true or false. green coffee beans are actually un-roasted seeds from the fruit (cherry) of a tropical plant


Answer 1

Yes it is true, In reality, the coffee bean is the seed of a cherry fruit. The fruit has two beans in the core, mucilage, parchment skin, silver skin, and an outer skin. The cherry is ready for harvesting when it becomes a deep red color. After that, they are dried, processed, and transported.

Since the coffee bean is the seed, it can be utilised to plant additional coffee trees if it is not dried and processed. Until they are ready to be permanently planted, seeds are often sown in shady nurseries and are frequently watered. The majority of plants are gathered by hand, however in other locations, like Brazil, where the terrain is largely flat, machinery may be utilised. There are two methods for picking cherries. They could be "strip picked," in which case all the cherries, regardless of how ripe they are, are removed from the tree. Alternatively, cherries can be chosen carefully so that only the ripest fruit is taken. A skilled cherry picker may often produce between 100 and 200 pounds of cherries per day, or 20 cherries.

learn more about coffee harvesting here:


Related Questions

The diagram summarizes the steps in one round of the Krebs cycle.
Krebs Cycle diagram

Which chemical reaction in the cycle transfers energy to an energy carrier?

2-carbon molecule + 4-carbon molecule → 6-carbon glucose


Pyruvate ion → acetyl-CoA + CO2




Answer: D. FAD → FADH2


The chemical reaction in the Krebs cycle that transfers energy to an energy carrier is option D, "FAD → FADH2."

During the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle), a series of chemical reactions take place within the mitochondria of cells to produce energy-rich molecules that can be used in cellular respiration. One of the primary energy carriers in this process is FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide).

In the Krebs cycle, FAD functions as an electron carrier that accepts electrons from other molecules involved in the cycle. Specifically, FAD accepts two electrons and two protons to become reduced, forming FADH2. The transfer of electrons and protons to FAD is coupled with the oxidation of other molecules in the cycle, allowing for the release of energy.

Once FAD has been reduced to FADH2, it serves as a carrier of high-energy electrons and protons to the electron transport chain, the next stage in cellular respiration. The electrons and protons carried by FADH2 are ultimately used to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of cells.

Therefore, option D, "FAD → FADH2," represents the chemical reaction in the Krebs cycle that transfers energy to an energy carrier. By accepting electrons and protons, FAD is reduced to FADH2, which subsequently contributes to the production of ATP, providing the cell with the energy it needs for various metabolic processes.

To learn more about Krebs cycle, here


example of Dehydrating use to preserve food​


Meat such as beef or turkey can be sliced, marinated, and then dried in a dehydrator or low-heat oven to make dried meat . The dried meat can be stored for several months and is a convenient snack for on-the-go.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is a food preservation method that involves removing water from food, reducing its weight and volume, and slowing down the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and molds that cause spoilage.

This process can be accomplished through various methods such as air-drying, sun-drying, or using a dehydrator.

Dehydrated foods include dried fruits and vegetables, dried meat, granola, crackers, and dried soups.

Learn about food preservation here


Which of the following mRNA modifications are common in human cells? 5' cap addition intron removal and exon joining 3' poly-A tail addition alternative splicing All of the above are common mRNA modifications in human cells.


All of the aforementioned mRNA alterations are frequent in human cells. Exon joining, intron removal, and 5' cap addition Alternative 3' methacrylate tail addition splicing.

What are the functions of human cells?

A human body has many billions of cells. They just provide body its framework, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out certain functions. In addition to having the ability to replicate themselves, cells also contain the organism's genetic material.

A human body has how many cells?

The average human body contains 100 trillion trillion cells. In a new mega science project, every one of the 80 known organs' 200 or more different types of cells will be catalogued, imaged, and their active genes will be determined.

To know more about human cells visit:


Mass spectrometry:
X-ray diffraction:
Both techniques:
protein may be denatured
small amounts of protein are sufficient
can detect a covalent modification to a protein
requires a large amount of protein
analysis requires information about the protein-coding gene or genes protein sample must be pure
protein must be conformationally stable


Protein denatures in both techniques, and analysis calls for knowledge of the genes encoding proteins. More samples are required for mass spectrometry than for X-ray diffraction.

Which is the primary purpose of a gene?

Hereditary material is passed down through generations via genes. They regulate the body's morphology and biochemistry. Variations result from the shuffle of genes during human reproduction.

Where are genes found?

The roughly 37 trillion cells that make up our body have genes in every single one amongst them. To further understand what a gene is, let's take a closer look at one of the cells. Every cell in an organisms has a basement, and each nucleus houses chromatin, which are DNA-based polymers that house genes.

To know more about genes visit:


The human gut is home to about how many microorganisms?


Answer: Between 30 trillion and 400 trillion microorganisms


the iliacus is the muscle that can be found superficial to the iliac fossa.truefalse


True. The iliacus muscle is a hip flexor muscle that is located in the anterior compartment of the thigh. It originates from the iliac fossa, a depression in the pelvis, and inserts onto the lesser trochanter of the femur.

The iliacus muscle works in concert with the psoas muscle to flex the hip joint and is important for movements such as walking, running, and climbing stairs. The iliacus muscle is indeed located superficial to the iliac fossa. The iliac fossa is a shallow depression in the pelvic bone that is found on the lateral aspect of the hip bone. The iliacus muscle originates from the iliac fossa and runs from there to the lesser trochanter of the femur. Because of its location, the iliacus muscle is easily accessible through a surgical approach to the hip joint and is often used as a donor muscle for transplantation procedures in the lower extremity.

Learn more about iliacus here:


Viruses are not able to reproduce on their own. describe the process of viral reproduction during the lytic cycle.
a. True
b. False


True (option A), viruses are not able to reproduce on their own.

The lytic cycle is one of the two major pathways for viral reproduction. During the lytic cycle, a virus infects a host cell and takes over the cell's machinery to produce multiple copies of itself.

What is virus?

A virus is a microscopic infectious agent that replicates inside living cells of organisms such as plants, animals, and bacteria. It is a submicroscopic particle that contains genetic material (either DNA or RNA) and a protein coat called a capsid. Some viruses also have an outer envelope made up of lipids.

Learn about virus here


(a) the double-strand breaks occur along the dna backbone. describe the process by which the breaks occur.


Physical connections made during crossing over are necessary for the proper detachment of homologous chromosomes in meiosis.

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can occur as a result of endogenous processes like DNA replication and repair as well as exogenous agents like radiation and specific chemicals. Cells purposefully create additional DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) throughout meiosis in order to start homologous recombination, which accurately segregates chromosomes by exchanging genetic material between homologous chromosomes. A single-strand break can be repaired by using the unharmed strand as a template. Homologous recombination is a frequent form of repair for double-strand breaks. Two identical Genetic molecules exchange genetic material in this instance. Chemicals can be employed to undo the harm.

Learn more about “ DNA double-strand breaks ” visit here;


Personal value and work value cannot be related


This statement is not entirely true. Personal values and work values can be related, as a person's values often influence their career choices and satisfaction in their work.

How are personal and work values related?

For example, an individual who values sustainability may choose to work for a company that is focused on environmental conservation, or someone who values helping others may choose a career in healthcare.

Additionally, a person's work environment can also shape and influence their personal values. For example, a person who works for a company that prioritizes ethical behavior may begin to adopt similar values and apply them in their personal life.

In general, personal values and work values can have a reciprocal relationship, where a person's values influence their work and their work can shape and influence their personal values.

To learn more about personal and work values:


how can the data from your graph be used to determine the osmolarity of the potato tuber tissue? what is this value?


If distilled water and a solution of sucrose are separated by a membrane that seems to be impermeable to sucrose in the osmolarity of potato tuber tissue, water will pass from of the distilled water it through membrane into to the sucrose solution.

Explain the process of Osmolarity of Plant Cells?

Water diffuses through such a semi-permeable membrane during osmosis, which occurs when water moves from an area with low levels of solutes to one with high solute concentration.

When referring to two solutions separated by either a selectively permeable membrane, the phrases hypertonic, isotonic solution, and hypotonic are all employed. Plant scientists frequently need to figure out the ideal water content for a plant's typical physiological functions. They understand that the ratio of water to osmotically active chemicals in cells needs to be kept within an acceptable range for basic tasks to occur. All critical processes slow down when water content in plant cells is lowered. You will calculate the osmolarity in potato tuber cells in the ensuing tests. You

Thus, if distilled water and a solution of sucrose are separated by a membrane that seems to be impermeable to sucrose in the osmolarity of potato tuber tissue, water will pass from of the distilled water it through membrane into to the sucrose solution.

To know more about the Osmolarity of Plant Cells, here


if a scientist viewed a cell while it was said to be at resting membrane potential, which best describes what the scientist would observe?


A neuron's quiescent membrane potential is approximately -70 mV (mV is millivolts); therefore, the interior of the neuron is 70 mV negative of the exterior.

At stillness, the potassium ions inside the neuron are more numerous than the sodium ions outside. The voltage differential between the two sides of the membrane is referred to as the resting membrane potential when the neuron is at rest and not producing any action potentials on its membrane. The quiescent membrane potential for the majority of neuron cells is about -70 millivolts. The resting membrane potential, also known as the resting potential, is a voltage across the membrane of a dormant (non-signaling) cell. Across the membrane, ion concentration gradients control the resting potential.

Learn more about membrane potential


explain the difference between a mutation in a somatic cell vs a mutation in a gamete?


While a mutation in a gamete might be passed on to progeny, a mutation in a somatic cell solely affects the individual.

What is somatic cell?

Any sort of cell in the body that is not involved in reproduction is referred to as a somatic cell. They divide through mitosis to create new somatic cells for tissue growth, upkeep, and repair because they are diploid, meaning they have two copies of each chromosome (one inherited from each parent). Skin, muscle, bone, and nerve tissue are only a few of the body's tissues and organs that include somatic cells. Sexual reproduction is carried out by specialised cells called gametes, such as sperm and eggs, and they are not involved in it. Somatic cells do not increase the genetic variety of a population since they are genetically identical to the organism that created them.

To learn more about somatic cells visit:


Based on the β-globin alignment, identify the best hypothesis about how humans are related to monkeys and gibbons.
Gibbons are more closely related to humans than monkeys are because the gibbon β-globin sequence is a closer match with the human sequence.


The most likely explanation for the  β-globin alignment is that humans are more closely related to gibbons than to monkeys.

What is globin alignment?

The process of comparing the amino acid sequences of the globin proteins from various species is known as globin alignment. A family of proteins known as globins is in charge of carrying oxygen in the blood, and they are crucial to respiration. Scientists can learn more about the evolutionary connections between various species by analysing the globin sequences of those species. Red blood cells contain -globin, a form of globin that is frequently investigated. Scientists may design phylogenetic trees that show how various species are connected to one another and can also spot mutations that have developed over time by aligning the -globin sequences in various species.

To learn more about globin visit:


the specialized lymphatic capillaries located in the villi of the small intestines are the
a. Chyle.
b. Lacteals.
c. Lymphatic Trunks.
d. Collecting Vessels.


Lacteals. Dietary lipids that are too big to be absorbed by intestinal capillaries are received by a particular variety of lymphatic capillary known as a lacteal. In the small intestine are lacteals.

Lacteals are present inside the small intestine. The small intestinal mucosa is made up of numerous projections called vili, which resemble fingers. Each villus has columnar epithelium lining it. Below the epithelium layer is a lymphatic channel known as the lacteal, which connects to the lymphatic system. They facilitate fatty acid absorption.

The three compartments of the large intestine are the caecum, colon, rectum. When it is present, the absorption of water, minerals, and medications is improved.

Learn more about Lacteals here:


Which process allows these molecules to cross the membrane




Hope it helps you~

what gas has the fastest average molecular motion at a given temperature?


At a given temperature, all gases have the same average kinetic energy, which means they have the same average speed.

However, the molecular weight of the gas affects its speed for a given kinetic energy, and lighter molecules move faster on average than heavier ones.

At a given temperature, all gases have the same average kinetic energy, but lighter gases have faster average molecular motion because they have less mass to move around. This is described by the Kinetic Theory of Gases.

Therefore, at a given temperature, the gas with the fastest average molecular motion is the gas with the lowest molecular weight, which is hydrogen (H2). Hydrogen gas has the lowest molecular weight of any gas, so its molecules move the fastest on average at a given temperature. On the other hand, heavier gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) have slower average molecular motion because they have higher molecular mass.

To learn more about kinetic energy, refer:-


What is the function of pits in xylem


Answer: The pit membrane, which lies in the center of each pit, allows water to pass between xylem conduits but limits the spread of embolism and vascular pathogens in the xylem.


Sorry if i'm wrong

N the circles, show the alleles in the gametes of the parent generation. Show how the alleles recombine in the F1 plants


The term "parenting generation" describes the first generation of parents to cross over. It essentially refers to traits or genes that are passed on from parents to their offspring.

Based on the genotypes of the parents, the genotype of the offspring may be predicted (F1 generation). Mendel's study of inheritance, or the passing on of genetic traits from one generation to the next, began with the P generation. The parental generation is the first generation in which two persons are mated in order to foretell or investigate the genotypes of their offspring. The so-called first filial generation would consist of their likely offspring (or F1 generation).

To learn more about the generation follow the link:


based on its ability to use gasoline as an energy source, a particular strain of bacteria could be described as


If a particular strain of bacteria was capable of utilizing gasoline as a source of energy, it might be categorized as a chemoorganotroph.

Chemoorganotrophs are organisms that utilize the electrons in organic materials as fuel and chemical molecules as a source of energy. Hence, the organic component is their source of reducing equivalents. Simply, chemoorganotrophs get their electrons from organic substances. As a result, organic molecules meet their entire energy and carbon needs. They primarily use the chemical bonds in lipids, proteins, and organic substances like sugars as a source of energy (like glucose). Chemoorganotrophs include certain predatory, parasitic, and saprophytic prokaryotes as well as a few heterotrophic protists and mammals. Several archaea also perform chemoorganotrophic functions. Fungi are chemoorganotrophs, which means they use organic carbon as an electron giver and a source of carbon. Chemotrophs, which derive their energy from the oxidation of electron donors in their surroundings, include both chemoorganotrophs and chemolithotrophs.

The complete question is:

Based on its ability to use gasoline as an energy source, a particular strain of bacteria could be described as ______________.

To learn more about the Chemoorganotrophs please click on the given link:


what happens to the energy at each trophic level as it is transferred from trophic level to trophic level


Energy decreases as it transfers from one trophic level to another trophic level.

How does energy flow in an ecosystem?

In a food chain, energy moves from one trophic level to the next. Producers provide the community with solar energy. Primary consumers are herbivores in most cultures because they devour the producers. They are carnivores because they consume the principal consumers.

Energy is lost as metabolic heat when animals from one trophic level are ingested by species from the next level, hence energy diminishes as it goes up the food chain.

Learn more about energy flow in an ecosystem, here:


What are the main differences between domain bacteria and archaea?


The main differences are based on that bacteria carry out glycolysis and citric acid cycle, while archaea do not contain peptidoglycans in the cell wall.

What are archea and bacteria domains?

The archaea and bacteria domains are the two divisions of prokaryotic unicellular microorganisms which can be differentiated by the fact that metabolic pathways to obtain energy are different and also in the composition of the cell wall.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that archaea and bacteria domains can be classified according to different structures and compositions of the cell wall.

Learn more about archaea and bacteria here:


Which of these is not true of the Kingdom Aveolata?
a. Some members of this kingdom cause human diseases that require an insect vector.
b. Some member of this kingdom a free-living and covered with cilia.
c. Some members of this kingdom are an important component of the phytoplankton.
d. Some members of this kingdom are decomposers, showing ecological convergence with the fungi.


D is the option that is wrong; Aveolata are not decomposers with convergent evolution traits with fungi.

What is kingdom Aveolata?

Alveolates, or protists with "pits like a honeycomb," are thought to be a significant clade and superphylum within the phylum Eukarya. They now belong to the SAR group of tubulocristate-containing protists, together with stramenopiles and Rhizaria. The most conspicuous shared characteristic is the presence of cortical alveoli, which are situated close to the surface (sacs). These layers of flattened vesicles (sacs) support the membrane by being immediately below it; they typically take the form of a flexible pellicle (thin skin). Armoured dinoflagellates may have stiff plates. The cell membrane of cells frequently contains pore-like incursions, while alveolates have mitochondria with tubular cristae (invaginations). Photosynthetic organisms, free-living and parasitic animals, and predatory flagellates all belong here.

To learn more about Protists visit:


the half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years. what is the age of a fossil containing 1/32 the amount of carbon-14 of living organisms?


The age of the fossil containing 1/32 the amount of carbon-14 of living organisms is approximately 17,290 years.

The age of a fossil can be calculated using the following formula:

t = (ln(Nf/No) / (-0.693)) * t1/2


t = age of the fossil

Nf = amount of carbon-14 remaining in the fossil

No = amount of carbon-14 in a living organism (or a modern sample)

t1/2 = half-life of carbon-14

ln = natural logarithm

In this case, we are given that the half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years, and that the fossil contains 1/32 the amount of carbon-14 of living organisms. We can assume that the amount of carbon-14 in a living organism is 1 (or 100% of the initial amount). Therefore, the amount of carbon-14 in the fossil is 1/32 (or 3.125% of the initial amount).

Substituting these values into the formula, we get

t = (ln(0.03125) / (-0.693)) * 5730

t = 17,290 years

Therefore, the age of the fossil containing 1/32 the amount of carbon-14 of living organisms is approximately 17,290 years.

Learn more about carbon-14 at :


How many cells make up a typical angiosperm megagametophyte?


Seven cells, although they can have as few as four cells, the majority of angiosperm megagametophytes contain just seven cells. There is just one egg cell per megagametophyte, and the archegonium is absent.

The megagametophyte of angiosperms, sometimes referred to as "flowering plants," generally has eight nuclei and seven cells. Angiosperms and gymnosperms reproduce via heterosporous. Heterosporous refers to a pair of gametes that are distinct from one another in both appearance and function, such as an egg and a pollen particle. The bigger form, the egg, is known as the megagametophyte, whereas the smaller form (in the example, the pollen), is known as the microgametophyte. The two come together and create a seed that will grow.

To learn more about the angiosperm follow the link:


jamal is looking for an organ that contains lymphocytes, phagocytes, plasma cells, monocytes, and reticular fibers. in what area of the body should he look? question 11 options: the lower neck behind the lungs next to the heart below the diaphragm


Jamal needs to search for the spleen. The lymphatic system includes the spleen, which is situated in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity.

In addition to producing and storing white blood cells such lymphocytes, phagocytes, plasma cells, and monocytes, it is a crucial organ. Reticular fibres, a kind of connective tissue, are also present.

The spleen is a crucial component of the immune system, aiding in the removal and eradication of germs, old and damaged red blood cells, and other unwanted substances. In addition, iron is stored and recycled, which helps the body make new red blood cells.

Finally, it creates unique proteins that aid in the battle against infection.

To learn more about lymphatic visit:


Members of which bacterial phylum share a unique morphology?A. spirochaetes
B. oxygenic photosynthesis
C. electronegative
D. ribosomal


A. Spirochaetes are the bacterial phylum that share a unique morphology.

Spirochaetes belong to a group of spiral-shaped bacteria, some of which are serious human pathogens, causing diseases such as syphilis, eating disorders, Lyme disease, and relapsing fever.

The phylum Spirochaetes comprises a large group of motile bacteria that are widely distributed in the environment and are common pathogens. Treatment is with antibiotics such as doxycycline and penicillin. Spirochetes are characterized by the helical shape of bacteria. Spirochetes (also called spirochetes) belong to a phylum of characteristic mesothelial (double-membrane) bacteria, most of which have long, spirally coiled (corkscrew-shaped) cells. Spirochetes are chemoheterotrophic organisms in nature, 5–250 μm in length and about 0.1–0.6 μm in diameter.

For more information on Spirochaetes , visit :


what type of succession occurs in areas where there is no soil?


Ecological succession that starts in essentially lifeless environments, including areas without soil, is referred to as primary succession.

Natural communities gradually replace one another through a process called ecological succession.

Ecological succession can be divided into two main categories: primary succession and secondary succession.

When a fresh area of land is produced or first becomes exposed, primary succession occurs. Examples of when this occurs include when lava cools and forms new rocks or when a glacier retreats and reveals bare rocks. Organisms have to start over during primary succession. A few little plants that can survive without a lot of soil may first start to develop, followed by lichens that cling to rocks. They are referred to as "pioneer species."

To know more about primary succession


What are the main differences between domain bacteria and archaea?


Archaea and Bacteria are two types of microorganisms classified as prokaryotes. Archaea were previously classified as bacteria, but this is no longer the case because it has been shown that they have distinct biochemistry and evolutionary histories.

Archaea are single-celled organisms with particular features that distinguish them from the other two kingdoms of life, namely Eukaryota and Bacteria.

They utilise a variety of energy sources and exhibit a wide range of chemical reactions in metabolism. They are classified into nutritional classes based on their reactions and carbon and energy sources.

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that live in a variety of settings. The nucleoid of bacterial DNA is a twisted thread-like substance. They even have a cellular structure that performs a variety of cyclic tasks ranging from energy transfer to protein transport.

Bacterial cells are made up of two parts: an inner cell membrane and an exterior cell wall. Some bacteria, such as mycoplasmas, do not have a cell wall.

To learn more about Archaea and Bacteria Please click on the given link:


What can explain the phenomenon where the same genotype might give rise to different phenotypes?


Penetrance and expressivity can explain the phenomenon where the same genotype might give rise to different phenotypes.

An organism's phenotype is defined by its genes, environment, and stochastic developmental events. Despite being acknowledged as a fundamental biological principle regulating life history, illness susceptibility, and, most likely, evolution, developmental variation (DV) has received little attention due to a lack of a suitable model organism. The recently discovered, robust, and highly fecund parthenogenetic marbled crayfish could be used as an experimental animal to overcome this barrier. Even when maintained under similar conditions, batch-mates of this clonal crayfish, which were proved to be isogenic by study of nuclear microsatellite loci, exhibited unusually broad ranges of diversity in colour, size, life-span, reproduction, behaviour, and number of sense organs.

To learn more about Phenotypes Please click on the given link:


Does protein expression begin with transcription or translation? a. translation b. transcription.


The process of protein expression begins with the transcription of genetic information from DNA to RNA, followed by the translation of RNA into a protein.So option b is correct.

Transcription is the first step in protein expression, during which the genetic information encoded in a DNA sequence is transcribed into RNA. This process is carried out by RNA polymerase enzymes, which bind to the DNA template strand and synthesize a complementary RNA molecule that carries the genetic information for the protein being expressed. The RNA molecule produced during transcription is known as messenger RNA (mRNA), and it serves as a template for the next step in protein expression, which is translation.

Translation is the process by which the genetic information contained in mRNA is translated into a sequence of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. This process occurs on ribosomes, which read the codons on the mRNA and use this information to select the appropriate amino acids and link them together to form a protein chain.

Learn more about transcription at :


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