this person started the tuskegee normal and industrial institute


Answer 1

Between 1895 and 1915, Booker T. Washington was the most significant voice for Black Americans. He was an educator and reformer, the founding president, and the main architect of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, which is now Tuskegee University.

The establishment took place on July 4, 1881, as per House Bill 165. We should acknowledge the contributions of Lewis Adams, a former slave, tinsmith, and community leader, as well as former slave owner George Campbell, who helped create the university.

After the founding and first president, Dr. Booker T. Washington, passed away in 1915, Dr. Moton was appointed to lead Tuskegee Institute.

Learn more about Booker T. Washington here


Related Questions

In your own words, explain what the monroe doctrine said. then explain whether you think president monroe pursued the best foreign policy option.


According to the Monroe Doctrine, Europe should not colonise any Latin American nations, and any attempts at colonization would be viewed as a threat to the United States.

The Monroe Doctrine is the most well-known example of US policy towards the Western Hemisphere.

The doctrine, buried in President James Monroe's routine annual message to Congress in December 1823, warns European nations that the United States will not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs.

The Monroe Doctrine was invoked in 1865, when the United States government applied diplomatic and military pressure on Mexican President Benito Juárez.

With this backing, Juárez was able to lead a successful revolt against Emperor Maximilian, who had been installed on the throne by the French government.

Learn more about Monroe Doctrine’s here


Why didn’t the British Parliament’s response to the Tea Party achieve its goals?


The British Parliament's response to the Tea Party did not achieve its goals because it failed to address the underlying grievances of the colonists. The British imposed a series of taxes and restrictions on the colonists, which were seen as oppressive and unjust. Therefore, their response was seen as a further attempt to control and oppress the colonists, rather than a genuine effort to address their grievances. This further angered the colonists and ultimately led to the American Revolution.

Which contributed to the formation of the first American political parties?
A. opposition to adoption of the Articles of Confederation

B. controversy over the continuation of slavery in the South

C. different opinions on the United States' response to the French Revolution

D. conflict over the establishment of lower federal courts


The formation of the first American political parties conflict over the establishment of lower federal courts .

When did America's first political party emerge?

One of the two major political parties in the United States is the Democratic Party.

                               The oldest still-existing voter-based political party in the world was established in 1828 as the Democratic Party by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren.

What political organizations existed during the American Revolution?

The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton and backed by George Washington and John Adams, were the two political parties in the early years of the nation. The Democratic-Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson, were the other major force.

Learn more about the first American political parties


Which two choices best define Social Darwinism?
The ability to not be weak
The belief that the weakest race will die out and the strong will su
Evolution needs to happen
Survival of the fittest


The two choices that best define Social Darwinism are:

The belief that the weakest race will die out and the strong will survive. Survival of the fittest

What is social Darwinism ?

Social Darwinism is a belief system that was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and it was based on the idea of "survival of the fittest" from the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin.

The central tenet of Social Darwinism was that certain races or ethnic groups were inherently superior to others and that these superior groups would inevitably triumph over the inferior ones in the competition for resources and survival. This belief was often used to justify imperialism, racism, and colonialism, as well as to defend laissez-faire capitalism and opposition to social welfare programs.

Find out more on social Darwinism at


Why do you think so many of Tureaud cases had to do with education?


Tureaud was a civil rights lawyer who fought for equal access to education for African Americans in the southern United States during the mid-20th century. He saw education as a key to unlocking racial equality, and he argued that segregation was unconstitutional and that all children, regardless of race, deserved equal access to quality education. He believed that education was the most powerful tool for achieving racial justice and helping African Americans overcome the long-standing oppression they had experienced. He also argued that education was essential for allowing African Americans to participate fully in society and to reach their full potential.

how did the public react to the civil rights act of 1991 ?


Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1991 was the most comprehensive piece of civil rights legislation. Following two years of deliberation, Congress passed the federal law on November 21, 1991, outlawing discrimination against job applicants and employees based on race, gender, religion, colour, or ethnicity.

The 1991 Act modified the 1964 statute, but it did not repeal it. Instead, the 1991 Civil Rights Act (CRA) enhanced the prior legislation, particularly with regard to employer accountability and the burden of proof.

The Supreme Court's 1989 ruling, which limited employees' capacity to sue employers for discrimination, was a major factor in the development of the new CRA.

The law passed in 1991 introduced additional ways for employees to sue their employers in addition to restoring part of this power. For these reasons, the Civil Rights Act of 1991 is often seen as a setback for companies' interests in discrimination legislation.

To learn more on Civil Rights Act of 1991 from the link:


Why were slave codes passed in the 19th century?


Because Slave Codes allowed Slave owners to do horrible things to their slaves because according to Slave Codes, Slave owners could do whatever they wanted to the Slaves.

Slaves had few legal rights: in court their testimony was inadmissible in any litigation involving whites; they could make no contract, nor could they own property; even if attacked, they could not strike a white person.

Congress may respond to United States Supreme Court rulings by
Pilihan jawaban
declaring rulings of the court invalid
rewriting a law overturned by the court
deciding which lawyers may argue the case
determining which justices will review a particular case


Congress may respond to United States Supreme Court rulings by rewriting a law overturned by the court. The correct option is B.

Judicial review is the process through which a court in the United States determines whether a statute, agreement, or administrative rule contradicts or otherwise breaches the provisions of other laws, state constitutions, and eventually the US Constitution.

The authority for judicial review in the United States has been deduced from the structure, provisions, and history of the Constitution even though it is not expressly defined in the U.S. Constitution.

The idea of judicial review was brought up frequently by the Founding Fathers during discussions at the Constitutional Convention. The majority of these allusions came up when the Virginia Plan plan was being discussed. Similar to today's presidential veto, the Virginia Plan contained a "council of revision" that would have reviewed proposed new federal legislation and approved or disapproved them.

To know more about Judicial review, click here:


What role did pressures for land and resources play in the relationship between European colonisers and First Nations communities?


European colonizers often sought to acquire land and resources from First Nations communities, leading to tension and conflict between the two groups. This was especially true in North America, where the Europeans sought to acquire land for settlement and resources for economic gain.

What was the First Nations' relationship to the European settlers?

They built trade relationships with the Aboriginal peoples in addition to their fishing and fish preservation activities. Glass, iron axes, iron knives, copper cauldrons, and iron knives.

First Nations tribes experienced tension and conflict as a result of European colonists' frequent attempts to take their land and resources. This was notably true in North America, as European settlers searched out resources for commercial gain and territory for colonization. In order to obtain land and resources, the Europeans frequently utilized force and compulsion, which resulted in the eviction and displacement of First Nations tribes. This led to a

Learn more about resources at:


who is the infamous nazi doctor in february 07-1979,who performed medical experiments at the auschwitz death camps that died of a stroke while swimming in brazil?


Josef Rudolf Mengele is the infamous Nazi doctor, in february 07-1979, who performed medical experiments at the auschwitz death camps that died of a stroke while swimming in brazil.

German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and surgeon Josef Rudolf Mengele, commonly known as the Angel of Death, served in World War II.

He was a member of the medical team that chose the victims to be executed in the gas chambers and one of the physicians who administered the gas in the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) concentration camp, where he conducted gruesome experiments on captives.

Mengele was moved from Auschwitz to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp on January 17, 1945, ten days before the arrival of the Soviet forces at Auschwitz, when Red Army soldiers swept through German-occupied Poland.

The main and most renowned of the six concentration and extermination camps set up by Nazi Germany to carry out its Final Solution strategy, which had as its goal the mass slaughter of Jews in Europe, was Auschwitz-Birkenau.

To learn more about auschwitz death camps refer


2. PART B: Which detail from the text best
supports the answer to Part A?
A. "By 1896 the Civil War was over, and the
amendments prohibiting slavery and
ensuring equal rights for all citizens had
been part of the U.S. Constitution for more
than 25 years." (Paragraph 1)
B. "His lawyers argued that the law mandating
rail car segregation was unconstitutional
because of the 14th Amendment, which
ensured equal protection under the law for
all citizens." (Paragraph 3)
C. "He believed it was wrong to undermine the
14th Amendment in this way, when the
majority of the country had favored the new
law." (Paragraph 6)
D. "Laws that explicitly segregated the races
could not be challenged in court anymore;
the Supreme Court had given segregation
the legal 'okay, and states took advantage of
this to establish segregation for decades to
come." (Paragraph 7)


Note that "the detail from the case Plessy vs, Ferguson that best supports answer to Part A is "“Laws that explicitly segregated the races could not be challenged in court anymore; the Supreme Court had given segregation the legal ‘okay,’ and states took advantage of this to establish segregation for decades to come.” (Paragraph 7)" (Option D).

Why was Plessy vs, Ferguson significant?

The Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision established the "separate but equal" doctrine, which allowed racial segregation in public facilities.

It upheld state laws requiring racial segregation on trains and set a legal precedent for segregation in other public spaces. The ruling was eventually overturned by Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, which declared that separate educational facilities were inherently unequal and violated the 14th Amendment.

Learn more about Plessy vs, Ferguson:

After the great schism, what two faiths did christianity break into?


The East-West Schism, commonly referred to as the Great Schism, split Christianity into two main branches in 1054 CE: the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East.

The authority of the Pope in Rome was the principal area of contention. While the Roman Catholic Church considered that the Pope was the ultimate authority in matters of doctrine and church governance, the Eastern Orthodox Church believed in a decentralised system of government with authority vested in a council of bishops.

Differences in the two regions' cultures, languages, and theologies also had an impact on the schism. Even today, many doctrines and practises are shared by the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, despite their continued separation.

To know more about schism, visit:


This person served three years in reform school for attempted burglary before writing many famous rock-and-roll songs. answer choices
Ralph Bunche
Duke Ellington
Barbara Jordan
Chuck Berry


The person in question is Chuck Berry, a pioneering rock and roll musician who is widely regarded as one of the genre's most influential artists.

Berry was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1926 and developed a love for music at a young age. However, he also got into trouble with the law, and in 1944 he was sentenced to three years in a reform school for attempted burglary. After his release, Berry began performing in local clubs and soon gained a following for his unique style of guitar playing and songwriting. Over the course of his career, Berry wrote and recorded many classic rock and roll songs, including "Johnny B. Goode," "Roll Over Beethoven," and "Maybellene," which continue to be celebrated and covered by musicians around the world.

learn more about burglary here:


Why did many of the proposals made by President John Quincy Adams fail to become law?

A. Many members of Congress supported more internal improvements

B. Supporters of Andrew Jackson opposed the proposals in Congress

C. Many members of Congress supported more nationalist policies

D. Supporters of Henry Clay opposed the proposals in Congress


The reason why many of the proposals made by President John Quincy Adams fail to become law is

B. Supporters of Andrew Jackson opposed the proposals in Congress.

What happened during President John Quincy Adams?

President John Quincy Adams, who served as the 6th President of the United States from 1825 to 1829, faced significant opposition to his proposals in Congress during his presidency. One of the main reasons for this opposition was the presence of supporters of Andrew Jackson, who was a political rival of Adams and held opposing views on many key issues.

Jackson's supporters, known as Jacksonians, believed in a more democratic and populist approach to government and were skeptical of many of Adams' proposals, which they viewed as elitist and out of touch with the needs and desires of the American people. They also opposed many of the proposals that Adams made for internal improvements, such as funding for infrastructure projects, as they felt that these projects favored the northeastern states at the expense of the rest of the country.

As a result of this opposition, many of Adams' proposals failed to gain sufficient support in Congress and failed to become law.

Learn more about President John Quincy at:


The reason why many of the proposals made by President John Quincy Adams failed to become law was B. Supporters of Andrew Jackson opposed the proposals in Congress.

What happened to John Quincy Adams ?

Adams faced opposition from many members of Congress, particularly from members of the opposing political party, the Democratic-Republicans. This opposition made it difficult for Adams to get his proposals passed into law.

Adams' proposals were often seen as too ambitious and ahead of their time, and did not receive widespread support from the public. Adams only served one term as president, and his proposals were not given enough time to gain traction and become law.

Find out more on John Quincy Adams at


how did muhammad start spreading his message about islam? a. he wrote the quran. b. he converted the christians. c. he preached at mecca. d. he told his friends and family.


Muhammad started spreading his message by telling his friends and family about Islam. thus option D is the answer.

After receiving the first revelation, Muhammad began to share his message by initially placing his faith in his cousin and better half, Ali. Then he began to preach to his close family members, including Abu Bakr and Uthman, who later rose to prominence as leading Muslims. Muhammad called people to abandon their love of symbols in favor of loving Allah alone while preaching a message of monotheism and respect for human rights.

He consistently attracted followers and encountered opposition from the Meccan people, including members of his own Quraysh clan. He eventually began to spread his teachings throughout the region, won over followers, and encountered increased opposition from the Meccans, which prompted him to move to Medina, which marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

Learn more about Muhammad's role in spreading Islam:


One of the core teachings of Confucianism is that:
O A. people should be free to challenge authorities.
B. the strong should always rule over the weak.
OC. prayer is more important than education.
OD. leaders must treat their subjects fairly.


The subjects of leaders must be treated fairly. As a result, (D) is the best choice.

What is meat by Confucianism?

Confucius considered himself to be a carrier of cultural values from the Western Zhou (c. 1046-771 BCE), Shang (c. 1600-1046 BCE), and Xia empires (c. 2070-1600 BCE). Despite being persecuted, Confucianism endured throughout the Legalist and autocratic Qin dynasty (221-206 BCE).

During the Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE), Confucian beliefs supplanted Huang-"proto-Taoist" Lao's theories as the accepted ones, although the emperors merged them with Legalism's practical approaches.

Confucianism sees literature like the Five Classics as examples that should be followed to enhance the harmony of the family, the social order generally, and the world.

Learn more about Confucianism, from :


in the old testament, atoning sacrifices were permanent coverings of sin. true or false?


In the Old Testament, atoning sacrifices were not permanent coverings of sin. They were temporary and had to be repeated on a regular basis.

The Israelites were expected to make animal sacrifices in order to atone for their crimes and ask God for forgiveness, according to the Old Testament. These sacrifices, which required the blood of the animal, were carried out by the priests in the temple. It was believed that the animal's blood would atone for the sins of the person making the sacrifice.

The sacrifices did not, however, serve as a perpetual atonement for sin. To stay pure and keep a healthy relationship with God, they had to be repeated frequently, frequently daily or weekly. The Old Testament makes it very obvious that a more long-lasting solution to the sin problem was required and that sacrifices were merely a stopgap measure.

To know more about testament click here,


If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. (T/F)


This statement is true and was made by Abraham Lincoln during a speech in 1862.

The quote indicates Lincoln's belief that maintaining the Union was his main priority and that, if necessary, he was open to considering all options, including the prospect of liberating some or all slaves.

This quote demonstrates Lincoln's belief that maintaining the Union was his top priority and that he was ready to explore all options to get there, including the prospect of releasing some or all slaves. Lincoln's opinions on slavery and race did, however, change with time, and in 1863 he finally issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared all slaves in Confederate-held territory to be free.

To know more about Lincoln click here,


Evaluate the factors which led to detente between the US and USSR between 1971 and 1979. Cold War.


The end of World War II resulted in emergence of Soviet Union and United States as only two nations worthy of title 'big powers'. The ideological war, fought between 1945-91 between two blocs is famously known as Cold War - the war of nerves.

Major factors which led to detente between the two blocs are:

1. Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT)

It announced ban on test of nuclear weapons in atmosphere, outer space and under water. This treaty was signed on August, 1963 in Moscow by US, USSR and United Kingdom on backdrop of Cuban missile crisis.

2. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT-I)

It was the first among the series of various strategic Arms Limitation Talks. First round of dialouge began in 1969 between Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev. This talks resulted in limiting the number of ABMs - Anti Ballistic Missile from May 1972.

3. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT-II)

Second round began in 1972 in Vienna headed by Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev. This time the focus was to set limit on strategic offensive arms.

Apart from US and USSR, other international players also contributed to limit the tensions of cold war and discourage smaller states to join the either blocs.

One of the classic example is group of five nations (India, Indonesia, Egypt, Yugoslavia and Ghana) who collectively pushed the idea of peace under the banner of NON-ALIGNMENT MOVEMENT (NAM) which gained importance around mid-1970s.

learn more about Cold War:

What happened in the presidential election of 1936?


In the presidential election of 1936,Franklin Delano Roosevelt won over Republican challenger, Alf Landon.

US presidential election of 1936, American official political decision hung on November 3, 1936, in which Majority rule Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt won re-appointment, overcoming Conservative Alf Landon.

In 1932, in the midst of the Economic crisis of the early 20s, Roosevelt had prevailed upon an avalanche triumph occupant Herbert Hoover, finishing 12 years of conservative rule. Subsequent to expecting the workplace, he made a fast and definitive move, seeking after the New Arrangement, an expansive cluster of measures planned to accomplish monetary recuperation, to give help to the large numbers of poor and jobless, and to change parts of the economy that Roosevelt accepted had caused the breakdown.

The actions, passed in his initial hundred days in office, had created a restricted level of recuperation by the fall of 1934, and in that year's midterm races the liberals based on their generally significant greater parts. Albeit the New Arrangement had estranged preservationists, including numerous money managers, most Americans upheld Roosevelt's projects.

To know more about presidential election,visit here:


The land west of the _________ was thought to be worthless. Mississippi River Appalachian Mountains Central Plains Rocky Mountains



Rocky Mountains


The land west of the Rocky Mountains was thought to be worthless because there was not much known about the area. In the 1800s, many people believed that the land was an impassable desert and that it was too dangerous to explore. This led to the perception that the land was not suitable for settlement and was not worth investing in.

What role did the first rulers of Ur, Uruk, and other Sumerian city-states play? A)Priests B)Merchants C)Farmers D)Scribes


The first rulers of Ur, Uruk, and other Sumerian city-states played the role of A) Priests. The Sumerian city-states were ruled by a priest-king who oversaw the religious and political affairs of the city-state.

These rulers were responsible for maintaining the city's relationship with the gods, organizing and overseeing religious ceremonies, and making decisions about the city's laws and policies. Additionally, they were often responsible for overseeing the construction of temples and other religious buildings. In this way, the first rulers of Sumerian city-states played a crucial role in the religious and political life of their  They were believed to have a direct connection to the gods and were responsible for maintaining the city's relationship with the divine world. In addition to their religious duties, the priest-kings were responsible for the management of the city's resources, including the distribution of land and the allocation of labor.

Over time, as the city-states grew more complex and developed more advanced economic systems, other classes of people, such as merchants and scribes, began to emerge and gain influence. However, the role of the priest-king remained central to the organization of Sumerian society, and many of the city-states continued to be ruled by religious leaders well They were believed to have a direct connection to the gods and were responsible for maintaining the city's relationship with the divine world. In addition to their religious duties, the priest-kings were responsible for the management of the city's resources, including the distribution of land and the allocation of labor

Learn more about ruling here:


What were 3 issues faced by the Qing Dynasty in the late 18th century



The inevitable results were land shortages, famine, and an increasingly impoverished rural Population.

Three issues faced by the Qing Dynasty in the late 18th century were: 1) peasant uprisings, which were caused by the increasing taxes and restrictions imposed by the dynasty; 2) foreign invasions, as the Qing Dynasty was under pressure from imperialist powers; and 3) internal conflicts between different groups within the dynasty such as Han and Manchu.

wilderness wasn’t a handicap for americans because of their advantages. (True or False)


It is TRUE that Wilderness wasn’t a handicap for Americans because of their advantages.

Aldo Leopold witnessed the wildness dissipate in before of his eyes. Even on the national forests, the "blank spaces on the map," as he put it, were going away. Leopold put in a lot of effort to preserve the Gila River headwaters in New Mexico, one of the last undeveloped areas in the area where he operated. His work was fruitful. The Gila Wilderness in the Gila National Forest was the first wilderness area to be established anywhere in the world by the Forest Service in 1924. Before the Wilderness Act, there were 40 years.

In the present day, there are more than 750 wilderness areas in the United States, spread throughout 44 states and Puerto Rico. These range in size from the 6-acre Pelican Island Wilderness in northern Florida to the 9-million-acre Wrangell-St. Elias Wilderness in Alaska. In the lower 48 states, the Forest Service alone is responsible for managing nearly 60% of the total wilderness area. Wilderness designations cover around 18% of the National Forest System.

To know more about Wilderness Act


Can someone please complete this world history hook exercise: what was the underlying cause of World War 1?

Directions: Wars have been fought throughout history. The list below presents different reasons for going to war. Check whether you agree or disagree that the reason given is a good one. In the notes section, explain why you agree or disagree.



Monkey Luffy

Can someone please complete this world history hook exercise: what was the underlying cause of World War 1?

Directions: Wars have been fought throughout history. The list below presents different reasons for going to war. Check whether you agree or disagree that the reason given is a good one. In the notes section, explain why you agree or disagree.

The underlying cause of World War 1 is often considered to be the complex system of alliances and political tensions among the European powers, particularly the rivalries between the Central Powers (led by Germany and Austria-Hungary) and the Allied Powers (led by France, Russia, and Great Britain).

I disagree that the underlying cause of World War 1 was the desire for colonies and territories. While the acquisition of colonies and territories was a factor in the tensions between the European powers, it was not the root cause of the war. The desire for colonies and territories was fueled by the larger rivalries and competition between the major powers.

I also disagree that nationalism was the underlying cause of World War 1. Nationalism was a significant factor in the buildup to the war, as the rise of nationalistic sentiments among ethnic and cultural groups led to tensions and competition between countries. However, nationalism was not the root cause of the war, but rather a symptom of the larger political and economic rivalries between the major powers.

In conclusion, the underlying cause of World War 1 was the complex system of alliances and political tensions among the European powers, particularly the rivalries between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The desire for colonies and territories and the rise of nationalism were factors that contributed to the tensions and ultimately led to the outbreak of the war.

Who does Theodor Roosevelt believe really makes a difference in the world?


Theodore Roosevelt believed that it become not the large companies or the rich those who make a difference in the international, but as an alternative the "man within the arena." He believed that ordinary people who take action and persevere in the face of boundaries and problems had been the ones who simply made a distinction and helped shape the arena.

How did Roosevelt's belief influence his approach to leadership?

Theodore Roosevelt's belief that ordinary citizens make a difference in the world influenced his approach to leadership in several ways. He believed that a leader's role was to empower and encourage people to take action and make a difference in their communities. He also focused on promoting progressive reforms that would improve the lives of everyday Americans, such as conservation, regulation of monopolies, and workers' rights. He took an active approach to leadership, leading by example and inspiring others to take action. Roosevelt's belief in the power of ordinary citizens also shaped his views on democracy and social justice, and he worked to ensure that all Americans had equal opportunities to succeed.

To know more about Roosevelt visit:


fill the blink please for me thnaks​


President John Adams wanted to build or improve a national road and a national astronomical observatory. He wanted a national university and supports scientific research to benefit the American people.

Like his father, John Adams, he wanted to expand the role and power of the federal government.

Adam's opponents wanted a lesser role for the government and not to waste money.

Who is President John Adams?

President John Quincy Adams became the sixth president of the United States in 1825.  He was a secretary of State, a diplomat, and a lawyer.

During his tenure, Adams supported internal improvements - a network of roads and canals, a national university, and science, and research in the United States.

Read more about President John Quincy Adams at


Who is the founder of the United States of America



These seven men are the principle Founding Fathers: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. While there were many others who contributed to the founding of the United States, these seven are considered by most as the Founding Fathers.


After fighting for years to subdue native peoples in New Zealand to access their resources

and open trade, why did the British give the nation self-rule and then its ultimate

independence in 1907?

A. Decided that it was too far from the main land

B. Did not want to keep using its army to control the colony

C. New Zealand no longer could produce the raw materials the British wanted

D. Too many other European nations established trade in the country



Ongoing scholarly and societal discussion surrounds New Zealand's independence. In contrast to popular belief, New Zealand's political independence from the United Kingdom resulted from the country's changing constitutional status rather than having a specific date of separation.

New Zealand doesn't observe an official "Independence Day." The Mori population of New Zealand began to be augmented in the late 1700s by sealers and whalers, who were followed by infrequent visits from intrepid travellers from Europe and the Americas, Christian missionaries, and emancipated Australian convicts. New Zealand was not formally ruled during this time, as the British were busy establishing their colony in the neighbouring country of Australia and disregarded New Zealand.

Learn more about New Zealand here:


During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of what?



During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of theAlien and Sedition Acts.


Jay Treaty. That's what it said was right when I took it.

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