This cartoon was published in 1916. Please help due TODAY worth 26 points please someone also mark brainiest

What statement is the cartoonist making about President Wilson in this cartoon?

A. He was a jingoist and an avid supporter of America joining World War I.

B He was hesitant to join in the war at first, but heard the voices of pro-war Americans.

C He was conspiring with pro-war supporters to get American into conflict with Germany.

D He limited the speech of pro-war Americans via the Sedition Act.

This Cartoon Was Published In 1916. Please Help Due TODAY Worth 26 Points Please Someone Also Mark BrainiestWhat


Answer 1

The statement that the cartoonist is making about President Wilson in the cartoon is B He was hesitant to join in the war at first, but heard the voices of pro-war Americans.

Did Wilson want to go to war?

Woodrow Wilson was originally of the opinion that the United States should not go to war as the first World War concerned the Europeans primarily.

But, as the cartoon showed, there were those who wanted to go to war and they were making their voices heard in a loud enough manner than Wilson heard them. He still didn't go to war however, for another year.

Find out more on Wilson's stance on the war at


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when Hitler came to power His main aim was to create a German pure argan race to what extent do you think Hitler was able to achieve this aim?​


Upon achieving power, Hitler smashed the nation's democratic establishments and converted Germany right into a conflict state intent on conquering Europe for the advantage of the so-referred to as Aryan race. His invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, triggered the european segment of worldwide war II.

Adolf Hitler came to electricity with the goal of setting up a new racial order in Europe dominated by the German “grasp race.” This goal drove Nazi foreign coverage, which aimed to: throw off the restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles; contain territories with ethnic German populations into the Reich; acquire a vast new empire in jap Europe; form alliances; and, during the struggle, convince different states to take part within the “final solution.”

Ultimately, Nazi racial hygiene guidelines culminated within the Holocaust. below cover of world war II, and using the warfare as a pretext, Nazi racial hygiene was radicalized and there was a shift from controlling reproduction and marriage to certainly eliminating folks appeared as organic threats. This exhibition have to initiate us into thinking about questions these days: the connection among the desires and rights of individuals as weighed towards the larger worries of the society. Scientists dreamed of perfecting human beings by converting the genetic make-up of the population, and so this does provide a cautionary observe in that regard and it clearly also speaks to the significance of constantly respecting the cost of the person and the human dignity of the character.

Learn more about German pure aryan race here:-


what is the significance of the essay to the novel itself? (The Scarlet Letter)​




The meaning of Hester's "A" is an inevitable part of any discussion about The Scarlet Letter. While the "A" initially symbolizes "adultery," later various people assign meanings such as "able" or "angel" to the letter, as the community's views of Hester change.

How long is the trip across the US using the railroad? How does that change America?



reduced travel time across the West from about six months by wagon or 25 days by stagecoach to just four days.


More than a century ago, British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881) declared: "I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?" What do you think he meant when he made that comments?


He does not tell them what to do but follows what they say as a leader.

Benjamin Disraeli was a Conservative leader and British statesman who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice. He was instrumental in the formation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and broad appeal.

It is the Golden Rule of Leadership: Leading others is a privilege, not a right. Leaders who recognize that leading others is a privilege recognize that leading is, first and foremost, about service.

A leader is someone who commands respect and inspires others to follow them. So this quote is about listening to the people he leads.

Learn more on leader-


During the Renaissance, Sir Thomas
More's idea of a utopian society
included all of these EXCEPT which of
the following?
A. Everyone was educated
B. There was no personal property.
C. Wealth was shared among all people.
D. Society was divided into upper and lower classes.


During the Renaissance, Sir Thomas More's idea of a utopian society included all of these EXCEPT Society was divided into upper and lower classes.

What was the renaissance period?

This is the term that is used to refer to the period or rebirth that happened in the middle age. It was the period that brought about the rebirth of the classical age with the rise in intellectuals such as philosophers, literature and the sciences.

Hence we can say that During the Renaissance, Sir Thomas More's idea of a utopian society included all of these EXCEPT Society was divided into upper and lower classes.

Read more on Renaissance  here:


Why did the Vikings invade England?


Vikings attacked Britain and invaded lands overseas to get riches and slaves

Vikings invade England because they had traded products with the Anglo-Saxons for a long time and were aware of their wealth, the Vikings attacked Britain.

The monastery at Lindisfarne in Northumbria was the target of the first known assault in AD793, and the Scottish Isle of Iona was targeted two years later.

King Harald Hardrada of Norway's death during the fight put an end to any hopes of rebuilding Cnut's North Sea Empire, and it is because of this, not the Norman invasion, that 1066 is frequently considered the end of the Viking Age.

To learn more about Vikings, visit the following link:


The famous brown v. board of education (1954) case, besides being one of the most important supreme court rulings of the twentieth century, was a milestone in the psychology and law alliance because?



the ruling cited research conducted by social scientists.


the research of two psychologists, Kenneth and Mamie Clark was used to argue that the very fact black and white children were sent to separate schools damaged the black children’s self-esteem, stigmatized them, and adversely shaped their self-image for the rest of their lives. This showed them they were unworthy of being educated ; school segregation reinforced notions of difference and inequality associated with race prejudice and racism.

The spread of slavery in the colonization of north america was primarily due to what factor?.


The spread of slavery in the colonization of North America was primarily due to increase in farming of sugar, cotton, tobacco and coffee.

In the beginning, the European settlers brought a system of slavery in the 1500s with them to the western hemisphere. As they were unable to find cheap labor from other sources, white settlers increasingly turned to slaves imported from Africa.

So because of this by the early 1700s in North America, slavery meant African slavery. Through this the slavery spread in the colonization of North America, this spread was due to the increase in farming of the popular crops.

Hence, the European settlers in North America brought enslaved Africans as a cheaper and more plentiful labor source.

To learn more about slavery here:


who is to blame for king tuts death Ay or Horemheb or both?



Another theory on Tutankhamun's death suggests that he was murdered by General Horemheb, a man of low birth who became one of Akhenaten's closest advisors. Under Tutankhamun, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the army and deputy of the king. Following the demise of Tutankhamun and Ay, Horemheb became pharaoh.


What is the main reason why Ukraine’s army is so strong



Because, the men profess strong determination and dedication to protecting their country. But Ukrainian army members also say they are also variously staffed .


THere russine


What contradiction does this civil war historian find in the secession of the southern states?


A prominent Historian, James McPherson, in his research, found out that, the Confederates had a demand, which is said to be contradictory, of having freedom of enslaving others, in secession of the southern states.

Historians had given many views on, why did the civil war happened, as some had argued that, it was related to the taxation policies, rights of the states and some had argued that,

the chief reason was southern state's argument of not abolishing slavery.

The slavery was established as a profession or the slaves import export had been established as an institution and a profession in which , many traders were involved, thus they do not wanted to abolish slavery.

McPherson, an important and significant historian had pointed out the contradiction, as the Confederates had demanded  the freedom for enslaving blacks for their personnel benefits.

To know more about, The secession of the southern states, click here-


What tone is set by the essay, "The Customs House"?​




'The Custom House' seems to be an effort to persuade the reader to regard The Scarlet Letter as truth rather than fiction. The narrator tells us he got the story of The Scarlet Letter from documents he found in the old surveyor's office.

What three things were used to prevent blacks from voting?


Some states prevented African Americans from voting with the Literacy Test, Grandfather Clause and the Poll Tax.

1. What are geographic features?


Answer: Locations, Sites, Areas, or Regions.

When the housing market crashed in 2007, keynesian economists might have predicted a?


When the housing market crashed in 2007, keynesian economists might have predicted a Consumer spending fell as household wealth dropped.

What Is an Economist?

A specialist in economics studies the relationship between a society's resources and its output or production. From small, local communities to major nations and even the global economy, economists study every aspect of society. A wide range of economic policies, including interest rates, tax legislation, employment programs, international trade agreements, and corporate strategy, are influenced in part by the expertise and research of economists.

One of an economist's many duties is to do research on economic issues, collect data through surveys, and analyze the data using software, statistical techniques, and mathematical models. convey research findings in summaries, tables, and charts; analyze and predict market trends; give economic counsel to businesses, governments, and people; recommend solutions to economic problems; and write articles for scientific journals and other media.

To know more about Economist visit:


The _______ rulers named their kingdom the holy roman empire because they had control of rome.


The German rulers named their kingdom the holy roman empire because they had control of Rome.

Holy Roman Empire

The Early Middle Ages saw the rise of the Holy Roman Empire, a political power that lasted until the Napoleonic Wars in 1806 in Western, Central, and Southern Europe.

The Empire was the most powerful monarchy in Europe from Otto I's ascension in 962 until the eleventh century. It is described as "perhaps the most powerful European state of the Middle Ages" by Andrew Holt. The harmonious coexistence of the monarch and his vassals was essential to the operation of the government, but throughout the Salian period, this coexistence was shattered. Under the House of Hohenstaufen, the empire peaked in terms of strength and territorial reach in the middle of the thirteenth century, but overextending itself resulted in a partial collapse.

To know more about 'Holy Roman Empire' , visit :


Which city was the commercial capital of the european world by the end of the 16th century?


Amsterdam was the commercial capital of the European world by the end of the 16th century.

According to the field of economics, capital goods are "those durable manufactured assets that are utilized in turn as competitive inputs for future production" of products and services. Buildings, machinery, software, and inventories are all considered to be part of the nation's capital stock at the macroeconomic level for just any given year.

The equipment used in companies is a common illustration. The usage of production elements can raise capital, but they do not include some durable goods like homes and cars that are not used to produce goods and services that can be sold.

Capital, according to Adam Smith, is "that part of person's property which he anticipates to provide him revenue." Capital is an entry in the production process of economic models.

To learn more about capital here


Over the past 100 million years of earth history, it is known that the magnetic poles have reversed themselves ________ times.


Over the past 100 million years of earth's history, it is known that the magnetic poles have reversed themselves many times.

The last time Earth's poles flipped in a major reversal was about 780,000 years ago, during the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal, as scientists call it. The fossil record reveals no significant changes in plant or animal life.

Scientists believe that the charges generated by moving metallic material move in a circular motion around Earth's equatorial region, generating the north and south magnetic poles at the surface.

To know more about magnetic poles, click here.


what is ONE specific historical event or development in the period from 1850 to 1900
that contributed to the processes depicted in the image.


The westward movement was one particular occurrence or development in the years between 1800 and 1850 that contributed to the process shown in the picture.

The manifest destiny is one historical viewpoint that is depicted in the picture. The picture demonstrates the westward expansion of American civilization. The upper left image depicts explorers finding what looks to be uninhabited country, while the lower right image depicts people mining for gold in California, suggesting opportunities to benefit from westward migrations.

The westward movement was one particular occurrence or development in the years between 1800 and 1850 that contributed to the process shown in the illustration. Removal of American Indians resulted in the loss of land that U.S. migrants from the west could later purchase. Families and farmers moved mostly in search of economic opportunity and to settle in the West's emerging cities and towns.

The federal government's encouragement of western expansion was one particular historical outcome of the process represented in the image between the years 1844 to 1890. As a result, the West's economy was more fully integrated with the economies of the Northeast and Midwest and transportation networks like transcontinental railroads were expanded. This Continued economic development of the West.

To know more about westward movement refer:


which are shows where trade routes along the persian royal road could move from a land route to a water route



Besides the Red Sea maritime route, in the east the main routes included the Silk Road, which was the famous road that went from China to the Mediterranean region; the caravan route that came from the desert to Iraq and by the shores of the Persian Gulf to the east; and the sea route, where commodities were carried ...

Altohoug the two reagion had rougly the same pop in 1492 the pop denisty of north american was?


Although the two regions had roughly the same pop in 1492 the pop density of north America was much less than that of England.

Population density (in agriculture: standing density or standing density) is a measure of population per unit area, or specifically per unit volume; it is a quantity of the numeric density of the type. It is frequently applied to living organisms, mostly to humans. It is a major geographical term. In simple terms, population density is the number of people living in an area per square kilometer.

Population density is the number of people per unit area, usually expressed per square kilometer or a square mile, and may include or exclude, for example, areas of water or glaciers. Typically, this can be calculated for a county, city, another country, territory, or the entire world. Low densities can cause extinction vortexes and lead to further reductions in fertility. This is called the Allee effect after the scientist who identified it.

Learn more about Population density  here:


3.Usngdneirdsnta fo peeolp, bsfeeil dan csueltur. of people, Bsfcal O​


Um i don’t quite understand

Under congressional reconstruction after southern states readmitted to the union they were controlled by


Under congressional reconstruction after southern states were readmitted to the union, they were controlled by the US military.

The Reconstruction Act of 1867 was the second piece of legislation that was produced by the committee. It split former Confederate states other than Tennessee into five military districts and placed them under the direction of former Union generals. This was the first of several measures that defined the terms of congressional Reconstruction.

The Reconstruction era transformed the relationship between the federal government and the governments of the states, redefined American citizenship, increased the number of people who could vote and emphasized the distinctions between political and economic democracy.

Congressional Reconstruction also brought about the first state-funded public school systems in the South, more equal tax laws, anti-discrimination laws for public accommodations and transportation, and ambitious economic development initiatives (including aid to railroads and other enterprises).

To know more about congressional Reconstruction refer to:


Identify several of the basic samurai characteristics as shown in the Hagakure.


Hagakure is a Japanese time period and refers to the e-book of the Samurai. The word can imply both "within the Shadow of Leaves" or "Hidden Leaves." The e-book of the Samurai is a publication written with the aid of Yamamoto Tsunetomo and commenced to benefit popularity inside the Nineteen Thirties.

Hagakure: The Code of the Samurai (The Manga edition) is a profitable examination. the interpretation seems honest and unconcerned with conforming itself and its idealism to the expectations of the contemporary day. it's far, however, crucial to differentiate between drawing and storytelling.

Hagakure (Kyūjitai: 葉隱; Shinjitai: 葉隠; meaning within the Shadow of Leaves) even as "within the Shadow of Leaves" is a generally given translation, it seems extra poetic, while the more accurate translation is "Hidden by the leaves" or "Hidden leaves" (as Wilson states in his introduction).

Learn more about Hagakure here:


"Explain how freedoms for African Americans
were socially, politically, and economically
limited from 1865 to 1900."


With the cease of the conflict, the ratification of the 13th change to the charter furnished freedom for all African people within the USA. This freedom got here, but, for the duration of a time of extremely good countrywide disruption, at some stage in which African people faced difficult instances and an unsure future.

After the Civil conflict, with the safety of the thirteenth, Fourteenth, and 15th Amendments to the charter and the Civil Rights Act of 1866, African people loved a duration after they have been allowed to vote, actively take part in the political technique, acquire the land of former owners, are trying to find their own ...

Different African cultural values and practices include the experience of hospitality, appropriate family members, sacred and faith, sanctity of lifestyles, recognition for elders and authority, morality, language, proverbs and time, and so forth. nearly all the African cultural values are spinoffs of African communitarianism.

Learn more about Africans here:


1. What was the North known for? What were the communities like in the North compared to the South?


North vicinity, also referred to as the notable North Woods, is the northernmost place of the latest Hampshire. it's miles recognized for its low population density, outside sports, unfastened off-avenue trail get admission to, and formerly for larger paper production.

The North had an industrial financial system, an economy centered on production, whilst the South had an agricultural economy, an economic system centered on farming. Slaves labored on Southern plantations to farm crops, and Northerners could purchase those plants to produce items that they may sell.

The North and South each had lots of traits that have been comparable along with discrimination in opposition to African Americans, reliance on cotton, and the increase of factories in some large cities. The North and South also had plenty of variations such as their transportation, geography, and economical boom.

Maximum southerners were within the middle magnificence and were taken into communities by yeoman farmers, conserving just a few acres and residing in modest houses and cabins, elevating hogs and chickens, and growing corn and cotton. Few yeoman farmers had any slaves and if they did very own slaves, it became only one or two.

Learn more about communities here:-


What information did jeffery rose find about people who migrated from africa 200,000 years ago?


Jeffery rose find, a change in climate helped to push them out. Experts suggest that droughts in Africa led to starvation, and humans were driven to near extinction before they ever had a chance to explore the world. A climate shift and greening in the Middle East probably helped to draw the first humans out of Africa.

Around 1.8 million years ago, Homo erectus migrated out of Africa via the Levantine corridor and Horn of Africa to Eurasia.

Dr. Jeffrey Rose is an archaeologist who has dedicated most of his career to search for ancient humans’ migration out of Africa and Arabia.

To know more about Dr. Jeffrey Rose here


Which answer is not a magna carta principle that influenced the u.s. constitution?


Considering the mistake as choices are missing, the answer is,

The creation of a Feudalistic system, was not a Magna Carta principle, through which the Constitution of U.S.A., had been influenced.

Magna Carta, is considered to be document, dated back to 1215 AD, in which it was claimed for the very first time, as per the available sources, that the king is also under law or the king cannot be claim himself to be above law.

The the document had provided some four major principles from which the modern thoughts might have inspired as,

everyone is under law and not even the king and government, without any kind of cause and the evidences of the cause no one can be imprisoned or punished,

anyone can appeal to jury for the trail of their cause, the widow women had all the rights such as, resisting from remarriage and having property rights and not giving them up.

The document had focused upon, limiting the authority of monarch and stop or reduce the exploitation of people by establishing law above everyone.

The question seems incomplete as, the complete question goes as,

Which part of the Magna Carta is reflected in the US Constitution? FIRST, THAT WE HAVE GRANTED TO GOD, and by this present charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired. That we wish this so to be observed, appears from the fact that of our own free will, before the outbreak of the present dispute between us and our barons, we granted and confirmed by charter the freedom of the Church's elections—a right reckoned to be of the greatest necessity and importance to it—and caused this to be confirmed by Pope Innocent III. This freedom we shall observe ourselves, and desire to be observed in good faith by our heirs in perpetuity. TO ALL FREE MEN OF OUR KINGDOM we have also granted, for us and our heirs forever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs: No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land?

To know more about, Magna Carta, click here-


In what year did the era of the Chinese messenger begin?


Answer: Legends claim that the earliest rulers in China were the Xia Dynasty, from 2100 to 1600 B.C

How did the columbian exchange affect interaction between europeans and natives and among indigenous peoples in north america?


The introduction of diseases and animals as a result of the Columbian Exchange affected the locals (horses and cattle). The largest harshness brought by Europe to the locals was sickness. This is how the Columbian exchange affect interaction between Europeans and natives and among indigenous peoples in north America.

The Columbian Exchange

The Old World and New Worlds were separated by continental drift millions of years ago, dividing North and South America from Eurasia and Africa. Since the division persisted for such a long time, it encouraged divergent evolution, leading, for example, to the emergence of vipers on one side of the Atlantic and rattlesnakes on the other. Human explorers partially flipped this trend after 1492. One of the more remarkable and important ecological events of the previous millennium was the deliberate re-establishment of their linkages by the mixing of Old and New World plants, animals, and microorganisms, widely known as the Columbian Exchange.

To know more about 'Columbian Exchange', visit:


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