12 to 16 times per minute while at rest, according to the American Heart Association.

What breathing rate is too fast?

Tachypnea is the term used by doctors to describe a rapid breathing rate of more than 20 breaths per minute. Anxiety can make people breathe more quickly, which is one of the most common reasons of increased respiration rates.

To know more about respiration rates visit:


The fundamental unit of a medical word is the:________
a. suffix.
b. root.
c. combining vowel.
d. prefix.


The fundamental unit if a medical word is the Root, option b.

The word Root is said to be the core of the given word, It establishes the basic meaning of the word and is the part to which modifying word parts are added The most important thing here is that each medical term has one or two root words.

A medical prefix is at the beginning of the word, they can change the meaning of the word so it's advised to spell and pronounce them properly.

Medical terminology is the word used to describe medical terms.

To read more about medical terminology click here


Which system(s) does not exchange material with the internal and external environments?


The circulatory system does not exchange material with the internal and external environments.

The circulatory system serves as a transport method for these cells because the majority of body cells are not in contact with the outside world.

Which organ system exchanges materials with the external environment?

In addition to removing carbon dioxide, the respiratory system transports oxygen from the external environment into the body. Gas is exchanged through the respiratory system between the lungs and the outside world. Additionally, it keeps the blood's pH stable and makes carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange easier.

The body's circulatory system carries blood throughout the body via the heart and blood vessels. This system aids in the removal of waste products from the tissues as well as ensuring that they receive enough oxygen and nutrients.

Learn more about the circulatory system here:


The study of physical anthropology varies in that some physical anthropologists study:______.


The study of physical anthropology varies in that some physical anthropologists study an extinct and living species of primates.

What is an anthropology?

It refers to the systematic study of humanity with the aim  of understanding the evolutionary origins, distinctiveness and great diversity in our forms of social existence across the world

However, the physical anthropology is concerned with the origin, evolution and diversity of people, hence, these physical anthropologists work broadly on three major sets of problems that are primate evolution, human variation and the biological bases of human behaviour.

Read more about physical anthropology


The term ______________ refers to an arranged group of different algorithms used for authentication, encryption/decryption, digital signatures, and hashing.


The time period cipher suite refers to an organized group of various algorithms used for authentication, encryption/decryption, digital signatures, and hashing.

Algorithms is a procedures used for solving trouble or acting a computation. Algorithms act as a specific listing of commands that conduct precise movements step by step in both hardware- or software program-based totally routines. Algorithms are broadly used throughout all regions of IT.

Algorithms are all around us. not unusual examples consist of: the recipe for baking a cake, the technique we use to clear up a protracted department problem, the system of doing laundry, and the functionality of a seek engine are all examples of a set of rules. Algorithms are commands for solving a problem or finishing a task. Recipes are algorithms, as are math equations. laptop code is algorithmic. The internet runs on algorithms and all online looking is accomplished thru them.

Learn more about Algorithms here:


Cognitive changes, such as improved information processing, more breadth of content knowledge, and combining knowledge in new ways allow for improved ______ in adolescence.


Cognitive changes, such as improved information processing, more breadth of content knowledge, and combining knowledge in new ways allow for improved critical thinking in adolescence.

This is further explained below.

What is critical thinking?

Generally, Analyzing the information at hand—facts, evidence, observations, and arguments—in order to make a decision is known as critical thinking.

The topic is complicated, and there are many various definitions of what it means to analyze or evaluate factual data in a reasonable, skeptical, and objective manner.

In conclusion, Changes in the brain that occur throughout adolescence, such as enhanced information processing, increased breadth of subject matter knowledge, and the ability to combine knowledge in novel ways, all contribute to improvements in critical thinking.

Read more about critical thinking


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