Those with an internal locus of control believe that events turn out as they do based on?


Answer 1

Those with an internal locus of control believe that events turn out as they do based on their own abilities.

What is an internal locus of control?

This locus of control is associated with the believe that one have a control over what happens. An individual with an internal locus control will always attribute whether they pass or fail the exam due to their own capabilities, would praise their own abilities if they passed the test and also recognize the need to improve their own driving if they had instead failed the exam.

However, If one believe that you have no control over what happens and that external variables are to blame, then you have what is known as an external locus of control.

Read more about locus of control


Related Questions

The ______ of the u.s. constitution prohibits states from discriminating against citizens of other states when those nonresidents engage in ordinary and essential activities.


The privileges and immunities clause prohibits states from discriminating against citizens of other states when those nonresidents engage in ordinary and essential activities.

What is privileges and immunities clause?

The Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV,  can be seen as a section that is been found in the Constitution which express that the citizens of each state  under the law have access to  privileges as well as the  immunities of the one that the citizens have in the several states.

It should be noted that this  clause protects fundamental rights of individual citizens as well as  restrains state efforts with respect to  discrimination, hence  privileges and immunities clause prohibits states from discriminating against citizens of other states when those nonresidents engage in ordinary and essential activities.

Find out more on privileges and immunities clause at


Individuals with hormonal imbalances can exhibit excessive hairiness. this is known as:________


Answer is Hirsutism

Reason: Hirsutism is a condition in women that results in excessive growth of dark or coarse hair in a male-like pattern — face, chest and back caused by excess male hormones

At the cellular level, the biological molecules necessary for animal function are amino acids, lipid molecules, __________, and simple sugars


At the cellular level, the biological molecules necessary for animal function are amino acids, lipid molecules, Nucleotides, and simple sugars.

Below you can read more about Nucleotides.

What Are Nucleotides?

Nucleotides refers to organic molecules which are made up of nucleoside and a phosphate.

They function as monomeric units of the nucleic acid polymers. The Nucleic acid polymers are further divided into two major groups which include

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

These two groups of Nucleic acids are very essential biomolecules within all life-forms on Earth.

Learn more about Nucleic Acids at


Once you have identified a target behavior that needs to change, your next step is to?


Once the individual have identified a target behavior that needs to change, your next step is to commit to changing all negative behaviors at the same time.

What is behavior?

Behavior refers to the way in which the person react and respond to the environment. It states about the type of the behavior he or she has. The behavior of the person can be good or bad.

When a person recognizes a specific behavior that has to be changed, the next step is to commit to changing all unwanted behaviors at once. Therefore, it can be concluded that to change the negative behavior is the second step under target behavior.

Learn more about behavior here:


Bronislaw malinowski, who worked in the trobriand islands, is best known for using which field method?


Bronislaw Malinowski, who worked in the Trobriand Islands, is best known for using which field method ethnographic fieldwork methods in anthropology.

This is further explained below.

What is ethnography?

Generally, Fieldwork in ethnography is the method that anthropologists use to collect data. Fieldwork entails immersing oneself in as many facets of the everyday cultural life of the people being studied as is physically practicable for the purpose of doing research on their behaviors and interactions.

In conclusion, Bronislaw Malinowski, an anthropologist who worked in the Trobriand Islands, is most well-known for his use of which field techniques in anthropology ethnographic fieldwork methods in the field.

Read more about ethnography


The melodic range in this excerpt is:_______
a. wide.
b. very narrow.
c. melismatic.
d. conjunct.


The melodic range in this excerpt is In a wide range.

This is because, from the complete information, there are performing forces of a Capella soloist and the use of melody in this musical composition is considered to be in the wider range

What is a Melodic Range?

This refers to the distance that exists between the lowest and highest pitches in a melody. Melodic cipher is a system of musical notation used to indicate through letters and graphic symbols as musical notes to be transferred by a melodic instrument.

The basic classification of the human voice for singing is made into high, medium and low. The highest female voice is called the Soprano and the male is called the Tenor. The most serious is Alto for women and Bass for men. Finally, the female middle voice is Mezzo-soprano and the male is Baritone.

Read more about melody here:


Treaties with foreign nations can be made by only the ________ and ratified by the ________.


Treaties with foreign nations can be made by only the President;  and ratified by the the Senate by a two-thirds vote.

Who can put up  treaties with foreign nations?

It should be noted that in United States Constitution  there is a provision that the president "shall have Power which could be in conjunction with the  the Advice and Consent of the Senate,  so as to be able to make Treaties.

In this case, there will be   two-thirds of the Senators present  consent, hence Treaties with foreign nations can be made by only the President;  and ratified by the the Senate by a two-thirds vote.

Find out more on Treaties at ;


Communication that focuses on meeting the requirements of practical, everyday living serves ______ needs


Communication exchange that makes a specialty of assembly the requirements of practical, everyday living serves Instrumental needs.

Definition of Communication: a procedure through which facts are exchanged among individuals via a common device of symbols, symptoms, or conduct the feature of pheromones in insect conversation also: alternate of facts. private rapport a loss of verbal exchange among young and old persons. verbal exchange is "an obvious answer to the painful divisions between self and different, private and public, and inner idea and outer world."

Each person has a unique Communication style, a way in which they interact and change records with others. There are four fundamental conversation styles: passive, aggressive, passive-competitive, and assertive. it's essential to understand every communique fashion, and why people use them.

Learn more about Communication  here:


You are sitting at a red light and another vehicle hits you from behind. if the at fault driver does not have insurance, then you will be covered by _____________________________.


You will be protected by uninsured motorist coverage if the driver who caused the accident does not have insurance.

What does "Uninsured motorist coverage" mean?

You are protected if you are hit by a driver who does not have enough insurance to cover the damages or injuries they caused by underinsured motorist coverage, which is typically provided together with uninsured motorist coverage. Underinsured refers to varied levels of simultaneous insurance for some real hazards and non-insurance for others. It is an add-on to a conventional auto insurance policy and covers injuries to the policyholder and their passengers as well as, in some cases, damage to their property when the other motorist is legally at fault for the collision but does not have insurance. Uninsured motorist coverage must be included in auto insurance policy in several states. Drivers who hit-and-run are also regarded as uninsured drivers.

To know more about Uninsured motorist coverage, click here:


Web spiders or crawlers search the internet for new and updated webpages. true false


It is true Web spiders or crawlers search the internet for new and updated webpages.

What is Web spiders?

Web spiders do help  in the usage of the internet, and in most cases they usually search for updates in case there are new development in the internet .

It should be noted that It is true Web spiders or crawlers search the internet for new and updated webpages.

In conclusion, the web spider is able to effective because of the availability of the internet, which  is a vast network that makes the connection of  computers all over the world and gives room to the sharing of information and enable  communication from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Find out more on internet at


how has federalism made governing citizens easier



Federalism limits government by creating two sovereign powers—the national government and state governments—thereby restraining the influence of both. Separation of powers imposes internal limits by dividing government against itself, giving different branches separate functions and forcing them. (I am like 90% sure this is what you are looking for sorry if its not)

The range of physical and chemical conditions under which each species can persist (survive and reproduce) and the array of essential resources it utilizes are referred to as its ecological ________.


The range of physical and chemical conditions under niche species can persist (survive and reproduce) and the array of essential resources it utilizes is referred to as its ecological.

What is a species of niche?

The term "niche" in ecology refers to the function an organism performs within a community. The physical and environmental requirements (such as temperature or topography) and interactions with other species that a species must tolerate make up its niche (like predation or competition).

For instance, the tiny songbird from North America known as the Kirtland's warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii), which is scarce, has an extremely constrained niche. It exclusively builds its nest amid young jack pine trees (Pinus banksiana), whose seeds need regular wildfires to germinate.

One of the species interactions it must deal with in this setting is the brown-headed cowbird's nest parasitism (Molothrus ater). Other bird species construct the nests in which cowbirds deposit their eggs, and these host birds incubate and care for the cowbird chicks, frequently.

To know more about species of niche, visit:


Pillbugs detect the presence of food with a sense similar to which human sense? multiple choice question.


Pillbugs detect the presence of food with a sense similar to which human sense smell. Olfaction is the perception of smell brought on by the discovery of odorous materials that have been aerosolized in the environment. Olfaction is a particular sense, like vision, taste, hearing, and balance. The olfactory system's components enable humans to sense smells.

How common are smell disorders?

Your ability to smell makes life more enjoyable. You might enjoy your favorite meals' flavors or the floral scent. You can detect danger signs like a gas leak, damaged food, or a fire with the help of your sense of smell. Your quality of life may be negatively impacted by any loss of smell. Additionally, it might indicate more serious health issues.

As people age, their problems with smell become more prevalent and more common in men than in women. According to one study, 11% of women in that age group and nearly 25% of men with scent disorders reported having a problem.

To know more about " Smell disorders ", visit :


In the context of intercultural communication, the historical experiences of gays and lesbians are recorded as:________


In the context of intercultural communication, the historical experiences of gays and lesbians are recorded as: sexual orientation histories.

When one considers the majority of the scientific data that are available, what can be said about sexual orientation is that this concept of sexual orientation is something with which people are born, and it is not acquired with the pass of time.

After many studies from different perspectives, researchers have concluded that regarding sexual orientation, people are born with their sexual preferences that are developed and confirmed during their youth and adulthood. Unfortunately, society has many derogatory labels that are used to discriminate and many times insult people that have a different sexual orientation than heterosexuals.

Learn about sexual orientation;


Why do some patients from underserved minority groups sometimes mistrust health care institutions and health care providers?


Patients from underserved minority groups sometimes mistrust healthcare institutions and healthcare providers because

Health care providers have betrayed the trust of patients before, such as in the Tuskegee syphilis study.

Patients may feel that health care systems that are difficult to understand and access do not want to provide them services.

Option D.(D) A and C

This is further explained below.

What are minority groups?

Generally, A collection of individuals who share practices, races, religions, ethnicities, or other traits in less numbers than the primary groups of those categories is considered to be a minority group, according to the original meaning of the term "minority group."

Read more about minority groups


complete question

Why do some patients from underserved minority groups sometimes mistrust health care institutions and health care providers?

(A) Health care providers have betrayed the trust of patients before, such as in the Tuskegee syphilis study.

(B) Underserved patients often have religious beliefs that teach them that health care providers are untrustworthy.

(C) Patients may feel that health care systems that are difficult to understand and access do not want to provide them services.

(D) A and C

__________ focuses on the degree to which the society reinforces individual or collective achievement and interpersonal relationships.


The Individualism Index by Hofstede measures how much social support there is for interpersonal connections and individual or group success.

How does Hofstede's index work?

The Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Theory, created by Geert Hofstede, is a framework for analyzing how cultures differ among nations and how business is conducted in various cultural contexts.

How does Hofstede define individualism?

Individualism, which represents the high side of this dimension, is best described as a preference for a loosely organized social structure in which people are solely expected to look out for oneself and their immediate families.

How significant is the Hofstede Theory?

Organizations can overcome significant cultural and geographic barriers to efficient communication between individuals from other nations and cultures with the use of Hofstede's Cultural Dimension. The theory provides a way to comprehend differences and foster harmony without offending anyone.

To know  more about Hofstede's visit:


I understand that the question  you are looking for is:

Focuses on the degree the society reinforces individual or collective, achievement and interpersonal relationships. A HIGH INDIVIDUALISM ranking indicates that individuality and individual rights are paramount within the society. Individuals in these societies may tend to form a larger number of looser relationships. a LOW INDIVIDUALISM raking typifies societies of a more collectivist nature with close ties between individuals. These cultures reinforce extended families and collectives where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group.

In general ____ schedules of reinforcement yield responses at a high, steady rate


In general, variable-ratio schedules of reinforcement yield responses at a high, steady rate.

An element of operant conditioning is a reinforcement schedule. It consists of a plan for choosing when to reinforce behavior. For example-whether to encourage based on the amount of time or the quantity of responses.

A schedule of reinforcement known as a variable ratio schedule rewards a behavior after a predetermined number of responses. High, consistent response rates are the result of this type of schedule. Because they believe that the next reaction they give might be the one that gets them reinforcement, organisms are persistent in responding.

To know more about variable ratio refer:


The extent to which people in a society encourage investment in the future by planning and saving is known as ______.


The extent to which people in a society encourage investment in the future by planning and saving is known as Future orientation.

What is Future orientation in regards to business?

The term "Future orientation" is known to be a term that connote "the extent to which a collectivity tends to boast or encourages as well as rewards future-oriented  attitudes or behaviors for example planning as well as  delaying gratification.

Therefore, The extent to which people in a society encourage investment in the future by planning and saving is known as Future orientation.

Learn more about Future orientation from


The concept of connection is most closely related to which of the 4es? multiple choice question. experience


The concept of connection is more closely related to the concept of the 4e that is called engagement.

What is the concept of connection?

This is the term that has to do with the ability to connect with something. That is this is the ability that a person would have to be able to have a relationship with someone else. It can also be described in such a way that it would mean the ability to trace something to another.

Engagement means the level of enthusiasm or the level of dedication that  a may have towards the job that they do. It is used to refer to the rate at which people take what they do serious. It could also be used to tell that a person is busy.

Hence we can say that The concept of connection is more closely related to the concept of the 4e that is called engagement.

Read more on connection here:


The nurse is preparing to administer a medication to a 5-year-old who weighs 40 pounds. the prescribed single dose is 1 to 2 mg/kg/day. which is the appropriate dose range for this child?


As per the problem, 16 to 32 mg  is the appropriate dose range for this child.

The nurse should convert the child's weight in pounds to kilograms by dividing the child's weight in pounds by 2.2. (35 pounds divided by 2.2 = 16 kg). The nurse would then multiply the child's weight in kilograms by 1 mg for the low end (16 kg × 1 mg = 16 mg) and then by 2 mg for the high end (16 kg × 2 mg = 32 mg). Even though every person experiences a drug's same mechanism of action, a child's physiological immaturity in particular bodily systems can impact a drug's pharmacodynamics (behavior of the medication at the cellular level). Age, weight, body surface area, and body composition of the child can all have an impact on the pharmacokinetics of the medication (movement of drugs throughout the body via absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion).

The question is incomplete. The complete question is:

The nurse is preparing to administer a medication to a 5-year-old who weighs 40 pounds. The prescribed single dose is 1 to 2 mg/kg/day. Which is the appropriate dose range for this child?

A)8 to 16 mg

B)16 to 32 mg

C)35 to 70 mg

D)70 to 140 mg

To know more about pharmacodynamics here


Fear of spying and sabotage led the u.s. government to place many _____ americans in war relocation camps.


The United States government interned several Japanese Americans in military relocation camps out of concern for spying and sabotage.

What do you mean by sabotage?

Sabotage is a premeditated act intended to undermine a polity, initiative, or organization through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. Saboteurs are those who carry out sabotage. The word "sabotage" is used to describe the actions of a person or group not connected to the military of the parties at war, such as a foreign agent or an indigenous supporter, in particular when actions result in the destruction or damage of a productive or vital facility. The dissemination of software intended to harm particular industrial systems is a contemporary example of sabotage.

To know more about sabotage, visit:


If you examine the research that has been conducted in psychology, you will find that much of the knowledge from popular, less-scientific psychology sources __________.


'If you examine the research that has been conducted in psychology, you will find that much of the knowledge from popular, less-scientific psychology sources is contradicted by what psychological research has demonstrated'.

One of the most prevalent approaches to learn that what people believe and one of the most used research techniques in psychology are surveys. The random sample is essential for transforming the survey from a marketing tool to a psychology research technique.

Survey research has advantages in terms of cost efficiency, generalizability, dependability, and variety and survey research has drawbacks like rigidity and a lack of potential depth.

To know more about psychology sources visit


When civil servants share relevant information and decision rationale with stakeholders, they engage in?


The correct answer is transparency.

Transparency refers to the public disclosure of the standards, procedures, and processes used in decision-making.

What does government transparency entail?

Transparency in government is important. The accountability of government officials is increased by transparency. Citizens' charter becomes a crucial test for institutional setup of openness.

Transparency will improve our democracy and advance governmental effectiveness. Transparency encourages accountability and informs the public about the actions of their government. A national asset is the information that the federal government maintains.

How is transparency with good governance?

Several people agree that one of the fundamental tenants of good governance is transparency. Sharing information and acting in an open way are two definitions of transparency. Free information is a crucial component in fostering transparency.

To know more about Transparency, visit:


If a patient is about to go through an unpleasant medical procedure, telling her about the procedure and the sensations she should expect to experience would most likely:_______-


When a medical officer tells her about the procedure and the sensations she should expect to experience, then, this would most likely improve her reaction to the procedure.

What is a medical procedure?

It means the course of action that is intended to achieve a result in the delivery of healthcare. This procedure with the intention of determining, measuring or diagnosing a patient condition is also called a medical test.

However, an unpleasant medical procedure entails procedues that are difficult and dangerous such as Trepanation, Lobotomy, Lithotomym etc. Therefore, When the medical officer tells her about the procedure and the sensations she should expect to experience, then, this would most likely improve her reaction to the procedure.

Read more about medical procedure


The _____, a massive terraced tower made of rubble and brick, was the spiritual center of the mesopotamian city-state.


The Ziggurats, a massive terraced tower made of rubble and brick, was the spiritual center of the mesopotamian city-state.

What was the Ziggurats?

It was a pyramidal stepped temple tower that is an architectural and religious structure characteristic of the major cities of Mesopotamia from approximately 2200 until 500 BCE. It was always built with a core of mud brick and an exterior covered with baked brick but had no internal chambers and was usually square or rectangular, averaging either 170 feet (50 metres) square or 125 × 170 feet (40 × 50 metres) at the base.

Apart from the Ziggurats being the massive terraced tower made of rubble and brick, its served as both a shrine and a temple and It symbolized the sacred mountain that linked heaven and earth.

Read more about Ziggurats


To satisfy the ______ due process requirement, the government must have a proper purpose for enacting laws that restrict individuals' liberty or the use of their property.


To satisfy the substantive due process requirement, the government must have a proper purpose for enacting laws that restrict individuals' liberty or the use of their property.

What is the substantive due process requirement?

The substantive due process requirement is an expectation of the United States Constitution that requires the judicial system of the nation to protect certain fundamental rights that may not be duly spelled out from government interference.

The fifth and fourteenth amendments are some of the requirements that must be protected. The fifth amendment, for instance, provides defendants a right to a grand jury and prevents double jeopardy.

Learn more about the substantive due process requirement here:


What important education should the nurse provide to the client related to this medication? (select all that apply. one, some, or all options may be correct.)


The important education that the nurse should  provide to the client related to this medication are:

Take medication on an empty stomach.""Do not take antacids while on this medication.""The medication may cause some abdominal discomfort and diarrhea."

What is medication?

Medication can be regarded as  medicine  which is a chemical compound  that is been used by the doctor in treating or curing illness.

In other words it can be described as the  drug or preparation of drugs which can be used to o treat and cure disease, as well as  relieving pain. however it is very good to educate the patient about how to use the drugs.

Therefore, The important education that the nurse should  provide to the client related to this medication is to Take medication on an empty stomach."

Find out more on medication at



What important education should the nurse provide to the client related to this medication?

Take medication on an empty stomach."

"Do not take antacids while on this medication."

"The medication may cause some abdominal discomfort and diarrhea."

According to erikson, the psychological conflict of adolescence is identity versus?


According to Erikson, the psychological conflict of adolescence is identity versus role-confusion.

The fifth stage of the ego according to psychologist Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development is identity versus role confusion. Between the ages of roughly 12 and 18, adolescents go through this stage during adolescence. Adolescents explore their independence and solidify their sense of self throughout this phase.

According to Erikson, as people develop and evolve throughout the course of their lives, they pass through a number of stages. Everyone has a developmental conflict during each stage, which must be overcome in order to successfully develop the stage's primary virtue. Erikson was interested in how connections and social interaction impact growth and development.

To know more about Erikson refer:


Many experienced penetration testers can write computer programs or ____ in perl or the c language to carry out network attacks.


Many experienced penetration testers can write computer programs or scripts in PERL or the C language to carry out network attacks. Therefore, the option B holds true.

What is the significance of computer programs?

A computer program can be referred to or considered as a program that is performed collectively by a hardware as well as software components available that make up a computer network.

These computer programs consist of different languages, normally referred to as coding languages. These languages consist of scripts.

Therefore, the option B holds true and states regarding the significance of computer programs.

Learn more about computer programs here:


The missing option to the incomplete question has been added below for better reference.

Many experienced penetration testers can write computer programs or ____ in Perl or the C language to carry out network attacks.

a. kiddies c. scripts

b. packets d. crackers

During your scientific career, you stumble upon a time machine. you step outside and spot morganucodon watsoni. you must be in the _____?


During your scientific career, you stumble upon a time machine. you step outside and spot morganucodon watsoni. you must be in the Triassic Jurassic Boundary .

Other names for Triassic Jurassic Boundary -Tr-J , it marks the period between Jurassic and Triassic periods.

It was caused by Extraterrestrial impact

Some have hypothesized that an impact from an asteroid or comet may have caused the Triassic–Jurassic extinction. Other mass extinctions happened due to rise in the temperature, increase and decrease in sea levels or sea temperatures and the biggest mass extinction is still taking place

To read more about Triassic period click here


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