The U.S. Pursuit of bin Laden. 1.) Where did U.S. forces search for bin Laden?​


Answer 1
in Afghanistan to find him and other al Qaeda terrorists, but bin Laden managed to elude capture. In August 2010

Related Questions

Explain the difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination ??​


The process of transfer of pollen grains from anthers to the stigma of a flower, but when this process is between the flowers of the same plant then the term is called self-pollination. The process of transfer of pollen grains between the flowers of the different plants of the same species is called cross-pollination.

What is the theme of Edwards' message to his congregation? Why did audiences respond so favorably to Edward's preaching? After reading your text you should know from what movement this sermon derives and the effect that this and other sermons had on the listener; use specific examples from the sermon to illustrate exactly why it was effective. What does Edwards deal with most in this sermon? Would this sermon, if given today, have the same effect on people as it did in 1741?


Reverend Jonathan Edwards' main message in his sermon is to convey to his congregation and the nation at large his belief that God's judgment on all sinners will be harsher and more painful than they realize. He encourages them to repent while they still have the opportunity and to beg God for forgiveness.

Many in the congregation were said to be "jubilant" as they reflected on what they had heard because Edwards ended his sermon with hopeful words that assured his listeners that God was giving them a brief opportunity to mend their ways. Most historians consider Jonathan Edwards, a Northampton Anglican minister, to be one of the Great Awakening's founding fathers. Edwards' message centered on the idea that humans were sinners, God was an angry judge, and people needed to ask for forgiveness. He also preached justification by faith alone. Edwards was a key figure in shaping the First Great Awakening, and he oversaw some of the first revivals at his church in Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1733-35.

Learn more about Edwards here:


The Preamble to the Knights of Labor's
Constitution argues that big business will lead to worker poverty unless business is kept in check. What emotionally charged words are used to persuade readers? What feelings are these words meant to evoke?


Emotionally charged words are used to persuade readers was that the system established will ensure that the employee receives the benefits of his efforts, so preventing the pauperization and dismal degradation of the toiling masses.

The feeling these words meant to evoke are:

The biggest social hazard to the capitalism system is viewed as unchecked aggregate wealth.

According to the divine command, the complete unification of labor and the combined efforts of all who follow it will "secure the laborer the fruits of his toil."

arguing that the main tactic of a labor union could be to replace strikes with arbitration.

so that the workers can spend more time engaging in social activities and learning new things.

To know more about The Preamble to the Knights of Labor's

Constitution visit


How did the growth of colonial self-government impact the relationship between Britain and the colonies?   


The colonies enjoyed cordial ties with Britain, which they relied on for trade and protection against other countries with stakes in North America self-government.

The French and Indian War changed the relationship between Britain and its American colonies because it allowed Britain to become more "active" in colonial political and economic affairs through the imposition of regulations and the imposition of unfair taxes, which led the colonists to change their ideologies. Self-government conviction had a role in the American Revolution. The colonists were liberated from British political dominance. Since then, a self-governing republic has allowed the people of the United States to manage their own affairs. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which the 13 American colonies used to dissolve their political ties to Great Britain. Conflict between Great Britain and its North American colonies resulted from Britain's attempts to increase control over its colonies and raise money through direct taxes (e.g., Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, and Intolerable Acts) as a result of its debt from the French and Indian War. The British administration attempted to tax colonists to help pay for the war's tremendous costs, but this only served to fuel growing colonial resentment of the British attempts to bolster imperial control there.

Learn more about self-governing hear :


a. Give me one example of Whig History from S & A
b. Explain in as much detail as possible why you believe this is Whig (avoid terms like positive and negative).
a. Give me one example of Marxist History from Zinn
b. Explain in as much detail as possible why you believe this is Marxist (avoid terms like positive and negative).


1. Whig records  is an technique to historiography that provides history as a adventure from an oppressive and benighted beyond to a glorious gift. Whig is a member or supporter of a main British political institution of the late seventeenth thru early nineteenth centuries searching for to restrict the royal authority and growth parliamentary strength compare tory.

2. In Britain, Whig history is a view of British records that sees it as a consistent evolution of British parliamentary institutions, benevolently watched over via Whig aristocrats, and progressively spreading social development and prosperity. It described a continuity of establishments and practices due to the fact Anglo-Saxon instances that lent to English records a unique pedigree, one that instilled a different temper inside the English kingdom  and an approach to the sector issued in law and lent criminal precedent a position in keeping or extending the freedoms of Englishmen.

3. Communist party of soviet union is an example of Marxism.

4. Marxism is a social, political, and financial philosophy named after Karl Marx. It examines the impact of capitalism on exertions, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in prefer of communism.

Learn more about Whig here:-


which is a factor that led to the great depression



Different factors that lead to the great depression the stock market crash of 1929; the collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies; bank failures and panics; and the collapse of the money supply.

I hope this helps!

If you need any more information just comment!

Have an Amazing day!


The stock market crash of 1929;


Among the suggested causes of the Great Depression are: the stock market crash of 1929; the collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies; bank failures and panics; and the collapse of the money supply.

URGENT!!! i need a answer quick pls!
evaluate how each of the 3 reconstruction plans reunited, refromed, and rebuild the union after the civil war.
1.Lincoln's 10% plan
2.Johnson's presidential plan
3.Radical/congressional reconstruction plan


Generally, the reconstruction plans after the Civil war played a huge role in reuniting, reforming and rebuilding the union after the war.

What was the Lincoln's Reconstruction plan?

Aftermath the Civil war, the reconstruction plan was known as the Ten Percent Plan in which Abraham Lincoln hoped it would be fair and attainable for Southern states. as it required that former Confederates take an oath pledging allegiance to the Union and accepting the end of slavery.

What was the Johnson's presidential plan?

President Johnson's plan envisioned that Pardons would be granted to those taking a loyalty oath.

What was the congressional reconstruction plan?

The plan offered some opportunities to African-American people such as voting right, property ownership, education, legal rights, possibility of holding political office etc.

Read more about reconstruction plans


Item Set 1 - Question 2
According to Source 4, which of the following best describes a pull-factor that influenced the
Islenos to settle in Louisiana?
The Islenos came to Louisiana as a favor to Governor Galvez.
The Islenos came to Louisiana in order to become merchants because life was
harsh in the Canary Islands.
The Islenos were given land and tools as an incentive to come to Louisiana.
The Spanish forced the Islenos to come to Louisiana to populate the colony.


D. The Spanish forced the Islenos to come to Louisiana to populate the colony.

More about Islenos:

Isleos are a Spanish ethnic minority that largely hails from the Canary Islands and resides in the state of Louisiana in the United States. Isleos are descended from colonists who arrived in Spanish Louisiana between 1778 and 1783 and intermarried with other communities, primarily in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including Frenchmen, Acadians, Creoles, Hispanic Americans, Filipinos, and other groups.

In Louisiana, the first Isleos came in 1778, and more kept coming up until 1783. They had established themselves in four sites, which were situated throughout New Orleans to guard the city's entrances.

Learn more about Louisiana here:


Why do you think Johnson reached such different conclusions than other historians?


Henry Johnson reached different conclusions about history than other historians because he believed that history was a record of everything that ever happened in man's life.

On the other hand, other historians, like Wesley and Wronski, believed that history was a record of things said and done by man.

What is history?

History is the recorded activities of human beings for past periods.

Historians think history is the study, documentation, and interpretation of the past.

Historians should use history to record the inevitable changes in human affairs in the past because studying these changes will help to influence the present and future actions of human beings.

Thus, Henry Johnson's conclusions emphasized history as everything that ever happened in man's life, while other historians emphasized recorded history.

Learn more about History at


What is one way that archaeologists influence the interpretation of history?
by deciphering written records
by evaluating genetic information
by supplying evidence about how people lived
by establishing rules about how civilizations developed


Archaeologists wash, sort, catalog, and shop recovered artifacts after bringing them back from the sector. They analyze character artifacts, however also may sort them into companies to see patterns.

Archaeology is the study of beyond cultures. Archaeologists are inquisitive about how humans of the beyond lived, labored, traded with others, moved throughout the panorama, and what they believed. know-how the past can also help us higher apprehend our personal society and that of different cultures.

An archeologist calls for a grasp's degree or PhD in archeology. They would generally do area paintings for 12-30 months even as acquiring a PhD and plenty of master's ranges may also require area paintings hours as nicely. revel in in some shape of archaeological field paintings is commonly anticipated, by using employers.

Archaeologists discover employment in federal and nation authorities corporations, museums and historical sites, schools and universities, and engineering corporations with cultural resource control divisions. a few archaeologists work as experts or form their very own groups.

Learn more about Archaeologists here:


Use the excerpt from The General Public Statutory Law and Public Local Law of the State of Maryland to answer the question.

The excerpt demonstrates a key difference between indentured servitude and race slavery by noting that indentured

Be it therefore enacted, . . . That from and after the end of this present session of assembly, no negro or mulatto slave, free negro, or mulatto born of a white woman, during his time of servitude by law, or any Indian slave, or free Indian natives, of this or the neighbouring provinces, be admitted and received as good and valid evidence in law, in any matter or thing whatsoever depending before any court of record, or before any magistrate within this province, wherein any Christian white person is concerned.

. . . Where other sufficient evidence is wanting against any negro or mulatto slaves, free negro, or mulatto born of a white woman, during their servitude by law, or against any Indian native of this or the neighbouring provinces, in such a case the testimony of any negro or mulatto slave, free negro, mulatto born of a white woman, or Indian native of this or the neighbouring provinces, many be heard and received as evidence, according to the discretion of the several courts of record, or magistrate, before whom such a matter or thing against such negro, mulatto slave, &c. shall depend, provided such evidence or testimony do not extend to the depriving them, or any of them, of life or member.

. . . And, whereas in the law relating to servants and slaves there is no punishment or penalties laid upon negroes or mulattoes intermarrying with any white person, Be it therefore enacted, by and with the authority, advice and consent aforesaid, That if any free negro or mulatto intermarry with any white woman, or if any white many shall intermarry with any negro or mulatto woman, such negro or mulatto shall become a slave during life, excepting mulattoes born of white women, who for such intermarriage shall only become servants for seven years, to be disposed of as the justices of the county court where such marriage so happens shall think fit, to be applied by them towards the support of a public school within the said county, and any white many or white woman who shall intermarry as aforesaid with any negro or mulatto, such white man or white woman shall become servants during the term of seven years, and shall be disposed of by the justices as aforesaid,...

A. servants could break their terms of service while slaves could not
B. servitude was regulated by law, but slavery was not
C. servitude kept families together while slavery separated most
D. servants retained certain rights and freedoms denied slaves


The excerpt demonstrates a key difference between indentured servitude and race slavery by noting that indentured servitude was regulated by law, but slavery was not.

The answer is option B.

Indentured servitude differed from slavery in that it was a form of debt bondage, which means it became an agreed-upon term of unpaid exertions that typically paid off the expenses of the servant's immigration to the united states.

Indentured servants were not paid wages but they had been generally housed, clothed, and fed.

Slavery changed indentured servitude within the colonies inside the 1660s due to the fact shopping for slaves had become more economical for planters.

Life expectancy in the Chesapeake and Southern colonies had accelerated, which meant that indentured servants had been living long enough to meet their terms of indenture.

Learn more about Slavery here:


what is the term that refers to a person's right to vote in political elections
A. Abolition
B. Suffrage
C. Revival


Suffrage - the right to vote in political elections.
Is Abolition this elections

Adam Smith
O a) wrote Leviathan
O b) rejected the concept of monopolies
c) wrote White Man's Burden
d) rejected governmental economic intervention



Option B


Using the process of elimination we will find this answer. It's not option A because the Leviathan was wrote by Thomas Hobbs. It not option C because the White Man's Burden was written by Rudyard Kipling. Finally it's not option D because although there were times where Adam Smith believed the government shouldn't intervene with the economy but that was only certain aspects of the economy not the entire economy. Which means your best answer is option B or "rejected the concept of monopolies."

Hope this helps.

How was the work of henry ford influenced bye frederick W. Taylor?


Answer:As a consultant to Henry Ford, Taylor influenced his car assembly line time measurements. Taylor believed that there was “one right way” to perform a task, and Ford used that as inspiration to break down assembly line tasks into simpler ones.


According to Aristotle, the smallest human association is





Which helps enable an oligopoly to form within a market?




Which island's volcanic eruption was the possible cause of the
fall of the Minoan civilization?
A. Sicily
B. Thera
C. Rhodes
D. Simi





The answer will be B hope it helps

How was the new government [civil political body] similar or different from the monarchy in
Great Britain?


The new government (civil political authority) in Great Britain is distinct from the monarchy.

What distinguishes the new government [civil political body] from the British monarchy?

The new government, which has a civil political structure, differs from the monarchy in Great Britain because all decisions were made by the government through voting by the representatives who are members of parliament, as opposed to the monarchy, in which a king made all national decisions. For this reason, we can say that the new government is different from the monarchy in Great Britain.

The official description of the British government is that it operates as a parliamentary monarchy in the United Kingdom. The rise of a wide range of institutions, whose affiliations are managed by convention rather than statute, has led to the emergence of this.

Given that the Queen holds little political power, the function of the monarch is frequently defined as one that is secondary in the UK political system.

This does not, however, imply that the Queen has no political influence.

Learn more about monarchy in Great Britain:


1.What was an English economic belief regarding colonies?

Colonies required too many human resources to maintain.
Colonies required too many human resources to maintain.

A nation should support its colonies with all its treasures.
A nation should support its colonies with all its treasures.

The fewer colonies a nation has, the better.
The fewer colonies a nation has, the better.

Colonies were necessary to increase national wealth.

2.Why did the Cherokee join the French by the end of French and Indian War?

The British refused to sell guns and ammunition to the Cherokee.
The British refused to sell guns and ammunition to the Cherokee.

The French were unlikely to take Cherokee land.
The French were unlikely to take Cherokee land.

The British killed the Cherokee they had taken hostage after a dispute.
The British killed the Cherokee they had taken hostage after a dispute.

The French showed greater respect for the Cherokee religion.




1. Colonies were necessary to increase national wealth.

2. The British refused to sell guns and ammunition to the Cherokee.


1. The colonies were the moneymakers of England. This economic philosophy is called Mercantilism.


1.Why did the Cherokee join the French by the end of French and Indian War?  

Answer: The British killed the Cherokee they had taken hostage after a dispute.

2.What was an English economic belief regarding colonies?  

Answer: Colonies were necessary to increase national wealth.

3.Which belief did the English have about land use in the America?

Answer: Land was property to be owned individually.

4.Which influence did Africans have on the United States?

Answer: the continued use of African speech rhythms and the banjo.

5.How did the arrival of Africans to the southeast United States have an impact on agriculture?

Answer: It introduced rice production into the area.

On what basic idea did army officers and state officials agree during the
American Revolution, regarding Congress?


The Revolution drew together the thirteen colonies, each with its own records and individual identification, first in resistance to new imperial guidelines and taxes, then in rising up, and sooner or later in a shared war for independence.

the American Revolution turned into an epic political and military warfare waged between 1765 and 1783 while 13 of England's North American colonies rejected its imperial rule. The protest began in opposition to taxes levied without colonial representation by means of the British monarchy and Parliament.

The Revolution drew together the thirteen colonies, every with its personal history and individual identity, first in resistance to new imperial guidelines and taxes, then in rebellion, and in the end in a shared battle for independence.

Learn more about  American Revolution here:


1. Javier walks down North Street to get to school but today
the street is closed so he needs to adapt.

Is the word adapt used Correct or incorrect


Correct, be needs to get used to it

3. How was purity connected to femininity?


The purity movement become born out of the Nineties protestant Christianity, a reaction to the AIDS epidemic, and a rejection of the '60s and '70s free love movement. The pure way of life promoted abstaining from intercourse until marriage and, in some cases, discouraged relationships.

The purity movement was born out of Nineteen Nineties protestant Christianity, a response to the AIDS epidemic and a rejection of the '60s and '70s loose love movement. The purity subculture promoted abstaining from sex until marriage and, in some instances, discouraged relationships.

Social purity as a movement took root in the mid-1800s in England and changed into prominently lead by using an evangelical female Jane Ellice Hopkins. She spent her early youth and early adulthood on the east coast of the united states, however, her transformative social paintings began in the UK.

Learn more about purity here;


The Latin American Revolutions primarily involved what dynamic?

A. Caribbean countries becoming independent from each other
B. The Spanish kicking Napoleon's forces out of their country
C. Indigenous Americans gaining equal rights as those of European descent
D. Central and South American countries gaining independence from Spain and Portugal


The primary dynamic that was involved in the  Latin American Revolutions was that it helped Central and South American countries gaining independence from Spain and Portugal. Hence, Option D is correct.

What is the Latin American Revolution?

The Revolution was considered one of the four greatest revolutions that occurred in the countries of Mexico, Bolivia, Cuba, and Nicaragua from 1910 to 1979.

It involved a substantial violent and voluntary struggle which was against political power, and it also overthrew the established kinds of things that come under the political, economic, social, and cultural orders. All these were the results of the Latin American Revolution.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about Latin American Revolution from here:



D. Central and South American countries gaining independence from Spain and Portugal


I took the history test

How many English settlers lived in North America by 1750?




fact checked it

Paraphrase what is happening:
"While to the shore the rapid vessel flies.
30 Our swift approach the Siren choir descries":
Celestial" music warbles from their tongue Ulysses


Half-birds, half beautiful maidens, the Sirens were singing enchantresses capable of luring passing sailors to their islands, and, subsequently, to their doom. Daughters of the river god Achelous and a Muse, they were fated to die if anyone should survive their singing.

Achelous changed into the god of the most powerfully flowing river in Greece, and so become the leader of all of the river gods. The land alongside the river turned into dominated via the king of the close by metropolis of Calydon. The king had a lovely daughter named Dejanira.

Achelous turned into conquered within the contest, but as he possessed the energy of assuming numerous paperwork, he metamorphosed himself first right into a serpent and then right into a bull. But in this form too he was conquered by way of Heracles, and disadvantaged of one among his horns, which however he recovered by means of giving up the horn of Amalthea.

At first in Greek mythology, Achelous was the god of all rivers and water of the world. in the course of Hellenistic instances, he changed into most effective related to the Achelous river. that is the most important river in all Greece. Each river has its personal river spirit and Achelous become taken into consideration the chief of all the deities of rivers.

Learn more about Achelous here:-


20 questions of apartheid pass law act


The National Party (NP), which ruled South Africa from 1948 to 1994, imposed the apartheid system of racial segregation through legislation.

Pass laws have existed since the Cape Colony in 1760, when slaves travelling between urban and rural areas were needed to have permits allowing them to do so. The pass laws restricted their freedom of travel by giving police the authority to demand that Africans present them with documents that had been duly endorsed or face detention.

During the time when the white minority ruled South Africa, there was an oppressive political and social system known as apartheid. It imposed racial discrimination against people of colour, primarily based on their skin tone and facial characteristics. Between 1948 and the beginning of the 1990s, this was a thing in the twentieth century.

Early in the 1990s, apartheid-supporting laws were overturned under F.W. de Klerk's presidency of South Africa, and a new constitution that gave blacks and other ethnic groups more rights were ratified in 1993.

Learn more about apartheid here:


The city of Tenochtitlán was the capital city of which of the following peoples?

Group of answer choices



The city of Tenochtitlán was the capital city of which of the following peoples?

the Aztec empire

Which of the following is not a type of biodiversity?
a) Species diversity
b) Ecosystem diversity
c) Genetic diversity
d) Colour Diversity


I think colour diversity
Hi there! The correct answer is “Colour Diversity”.

Explanation: Bio means something that is living, and colours aren’t alive. Hope this helps, take care! :)

What were the consequences of the treaty of Versailles for Germany? Check all that apply

A) Germany regained the land it had lost during the war.
B) Germany had to give up the territories it had captured.
C) Germany won reparations from other European nations.
D) Germany surrendered most of its military resources.
E) Germany was forced to take financial responsibility for damages.


The consequences of the treaty of Versailles for Germany were Germany had to give up the territories it had captured, Germany surrendered most of its military resources, Germany was forced to take financial responsibility for damages.

The terms of the treaty required that Germany pay economic reparations, disarm, lose territory, and give up all of its overseas colonies. It also called for the advent of the League of nations, an institution that President Woodrow Wilson strongly supported and had originally mentioned in his Fourteen points address. Germany became forced to demilitarize the Rhineland, Germany changed into forced to pay reparations to the French and English, and Germany changed into pressured to just accept total guilt for the battle.

The Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for starting the war and imposed harsh penalties at the Germans, which includes lack of territory, large reparations bills and demilitarization. After the Treaty of Versailles called for punishing reparations, financial collapse and every other world conflict thwarted Germany's potential to pay. After the Treaty of Versailles referred to as for punishing reparations, economic crumble and another global war thwarted Germany's ability to pay.

Learn more about The treaty of Versailles for Germany here:-


How did Anne Hutchinson influence the development of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
O She encouraged people to find God without the help of ministers.
O She convinced the colony to separate church and state.
O She was chosen to be governor of the colony.
She convinced leaders to ban enslavement in the colony.


The way that Anne Hutchinson influence the development of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was that She encouraged people to find God without the help of ministers.

Who was Anne Hutchinson?

This woman was a Christian leader that was known for the way that she challenged the Christian leaders at the time in the colonies. She disagreed with the popular teaching that salvation was a function of the works that the believers engaged in instead of the divine grace of God.

Hence we can say that the way that Anne Hutchinson influence the development of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was that She encouraged people to find God without the help of ministers.

Read more on Anne Hutchinson here:


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