this document suggested the legislative branch have a house of representatives and a senate. what is this document?


Answer 1

The Connecticut compromise suggested the legislative branch have a house of representatives and a senate.

The congress of United States is bicameral in nature and the Connecticut compromise introduced the system of dual government. The compromise provided for a bicameral legislature is a legislative body with two houses, with representation in the House of Representatives according to population and in the Senate by equal numbers for each state. The upper house would have equal representation from each state, while the lower house would have proportional representation on the basis of population of the state.

To know more about "Connecticut compromise" visit-


Related Questions

The ________ consent of the member states was required for amendment of the Articles of Confederation.


The unanimous type of consent with all the member states was required for any amendment  Articles of Confederation.

All 13 states would have to concur on a change because the Articles demanded unanimous assent for any amendments. That rule made it hard for the Articles to be modified after the war with Britain ended in 1783 because of the rivalry between the states. Samuel Adams, John Dickinson, Elbridge Gerry, Richard Henry Lee, John Hancock, Roger Sherman, and John Witherspoon were among the signatories.

The Articles established a grouping of independent states. On November 15, 1777, the Continental Congress ratified the Articles of Confederation, the country's first constitution. But it took until March 1st, 1781 for all thirteen states to ratify the Articles of Confederation.

Learn more about Confederation Visit:


Xavier Jones was injured in an accident caused by another driver who did not have insurance. Xavier's medical expenses would be covered by:


In the situation wherein Xavier Jones was injured in an accident caused due to another uninsured driver, then the medical expenses of Xavier would be under the cover of the uninsured motorist protection.

The uninsured person may be taken into general understanding as the person who does not hold any insurance against his or her name, and has not subscribed to any insurance policy, with or without payment of insurance premium. The person at loss would not be covered by the uninsured person, but a protection regarding the same is already made to cover the medical outgoes.

Learn more about uninsured here:


Laws are made to protect the public as a whole from the harmful acts of othersa)criminalb)civilc)internationald)military


Criminal laws are made to protect the public as a whole from the harmful acts of others.

So, option A is the correct answer.

Criminal laws regulate the criminal acts of the individuals, groups or associations. These criminal acts are addressed in the statutes. It can also be termed as penal laws because the criminal acts will lead to the punishment and fines.

It includes harmful or criminal acts such as theft, threatening a person about his/her body or property, robbery, defamation and many more.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

To know more about theft, click here:


what amendment gives the right to not self-incriminate?


Fifth-amendment gives the  right to not self-incriminate. This act creates several constitutional rights.

In addition to the right against self-incriminate, the arrangements of the Fifth amendment give numerous significant shields to Americans, including the option to stay quiet while in police authority, writs of habeas corpus, and twofold danger assurance.

The Constitution gives this right, where: "[No person]… will be constrained in any crook body of evidence to be an observer against himself… " Nonetheless, likewise with most other sacred privileges, it is dependent upon translation by the courts and frequently moves savage discussion.

The right against self-incrimination is established in the Puritans' refusal to help out questioners in seventeenth century Britain. Some were forced or tormented into admitting their strict connection and were viewed as blameworthy on the off chance that they stayed quiet. English regulation conceded its residents the right against self-implication during the 1600s, when an insurgency laid out more prominent parliamentary power.

To know more about amendment ,visit here:


How the case of US v. Virginia impacts you as a high school student. HELPPPPP


Answer: Please mark me blrainliest because it took alot to do this look in explanation.


The case of US v. Virginia, also known as the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) case, has far-reaching implications for high school students, particularly for those who are interested in pursuing careers in fields that were traditionally male-dominated, such as military leadership. In this case, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the state of Virginia could not maintain a male-only admission policy for VMI, a public military college, because it violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. This ruling sent a powerful message that public institutions must provide equal educational opportunities to all, regardless of gender.

This case has important implications for high school students because it reinforces the principle of equal education and the right to equal opportunities in higher education. High school students who are considering pursuing careers in fields that have traditionally been male-dominated can be inspired by this case to pursue their goals and dreams, knowing that they have the right to equal educational opportunities. The case of US v. Virginia also serves as a reminder that individuals have the power to effect change through activism and legal action, and that progress can be made through the pursuit of justice and equality.

this amendment abolished slavery within the united states, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. what is that amendment ?


The amendment that has led to the abolishment of slavery in the United States of America, or any place under its jurisdiction conducting the practice, is known as the thirteenth amendment.

The thirteenth amendment of the national American constitution has been implemented with an intention to hold the regulations related to strict prohibition over the practice of slavery in the United States and the jurisdictions related thereto. The thirteenth amendment has been an integral inclusion in the constitution ever since it has been brought into enforcement.

Learn more about thirteenth amendment here:


the 1876 constitution was so well written, it is rare for anyone to ask if we might need a new one.truefalse


It is false to say that the 1876 constitution was so well written, it is rare for anyone to ask if we might need a new one.

Drafted stealthily by agents to the Constitutional Convention the late spring of 1876, this four-page report, endorsed on September 17, 1876, laid out the public authority of the US.

The Government Show assembled in the State House (Freedom Lobby) in Philadelphia on May 14, 1876, to reexamine the Articles of Confederation. Since the designations from just two states were at first present, the individuals dismissed from one day to another until a majority of seven states was gotten on May 25.

Through conversation and discussion it turned out to be clear by mid-June that, as opposed to revise the current Articles, the Show would draft an altogether new casing of government. All through the mid year, in shut meetings, the representatives discussed, and redrafted the articles of the new Constitution.

To know more about constitution,visit here:





A just distribution of a national cake refers to the equitable distribution of resources and benefits within a country among its citizens. This concept is important because it ensures that everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources to improve their standard of living. Three policymakers discussing how to ensure a just distribution of a national cake may consider the following:

Redistribution of wealth: The policymakers may propose policies that involve redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor. This could be done through progressive taxation, subsidies, and transfer programs.

Providing basic services: The policymakers may focus on providing basic services like healthcare, education, and housing to all citizens, regardless of their economic status.

Improving access to job opportunities: The policymakers may aim to create job opportunities in underdeveloped regions to reduce the gap between rich and poor.

Encouraging entrepreneurship: The policymakers may also encourage entrepreneurship and provide support to small businesses, particularly in rural areas.

Promoting equality: The policymakers may promote equality of opportunities, including education, healthcare, and employment.


By considering these and other related measures, the policymakers may ensure that the national cake is distributed justly, leading to a more equitable and sustainable future for all citizens.


Answer:citizien promotion


is there a statute of limitations on property liens?


On property liens, a judgement lien is valid for ten years. A property lien is a formal claim made against assets that gives the holder access to the asset in the event that a debt is not paid.

A county records office or a state agency must both file and approve a property lien. The property owner is then informed in writing with specific terms that action has been taken to reclaim the property.

Creditors may use property liens in a variety of circumstances. A legal claim to particular assets that has been authorized by the courts is known as a property lien. A county records office or state agency is where a creditor must apply and be granted permission for a property lien.

To learn more about property liens, please refer:


how fairly can a national cake be shared?


The national cake should be shared in a way that benefits all citizens, regardless of their social, economic, or political status.

National Cake and how it can be shared fairly

The fairness of sharing a national cake depends on various factors, including the size of the said cake, the number of people who need to share it, and the distribution of resources and wealth in the country. Ideally, a national cake should be shared in a way that benefits all citizens, regardless of their social, economic, or political status.

One approach to sharing the national cake fairly is to use progressive taxation, where the wealthy pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than those with lower incomes. This helps to ensure that the burden of supporting the country's infrastructure, services, and programs is shared more equitably. Additionally, the government can invest in programs that support the most vulnerable populations, such as education, healthcare, and affordable housing, to help reduce inequality and provide opportunities for all citizens to succeed.

However, the reality is that in many countries, the national cake is not shared fairly.

Some factors impeding on the fair sharing include:

Corruptionpolitical favoritismand economic inequality

These can all contribute to a situation where certain groups receive a disproportionate share of the national wealth. In such cases, it is important for citizens to engage in activism and advocacy, to hold their elected officials accountable and push for reforms that promote fairness and equality.

Learn more about corruption here


The classic Millikan oil drop experiment was the first to obtain an accurate measurement of the charge on an electron. In it, oil drops were suspended against gravity by a vertical electric field. microscopeAssume the oil drop to be 1.40 μμm in radius and have a density of 939 kg/m33(a) Find the weight of the drop.(b) If the drop has a single excess electron, find the magnitude of the electric field strength needed to balance its weight.


A - The weight of the oil drop is 1.13× [tex]10^{-13}[/tex]3 N, B-  the magnitude of the electric field strength needed to balance the weight of the oil drop is 7.05 x [tex]10^{-4}[/tex] N/C.

A- To find the weight of the oil drop, we can use the formula:

weight = density x volume x gravity

volume = (4/3)[tex]πr^3[/tex]

volume = (4/3)π[tex](1.40 μm)^3[/tex] = 1.091 x[tex]10^{-14} m^{3}[/tex]

weight = 939[tex]kg/m^{3}[/tex]x 1.091 x [tex]10^{-14}[/tex] [tex]m^{3}[/tex] x 9.81 [tex]m/s^{2}[/tex]= 1.13 x [tex]10^{-13}[/tex]N

Therefore, the weight of the oil drop is 1.13 x[tex]10^{-13}[/tex]N.

B- To find the magnitude of the electric field strength needed to balance the weight of the oil drop, we can use the formula:

electric field strength = weight / (number of excess electrons x charge on one electron)

electric field strength = 1.13 x[tex]10^{-13}[/tex]N / (1 x 1.602 x [tex]10^{-19}[/tex] C) = 7.05 x  [tex]10^{4[/tex] N/C

Therefore, the magnitude of the electric field strength needed to balance the weight of the oil drop is 7.05 x [tex]10^{4}[/tex] N/C.

Learn more about electric field strength here:


what plan was suggested by the large states as a basis for the new legislative branch?


James Madison's Virginia Plan, which he presented to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, proposed a powerful federal structure with the legislative, executive, and judicial institutions.

Whereas the New Jersey, or small state, plan called for equal participation for all states in Congress, the Virginia, or large state, plan called for a bicameral legislature with representation of each state based on its population or wealth.

The Virginia Plan was supported by large states like New York and Virginia and was based on a directly proportionate structure of representation based on population, whereas smaller states like New Jersey supported an equal representation system for all states in Congress. In response, William Paterson presented the Convention with what is now known as the New Jersey Plan on June 15.

Learn more about legislative Visit:


when congress wants to regulate an issue, it most often passes very detailed regulations so that there are no questions about its intent.
Is the statement true or false?


It is true that when Congress wants to control anything, they frequently establish highly specific regulations to ensure that there are no ambiguities regarding their intentions.

While Cabinet members and the leaders of independent executive agencies, like the director of the Environmental Protection Agency, serve "at the pleasure of the president" and are subject to removal without cause, independent regulatory agency heads are typically only subject to removal for cause.

Terms in this group (32) When Congress intends to control anything, it frequently enacts very specific regulations to ensure that there are no ambiguities regarding its intentions. The Securities Exchange Commission was established by Congress with the passage of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This law, which established a separate regulatory body, is referred to as legislation.

Learn more about congress Visit:


what jobs can you get with a criminal justice degree?


From a criminal justice degree,we can get jobs in stores, showrooms, public hotels etc.

A criminal justice degree is an interdisciplinary review. It integrates regulation, human science, brain research, policy management, and then some. With the degree, you'll figure out how the legal framework functions, from policing the courts.

While acquiring a criminal justice degree, you will get to grasp the framework according to the point of view of the two hoodlums and casualties. Numerous understudies decide to progress forward with the way to turn into a legal counselor, yet others might enter governmental issues or seek after a situation in scholarly community showing criminal justice degree.

Five areas where we can enter via criminal justice degree

RevisionsPolicingCountry SecurityPrivate SecuritySocial Justice ServicesCriminology And Examination

To know more about criminal justice,visit here:


how national powers and state powers are most likely to conflict with each other?


The most probable time for national and state authorities to clash is when there is a disagreement over who has what authority and obligations. Conflicts may occur, for instance, when the federal

When there are disagreements on how power and responsibility are distributed between the two levels of government, conflicts between national and state authorities result. In federal systems, these disputes may result from differences over the extent of governmental authority or from varying constitutional interpretations. Conflicts may also occur if the federal government passes laws or policies that restrict state autonomy or if states defy federal directives. Taxation, trade regulation, and resource distribution are frequently a source of conflict. These issues frequently need to be resolved by negotiation, litigation, or political compromise, and they may have a big impact on the distribution of power between the federal and state governments.

Learn more about Conflicts here:


what action was authorized by the lend-lease act?




Due to the rising cost of water, Congress enacted a statute that allocated $20 million to fund a consortium of independent non-profit water organizations. The purpose of the consortium was to address the various issues causing a rise in the cost of water and water shortages across the United States, and to fund research into solutions. The statute provided clear guidelines about what the consortium should research and what it could spend, and specified that the remaining funds would be allocated for infrastructure improvements. In addition, the statute delegated to the Department of the Interior the power to select the water organizations to participate in the consortium.
Is the statute constitutional?
No, because Congress is delegating its authority to the executive branch of the government.
No, because the statute exceeds the scope of Congress's investigative power.
Yes, because Congress has the power to enact this legislation under the Necessary and Proper Clause.
Yes, because Congress has the power to spend for the general welfare of the public.


Option 1 is Correct. Because Congress has given the executive arm of the government authority, the statute is not constitutional.

A law passed by Congress that included $20 million was intended to fund a coalition of independent, non-profit water organizations in response to the rising cost of water. The consortium's goal was to solve the myriad problems that were driving up water prices and creating shortages all throughout the country while also funding research into potential remedies.

The act indicated that the consortium's leftover assets would be used for infrastructure upgrades, and it provided specific criteria for the kind of research it should conduct and the amount of money it may spend. In addition, the act gave the Secretary of the Interior the authority to choose which water groups would be included in the consortium.

Learn more about constitutional Visit:


Correct Question:

Due to the rising cost of water, Congress enacted a statute that allocated $20 million to fund a consortium of independent non-profit water organizations. The purpose of the consortium was to address the various issues causing a rise in the cost of water and water shortages across the United States, and to fund research into solutions. The statute provided clear guidelines about what the consortium should research and what it could spend, and specified that the remaining funds would be allocated for infrastructure improvements. In addition, the statute delegated to the Department of the Interior the power to select the water organizations to participate in the consortium.

Is the statute constitutional?

1. No, because Congress is delegating its authority to the executive branch of the government.

2. No, because the statute exceeds the scope of Congress's investigative power.

3. Yes, because Congress has the power to enact this legislation under the Necessary and Proper Clause.

4. Yes, because Congress has the power to spend for the general welfare of the public.

______ laws are made to protect the public as a whole from the harmful acts of others.


Criminal laws are made to protect the public as a whole from the harmful acts of others.

These laws make it illegal to commit certain acts that are deemed to be against society’s morals. These laws are enforced by the police, courts and other law enforcement agencies.

They are designed to deter potential criminals from committing crimes, as well as to punish those who do break the law. Criminal laws can be found in the criminal codes of each state or country, as well as in international treaties.

To learn more about Criminal laws link is here


the pendleton act required appointees to public office to


The Pendleton act required appointees to public office to take public examinations.

The Pendleton act was adopted in the year 1883 as a reform in civil services in United States. The Pendleton Act was enacted to appoint employees in federal government jobs on the basis of merit and the selection of these government employees through competitive exams instead of patronage. Formally know as The Pendleton civil services reform act in United States passed by the 47th united states congress and signed by the president Chester A. Arthur. The act made it illegal to fire these employees for political reasons and political pressure. Initially it covered only smaller percentage of federal jobs which are protected by such a law but later on with time and understanding to was extended to major portion of federal government jobs.

To know more about "Pendleton act" visit-


These theorists would be most interested in studying how objects (like a cop's badge or gun) play a role in impression management. Question 6 options: a) Functionalist b) Symbolic interactionist c) Feminist d) Conflict theorist


A symbolic interactionist would be most concerned with the parts these objects play in impression management. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is management?

The term “management” refers to the act of managing. The management of the business activities. Management is the basis of art, science, and the profession. Management are they manage the organization.

According to the symbolic interactionist was the concerned of objects play in impression management. The symbolic interactionist was the understanding of the human action and society.

As a result, the significance of the symbolic interactionist are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on management, here:


what is the system where the national government shares power with state governments?


Federalism  is the system where the national government shares power with state governments.

Federalism is the system of government which divides the power or responsibilities of statutes between the center and the state or other regional bodies. Federalism guarantees sovereignty and in United States both the center and the state enjoy sovereignty. All these power are conferred to the government by the constitution itself, the constitution also protects these divisions from the legislature in order to maintain harmony and proper distribution of powers at all levels of the government. The three branches of the government the legislature, executive and the judiciary work with division of powers and each of these branches are governed by the constitution.

To know more about "Federalism" visit-


Three policymakers are discussing how to ensure a just distribution of the national cake. One thinks a just distribution is sharing the national cake equally, the other thinks a just distribution is rather sharing the national cake fairly. Yet the third thinks a just distribution entails giving everyone his due. What are the reasons for their different views. Suggest ways to make progress in such a scenario
500-600 words


The first policymaker believes in equal distribution of the national cake, which means everyone gets the same amount regardless of their individual needs or contributions.

What does the second policymaker believe?

The second policymaker believes in fair distribution, which means distributing resources in a way that takes into account individual needs and contributions.

The third policymaker believes in giving everyone their due, which means ensuring that everyone gets what they are entitled to based on their contributions and needs.

To make progress in this scenario, the policymakers can engage in constructive dialogue, listen to each other's perspectives, and seek common ground.

Read more about economics here:


how did the united states acquire the land that lewis and clark explored?


The united states acquire the land that Lewis and Clark explored as they brought it from France.

The  Lewis and Clark expedition started in 1804.The expedition is also known as the corps of Discovery Expedition, it was an expedition of United States to cross the newly acquired western portion of the country after the Louisiana Purchase. The secondary objects of the purchase is scientific and economic: to study the area's plants, animal life, and geography, and to establish trade with local Native American tribes. It was Jefferson achievement to acquire the Port of New Orleans.

To know more about "Lewis and Clark" visit-


the chief justice of the supreme court who ruled in favor of the cherokee nation was?


The verdict in favor of the Cherokee people was given by Chief Justice John Marshall of the Supreme Court. Major Ridge, a well-known Cherokee politician, served as the leader of this purported "Treaty Party" in favor of deportation.

John Ross, the senior Cherokee chief, led the majority of the Cherokees who rejected relocating. For approximately forty years, John Ross led the Cherokee People as their chief, and it was during this time that the tribe went through some of its most difficult circumstances.

His primary role during the bitter factional struggle over the decision to settle in Indian Territory in the 1830s is what made him most famous (Oklahoma). The US Supreme Court ruled the Cherokee Nation to be sovereign in Georgia.

Learn more about Cherokee Visit:


Which of these concepts did secessionists use to support their views?A) constitutionalismB) states' rightsC) popular sovereigntyD) federalism


States' rights was the concept used by secessionists to support their views.

Hence, the correct option is B.

The idea of states' rights held that each state had the right to govern itself and make decisions independent of the federal government.

This concept was often used by those who supported secession as a justification for leaving the Union during the American Civil War.

They argued that since the federal government was violating states' rights by attempting to restrict or abolish slavery, secession was necessary to protect those rights.

This philosophy was enshrined in the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, which stated that any powers not specifically granted to the federal government were reserved for the states.

To know more about secessionists here:


In response to growing concerns about the overcrowding of landfills with scrap metal, Congress passed a statute requiring all unwanted vehicles to be disposed of at federally licensed auto-recycling facilities. These facilities were able to recycle more components of vehicles than most other recycling facilities. However, due to the high operating costs of these facilities, the cost of disposing the vehicles was much higher than the cost of disposing them at general purpose recycling facilities. A state wants to dispose of its fleet of decommissioned trucks at a state-operated recycling facility. However, this facility is not federally licensed. Is the state permitted to dispose of its decommissioned trucks at the state-operated facility?
No, because the federal statute was passed pursuant to Congress's power to legislate for the general welfare.
No, because the federal statute regulates interstate commerce.
Yes, because the market-participant exception applies.
Yes, because there is a presumption against preemption in an area governed by the state's police power.


No, the state is not permitted to dispose of its decommissioned trucks at the state-operated facility because the federal statute requires all unwanted vehicles to be disposed of at federally licensed auto-recycling facilities.

The federal statute was enacted under Congress's jurisdiction to legislate for the general welfare, and it governs the disposal of unwanted automobiles in order to address concerns about landfill congestion. The market-participant exception, which permits a state to favour its own products or services while acting as a market player, does not applicable in this case because the state is operating as a regulator rather than a market participant. Furthermore, because the federal Act was passed under the Trade Clause, which provides Congress the right to regulate interstate commerce, there is no presumption against preemption in an area covered by the state's police power.

For such more question on federally:


is there a statute of limitations on child support?


The ability to enforce a child support order is not subject to any statute of limitations.

Prior to 1993, the statute of limitations governing support orders was governed by the previous California Civil Code section 4833. The old code allowed a warrant of execution to be used to execute a child support or family support judgement without prior court approval up to five years after the kid turned majority age, and then only for amounts that were up to ten years past due.

The law in California was changed in 1992 to allow spousal and family support orders to be upheld until they are paid. Therefore, until they are paid in full, all child support orders are still valid.

To learn more about child support orders, please refer:


You have been selected to lead a team to resolve an age-old land dispute between two families. Family 'A' thinks Family 'B' is not entitled to a portion of the land because they are not the biological children of the ancestor whose land is in dispute. But Family 'B' disagrees because they think they were adopted by the ancestor and are therefore her children also. From our discussions on open-textured and well-defined terms, verbal vs. substantive disagreement, write an essay


The family disagreement is substantive given its current character. This is so that it is clear that there is a disagreement over property inheritance, not a verbal one.

What is the concept of the passage?

The difference in the nature of their relationship—whether they are adopted or biological children—is the root of the conflict. To bring about peace between the two parties, they can either turn to the ancestors' wills or go before the land's court to get a judgment that both sides can accept.

One of the potential difficulties is getting everyone to a common location for an amicable and unbiased conversation. Since there doesn't seem to be any positive ties between them, it is also expected that their differences will persist even after this conflict is settled.

Thus, The family disagreement is substantive given its current character.

For more information about concept of the passage, click here:


state courts cannot have concurrent jurisdiction with federal courts.true/false


True. State and federal courts cannot have concurrent jurisdiction over the same matter. State law problems may not be decided by federal trial courts inside a particular state, even when a federal court has jurisdiction.

The venue determines the best court location for a case. Two or more courts may have concurrent jurisdiction if all the courts have the right to hear the case. In particular, a wide range of proceedings are subject to concurrent jurisdiction in both state and federal courts in the United States.

When a crime begins in one state and is continued in one or more other jurisdictions, for example, concurrent jurisdiction occurs, allowing both state and federal courts to hear the case.

Learn more about jurisdiction Visit:


what must a prosecutor prove when the law requires mens rea?


Each element of the offense must be shown beyond a reasonable doubt by the prosecutor. Anything that is assumed cannot be demonstrated, making it an appealable mistake.

The prosecution must establish both an actus reus—a physical act—and a mens rea—a state of mind—to commit the crime—for the defendant to be found guilty. Mens rea refers to the defendant's state of mind at the time the actus reus was committed. The mens rea requirements for certain crimes vary. The responsibility to back up your statements with adequate evidence is known as the burden of proof. For instance, if someone asserts that ghosts exist, they are required to present evidence to back up their claim.

To learn more about prosecutors visit;


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