The primary purpose of fruits is
A. attracting pollinators
B. providing nutrients to seeds
C. protecting the seeds from animals
D. protecting and dispersing the seeds
E. providing nutrients to animals


Answer 1

Fruits' main function is to preserve and spread their seeds.

Is fruit the main means of seed dispersal?

Many plant species rely on their fruits to help spread their seeds. The seeds of dehiscent fruits, such as poppy capsules, are typically distributed from the fruits themselves, which may still be attached to the plant. The fruit and seeds are frequently transferred away from the parent plant together in fleshy or indehiscent fruits.

What is a primary function's name?

The major component of a programme description is a self-contained set of statements that includes lines of code or several functions. The M-file is the name of the main function, which is where the programme description is described.

To know more about seed dispersal visit:-


Related Questions

Which of the following is found both in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?A.LysosomesB.MicrobodiesC.VacuolesD.Ribosomes


Ribosomes is the proper response.The ribosomes are totally made up of RNA as well as proteins.

In a ribosome, an intercellular structure made of both RNA and protein, the process of making proteins occurs in a cell. The messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence is decoded by the ribosome, which translates the genetic code into a particular string of amino acids that form extended chains and fold to form proteins.Prokaryotic cells lack true nuclei and organelles that are connected to membranes. Only eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the golgi complex, lysosomes, mitochondria, microbodies, and vacuoles are only a few of the membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells. The Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles which are mostly are found as in both the eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.True nuclei are absent in prokaryotic cells.

To know more about ribosomes please check the following link


nondisjunction that leads to problems in offspring can occur in _____.


Nondisjunction that causes problems in offspring can occur in meiosis I and II. As a result of nondisjunction, the chromatids do not separate, hence, one cell acquires both chromatids and other cell no chromatids.

Where does nondisjunction occur?

Nondisjunction, in which the chromosomes do not segregate evenly, can occur in meiosis I (layer 1), meiosis II (layer 2), and mitosis (layer 3). These unequal divisions can produce daughter cells with unexpected chromosome numbers called aneuploids.

What happens when nondisjunction occurs?

When nondisjunction occurs, the chromatids do not separate. As a result, one cell acquires both chromatids and the other cell acquires no chromatids. Upon completion of mitosis, each daughter cell has an abnormal number of chromosomes. One cell has an extra chromosome and the other cell has no chromosome

What are main types of nondisjunction?

There are three types of nondisjunction: Failure to separate homologous chromosome pairs at meiosis I, failure to separate sister chromatids at meiosis II, and failure to separate sister chromatids at mitosis. Nondisjunction results in daughter cells with abnormal chromosome numbers (aneuploidy). 

To learn more about nondisjunction visit:


What are the disadvantages of mammals


they have to reproduce sexually and they are heterotrophs which means that they have to hunt for their own food

NGSSS Check 3. Describe some characteristics used to group organisms into different kingdoms. SC.6.L.15.1​


organisms are grouped into different kingdom by:

Complexity of cells either Prokaryotic or eukaryoticthe modes of nutrition either Autotrophic or heterotrophic Phylogenetic relationship either Closeness between organisms in terms of evolution.Complexity of the organism either Unicellular or multi,,


In biology, organisms are grouped into different kingdoms based on several characteristics, including:

Cell type: Organisms are classified based on the type of cells they possess, such as prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

Mode of nutrition: Organisms are classified based on their mode of nutrition, such as autotrophic or heterotrophic.

Body organization: Organisms are classified based on their body organization, such as single-celled or multi-cellular.

Reproduction: Organisms are classified based on their method of reproduction, such as asexual or sexual.

Evolutionary history: Organisms are classified based on their evolutionary history and relationships to other species.


These characteristics are used to place organisms into one of five main kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

During glycolysis, one molecule of _____ is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate, driving the synthesis of ATP.


During glycolysis, one molecule of glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate, driving the synthesis of ATP. Hence, the correct answer is glucose molecule.

What is synthesis of ATP?

ATP is produced by the enzyme F1F0-ATP synthase. The enzyme's soluble, hydrophilic headpiece, F1, which is embedded in the membrane, synthesises ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). This enzyme is the tiniest molecular machine ever discovered.

By adding a phosphorous group, ADP can be easily converted to ATP. This is referred to as phosphorylation. ATP is an important component of cellular metabolism. ATP synthesis by FoF1 consists of three steps: proton translocation through Fo, conformation transmission to F1, and -unit ATP synthesis. It is the most significant donor of free energy in any biological system in which it occurs. It is synthesised in eukaryotes during photosynthesis and respiration in both chloroplasts and mitochondria.

Learn more about synthesis here:


which group of macromolecules is gluten classified as?


Gluten is classified as a protein, which is one of the four main macromolecules along with carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

Gluten is a type of protein, which is one of the four main macromolecules or biomolecules found in living organisms. Specifically, gluten is a mixture of two proteins called glutenin and gliadin, which are found in wheat and related grains such as barley and rye.

Proteins are composed of long chains of amino acids, which are held together by peptide bonds. The sequence of amino acids in a protein determines its unique structure and function. Gluten is known for its unique properties, including its ability to form a network of protein strands that give the dough its elasticity and ability to rise.

Know more about Gluten here:


When creating a serial dilution from 1/10 to 1/1000, the first dilution will be[a] part sample and[b] parts diluent (what you dilute the sample in). The second dilution will be one part [c] and nine parts[d]. The final dilution will be one part [e] and nine parts diluent.


Serial dilution by mixing 1 microliter of the sample with 0.999 ml of diluent, you might create 1/1,000. because standard pipettors cannot reliably measure 1 microliter (or even 10 microliters). In order to get 1/1,000, perform three sequential 1/10 dilutions (0.1 ml [100 microliters] into 0.9 ml).

A dilution factor (DF) of 10 indicates a 1:10 dilution, or 1 component solute plus 9 parts diluent for a total of 10 parts. The DF can be used alone or as the fraction's denominator. Another method is to first dilute the stock by 1/10 times, and then further dilute it by 1/100: The dilution is 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/100 = 1/10,000. This would result in a stock dilution of 1/10,000 yielding 100 ml.

To know more about Serial dilution click here:


Collecting vessels are formed by the convergence of several lymphatic
thoracic duct


The thoracic duct and many lymphatic capillaries join through lymph trunks to form collecting vessels.

What is called the vessels?

There are three types of blood vessels: Your arteries carry blood away from your heart. Veins allow blood to return to the heart. Capillaries, the smallest blood vessels, connect veins and arteries. a channel via which the body's blood circulates. The network of blood vessels includes veins, capillaries, venules, arteries, and arterioles.

How many blood vessels are in the body?

By the time we reach maturity, each of us has 60,000 miles of blood vessels inside our bodies, which is more than twice the circumference of the globe. These blood veins maintain blood flow, which maintains the health of your organs, including the heart, and provides oxygen and nutrition to your tissues. The blood, arteries, and heart deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells.. The body's network of veins, arteries, and capillaries enables blood to transport carbon dioxide into the lungs (for expiration) and pick up oxygen. Once food nutrients have been collected from the small intestine, they are delivered to every cell of the body through the blood.

To know more about Vessels visit:


a substance moving from outside the cell into the cytoplasm must pass through __________.


The answer is: the plasma membrane

A substance moving from outside the cell into the cytoplasm must pass through _____. the plasma membrane.

What is the problem with the biological species concept?


According to the generally recognised Biological Species Concept (BSC), a species is any collection of organisms that is able to interbreed and produce viable offspring.

However, there are certain restrictions and disadvantages to this idea. The BSC has a significant flaw in that it is unable to distinguish between species in asexual organisms, like the majority of bacteria, which may reproduce without the need of two separate parents.

Furthermore, because hybrids typically lack the ability to generate healthy offspring because of the blending of diverse genetic materials, the idea fails to detect species in hybrids. Furthermore, because the BSC depends on being able to monitor a species' reproductive activities, it cannot be used to study extinct species.

Finally, the notion relies significantly on the common assumption that species are unique and reproductively separated, which is not necessarily true. The power of the Biological Species Concept to precisely define species is therefore constrained.

To learn more about asexual visit:


Why do shade adapted plants produce more chlorophyll than sun adapted plants produce?


Shade-adapted plants produce more chlorophyll than sun-adapted plants in order to capture and utilize as much light energy as possible in low-light conditions.

Chlorophyll is the pigment in plants that absorbs light energy from the sun and converts it into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. In low-light conditions, such as in the shade, there is less light available for photosynthesis, so shade-adapted plants have evolved to produce more chlorophyll to capture as much light energy as possible. Sun-adapted plants, on the other hand, are adapted to high-light conditions and have evolved to produce less chlorophyll to avoid damage from excess light energy. Too much light energy can damage plant tissues and cause the production of reactive oxygen species, which can be harmful to the plant. Sun-adapted plants have evolved various strategies to protect themselves from excess light, such as producing UV-absorbing compounds, antioxidants, and protective pigments other than chlorophyll.

Learn more about chlorophyll here:


Chordates possess several distinguishing characteristics that separate them from other animal groups. Check all of the features that one would use to classity members into this phylum. a. postanal tailb. cranium c. pharyngeal slits d. notochorde. dorsal hollow nerve cordf. vertebral column.


The features that can be used to classify members of the Chordata phylum are a. Postanal tail, c. Pharyngeal slits, d. Notochord, e. A dorsal hollow nerve cord

B and F are not universal characteristics of all chordates, as not all chordates have a cranium (skull) or vertebral column (backbone). However, some subgroups of chordates, such as vertebrates, do have these structures.

Chordata is a phylum of animals that includes vertebrates (such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) as well as some invertebrates (such as lancelets and tunicates) Chordates are found in a variety of environments, including marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats. Vertebrates make up the majority of the chordate phylum and are characterized by having a vertebral column (backbone) and a cranium (skull), which protects the brain. Chordates are important ecologically, as they play important roles in food webs and ecosystem processes, and they are also important to humans for food, recreation, and scientific study.

Learn more about chordatehere:


Does protein expression begin with transcription or translation?
a. translation
b. transcription


Transcription, the act of creating a complementary RNA (cRNA) copy of a DNA sequence, is the first step in the production of proteins.

The messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule is produced when the enzyme RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter region of a gene during transcription. Afterward, the mRNA molecule is moved from the nucleus and into the cell's cytoplasm, where it may be translated into a useful protein.

Decoding the mRNA into a string of amino acids that makes up a protein is known as translation. The transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are used by the ribosome to carry the relevant amino acids to the ribosome during translation after reading the mRNA codons.

The ribosome then connects the amino acids in the proper order to make a protein. Then, this protein may carry out its biological tasks. Thus, transcription precedes translation in the production of proteins.

To learn more about Transcription visit:


the specialized phospholipid 'sphingomyelin' (best known for its role in forming the myelin sheath insulating peripheral nerves) is found as a component of the


Sphingomyelin is a specialized phospholipid found in membranes of myelin sheath which surrounds the axons of nerve cell.

Myelin sheath which covers the nerve cell axons are rich in sphingomyelin. The role of myelin sheath is to protect and support nerve cells. As signals pass through the axons as action potentials the myelin sheath acts as an insulator.

The role of sphingomyelin was unknown until recently. Apart from acting as an insulator, it also has role in signal transduction. The synthesis of sphingomyelin produces diacylglycerol, which acts as a secondary messenger. The degradation of sphingomyelin produces ceramide, which has role in apoptotic signaling pathway.

So sphingomyelin is present membranes of myelin sheath which surrounds the axons of nerve cell.

For more information regarding myelin sheath and sphingomyelin, Kindly refer


What is a correct way of naming an organism using the binomial system?
A Common buttercup
Branunculus acris
C Ranunculus acris
D Ranunculus sp.


Answer: Ranunculus acris is correct way of naming an organism using the binomial system. So, option C.

Answer: Ranunculus acris is correct way of naming an organism using the binomial system.


which of the following is not true concerning simple columnar epithelium? multiple choice it lines the uterus and stomach. it secretes digestive fluid and absorbs nutrients. its cells contain an elongated nucleus. its cells are thin and delicate. it consists of a single layer of cells.


Option E, The statement that is NOT true concerning simple columnar epithelium . Simple columnar epithelium is a type of tissue that is composed of a single layer of elongated cells with an elongated nucleus.

It lines the stomach and the uterus, where it plays a role in the secretion of digestive fluid and the absorption of nutrients. Simple columnar epithelium can also be found in other regions of the body, such as the digestive tract and the respiratory system. The cells in simple columnar epithelium are not thin and delicate, but rather are tall and closely packed together. They can also have specialized structures, such as cilia or microvilli, which increase their surface area and allow for greater absorption or secretion. Overall, simple columnar epithelium is a highly functional and cells specialized tissue that plays important roles in many organs and systems in the body.

Learn more about Simple columnar epithelium here:


The complete Question is:

Which of the following is NOT true concerning simple columnar epithelium?

A. a single layer of cells

B. secretes digestive fluid and absorbs nutrients

C. an elongated nucleus

D. lines the uterus and stomach

E. cells are thin and delicate

explain how temperature and rainfall affect the distribution of biomes


The increase in temperature and an increase of rain increases forests. Less water and cooler temperature can result in grasslands biome.

forest is an important biome as it evolves maximum oxygen and resources for the organisms.

The maximum growth rate of the forest depends on the temperatures rise above 10 °C and is in the warmest months and the annual rain is more than 200 mm, heavy rainfall is needed to grow the forest.

In biome growth takes place in region of high latitudes (60° to 90°) which is farthest from the equator which receive the least amount of sunlight and have lower temperatures.

taiga and tundra is the example of biome.

To know more about biomes,


The model shows the same image for energy during each stage. Explain how you could improve the model to better represent the energy released during each stage


It can be improved by the stages being shown seprately to make it easier for the people who are looking at it to see whats changing each time.

Energy, which is observable in the execution of labor as well as in the form of heat and light, is the quantitative quality that is transferred to a body or to a physical system in physics. Energy is a preserved resource; according to the rule of conservation of energy, energy can only be transformed from one form to another and cannot be created or destroyed.

The joule is the SI's (International System of Units) unit of measurement for energy (J). A moving object's kinetic energy and an object's stored potential energy are examples of common types of energy (for instance due to its position in a field).

Learn more about energy here:


the energy transfer for a 100m sprinter running a race


When a 100m sprinter runs a race, energy is transferred in various forms within their body and from the environment like mechanical energy into thermal energy.

Initially, the chemical energy stored in the body's muscle cells in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is converted into mechanical energy that propels the sprinter forward. This conversion occurs through the process of cellular respiration, where glucose and oxygen are metabolized to produce ATP and release energy.

As the sprinter's feet push off the ground, they transfer mechanical energy to the track, which is absorbed and then released as elastic potential energy. The sprinter's body also converts some of the mechanical energy into thermal energy, which dissipates heat.

Know more about ATP here:


when two populations no longer share the same gene pool, then ______ has occurred.


the answer is speciation

which of the following components of a nucleotide bond together to form the backbone of a dna molecule? which of the following components of a nucleotide bond together to form the backbone of a dna molecule? nitrogenous base and sugar nitrogenous base and phosphate phosphate and sugar


A sugar-phosphate backbone is created when the 5-carbon sugar and phosphate groups join forces with additional nucleotides.

What is the name of the bond that makes up the nucleic acid backbone?

The nucleic acid strands that make up all of the life that exists on Earth are held together by phosphodiester bonds. When precisely two hydroxyl groups in phosphoric acid combine with hydroxyl groups on other molecules to form ester bonds, the resulting bond is known as a phosphodiester bond.

The DNA double helix is composed of the bases in the centre and the sugar and phosphate group as its backbone. The backbone is held together by a chemical connection between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the sugar of a nearby nucleotide.

To learn more about DNA use :


The many branches leading into the human lungs become smaller until they end in small sacs called alveoli. Each alveolus is surrounded by a net of tiny capillaries.How does the finely branched structure of the capillary nets relate to their function in the respiratory system?Answer options with 4 optionsA.The branching capillaries allow the flowing blood to warm all of the surfaces of the alveoli.B.The branching capillaries attach to the walls of the alveoli to keep them expanded and full of air.C.The branching capillaries join bundles of alveoli together and keep them separated from other bundles.D.The branching capillaries provide many points where the capillaries and alveoli touch and exchange gases.


Answer: D. The branching capillaries provide many points where the capillaries and alveoli touch and exchange gases.

Explanation: The finely branched structure of the capillary nets is essential for their function in the respiratory system. Here's why:

Gas exchange: The main function of the respiratory system is to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the bloodstream.  The alveoli are responsible for this gas exchange. The branching capillaries surround each alveolus, forming a dense network that allows for efficient exchange of gases.

Increased surface area: The branching capillaries increase the surface area available for gas exchange.  The numerous branches create a large total area for contact between the capillaries and the alveoli.  This increased surface area allows for a higher rate of diffusion, ensuring that oxygen can enter the bloodstream and carbon dioxide can be removed efficiently.

Close proximity: The capillaries in the respiratory system are in close proximity to the alveoli.  This proximity ensures that the distance for gas exchange is minimal, allowing for a rapid exchange of gases across the thin walls of the alveoli and capillaries.

Thin walls: Both the alveoli and capillaries have thin walls, which further facilitates gas exchange. The thin walls allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse across easily.

Learn more about lungs here:

A gardener removes the terminal buds on a group of chrysanthemums but leaves all axillary buds intact. How is this likely to affect the plants?
A. They will die.
B. Their growth will accelerate.
C. Their growth will slow down.
D. They will become shorter and bushier.
E. There will be little effect, because meristems are still present.


A gardener removes the terminal buds on a group of chrysanthemums but leaves all axillary buds intact. Then they will become shorter and bushier. So option (D) is correct.

A terminal bud is a bud located at the apex of the stem where most of the plant growth occurs. Therefore it is also known as apical or apex bud.

A terminal bud allows the elongation of the cells which leads to the growth of the plant. The terminal bud appears at the end of the main shoot of the plant only.

Axillary bud is the bud which is located in the axis between a leaf and a stem and may form lateral branches, leaves, or flowers.

Terminal buds grow at the top or apex of the stem and on the other hand, axillary buds grow laterally in context to the stem.

So if we cut the terminal bud, the plant will not be able to grow taller as the terminal bud is responsible for the growth of the plant and as a result will become shorter and because the axial bud is still intact which will give rise to the lateral branches therefore the plant will become bushier.

To know more about terminal and axillary bud, click below:


Consider the elements, listed, found in the human body. Which two are major components, making up at least 3% each of the human body?a. hydrogen b. cobalt c. selenium d. magnesium e. carbon


The two major components that make up at least 3% each of the human body are: e. Carbon d. Magnesium

Carbon is a key component of organic molecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that make up the majority of the body's tissues. It is also a major component of DNA, which carries genetic information. Magnesium is an essential mineral that is involved in numerous cellular processes in the body, including energy production, protein synthesis, and muscle and nerve function. It is also a cofactor for many enzymes and plays a role in regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels. While the other elements listed, such as hydrogen, cobalt, and selenium, are also found in the human body, they are present in much smaller amounts and do not make up a significant portion of the body's mass.. It is also a major component of DNA, which carries genetic information.. It is also a cofactor for many enzymes and plays a role in regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

To learn more about Carbon refer to this link


What is the liquid part of the blood that consists of water salts and dissolved proteins known as?


Plasma is the term for the liquid component of blood that contains dissolved proteins and water salts.

What does plasma do for your body?

Plasma, the liquid component of your blood, accounts for 55% of its overall volume. In order to help your body recover from wounds, transport nutrients, remove waste, or prevent infection, plasma must flow throughout the circulatory system.

How do you get plasma from blood?

Put entire plasma in some kind of a microcentrifuge tube and collect it. After gathering the whole blood, leave it unbroken at room temperature to allow your blood to coagulate. Normally, this takes 15 to 30 minutes. By centrifuging at 1,000–2,000 x g for ten min in a refrigerator, the clot can be removed.

To know more about plasma visit:


The Mohorovicic discontinuity is the __________.

A) division between the lithosphere and asthenosphere

B) boundary between solid and molten rock

C) transition from granitic to basaltic crust

D) boundary between outer core and inner core

E) boundary where crust gives way to mantle


The line between the crust and mantle is known as the Mohorovicic Discontinuity, abbreviated Moho. This barrier is situated at a depth of the Earth's surface of about 2891 kilometres.

The boundary between both the crust and the mantle is currently known as the Mohorovii discontinuity, sometimes referred to as the Moho. It is a distinct leap in seismic wave velocity. As you are surely aware, the earth's surface and mantle are separated by the Mohorovicic Discontinuity. It would be constructed of many elements, including oxygen, iron, sodium, silicon, & aluminium. Rocks that make it up the Earth's crust & mantle would contain these elements.

Learn more about surface


How have plants adapted to different environmental stresses?​


Answer: Plant adaptation to environmental stress  - Plants are immobile organisms and so rely on their ability to adapt to the environment to survive. Plant responses to stresses like heat, high salinity, and drought involve a rapid, reversible process that modifies proteins called SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier).


the term lymphadenopathy refers to group of answer choices accumulations of lymph in the tissue space. increased numbers of circulating lymphocytes. a chronic or excessive enlargement of lymph nodes. the lack of lymphocytes in peripheral circulation. a congenital lack of lymph nodes.


A condition known as lymphadenopathy or adenopathy causes the Lymphocytes to grow or behave abnormally. The most frequent type of lymphadenopathy is lymphadenitis, which results in swollen or enlarged lymph nodes.

Lymphocytes are one of the subclasses of leukocytes, a type of white blood cell that is present in most vertebrates. Natural killer cells, T cells, and B cells are examples of lymphocyte types that take part in both cell-mediated, cytotoxic innate immunity and cell-mediated, cytotoxic adaptive immunity (for humoral, antibody-driven adaptive immunity). The term "lymphocyte" refers to them as the predominant class of lymphatic cells. 18–42% of the white blood cells that are circulated throughout the body are lymphocytes.

To learn more about Lymphocytes click on the given link:


the destruction of the fibrin of a blood clot is called___-Fibrinolysis.-Plasmin-Thrombus-Embolus


The destruction of the fibrin of a blood clot is called Fibrinolysis.

Fibrinolysis is the process through which blood clots are prevented from forming and becoming harmful. Primary fibrinolysis is a natural bodily activity, whereas secondary fibrinolysis is the breakdown of clots caused by a medication, a medical issue, or another factor. A fibrin clot, the product of coagulation, is broken down during fibrinolysis. Its major enzyme, plasmin, breaks the fibrin mesh at numerous points, resulting in circulating pieces that are removed by other proteases or the kidney and liver.

The formation of a blood clot, known as a thrombus, within a blood vessel is referred to as thrombosis. It hinders regular blood flow through the circulatory system. Thrombosis is a potentially fatal condition that can affect anyone of any age, race, gender, or ethnicity. The body's first line of defence against bleeding is blood clotting, often known as coagulation. When we injure ourselves, our coagulation system generates a "plug" or "seal" to keep us from bleeding too much. Our bodies usually break down the clot once we've healed, however clots might form incorrectly or fail to dissolve after an injury. A thrombus is a blood clot that forms and remains in a blood vessel.

To learn more about Blood clot Please click on the given link:


Select each of the following organisms whose cells reproduce by binary fission.

Your answer:




Spotted qecko


Out of the organisms listed, only "E. Coli" and "Salmonella" reproduce by binary fission. Option B and C are correct.

Escherichia coli, commonly known as E. coli, is a unicellular prokaryotic organism that reproduces by binary fission. During binary fission, the E. coli cell replicates its DNA and divides into two identical daughter cells.

Salmonella is a unicellular, rod-shaped, gram-negative bacterium that reproduces by binary fission. During binary fission, the bacterial cell replicates its DNA and then splits into two identical daughter cells. This is the most common method of reproduction for bacterial cells and allows Salmonella to increase in number rapidly. Salmonella can be a pathogenic bacteria and can cause food poisoning in humans and animals.

To know more about binary fission here


--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

"Select each of the following organisms whose cells reproduce by binary fission. A) Earthworm B) E. Coli C) Salmonella D) Spotted qecko"--

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