The histogram to the right shows the neck sizes (in inches) of the men recruited for a health study. which summary statistics would you choose to summarize the center and spread in these data? why?


Answer 1

The histogram to the right shows the neck sizes (in inches) of the men recruited for a health study. The mean and standard deviation is the summary statistics which would be chosen to summarize the center and spread in these data.

What is the reason behind choosing mean and standard deviation?

A group of scores are averaged to form the mean. The total scores were divided by the total scores. When population samples are tiny, the mean is susceptible to extreme scores. For instance, if two students in a class of 20 scored significantly higher than the others, the mean will be skewed higher than the other students' scores may suggest. When using means, bigger sample sizes are preferable.

In statistics, the measurement of variability known as the standard deviation (SD) is frequently utilized. It demonstrates how different things are from the norm (mean). While a high SD shows that the data are dispersed throughout a wide range of values, a low SD suggests that the data points tend to be close to the mean.

To know more about mean and standard deviation, visit:


Related Questions

Puberty does not normally occur in humans under the age of 8 years, because before that age:_____.



the child has not so much devoloped mental ability to hand the problems and the hypothalamus fails to secret GnRH in a pulsatile fashion

During the last stage of the purchase decision process, known as ________, a consumer compares a purchased product with his or her expectations. multiple choice question.


During the last stage of the purchase decision process, known as postpurchase behavior, a consumer compares a purchased product with his or her expectations.

This is further explained below.

What is postpurchase behavior?

Generally, Post-buy behavior is a customer's thoughts, feelings, and actions after they have made a purchase of some kind.

When a consumer reaches this stage, they are determining whether or not they are pleased with the product that they have purchased.

The way that customers feel will play a role in determining whether or not they make more purchases from your company.

A decision-making process is a set of stages done by a person to choose the best alternative or course of action to satisfy their requirements.

These steps may vary depending on the kind of decision-making process being used.

In the context of a company, it refers to a series of activities that are carried out by managers inside an organization to establish the route that will be followed by business initiatives and to put certain measures into motion.

In conclusion, Post-buy behavior is the last step of the purchase decision process, during which a customer evaluates a product based on how well it meets his or her needs and fulfills his or her expectations.

Read more about postpurchase behavior


People who have a strong sense of _______are quick to cope with problems rather than stewing and brooding about them.


People who have a sturdy feel of self efficacy are rapid to cope with troubles alternatively than stewing and brooding about them.

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's faith in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce unique overall performance attainments (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). Self-efficacy reflects self assurance in the potential to exert control over one's very own motivation, behavior, and social environment.

What is self-efficacy mindset?

Self-efficacy in the tutorial realm is the faith and confidence that one has in regard to his or her capability to accomplish significant studying duties and produce the favored effects (Brozo & Flynn, 2008). Perseverance refers to the tendency to pursue long-term desires with sustained effort and tough work.

Learn more about self efficacy here:

do you think we all need to help to protect the planet?


A planet is a celestial frame that (a) is in orbit around the solar, (b) has enough mass for its self-gravity to triumph over inflexible frame forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (almost spherical) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

The coldest planet in our solar gadget on file goes to Uranus which is toward the solar and 'only' approximately 20 instances in addition away from the sun than the Earth is. the bottom temperature recorded there were minus 224 ranges Celsius.

According to the IAU, Pluto is technically a “dwarf planet,” because it has not “cleared its neighboring region of other objects.” this means that Pluto still has plenty of asteroids and other area rocks along its flight path, in preference to having absorbed them over time, like the larger planets have executed.

Learn more about the planet here:


John asks a woman who is not pregnant when the baby is due. what language rule did john break?


John asks a woman who is not pregnant when the baby is due

John Broke the Pragmatic rule of language  

This is further explained below.

What is a Pragmatic rule?

Generally, The theory of governance is needed of significance (CMM) suggests that pragmatic rules are employed to create and convey meaning because they tell us what uses and understandings of a text are suitable in a specific context.

Pragmatic rules also tell us what uses and understandings of a message are inappropriate in a given context.

In conclusion, John inquires of a lady who is not carrying a child about the expected date of delivery.

John violated the linguistic principle known as pragmatism.

Read more about pragmatism


The most a policy will pay for a loss arising out of any one accident regardless of overall policy limits, is known as the:_________


The most a policy will pay for a loss arising out of any one accident regardless of overall policy limits, is known as the Per occurrence limit - The per occurrence limit represents the most the policy will pay for all losses arising out of any one occurrence, regardless of other policy limits.

What is Per occurrence limit?

Regardless of when a claim is made, an occurrence policy provides lifetime coverage for occurrences that take place within the policy period. Unless a "tail" extension is bought, a claims-made insurance only covers incidents that happen and are reported within the policy's time term. The amount that an insurance will cover for any one incident or claim is determined by per-occurrence limits.

Aggregate limitations specify the maximum amount that will be paid out during the course of the insurance. (The majority of general liability plans last for six months or one year.) The highest amount that a liability insurance provider will pay for all claims stemming from a single occurrence, regardless of the number of people wounded, the amount of property damaged, or the number of potential claimants, is known as the "per occurrence limit.

To learn more about insurance policy visit:


Differences between two samples are more likely to be statistically significant if the samples are _____ and the standard deviations of the samples are _____.


Differences between two samples are more likely to be statistically significant if the samples are large and the standard deviations of the samples are small .

What does it mean to be statistically significant?

This is when it is unlikely to get the results that we got in the experiment or the study by the null hypothesis. That is it tells us that the relationship that exists between the variables that were used in the study occurred by something that was not by chance.

Hence we can say that: Differences between two samples are more likely to be statistically significant if the samples are large and the standard deviations of the samples are small

Read more on statistical significance here:


A patron collapses. after they becomes conscious, they have a weakness on the left side of their face and their words are slurred. these are signs and symptoms of a:________


A patron collapses. after they become conscious, they have a weakness on the left side of their face and their words are slurred. these are signs and symptoms of a Stroke.

What do you mean by Stroke?

When the blood supply to a portion of the brain is interrupted, a dangerous medical condition known as a stroke can result, which is life-threatening. Strokes are medical emergencies that require prompt care. The likelihood of permanent damage is decreased the faster a person receives treatment for a stroke. A blood artery rupture that prevents blood flow to the brain or a clot blocking the flow of blood to the brain (called an ischemic stroke) are both potential causes of stroke. A transient clot is the root cause of a TIA (transient ischemic attack), sometimes known as a "mini-stroke."

To learn more about stroke, Visit:


After absorption, the end products of carbohydrate and protein digestion enter the:_________


After absorption, the end products of carbohydrate and protein digestion enter the blood system. The above is included in the digestion of carbohydrate and protein in the body.

Here are the steps for carbohydrate:

Carbohydrates after being digested in the intestine will be absorbed by the walls of the small intestine in the form of monosaccharides.Monosaccharides are carried by the bloodstream mostly to the liver and some are carried to certain tissue cells and undergo further metabolic processes.In the liver, monosaccharides undergo a synthesis process to produce glycogen, are oxidized to CO2 and H2O, or are released to be carried by the bloodstream to the parts of the body that need them.

Here are the steps for protein:

In the body, proteins are converted into amino acids by several hydrolysis reactions and related enzymes.Enzymes that work in the protein hydrolysis process, including pepsin, trypsin, chemotrypsin, carboxy peptidase, and amino peptidase.Proteins that have been broken down into amino acids are then absorbed through the walls of the small intestine and into the blood vessels.After being absorbed and into the blood vessels, most of these amino acids are directly used by the tissues.Others undergo the process of releasing amine groups (N-containing groups) in the liver.The process of releasing amine groups is known as protein deamination.


The country of southernberg is the only producer of oil. this gives southernberg a(n) _____.


The country of southernberg is the only producer of oil. this gives southernberg  absolute advantage.

What is meant by absolute advantage?

This is the term that is used in economics to refer to the fact that a nation has more advantage at the production of a given resource. That is the nation when compared with another nation would be able to create a product with the use of less resources than what their counterparts would do.

Hence we can say that the country of southernberg is the only producer of oil. this gives southernberg  absolute advantage.

Read more on absolute advantage  here:


As a result of changes in sentencing policies, the u.s. prison population, per capita, ______.


We can actually deduce here that as a result of changes in sentencing policies, the U.S. prison population, per capita, is the largest in the world.

What is U.S Prison Population?

The United States Prison Population has to do with the number of people in different prisons in the United States. Statistics actually reveal that as at 2020, the United States held 1,215,800 persons in state and federal prisons. This shows that it was about 214,300 fewer than at the end of 2019 (1,430,200).

We see here that it is clear that as a result of changes in sentencing policies, the U.S. prison population, per capita, is the largest in the world.

This population actually means that they are capable of combating terrorism.

Learn more about  prison population on


100j of heat energy are transferred to 30 g of mercury. by how much does the temperature increase?


The temperature increases by 24 °C

Given date

Heat Energy = Q = 100 J   where J= joules

Mass of mercury = m = 30g = 30 x [tex]10^{-3[/tex] kg

Specific heat of mercury = c = 138 J/kg*C

To find

Temperature increase = Δt = ?


As we know from the formula

Q = mcΔt

After rearranging, we get

Δt = Q/mc

Now, putting the values in the formula

Δt = 100 J/ 30 x [tex]10^{-3[/tex] kg x 138 J/kg°C

Δt = 24 °C

Therefore, the temperature increase is  24°C

You can learn more about temperature increase from


Among deaf people, neurons in the temporal lobe that might normally process auditory stimuli take on new functions. this best illustrates:____.


Among deaf people, neurons in the temporal lobe that might normally process auditory stimuli take on new functions. this best illustrates: plasticity

This is further explained below.

What is the temporal lobe?

Generally, One of the four primary lobes that make up the brain is called the temporal lobe. Its primary function is to decipher the sounds coming in via the ears, and it also plays an important part in the process of recognizing and using language.

Additionally, the temporal lobe contributes to the process of object identification and collaborates with other brain regions to facilitate the formation of both short-term and long-term memories.

Plasticity, also known as plastic deformation, is the capacity of a solid material to undergo permanent deformation, a shape change that cannot be reversed in response to external pressures. Plasticity is studied in the fields of physics and materials science.

In conclusion, Neurons in the temporal lobe that would ordinarily be responsible for processing auditory inputs take on different roles in the brains of persons who are deaf. This is the clearest example of: plasticity

Read more about the temporal lobe


In an experimental study of the impact of criticism on self-esteem, being criticized would be the ________ variable.


In an experimental study of the impact of criticism on self-esteem, being criticized would be the independent variable.

What is an experimental study?

This refers to the type of study that strictly adheres to a scientific research design. The  experimental study includes a hypothesis, a variable which can be manipulated by the researcher and the variables that can be measured, calculated and compared.

In the experimental study, the independent variable are those factors or conditions that the researcher can manipulate in the study, Therefore, being criticized would be the independent variable.

Read more about experimental study


Verses and choruses based on the same music are an example of which formal type?


Verses and choruses based on the same music are an example of simple verse-chorus.

What is simple verse-chorus?

The straightforward section chorale structure is a minor departure from the ABAB design; however, it's characterized by involving a similar harmony movement for both the refrain and the ensemble. Tunes that utilization a similar congruity (harmonies) for the section and chorale, for example, the twelve-bar blues, however the song is unique, and the verses highlight various refrains and a rehashed ensemble, are in basic stanza melody structure. The section movement is areas of strength for very unsurprising, determinedly in C major. The chorale movement is a lot more limited, so the main genuine distinction among section and ensemble is the length of the movement. Both those movements, coincidentally, would function admirably in a tune.

Learn more about simple verse-chorus, refer:


Which term means inability to recognize the need for care as a result of disorganized thinking?


The term that means inability to recognize the need for care as a result of disorganized thinking is called Anosognosia. This is a form of mental disorder.

What causes Anosognosia?

Experts believe that agnosia is caused by damage to an area of ​​the brain involved in self-reflection. Everyone, regardless of their health status, is constantly updating their mental image.

Agnosia can be caused by physiological damage to brain structures, usually diffuse damage to the parietal or frontotemporal parietal regions of the right hemisphere, and is therefore a neuropsychiatric disorder.

In 1914, neuroscientist Joseph Babinski first called it a lack of self-awareness.

Can you recover from agnosia?

Agnosia impairs recovery and recovery because patients who lack awareness of deficits may be less willing to participate in rehabilitation to address neurological deficits.

People with agnosia may also suffer more falls because they are unaware of their deficit.

Learn more about mental disorder:


Cognitive psychology turned away from behaviorism in its classic form for many reasons, including the fact that:____.


Cognitive psychology turned away from behaviorism in its classic form for many reasons, including the fact that the classical behaviorism failed to consider the mental processes underlying cognition.

What is a Cognitive psychology?

This is the branch of psychology that focuses on the way people perceive, process, and responds to information. It deeply explores the operation of mental processes that is related to perceiving, attending, thinking, language, memory through an inferences from behavior.

The psychologists involved in the Cognitive psychology studies the internal processes that include perception, attention, language, memory, and thinking. However, the cognitive psychology turned away from behaviorism in its classic form for many reasons, including the fact that the classical behaviorism failed to consider the mental processes underlying cognition.

Read more about Cognitive psychology


Two reasons why you need instruction in public speaking?




Public speaking training is important as there are various occasions in your professional or social life when you might be called on to speak publicly. You need to do it right and you need to do it effectively. If you are not confident about your own ability in this regard, then it makes sense to take public speaking training. I hope this helps :>

A short-lived item is a building component with an expected ______________ life that is _________ than the ________________________ life of the entire structure.


A Short-lived items is a  building component with an expected remaining economic life that is shorter than the remaining economic life of the entire structure.

A Short-Lived Item is a construction component whose estimated physical life is smaller than the property's remaining economic life. A short-lived item is anything in a new house that will wear out before the house's economic life is up.  Except for the foundation, frame, masonry or concrete components, and maybe the chimney, this includes practically everything. A building component is considered long-lived if its anticipated physical life is at least as long as the property's remaining economic life. Examples of long lived items are Roof structure, Framing, Foundation.

Short-lived components, however, can either be fixed or replaced. If there is a leak in the hot water heater, it can be more cost-effective to fix it so that it can still be used. It would be beneficial to install a newer, more advanced hot water heater when it has to be replaced.

Learn more about Cost Approach here:


what are the demerits of federalism????​



Federalism is a mixed or compound mode of government that combines a general government with regional governments in a single political system, dividing the powers between the two.



Disadvantages of Federalism

Federal System is a Source of Weakness for the State.

Federalism Prevents Uniformity of Laws.

The Method of Distribution of Powers cannot be Perfect.

Rigidly of the Constitution is Major Disadvantage of Federalism.

State cannot Pursue Strong Foreign and Domestic Policies.

THE DRAWBACKS OF FEDERALISM. Federalism also comes with drawbacks. Chief among them are economic disparities across states, race-to-the-bottom dynamics (i.e., states compete to attract business by lowering taxes and regulations), and the difficulty of taking action on issues of national importance.

After restoring a pulse in a cardiac arrest patient, you begin immediate transport. while en route to the hospital, the patient goes back into cardiac arrest. you should:_______


You immediately start transporting a patient in cardiac arrest after reviving their pulse. The patient had a second heart arrest while being transported to the hospital. Your partner needs to be instructed to stop the ambulance.

What brings about cardiac arrest?

When the heart unexpectedly and suddenly stops pumping, it enters cardiac arrest. Blood flow to the brain and other crucial organs is cut off if this occurs. Arrhythmias of a certain kind that stop the heart from pumping blood are the cause of cardiac arrests. A medical emergency is cardiac arrest.

The ideal course of action for cardiac arrest

For the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest, immediate CPR is essential. CPR can act as a lifeline until more sophisticated emergency care is available by keeping the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the body's important organs. Call 911 or immediate medical assistance if someone collapses nearby and you are unable to perform CPR.

Learn more about cardiac arrest:


The number of beds that the facility actually has set up, equipped, and staffed is the:_____.


The bed count is the number of beds that the institution really has set up, furnished, and manned.

What is the significance of patient activation?

A increasing body of data indicates that persons who have higher levels of patient activation (the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become actively engaged in their health care) have better health outcomes.

Level One: Believing that activation is crucial. Level Two: Having the requisite confidence and knowledge to act. Level Three: Taking proactive steps to enhance and sustain health.

Policymakers are divided on what can or should be done to create professional education, sensitivity to unique needs, and assistance in relevant areas.

Learn more about patient activation refer


It is suggested that mesmerism could be described as the beginnings of _________________ in america.


It is suggested that mesmerism could be described as the beginnings of in Psychotherapy America.

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is the utilization of mental techniques, especially when in light of normal individual connection, to assist an individual with evolving conduct, increment satisfaction, and beat issues. Psychotherapy intends to work on a singular's prosperity and psychological wellness, to determine or relieve problematic ways of behaving, convictions, impulses, contemplations, or feelings, and to further develop connections and interactive abilities. Various kinds of psychotherapy have been planned either for individual grown-ups, families, or kids and youths. Specific sorts of psychotherapy are viewed as proof based for treating a few analyzed mental issues; different sorts have been condemned as pseudoscience.

Learn more about Psychotherapy, refer:


Experts have an advantage in problem solving and remembering certain information (like the position of chess pieces) for all of the following reasons except that they


Experts have an advantage in problem solving and remembering certain information (like the position of chess pieces) for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that they break down chunks to create subgoals.

Compared to novices, chess experts are more likely to have better memory for the positions of pieces on a chess board if the pieces are arranged in a fashion that respects the rules of chess.

Expert problem solvers tend to categorize problems in terms of their deep structure. Experts seem able to break a problem into meaningful chunks. This strategy provides all of the following advantages except for drawing the expert's attention to the problem's microstructure.

Hence, breaking down in chunks to create subgoals is not an advantage for experts.

Learn about benefits of chess, here :


Which analysis framework provides the most explicit detail regarding how to mitigate or detect a given threat?


Mitre ATT&ck Framework analysis framework provides the most explicit detail regarding how to mitigate or detect a given threat.

The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a model for cyber adversary behavior that incorporates curated knowledge about the various stages of an adversary's assault lifecycle and the platforms they are known to target.

What is the objective of the analysis framework?

Identification, description, and interpretation of significant patterns in individual cases, across cases, and across themes within the studied phenomenon are the main goals of framework analysis. Applied research has used this adaptable and potent method of analysis in a variety of ways and on a variety of data kinds.

MITRE ATT&CK is a comprehensive and cross-referenced database of information about actual adversary groups, their known behavior, the strategies, techniques, and procedures they employ, specific instances of their activities, and the software and tools they use, both beneficial and harmful, to further their objectives.

Learn more about the analysis framework here:


Recognition by components (rbc) and feature integration theory (fit) do a good job of explaining how perception works, but fail in one important area. what is that area?


Recognition by components (RBC) and feature integration theory (FIT) do a good job of explaining how perception works but fail in one important area. accounting for knowledge and experience. Option A

This is further explained below.

What is Recognition by components (RBC)?

Generally, Irving Biederman first suggested the recognition-by-components hypothesis, sometimes known as the RBC theory, in 1987 in an effort to provide an explanation for object recognition.

In conclusion, Both the recognition by components theory (RBC) and the feature integration theory (FIT) do a decent job of describing how perception works, but both of them fall short in one crucial area. taking into consideration one's acquired skills and experience Alternative A


Read more about Recognition by components (RBC)


complete question

Recognition by components (RBC) and feature integration theory (FIT) do a good job of explaining how perception works, but fail in one important area. What is that area?

A. accounting for knowledge and experience

B. how specific features are used to combine into the objects that we perceive

C. the neurological pathway from the eye to the visual cortex

D. the neurology behind the dorsal and ventral streams

Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation

Analyze the overall impact of George Washington’s leadership on the founding generation.



George Washington’s leadership of the founding generation was important as he guided the colonial armies during the American Revolution to victory over the British. He was chosen to lead the Constitution-writing convention. He was chosen as the country's first president and held office for two terms. He oversaw the ratification of the Bill of Rights.

What is leadership?

Leadership is the ability of a person or group to inspire and influence colleagues or other members of an organization.

A key management responsibility is to direct an organization's resources toward improved effectiveness and goal achievement. Effective leaders set clear objectives and inspire and guide their staff to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Finally, it should be mentioned that George Washington's leadership among the founding age was significant in helping the colonial soldiers defeat the British during the American Revolution. He was chosen to serve as the convention's chairman. He was chosen to serve as the first president of the nation and did so for two terms. He handled the Bill of Rights' ratification.

Learn more about leadership on:


Background information is explicitly stated in a ________ culture, but it is largely implied in a(n) ________ culture.


Background information is explicitly stated in a low-context culture, but it is largely implied in a(n) high-context culture.

What are the advantages of a high-context culture?

A high context cultural orientation is one in which all members of the same group constantly exchange knowledge.

This communication style allows information to be continuously built up and adjusted, keeping a high level of context and eliminating the necessity for literal statements.

What are the advantages of a low-context culture?

Low-context communication relies mainly on words to convey the information, with other elements (the context around the communication) having little impact.

The majority of the meaning is represented through relationships and the context in which communication happens.

Learn more low-context cultures:


Which progressive reform was wilson unable to successfully establish? reducing import tariffs establishing 8-hour workdays for railroad workers eliminating child labor expanding women’s rights and the right to vote


The progressive reform that President Woodrow Wilson was unable to establish was reducing import tariffs.

What is a progressive reform?

These are the reforms that the federal government of a place would have to put in place so as to do away with certain practices that are seen to be unfair and unethical which may have negative impacts.

The issue of the import tariffs was not implemented by Wilson. Instead the president that was in charge of this reform was president Roosevelt which was signed in the year 1934 as the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act.

Read more on progressive reforms here:



I believe the answer is D


Members of generation y, also known as __________, are interested in sustainability in order to make the world a better place.


Members of generation y, also known as Millennials are interested in sustainability in order to make the world a better place.

The generational group known as millennials, often referred to as Generation Y or Gen Y, is the one that follows Generation X and comes before Generation Z. The generation is often characterised as persons born between 1981 and 1996, with the early 1980s being used as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years. Baby boomers and early Gen Xers are the parents of the majority of millennials, and they are frequently the grandparents of Generation Alpha.

Many young people have put off getting married.

Millennials are having fewer children than their parents did since they were born at a period of global decline in fertility rates.

Learn more about Millennials here:


Other Questions
ABC and DEF are complementary. If mABC = (2x+4) and mDEF = (3x5), find the measure of each angle. mABC = mDEF = Which position would the nurse suggest the client in preterm labor maintain while on bed rest? what is life? and does life have a purpose What happens to the sum of the balls kinetic energy and potential energy as the ball rolls from point A to point E? Assume theres no friction between the ball and the ground. An image shows a curve that starts at point A, decreases at B, then increases at C and D, and ends at E. A. The sum decreases. B. The sum increases. C. The sum remains the same. D. The sum always equals zero The nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of the client's pain medication and notes the client is hard to arouse. the nurse interprets this as:________ what is 3-5b=-32 in algebra solve for x please4 / x 26 / 2 What is a room designed to absorb sound called?absorption chamberecho chamberanechoic chamberreflection chamber Question 2 of 10Which situation shows a constant rate of change?A. The amount raised by a booster club compared with the numberof raffle tickets soldB. The weight of a kitten compared with its age in monthsC. The number of goals scored in a soccer game compared with theminutes playedD. The height of a paper airplane over time What is the main benefit of building a connection with your community? A. The knowledge of local restaurants B. The opportunity to earn more money C. The increased sense of belonging and fulfillment D. The improved understanding of state taxes In the myth Prometheus, who saves Prometheus in the end? (e) A 0.050 mol sample of a hydrocarbon was burned in excess oxygen.The products were 3.60 g of water and 6.60 g of carbon dioxide.(i) Calculate the number of moles of carbon dioxide produced.Relative atomic masses: C = 12; O = 16.Moles of carbon dioxide =*(2) Air rights are defined as:__________ a. extending into infinity. b. beginning at the roofs of buildings. c. land rights lighter than the surface soil. d. non-owned property On jan 15, complete computer service paid 2000 cash for land. the journal entry to record this transaction would be? Match each item in Column A with its definition in Column B. Write the correct letter in theblank provided. Then answer the following questions with two or three sentences each.16 Points_____ 1. Atlantis_____ 2. artifacts_____ 3. Beringia_____ 4. archaeology_____ 5. Asia_____ 6. nomads_____ 7. mastodon_____ 8. spears_____ 9. migration_____ 10. maize_____ 11. carbon dating_____ 12. farmers, hunters, fishers, tradersA. early AmericansB. huge animals with shaggy fur and long tusks, hunted by early AmericansC. scientific method used to determine the age of abone or piece of woodD. mass movement of people into a new homelandE. ancient stone tools, weapons, baskets, and carvingsF. people who moved from place to place, mainly in search of foodG. long pole with a sharp point used to hunt bison and other animalsH. continent once connected to the Americas by a land bridgeI. early form of corn, first raised in Mexico about 9,000 years agoJ. land bridge that once joined Siberia to present-day AlaskaK. an island that was supposed to have sunk in the Atlantic OceanL. the study of ancient peoples The fact that the lunar phases repeat on the same solar dates about every 19 years (the metonic cycle) can be used to __ 100 Points Please Help QuickWhich function has a constant additive rate of change of 1/4? A coordinate plane with a straight line with a negative slope. The line passes through (negative 2, 2) and (2, 1).A coordinate plane with a curved line passing through (negative 1, 2), (0, negative 1), the minimum (2, negative 2), and (4, negative 1).A two-column table with five rows. The first column, x, has the entries, 20, 21, 22, and 23. The second column, y, has the entries negative 1, negative 1.5, negative 2, and negative 2.5.A two-column table with five rows. The first column, x, has the entries, negative 12, negative 11, negative 10, and negative 9. The second column, y, has the entries, 7, 11, 14, and 17. According to marquis, any plausible account of what makes killing wrong must appeal to the effect it has on? What is deductive reasoning?A. reasoning that uses details and examples to appeal to emotionNOT B. reasoning that starts with specific observations and moves to a broad conclusionC. reasoning that uses evidence to appeal to logic D. reasoning that starts with general premises and moves to a specific conclusion Exercise 2 Complete each sentence by adding an appropriate adjective in the space provided. The women entered the _________ grocery store.